The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 19, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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6. .)-- THK UKtiGUN lAlnSilAW, & unnuu. JrT". ..r
(Continued from Page 1)
"'Nights in CorK are hideous
with the shouts oJLlhe military'
said Father CotteT. He and Fath- commission for Irish indecend
cr Eacllsh told also of seeine in-; eace, participated, but .Frederic
toxicated soldiers firing their
arms in the streets.
In the examination of Mr. Mor
gan, Frank P. Walsh and Dudley
Field . Malone. counsel for the
Only Six
Why not start shopping now? We have the big
gest line of tops and Christmas Gilts for all in
Salem. . 4
Beautiful line of Thanksgiving and Christmas
beards for brother and sister, father and mother,
friend and enemy. Come' and select yours.
- . -
152 North Commercial Street
Howe, chairman. - Senator
Walsh of Massachusetts, and the
other members of the inTestigat
ing committee questioned the Am
erican witnesses. It was made
rlear by 'Senator Walsh that all
of the witnesses were summoned
cy the commission, wnicn pays
their expenses, without relation
to any other organization in the
' In opening the hearing Chair
man Howe said the commission
was to conduct an "Impartial in
quiry" into all the facts, both
from Irish and English sources,
and later send , a committee to
Ireland for further inquiry.
.The hearings here are expected
to continue for several weeks. To
morrow John Deerham, a repub
lican leader of Balbriggan, Ire
land, will be heard, together with
other American visitors to Ire
land, including Mr. andMrs.
Francis Hackett of Xew York;
Mrs. William King pf Ironton.
Ohio, and Paul J. Furnas of New
LONDON, Not. 18. The Amer
ican embassy was notified today
that Washington D. , Vanderlio.
' California oil and mining en
gineer who recently was in "Mos
cow, will be closely questioned by
the intelligence department of
Scotland Yard on his arrival in
London if the present police plans
are carried out.
The interrogation will not
necessarily be made with the view
of taking action against Mr. Van
derlip's presence in England, it
was said, but with the intention
of ascertaining exactly what his
activities had. been in Russia.
Such interrogation, it' was said,
would be in conformity with the
recently adopted attitudue of the
British government of discourag
ing travel between Russia and
; 1 a
' 1. ! '.1
Read the Classified Ads.
Hauser Refuses to Accept
Appointment Tribute
Paid Mr. Benson
Eric V. Hauser has declined to
accept the governor's appointment
as a member of the state high-
i way cemmissit n, to succeed S.
I Benson, his declination reaching
Governor Olcott yesterday-
In a tribute paid Mr. Benson
yesterday. Governor OlccU de
clared "he is one of our greatest
and best citibens." The gover
nor said:
"Oregon owes Simon uenson a
heavy debt cf gratitude tor the
invaluable services which he has
rendered. He is one of our great
est and best citizens and as )r-
gonians know, his services to the
state have by no means been con
fined to what he has done in the
way of highway development.
But his efforts along that line
alone will make him forever re
membered by the people of the
state. He has been in a targe
measure one of the foremost piju
eers in the movement to pull Or
egon out ol the mud. His own
money, his time, his services, all
have been at ihe command cf tne
people of the stata in this enor
mous undertaking and he ha.) civ-
len of them unstintedly. Mr. B-n-
son has reared for himself in too
hearts of the people cf the state
an enduring monument, and ev
ery man, woman ar.d child in tbe
state has a just appreciation of
his splendid services so freely giv
given out bare by the iat de
partment of public safety.
Colonel Jackson Arnold, cotn-i
niander of the state police. no
Issued the report, said his advices,
were than truest L. lipWy, oi
Huntington, a trooper, is the dead
otficer. and that the other man) . t if &
slain was a union leader named ; AutOCTatlC management in
State troopers were sent into
the strike zone several weeks ago
to relieve United States soldiers.
who were withdrawn. The Ind
eral troops were called into the
region by Governor John J. Corn-
well, after shooting affrays and
disorders had occurred. While
the regular army men were in the
field the situation was quiet but
since they departed a number of
attacks, directed upon coal
properties, have occurred.
Co-operative manufacturing and
selling establishments of women
garments are to be establish by
the international ladies garment
workers' union. 'according to plans
being worked out by the execu
tive board of the union which is
meeting here. A capital of 11.
oOO.OOO would b invested, it was
announced. The board deciied to
accept no reduction in waces.
rci.l figiiti.m; regixs
Some Industries Holds
Down Output
WASHINGTON. Nov. 1 8. Eco
nomical needs cf the country oc
cupied the attention today of th
executive council of the Ameri
can Federation of Labor, which
continued its JJfnsl3n of futur
policies. The labor leaders wer
said to have recogniied the part
which the workers mart pUy but
the progress they made, if any
towards formulation of a policy
was not dlsela?d.
Labor Is fully conscious that
the world needs production,
members of the council said after
a long wcret mojtinr. La.bor
leaders declared to realized al?
that standards of lite ran im
prove only as prod act ion and con
sumption increased.
The attitnde of lho K.1ina
liir orfanizaii jni is mii iv ruu puun i-uiit,
that ILI end canuot be ierhi ' aterted ty Dr. Fredrkk a. lie,
withvii kitir meibods of ltdu-lv. tn!fr of kursery'et tt,
try uhrt-. utmrt o! the conn-( X.rth western uaierlty sjni
ell -verted, there still remain , i tool, at a paUie tnUs(
lnrfiriney ia plant management 414 itm tonitM by tb c.
as well as an onprlEclp'M ( '0rtiia tK.m 9t tt AnrV.
rrnrciinjc vj renia i o,;re oi ?rrer.s. ir. Let.,
nancier. it is arainn ":, urged - a cazapalra cf
leged unfairness of the nr loy- j ,vtcrmB cmK
er in thre r-,t that labor l(
alminr Its effortt for better co-.
o?rat!on. according to iwniwp r riecd w iT Jcta. yon art a
I)i.--'i.ion today was aald to j
prfet d-ar. aren't yoa?
Fries 1 Hubb'.e Not If
hate brousl.t out the statement j takt. Cartoons Maculae
Ihst infnrMlle miDltrmeat ' '
rom Irduttr.e was holding dow
prtxlurtkn. Reference was nn
dertfjd to Iiae been made t
the cloj'ng entirely or to part
time op-ratlon ef plants in tk
tentlle industry. Leaders hr
refuse to accept the statement of
the emplojers that thy wer
forced to cut don output b-s-cause
of d-creaed uemand. Ther
were Inclined to regard It as
subterfnr- :
Starts Sunday at
That canctr. not t jlrcalosls. I
th rrestet evil to b copedwlth
World Famed Arctic
"My Fiye Years in the
. Arctic"
Stereoptican Views
" -; 1 ! -
Friday, Not. 19, 8 : 15 p. m.
Admission $1.00
Lyceum ! Ticket Holders 75c
"So reserved seats Doors
) Open 7:30
1 -s
The Letter Printed Below Was Received From Mr. H. F. Hunt, Principal of
i Stadium High School of Tacoma, Wash.
- .-if-r- -:; t ... u..- - -:
Mr. Leslie H. Springer, 5
Salem, Ore. - - .'
Dear Sir: Tacoma had the pleasure of listening to Mr. Vilhjalmnr Stefansson last eight in
the Stadium High School auditorium, and In spite of countless" other attractions and a heavy
and continuous rain, ra large audience was in attendance.
Everybody expressed himself as delighted, some said they were agrteably surprised, with
both tho man himself and his subject matter. : l
Mr. Stefansson held us all with our closest attention for the two full hours and a
quarter. I A man of culture presenting instructive and interesting material in a simple, witty
and straightforward manner.
This letter was not solicited t
I am I
Very sincerely yours.
-W. P. -HUNT.
MEXICO CITY, Nov. 18. Po
lice reserves were called out thi
afternoon to maintain order when
huge crowds clamored for ticket
for next Sunday's bull fight, in
which Rodolfo Gaona, a Mexican
will make hLs debut as a matador
after a series , of conquests in
Sunday will mark the real
opening of the bull fighting season.
(Continued from Page 1)
honorary president of the first as
sembly of the league.
Rumors which had been current
all week that certain combina
tions had been formed to carry
pre-arranged programs through
th, aembly wer denied from
two sources. M. Pueyrredon, for
the Argentine delegation said that
it wai absolutely nn'rue so far
.s Argentine is concerned that th
South 'Amer can repub ics w-re
ir sn understanding with other
neutrals to force the admission of
Germnv int" the league.
The British dominion's repre
sentatives made it clear that, ther
vrrTp here to represent their par
ticular dominion . without . refer-"
ence to sister dominions or to
mother country., , ,
MADRID, Not. 18. The-'-rep
resentatives of Spain at th
league of nations assembly . at
Geneva has informed the. govern
ment officially that Spam -proba
bly wiir be required -to send
troops to Lithuania. The. author
ities consequently are maklns
preparations to undertake the ex
pedition. They are patting war
ships in condition and organizing
forces belonging to the marine in
fantry for the purpose.
Government officials de clar
that Spain feels itself honored at
being selected to join In Ura exe
cution ofthe task before the
league in Lithuania.
: 1
We showed in our ad. yesterday how many B. T. U. various kinds of fuel
contained, and that COKE contained an average of 27 million' B. T. U. per
tOn. ; ' '. I '' '.' ;
The price of Coke in 2-ton order s is $11.25 per ton delivered into the
basement or woodshed, within. a half-mile from the gas plant.
Therefore, when you buy Coke you get 27 divided by $11.25 or 2.4 mil
lion B. T. U. of HEAT for every dollar you spend.
v Divide the average B. T. U. in wood or coal as shown in yesterday's ad.
by the cost sawed, split and put in your basement and see how many B. T.
U. you are getting for a dollar. ..."
There Are Other Things To Be Considered Too
Three score workmen -nrssed
n erecting a four story buildin
at the Emmerche Manual training !
high school here were buried be- j
n-ath tons of steel and brick to-:
day when the structure collapsed
Only one person Is known to
have been killed. More than
rore were injured sonw perbap
Mrs. Melinda Wilson
Dies at Dayton Home
DAYTON'. Or.. Nov. 18. Mrs.
Mel'nda Wilson. 79 years old.
rt'rd her home on the
Wilson farm near here today.
She is survived by two sons. C.
A Wilson of Dayton and E. E.
Wilson of Aberdeen, Wash. Mrs.
Wilson had been a resident of
L Yamhill county for 33 years. Dur-
fcg this time she had made a
wide acquaintance.
ASTORIA. Or.. Nov. 18. John
Alfred' Larson, a rancher of Fern
Hill. Or., was acdJentalJy killed
by a train near ii home yester
day and his broken and mutilated
body was found late last night
tangled In the barbed wire fence
and id the thick underbrush be
side the railroad track. The dis
covery followed a search of sev
eral hours. He was 70 years old.
Union County Ad. Club
Asks tor Revised Rates
Railway, Light
& Power Co.
237 North Liberty Street
Salem, Oregon
The Story of Coke Installment No. 10
The Union County Ad club,
through Senator Colon R. Eber-
hard . of La Grande as its repre
sentative, has filed with the pub
lic service commission a protest
against freight rate Increases
granted by the interstate com
merce commission as they affect
lumber shipments from the West
into the Middle West and the
The white pine industry par
ticularly is affected, the com
plaint avers, mills are shutting
down, business becoming stag
nant and thousand of men being
thrown into idleness. Unless the
ratesLare readjusted and a re
duction granted on pine lumber
and other forest products the pro
test opines that these products in
the Northwest will be entirely
displaced by the yellow pine from
the southern states and a further
financial depression thrown upon
the country. Tne service com
mission is urged to take action
for relief in this state.
TOLEDO. O., Nov.. 18. Two
thousand men have been put back
at work in the parts department of
the Willys Overland Automobile
company, according to announce
ment today, which said there has
been no wage reduction, purport
ing to correct a rumor that some
of the men accepted 35 cents an
hour with a maximum of 57 cents
an hour. The entire plant was
shut down recently.
Miss Rankin is Given
National Secretaryship
HELENA. Mont.. Nov. 18.
Miss Jeanette Rankin of Montana,
the first woman to sit in the
United States congress, has been
appointed field secretary of the
National Consumers', league, of
which Newton D. JUkt r ia pres
ident, j
Miss Rankin, it was announced,
will devote herself to promoting
legislation for the protection of
wage earning women and minors
In the leading industrial states,
particularly those which do noi
iow have minimum wage com
missions and the statutory eight
Ef H.IJ "our aa' Ior omen workers and
menace 01 rr Orla where the laws do not nrohlhlt
Bolshevism Is Held
WASHINGTON. Nov, 18. The
collapse of the W ran gel anti-bolshevik-movement
in south Russia
is viewed by government officials
as having prompted the declara
tion by Lloyd George In parlia
ment today that the British cabi
net had decided to resume ne
gotiations for resumption of trade
relations with Russia. At the
same time, It was said. Great
Britain is more interested in se
curing exemption from bblshevik
propaganda in Asia Minor, Persia
and India than in establishing
actual commercial dealings with
The United States will not fol
low the lead of Great Britain or
France, it was said. If those coun
tries actually do recognize the
present Russian government, even
If only to the extent of permitting
trading. State department offi
cials said no change in the atti
tnde of the United States towards
Russia would result from the
British action. The American
government, it was explained, be
lieves that bolshevism is a menace
to the stability of the world and
that the Russian people j them
selves are being held in subjection
against their will by the bolshe
women working at night.
Trooper and Miner Are
Killed in Gun Fight
18. A state trooper and a miner
were killed tonight In a gun fight
In the, Mingo county coal strike
region, according to a - report
Joan of Arc is Breaking
up on Port Orford Beach
MARSHFIELD, Or., Nov. 18.,
Lcder stress of a heavy storm
prevailing all last night and to
day, the etranded steamer Joan
of Arc was said to be breaking up
on the teach at i'ort Orford wher
fche was.wafchcd yesterday morn
ing. ?so telepuone communica
tion could be toad with. Port Or
ford today to learn the condition
tf the wreck, but it was faid by
overland passengers arriving at
Dandon the vessel had lost one of
i er siaes tn;s morning and was
badly wrenched in the middle, in
dilating she would surdy not bo
worth salvaging alter such a
stormy day as this was.
There was a heavy southwest
wind blowing with the storm and
tne sea was reported rough at
all coast points from whence news
was 'obtainable. Captain Hans
Mlchelson and five of the crew
started to Port Orford today but
nia not expect to reacn mere un
til night. The roads have ben
made well nigh im passable in the
last few days by the heavy rains
"I see you have a scarecrow in
your field." said the vacationUt
to the farmer. "Do.jrou find It
effective 7"
VSuttingly.", replied the farmer.
so many niamed tramps cross
over to see if the clothes on It are
worth stealla It keeps the birds
Rostein & GreeefoaMHi
Ladies' Coats at Reduced Prices
Colored Silk Velvets, ureal variety of colors, good Qlitr.
pec Lai, per j-ard
Sheets 81x90. Heavy Sheeting at.
mm m
1.4 J
Do yoa want large Blankets!
Nxshu Blankets, 68x80, at per pair
Nice Plaid Blankets, 74x84, weight 4; pounds, palr$7.50
Good Quality Bed Spreads, scalloped and cut corners, 80x90,
weight 3 pounds ; 55.00
Staple Patterns, 80x90, 2y4 pounds $3.75
Silk Petticoats, pretty colors at.
Jersey Silk Petticoats, very pretty and best of
quality : J6-50 and $70
72 Inch Table Cloth, mercerized, rood grade at yard $13
Best quality mercerized table cloth, per yard
Real Table linen at low prices
V Japanese Table Covers at the new low prices
Millinery at Greatly Reduced Prices
Hats, Feathers. Ornaments
All Reduced
- Ladies Coats at Reduced Prices' "
Ladies' and Girls' Wool Coats, this season's goods, everyone
reduced in price now : $13.00 to 337.50
Plush Coats, were quoted 575.00 early tn season, now 539-50
Children's Coats at. $4.23. $7.50 up to $10
Slippers See bj display Daniel Green's Felt Slippers, bean
tiful shades, best grade, wonderful goods
240-246 Commercial St.
' FT
will find that we Have a complete stock of GENTS' FURNISHINGS and &it
our prices are "always right." We list here a few samples to gire yoa ta
idea of the great sayings we will make you.
For Men and Boys
Men's Suits $21.75 to $15.00
Boys' Suits $9.90 to $16.50
Men's Pants 52.9S to $7.30
Men's Corduroy Pants $3.90
Boys' Corduroy Pants..$3.98 to $1.93
OVERALLS $1.79 and $1.9S
Bath Robes
$7.90 to $13.00
Cham bray Work Shirts $1.1
Flannel Shirts -. $1.98 to $3-3?
Dress Shirts 98c to $7.90
Men's Gowns $2-23 to $2JS
Men's Pajamas . 52.9S to $16S
Boys' Gowns $L93
Canvas Gloves : 13c and 23c
Leather Face Canvas 39
Leather Work Gloves 9Sc to $2JS
Drcxs (.'loves 52,98 to $435
$10.90 to $12.90
m rft L.?re,