8. THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM,: OftEOON.. TUESDAY MORNING, NOT.MBER 23. 1020. DEPARTMENTS RELIEVED BY : STATEBOARD t Total of $63,900 Allowed at Session of Emergency V Members Yesterday stinitious and departments. Thl" was $K27C..72 lit excels of. the 'piiiutint .which parly in tin1 day it war. said ' would . be placed before the board, for consideration, sev iTu! departments appearing .'with rt';nrsts the time Iheiiieet- hin cunvf iied. J -The. .amounts: allowed were: t-'.late- penitentiary for niainle lunue, Jsft.tHMi; iienitentbry Tor : building of ft ti n. $4:t."u: in I j st rial Fchool for girls. $."; t;ite board of control, il.'tiu; ' i-i ewlary of Mate for expenses of ! compiling, editing and dKtribut- it iK election pamphlets and snp- etc. $r,.(iiMt; pay expense of I biennial reports $:Sfn; secretary !if .-stale. t;i pay expenses of eir ! rn it Indues in going outside of flWilv fit Cmrlin n '-H regular -'-districts to hold court. "j to care of capitol buildings and ': rvonnds. - $5M; Mate school for OPPOSITION IS 'SCANTS"';'- JSSSSm Control Body Grants Au thority ot Goodin Watcli Institutions The f.fato emergency board, itit j'tho deaf. t(0 a re.tsloii liere "yesterday, "allowed i Total Mounts llis.li. The emergency allowances a total of SS,Sfli in deficiency J -rar.te;l yesterday bring the total sDTrfpria) ions to wral state In-Mn emergency appropriations for fwttsnut nUti ayjamumi' v i in nut . .- 1 THEATRE .,- . U...... - NELL SHI PM AN In "Something New if The most thrilling and daring automobile adventure story ever filmed. Also the present biennium up to a to tal of T4r,,7 nr.. On Hie actions taken yester day the vote of the board In all cases wis unanimous with the xreption of the item f.r expense ti( iiicuii judve on which Sey i.iour Jones, speaker of thf house, leitised to. vole. This item was cut tc $:. nroiu x i mm. as re- ii-U. d. A cut from '!U2.'' to i. "..". mi was made in the r.-q'iesi of II. S. Tiliiiiiihast. superinten dent or the school for the deaf. U H. (roodfii. secretary of the j board of control, asked for r.ibV.::., and fl'uii was voted. For j the cost of election Mtppliia -cre- j tary or Mate Ko7er asked $:M. s2::.:;7 and J'.Ti.onrt was allowed. Ueiative to this item M .-. Kit er told the hoarj that never be fore had it been necesfcary to ask lor a deficienty allowance, an.l at tribuied the need this time main-1- to the increased cost of paper. Superintendent Tillingh.iKt of the c woo i for the deaf, has not pre viously as!;ed for a deficiency ap propriation during his 14 years in state service. ;MMliir Authority Incrrasel. Relative to the amount allowed ihe board of control it was said that th, business of the office and consequently the expense i trowing. The board of control las eranied additional nuthorit to It. 15. Goodin. secretary, where by ! he will le enabled to spend half his time looking after de tails at state institutions and will be allowed an additional assistant irtthe office. This is covered ir. the Allowance granted him. Secretary Goodin told the board that conversations with Portland Justness men indicate that there will he no decrease in the cost of supplies for Ktate institutions in the. next six months. HUGEMARGIN GIVEN G.O.P. NOVEMBER 2"uc:, i Inoasti i.tl Iiln.r l'. amun li.di.iud. Miller. Kti.ui : ' i'i. ip..b:i.u. ;.u9i: itenBett. nrffiif DAIM PAIN lui..es. 7::.: Vtkls. 7S.-'1h m.M-r-t. 46.214; Newuian. . UUU" ''....f! . !iaii t. U.4.K. RUB RHEUMATIC, I'rolill.itlon AIiiom. 3,mN; Jew- ienrr. HI. St".: .lolli.snii. Sl'iC; Parrt.' I if the !. m luea'nren thai 27; Walker. 34-2. SoclaliKl - - Julius. ii. Harding's Plurality Over Cox 63,375, According to Final Count v.tf "ii Ihe llb.l. oi I) one ear ned. Th's wi tli m-aure r tMitir four J'ar leiui f Hire f.ir -rtniii r..tiul olti-la!s. in-li-.a-ini- tin till ue tiiilil lu i,i ir "I hi.-- in-a..uie cirri J b I .T" The vl i'e i !i.--.ire was: t-"ur i-ar u-rm for ctmntjr of- ACHING JOINTS I:mI P.iIm Amf U'lih mall Trial lUf,' f IMJ -si. JanJM Oil." STANF1ELD LEAD BIG Remarkable Chang in Sentiment Noted Compared With Four Years Ago t. 1 till. 1 23 ; , f '-!; Ve. 'J.l-: Do. y..-; '."2; l!aes. n:jjnty fr. 17.i. ' i fi.iftptiloi voting amendment! . Vet. nu. ir. -! ytWJf AT RAP) Cf WOSX f 1.'. 1..; I!-r?'itnil. 1471: 4'atlson. liTu; I.U. 1 Hi.; IMmmi. r'r lii! si.iie St uaiitr. Ktnfiel.i. I:. put.ll.T.n. 1 lC.r.M.'.; CIijiiiIm rlaiu. leuuH-ra staiixhia r. :ciant. '. Indi-pendent. 4 4-;. I e iievoii.it ive in I.n5,ret. K'rst district Haw le. Itepub-lican-lVmocrat. 7..07: Taltn-rt. racialist. S2:ts. S,-eoiid diMrict Graham. Dm-i'n -IM. ocrat. 13. IMS; Siunott. Hcpubll-! ni.-.irtaiariii- bill Yen. C7. can. 2.:.4:.. H-4: no. 1 III. 122: majority Third district John. . Indus- aramM. -.i2i. f.i!l-Ibor. 22T.2; Uivejoy. leni- Sin:-V tax --Yes. f.7.2M; no. oi rat-l'rohibition. 2l.sr3; McAr-1 ' 3V.4H: maluriiy ajcaln t. ll.- ithur. Republican. 37.NS4. r.'s.. S.crrtr r Slate. . !", rouh.iation-l ei. .- iv...r i(..ni.i.ifii. ir:- : -.-i -; mj"ij t. i.2,z nu. i ri. .!.: j.iiity atainsl. wi.3 4 0 Kilr-lar brtlatl- fon M.342: . N r. . j 2 2 ; maior- Oregon voters to the number kl 43. .7 4 l voted for Harding, ite- publican candidate for president ui the l lined states, anu mi.isj at.-d for Cox. the liemocrat. The Prohibition candidate. Elton Wat-kln:-., drew 2jH." votes in this Mate; Debs, the Socialist, received '..si. ana i ox, me inuusiriai-it- dates who were running boiiie. got IjI... Harding r ma- opposition the vote was: jority was r.s.fsi. and his plural-; luan. K.r..7Sr: Itenson. Uy over Cox i3,:;7.".. :.e.l; Hanis. 13...74: MclJride, These are the fffures on the i - 7.Cn2. On supreme court Justice succeed Justice A. R. Ttennett: llrown. ' .".2.4S4; Smith. 949: hlMumjIbm is "paiii i.nly. Nu ooe rj, e in Tiftr reinires In ternal lreiaieut. Stot drusr.inr.. lint lUN.ihiu. rnetratiaK -St. Jcle. 1 1(- ri.-ht into your Mn stiff, arhinf Joints and ruttch-. jd relief cones intantly. "St. Jan.!-, lid" is a lurniless rnea-j in 1 1-ni rm" b!rl never disa j at.ls an. rjim.it burn the skin. , I ln.Ur np! lHit umpUinin? j ;-! a rmall trial l"M'e t.f .b . .i.iipsI si. JHs till" at an dr.iK More. aeI in jut a iuomM.t ; on II J.'lree from theumatU'; r. Kepublican. 17S.722: Sears. S.ialist. 14.72n: 1'pton. i :adnftrial libor. 11.213. Sii.reme I imiiI, For the four Republican randi-I rithout i Anii-e-nnpnlsorjr Tacrination Ves. fc3.2H; n. I2S.-K3: major ity azalnst. C3..M4. Interest rate bill Yen. 2S.47S: no. l.".x.72: majority against. r . . liii.. foinns. Miimw " .el!ii.e. Ihm'I mffer! ftellet rwait r.u. "St. lacot.s Oil" lia enre.1 tiiilllon.'! ut rheumatism anf- ; ferer in ihe lat half realary. land is ut as conl tor rrlatiea. neurale'a. Iunitairo, backache. Oregon vote fo presidential can-illil-ilM uu ciiinitiieil in the office of Sam state, upon complete returns Irora McCarthy, 231. all counties. The la?t eountie For Attorney General. to report were Wallowa and Polk. To fill vacancy caused by relK both received Saturday, and while nation of George M. Itrown: theie are yet aome small errorai van Winkle. 2T..277; HaileT. to be readjusted, the totals as an-1 1 1 -;0: r.oshow. &24.: John?on. i !25.9.. ltoo-v. It binl lefnre Yes., 7k.4: no. l7.2si: majority! arainst. 2S.421. IOi Divided lerislative sesn S Yes. 07.491: no. 101,1,9; major-, ity i'ainst. 42.6fc(;. Market commission Yen. 32.-, : 4 : no. 119.304; - majority against. SC. 914. l.rain. Playing to Capacity EDITORIALS OF THE PEOPLE "flliT"1"" Inttinjc Turkeys fhu of Iteach. MAKE-ROOM Audi " r ' J . : "a: ' Jv ',- -: " - " ' in WOODRY'S, 270 N. Com'I St, Salem,' Ore., Starting Sat, Nov. 27, 1920, 1 p. m. Sharp $10,000 Stock of New and Used Goods Including furniture of every description.. The famous Charter Oak Ranges and Heaters including other makes; beds, springs "and mattressejs, pianos, grapho phones, organs, electric washer and wringer, harness, cream separators, new rugs, including Axminsters, velvets, Brussels, 'tapestrys, wool and fibre and grass. Tools, home canned fruit,; kitchen utensils, dishes, etc. This is the largest and finest assortment of home furnishings ever offered at public auction in the citv of Salem. This is a genuine sale.' Step in and look over my stock, any day, "Private Sales Daily." Terms cash. Tell your neighbors and friends that they may receive somcfof the greatest bargains, ever offered the buying public. ;r r F, N. WOODRY, THE AUCTIONEER j- .-JT'sSEr! Another Sleepless Night? Tta been a busv and fretful dav. Brain fagged, nerves frayed and body exhausted conscious that tomorrow is fraught with new tritla and tribulations, he realizes the imperative need of a refreshing nditor . Statesman: Many read ers will thank you for giving a little epace to the matter of boosting market prices to consum ers. What I oredicted Fririav has ccnie true. A telerram from Roseburs announced turkeys com ing m slowly and opening at 4 centF. Next day a telegram said sales were being made at 48 end 50 cents. The Sunday Portland oapers told of turkeys selling at ,. and 60 cents a round. WTiai I predicted was that every effort would be made to drive the price tc 75 cents for the closing week before Thanksgiving. That is the t:me when families order their turkey. All will agree that 3". cents a pound would be a fair price, although 25 cents would be fairer. But consider driving the orice to 75 cents. What wonM it mean? The 50,000 families in Oregon would par an additional -rofit to the middleman of $4. Oflft.OOft. How much of this would the grower receive? Oregon peo ple voted down the state market commission, which in' California has done nothing but strengthen the hands of the middleman and raise prices to the consumer. What can we good-natured, easy feoing Americans ido about it? We ean all refuse to' buy. If 2fo "Hum poui anu asK a bid on supplying them wirh a Thanksgiving roast turkey, or something just as good, they would be surprised at the rnii The consumer is the goat of the piesent system. He is unorgan zed.; He can only defeat thl robbery br striking for his rights, ft hy; should our noblest hniMir. be made the occasion for plunder- in? me iamiiie7 The price boost ers even resort to lies to prepare the minds of the people for this extortion. A Portland paper Sun day said only one carload of tur- Kevs would be sent from Ookland 'his year, and the price might go to fiO cents wholesale. The time nas come to fight this grab. - Col. E. Hofer. BIG EATERS GET KIDNEY TROUBLE Take Knits at first feign of IMadder Irritation or Itack- aclie. . p.ounced may be considered as fairly accurate. On the basis of i the figures, as submitted to the ecretary or state, the total Ore son vote at the general election November 2 was 238,664. , - All Counties tor Harding. Every county In the state went lor the Kepublican presidential candidate. Cox ran strongest in L'nlon county where he waa 4M votes behind, out of 5000 cast. Multnomah county gave Harding a plurality of (17.000. In the state Cox received 4 0.000 votes less than did President Wilson four years ago. and Harding was given 1 i.ooo more votes tnan were accorded Hughes. The secretary of state's record show that Stanfield won over Chamberlain for United States senator by a vote of 16.362. Tho Democratic veteran renator car ried only Itaker. Crook, Deschutes Harney, Hoot! River and Umatilla counties. In Multnomah county Stanfield led by 3093. In the contests for representa tive in congress, only McArthnr of the third district had anything like a close run. Hi? plurality over Dr. Esther Pohl Lovejoy, Democratic-Prohibition candidate. was 6031. In his district he ran) over looo votes ahead of Stan field, but 7000 behind Harding. Complete figure shown In tfi ' secretary f state's records, foj low: ""."" ? For Presidential Klcctors. j Republican -George, 143.574.; 1 Hotchkiss. 143.275; Hume, 14H.- 1x9; Richardson. 143.151; Robb. 141.042. - t" . , - . Democratic Hayter, SO. 199; .T1$9. Dairy' ami Komi Commissioner. Hawley. Kepublican -Democrat. 1C3.X49; Voa liehren. Socialist. 18.631. , Public Sen Commissioner. Yeast Did you buy that hat for your wife? Crimson beak I did. .eaM Well, believe me. It makes her look fierce. Crimson beak Wetl. take It Eastern Oregon district Corey, j frcm me. she would have looked Republican, unopposed. 46.34 4. ( good deal Hercer If I hadn't. Western Oreron distriet Bnch- Yonkera Statesman. "NOW- A-DAYS" says the Good Judge A man can get a heap more satisfaction from a small chew of this class of tobacco, than he ever could-gct from a big chew of the old kind. He finds it costs less, too. The good tobacco taste lasts so much longer he doesn't need to have a fresh chew nearly as often. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. . Put in two styles W-B CUT is a long fmc-cut tobacco ; RIGHTCUTisashort-cut'tobacco SamudGciiVyA 0RcxBch G0IJVHINEIJR MORRIS 'THE PENALTY VCrVLLACE WORSLEY We cannot keep this picture longer than Wednesday, poj arrance lo come eariv. t LIBERTY new r t f. a -r -J night's rest. Yet, ha hesitates and dreads to go to bed lest be roll and toss throughout the night. Do you experience the horrors tdf nightmare and hwofnr.ifc? Am mu troubled with wakeful, revte nisrhU? Do you ret Bp in the morning feeling more t rd than when ytn went to bed. becaoM your rest i ocitUi bed umi Drakes! i ceo. it? 1 - m The Great General Tonic Th honp of be4-tiiie wE! xm tce iu terrore and yoa wi-' bciria to eeek your eotieh witli r -leosarabS anticipation ot i nifcht free from dotaifhaneea. LVli" wiU bWuTou witl nrret. eooad and peaceful aiuznber t1 brinr Vx down to tlw Mwt ll eubuttiMMk Lmkrut titain tneioomins li ctod aprr.U and in hrht'W -trnn. kwn for the d" artinue.: rested and refreaoed in UJy and miwi. and w.th a. LYKO-- to . piewaaJreo-, W 2Ucrl iVWiii i ' f i- AS a I tnnv-: a reiithats f.pe- i . -; iv;r '!;- -tC: W LYKO la tM la wie'iaal er- tierandaaexceUentaUniiiiaBt ' ir? - tii the nervooe ivtw. 1 1 n- - ! brain far ixi pny"' i ier.aDdrehaUl.talo.rener.Jlir f- -;f-S ffe AV-j . buttle kaiar and t-t rrf -XV r'.; -s --i TT- tJZJ 5 si-Ato;- itZi t-K;.-1YK0 MEDICINE CO. 7, f JT Yerk Caat Cty. Ma. Fur w!e hy all dntggiste. Always In stocli at Terry's drug store any time The American men and women must guard constantly against Kidney trouble, because we eat toe much meat and all our food is rich. Our blood is filled with uric acid which the kidneys strive to filter out. they weaken from overwork, become eluggish: the eliminative tissues clog and the result is kidney trouble, blaider weakness and a general decline in healih. When your kidneys feel like lumps or lead; your back hurt or tne urine is cloudy, full of sed iment, or you are Cbliged to seek renei two or three times during ine niptit; ir vou su'fer with s!ek headache or dizzy, nervous spells ac;a stomach, or yon have rheu matism when the weather is bad. eet. from your Pharmacist nlmnt four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water reiore breakfast for a few day rnd yetir kldneyg will then act fne. This famous salts Is made rom me acid of pranes and hmrn iiet. combined with lithia. 'nu nas been used for generations mo and stimulate the acids 5n the nrine so it no longer is a f i'rit.itionf thus ending blad.ler disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive- "ot-injure, makes a delightful ef-i .re.sceni nthia-water beverage and belongs in everv home h-. cause nobody can make a mi'stake! ? iiavmg a good kidney flushing ( mm i'lliHItitiiiillittilililillili!! ALL OUR WARNER CORSETS 25 Per Cent Reduction Warner corsets are a strictly high grade line and every one is guaranteed. Prices are marked in plain figures. See the savings for yourself. $2.00 Warner Corsets, now $1.50 i $2.50 Warner Corsets, now $1.88 $3. 00. Warner Corsets, now $2.25 $3.50 Warner Corsets, now $2.63 $4.00 Warner. Corsets, now $4.50 Warner Corsets, now $5.00 Warner Corsets, now..... $6.00 Warner Corsets, now $3.00 $3.38 $3.75 '.$4.50 GALE COMPANY Commercial and Court Streets Our Prices Always the Lowest Formerly. Chicago Store WE SAVE YOU MONEY FARMERS' CASH STORE C. BURT0I1 DURDALL 55c Silver Kisg Coffee, 3 IBs.$l 5 lbs. Ca!cncL95: 3 lbs. Crisco 83: 6 lbs. CriscQ..$1.74 9 lbs. Crisco..$2.59 10 lb. Karo Syrup ...84: 50c can Royal Blackberries 3!c 45c Pineapple.J3c 50c Fancy Santos Coffee, lb. -33c 4 lbs. Special Bleri ' Coffee ...:...82c Fresh Soda Cracken lb. 18c 35c Lemon or Vanil la Extract ......23c 2 cans Ripe Olives ..... 25c ! Notions At Half Price Bargains In Remnants Special Prices SUGAR FLOUR FARMERS' CASH STORE I C Burton Durdall Three Busy Stores Salem Sllvertea I Independence t