The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 19, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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'flit- fir.-t I.ko of nushVpaf.i-?,i ti. tlvr fii ' n fr f i-..
Iba Oregon Statesman, cam out I ional .litrit, $2173.
ai Oiveon City in .March. lHll.' HussM Hawking
"Observation. i''l
of th Journal -Mud" is l lit- lit'-;
f a V-partni-nt conducted ly-'
Frd Locihcy in th I'orilanil i
Journal. All old timi:s in tfuffia
know Mr. lAxWvy. wlMe Iw wu
tor a long tiin t-Hiployt-d in tlif
postoftice and on 'i'lit Stat-sM:in. j
Mr. LocklVy's departnjeni in thf
issue of tut- Portland Journal "of.
last Tupsday was devottl lo X. F.
Nelson, a qnefr t'lackamjs conn-:
ty cht'.ract r, who was in Salem;
during the last ?tau- fair; and vis-,
ited at the .M Asahl Hush lioiuci
Hut W Mr. Lokl-y tell tin1 slory.
It follows, in lull:
"So ir. f folks ay I "have bats in
my .Wlfrv." said N. K. NVlson of
Oak Grove. Clackamas county, toj
Impressions lory t !- mure sure you will 1 that
in tuajuriiy is geiifiaiiy hj.
li'a pH-'s.iv 1 am crazy on on
shIjh ci. ami that is lht n'il for 0vtl
Hi.- formation of a new party. The
I wo li parties have Rone lo seed.
I am going lo found a flew parly.
It will be called the Progressive-il.-uiotiaiive-Uepublican
party, and
1 .ion't uiind telling you right
now that I; intend to announce
myself as a candidate for 'the uf
fite of president of the new par-
; ty. lo be elected four years front
'now. People tap their foreheads
when 1 tell them this. but. in
i confidence. I'll tell you I ain't as
1 crazy a they think I am. You
M-e. i tan my new parry rorres-
In those dayn Oregon City was the in behalf of Ucberl X. Stanfleld.
capital of Onjcon Territory, Wheu: I nited States senator Mi con grew.
Salem liecame the capital h-1 It.-pu'ilican. ji-'J-
moved to Salem. 1 hen CorTalhs J. (). r. alley.
became the capital and he moved
his paper there, and when the cap-
Ivnland. candi-
Jale for aMorney general. 4.:
O. P. ;hW. Koj-eburK. Candi-
i';iti- for attorney peneral. f 2.: 1.31
. !: Kmery. Tolelu. chairman
the paper lo yeais. He sold ii i Lim-oin county Kt-puwiuau cen
in 1 St; 1 and its name was chan.-ed J tral ci.mmiitee. $a.
I nion. I.aier it w in ' I.. i t ort, treasurer nemou
w-t-nt back to Salem he fol
Willi ins paper. iati;
to the
chant-ed back
to the Oregon j
I sIve-denitHrat it-Republican.
,o.intv Itepublican Mitral com-
.it tee. JIU'O.ST.
J ('. llaiinon. Portland, secre
f;:r treasurer Portland Local
Pliimti Plan league. contrtoitin
i;i Oi--koii Popular tlovernment
Till "rn Iiemover Is Ouaranteetl
Throw a war that dan scroti razor and
planter. , lon't wpnti your lim simply
'tratinK',' that pMUferoti. aching torsi
Grt rid of it with "lifts-It. Hrmore it.
me rec. nwv. .as as iiidi , e lQ yQU?
ahead of his time has been laughed j sh the votes of thepra
at and pointed out as a queer duck j Kl t.sslve voteIS who are M of tll!?
and thought by the-ignorant and; stan(1 polick.rt uf lhe lwo oUl
unth.nking mob to have screw : u b oaUing u democratic I
Uwm.. The more you smdy hi:t lhe Votes of all factions of the
- i Democratic party, including Bry-
ail's following, and by including
'the name Itepublican in the way
j I have, the voters of that party
i will think the Republican party
jhas captured the other two par
ities; so you see I shall get their
i votes; I'll get the voters com-
hng and going. Whether 1 am
-.crazy or not, I have lots of com
jpany, for you can always find plen-
ty of candidates every four years.
who believe they tan land the
job of president. Don't dwell on
my presidential aspirations too
strongly, or all the other candi
dates might combine against me.
"Who am I? Well, I have lived
in Oregon 70 years, so I ought
to know something of the needs of
Oregon and the West. My full
name is Napoleon Franklin Nel
son. I was born in Lpringfield.
111., a little over four score years
ago. My ratner, ueorge m. nel
son, was born in Georgia and was
reared in Virginia. My mother,
Thetis Norie, was of French and
Irish blood and was born id North
Carolina. We crossed the plains
in 1851. Father spent the winter
of 1851-52 in Portland, working
at odd jobs. I went to Oregon City
in February, 1851, and got a job
as printer's devil for Asahel Bush.
Bush was born in Massachusetts
and came to Portland in the fall
of 1850: He had been a printer's
devil on the Sentinel at Saratoga
Spring., N. Y. He put in four
years learning the trade on the
Saratoga Sentinel. Many's the
time I have seen him standing at
the case setting type without any
copy. He set up his editorials
without committing them to writ
ing. He was a good typesetter,
being speedy as well as accurate..
m rvii e commissioner for the west
in Or-oii district. $27.1.40.
l-aac K. Staples. Portland. Re
.niblican-lHMiiocratic candidate fo
senator, I2tli senatorial district.)
"As I told you. 1 was ul. r; i ;i
devil. When 1 wtnt to work with
him 1j. was about 27 or IS years
old. lie was miphty shrewd an.l
i-'iiait.- I went with him to Sa
lem. The paper 'moved there in
18."i3. He began court int F.unenia, the daughter of John S.
Zither, surveyor general of Ore
gon, not long after we went to
Salem. She was a nmhty bright
aiid lovable girl, and good look
ing, too. One day Mr. flush ioll
me to stop work aad wash my
hands and face, as he wanted me
to deliver a very . important letit-r
lor him. It was to Miss Zieber.
I found out afterwards !t was his
proposal of marriage. Iater he
saJd to me. 'Here is a letter I wan:
you to deliver to. the Rev. F. S.
Hoyt at the college. Mr. Hoyt
was president of Willamette uni-
verpuy. n was jii. uusn s ieuer tr4a,rPr invested in bond". $4.-
io air. noji asKing mm to p-riorw , 13t, ;ji3.l : a,sb. $.-.52,34 4.71:
ine marnaKe ceremony. uua ami ,rt..i rfpnnsited with state treami-
n uc-rer $4.S2.657.72; cash in bank,
i ?77. 170.74; cash on hand. $5.
127.74: totJ cslh assets. 4.-
of coir.-ciTr.ii. f 1 T.'j 4 1 ; accraeJ,
inteieKt. 2l.Zo; total all a)-t.
4.!!.l 2s.l.
I.latnht ie: I'eere ratatne ;
plu- fund. $Ut. Ht.C 4; reserve re-'
I. nl.ilitatn.ii fund. I l-'..ii4.'.r.7.
lb i in r:-rveM set aiiie.
;ii; .;: amount to Ik s t aide to
l.i in t; s'r.-rai'd fund up to the'
' rer-a i y reiiii.-in uts to June
'20. lpi. 2. H :...: r.H. rerve ne-
ci.jiary to rni-t tlalui puyin-nt
; cov red l.y out -l.tinli'i.; s-t-
tleiuent voiirbers. $2. !.; r-.-ei
based on actual etwrt :ice to tak.
'citre of pending claim-. $.12.
. I'. 27: reserve rernuiieni par
tial dis tbihty not iv r r 4 months.
$.. '.12. unearned preitiiui.i.
! $2...!K7.54; iiiielanne.l warrant
4c:inr-elled. 42x!.47: unpaid Mils
section 19. $2:..!'1.2'J; nna
Fltned surplus. 2..4i.'3; total
1 1) Mlilie fcd ur.ltt. t 4. .
12. CI.
Uncle of Jess Willard
Washes Dishes in Salem
Makes Food
Tasto Good
William. 1. Penntt. Portland. ' ctier i.
DeniiK-iatir candidate for public i uiipaiJ me.lical aid re'und-.. fl.-
iiZi.i; tiiridend-i unpaid. -..- hlai. but
io.35; surplus as required by tafed to.
Kra 11. Wlllatd. 73 yesrt !.!. '
and claiming to lw an uncle tf Cr? an afitite, ai! l:ct ;
Jeii Wdiard the puurili-l. ,tr.:V iU nl thu r.-v J
p. arel here Saturday and ha . ,rn,f uij. itth. lb. tilni :!
jolt wa-hin4 dlheK in a lorai
restaurant, lie N a Mr man and
tlalio to ! an among;
other Ihinrs. He kv- hi !
, fitht was with a man from Chi-
' . . . Vl.vx.iv l.t In IKS
He says he put liU ope.nenl away . i1" iftlMw y t tw.
, in the fourth round. l think ' llwd'a IMU h:p c:Urtiv
Jes mtcht "corne bark II lie
would allow Mmeone to train
that Jen won't fee itic-
(K' ,f rh'iinnllm aoJ
ir rh ta the hot Fytem. m
Sftr'ylt tin' .h,mM! sav
t-:i t!;. !jr .f th cr-at fnrit ul
jm. of ll.u!'s KaraMrl'aw 'l
Read the Classified Ads.'
Assets cf Commission j
Placed at $4 ,809,1 28
. i
Total assets of the state Indus-'
trial act id en t commii-sion. accord
ing to a linancial statement made
yesterday nre as follows:
Assets: On deposit with state
Miss Zieber weie married
tober. 1S54.
TIm Safe, SenaiUa. Quick. PualcM taws
Kowmt- Gt4u
WmolT !i)Ir two or three drops of
thia tTorit corn remedy and your pain
from THAT corn ra inrtrer. Thn
in two or three day, if the corn hat
not dropped off. take hold with your fin
gera' sad. lift it off as eail ou peel(
banana! Yon nerer enjoyed nrh in-atant,-
delightfal relief from corn miery,
yyao never osed anything o . perfect as
"'Gets-It.' It neer fail.
jets-H" eoMs hot a trifle at anv drag
atore. Honey back ruaranteed. Mfd. by
K.."Lawrenee k to.. Chirayo. Sold in Sa
lem and recommended as the world's best
mra remedy by J. C. Perry and D. 3.
' Fry. - . .1
Big Event Is on
of High Grade
Merchandise at
"I worked for Mr. Bush three
years. Then, because I didn't like
the foreman. I quit and went to
work for Charles ilatoon. a Bap
tist preacher, who was running a
rolfsious paper at Eola, across the
Willamette river from Salem, on
the Polk county side. His paper
was called the Expositor. Mr.
Matoon was a hard-headed, hard
fisted, hard-workinp, goodhearted.
ignorant man. He was a natural
mathematician. He was the au
thor of Ma toon's Arithmetic-.
which was used in the country
schools of Oregon in the early
"You can't tell how good the
meat is in a black walnut by look
ing at its rough shell. Because I
look like a 'nut' is no sign that
I am one. My hands are calloused
and bent with hard work, and I
dress roughly, but I havf had a
good education. Some people
think I am suffering from the il
lusion of greatness, but so did
Emperor William, and as far as
mat goes, you won t nave to go
out of this country to find plen
ty of men affected in the same
way. Everybody is a little off
some on one thing and some on
. '
"When the Expositor at Eola
failed I was out of a job. so 1
went to school at Pleasant Hill, in
Polk county. "Later I went to
school at Dallas. In 1858 I came
to Portland and attended the Port
land academy and female semi
nary, run by Professor C. S. Kings
ley and wife. Later I attended
Bethel, academy In Polk county,
which was in charge of Dr. L. L.
I Rowland and Professor Nathaniel
HTiriaon. I studied French, Latin.
geometry, surveying and trigonom
etry there. Dave Holmes was a
classmate of mine. William Gal
loway, later circuit judge, was al
so a schoolmate.
"How am I fixed? I can get
along. I ain't aiming to be pres
ident for the salary. I believe I
can do better work as president
than a lot ire have had. I believe
in woman suffrage and in prohi
bition and am against war. I will
have two or three women in my
cabinet. Idon't Tigure I am smart
enough to 'run the whole country,
but I. am smart enough to get
wise men in my cabinet to help
run the country."
7G4.SnI6.20: premiums in course
Almost Instant llelief and ut Very
Small Cost.
i'. '. Urn t
' r-
The moment you apply a little
Mentbo-Sulpnur the itching, irri
tation and bleeding stops. Don't
"continue to suffer because quick
relief awaits you.
Any druggist will supply you
with a small Jar or Mentho-Hul-phur.
This seems to soothe, heal
and dry up the trouble quicker
than anything else.
Starts Sunday, at
. -r . -
'e- wj ji J . I. il M- ai .
TV il U
Thanksgiving table linens at unu.ually interestin-j prices. Our annual
event in table linens. With Thanksgiving so near at hand thU sale comes
at an opportune time for everyone planning pretty table jJisplaya for the
CO inch Fancy White Mercerized Table Damask, per yard.
58 inch Fancy White Floral Patterns Table Damask, per yard $1.15
6G inch Fancy White Floral Patterns Table Damask, per yard $1.69
72 inch Fancy White Floral' Patterns Table Damask, per yard $1.69
Table Napkins, plain white, per dozen . $1.98
Table Napkins, Mercerized White, per dozen $2.25
Table Napkins, Mercerized White, per dozen $2.75
Oar Prices Always the Lowest
Commercial and Court Streets
Formerly Chicago Store
Offi AND
The Choice Prizes of Lif e Are Won
By the Healthy and Strong
1 TTm weak. soft. Cabby-muscled those who tre deficient in vigor and vital force hav
rver bad to Buffer the buniUation of being ruthleaalv anovrd atide by their atronirer riralaa
A clear, ruady complexion; btitrht eves: hardeneal muscles: and well knit-together body
if elastic atep acd vr y, ecnsutiia tramp card in any guru wr ether ot love or buaineM
If you feel that you are out
laMMtd. lacking- the atamina w
itaad up and claim your own. -.
Ion't delay another day in com., 1
sieocins to take
LTK9 U eoM la orUisal pwk'
ar eaty, like pictwre abava.
1 ,MX A '
The Great General Tonic
It wit restore that confinre you need to combat the erer
opDaeiner forcea of aocial and buainesa life; it will give you
the heart and npirit to do and the courage to challenfre the
world to your right to a place in the Sun. becauae it will re
build your physical atrenirth and mental power to a state of
perfect health, atrenrthenittg' your rem -down aystem with
better nourishment becauae of ita (Treat aid to digestion.
"LYKO" a refreshing appetizer aad an exceptional general
. tonic in those subnormal conditions of tiie physical aad nerv
cus systenu, such aa muscular and mental fatigue, persuua
I xhauHtMin, general weakness, or debility following a pro
trnctcd illness or the result ef a wasting disease, lt'a truly
Nature's tirst assistant aa a restorative agent a really re
markable reconstructive. All druggistn 'ave LYKO. Gets
bcHtie tLAAr begin at once to feei&rU kwk better.
- Sclc M&aujfatturers:
New York - City. Ma.
Pot sale by all druggists. Always in stock at Perry's drug store
Over $8000 is Spent by
Multnomah Republicans
Joan L. Dav. chairman of the
Multnomah County Republican
central committee, reports to the
secretary of state an expenditure
of $S142,91 in behalf of the Re
publican ticket. Josephine Fritz,
secretary treasurer of the Public
Fchoo.1 Protective leaftue.. reports
an expenditure of $3504.10 in be
half of the anti-vaccination meas
The following candidates file
niatenients ' showing that they
were it no exnense In Hip cam-
Robert S. Farrell, Portland. Re
publican candidate for state sen
ator from tlio 1tth OAtiatnriol
- . i tin i hi iui un- ,
tiirt- U" IT k'nkll ni l , .1 r
publican - Democratic candidate
for representative from the ISth
representative district; R. J. Cars
ner. Spray, Republican-Democratic
candidate for representative
from the 28th representative dis
trict. Other expense statements were
filed as follows:
Karl. V. Lively, treasurer Re
publican congressional committee,
third Oregon district, in behalf
of C -X. McArthur. Representa
tive in congress. $1203.4 3.
IJ. H. Dodine. Albany, chair
man Linn county Republican -central
committee, '$147.
Walter M. Cook. Portland, in
behalf of defeating the reduction
of the legal rate of Interest meas
ure, $S.45.
.A. C. .Marsters. Rosebnrg, treas
urer Douglas county Republican
central committee, $415.92. '
J. C. .Smith, Grants Pass. Re
publican' candidate Tor-state sen
ator, seveth senatorial district.
$1. -
A. h. fihiria, Sutherlin, Repub
lican canclidatjr for representative
ourth" reprtserttaUve district,
$17.50. .
Frank Sloan. Stanfield. Repul-J
uran candidate for .representative,
23rd representative district.
IJeryl A. Green, secretary treas
urer Oregon Popular Government
league, in behalf of Esther Pohl
Lcvejoy for Iiepiocratic represen-
We are compelled to make room for our large stock oi Goodyear Tires and
Tubes and In order to do so. we are closing out our stock of all other makes
of . , iCCl
ft rl
TIRES Regular Sale
Price . Price
S0x3 Perfection non-skid.. $23.33 $14.00
30x3L- Goodrich Safety Tread 23J0 15.47
31x4 Goodrich Safety Tread 27.C5 18.41
30x3 Goodrich Smooth Tread 17.15 11.43
30x3j Knight Cord, non-skid 30.80 22.15
30x3 Micbelin Universal Tread 18.G5 11.19
30x3' . Globe non-skid 27 DO 16.74
32x4 Norwalk Q. D. non-skid 463) 23.10
32x4 Federal S. S. Traffic. 3G.33 18.1 G
32x4 U U. S. Chain Tread .. 50.00 370
32x4 Firestone non-skid 50.00 33J4
31x4 Portage, Daisy Tread. 35.80 2X87
31x4 Federal, Rugged 37.50 25.00
30x3 Federal . .
31x4 Federal
37x5 HeaT Tubes
36x4', Heavy Tubes
36x4 Heavy Tubes
32x4 Heavy Tubes
34x4 Heavy Tubes
33x4 Heavy lubes
Several Large Size Tire Covers at 50 PER CENT OFF
Here is a wonderful opportunity to buy cheap tire mileage.
10 lbs. Karo Sjn,
75c Good value Brocrs
- - i
each (fc
Kellogg's Corn FUlcs,
3 for (2c
Best Grade Peirct
But, 5 Ira
Royal Club CaUt?, 2
' pint bottles
3 Iba. Gem Not Mar
'sarin e -ffc
Get Our Prices oa
Flour and Sogar be
fore buying
3 lbs, Crisco $$c
6 lbs. CrUco JIJsJ
9 lb. Crlsco f29
17 bars Good Wii'e
Laundry Soap Jl
22 bar Elk SaTca
Laundry Soap fj
$7 to $10 Lakes'
Sweaters $423
3 lb. and 55c Siher
3 lbs. Special eM
King Coffee -Jl
Notions at Half Prirt
IV Save You lUnrf
C. Barton Dsrdctt
Three Busy Stores
f -