SUNDAY MORNING,5 NOVE77TTER "28 1 920 v " -THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM. OREGON. T4m-M hWavwaw jV4fhr --. . Issued Daily-Except Monday by - TIIE STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY 1 - 215 S. Commercial St.. Salem, Oregon (Portland Office, 704 Spalding Building. Phone Main 1116) . MEMBKB OF THK ASSOCLTED PKRSS The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for repub lication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited n this paper and also the local news puDusnea nerem. It. J. Hendricks. . . . . . v Stephen A. Stone Ralph GloTer . ......... Prank Jaskoski.. . ... .Manager . . .Managing Editor . . . , . .Cashier .Manager Job" Dept. DAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier in Salem and suburbs, 15 cents a week. 65 cents a month. DAILY STATESMAN, by mail. In advance, $6 a year. $3 for six - months. $1.50 for three months, in Marion and Polk counties; $7 a year, $3.50 for six months, $1.75 for three months, out side of these counties. When not paid in advance, 50 cents a " year additional. ... THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper, J wi. be sent a year to any one paying a year in advance to the , Daily Statesman. ' M SUNDAY STATESMAN, $1.50 a year; 75 cents for six months; 40 cents for three months. " ' ' WEEKLY 8TATESMAN, issued in two six-page sections. Tuesdays and Fridays. $1 a year (If not paid in advance, $1.25); 50 cents j for six months; 25 cents for three months. , TELEPHONES: Business Office, 23. Circulation Department,. 583. Job Department, 683. Society Editor 106. Entered at the Postoffice in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter. THEODORE ROOSEVELT'S RELIGION vrord in the English language; Humility, without which, according to Paul the Apostle, no one could achieve greatness; and Merer, the sure expression of godliness, formed the key. stone of Roosevelt's religious structure. May we not add that the Sermon on the Mount, the sweetest of all discourses, was iilled with the atmosphere of these three fundamentals of true religion! It was not until Saul of Tarsus had lost his pride of external formalism that he became Paul the Apostle. No one had fought more bitterly the little circle of primitive Christians; no one of his time had been more stiff necked in opposition to them, and no one in all the history of Christian ity finally became more profoundly converted than this same Paul who afterwards was able to say : "To mc to live is Christ." Roosevelt would teach us the simple truths of religion, simply expressed, yet vital in the sense of their sufficiency for every Contingent of life. He would banish the fetich that these truths must be clothed in -purple and fiue linen in order to be effective. He does not say that true religion is unrelated to ceremonialism, but rather that e5Ternal embellishment is unnecessary to spiritual growth and understanding. This, then, is the secret all must learn: "To do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God' Are you buying 'em early? Keep your eye on the flax in dustry in the Salem district, it li a comer. - The next legislature will not be- the one to raise salaries. For a little while, at least, all hands will have to be satisfied with what they have. , r r r (Copyrighted by The San Jose Mercury) Every American holds sacred the memory of Theodore Roosevelt. He was a great man in those qualities which lend pre-eminence to anyone possessing them, and while the world admired his abrupt statesmanship and severe candor, not to . speak of his vast fund of information upon almost all subjects, very few of the general public knowsmuch about his religion. This is the way he, himself, expresses if: I j "I wonders if you recall one verse of Mjcah that I am very fond of to do justly and to love mercy and walk : humbly with thy God that to me is the essence of religion. To he iust with all men, to be merciful to those to whom mercv should be shown, to realize that there are some things ' that must always remain a mystery to us, and when the time comes for us to enter the great blackness, to go smiling ' f and unafraid.' ' f " I'"- "That is: my religion, my faith. To me it sums up all religion, it is all the creed I need. It seems simple and . easy, but there is more in that verse than in the involved I' rituals and confessions of faith of many creeds we know. (. "To love justice, to be merciful, to appreciate that the j great mysteries ishall not be known to us, and so living face '('.'- the beyond confident and with out fear that is life." 1; . This Kimcle. concise creed is not unlike that whieh ' Abraham Lincoln professed, nor would anyone go very far Print paper. While the so-called .iwrav whrt aecpDted it. 'Mr. Roosevelt was supposed to be P paper market Is away be- nnil austere, even his nearest friends sometimes hesi- W what it was at one time; In hated to discuss religion with him. And yet oa more than f only about a third what it f one occasion he has taken the pulpit and delivered a discourse, n 'New York, the contract not faithful it is true to the dogmas upon which, so many tTlc of print paper are, not to religions denend. but common sense practicality without which be lower In the east than they no religion calf be made applicable to the common sorrows of mankind. To know Roosevelt in a very personal jway was to 'know one of the tenderest men that lived. Greece may have her king, but tf the does she will have to get along without the sympathy, fin ancial or otherwise, of the rest of the world. Kings are going out of style. BITS FOR BREAKFAST American home is not doing its duty by the rising generation. Thrnnrh its carelessness or rosi- lively criminal encouragement It Some weboylofem. is creating a clas who have no '.They were doing their Christ purpose In life save the satisfac- mas shopping early all oter Sa- l. on of tbelr own teverUb pas- 'm jesieruay, sions. The Statesman the other day nade a contract for its paper sup ply for a number of months, and the price paid is more than three times the price of . three to four years ago; and a good deal high er than a year ago and that at the mill. The former price was delivered. Now, besides paying c ore than three times the former price. The Statesman must also jiay the freight, adding nearly a cent a pound to the cost. And even this is not the peak price. It is lower than The Statesman had to pay a few months aeo. There Is not a very encouraging outlook for much lower prices for We have dk objection. to the. creed of anyt religious sect. !?Perhaps" it is more agreeable than to have no creed at - all. '"We know that the Established, religious institutions of ciyiliz N'ation depend greatly, on the creed for their solidarity, for strangely enough form and ritualism and the external symbols ,lof religion have1 a mighty appeal ana serve some natures as .. . WWW 1 1. 1 . 0.1 be only about double what It was before the war: but that ti me is likely two or three years In tho future. CH RISTMA8 1KX)KS FOR CHILDREN. cave been lor. several months That is, they are to continue at the peak prices. 7 The ''spot" na I-er market, which was a so-called runaway" market, has been low ered by foreign importations, and win likely be kept down in the same ,way though the amount of paper to be had in foreign countries-for American use is not Vu: .1.. a Whm Mn Weslev however, left the proportionate,y Terv rge; not !;English Church to organize the Methodist Societies, it was r J23'00 ton a ear- -The not because of a want of creed but because of too mucn oi . creed. He believed that, the development of spirituality was only possible from "within , and that too great attention to without was calculated to destroy one s hope for an under- atanding of sufficient clearness to lead him into the light of spiritual revelation. Mr. Roosevelt would do justly and love mercy and waiK humbly with his God '"That to me is the essence of religion. . . . il iL . T j. . i i l i o AliU BU b 13. X k ia uiuic luau tuub. .it, io uv juiivjwjuj I "Thpre a a .! j ,, . , . the religious instinct which everyone has in more or less children mntf , . i i . r 3 l-l :. . il.. 1 t- F rrx 1 - ' ' " " uu utgirr, ouu nuvmiuuuujvuguitut " .fe . - i noble companionship. . a ma mr rvno gr a i r ' liieri tt i m a uuriiu ifi ill I wi I iir invxnwi that ia all the relations life we must guard against selfish Lan f, , tl , Mt5 h P.nlHon TJnle xvhoh Hmnn.L ' - . " I,um luc v.v -: npsa or lde boy acrogs the gtree Vnes us to ao unto oinera as we wouiu uae uium uo uuW and let Qim roam us. ji is sim muie; ii. icqunca ui u iu juoi, ..van, ou Hiawatha, sail the seas with Sin- tnougui wiinout uuenor aesigii, uo.t Miupij ciicuwii "u 'r tad, build stockades with Crusoe c"lt,i oa uiauy vi u aic . , ngnt dragons with Jason. Joust iUi Mr. liooseveii spcaus -ui feumutuiug imuv man . mwc vith Galahad It him niav w v it n i i j mt.ii justice, lie would nave US wbik numuiy yrun our uoq. inis quoits with Odysseus and at foot 111 1 ib? ii is a nr.. iui a ocuuwii. uumui-u uovuiu iaiI witn Tom Drown. These ar-3 to Our spiritual growtll, ior we are aaraoiusnea repeaieuiy playmates who will never quarrel in the New Testament to "become as little children" if we with him nor hn hun r would learn the secrets of spiritual power, ine proud man whom he will learn to b hMv goeth before a mighty fall. The proud man closes the door self-reliant, manly." Quoted to communication wnu ins aiascr. ine prouu man ioes omy i nom W; T. Field iiimtair ttnrf t una ifc! a vii a i 111 1 ik 1 ii 1 mnTPriiiiixTif iii piiti v Tinv.Kii!ii i v'A... ; i . .1 An..,.n,.K.ll.. .....I .1 ..... i m m . s i . w 1.1.... f I " 1 . a - x .-v .11 . r i . . uiiii: x. i f mriii v ki'iiiii li n i I I iviiihii . .it it ill mill :irn viia , t n w i man may be very faithful to m'cre-krreed, very strict in its j would choose for vour w. . observance, and very prompt in its defense, yet a stranger panions. but youl can surround IO ICUC J-CllKi"". C imiiiiiic iiaiv- Ufni mai io, itumc vi- umi WUII UlC DCfit bonk frionria l: t. ..i c . r t.l. ... ..... ,CiS lnio which are juun-u iuc biiwuis ui iiuisniug iruui itiuitic wiy una in the public library fountains of (jod worlti. ' j the people ofj this worlu of books iur. ivwBciru omi iuto mtii i. u nu nium ic iruiuus uui iixes lo nave his first It is the your boy mean 5.- aito, books that have been set aside for you to examine, some beautifully, illustrated. others simple but attractive. The lib rary attendants will gladly show these for your suggestion aud In spiration. The lists of special note are there and copies of each are to be had for the asking. "The Gol dtn Staircase." prepared by Miss Cornelia Marvin, state librarian, may be considered a model for a little home library. It suggests about two for each year of the child's life, from kindergarten through high school, all most carefully chosen. "Books for Boy Scouts," pre pared by the chief Scout librarian. Franklin K. Matthews, is limited to books that appeal to boys of scouting age. 'The Bookshelf for Boys and Girls. 1920-21," contains several hundred title. selected by the Fcout librarian and two children's librarians of large libraries. Very many books whose titles contain the words "Boy Scouts," are ex cluded from these lists, for they do not present manly Scouts or any principles of Scouting. Any that appear in the Scout binding which Is light green with the Scout emblem in red are, how- iT, among the approved.- but they are not limited to this bind ing. 1 Having selected the titles of books you will buy. give heed to the form in which they are pub lished. ' The 2aier should be gcod. for if the book Is worth a place in the little library,' it will be- read again and again. lie sure that the print is easily read for comfortable enjoyment. Let the book be illustrated, by all weans, by pleasing pictures, simJ pie , and In colors that harmon izes. One does not wish to see his friends misrepresented or garbed In unbecoming " colors. Here again the library may help you in comparison of editions. Select your nooks early, in order that what you cannot buy In town may be ordered. You can not afford to take substitutes for the best. The library has found it neces sary this year to forego the an neal exhibit of books suggestive for Christmas purchase, but any opportunity to be of assistance to parents and friends of childreu will be welcomed. When a gambler throws away his tools and. turns to the light it is quite the usual thing for him to give the American home a slam for not providing the right thing In the way of an edu cation which should keep the feet of the young in the right pcth. But a little criticism of the American home will do no harm. The number of mothers who do net know where their sons and daughters are is very large. The number of those who do not give a whoop is almost as great. After a while the , reformed rakes will be telling us that home is no place for a respectable girl. COMES HIGH. The different city departments n Chicago expect to spend a total of fifty million dollars next year. Can life in Chicago possibly be worth It? KIXGIXG HIGH. A 12-year-old Tacoma boy ii bald to have the highest voice in the world. He can, easily take notes almost an octave higher than, the loftiest flights of Galli Curcl. Everything seems to be coming high this season and the cost of 'living Is affecting our voices. First thing we know we'll all be doing falsetto to keep tp with the price of bacon. The farmers showed yesterday that they are ready to raise the flax. - - They will ralae several thous and acres. 1f they can sell It at the right prices. a a I "a There is every indication, too. that they can. and tnat 'there will be a market at an advanced price over this year for all they can raise! All of which sounds mUtty en couraging for Salem. Whatever may happen In some other sec tion, there is not going. to be any business recession in Sal.Mn or the Salem district. If onr people will co-operate and not get cold feet. On the contrary, there ia going to be greater prosperity and more rapid growth. ; rv The British people are In favor of being very nice to Ihe United States; but they want to keep all the advantages they have gained T I w faVAraKU t m f I mm nnmlli I . Tersian an! oher oil fields, j ' AZ . Johnny Bull cannot get over hi habit of land grabbing and con cession grabbing. It must be ad mitted that the British nation is the best colonizer In th world excepting the I'nited States bat that nation always looks, out for number one. "a . The electric licht and jower lines are getting farther and far ther into the farming districts around Salem. It is a great thing. IHINGST THAT NEVER HAPPPTj Av tiEvOSPAPEB IS LEF7 CM TriE SEAT OTA) ! STREET CAfc. AMD NO CWE AAKES A W.E 7j v'J rt VI?- MOT EVEJ T-E CCWDLCTCfc. , amanATkxu. CAiroo rb v WOHK AXl WOMEN. In the city of Detroit 26 mar riage licenses were returned in a single week without having a::y wedding recorded. In most of them the groom-to-be Lad loat his Job and did not feel like assum ing a double responsibility. The average man want. ajob first and then a wife or else a wife with a Job. KLIVKItTOX imiEFH. We read that troops have re stored order In Tralee. "The flowers that bloom In the spring, tra-lee. hare nothing to do with the case." SILVERTON. Or.. Nor. 27. Rev. and Mrs. George lienrick sen. with their dauichlrrs Dora and Iouise. drove to Fortland Sunday afternoon. They returned home Monday night. A number of college students re home for the holidays, among them being Alvin and Victor Mad sen from O.A.C.: Kenneth Youel. Sylvan McCleary and John Hol linesworth from V. of O. Seward Tegland. the young eon of S. Tegland. had the misfortune to break an arm last Monday. The accident occurred while be was attempting to crank an auto mobile. -MI.a A?lang Olsen returned returned bme -Thursday after a three da'vs visit in Portland. Mrs. Hans Jenen of fortland l lltlng relatives at Sllverton during the holidays. She is ac companied by her two small sons. Norman and Marvin. . Another "Ultr" Comes to State Penitentiary A. J. Weston, who was convicted- In Deschate connty of second degree ni order In connec tion with the slaying of Robert Krng. arrived at the state peni tentiary yesterday to begin serv ing a life sentence. He was ac companied by his attorney who declared to Warden I- ll. Conip ton that Weton will be a f re man within three months through appeal of his case to the supreme court. Warden Coropton said Went 03 would be placed into reeelvln; cell for a day and then pet ia work In the prison yard. low iiigrarj lonoiuan IXt warden to treat Weston we.i ait was Informed that be will be . corded treatment on aa qtii with that of other prisoners. Read tie Qainflcd kL LADIES WW ln5!r r mi4 m T Pltl. f HH N M M Ars . I'm m im. " Ua irt m lium iuvt Wr.U far "W m4 ma, ( , frw. AiirrxM-. .VttMMl Mr4i Vi w,.k- The Coal News cf tier;; doesn't bother the man coal bin is full of ear soperur grade coal. He eaa read It u a warm, comfortable roea. while others do the worry:: i "VVe agala Urge yoa to serti yoar winter coal bow. lt you need It these chilly t u and It will sooa be time to sut the furnace or boiler golsg far the winter. Bay coal now i yon eaa get It. LARGER TRANSFER Those PERIIS OF THE HOME. at not without being merciful? Who could be merciful without being -rhurable? Who could be humble without being just!. These ...three words, then. Justice, which Carlyle called the sweetest Your Great-Grandfather when he drew his Will, did bo for ihe purpose of distributing his property. But your object in draw ing a Will may-be Iprealer than this. YOU may wish to ASSU-KB an -income for your beneficiaries long alter your death. This can bo accomplished by naming this Bank In your Will as Executor and Trustee. A ronfldrntiat talk with one of our Trust Officers will help you wheu planning your Will. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK .., Trust Dept. f SALEM, OREGON ; . friends in his home where he can visit. with them when he will. Are you building for your boy or your girl! a library that can mean to him all that book friends may? It need mot b large; a few ocivvu inenas ar ninro sil. ...... ..nil .(, man a 1 crowd .of acquain- itiices. ,J If books did not play so lan; a part in youtj child that you can choose, you iiay have a friend to whom bookjs have meant much Ask hiui Orjjnqulre at the pulv 11c library fof suggestions. You Will finH V, i: . . . cic lists oi uooks pre pared by those who have given careful thought to the subject of children' reading.. You will find. FITI RK PATES. Dminh,, In ti . t ... ... . ) lhTmhT 15. Wfdn.rsda.r- W.r Sloth Uiabr ii. fcatrdr. tariitmja. The former kinr of the New lork handbookers and once pro- rrietor of 36 gambling houses in Gotham is now one of Uilly Sun day's associate evangelists. After more than 20 years 'of dallrlne with the pasteboards and the bet ting ring he has crossed over to the Lord's side and is now pluck ing the brands from the burning. He was one of the interesting speakers at the Laymen's Evan- gelican conference. He delivers his message in the bluut liilly Sunday manner and knows all about 'hell through having run a dozen or so of them himself. 11- declares that ell the policemen la the world couldn't suppress gambling. He says: 'The fault doesn't lie with the underworld. The underworld H a result. The fault lies with th. homes with the home life of church members. There's where the recruits for the city's hell holes are prepared. During the CO years I mas in the game I found that about-all the men and women who filled my houses and fcet themselves into ruin were the product of the homes where card playing, was encouraged. It's across the friendly poker table or in the bridge game that Satan puts his fiery brand on the youns men and women of America. It'j in the so-called Christian bomei that the gambling fever begin. The underworld isn't trying to drag innocents down. It doesn't "have to. The homes are turning! ont more rerrnits than they can , . j ..iiuit. i nt.- ran I ih chatted back with an as. They've been given their education by I heir parents. They've got tbeir worldly wisdom at the dance, card parties and other mm al di versions which feature modern social life. There is nothlnz In the underworld than can mrin any surprises j and they aru ' more nicely lo siart a redder one of their own." This reformed gambler Is very emphatic in his asbt-rtiou that ths Early i Christmas We have laid in an extra heavy stock of Holiday supplies and they will be placed on display the latter part of this week. Gro ceries In our grocery department yoa will find everything needed to make your Christmas Dinner what it should be a feast of plenty and food cheer. Pitces way below the ordinary. Dry Goods Our dry goods and clothing department will offer you many tempting bargains in things appropriate for Xmas gifts and at prices that you cannot duplicate elsewhere. Shoes In our shoe department you can find many choice gift in shoes, slippers, pumps, etc, for men, women and children. Price these goods elsewhere, then price ours. A r Economy Basement Our economy basement contains innumerable novelties to brighten tin Christmas tree and cheer the little tots. the Aroid the Rush by Shopping Early 1