THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 16. 120 gat TU Wsrd - f :::::::::::: " (lU Insertions).... 80 E?,k . ........ 20e TTju' contract, pet me.. 15c rVii Hiiwt, per mo. .12 " vrti4Mat 25e MALE WOOOCHOPPF.RS WANTED JOHN H. Scott, 2-8 Oregou bids. WANTED BOY TO LEAUN PRINTING trade. Must b over 16 year of g. Apply Sutesman office. upstairs. WANTED- BOY TO HELP 15 MAILING department. Apply statesman nice. rttl SsOlAXCB SOCIETY Roland & Burghardt 1 iire"-- . -S A. Arent 371 btaiw ou ONEYTOLOAN On Real r.siaiw T. K. FORD (m Ladd & Bush Dank) LOANS HAWKINS & ROBERTS 04-207 Oregon Building upstairs M ISCKL1A X EOCS rivtvii MEN A.M UtJ II) t..L lm tiam-r sUl'Scnpiaon. A giloa proposition To the right people. Address the Pacific Utnestead, Statesman BUlg. Saleui, Ore. PERSONAL CUT M 1HH t.Lf UfM paper publish. !, r rce ior aiauip. tor respondent. Toledo. Ohio- FOR SALE BUSINESS CARDS CARPENTERS FOR CARPENTER WORK ANI era! repairing wanted done. ca'l GEN-1959. Chinese physician REAL ESTATE DR, L. M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWS dieae. 153 8. High $ Pain 283. TOOT SPECIALIST C1IAS. K. TATKO Derangements of the feet scientifically treated. Lady in at tendance. Room 4n4 Mmmir Temple. 11AT KHOIS. REAL ESTATE HAT SHOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S hats renovated and L'.ociVd 495 Court street. 1XSIRAXCE. BEAUTIFUL WALL-TINTS, new coUts lOe pound and mp. Rkvn. 179 N. WB ! 3 ANT Max O. ni-si x ess brrouTV xiti es B TODAY BEAHT PARLORS. AV ELL E.ST A B- lishcd business, excem-ns wmion, .iai right in matin money. Must sacrifice account i:l health. Ifcon't mUs this rbame Address Madame Curtis, 191 North 21rd t-. Portland. Ore. WOMAN WATOhm"; 1!I. LIBERTY JSONDH BOUGHT AXI SOLI. Hawkiu rcooert. -uj sjregon oicg. .r.K STREET. a K"o".r" ..i, r for a term teaace eu P" u . ? ..ra at 6 pr rent. It is a Jonn " ' Orefua bldV - . --., HANDSOME LITTLr. ,8ALC,. "bone 1341M. WE HAVE SOME GOOD cacea t "!' THE NORTHWEST POULTRY JOCR- ii aL the bicgeat and beat in tna west. ' "r: 2U263. Reward, pirate GOATS FOR SALE-CALL lp.a. , 31'3 BEFORE YOCNG : n rr.K(jtnw WATM r- , BHd -nhoUter T'i mX 871 CWketa rtwg MR 81LE-5 KO0M HOrSE4 LOTS f 4 all kind, of fmita. English walnut. Z.j east earaemnt TLi barn and oulbnildinK. ier Inforwation pnona -lor A fur SkT-LADIES BLACK PIXSH COAT "LV !l!.,.,.i.l lt Saturday afur Pleaae notify 80W1. flKTlAIXY FVRNISHED HOUSE KOR , vruvidHFD ROOM FOR ONE . fini eutlemenf. 3 blocks Hit. street : 396 S. 21at it. flSTtD TO RENT SMALL MODERN ion: No ehildren. Thona 1743. WANTED FURNISHED OR PARTLY a. . L .Ant n O ...shed BO'lse or puuw.rt,... iMaa. Call 23 and ask for Blodgett. risirntI.ANCE TERMS FOR mm aease. modern except bath. If s.i.f ?.v nused streeL cement ie ksif block to er. Price f220 iwb. Hrndrwks. 2Ui U. S. .a Hdi. Phone 161. . FIXAXClAli FARM MOKT HAWKINS ROBERTS 0 3 Oregon Bid g . Salem. POULTRY WK WRITE INSURANCE ON ANY thing, in the best old liue compasies. Kee us for Insurance. Laflar tt Laflar, Orejcn buiKting. L.UX DRIES SALF.M LAUNDRY COMPANY. 138 8. Liberty street. Phone 25. Oldest Largest Best. Established 18M9. CAPITAL CITY STEAM Quality work, prompt Broadway. Fnone 1S5. LAUNDRY aerrica, 1264 FOR SALE LOGANBERRY TRACT 8 acres in full bearing, trfllised with ra dar posts, rich loam soil. Price $4500, Vi cash, balance esse payuecta at 7 pr cent. Hart Mullcr.' S0 Oregon uiag FOR SALE TEN BEAUTIFUL BllI.U ing lots facing east on 14th streets, one block from Marion street aud two blocks from street car line; water main and srwrr I ne in. Kr thee lots, yea will want one at lite low price of 000 to $7oo a lot. 45122. Call at 1113 Marion street or phone 155H. First Class Investments Nice modern 5-room bungalow. 3 (nod lots, good location. 35O0, S10O0 down, room cottage, ' lots, good location S1450. terms. Fine 40 acre tract near Salem. If acres in prunes, 4 in strawberries. 2 in mucd orchard, fine location $9UU0. terms. Good 40 acre tract 3 miles from Salem. 30 in cultivation: 4 acres orchard. 2 berries; 2 sets buildings. Price $10,000. Will take Salem residence and eaay terms en balance. Farms, acreage, orchards, homes. PERRINE & MARSTERS 211-12 Gray Bldg. PAINTING AND PAFERH ANQING I have gone east en an eitended visit and I recommend A. H. Clark (phone 1396J) as a competent workman. Glenn L. Adjttis. MOXEY TO LOAX. LOANS l LOANS.! IF YOU WANT money on city property, are us. We hare it on good terms and low rate of interest. LafUr A Laflar, 406-7 Oregon ounaine. Tna lie magsilne for live ponltrymsa. REPAIR1XO AXD SHARPEXIXQ 7a year, $1.00 in Salem. Send 5 1 Northwest Poultry JonrwsA. Salem, Ore gon. Mention tow FARM PAPER BEN WHEELER EVERYTHING RE paired. General sharpening, chimney weep. jj Aonn commercial street. XT YOU WANT TO GET THE - BEST farm paper, send 15e to Tbo Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a threo months trial subscription. Mention this d CUTLERY GRINDING: LAWN MOW era, safety rarors, te. Stewart's ke- pair thp. B47 Court street. MISCELLANEOUS HAY FOR SALE PHONE 209U. FOR SALE PAIR OP WOOD LADDERS a mower a ad n corn planter. Phone 1959. 1 r . - STANDARD EXCHANGE, 342 KORTH Commercial street, diamonds, watches, musical instruments .guns, clothing. shoes, etc Both new . and used goods bought, sold or exchanged. , ONIONS hundred. GOOD QUALITY. $2.25 PKR delivered. Phone 4M11. FOR SALE SIZE'S. CAPITAL GAIX j! HOUSE, PHONE 398, TRUCK CHAINS ALL JUNK & BAR- CENTER 215 ST. iTRlWBERRY PLANT HrBOSG neereaa, well r- ed. Any n-isntity. Vrrros. Mrbat. Mipwo. TreMa. ter.,srr IS I. rUi-rsburg No. 60. Gt'A DeUar. Procrensiv r.ver- aesriaf- lX-f ejeli eariety. $H V' s4. or l"i each of Byfrar. $1: d bvered bct'y. pries inter; astlac. Ward ' K.- K.. prison, 239 Irt street. Phone 494. terms Ilione 494 nrv omiM MOIIKRN HO'E FOR tie st 190". ISonth 1 1th tree. garage, te hloeks frnn ear and pared street 4Jws-r. 1395 Fnat street. e.-,;llL CJBBAGE FOR KRA17, 1A5.IH BAlO llcstL sa-Vl-t. well .iriinmeti. "- 4livered. Ward K. Richardaon. lTtone 491. - - ; ' - " lfPLES BAI.lAflN. GAXO, SPITZEN- berg. Ken Uavi. Home mibij. rice, in 3 or 10 boa lots, delivered. Ward K. Richardson, phone 494.f PI PATTERSON CAN BE FOUND AT tae Clob stables, mono . -u-rBiaeuie -skoBt 1961. TRANSFER LULIXQ CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 2 State 8t pbsne 933.' Uistributisg. lorwaraing, ana atorage our apecialty y e-urrates. ,,,,, m , ' , SECOXD HAXD FVR.tlTURE THESE ARE PRICED RIGHT 20 acres. 15 rultivsted. timber enough for about 200 cords of wood. 3 ' miles out, close t paved read $J250: $75u rash. Also a rood J gjnberry field lor aale. Magee. roea -1. reroer St aaj CouimrrrUl orer Busnk'a. i ' , 1Olt SU.K 5 IUMM1 MODERN BUX galow.i located good residence district, fireplace.' all biailt in feats res, earel Irut conditwu. Prire $ tSOO. MKS WINNIE PBITYJOHN 275 Siate -Street. Phone 5K last rear for teachers which granted this year. ( Payment of pait Indebted ness. Dat?d. th: 12th daY ot Notem ber. l:o. II. O. WHITE. Chairman Hoard or Directors. Attest: W. II. lturrhardt. Jr.. Distrkt Clerk. SCHOOL IUSTHKT Ut IKiET. road and conUnoinj the dred.'nS opratloaa. Tortland Crews worilnc dar and nttht clearlac t tor coin pi"?, braach la POLK COUNTY FARM . -00 acres and a rwd one. mostlv in cul tivation, some timber, good buildings. spring water piped m bouse, farm is all fenced and cros fenced, all black aoil, near school. I -el ns sbow you this for fPO an acre. 1-3 rash. BARBER & PEARSON 00 Gray B!dx. Near Commercial Club. FOR Ssl.K 6 ROOM MODERN BUN galow, furnace. fireplace. (latch kit chen, corner lot, near school. House s good' as' new. Price $.,t0. 6-rom bungalow. Jusl off of oavraneat. well ronsirurtrd and good condition, bath, electric lights. I "two $.1ot0. MKS WINNIE PE1TYJOHN 75 State Mrect. Phone 515 FOR SALE .STRICTLY MODERN 7- room htise. close in, eaay payments, immediate posaosaian. Hart and Mailer, 20 Oregon bldg. NEW BUNGALOW NEAR JASON Lee church in North Salem. Owners must sell on account of basi bets tak ing them to Portland. Tart of p oil-base price may be paid in monthly installments like rent. Price $3,150. To the Clerk of School District No. 24. Marlon county. Oregon: Following i a statement of the estimated amount " of money needed by the district daring the licl yar beginning on Jane 21. 1920. and ending on .June '. 1971. This budget Is made in compliance with Section 227 of the Schcol Law a, of 1919. and Includes the estimated amounts to he received f com the county school fund, state school fund. s,e-ia 1 district tax and ill other moneys of the district: nCDCET Estimated EspeBdltarrw Teachers' salaries ..1160.420 00 wis! Springfield Mill macadamis ing road lnij its yards. Portland One of the first ef-; . ik. Ufa .1 linn ffnsrard . w - .. .1.111., tnn f isHaitrr la the ' Stanf ttt Chemical .-. "--"r-- T7--:: .,i,k l to locato fiorinweat ana n n luruir us v-"" - ki avert, fidence In financial circles a. to ; Port and on , the ClnbU future development comes n the neenng worn. ! innnunrfniMt t hat the Colombia ton. , - liasin Wool arebou5 company. - a Portland concer its capital stock Il.rOO.Otfw. lonuna siocs.bu.u- - v. i 1. t thnsars em hare agreed to parchas more . lBa V" 1. c'Ve nd than half of the new Uaue. frnroVcon. r Hood KITer tltn seen e-ut a"""7 " . ' . . , . . . e.e ..-t rfmnisrlets for timber, may i. i.rtee. hniMine iwxiru ! foundation 01 a gooa .a v - I rntn mrf la I DaDCf. I rxpeciru nsriv. racent dlsCOTCfY Astoria Iue of rraae bonds authorised by the port of, of larr- de, o-lu c.f ht n Asiorta rommianioa rmaw f -t'nr attention of mining the extension of the Helt Une Vail" throughout the United Sutea. 1 Portland United States mall ST II Ll wiarw ml ail aam U F . - - a... m. m . 1 rrn. will increase wagon, tor territory from I400...OO to Uippl will again Jj Wnt" rtland stockhoM- worth Ir in of Portland leecome grade of men 1 I TIMETABLES 401 7 R(K)M HOUSE. PAVED STREET AND rarline, price $4300. 1 block 8-ronm modern house, complete. SCOoO, terms reasonable. 102 acres, 65 in cult its t ion, heavy dark aoil, choice buildings, place all finished 34 miles from railroad town. 190-acre farm, good buildings, to trade for town property, terms on balance; $73 per acre. SQI ARK DEAL REALTY CO. U. S. Natl Bank bldg. Phone 470 A. C. BOHRN8TEDT Masonic Temple. - Salem. Oregon. A J-l.M.. SMALL TRACT WITH Lo gans, etrawberriea and bearing prnnes. bans needs repair, but will meke goea income' property as weu aa one of the beat f suburban homes, a mile from car liae; good road the year rvuaa. THE FLEMING REALTY CO. BEST BUYS WANTED SECOND HAND FURST- ture, rags, carpets, ati-rs. ma. hinery and tools. Best pries paid The Cap ital Hardware ft Furniture Co- 205 SPLENDID 8 ROOM PLASTERED house, small basement, eleetrie lighta, bath and toilet, on good street, close in; only $2650; $630 down; snap. This fine property must be sold. Walter Mc Laren, Room 21, 180 North Commer cial atreet. Phone 430. N. Com'l 8t. 1 Thorn, 947. tTOVE REPAIRlXtJ STOVES REBUILT AXD REPAIRED 40 years experience; Depot National fence, aiaea 26 to 58 inches high. Pain la, oil and varnishes,- etc, loganberry and hop hooks. ; Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court atreet. Phone 124. SECOXD HAXD GOODS W? BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND foods of all kinds, pipe fittings, bar nesa, collars, collar pads, tools, and chains. Fred Schindler. 358 Center street. CAPTIVITY OF THE OATMAS , GIRLS Ikis true story 01 western immigra tioa hss been carefully mvised, making a handsome little book. It telle in graphic term of the massacre of the Oatman family, ef the -escape 01 le renxa. and the captivity of Mary and Olive. .Mary died, of starvation and Olive waa purchased from the Indiana five years later. The price ia 20 cents, postpaid. Addreea ; Oregon Teachers Monthly, Salem. Oregon, WALL PAPER. PAIXT WALL PAPER AND CEILING PAPER 20a and an double roll. Max O. Ba rea. 179 N. Commercial St. WALLBOARD" CAN BE USED" OVER -ti-h or studding. Caa he tinted or fspered. Mas O. Buren, 179 Xerth Commercial atreet. i WINTER VEGETABLES lb... 11.... , 11. 2c 2c .... 2e !!!!se ..$2 ' ,-..1.30 , .$l.55 . . 1.50 taste Marrow ISqnash. iftera Hahhard S)iiah. UUea llulibard SUash fie fsaipkins. lb Oswss. per lf0 lbs...... (arrets, per V'i Ins..... ftstnes, per Hs. . . . . Cabbtge, per 100 lbs (Delivered) I YA&J1 K. K1CUARDSOX. ACTIVE SVNLAY SCHOOL OR CHURCH earker tn visit -homes f priinary and isnier rhildrso. Position fr " nwntks, salary $120. Only Cbristiao earker now active cou. we.. .. . ; chsrek connection. Gives telephone Address Bus 21. care Statesman. WALPELT" YOUR HOCBE: IT'S superior to dun." a about half price. . . a v. - , ,a w " 1 a. nu y. .iiuresj iiv 4. . wAll" CoirceT. MISCELIiAXEOUS PASTE.' NO COOKING BE Sticks everything. Mas O. Buren. 179 N. Commercial at net. SEE PORTER FOB PAINTS, WALL Paper od Picture Framiig. Good workmen, 453 Court St, Phone 465 PHYSIC1AXS AXD SURGEOXS KATHERINE SCHLEEF. M. D PHY , eiciaa and Sargeon. Office Oregon building, room 411-13. Phone 340, 264. Over Oregon Electric depot. WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER Co- affiet aoi Honth Cfc-m'l atreet. ; Tea per cent-, discount on domestie ' flat ratea Paid in advance. No de- ductwas for. absence or any cause ' leea water is ahnt off your premiaee 25-ACRE FARM ALL IN CULTIVATION - house, barn. well, etc 3 miles from town; all good rich soil. Price $3000 10 acre tract with fine new cottage, close in on a good road; this is a good buy at seooo. 103-acre farm of good level land. 8 mile from ialem. large Il-room noose i good condition: good barn; 90 aero in cultivation: on a rock, road.. Caa be had for $10,000. Modern except basement, one 6-room house and garage, good barn aad two lots; fine garden, on ear line. Imme diate possession for a few days at $2000: $1000 wilt handle. If you want to sell, list with us. and if j want to buy ssy kind of real Ute' aee ns st 442 State ftreet. OREGON LAND CO. Salem, Ore. - - . , LA. HAYFORD Estate PROFESSIONAL eirnra asmra vrtw Kit -lOOOOO . . . Aata .nit nutita ISCKS. lSBllsi Junk and Barraia Uovse. 215 Center atreet. Phone 8S. OSTEOPATHIC PRYSICLVXS WOOD CALL THE SALEM FUEL YARDS FOB your wood aad coal; office 752 Trade street. Phono 529. raone 494 Bl'RlXESS HOUSE HAS OPENING FOR aua to travel, 21 to 27; h:?'ii school trsinini; not sellinj but requires lerryul, dcperiiable man who em aks good and is looking to a future, bs'.snr $150 and expense allowance, ex tra profits. Will pay '-producer $00 weekly. Leave spplicstion or write air. nanthsaa. Hotel Marion. No telephone 'alia, elate quatilications.. vrv yuuo. SOTICE 5 ROOM MODERN BUNGA hw ia excellent condition with garage, Jorited ea State street. Price $5775. Half cash, balance 3 jeers at 7 per . re:. W. K. GRABEXHORJST & CO. 275 Stat Street SECOND GROWTH AND OLD FIR fn-tNCH AXD ruLli-FOor. Sefe CIAL PRICK ON CAR IX)TS. PROMPT DELIVERY, STRICTLY CASH: 305 SOUTH CHURCH ST. PHONE- 1542. J , DRS. U. WHITE AND MARSHALL. 8. National Bank Bldg. SOS DR. W. U MERCER. OSTEOPATHIC Physician and Burgeon, KsrkerLle reaitnataL 404 and 403 U. S. Natl Bank building. Phone Office 919, residence 614. Real 305 State Street. v i-room plastered boase. close ia en North Fourth street: modern except heat. Price $2000 terms. 5- room plastered bungalow, modern ex cept beat, half block to car. Price $1800 terma- 6- roem house, close in en psved street aoi car. Prire $1300 half cash. 6- room plastered house, -Urge lot. Cheap at $1600. Good terms. 7- reom plastered boose, be semen ts en paved street aad car line. Price $40OO terms. 6-room plastered honsa, close la on paved atreet aad car line, modern, xrire $5300 terms. 9-reout plastered house, on State street modern, good garage. Price $6000 part terms. 1 8 room furnished apartment house, close In. Price S49O0 good terms. - If yen are looking for a good home ia the city we have It. If yew are loekiag for a home en easy payments we have it.- If yon are looking for any kind of farm or fruit proposition we have it. See u.! Jav-A. HAYFORD; . 305 State Street, 10 acres, 3'i acres bearing logaas, fain ily orchard, balance garden. 4 rooi bungalow, barn, coop, paved read, 1 mile of Kaleta, SiOO. terma. acres, good house, bsrn, one mil from Salem, payed road. $2250. $1230 cash. balance 5 per cent. 8 acres, 5 bearing prunes, esBce cal tivated, 9 room . aooae. narn. calrkra and nwilk Iwtusei. V mile from town. psved road. SjOOO. , eaah. 130 acre. 63 cleared, la pa si a re, 10 tim oer, lamuy orcnard. neat of soil, roll ing; room boose with concrete cellar, large barn, well fenced. V, mile fret town, 1 3,000, t cash, balance 0 per cenr. 5 arret! bearing prunes, in fin condition. drier wo ma naif the price of place. 3 V4 miles from State . street, $4000. $2850 cash, balance 6 per rent. ' : HOUSES Strictly modern 6-room bongalow. bel location in Salem, $9000. eery eaay terms: uwaer wtabe 1 Jeave city, Strictly modern 3 room bungalow, garage. paved Street, winter wood. $j600. Modern 7 revma. best locstion. close to school, paved atreet. block ground. lota or fruit and shade, S5OU. terms. New 3 room . modern bungalow with baae- ment. $3000, $3250 cash, balance 7 per rent . - 5-rooia bouse. 7 blocks from State streeL close in, $1600. $500 rash, balance easy terms to suit. D. D. S0C0L0FSKY 341 State St, Barn Bldg, Rtem 1 WHOLE MILK AUD PRODUCE WANTED Htnon Creeziery & Frodnca Cc Salem. Oregon. Phone 24S3 Furniturv and fixtures Apparatus and sup plies, such as maps, chalk, erasers, stove, curtains, etc. Library oooks Repairs of school- no a s e s. outbuild ings or fences. . . . Rent. Y. M. C. A. gym Fre;ght and express. Janitor's wages Janitor's supplies . . . Fuel Light and power .... Water and phone.. . Clerk's salary Insurance Postage and' station ery, . election ex pens and printing Census .... MLc. expense Redemption of notes Interest on demand notes bonded indebtedness I.. OO.OD 3.120.00 00.00 5. 400.00 ToO.OO 250.00 11.000 00 1.500.00 4.:oooo 1.200.00 1.000 00 780 00 coo.oo 200.00 400.00 830.00 42.500.00 s. 2:0.0c SOTXTHEaVV PACIFIC CO. E fT relive Sanaa y. Vewember I. 1928 and thereafter. Morthaomad No. $4 Oregealan ....... . I leregwn Kspre.s ... No. 2 H iHaaaette LissneJ . IS Portland Pasaewger No. 24 Coa Bay No. 14 Portland Tspress ., SowUVooad N. S3 Oregealan ....... i.Jt For F-rgawe No. 13 t allfernto Ftpre. . No, IT Raaaeberg Pnsoenger No. 27 Willamette Limited No. 13 San I raacu-re Pas ilvi:rtx xkws. . l:Mia . . am . 2 .opm . $: SILVKRTON. Or. Not. I-- ArmlMice day wa obered In SH verton. the schools, storv ana banks being closed. In the eve ning a dance was given at the armory .by members of the Am erican legion. A smoker was also held the same evenlns at the Pal are theater. The dedication of the new Cath olic church, school and parsonage "i"w-."!aIo took place on Armistice day. Vie:3Sam,A large number of people from 4:08 pat 8:44 psj :3t psa ftALTMCjCAR LOT No. 73 Arrive at Salem t:19aa Ne. 7 4 Leave Sales 8:0M alAUltL FALLS CITY ft WISTZXM 141 Inve Salem, aso'oe TS1! leSLoavee Sales, sue toe t-JSee 1A1 Leaves hakrsn, nsvtov 1 :55 pa Through ear to Menssooth aad Arias 171 Lea rea Salem far DaOaa... 8:13 pa ICIArrtvs t alen v.ioaa :4 Arrives at Bales 11 :00 a 14 Arrive at Kales a:xvpa 2 Arrive nt Saiesn : Train known a Sec ad 13 will be dia- eantinsed after awadav. Tram No. II arrives at t'.esn.. 3:4S a Tism No. 1J imm at Salem. . 8:04 pan Total estimated am ount of money to be expended for all purposes daring the year .$244.10.0I FRED E. WELLS. Automobile Directory DR. JOHN L. LTMCH. OSTEOPATHIC PhTicin ft Surgweaw 403-404 Oregon Bldg. Phones: Offloa 1894; Roe. 68F3. CHIROPRACTORS. nn n r. SCOTT. P. S. C, cniROPRAO V. b. Bnk Blis. Plions 87 ' Res SiHR. I 1 SALEM MARKETS ifc BaWJAlSSRooM BUNGALOW WITH bsill i' kitchen, bateinent and sleep tag patch, bested half Hock from . rave street (0t ,,r ine. Price. $2500 T-vlSiO cask. It I; nee $15 tier month. hn'r Per cent. . H. t.AKb.HORST A CO. ""J State iStreet Bt tfttFTLY USED FORDSON TRACTOR t , Abargain, 3 49 Ferry atreet. 0LES0N MOTOR CAR CO. 319 N. J:ommerciaI St. rhone 666 1920 Chandler, chummy ........ .19 1920 Chandler, t-paasenser. ...... . 180 1917 Ford chasia, new tires, tube. 0 Model 9 Overland roadster........ 400 1920 Horley-IAi.vidson motorcycle a-iu . j sine car ab jianj omor wu in used cars.- USED CAR BARGAINS 1 200 5.Vt 725 8t0 J 500 2050 rot SALE 19 ACRES lrOM LAM. "i drilled well and woven .'aee. Lseaj.,, r0,e t Orern eiectne statie. prico $;;w; $000 ; bslaae terms. 11 9WHEXHORST k CO. : 1 73 Stile Street JL CELT vTRXIsHKIk BED R MM. "V 'n t'ir- aad sheets weekly: 1? '"r., lit'ats snd bath. $17.30 per 5S Manon at. Phone 1524 Huick roadster, a snap . Maxwell, new paint Dodge, good buy at the price Olympian. 1920 . Olds, 1920, in best of shape and be low market price ............ Smdebaker Biz Six. like new.-... Several other Rood buys will take a car in trade. Reasonable terms, Marion Automobile Co. 215 S. Omnmereis! St. Phone 362 REAL ESTATE Modern Dairy Ranch 450 acres fully i equipped with stock, grain., hav, machinery, fell modern building and conveniences. Best sec ond bench river bottom land in high ette of cultivation. Would consider home exchange. For information and details aee BARBER & PEARSON Kesltera 200 Craj Bldg. Near Commercial Club WORTH WHILE 6-roont house and 2eltts. gsra-e, snme fruit trees, fireplace in house. Flic. 816-V1 $Ort cash. 5-room liuncalow. full baement, electric lights, built-in features. 2 lots.. A few fruit trees: a good buy. ITire $2250, 1-3 cash, balance terms to suit. 41 acre near electric railroad station: all in cultivation, 5 acre prunes, no buildings. Price $3000. . reasonaole tcrm.t. 9. acres close to city limits.' near car liae, 5 seres in bearing fruit, S room house, good barn, well. Price $000 $200O cash, cood terms on llanct. MILLS & COPLEY 33114 State Street Phone 175 per ton FOR RENT nooMs Psved sail FINE 40 ACRES kit -war. 2 tniUg frnm Safrm: tK4fl and fttfiiioB. More than j. m- v-aatl rvisa eissi. s pastsre wita auunrtanrc ef liv "V'1'': an ran be cultivated and seres csn l.e irrigated with-.ut se. Excellent onildings an Z m l"rir el2.0:x: sfM.i rasb. H'aieiit1"'"' 'K"i ""all tract as part KINNEY & SMITH - Street. "lu.'l VI or.' FARM. 3 rtl.t-R nfT OK ta,l, lire I. am. fiie well wifli Si - s L a-,i V " -fi-iTT? noie. lor sale bssi il Uke ou, t'ty property. n ""ry hone , r-tn,. milern t is. 'J" Tient and tnmace. -i50 7utitiit.hri l.nrv-l.,w f 3 rooms eviiie in ,1 FURNISHED KOOMS KENT Inquire at 570 Union, Mrs.- Mitchell FOR RENT TO A GENTLEMAN. ROOM in home with all modern conveniences. jtrMreaa K 1. ero rMaiei:".-.- norsES HOUSE FOR KKNT-f CENTER. T. L WOOD. $31 STATE ST, REAL , 'estate, rental. . - - 40 ACHES S MILES OF SLEM, "GOOD fair buildings, psved road; this place will have to be seen to be appreciated. A aplendid buy at $12,000. 5 acres close in, best of land, good build inc.. A barcain at $4000. Come and let us show you ur bargains in house and lota from f I? u up. PETTEY'S REALTY CO. Phone 80. 331 Stat Street I "HAVE A SPLENDID FIVE ROOM ...I... t.rere barn, chicken house. w-naxl shed and three lots on paved for 82250. naved street at $2330. t !..... vnd three lots. $2500. 4 room hooso and two lots at $000. $500 down. ! C roon house, close in st $31jO 3 room house and garage oa pared street st $1650. $500 down. 6- rom bongalow. fireplace and basement at $1500, $.VHI down. 7- room boase and garage on pared atreet at $4500, $5f0 town, - 7 room bor aad 65e, $2M0. $500 down. . i.i t..,ne an one ef the most at- e- .t 81l.o: h ' located beautifully at $10. ti!l another one on an attractive cor ner at 99tjOO. ' All three ef tbese are ewlcri in every detail and some of our best homes. room boose, modem in every detail, ha. beautiful lawn, at $Of0. 6 room bungalow on pvd street. sra;e, ' and larze. M a $00. ieveral business rigt down tow at reasonable pri'es. THE FLEMING REALTY CO. Offer three rood farms, inspected . last week and approved br them aa reason able in listing price, running around $125 an acre (one at $75i. ibey con stitute a good bur. either one of them. Come in and see us. 341 State s; r et. GOOD BUYS . acres .-nltivated. 5 40 acres 3 year-eld list Price $15 per acre the OOO; Modern BUNGALOW it'll RENT 'ON that renter purcnaw. month: condition - .iuJ etc... -0 or les will handle.- Addre Co, care Statesman art, :L00SE & PATT0N St rcet. Phone 987 EMPLOYMENT 1 WANTED IISCELL.XEOU8 Ffrit FoTT-rV)Rn wtwn wanted 8alem Tile Mercantile Co M2,3X.'42,j woo Id b" a A corner investment for-wireone ' fr busineas propertj. nf town. 50 splendid is looking acres, can be bought st a reasonable pn-e farm f 'i res north ef Nalem with a'l stock aa-l rniiipmeni. eiv.-"-. V farn ia IVk rouoty. aoout t acres f f mil.-rest in grain: sood buildings. ; $20.o". Jlany lots, in siHelidia Wralitiea for sale GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 192 N. Cottage . ; 1'b-ne IIS acre cultivated. t-at-jr. rwnning jd. l'rice bo! wa $IO FEMALE Ift 11k, (rr ." . "vile a If 1. IX THE COUN- wnman -for light " -wa IWa tn- BY WID- 111 , f L . I Mtf.l . T, J? M4u - . "r am?i lady not over ret Add rB CJj, tare Ststcs STORK KfMJM NOT LESS THAN 2Ox.,0, hJ!( loct.on in .- State rent and "-.ration. Address C... atcsuun. -. ' ; 1 MoNKy" WANTED HAVF. PARTY who desire, to rr,w f2.VM n farm s" c"w,t - Col, Orejuu Bldy. ! TKVCTOR I-LOWIXG 1. . able price. Address 'C6B. statesman. , - -REASON-' care of WOOD'S BARGAINS FIVE ArRE TRA'T IXtSB IN, G00 improvements. $5250 n. no boUdiuss. $1300. 7 miles out. , fine. land, some timber. ' .. .j . .t SIOO per acre. ; . .....liir with barn , i . lOOaere a Ten timber, iaa prunes. term. 200-aere farm. 10') sure timlier and ter. buildings, roc It per acre. l.Va-re farm. 117 BTea eoItiTated. Iruildings. sod fences, god o;L Price $110 per acre. ... ISO-acre farm. 90 acre raltivetcd.le ee pasture an4 t'mker: a'l snaeJiia ery ge. J I coos. 3 br", 10 bg. Priea $ld.KMI. 22 s-re tra"Tt located close to Salem o paved road, good bt;a'ow. barn, dark prairie so'iL Pncw $l2.orxi. 9.lwcre t'set of gnod logan and straw herry soil. 4 mile s-KS Pa-ife hr war. Irice $1200.- T) down. co $5O0 j-er year at jit cent in lere.t. Ill .ere trait f good bottom sell. MrsTlf .11 .i,ti,.ie.l small sha k. close 10 - lion on H. P. railroad. 3 miles, sooth 01 Salem. Prie fliVK "n- ''' .mm l.rfa. .... tr.rt I.Vcatrd t tni'.r eat "I V4rir. 55 ares rItiiea. niu- lim'oer.' Price $MHirt. $1mi0 U.wn. bal .mj. t tier rent interest. M. trat located Cist of Saiem. be-t of soil. Prire e-'-V Pr acre. Well improved o ai re home, good bun ..r fniit. srm.d road; will con v.d. e 'residence in halera up ! $5' as part pajmeni. i; acre t.rsct located Mrtrnin;!de- ditrP'-t. ar;r chicken bone. Pnco $:;:.. 2-aere prime orchar'l S-.!ein: ss-ill eon"ier RfjVTxa rracts ; t. Eire aoa rxroiirr Kggs, 7 4 c. Hens, heavy, 2 4c. '. Hens, light. 20-22C Old roomer. 8 -ids. Broilers. 22-2 4c. . Pork, imtton mnC TUctt Pork, on foot, 13c. , Lambs, 7c. , Dressed hogs, 20e. Reef steers. 7-8c. Cows. a-cc. Top veal, 18-lc. nt w Hnr.r Vi.w tl.t Oat and veicb nay. $2L$23 Cheet hay. $21-23. Orals. Wh?at. $1.3. Oats. jjc. Ueans. . Mill Ft-CHl. Retail Mill run. $j ton. Ubolevusle tu frsssriers Creamery butter, 58-J9c. Jluiterfat, 31c. fruit , Oranges. $9 50. Uananas, 13 l-2e 1emons, Ji.2i-$6.23. (Jrape fruit. $6. Ariz., Florida, 9.25-19. 50. Cranberries. $S.50. Dates, $7.25 case. Vegetables Cabbage. 1 l-2c. Onions. Oregon, $1.75. Onions, California, $2.40. Turnips. $2.00. Carrots. $1.00 sack. Green peppers. 12c. Cauliflower, $1.C0 dor. Dates. 23c lb. Lettuce. $1.50 crt. , Parsley 60c dozen bunches. Beets. 75c doten bnnches. Tomatoes. $2.25 crate. Potatoes, new. 2c. Sweet potatoes. 4 1-2 to Cababaa. 3 1-re lo. Crapes. $3.25 crt. Huckleberries. ISc lb. Comb honey, ease. $t. Celery. 0e doz bunches. Honey, extracted 20e lb. rXetan Creamery butter. 5. Kzrs. SOc. . E-vtlmated lLtceirtl. Frotn county school fund during the Coming school year $ 4 2.0CC.5I (Use a uvea at ef county school fund' received Nat year as basis ia making this estimate.) From state school fund during the coming school year (Uso amount ef state cbjol fad re-eived last year as basis ia making this cMowet-O Cash now in bands of the district clerk. . Estimated amount to be received from all other sources dur ing the coming school year. Includ ing tuition (Io not inelod the ssoeey to bo received from the tax which is it proposed to vote.) osxooaT rxrcrxio aewtkbosind Arrive Portland .... 8:80 as Ltd. 8:0 am ...,10:4asa .... 2:0$ pan Ltd. 4:43 pea .... 8:01 pa 8:30 pas 8.475.92 $05 01 Arrlv Sale E ra 8:30 am lO -.&Oaa 10:llm I3:?3pa 13 .50 pmCor 1:10 pa 4:11 psa 8:4ira 8:40 pm 8:33 pa Mlsa fUlosn oaly 1 1 :10 vm Sales oall North Beak BUtio (leave jefforwae ueet IS aad SO miaetee Uter). . s. MeTtksonad Leae A me Ai-rie Zageoo Balem Portias .... T:lla t:tlM 10 List. T:0aa :4$am II :3$ a IS .... i;:J0ean :4pa 14 ll:lt.a I:3tp M 15 Ltd. 1:53pm 4 OO psn i 1 pa 24 ... Sasem SO psa 7:pO 11 .... :21-a T;33-a :31pa K.s-ib Bak Klatlea (arrieo Jeff' Ut. Angel were present lor mv dedication. At noon a dinner ra ferved by the women of the community. Music was furnished by the .ML Angel aad SilTettoa band. The November Issue of the SI- tertcn huh school paper fpv ed on Wednesday. This paper. which was established in 111, is called -The InformanL" and Is publUheJ monthly by the as sociated student body of Teu ton high school. It contains aa account of the various student activities. The staff of "The In- t lortnant la: Editor. J. XL Holl Ingsworth: manager. Seward U. Hobbilt; asalstant editor. Wan rice Warnock: asslsUnt manager, nay UcKee. The contrlbutiag editors are Edgar Wrightman. Dorothy Hcbba. Uurnett Haberly and Alma Page. .: The football game between the SllTertcn high team and the team from the high school of Jeffer son resulted In a score or 19 to 7 In favor of Sllrerton. This makes the record for Sllverton ao far th's year of one tie game aad two victories. A rame wJ Dai la Is schedulid for next week. which will, bo doubt, be a hard game. tree IS minute corner j. calk 4:10. Leave Cor :.89.81 COXY ALL! J CONHtCTIONI aterUaostad Leave Cowatlia Airtvo rUWai 8-Zeaoa :4awa 2 :Op. r 4:10 pm $:Spoi . 8.31 , :$- aVesVeaad Leave S.les Arrtee Corvallh SXSaa e:3pm 10:11am ll:"0 ll-.SOom Total estimated re ceipts, not includ ing the money to be received from the tax which it is proposed to vote.. $ 78.717.30 IWapitulatkm Total estimated ex penses for the year $241,510.00 Total estimated re ceipts, not -including the tax to be voted 78.747.30 4:tt par $.40 am S:2pea : P 8:1 pa "THE RESTLESS SEX Starts Sunday at THE OREGON THEATRE 1 TIME DEFYING LOW COST Z 0 $C50. SO. I th of Se'.em, g.f4 suntsw. first ila.s land. I'.alance, -amount to be raised by dis trict tax . - $16. ,062. 70 The amount of money to be raised by this special tax Is more than the amount raised by special school- district tax In the year immediately preceding this, plus six per cent. It Is necessary to i sine this additional amonnt by special levy for the following reasons: ( 1 ) Loss of county funds on ac- in attenaanco. approximately it. per cent, iz necause ot open-1 lac McKinley school. (4) Gene-1 ral higher cost of operation. (5) Taxes I to cover bonus toted last year for teachers which wa. granted this year. (6) Payment of past Indebtedness. Dated this 12th day of Novem ber. 1920. II. O. WHITE. II. II. O LINGER. G. E. IIALVORSEX. W. C. WINSLOW. PAUL R. WALLACE. Hoard of Directors School District Ne. 21 immfi Aim; TSTr.'.n JS-sr S. it . -v-t -c. Newsy Notes of State Industrial Growth PsHUC XOTH EH NOTIil-: OF M 1 1 OO 1 1 K I .K T 1 0 X TO IXntHASK TAX MORE THAN MX PKIt 1:XT OVER -'that f THE PREVIOIS YEAR. Portland Columbia Rive highway completed from hen to Astoria. t. iieiens rropeny in lonm-i bia county shows net gain of) 1516.555 over asfteaainenla for 1919. e Tortland Stanffer Chemical company to locate here. Eucene powdered milk fac tory be'.ng erected ber. . . , a e - Iti-l 1 ' I , Marsniieia virr mu i"i mine soon to atari snipping ion daily Instead of 1C. Notice Is hr.l.y given to the Corvallls. New eervir build logal voters nt Srhool Dintrict No. Jns pianned for college. 21. Marion County. State f Ore- Koneburg, Work prorren's'ng gon. that a.i election will 1e h-ll ! rapidir on hew I. O. O. F. hall. ' in tsaid D;atrirt at 130-232 South J romlHs lllchway be pav Continerrlal street on the 6th day i . trom Dere to west aide high-' of Derembcr. 192. at 2 o'clock I i .u. a ri.rnn.n t s - C. 1 1 liTl the! v a Ktu a,, k. .1.1k.' 1:1 mr n n " - i Koaeaut. .swui'ia r m e- , UBl. f, a S- . 1 . n t I i- o4aSJ swaswaswaswawaaswaw ! uvl naat sierwrrl A ' r n ". r I v..,.- I Iat- oT I f S3K ? 3tti p I a ee i-k-rai I eersa ra I I : IrtsosfrfL. V WILL GENTLEMAN WHO watch from t. no- o: W. M. engraved on communicate with Geor.- bl. Paul, V". - BfH't.HT it hi iijUials buck. please W. McLan. t . knn-a!nw with and two lots. 813'HI. i-e.eo r-w Palow with $27t.O. C.ood rom bouse, psved atreet good lo. a i '.-,fi Three-room house. $.0O. Dry' wood for sale. $7 per cord. piano, also F. L. WOOD 941 tUa fctreet. . ... , ... located south of resOenre pr-lf-r- part payment. Price arm good tr is In $J.' $5W. 14 2-s'-re tract. acres lojaus. of cherries, small I -rone house. location. Price wimi. -j ra.n. .... ..I f.r.i class urnne orchard. rated 4 mile, sosilh. 8 aud 10 ) ears-old. Si. nun W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.opert eT - fall as ft an ntre4t " ' t 1 a) I wieiv ' " nnowtion of :ncr"alng the amou or th- tax levy in ald district for the year 1920-1921. by m re than six per-cent over th amount of ench levy for Ihn year immediate ly preceding. It i neelar tn raiw? tnls an ditional amount by special levy rr tne fol In wins; r-asoii: -nrleonn of county funds on acouitt of Jory ca. (21 Inerease in attendance, ap proximately 17 percent. . 1,1) RecauHe of opening of Mc Kinley school. .. Ilk C.nrral hirhr COlS inn. A from hero to and Sweden. 1 f XtmAtrsrA fft AAA arallon an- The pie. Juice to he ahitiped th; fall. I Taicn to tov MAN builds a boas for a home, but sdaetirse he mutt clung: til home, an! there- Is obliged to sell his ho-, prudent re a 3 cf moderate tnsiei tnnst make h! dwelling a "- I I ... 7 . . Vl.k ... e.. .e'l Grant rasa Making caa i I progress in Savage rapids dam. 1 "vorame trrm. u leer.non Strong indication of Th'.s houie pretty nearly ratran nl found by Orecon Petroleum j tees the owner agalast less if he ! companr. " obliged t t:i. It l besutifttl on:- Veruoaia 2.00.a fet or aid, bo'h besnttful an! practical iv,..,i.. fir oid iii Portland and within. It Is built of common hrlei. c.tti,. ranitaliatm. LocclnsT cidt- tie InMds Is finivied r'tb fptrtiTn ations lo with completion P-ast-r on metal la t the roof e.r VV. !- rmilrna.l "' .. t.hs snh rmrrrr Ml almost ImpOoSlb'.e f . TT' imnnite. Jiotiit to fake in. and tralte Impos- rnaBKevi uassa "..v.- a . a-. It .tl kVf " na a vwso is It such ef bonus voted uienta to bw installed. very little to rnaJntala. the larur ance charges are small, and lie most careful watching fails . to show any depredation la the first fir years, aad almost a negligible amount after that time. Brick houses built five ceatorie ago am stUl la daliy use. FToa a s null porch whoa arch ways are a most attractive feature, yoo eater the living room. 17Vs feet by lJ'.i- At the. opposite end of the room is the fireplace, la th soiddl of the Inside long wa! fa the stairway. At est aide of th siaircase la th dining room. 114 feet wonar. and lighted from Lire aides. Croat's g a Rule back ha3 under th stairway, ytrta reme t th kitchen. 9V feet by It. There is no pantry, but a large closet takes the plsc of one. The kJtchea rang is so placed that a stag! calmae came th fa for tktt as wU aa the for th fsrnac aad the living room fret lace. Opealag from the rear ban I a porch 13 ft by 94. which csa be used as a living aad dlaicg porch ia th warm weather. The tapper tfor reeUlas threw bedrooms. aU eC fair size or bourr. and with usatnal closeta. There ara aleo two Caosets opexlag frota th hall, aad a rather large bath room. Dot t b most naetpeeted feattxr rC this toor. lor such a tfyuse, is a screened la sleeplsg perch ever the ltvlag porch of th first floor. F'ifh a hous la a 1 rtt class 1 vestmear. rsrtimlarly la thet tlase of high rests. It Is rhesp to Train the irt coot is aot mer thaa five er six per eeet grester than frame coattrwctlon. and la a few years, this ! far mere thsa taUaced by the dlScrrac la cp keep aad In c ranee. If yeur coa tract err 1$ net fsasUT with Cr resiailT construction, write or have him wr't to tie Fer. maacBt Bulldog Dure. a. ta th Chamber of Comnere. Chics go Ut rJltl'CJ 81 lelTaC-a .