The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 28, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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jj a' -aSl
til. IfttMlit Episcopal
aLih Commercial and rjtr ilrl,
HT. Law K. A. Khoten, stipenntatt-
Z.,T'wll organised rlae f-r
k. hr nastor. theme, H" 'on-
At .1 H- Til. WMl"
It. VnwaTt
i.i at' the Junior league; at 4
'"L .u. choir meet and t p.
v.. . a.'ia the din in
: captr so. 1
We'are.paying the high
est price lor email lots or
car lots" at any shipping
We can store your pota
toes if you don't want
to sell. ,
High and Trade Streets
Phono 1291
Office 542 State Street
Phone 717
the Kpworlh league mwt in their !
live room and t " : p. tn. tha- nionihlj
mnoTi by t ahoir wiih an adatrcsx hy
:erretary of Stair .Sara A. Knzer. Fol
lowing 'is the program:
Anthem; " Lift l'p Your Heads' . .Trench
Baritone Mile. "The I'tain of lVare'"
'..- Barnard
Women's chorus . Jpn, Thou
An Standing" Kmerson
Soprano. tenor nnat- contralto tr.o.
"Awakr. My Soul" I..-lie
Marimbapiaina sole M selected 1 '
2 l (Sign's rhorus. till, Iluly Niarht" . . Avliforil
Atithrm. "bight htrrnal Mill
Aaldress by Sca-retarg- of State Sam A.
Soprano and alto duet,' "'Bright Star of
llopu" Ashfnrd
' Anthem, lJVi-a-sskmal" ... lr Koveit
-io admission, the public i invited. Sil
ver offering for- The fhoir fund. Monday
at yMt jn hi. file Ciwiir 'inwts for regu
lar' rehearsal, i Christmas music. Wednes
day &t-::' . m. tlir ladia-c aid Mi.jcty
will m'ft wH.i "Mt. V. J. Arnold, 1247
South Caimmcrfta I street.
will preach, mint for hi text. "In tlir
Xane at t!i laird. Jesus.".. The second
meeting f the Si o'clock rlub will
held on Tuesday evening, Navemler tl,
!r. l: K. !.. S'einer, superintendent of
the Oregon State Hospital and I.. II.
Coinpt.-i.. suiterinirmleiit ot ih state pen
itenerary will l.r the speakers of the eve
ning. I'rayi-r. scrvi.c at 7::: Thursday
trncinr. Miss l.ena I'.r-IU- Tartar will i
ri el thr rluiir nl the sfrtal mMial
aamlkeM will Utplnl In the worship
Hr. II. t Vlply tirmv th Bible
IMtiAIM t.l l. t Jit.
ilie the fckkrtutdy m ri.Mlv The rhiwl i- J
riieriy aM aim -to ifitraurl yt'ttajt anal
:ll in thiagk iirrrir t swwl rhara-trr
anal ri!ifiiithit. Krry 'n final a
roneettiat plare in the arhaaaal. The ybaxjl
a tcrotainic. At G;::t v'rlork tt uunC
m p!e ma-rl for larairr anal eirran af
hiiMiaii etiM-rirna-e. The t"hr an Ka-
dearor txx-iety hi helped many life I"
nterulneov Join the annac people in
thejr exrellent program.
South Salem rricBdi.
Sou;h -Coimnerrial am! Wsvhintton
treet.. II. V.. IVnil.erton. pallor. Chnrrli
Uible school at 10 a. m.. rlnanen for all
and a'.l art welcome. - Meeting for wor
ship with prt-arHing hy pa tor at 11' a.
in. ant 7 :3.0 p. m. There will he eeial
eprl nieu.ate. Vtunc people, meet at
ii:f,o p. 'm. noaineaa raeetlnr Tlaursd.r
I at 7:Si p. m. : -
f The Frinils.ini.i.ion work in TaJeatine
r'will he khnwn in slila at the South Sa
lient Kriemt rUurrh. WaVnrMla v. Iierem-'
Wwr 1, t fiSO n, m. The pnhlip i, eor-
ilially invited.
rirst CBtrtinai
l.iiaerty anal tVnler lrret, VV. I".
Kantaer, minister. At 0 a m.. Sunday
eioii with rlae for alt, W. I. Stale."
aperintendent: II a. "Trllin It
A ThaiikKriiar :Mrajtr:" p. -
(liri-tian Kndeaor; "::: p. m. "lamer-
The Man Who Ma.le a MitTaae in
lli lU-nknninr." rnaxt wiaaia- cirte
and t-horut,. ricturrv "Kzriit" in alide
and a film emiilt-d "01iea."
ETangelical Luthran.
Kant State and Kighternth ureets. Rnn-
day aehatol at: 9:45 a. m.: divine aervirn
and holy communion (Herman at 10:3o
a. m.; l.nther leagnr at 7 p!7m.. topia-,
"Tha- Authoriimi Version of oSr Itible."
Krening nerv'iee at 7:3t p. mi Visiiaim
are w-l,ome..itiao, Koehlt-r, paMnr.
. V
rirst' Methodist
State ana! t'h"ir-h utreet, Sorvlreai he
gia at 0:15 with HaM meetinR; Snnday
srliaml at :45: prt-aoliinit at II fy Key.
hlainr ItirVpitfiek, auhjaSa-t 'I'romotera
of True Pronperity." At ti-.Mt the Senior
lepjnir will tnaet in the' Sunday achoail
room and thr . Intermediate , league will
int?t in Kpworlh hall at the aame hour.
1 Mi flemina llnnt will lleaal ana
ilii tirsee Smith will f.;eak at the ln
Mermediute. At 730 Itev. Krkfatria-k
, Central Congregational
RHh Nineteenth and rry atreel,' H.
C. Stover. minitrr. Sunday artiMl at 1"
a. m., lira. Ittirton K. KdararaJ.-nt.erin-
tendent. Morning adtre a 11 aa'rlaxk :
I'hrisiian Kndeavor at : i5 p.. m.: eve
ning aaervier at 7:3t p. m evening theme.
"A Modern tVinreitioa of alkial.'
hy the a-hoir and male iunrtet.
Jaaon Le MeaoriaJ
Winter and Jeffertwn treet, Thomaa
Aehrsnfl. nastor. Hervirea on Sunday.
fnnr tt 'November Sit are at follow, and to whirh
v,.k 0Urt,8trt Cnrtltian. we extend a rordial invitation to i he pub
We hi , 'n'l ''"''"'' lie: Sunday arhool. 9:45. rhM.JI.em.n
a had 220 in liihle aehool last Lord a 1 i w
i uii , . .v . . . .ruii-i laiic-iiiaraai , jn wm. ffiajirweai, F
-.- iwmw. r rww ine nun mr I
Th nunilxr. uf artists am
HhiKtraiing; chil1rr-n' Uirkii ha
lnr-aMd to urh an ptcnt and
Ihrir work Iran altalnt-tl to such a
degree t t rirllnce that It U nw
nrcHHary It take the ubct u
an H-rinat(! from that t-f illuaira
tion In general. Ken no it moltl.
to a.lrantJKP. 1k taken up nnlT
two beads, the artUta hoe il
Ittsirstifann speal primarily to the
adult mind ami tbo.te who really
hare the gift of appoalinK to the
child heart. Iltwetrer, that
wt-ultl t pett up t(M wide a lieM
to be et.rercd la this article.
we shall merely consider a few of
the artists who are dr ine the mot
unique and ruot itiiaKinatlve
ably first fa
degign and
cornea Edmund
who baa not
in Forefront.
In color- and prr-b-beatity
cf line and
decorative quality
Dular. Anyone)
wen "Arabian
Is There a Church
In need of funds for a Special ,purpose-say,
for ' instance the Christmas entertainment
for the little folks? I- -s I
If 'so, The Phek Company can point 'the way t
towards earning such funds by pleasant work
in behalf of the Phez Christmas packages
in behalf of our community as well.
, - - ;v. : -
Inquire for further details at the Phez
Company's offices, U. S. National Bank Bldg,,
Salem, Oregon.
V The Phez Go.
t-oa!ay.- Alter the elas today thr
veliatail wilt give the Tlinnkgiving pro
rram entitled. "PHgrima, Old and Xrw.-
'lhe program is .given in the rnterett of
Amerimn misiion anil a special offering
will be Taken for till work. The morning
ermon will be thr ea-n.l of a arriea on
The Wh.ale Church Lifting the Whole
Task." The ltieaage will W in ' keeping
with the ceUTiratiou of the Trr-eentrnarv
of the tending nf the IMIerirn father nt
rty mam ih Kork in 1 2. Intermediate
t'hriMian Kn:.eavcr meeting at 5:3l p. ra.
oung 1'eople a Soriety of t'hrUtian Kn-
deavor at 0:30 p. m - aong aervirr and
sermon at 7:30 p. m.. mthircf. 'fhir See-
end Birthalay." There will l.e a baBtra
mal service at thr First (liriatian church
baith wtitrning anil evening. nt following
thr service. Thoe to be baplird are
asked to be ready for either one of these
two arvjeeit. . Tuesday at 7 p. m. w
have our monthly Uible nchool conference,
la t ecry Bible schaMil worker be mrr anal
be preta-itt a important , matter. are le
fore tho "chaol far ronaideratlon. Thurs
day at 7::tO p.- m., ifle atndy anal de
votional, led bv thr pastor. Thrrr wa a
fine groan gathrred last Thursday for
U hie study. It i iiiteresting that i why.
Come and rnjoy it with u. Come let at
nil go to the houe of Goal for wombip.
Vaau are all invited. It. L. Pntnam, t"
tor. .'- -- ;
tenalent of thr primary department.
Strangera are always welcome and made
to feel at home. I'ublic wtirship at 11 a.
ra., anuhjeet. "Broken Live Maale
Whole." Janiair Kpworlh league, 3 1. nt..
Mis Grace Tyler, president r Sen'n.r Kp
worth Iragnr. fi:3i. Melvin Snyder, leader
for the evening. Young a-ople arr always
weliome at thi service Kvening servirr
at 7::0, subject. "The Ietiny f Life
1'nrelolal." Kvaugelitir meeting are in
full awing and wr cull tipon all member
of the church to rally to thi important
work. This I onr hour for vindicating
ourselves and nothing but thr anusual ran
justify inaction. Aak your self this Jnr
tion: "If the uteres of the meeting de
pended on me,' what kinal of sacucess will
the meetings brl" There will he special
music at both morning and rvening arrv-
ice&. Mr. Islie Springer will aing at ma
morning srrvia-e. and jir. Cone, the song
Wader will furnish masic for the evening
meeting. The ecial services will con
tinue throughout the . coming week at
7:3o unless otherwise ann.mnced. Come
anal bring your friend with ynu.
rit CirtstUn, ..
J. J. Fvans. minister. Morning sermon
topic, "The-Task' of the rhnrcfc;' eve
ning, "There a a Jteason. These topic
are rsneciatly adapted to the heed of the
ay. The preacher will . pat utress upon
things fundamental to our prosperity as
individual and the community. Large
audience have been attending the serv
ice during the month and the interest i
First Chore of Christ Scientist .
X. 4 to Chemeketa street. At 1 1 a. ".
Uible arf-oai, subject "Ancient and Mod
ern 'Necromancy. Alias Mesmerism and
Hypnotism, Denounced." Sunday school
at 9:45 a. m. VMleJay evening, testi
monial meeting at M o'clock. Heading
room, 209 Masonic Temple, open "cry
day except holidays and Sunday. Trvni
11:45 a. m. to 5 p. m. All are rordiallv
mriteaf to our services and t onr "i-al.
ing room.
If vou are -sick and want to Get 'Well
and Keep Well, write for literature that
tells How and Why thia almost unknown
and wonderful new- elt-roent bring relief
to so many sufferer from Constipation,
itftearaatias, - Sciatica. Uoat. Neuritis,
ftearalgia Nerron frostration. High
Brood Treasure and diseases f the Etvom
arh. Heart. Lang. Liver. Kidney and
other ailment. Yon wear Degmam'a
Kadio-Acttve Solar Fad day and night,
receiving the' Kadio-Artive Ray ceatinn-
onnsly into your syttem. causing s healthy
circulation. overcoming slcggishnee.
throwiag off imparitlei and. restoring' the
tissues and nerve to a normal condition
-and the next thing you know you are
Setting wen.
, St. ranl'g
Chemeketa and Church atreet. Serf,
ice fryr the first Sunday in Advent
7:30 a. m low celebration of the iiol
communion: 9:45 a. m. cnarcn acaai;
11 a. m high eelebratiam. dedication of
the Nancy Belt memorial window and his
torical aermon recounting the prominent
events in the historr of the varish: 7:30
..a n Ti.
p. in., rsvuma V ' wv... -
Advent Message." iir. ,r. t. iecaeoaen
ill sing as an offertory solo. Robert
Behold, I Come Quickly" at the morn
ing service, r.verynooy i weireme. na.
11. I'uweiL rector. !
Hold on a teat proposition. Ton .are
thoroughly aatiafied it ia helping you . be
fore the appliance is years. Nothing, to
To but wear iU No tronble or expente.
and the most wonderful fact about'' the
appliance ia that it is cold so reasonable
that it is within Aie reach .of all both
rich and poor. - - j
No matter how bad yonr ailment, or
howv long standing, we will bo pleased to
have yon try it at our risk. t or full ttr
formation write today not
Kadiom Appliance , Co.. 262
Btdg Le' Angeles, Calif. "
a. ntT
laaae (
Tlrrt Vnltod BroUrca -Tew
park. -Bible school at 10
Breaching by thr pastor at i
chiwii i- t. at B-:i m. nreacniar ai
0 o. tn. Mid-week prater meeting
Wednsdav 'ereninr at 7 ' oVloek. Bible
teachers' meeting at the parsonage
Tuesday evening at 7 o ciock. v.
Corley, pastor,
rirst Baptist
. William T. Miiliktn. 1. D.. pastor. At
9:30, prayer meeting, downstair: 9:4j
Bible sehL Prof. H. E. Hewitt, super-intenda-nt.
-Morning worship at 11. There
will be apecial moslc by the qnartet and
a ehorua choir. Sermon. "The Firey
Fhrnace." a continuation of, she , studies
a the book of Hsniel. Secoftd aactloa
H. Y. P. I, at flJJO. leader, Kdgar.Tib
betts; topic. "America "a Power of A
similation." Senior II. Y. P. I'. meea at
the same hoar, leader. Alonio Semter:
topic, "Lessons from Itelshaitar." Eve
ning worship at 7:30. Special mnsic by
'the ehoms choir. Sermon: "The Uevil
tomorrow, lof Appetite. This
Bradbury 1 of aersaons upon '
t Modern Boeiety."
a the first of a series
The Seven Devils of
t '
i. mi i i i a .i im .il aim.iM.ll SIS'SIISlSS'l WIllMBItt'rS
n m Ait rr ,','asfA, J.- m i s tr s
' - v . - v
1- ..- ... igri ' . K
Ciumh of Ood
Xo. 136 North Chare street. J. .
f; nmslor. Suudav school at 10
m . nreaching servier. II a. m. inuug
people' s service at 6:4.1 and preaahiag.
is bound up in the records now on our shelves. We
have the largest stock of records available in Salem,
and a stock that covers the widest possible range.
Only those who have studied the Victor catalogue
know how immense is the scope of music the songs you
learned in childhood', the love songs of your youth, the
melody memories of days gone by are all brought to
you through the doors of the Victrola. . We. strive to
maintain not only the greatest number of records, but'
the greatest variety also.
Facts About tie Catholic
I ii mamllwiiaiiaillll HilnllllHi UI I
aaiiiMtfiaiiaiiuiH Hiiii'iniiiinwTTTTiaTniiiiinH.iiMiiiii t ninmi- .
One thins that is peculiar about
the anti-Catholic assaults is thai
hat is oerfectly legitimate for
other denominations is a certain
mark of "Roman Rule." in the
rasa or t'atnonrs. une jaw ui
our faith is that each adherent
must attend mass on Sundays and
holy days of obligation. Our op
ponents view this with abhor
rence as we know. It is a sign
of weakness for any one to" be 'so
pubjected to a creed, etc. Hnt
what if we should ask the legis
lature to "pass a law making It
eoniDulsorY for everyone to ad
here to our law? There wou.i
be such a cry raised that we could
scarcely "hear ourselves think."
as the expressfon goes. Rut who
cries out when "the rroiesiani
churches of America are launcfi-
ing a drive in 33 states, one or
vhich is Oregon, to compel by
law a strict observance of tne
Sabbath." as one of the Portland
papers said on Friday evening
last? Cannot the really Honest
say it would be a crime for the
Catholics to do such a ining:
Would they not be accused of
trying to gain control of the gov
ernment? Rut because thecnurcn
recognizes the importance or od
strving Sunday in the honor and
worship of God. and makes it ot
ligatory for her children to obey.
we are also condemned, ism me
truth remains that where there
is-no reppeet for law, -in religious
matters as well as in secular mat
ters, there is little observance
And the Church is enabled to pro
muleate her laws because , she
rules throuch an enlightened con-
arience The anti-Catholic is
almost - invariably un-American,
nnrl denies to others the "liber
ties" he abrogates for nlmseii.
Many good but misinformed 'non-
CaHholics have learned mis to
their sorrow. We must decry the
onti-fatholic attacks because of
the ignorant and misinformed
Hnt it is a fact that these at
tarks aeainst our faith have been
the means of investigation on "the
nart of thousands of the better
rW a( citizens, and has made
thousands of friends for Catho
licity. "You may fool all of the
neonle some of the time, and.
crime o f the people all of the
time- hut vou cannot fool all of
the neoDle all of the time."
(Note: Next week this sabject
will be continued.)
Nights Tales" illustrated by him
has certainly mlxaed an artUtic
Rest known in Kngland, but be
coming well-known In America, la
Walter Crane. He began bis
career In the '70s. using the wood
block. He has illustrated. Shakes
tKar. Grim iu'k Fairy Tale, and
many an anoaymons fairy tale
and nursery rhyme. He has
sweet and gracious simnlicity of
fancy and no c tie can make a mis
take, by choosing a book 11
lttstrated by Walter Crane.
Sir John Tennlel Is also a -vet
eran of illustrating; ami any
rrrwn.un. who loves his "Alice In
Wonderland." knew her and re
members her as pictured by this
inimitable creator.
Humor It Delightful
Artbnr Rock bam baa a magical
gift for jrreation of character and
attnoapbere. He , is the real
maker of Fairyland. Ilia Imagina
tion seems to know no bounds;
and his sense, of humor Is delight
ful. There U a tendernesa In his
art which does away with the
a .a Was . a -
graetoan.and .tne ieaxiut. iif re
in America we knew his 11
lustrstloiw 'better possibly than
those of any other English
artist! We know bis "ITndlne."
bis "Alice In Wonderland." "Rip
Van Winkle." "Orimm's Fairy
Tales." "Gulliver's Travel" and
"Mother Goose." His refinement
la so Inherent that it seems even
the most childish mind must sense
it and be unconsciously influenced
Of Randolph Caldeer-tt and
Kate Greenaway there Is little to
be said for their names have be
come household words, especially
Kate Greenaway, who reaUy
-seriously influenced the dress ot
girl and "boy for a number of
years. ' There is a tweet ae and
Innocent lovablenesa about her
ouaintlv rarbed wee folk which
captures the. hearts of all.
ChUd Spirit Interpreted i
Miss WUlebeck Las Hair Is from
Holland but most cf her work Is
published . .in England. She
catches the true spirit of child
hood but the itecorttflve quality
of her work appeals more to
grtrwn-nps than to children.
Boulct de Alonvel is nndoubtctt
ly, irst among the French il
lustrators, although he himself
regards Illustrating as a mere
episode in his career as an srtist.
His children are not beautiful but
oh such quaint, wistful, altogether
lovable bits of humanity that you
wtair they - might step. out from
the page and tell you some of tba
fanciful thoushts snd childish
imsginings of which you get -
hint as .you meet them on the
printed page. Whatever else you
must forego, do not miss Boutet
de Mouvel. '.
Americans Are Greett
Now we come to our own Il
lustrators, Elisabeth Shippen
.Green. Jessie .Wilcoi Smith. Sarah
Stilwell. Rose O'Neil. Howard
Pyle. Maxfield Parrish. Dugald
Stewart AValker, Maglnel Wright
Enrisht. Janet Scott, N. C. Wyeth
and many others.
Jessie Wllco Smith hsrdly
needs an introduction. Among
other books she has illustrated
KingsWty's "Water Rabies" in a
ma mt svmnatbetlc manner. Reside
12 ,lull-page.illustra.tlons in
color, there are green and black
borders msde up of all sorts of
things' thst be!tBg- ih the sea.
Maxfield Parrish cornea to us
with most subtle color comoins
tions and figures of ideal beauty
amid acenea only possible in some
wonderful dresm. He has 11;
ust rated .Eugene Fleld'a poems
and his delinesllon of "vtinsen
Blinken and Nod" hss become th
authorised -version, ao to speak
we can see them in no other wsy
than In a bis:, brown, shot-boat;
sailing away to Dreamland. His
illustrations for "Arabian . ignis
Talea" vie with Edmund imiac a
in color; and everything he baa
done for the small folk is to be
desired for a child'a library.
Adventure Illustrated
He 1 more realistic than mvm
the illustrator of rhlldren s
iMx-ka; an are ali Alilo Winter.
Lt-oi Uhead or rather, the hhea.l
brother, anal !.anrrlot Spud, per
haps laue tbey illustrate bonks,
fi-r older tbiUlren. .
The fairy folk ici urea by Ihi
golal .Stewart Walker are waiter-1
pit-cea of intri.ate tiesign. Won-;
derful peirorks stmt their i.plen-)
did way through gardens with'
weird JapanesqntMooklnc trees,
and flowers. His page deora-f
tious are unique aaa most :rjt--,
rul. The fairy tale cf Haas,
Andersen have been ued as
fcuntlatlon for ronie splendid plot
tures in col. r. Tbey are full tf
the Japanese spirit and yet thry
are most distinctly Dugald Stew
art Walker. i
Nat ore It Theme
"Wild Flower Children." is a
nature -book illustrated by Janet
laura Scott. The delicate beaut)
of wild flowers U meuiot rphoated
Into that of fragile, dainty
maidens, with always the flower
Imaged, an Integral part of the
picture. Sometimes the chalice.
In colors of nature appears as a
frilly skirt, sometimes as pointed
capt-s adorning wee fairy folk.
feouieflaies aa a dainty bonnet
perched rouettUhly on gciden
curbt. and even as a sunshade held
by pUtel handle.
The quaint fencifulnes of "My
self nd 1" by Helen Van Val ken
burgh haa been most amypavtbet.
kally pictured by Maginel Wright
Knrlght. She has caught the
wist fulness of a lonely little toy
and we feel we should like to
eompanion him and make hint just
a west bit more joyous.
'Real Aeqaalatance I'rgetl
And so you -are introduced tc
these wonderful artists and their
indescribably beautiful creations
Pleas do not nterely.say "How dc
you do. - I'm very pleased to have
6,ade yoar aNuatsarv." ! Iran.ferred to paper: w!ll r-rt .eat
really take them Into tbe rirrle of 4be world and titike .1 more
your (rieads and Istrclnce them tiBdersts1ia g. !lable pMr.
a taioe (hilil or ehlioren ot - ,
', h:,..w. anU crs.lnallr thr h-naiv .1 Wards that at.tbir
their ..r.aa. whirli taev ha.e -R.rut kitrheste.
Most people can see quite clearly, but
to do so many of them hv to strogule.
This fttrutrglinai to see dearly ia a vere
strain. That is why there are so many
headache sufferers.
with your eyes or. sooner or later, they
will trouble you. Moot pleasures and much
of your capacity for work depends on your
good vision.
He will te5t your eyes thoroughly and .sci
entifically and you will then learn their
tru condition. If you do not reed glasaes,
he will promptly tell you so.
Dr. C. B. O'Neill
Optoxaetrist-Op tidaa
Lau and Btuh Bank BcHdia
cysna sstaato
Too. -Fat"?'
Easy, HCH3 Self Trealcsnt
OVlRyi'OLl HISS, la stasrf eseoa.
wsakeau) ss4 aaTocta wttai orgsaa at tho
body. U)rs tho SasaBX
aaverteaa lit a, ran aaa Soars
collspea sad othog aitaeat
eft . asrhaaaly ataavgsr
sa); spoits s peraen'a
raartiTsa ssd afciisnry
to do thtara.
tiaas't alkaasr year kea'.ta
to So raised ihrwacs s bar
dew of aahewhky fat.
Unto daily is tao ewe S-f :
ay Srwrg'
tee amawrawt
konres) ssd falkr Eereis system atasoio
direct ta a a that arajaaiO wiLS that a.
Weigh and saeawnro ywarsaetf ays-ars
week. Caauoos vedseisg ateodily aat I
yos sro darws to herasaL Xersns system
is - sbeolately SarmaaaM. ia sdaoeast. mo4
eves S few days' treatises sea aaites
aha" a s sotieeablo dottiao.
Kocata ayataaa has aecceaded vvses
other reaaodiea. ajte hava faile It la tV
delight of thoso who was.
to tsxprovo thasr ftgsvro aa4
to wrrw s ye" a gar. aartiro
appasarascev at all yws
sad; so atresaajoa osorrto-
lag. tasarasMoo thot ymm
rosscs is to so sosn
twsatesrsw fm saed te
year aa ey kasek.' Boy Katwta UVatr rs
s boa. at any ha.y pharmacy; mr wnto f.t
free Srswhssre. with saaar toti '. t
Kerala Co, XB-4S, StsUes X, aVew Tsak
dearoly. snd get fr
boa e Koreia taboles
hSSsaaU - d?1
Dr. L. L. Wirt
in hi atklres to members and 1 riend- of the
ami at the '
taid that he had seen thruiasnda of children on ths
verjre of starvation, many actually itarvin; and that
was the time to send help to
"The Near East Relief "
ike collection Thanksffivini' Bay was $1117
17c a d.iy $5 a month $60 a yearttill care fcr '
One Orphan
We need every cent you can spare to uve the lives of
these orphasns - . . -
Send your subscription to (he chairman for Harioa
County. OrejTon
J. F. HUTCHAS0N,371 SUle St, Saleni Oregca j
fci-c-a ---- -a)-a-xates-ar
The most prized possession in
thousands of American homes.
Because it adds most to the con
venience, comfort and enjoyment of
the entire family, and at small cost.
TXe oooiuio coctsuany tioo ia vrsssliy kjo
Tb tiro in Ut is snewoolly kifk
X. C. Wyeth Illustrates books
of adventure, as "Mown iiooa.
"Treasure Islsnd." "The Lesther-
stocking Tsles." He Is direct.
simple snd forceful tn nis styie.
... . . n T .
serriee foliowtng at p. " "z
meeting Wednesdsy evening at :. "
eordially invUe the pahtie to atteno m
servins. '
CkrUtaa'-aad Mlasiensry Xnisaee
Usoal jwrtria-e seat Thorsdsy sfter-
December Z. at 32 tonth losv
aserrial- street.-beginning at 8:14 claKk.
Bible Hudy by Kev. J. t ee ot rort-
land. All eordially welcome.
V.ises at 7:30. :"0 and a high ssasa
with sermon at 10:30. Peaedirtion witn
sermon in tne evening at 7 :5. There win
be Catholic services at he state pennen
tiary thia afternoon at S o'clock. K,
J. K. Buak. pastor.
4i taVaatael '"'a-
Fall Gospel Slisstos at 1973 Sonlh
riri.l i street, nristatrs. Services at
2 p. m. and 7:30 p. as. tea are lnv:ta
No colleetion.
r BTaBrrtana. '
Regular services at the rrtabyterias
ehnrch. In fhsrgrof James Elvin. Masxlay
.kl .i 9-AS a an- Jos. 11. Jtisrn.
pennteadent. Pnbjert for morn in f art-vice
- Vladina a Lost Scripture." Csrist.aa
f-.Je.rer meeting st :S0 V - jeet
for eveaine service. "The Call of Christ.
..... n..t.r . Tharsalav evening at
T:.10. "The pul.lie ia eordially isvited to
these senricca.
Marion and Polk County Distributors
Ferry snd Commercial St, Salem. Oregea
t .s
I -