THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON. , SATUHDAY MORNlXc NOVEMBER 27. 1920 GIT Y NEWS IN BRIEF pcyde Stolen a bicycle -was reported Thurs night as missing from in JSnt 5 the Y. M. C. A. building. :L it had been Mt. William J!locko 136S Waller street has liked the assistance of the police SlocaUngthe wheel. EffirocUre. entertaining pic tures at First Congregational church Sunday evening, also film with Olive pictures. Bond Forfeited t f Dancer forfeited hirjbond of 110 yesterday through net ap Searing in the police court to an Jwerto the charge of drunken , ness. ' When Yon Think of Good Clothe Think; ol Mosher the tailor. Petition Filed A petition for administration of the estate of Veronique Bouil lard, who died November 15. 1920, was filed in the county court yesterday. The petition asks that Julia Bouillard be ap pointed by the court as adminis trator of the estate. "Venetian Moon-5 Ask to hear this popular dance record. H. L. Stiff Furn. Co. At Leslie Church Sunday, 7:30 p. m.. Secretary ot State Sam A. Kozer will deliver an address and the church choir of 45 voices will -render a pro gram of special music. The pub lic is invited. i lnpnnPnnAH I EUGENE O'BRIEN 1 in i "THE h WONDERFUL 1 CHANCE" I NOOKY" 1 J '-THE HUMANZEE" For Good Paying Route Carrier boy wanted, at States man office. Phone 583. Growing: Sunday School And Endeavor at First Congre gational church Come along. j. . , . . License Issued i A marriage license was grant ed yesterday by County Clerk U- .Van B5i3K n.,." SSSSL "A 2LtH r--i i n " " ' compensation act, 23 were from thA .f tv. e... . firms and corporations that have flee. Catalog on application, Two Accidents Fatal Two fatal accidents out of a to tal of 432 accidents in the state were reported to the industrial ac cident commission for the week ending November 25. The fatal cases were Charles Treman, rig ger or Deer ' Island and W. A Adams, logger ot Myrtle Point. Out of the total number of acci Tricycle Stolen - A Fairy tricycle was reported to the police station yesterday as having been taken Tuesday night from the front porch of the home of Mrs. Theodore Roth, 925 D street. The tricycle is described as j being nearly new. "Thanksgiving Message" At 11 a. m. Sunday and "To morrow The Man Who Made Mistake in His Reckoning." at 7:30 p. m. Joseph Reubens was in Salem yesterday from St. Louis. A. T. Cline ot Mt. Angel was In the cfty yesterday, conferring with the county court regarding road matters. Arthur Hobart. recently elected road patrolman at Silverton, was here yesterday. Charlie Scott of Scotts Mills was a business visitor in Salem yesterday The Misses Lettie and Rachae) McLaughlin of Portland were bouse guests over Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Shanks, 195 South Cottage rejected the act and 11 were from public utility., corporations not subject to the act. See The "Egypt" pictures. Congregational church. First AX KXKMY TO GOOD HEALTH Good health has no greater en emy than constipation. You ran not -keep fit" for work or play if the bowels are Irregular or clogged with a decomposed mass of undigested food from which the blood picks up disease-causing impurities and carries then throughout the entire system. Foley's Cathartic Tablets are mild but sure in action. They banisn biliousness, sick headache, sour stomach and other ills caused by indigestion. Take one tonight and you will feel better In the morning, Sold everywhere. Case Up At Baker J. M. Devers, attorney for the state highway commission, will go to Baker Tuesday of next week to j conauct tne case or the state ! against Proffitt. an action in con demnation seeking right of way across Proffitfs land to connect with a gravel pit. Story Hour Today The usual story hour for child ren will be held at the Salem Pub lic library: today from 9:30 to 10:30 o'clock a. m.. according to announcement by the librarian. Vi&ijsft. Liberty Sunday WOOD WOOD CaQ Q. H. Tracy Wood Co. for all kinds ot ' dry wood . Prompt delivery Phone 620 ; f7illamette Valley Transfer r .Compaq i tut Out Freight Daily Between Portland and Salem Phone 1400 IML1 CLEANERS AND DYERS Eip&lrlng and Alterations U1I 8. Com'l St, Phone 1S6S GENUINE I 1717 UNION JL,Ej ALLS 4.00 and 95.00 SCHEFS Cabbage. 1 ?ic lb. Delivered Ward K. Richardson, phone 494 Magazine Club Rate The Ace, 127 North High. Sicial Prices n Ferns Potted plants and cut flowers from the Arthur Plant greenhouse on sale Saturday at Fletcher & Byrd Feed store, 233 North Com mercial street. Morton Funeral Today The funeral of Caroline A. Morton will be held at the High land Friends church today ; at 2:30 o'clock p. m., with interment following in Lee Mission cemetery- Rev. Mrs. I. C Lee of the Friends church, will conduct ths funeral service. DIXIE DOUGHNUTS 35c Doz. SALEM BAKING CO. 439 Court Street. Phone 954 25 bars Savon Soap ........ fl.OO 10 pounds Onions.. ..4.23c Onions, per set .92XH) Spuds, per sack .......... .91.50 Wheat, per hundred :.$4.00 The Highland Grocery Phone 496 746 Highland Avenue The Vacuum Cups have ar- rivedat- A. H. MOORE'S Salem School of Expression Lulu Rosamond Walton, Director 147 N. Commercial Phone 692 1484J ' ' . -!- " ' Weekly Recital Class Sales and Service VALLEY MOTOR CO. ELECTRIC MACHINE & i nir.iNTFDiNn rn ItflUUIlilitUllW WW , rpr Thor Washing Machines and '. ' Electric Work and Supplies. !!7 Court St. Phone 488 Planting Time Secure Reliable Fruit and Orna mental Trees, Small Fruits, noses, from THE SALEM NURSERY COMPANY 428 Oregon Bldg. Phone 1763 Rigdon and Son- Reliable funeral directors. Klamath Falls Basinets Coed, Says Frank Davey Hon. Frank Davey. who goes about the state adjusting claims and other matters for the state industrial accident commission. has Just returned from a trip to Klamath Falls. He found everything going along nicely In that section of Oregon. Klamath Falls Is full of well paid laboring men. and there is a big trade with the stock men. Mr. Davey found the prices of living higher at Klamath Falls than in any city or town he has visited. Plain mush and milk is 30 cents there, and one cannot get any sort of a filling meal tor less than a dollar; and from that on up. Mr. Davey says there are two court bouses at Klamath Falls, one finished and not occupied, and another at the other, end of town, a magnificent structure, only partially, finished and the county's business is done in a third old wooden, building. The people of that county and that city have been divided into fac tions, and they have had trouble enough over court house firhts to fill a book. Now. however. mere seems a prospect of com I BITS FOR BREAKFAST I : 4 Card of Thanks We desire to thank our many friends for their kind assistance during the illness and death of our dear husband and father; also for the many beautiful floral of ferings. Mrs. Ed McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Cannoy and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McDonald and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McDonald and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCarter, Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Kinney. Prone Inventory Plan Of UrOWerS ASSOCiatlOn Parative peace on court house matters, which will be a rood Annnnnmiii ; mAt bv the in,nK or ail concerned and for Oregon Growers' Co-operative as- ne future of the city and coun- vl9tWin that arrangements -have I been made for a comnlete inven tory nf nrmiM delivered to Its I V.L.J IV.lTi If m . f. .everal nackinr house, to date. UUIUOM, 1101 Clerks, Held Responsible School clerks cannot be held either criminally or civilly liable for failure to turn over to the county assessor the school district tax levy, according to an opinion of Attorney General Van Winkle written for Gale S. Hill, district attorney Tor Linn county. Tha opinion holds that the school dis trict is responsible for the actions of its clerk. The opinion applies to the districts of the thlr'- class. Neither can the clerk be compelled the opinion holds, to pay the in terest on the money which the dis trict Is compelled to borrow to provide funds to carry tire district over until a nw levy can be made. several packing houses to date. And what is or special interest to its members is the faet that about $100,000 Is now being paid growers and that additional amounts will be remitted within the near future. All arrangements ;have been made for these payments, and ' checks are now being mailed from 1 the Salem office. The books of the association show that up toNovember 1, sales this season amounted to a total of $732,496.06: I Flax meeting this forenoon. It Is at Salem Commercial club. . Important doings ia flax Indus try of the Salem district, the corn lag greatest of all our Indus tries S Not even excepting loganber ries and the other great berries and fruits: nor dehydration: nor pager mills: nor dairying; nor any of the other big ones that are bound to develop enormously. S S Flax fiber is worth thousands of dollars a ton. and we can raise millions of tons of It; and the industry calls for great labor forces of all classes, from the commonest of the common to the highest of the high. And then there Is Its first cous in, the hemp Industry, capable alone of making the Salem section one of the most pro?perus In the world. "W Nature has done crest thlnes for this part or God's footstool. Lacjrard man has only just be fcun to see the big things prepared for him and ready for the appli cation of his single track mind and his brawn. U W The future spinning and linen mills will call for the use of a great portion of our Idle water powers. . The dancing masters have con demned Jatx. but the trouble Is the pesky thing flourishes on condemnation. LADD El BUSH BANKERS JMtVjhta'izcS Otnerxl BxzJdzz Boxtcexi Office tlovxt from 10 a. n. to 3 p. n. Teachers Name Delegates io State Convention PERSONAL MENTION I Everett Downing of Sublimity was a visitor tn Salem yesterday. W. W. M00RE Furniture Store ' Th Home 'of the Ylctrvla Ton get more for your money at Moore's It Pay to Trade at The FARRIERS - CASH STORE C Burton Dnrdall 47 North Oonumerctsl 4T Turkish & Shower Baths BATHS including a swim in a tank of warm water, all for fifty cents. OREGON BATH HOUSE Open from 8 a. m. to 9 p.m. 'Lady and Gentleman Attendant HARTMAN BROS. CO. Tor Tina Jewelry Jewelers and Opticians : THE "DAYTON" ... - The Bicycle for Everyone LLOYD E. RAMSDEN "SIT Court Street Cleyeles and Bicycle Repairing W7A "WALLFELT" Takes the plaee of sloth at about one third ! MAX 0. BUREN 17t N. Commercial St. 167 North Commercial St. tX tie Electric Sign "SHOES DENNLSON ELECTRIC CO. '0B WORK AND FIXTURES 23 North Liberty Street v What Have You? we buy, 'tell and exchange w and second-hand furni ture, "stores5, -ranges, ruts, wols, etc. We will buy you oat - COL. W. P. WRIGHT : Auctioneer T Ju N. Com'l St., Salem, Or. uat your sales with s Furniture es Sfore i POTATOES Call on as before you ell ; BISHOP EROS. -Corner Terry andlllgh Streets psone 140(V TOR BARGAINS of all kinds each as furniture, stoves, rangestaachinery, of all kinds see the- CAPITOL JUNK & BARGAIN HOUSE Delegates to represent th teachers of Marlon county at th conrentlon of the State Teachers' association In Portland December 29, 30 and 31 were elected at the closing session ot the Marlon county Institute Wednesday. They are: R. F. Dnrbin, principal o Washington school. Salem; E. S. McCormick. principal ot Hnbbard school; W. II. Baillle. principal ot CUT THIS OUT TT IS WORTH MOXEY Oregon English Walnuts Graded by Association Cut out this slip, enclose with Be and mall It to Foley & Co., 282S Sheffield Ave.. Chicago. I1L. writing your name-and address clearly. Ton will recelre In re turn a trial package containing FoIey.s Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup; Fo ley Kidney Pills for pain In sides and back; rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder aliments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a whole some and thoroughly cleansing cathartic for constipation, bilious ness, headaches, and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere. For the first time In the his tory of the Mate. Enpllsh walnnts are be! n a- graded. Growers are sending their crop to the Oregon North Howell school; -Jars. MaudM Growers'" Co-operative associa- Mochel, a teacher in 'the Wood- Ition's plants at Salem and Yam- burn schools; Mrs. M. L. Fniter-lhni. Two graders are at work la son, Marlon county supenntena-i these plants. ent of schools. ,U. S. Dotson. prin- jn another year the association cipal of Park school, Salem, was elected to represent tne aiarion County Principals association. , hopes to Introduce walnut crack ing machines -and special machin ery for washing, drying and grad ing. There has been some In dividual effort at grading, but this Is the tint year the associ ation has taken np the work with to-regular grading machines. - TrUt cnnnli. Tirr-m I Jr aSo iue Wil- " i ,. tfornia walnut growers were in Great Western Garage . . For Gill Piston Rings -SpqJ Light; Stromherg uaronretor Chain: and Tubes Opposite Court House Phone 44 WE A EVER SLEEP 215 Center Phone S9S Talking Machines and Records Player Pianos ana riayer W00DRY conducts sales anywhere In Marlon or Polk counties. Store located 270 N. ComX AUCTIONEER 'XT' 1 -i" ' r, Iletter uqw w HIGHEST PEICE PAID , : For SECOND HAND FTJENTTUEE etntM. uameva CaW Hardware pWtere Co. 286 N. UomP"" CARL & B0WERS0X Groceries iw r.MiTt Street Phone 409 DREATiILAND RINK Dance every Wednesday and Saturday Bungalow Orchestra Saturday Specials ! - . i, Large Italian Prunes, lb. 10c No. 10 Red Karo ..97c No. 10 Blue Karo 84c No. 5 Pure Lard 81.23 Hills Red Can Coffee, lb. 5c Hills Blue Can Coffee, lb. 38c Folgcrs Golden Gate Coffee, per pound...-. f3c Glenwood Steel Cut Coffee 32c Corn, per can ....... . . . 13c Salmon, 2 tall cans. . ..... .23c Special Mixed Cookies, lb. 30c Post Toasties, per package 14c Puffed Wheat, per package 14 Large Hubbard Squash each 10c Choice Spuds for Saturday on ly, per sack, .$1.43 j We deliver orders of 11.00 or over. Bert Eshleman GROCER 175 So. Commercial St. Next to McDowell Market bad shape. Foreign markets prac tically had control ot the trade. Since the . California Walnut Growers association has organ ized. It controls 5 per cent of the walnnts sold In this country. It has established standard grades and put in effect cracking testa and standardizing the pack. Even the shells are made Into charcoal and sold to poultry In terests ana tne wainnt growers are prosperous. $2.00 DOWN A WEEK Will Bur a ONE MINUTE ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE WM. GAHLSD0RF Tbe Store of HOUSEWARES Y1 J : 0AXJ21 ALBANY HIGHEST "PRICES Paid for Vegetables and Frail PEOPLE'S CASH STORE .. New Timber Company Has " Hall Million Capital With a capitalization ot SS00. 000. the Smith River Timber com pany has been "organized with Marshtield as the location et the main offices. The Incorporators are A. E. Adelsperger. W J Conrad and John D. Gosa. Other newly Incorporated firms are: Charles McLean company. Inc.. Portland, incorporators. Charles McLean, Elmer F. Wohler, L. E. Crouch; capitalization. 125.000. Hosklns Construction company Baker, incorporators. J. F. O'Bry ant.' J. A.' Hosklns. J. L. Soule; capitalization. $25,000. Phi Sigma PI fraternity. En gene: Incorporators, Leland G lapham. Reuel 8. Moore. Carl E. Epplng. Ralph E. Poston. Wilbur M. Bolton. Dwlght M. Gregg; pro perty valuation. 110. Resolutions of dissolution were filed by the H. E. Noble Lumber company of Portland. t Horses Must Be Protected Declares PoUce Chief ' Quality Meats and . Good Scrrice for Less McDowell MARKET Where a Dollar Does It Duty . Phone 1421 173 South Commercial Special For Saturday: Round or Sirloin . Steak. 20c Choice Spring Lamb, legs . 18c Lamb to Roast 15c To Stew. 10c An extra choice lot of Baby Beef at reduced Prices Quality Meats for Less Open Until 8 p, in. Many Reasons Why j You Should Be In Church Tomorrow The Spiritual Call is the Most Urgent of Any First Christian Church Corner Center land ' High J. J. Evans, Minister You Will Find: Large Audiences for Fellowship - Good Music for Inspiration The Right Spirit for Worship Sermons That Help to Right Lmng 11:00 a. m. The Task of the Church 7:30 p. nL "There's a Reason You will never regret visiting the Bible School at 9:45 Dr. L.L.' Wirt-. :: in his address to members and friesdi cf the , . "SALEM ROTARY CLUB" ' and at the 1 "UNION THANKSGIVfflG SERVICES" said that he had. seen thousands of children on. the verge of starvation, many actually starving; and that -, - -- - RIGHT NOW- was the time to send help to "The Near East Relief " : The collection' Thanksgiving Day was $1117 ' ' ' 17c a day $5 a month $60 a year will care for One Orphan We need every cent you can spare to save the lives of these orphans Send your subscription to the chairman for Marion County, Oregon ' J. F. HUTCHAS0N, 371-State Stv Salem, Oregon E iVERYBODY has found out that it is advisable to buy pure foods. It's the way to health and happiness. When you think of pure food think of our bread and our pastry and youll be thinking safely and sanely, name. Order it by PEERLESS BAKERY Philip Winters, Prop. 170 N. Commercial Street Phone 247 Two incident were reported to tbe nolle nation yesterday ot persona who had left horse nn blanketed tied ont in the cold. This Is an offense which is pun ttbable by a fine, and Chief of Poliee Welsh has given instruc tions to his subordinates that tbeite 'ease ot neglect are. to be investigated, and those guilty of the offense made to understand that animals are to be properly protected when left standing ont In Inclement weather. Thursday niKht a horse wss re ported to the police as navinc ben etolen or remoTed from where it had been left standing. and the owner nrged action on the part of the officers in finding the mlMlnr animal. As a mat ter of fact the horse which had been left oat in the storm vn- blanketed bad been put into a stable by. a police officer where it. would recelre "proper care. la such cases where this step Is tak en by the police the owner of tbe horse or horses are nnder obli cation to pay the livery atable bill. The other incident reported was. or a little different nature hut considered an equal offense, in which a horse was staked ont for two or three days during the stormy weather! without proper care or protection. The own'r was notified that tbe "horse must be given care and protection at once. , I ' i! flhtpl?tg s Warmer's Corsets 1 0hmlra mn QUALITY MERCHANDISE POPULAR PRICES Mitt Phone i047PlioneTS4