THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON. FRIDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 19. 1920 T 2 51 juts r , nc::::"'":::." a (sis inStrtians) . . 20 TTfc,- eostrset, per mo.. 15a eeatmrt. pt jtTfcf say ndvartuemeat 25s M ISCE LIGNEOUS STRAWBERRY PLANTS j STRONG vigoroaa. well rooted." Any ! quantity ; Oregon, Marshall. Ma toon, Trebla. hU tersburg No. 121. 1'ttersbtifg No. 80, Uold Dollar. Wilson. Prorreiive Ever bearing; 100. of each varietyj $8 post paid, or 10O each of anr fohr. $1: de livered fin city. Quantity pricra inter esting. Wart! K. Ruhardsou, 2395 Fr.-nt sirect. Phone 4'4. ! f . cnTIPTV noland Burgliardt ejkdsea. 371 State. St. X. K. FORD iQTtrUdd & Bash Bang) FARTtl LOANS HAYrUNS & ROBERTS LsO' Oregon Uuildtng FOB SALE TRUCK CHAINS ALT CAPITAL JUNK i BAR- SIZES GAIN PHONE 398 HOUSE. 215 CENTER ST. NEW TODAY tZxrtD T.XrERIENCEO COOK. EX Tt s.Ury if work is ..tiafactpry in. A. N. Bosh, 97 Cnemeac... ...urM. HTRr, TO -AS' A5TI.1 a c room and Phone 6 or call at-,-. "f CAPTIVITY Of THE OATXAT GIRLS Thia true atory of western immigra- lion aaa teen carefully ravieed, making a handsome little took. It tel'.a in rranhic terma of the massacre of the Oatman family, of the eacape of Lo renzo, and tbe captivity of Mary .and Olive.. 5 Mary died of atarvatioa and Olive vii purchased from the Indiana five yeara later. The price ia SO cents, postpaid. Addreas Oregon Teachers Monthly. . Salens, Oregon. STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED u yeara experience; Depot National fence, siiea 26 to 58 inches high. Paiata, oil and varnishes, etc., loganberry and bop hooka. galea Fence and Stove yprha, 250 Coort street. Phone 124. SECOND IIAXD GOODS WT Piry AND SELL SfcOOTD HAND gooue of all kinds, pipe fittings, har neaa. collars, collar pads, toois, and chains. Fred Schiadler. 258 Center atreet. WALL PAPER, PA 1ST REAL ESTATE WORTH WHILE WALL PAPER AND CEILING PAPER 20e and. ap doable roll. Mas O. Ba re n, 179 N. Commercial St. SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALL Paper and Ptctare Framing. Good workmen. 4M Coart St. Phone 485. PHYSICIANS AXD SURGEONS KATHERINE 8CHLEEF. M. D, PHY- aictan ana sargeon. unices uregon bailding. rooma 411-13. Phone 540, 204. Over Oregon Electric depot. TTATER 0 r-xMn house and 2 lota, garage, some fruit tree, fireplace in bouse. Price 31650. oo cash. 5 room bungalow, full basement, electric ligutv. built-in feature. 3 Ul. A few fruit tree- a, cod buy. Price 225(1, 1-J rab. balance terma to salt near eicciric rauroau i a.ivn . , all in cultivation. -" irrn nrunea. 6rlurs sion Street, said grade Khali con form to the grades Indicated on a plan designated ' Plan of grade for the Improvement of High Street from Union Street to Div ision Street. No. 3." which vu filed In the office of the City Re corder on the 15th day of Not ember. 1920. which said plan t hereby referred to and made a n.-irf horatrvf tnr m n,..m A i TajI t f - - - - - mvm Ill i I V s,Tm..V, .description of the proposed "WALLBOARD" CAN BE USED OVER lath et studding. Can be tinted or papered. Mas O. Bur en, 179 Korth Commercial street. SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER Co., office 301 Sooth Co-m'l atreet. Tea per cent diaconnt oa domestic flat rates paid ia advance. No de ductions for absence or any cause ma- lees water is shut off your premises. buildings. Price $iMu, reasonable term. 9 acre cloe to city limit, near car lino. acre in bearing fruit. row houe. gfK.'d barn. well. Price iiHK f cash, good term on balance. MILLS & COPLEY mi'i State Street , Phone 175 WALFELT": TOUR HOUSE: IT'S superior to clo-tn, at about half price. alas u. ourcn, its n. urn I (it. , " jnsCELLAXEOUS PROFESSIONAL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICLAXS THE FLKMIM) REALTY C. Offer three good farms, innpecttd t't weeV and approrel by them a reason able in lining price, running arennd tl2- an acre tone at 7ji. J hey con atitute a good buy, e::her one of theia. Come in and ee n. 341 State atreet. THESE ARE PRICED RIQHT 20 arret. 15 cultivated, timber enough for about 2) cords of wood, 3'j mile out. close to paved mad . 3225U; 75 rash. Also a good lo ganberry field for "sale. Ma gee. room -9. comer State and Commercial over Buairk's. Cfl. By order of the Common Coun- EARL RACE. City Recorder, Date of first publication of this notice is XoTember 17. 1920 after I had dnty Inspected the claimed, and I was glad. Indeed, photograph of hr niece. 'to that my hostess nnsuspect- 'Oh. how deliRhtfnl!" she es-!ingly translat-d tbe note of re claimed. "Do tell me about It." lief In my voice into to enthuslas- "There relly is nothing to1 tic expression of Interest, tell." I returned mendaciously i "Yes. h sa'lo rst week." tha "Her nure and mine knerr each ' "other Mrs. Graham replied. othr very well, and I saw hef j ' Itn'l It monderfuir" quit frequently. She is a niot "Indeed it I retarned charming woman, and how cloe i heartily. "I actually envy the ly she resembles you- womm who have the boip Ul "Do yon really think so? hr training in then? time. They akd. a pleaiud inflection in her J have such l-on idle-s opportunities tone, and I drew a d-ep breath ; for arvlce. i'iur niece ought to of satisfaction that tbe subject ; L especially well avUpted to tb? had been o stirressfully skirted. ; war work." I added. For if I read Winifred Hovt's In my tbankf olnea that I was clear. honeM eyes aright. o word i aoon to be relieved of the possl of mr ?iperience in tbe hospital ; bility of meeting 5Ii lloyt I felt a A il 1 if PA9fh Vi an an so s iKtsMiak I r! TiiantaTa-t t1 sir gft ff a Fit 1 K I ft aw TTs! aa . Adopted by the Common Council I her. She miitht pak casually of i ant concernng her that I could, this l,th day of November. 1520. her Interesting painT. but of! "She Is." my hostess confirmed more peron incidents. never; my lateutnt with emphals. m hTh was of the type of nurse to , th- first place, she's a wonderful which mr llttl? friend. Katberin i nurse. nd In tbe second place I Sonnot. belonged, to whom the never saw such d,scretlon as hers, coincidences, the secrets of her; WheA she lae the hospital sh- sick rooms were as sacred as lfieemsto Orget everything con- thv had b-en given to a priest, reeled with It. She rarely men Attest: EARL RACE. City Recorder. acrrjal si. 71 YOU (JOT P(rTTOKS! SEE i.. BattBUCTa. CHRISTMAS Tti ON WATLi rjlir(K,4 or at "T. . .j.i "C70." statesman. UJ.IU .11.1." - SACKS, SACKS FOR SALE 10O.00O grain, oat and potato sack a. Capital Junk and Bargain House, 215 Center street. I'hone 398. WOOD DRY WOOD FOR SALE. PHONE 77F2. " - nt TaI E OVELAND r0 ALla,.a Tern... tbcry, City . - as tiarage. CALL THE SAJLEM FUEL TARDS FOR your wood and coal; office 752 Trade atreel. fbone 529. TlYTED-HIDDLE " AGED H0USE-"MiirT-e eoaatry farm for single Zi, Jlast he acst and good cook. Sd hem ler TigBt party. Addrea Jeffries Bt. 2. Box 2i. Automobile Directory SLIGHTLY USED FORDSON TRACTOR A bargain. 3-19 Ferry street. rfAKTMENT , OB. lf" wantea CBlUtrrn. liricrencra Addrrs CC" care aad wife, farawaed. Suteaaaaa, VjLVrtD MIDDLE AGED OR EMEU- h1 lacy tor noascaceping. i toj iiriv ru street. filit FOR RENT SEE WM. FLEM mi. rUie sirygi. - SALE ONE S-ROOM AND ONE 8 kaase in paiem on zooa terms, i aa euppiag at the Oregon Bath House w a few days. Ca!l and see me. 4. - - tTRFS. BEST OF SOIL. FAMILY ard. 4 room house, gwt barn and Mker wat haildinz. water yatera. asd hay at 34250. Modern 6 room sneat en 23rd at- 83500. Nice home. 1 smsss, close in on Liberty st 1MT, Wi stste, fhone sot. PETTEY'S REALTY CO. OREGON LAND CO. Oal - boue (modern escepj base- vM garage, barn, tw lots, good gar V. ea ear line, immediate possession : tlWH) will handle. V 1mn -htoe with all modern con fnseat. close in. only 1 block to car has, IJOC'0. cry easy payments. W Ml estate of all kinds and prices. Ltt as shew yon what we have. OREGON LAND CO. 442 Stats St, : EMPLOYMENT , FEMALE "WALL PASTE." SO COOKJXO RE- quired. Siicka everything. Mas O. liuren,)i7 a. commercial atrial. DBS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, U. S. Kational Bank. Bid. S06 DR. W. U MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Physician and Surgeon, KirksvLle graduate, 404 and 405 U. S. Natl Bank building. Phone Olfice 919, residence 614. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, OSTEOPATHIC Pbyaician Horse. 403-404 uregoa Bldg. Phones: Of fie 1394; Res. 58F5. FOR SALE STRICTLY MODERN room house, close ia. easy payments. immediate possion. Hart aad Mullcr, 208 Oregon bldg. NEW BUNGALOW NEAR JASOX Lee church in North Salem. Owner a must sell on account of business tak ing them to Portland. Part of pur chase price may be paid ia monthly installments like rent. Price 13250. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple. Salem. Oregon. CHIROPRACTORS. DR. O. L. SCOTT. P. S. C, CHIROPRAC- t..r. 309-12 U. i. K.nk Bllj. l'Uona 87. Re. 82SH. 0LES0N MOTOR CAR CO. 343 X. Commercial SL Used Car Center. 1915 Stndebaker 1917 Chalmers 1917 Saxon Sis .... Chevrolet Phone C6G Quick Changes. ... .3325 40 , S00 37: REAL ESTATE A FINE SMALL TRACT WITH I-O- gan. atrawberriea- and i-earmj prunes, bone needs repair, bnt iil Bake a good income property well a one of sT.e beat of suburban bonier, a mile from ear line; gud ruad tbe year round. THE FLEMING REALTY CO. New 2i ton Day-Elder truck at bargain. l-4 liarley-Daridson motorcycle and aide car at a bargain. Many other good buy in naed cars. .NOTICE Tt COXTlUtTOItH. WALDO HILLS FARM 130 acres best soil, all in cultivation but 10 acres of pasture and timber with creek, modern bungalow and fine large barn, garage, other building: spring well with gas engine and tank piped to all buildings; 5i acrea ia fall wheat. One of the best farms ia fa lem vicinity. 3150 an acre with terma. Would consider some Salem property. BARBER & PEARSON 200 Gray Bldg. F0R1RENT ROOMS FOR! RENT ONE BEDROOM. S35 Uollvue. 1'hone 536W. FOR RENT TO A EXTLEMAIf. ROOM .oa home with , all modern conveniences. Addrea B. Ln csre Statesman. HOUSES F. L. WOOD. 831 STATE 8T, estate, rentals. Hull 7-ROOM HOUSE. PAVED SittEET AND rarline. price $4300. 1 block 8-room modern house, complete. SGOiiO. terma reasonable. 10J acre. 65 in cultivation, heavy dark ao:l. choice buildings, place a:l finishea 34 miles from railroad town. 190-acre firm, good buildings, to trade for town property, terma on balance; 373 per acre. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. C. S. Natl Bank bldg. Phone 470 SPLESDID SROOM PLASTERED bouse, small basement, electric lights, bath arad toilet, on good street, close in; only 32650; .3650 down; snap. This fine property must bo sold. Walter Mc Laren, Koom zi. 180 aorta tommer- 4 ROOM COTTAGE ON 17th STREET, end good lot for SIJOO; $500 cah. balance 313 per month, or for a t'rm of yeais at per rent. It is a good bay. John II. Scott Realty Cr . 223 Oregon bldg. , MODERN BUNGALOW FOR HEXT ON condition that renter purrbave furni ture, wood. etc.. 320 a month; $90fl or leas will handle. Addreis C63, care Statesman. GREENHOUSES. CUT FLOWERS, POTTED PLANTS We speciaJixe in funeral pieces. We de liver. Plant and Blake's areenhoues, 1298 South l.tih at. Phone 1250W. WANTED- eial atreet. Phone 430. 53-ACRE FARM. 3 MILES OUT OF good mad, two barns, fine well with water system, 6-room hoae, for sale and will take some city property. Good lVs -story house of 7 room, modern except basement and furnace. 82350. Fine new unfinished bungalow of 5 rooms modern come in and aee it. LOOSE & PATT0N 370iState Street, Phone 987 Notii-e is hereby riven that the undersigned will receive bids until 5 o'clock p. m.. December Gth. 1920. for the construction of a cement sidewalk to be laid on the south tide of Hood street, be tween Commercial and Liberty streets, in front of and abutting upon lot 8. in block IS, of North Salem. Also, for the construction of a walk on the west side of fourth street, between Norway and Jef ferson streets, in front of and abutting upon lots 1. 2 and 3. in block 3 of North Salem. Also, for the construction of a walk on the north side of Gaines avenue, between Winter and Sum mor streets, in front of and abut ting upon lots 3 and 4, in block 71 of North Salem. Also, for the construction of a walk on the east side of 12th street, between Lee and Waller streets. In front of and abutting upon lot No. 4. block No. 5. Yew Park addition to the City of Sa lem. Oregon. Also, for the construction of a walk on the east side of 12th street, between Lee? and Waller streets, in front of and abutting ppon the north ZO feet of lot 3. block Z. Yew Park addition to the City of Salem. Oregon. Also, for tbe constructlon-of a walk on the soath side of Ferry street, between 13tB and 14th streets, in front of and abutting upon lots 1 and 2. in block No. 35 of University addition to the City of Salem, Oregon, Plans and specifications may be had at the office of the City Recorder. EARL RACE. City Recorder. But I made up my mind that delightful aa I Imagined a friend ship with "the other Mrs. Gra ham would be. I should have to avoid It as much as I possibly could. In my present excited state of mind I simply couldn't brook the possibility of meeting Miss Hoyt s clear eyes, with the hint of quiet, disdainful amuse ment In their depths that I had so often fanc'd I bad seen .luring tb last two weeks. I had hard work keening u- with my hostesV gentle flow of words concerning her niece, for mv own tnouirhts wer so turou tlons evn the name of one ot her patients, and as for telliar me Interesting or amusing Inci dents concerning ber work, as so manv nurses do. aad with no harm either. I don't tlrnk I have eer heard her say V words about any patient she ever had." My spirits rose at ber words, although I had been practically sure of what she was telling me before she spoke. If Miss lloyt never spoke of her patients, and was going to sail for France the next week there would be no ned of my abridging my acquaintance hln with her rhartslBt aunt be- for a successful urrw. buf t ara sure I never could te one." An Unexpected ArrlvaL -It requires an unusual torn blnat on of quatiti. my host ess asserted. Dut do let rue gle o another cup of tea? Youra I quite cold. ' -Thank you. I returned, re linquishing my cup to her. Your tea ia too delclj for as to re fuse. Hut I don't deserve anoth er, although It as because I was so lntereted In what yon wr aaln that I let mln get old. "hat ar delUbtful compli ment!" ahe Broiled, looking into ber teapot of quaint Cblnea ware. D yOU know. tht POI lJ entire ly too large for Juit tr. It a too bid ther- Isn't so'tteliody ela here 10 enjoy tbe other eupa. A clear tinkling of the dootbill punctuated ber sentence. Sb smiled as sh re. -Perbai mv wish has coma tru. he raid a the left tb room. A moment later I heard her voire la the ball: "Why. Winifred, my dear, how glad and surprised I am! Come right out to th veranda aad hava a cup of tea. There'a some ae there yonve met before. I To be continued! lnt as to require most of my at-! cause of th fear that I might tention. Hut the words "Amerl- j sout day encounter the clear eyes can hospital service caught my ear. and I turned a startled face to my hostess. FOR SALE LOGANBERRY TRACT 8 acrea ia full bearing, trellised with ce dar posts, rich loam soil. Price 34500, ,j cash, balance easy payments at 7 per cent. Hart k M oiler. 208 Oregoh Bldg. aAXTE&-r0ft HOME IN THE COO try; a audita aged woman for ligut ana ekefMg. Fsone 2 F4 MALE v I tXP tKIE.VC tD, RELIABLE 8ALES- aaa desires positiea. 1 hone 1028K. MISCELLANEOUS IISTED BOY TO HELP IN MAILING 1 . . . esaruneai. apply E)atesmaa omce, attain. MISCELLANEOUS - DUSTED .MEX AND WOMEN TO a farm paper subscriptions. A good rtiiHa te the rUht people. Address tat ranrie Homestead, Btefamaa Mag. ore, PKRSONAL FOUR FOOT -CORD WOOD WASTED 8alem Tile A Mercantile Co. STORE ROOM NOT LESS THAN 2030, good location in business section. State rent 'and location. Address CG5, Statesman. WILL GENTLEMAN WHO BOUGHT watch from 3. A. Rowland with, initials G. W. M. engraved on back, please communicate with George W. McLean. St. Paul. Ore. BUSINESS CARDS CARPENTERS iOHAKBlED-IJEST MATRIMONIAL W anWUhed, Free for stamp. Cor wa4at. Toledo. Ohio. FOR SALE WAXY Max 0. snrnri'L walltlxts. safer lOefoaad aad a p. it . lost ' Bt KSSESS OPPORTUNITIES' iitrrr parlor. well estab- eeuaeas, excellent location, start aakiag aseaer. Must aiice ill health. Ilon't roi thia . Madame Cnrlia. 101 Tir4 .1 Portland. re. FlXAXCIAii iJit-ajT .BOUGHT AND SOLD". """ a Kaberta. 205 Oregon bids. t HATE SOKE GOOD FARM M0RT- w sn. M0Knr8 ROBERTS 1 poultry ii.'iff"'1'1"' BLOODED BUTTEIi- ' raoae 20F5. t FOR CARPENTER WORK AND GEN eral repairing wanted done. ca!l 1959. CIIIXESE 1'HYSICIAX DR. U M. HUM CURES AST KKOWJt diaeaie. 153 8. High St, Phoao 883. FOOT SPECIALIST CHAS. E. TATRO Derangements of the fe't scientifically treated. Lady in at tendance. Room 404 Masonic Temple. HAT SHOPS. HAT SHOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S hats renovated and blocked 495 Court street. j ,,,, , i.vsuR.xci-:. WE WRITE INSURANCE ON ANY thing, in the best old line companies. See ns for insurance. Laflar 3e Laflar, 400 Oregon bnilding. L A. HAYF0RD Real Estato 305 State Street. 5-rooa plastered bonse. close ia on North Fourth street ; modern escept heat. Price 2000 terms. 5-roora plastered bungalow, modern ex cept heat, half block to ear. Price 81800 terma. 6 room house, close in oa paved street ' ' and car. Price 33300 half cash. 6 room plastered house, larga lot. Cheap at 31600. Good terma. 7-room plastered house, basement, on paved street and car line. Price $4000 terms. 8 room plastered house, close ia on paved atreet and car line,- modern, l'nce 35500 terms. 9-room plastered house, on State atreet; modern, good gara;e. Price $6000 part terma. 18 room furnished apartment bouse, close in. Fries $S00 good terms. If you are looking for a good home in the city we bave it. If you are looking for a home on easy payment we have it. If yon are looking for any kind of farm or fruit proposition we have it. '- See us. LA. HAYFORD 305 State Street. WOOD'S BARGAINS FIVE-ACRE TRACT CLOSE IN. GOOD ; improvements 352-10. Five acrea close 1 in. no buildings. 31300. 80-acre farm. 7 miles out, fine land, some timber; rock mad. a anap at $100 per acre. Nice four-room bungalow with' barn and two lota. $1300. Seven room bun galow with garage. $2700. Good six room house, psved street, good loca tion, $2250. Three-room houae, $5'Ml. Dry wood far aale. $7 per cord, also piano. $100. F. L WOOD 341 State Street. SEVERAL GOOD BUYS ON D STREET. A splendid farm of 32 'a acres, one mile from town. 12 acres l'a mile from Fair Ground. 2 housea fur rent. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage at. Tbone 118C HOUSES WHOLE MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED Marion GxtzzLtrj St Produce Ct Salem. Oregon. Phone 2488 I SALEM MARKETS I "r IHE I0nr- : TT 7l lt and beat In the west tie I .H!,iM fr live aonltrymea, IT " ILW u SalenV Send 5 Addroas The tT,7'fln JoarmMX. SaJem, Ore- anxnnssnBan-BZ"tWI" FAK3I pAPEr If VfWT . - fan. "' TO GET THE BEST tmr. t5e to The Pacific i7t). Oregon, for a threo- t saaaenpuoa. Mention this kTE STOCK. ALE 1400-POLND HORSE - 1-. Phone 709. asLLAXEOi;8 SALE-SEWING MACHINE nrmonth Rock hens. 1230 ,fi:-?rtr- Phone 848 hUT OAT TAKE YOUR NEXT FIRE INSUR anee with the Oresnn Fire Relief osociation of McMinnville. Oregon. Three yeara insurance for cost of two and no assessments. See STANDLEY t FOLEY Agents 1 and 2 Bnh Bank Bldg. Salem. Or. 1 - , LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPAJfY. 138 S. Liberty street. Phone Z5. Oldest Largest Beat. Established 1889. FINE 40 ACRES On paved highway. 3 miles from Salem; c!ne to achool and station.' More than half is under cultivation and balance ' is fine pasture with abundance of liv ing water: all can be cultivated and about 6 acre can be irrigated without expense. Excellent soil: ouildinrs arc only fair. Price $12.00; $4W cash, or will tak good amall tract as part payment. KINNEY & SMITH 409 State Street. Ground Floor. 5 room bungalow. eot frost, corner. 5 lot. Houe plastered, electric lights. bath, basement. A barn and chicken bouse on the place. 3 blocks from ra line. j block from, school. Price $ VKM. $JO(0 cash balance at b'e. Price with only two lots, $1000, $1500 cash, balance at 6r.r. Good 7-room atrictly modern honse. fur nace, bath, electric lights, plastered. Iropert well kept, nice ehrubery and shade trees, close in. Street paved. Garage. Price $6500, $3 00 cash, bal ance at Large 9-room modern house. Two lot, corner, east front. Two block a of car. 4 block of school. All large rooms, large closets. Large garage and eitra room for storing. Price .'HMI. $2'w0 cah, ba'ance at 6. Will sell with one lot for 4.V0. $2000 rash. 7-room plastered house. Furnace, electric lights, bath, sewer connections, all in good condition and close in. Paved treet. $4750, $2750 cashJralaace at 6 room bungalow plastered. electric light, bath, all in first rlaoi condition. On paved street. Two block of school, 3 blocks from car line. Price $42x. 7 room modern houe. large lot. comer and eat front. Four block from car line and school. Price -"-,H. $ll"H rash, balance at 7',c. A discount for all rash. 5 room bouae. 7 blocks from State street, close in. $ I "'". $ '0j cash. baL easy terms to auit buyer. C room houae. electric light a. bath. At car line. Electric lights and eiiy water in garage. Two lot. $JOOO. 5O0 cash and $500 annually. 7-room modern house, east front, lot 2 " 15V. all fenced. Large barn, iru.1 notice, wood houe. Frail of all kinds as well a berries. Chicken hi u.e and ten. A good buy at $04rtK, SJi't'O cah alanre at "Going To Franc-." "You will pardon me. I aalJ. "but I do not think I caucht just what you were saying. "Yots know my ears ever since my accl- I left the sentence anflnlahed purposely, salving my conse'ene with the sophistry that I had not actually said my hearing was of the woman who. I Instincmeir felt, had looked Into chambers ot my mind over which I was sure th curtains hadn't been securely drawn "I should think she would be glad to forget everything con nected with the hospital. I aald with a little shiver. I have the great! isdreiration. vn 'THE RESTLESS SEX" Starts Sunday at THE OREGON' THEATRE e iac i eavr 0 temporarily Impaired. "I know." she rejoined sympa thetically. "It Is often a tempo-1 rarv e.'fcct of a nervous shock such aa you must have under-1. rone. I wis speaking of mri niece's Joy In her prospect 6f Join-. ing the American hospital service next week. "She's going to France! I ex- TIME TABLES I ton S0C0L0FSKY 341 State Street SALEM OREGON CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY QualUy work, prompt service, 1284 Broaaway. Phone 183. ngnw,1rt PAINTIKO AXD PAPERHANGINO I have gone east on an extended visit and I recommend A. H. Clark (phone - 139CJ). aa a competent workman. Glenn L. Adams. MONEY TO UiS. LOANS 1 LOANS.! IF YOU WANT money on city property, aee us. We have it on good terms and low rate of intercut. Laflar Laflar. 406 7 Oregon bniHin; I in PRIVATE HOSPITALS. . LLai. OAT OR WHEAT 'tr-'Z-' 919 " Phone 73F11. "lEssr,..., .... . Sf! onr'3 AM) SOFT CAB- rnone 431 or rail WANTED CONFINEMENT CASES AT orivate hospital. I have best of equip ment. Phone 1959. GOOD BUYS 100-acre tract. 95 acres cultivaled, 3 acres timber. 4 acre 3 rear-old Ital ian prunes. Price 3130 per acre terms. , . .... "00-acre farm, 100 acres cultivaled. bal ance timber and pasture, running wa ter, baildins. rock road. Trice $100 per acre. .... , 130 a re farm. 1 t7 acres ru'tivated, z' building, good fences. god so;I. Price $110 per acre. ... 160-acre farm. 0O acres cultivated, bal ance pasture and timber: all machin ery goes. It-rows. 3 bores. 10 hoes. Price $l,0OO. 32-arre trat located close to Salem on paved road, good bunzalow, barn, dark prairie soil. Price 12.800. , 9 1 acre tract of Sd loean and straw lerry soil. 4 mile snth Pacific bign wr Price -$:t20o, $7()0 down, bal ance $500 per year at 6 per cent in-terewt. 10 cre tract of good bottom son. Tie.ny all cultivated, amall. shack. cloe torta- nave tion on S P. railroad, 5 milea south of 1 deSCf HOME BARGAINS AND INVESTMENTS 4 room bnngalow east front. "": half rash, bal. terms. 5-room bungalow. gwd corner lot. et front, $10tK, $250 raolt, balance like ren:. 3 room cottage. $iiO. $150 down. 40-acres mile out 'a in mil. 1200 cord wood all fine aoil. Price $4200. Terms. 75 acre limlier land east of Salem. f;ooj road. I'lOO cord wood timter, all fine loam soil. Snap. $75 per acre. Term. 105-arre farm 3 miles from town, half in cult. Good bldg.. good fence, stock, tool, machinery, feed. 81l0. Term. We want vour liatinz. liive us a trial. PERRlNE & MARSTERS 211-12 Gray Bldg. Phone !07 BUYTXG PRICE Essa and "Poaltrr Eggs, 74 e. Hens;-heavy, 24c. Hens, light. 2 0-2 2c. Old roosters. 8-ICc Ilro:iers, 22-2 4e. Pork. Mutton and Ceef Pork, on foot. 3ic. Lambs, 7c. Dressed hogs. 20c. Heef steers. 7V4-8C. Cows. 3-Sc. Top veal, 18-1 9c. rtay Clover hay. SZ1-I22. Oat and vetch nay, per $21-123. Chect hay, $21-23. Grain Wh?at. $1.33. Oats. 5"c. Ueans. S-6.a Mill Freda, Retail Mill ruu. $4 ton. Whole If to fr 'era Creamery butler. 61-62c. ltutterfat. S7c. rruit -' Oranges. $9.5v. Ilananaa. 13 1-Ze. lemons. $S. Grape fruit. $6. Ariz.. $6.-0 Florida. tS.Z(t. Cranberries. Z.Z. Dates, $7.23 case. Vegetables Cajbage, 1 l-2c. Onions. Oregon. $1.75. Onions. California, $2.40. Turnips, $2.00. Carrots. $1.00 sack. Green pepper. 15c. Cauliflower. $1.7. doz. lates, 23c lb. Lettuce. $ crt. Parsley SOc dozen bunches. Beets. 75c doxen bunchca. Tomatoes, $2.25 crate. Potatoes, new. 2c. Sweet" potatoes. 4 1-2 to 3e. Cababas. 3 l-:c lb. Grape. 14c lb. Huckleberries. 18c lb. Comb honey, case. $. Celery, 90c doz bnncbe. Honey, extracted 20c lb. net a 11 Creamery butter. 63c. Eggs. 83c. Flour, hard wheat. $ :.So-$3.3u Flour, valley. 12.75. Hard wheat flour, $3.50-13.75 Sugar. $12. : wxrrRXR-r nemo co. 1 Erfertlvs sa4ay. Vinasn II, 1330 f . aad thereafter. variaawsaai !. S4 Oregaaiaa 3:fasi N. IS Or. goal Eapre. a:Oam No. 24 Willamette Limited :!ia So. I Portland Paaaeager 5:a Xa.ttCeM Bay 3:33 pss Na. 14 Portlaad Eaprea 7:31pm aWatAVoaaa! Xo. S3 Oregosiaa 3 :03 saj Na,rIFoe Ea-ea 1 o :". aa. No. 13 aliforaia Kswreva 1:3 am No. 17 RMobarg Pssawager .... No. 27 Willamette Limited .... :" No. I3Haa Fraaciecw Pass :3tpm ' alXirX-GXAX IXT No. 73 Jtrrivo at Salem :10as N.. 74 Leave Salem 4:00 pa IALEM. FALLS CITY ft WXSTXljr 111 Uttri Saleta, sao'er...... T:4Sa) 1 Leaves Salem, aaater...... 9:J3aa Salem. actr I :St sa Through far to M.asseata aad Arlw JTt lt'M halem fer Dallas... 5:Aaa I S3 Arrives at Salasa 9:10 aa) !4 Arrives st Salem 11 :00 1 Arrives at Saleta 3:20ssj 173 Arrives at laaleai 7:40 pat Train No. It arrives at !.. . 4 se Tiain Xa. 12 a r rices at Salem.. S.otpaa PUULIC XOTICES. NOTICE a n: .. u. --sT'- 'rvBt. - tMilr."R 0' WOOD LADDERS '-!. corn planter.' Phone -Tr-rr iL H jJ-uir.--GAXO. SPITZEN- tl J1 "fcty. Iw w, I Bi.L ?'" ,0,. tlclivered. tlrillVn. .. r. ii-i isiiurif w.i ' reeL REPAIRIXG AXD KHARPEXIXf. BEN WHEELER EVERYTHING RE paired.VGeacral aharpenins. chimney sweep. 2)2 North Commercial street. ifeuna. t.iuiiiiuK. glgUt;;4 ased good. aw. . vrt Hill "H eel,." 1A'" V. Ti 25 PC It b JirT- I-H BALL 11 -s II ''ed. Buy now , " K, Riehard.on. ITione CUTLERY GRINDIXG: LAWN MOW- ers. asfety rax or, eic oe-.i . pair Shop, 847 Court street. TRA XSFER HAULIXG CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 al 8t, pttaaa 933. Diatriboting. forwarding and storage asr spacialty. Get yir tte' ' mtm 1 1 SECOND HAND FURXITURE WANTED SECOXD-HAKD FURXI tnre. rsgs. carpets, stoves, fhl"r' j . t ua., nnrn mm. m mm It.l Hardware Fnrntturs tvo. K. Com'l St. rhaaa 947; alem. Price $220, i- own. mi- ance terms. , 65 acre tract ketcd i mile eat of Macleav, ."" acre cultivated, balance timber.' Pri e 0. $1000 down, bal ance 6 per tent interest. 86-acre tract located et of Salem, best of soil. Pri'-e 32-50 per acre. --ii iiin.r,' li acre home. g-od bon- ca.ow. barn, truit. ?'"o roao, - tidcr residence in I .Salem up to $ JoOO a part paymeul. I 6 acre tract located oith of alem. ' !ortiinside ditriet, good bunga'ow. large chicken houae first-class land. Frice $3650. ' ' 'y-acre prune orrhard located south ( Saltm: will consider residence prper- tv up to f 25t0 aa part payment. Price $50(J. . 142-cre tract. acre. ksn. 9 acre of cherrie. small 1 room hoe, good Notice is hereby given that 1 impounded the following described dog in compliance with Ordinance No. 1404 to wit: One male, long-haired, while and jel low spotted mongr1. weight about 4 5 pounds. The above de- srrilied dog will be killed If not redeemed by owner, on or before November 22nd, 1920.-as provid ed by Ordinance. V. S. Low. Street Commissr. Nov. 15. 1920 'Exempt Frees A3 Damialaai Ceveras tt TaxaUwa' We Offer Skje-1 !. Fr'ar Sa'a aad Cfcaoge ia f'W The Unsold Portion, City of EDMONTON rsorurcx or alsxxta 61 General Obligation Gold Notes Yielding 9 D.lrd fLrrtrmWr I. U.M. I-e Sea4rsW I. I"2Z- ' Dwaomlaauoaa. 1M. $34) aad $twe PRICE M BJkCT YO 1M REAeE trilllOlT lOTHt Two Haa4red aad F-4alea ItaaA. Tra.l t VBMav aad aUad Itewoea ia UeegM. Wik.i,-1M aad Celii.raia have awrvh. ieka Kdsa-a la ld Mrely t dwewmmt ad thi Tvyre wia!fe ks4 lViihl; reewmmead a like lave.ael la ywa. . ITXAVCXAl. aTATXKXXT (,m Mre4 i:.aliM $.0V.7l Vila, maatsat.preety Itaat isyrtagiasg aVr lt.3J.37 Net aVWsiS' debt .4l4.f7 Ke.oaao frwaa pabUe aiibse. laW. el of r-er M "ST. 77 2 Net lara iaBTvewet d'M rte s ; ers " .-.).. t.ata.aj la AddtUoa te Being General Oaligaviea Vataa, Taaae An aocarod Try Laaz Tuaa Deaeataraa TstaOiag $x.$8i.Xa. I'ri.c.p.l -a."a'i ta I . em aeal latere.! (Hint 1st aad e-eleW.v ,) 1 4 mim im New Yorfe t'liy ar et ia. ( f .f 3lorT ttratkera. lav. oaxoov rrtcTRio aaaUiaaas tsve Arrive Arrive PoMlaad Salem Fa ewe 1 .... J- em I Mia lo v.a S Ltd. S :30 am It: II am 12:7 law 7 ....10:43 am 13 :50 amCar.S :10 aa 9 2:03paa 4:12pm Stlpa IS Ltd. 4:43 aaa S:40m S :i ea 17 .... 4:Asa 8:07pm Salem aal 1 :I4sa 1 1 :20 im Solvit,, North Baak Stattoa (leave Jefferaes street '13 sad SO miaates later). WerUneaad Tava Amvo Irrivo Eag.aa Salem Pert la s4 T:liam a:3is la Ltd. 7:30am 9 i.m l:Sa 13 .... ll:J0am l:4Taa It lllJam l:3pm 8 14 Ud. 133 pm 4 Osa 41 aaj 0 ... Salem :Jaa T:p 23 :23 pm T .J sa i pm Ni-Ttb Baak mauea I arrive jnietwi atreet 13 miaates earlier I. Leave Car vn'lis 4:10. CORYAXXIt COaTVZCTXOVa WerUaaaad Leave Careallis Arrlea Saleaa 8:20 am 0:43 am 3:40 pm 4 :W mmm 4:10 pm S:0pm :33pm . t:$laas aVaataaaaaa Leave Salem Arrtve CrvaHk J s :33 am Ltgality Approved by Maloae. Malone 4 Long. Toronto. Ttkpheaa or Tatrapk Orders st Oat Expeaaa MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc Ca4aUiaae4 Over a Qaarter Caatary Taa F ram tar Msaartpal aUad Heaae" rerUaad. Or. Mama BUdg, 3S 11 avtark Braadway 3131 Other Offkres at leaake. Tacasaa. Waa sad Saa rraactaca, CaL CsptUl Om PaJIars K I E DEPOSIT IIOXI1H, 10:13 am 13:3 pm 4:13 pa :40 pm ll:S3a 3 3 pm 3:43 pm :03 aaa STPJUCHT maa W iaTa','''"gBi L i ( STPAOT Better and mane pleasing than on y mua navana cigar. slx you- aexcr fcr yxrr.-sr.. ije IfjXKj-eemUr entsy yoa 037.? vs. L LEWIS CIGAR HFG.CQHcstjMU REVELATIONS OF AWE The Story of a Honeymoon location. Price $0i0. 'a rash. 10 acres of first clans prune orchard, la rated 4 miles aouth, 8 aud 10-jeari-old. Pi ice $600. NtlTH'K-tlF UllANtsK OK .UAIK ON HKill STREET FROM UNION STREET TO DIVISION STREET. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council deems it exndl ent so to do and hereby declares its mi r nose and intention to change the grade on High Street a. rnmlerfal Ttomssre of Married Lire; Wonderfully Told by ADELE CiARRlSOX I ai II I rr - t i llll is. ) 1 BS I 0 CHAPTER 7 4! WIIY MAIZES HEART ALTER NATELY KOSK ANI SNK AS THEY TALKEH OF MISS H0YT. 'Why. yrs. I met Miss lloyt." I WH rrartpnrtnrii & Co Urom the north line crt Union found myself saying n"1. . M. UraDenilOrilOC streett to ,h, nortn ilne of LltJ-lli to - th-- other Mrs. l.rshsm. J Htirraho THEY GIMME THIS CAP FREE!" All too haXla do to secure one of these Splilfie Bright Colored skull caps absolntelj free is to ret one new subscriber to the DAILY OREGON STATESMAN.. That is a new subscriber who baa cot taken The States -son for the past month. These caps are well made of good material. Go out today And g-et a new subscriber and send or brisx jour order to the Circulation Department and 70a can g-et one of the Skull caps jut aa sooa as jour order is Yerified. V.J 'A First Come First Senrcd Bring in a new subscriber or come and get mora particulars Daily Oregon Statesman 215 S. Commercial Street Read the Classified AL 319 oiaie i