TOE OREGON STATESMAN., SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY' MORNING. NOVEMBER IS. 1020) CIT Y NEWS IN BRIEF 'V. l,.n' rrold watch a,nd nngiolack eye ..v.- from the home of Eu- which occurred at nX,imtY of Woodburn according to a ne messagre received , by te"P?," nolice from Mr. Cour- sii cu tr . 9 tW a!d that ie was unable ,efLtm description of the guil KZrlm. but requested that the tr PT'.l Pacific train No. 2 with view u eir aPPre" on Officers met the train tto one was. found ot a eus Sooi character. : Your Time enrolling at the Capital Dus t " college next Monday for a Le A new class in beginning fc!l'- n Monday. Not. 13. ,,v. to tal !3 be j the Glen hotel and given him a DiacK eye aurmg a controversy the hotal Thursday night. A call for help was rent into the police station, tut the men 'made their escape before the officer bad time to ar rive. Wanted 500 people to attend Harvest Festival sale ot produce, merch andise, jewelry, etc., Monday night, S. o'clock. Solvation Armv hall. 4 ed at 1ZZ0. The petition asked for the appontment or J. It. Mil ler as executor of the will. Appraisers Named "Gold Or the Man; Which?" Will be fir. Kantner's sermon subject Sunday evening. In the morning he will speak on "The Conquering Cross." Will Heroine Citizens ' i Declarations of intention to be come citizens of the Tnited States were filed in the ofrice of the county clerk recently Uv the - fol low ins: Andrew Kernichar. born in Serbia; Ewind Drengson Ose, born in Norway; Ol3 Uenson, born in Norway. show that the car had been owned by J. W. Coleman and Nel lie Swam, or Route 7. box 192. Fortunately no one wan Injured by the accident. 1R liapenrs W. N. Thomi-s. 4 CO University street, lost a valuable shepherd dog recently and has asked the assistance of the Salem police in locating it. The dog is described as of yellow color, has a bob tail and answers to the name of Rex. nil: we a like to talk it over PnrirtorAtUcked . To loggers are said to have locked down Manager Smith, of Ir ihn n nnPn rrr I Charles Ray and ' "Fattj" Arbnckle YouH Be Here 5ev WarMers Added Two new varsity warblers' will appear this season in the Willam ette university quartet, which was selected Wednesday by Professor Hobson, director. The members are Harold Emmel, first t"?nor; Everett Craven, baritone; Edwin ?ocolofsky, second tenor; J. Fred McGrew, bass. 'Trip to New Orleans" In motion pictures at the First Congregational church. Sunday evening.; Magazine Club lUte The Ace, 12T- North Higb. Automobile liecovered The Oldsmobile car found Wed nesday in the alley at the rear of the Hligh hotel and wh'.ch was taken in charge by Chief of Fo lice Welch, was round to belong to R. W. Pouchman. proprietor port. The workers who were fa tally injured were John Sbanna- ban. a rigger of Portland, and W. Frown, a pumper, whose home is at San Jose. CaL The report rhows that 234 of the accidents occurred in plants that are oper ating under the workmen com ptnsation law, while 15 were from firms and corporations that have lejected the law. and 14 were from public utility concerns to which the law does not apply. DATES ARE SET FOR INSTITUTE jTeacheri of Marion County Schools Will Meet No ember 22, 23 and 24 Cabhacft Hie lb.. lellverel Ward K. Richardson Phone 45 A IVmuIdse Sought The Nehalem Itoom company has applied to the public service commission for a franchise to boom Iocs on Willamette slough, a tributary to the Willamette river near Oregon Citr. Should the franchise be granted it would Hear lVy Kvanclivt Tonight- Court Street Christian church. Brewer Will Sneak Field Secretary lirewer of the state chamber- of commerce of Portland will be the speaker at the Monday luncheon of the Sa lem Commercial club. Hear K. 1 V. Evangelists Nineteen-year-old preacher and our singers. "Bungalow' Chris tian church. . WOOD WOOD Call G. If. Tracy Wood Co. lor an Kinas ol . dry wood Prompt delivery Phone 520 ITALIAN PRUNE TREES A few left, all grades; also vari out kinds of nursery stock. We ire now making fall delivery. FRriTLAXI NURSERY CO., Route , Salem Phone 111F21 fUIanette Valley Transfer ' ! Company Fst Out Freight Daily Betweec Portland and Salem Phone 1400 I SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS y Eeilrlng and Alterations UlSB.Com'1 St, Phone 1868 GENUINE UNION ALLS 11.00 and 93.00 SCHEI'S LEE Delegation ViitK Court s A delegation from Victor Point was in the city yesterday consult ing with the county court relative to road Improvements in that lo cality for the next year. The county court is greatly handi capped fo,r lacK of funds to carry on road work and although much h?.s been accomplished to better the road conditions during the past year there is much yet to be done. For this reason it was im possible for the "court to promise the delegation definite action. The delegation was composed of lo men. of th Pourhman rarae at Nine teenth and Couch streets. Port-! he under the boom law. land. Mr. Pouchman arrived in the city yesterday and took the car back to Portland. To Play in Churtli The Elks orchestra of 12 pieces, led by C. J. Kurth. will give a prelude of music, and lead the congregation in singing the hymns at the Ialie Methodist church next Sunday evening. Addresses will be delivered by .Charles Knowland and Dr. F. I Utter, in the interest of the Hoy Scout movement. No solicitations - for funds will be made. The public is invited. Freh Salmon 7 Cents FitU Market, phone 211. Hearing Krheduletl The public service romtuUsiou will conduct a hearing at Kings Valley November 19 relative to a Petition for better station facili ties on the Southern Pacific line. Three Marriage Licenses Marriage licenses were issued yesterday to the following appli cants: Mariam Robert3 of LMill City and Fred Vamey of Quat- sme. H. C; Lulu Blanche Pritch ard and James Harney Fisher of "A Growing Sunday School" And a "Live Endeavor Society" invites you at the First Congre gational church. Teachers To Attend Representatives from each of the graded schools will be pres ent at 9:30 this morning at the Salem': Adelia Fisher and Vincent Pubc library during the story C. McDonald of Salem. hour Period and take part in the jirucram. Lincoln scnooi will ue represented by Henry Hendrick son: Highland. Helen Richardson: Englewood. Ava Hart ell; Garfield, Morenee Power; Richland. Bon- nita Edwards: Grant, Elsworth Fletcher;' Park, Virginia Sisson. Hear Hoy F.vangellst On ''Going the Limit." tonight. !th and Court street. : Louiiana Waltz- This record now on sale at Stiff Furniture Co. Captain Khbert KMak Capt. Frank Eobert of Wash ington, D. C, may be heard in an address at the Leslie Methodist church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Captain Ebbert is an -orator of nation wide fame, and those privileged to hear him will be greatly benefited. Petition for Probate A petition -was filed" yesterday with the county court to probate the will of Elizabeth J. Miller, de ceased, of Stayton. The property; both real and personal is estimat- The Cha. IL Archi Implement Co. is in the market for vetch. Your Car Needs Service A heavy, well equipped tow car and well equipped shop always at your service Great Western Garage Phone 4 4. Opposite Court House AVE NEVER SLEEP Automobiles Damaged A collision occurred yesterday at th intersection of Capitol and Market streets, when an automo bile driven by Mrs. U. A. Croner of Eugene was struck by a car traveling west on Market street. which resulted in a rear wheel being smashed on the Croner car as well as damage to the other car whose driver was not identi fied. However, police I records Hoy Wants Home One boy, 13 years old. want? to do chores for board and rooi-i while attending high school Phone 1S8. The Vacuum Cups have ar rived at A. H. MOORE'S $I.OO 25 bars Savon Soap iu pounds unions iirir Onions, per set $2.00 Spuds, per sack Wrheat, per hundred 94.00 The Highland Grocery Salem School of Expression phone 496 746 Highland Avenue Lulu Rosamond Walton. Director 147 N. Commercial !j Phone 592 1484J ) Weekly Recital Class " i ': ' Sales .,nii.ii service DIXIE DOUGHNUTS 35c Doz: SALEM BAKING CO. 439 Court Street. Phone 954 VALLEY MOTOR CO. W. W. M00RE Furniture Store The Home of the VlctroU You get more for your money at : Moore a Story Hour Today The first story hour of the year will be held at 9:30 this morning Nor. 13. at the Salem public lib rary. Stories will be given by a representative from each or the public schools and will be con ducted by Miss Flora Case. This is an introduction of the regular story hours given each week of the school year for the purpose of entertaining the little folk and to cultivate an' appreciation tor better literature. RUrdon and So Reliable funeral director. Higher lUten .Ukrti An application ha been filed with the public service commis- -"n uy me Multnomah Clacka mas county Mutual Telephon company, asking for an Increase in service rates. Legal Blanks Get them at The Statesman of fice. Catalog on application. Carrier Funeral ToUay Funeral services of it. E. Car rier, who died at his Court street home Thursday night, will be held at 2 o'clock p. m. today at the First Methodist church. Rev. R. X. Avison. former pastor of the church, will be here from Spo kane to conduct the service. It was first announced that the fun eral would be -at the home, but the arrangements have been changed and it will be at the church instead. Cahbagie 1 lie lb.. Delivered Ward K. Richardson Phone 494 Water Application An application for a permit to appropriate water from an un named tributary of the east fork of. Hood river for the irrigation of a small tract of land in Hood River county has been filed with the state engineering department by C. M. Fptegrove cf Parkdale. Or. F. W. Chlndlund of Hood Hiver has filed an application for a permit to appropriate water from an unnamed creek for the lirigation or a small tract in Hood River connty. E. K. Rice or Free water. Umatilla county, has riled application ror a permit to ap propriate waste water for the ir rigation of a small tract In t'ma tilla county. New Corporation Articles ot incorporation "were riled yesterday by the Cooa Bar Battery A Service station, capi talized at $25,000. The incor porators are L. A. lilanc, Roy Gorley and C. L. NicGud. OtBeT articles were riled as follows: J. H. Garrett & Son. Inc.. Klamath Falls; incorporators. John II. Garrett. Hettle Garrett. Glen II. Garrett; capitalization. $73,000. The Wahkeena club. Corvallis. In corporators. Harnr I. Nettletnn Cecil It. Lalrdlrvlng C. Roberts; nu property valuation. Indepen dent Ilible Spiritualistic Society & Church. Portland; incorpora tors. Ida M. Schorl, Jacob C. Schorl, Homer II. Goehler: prop erty valuation. $1000. Resolu tions showing an Increase In capi talization from '$400,000 vto $1,200,000 were filed by the Col umbia Itasin Wool Warehouse company of Portland. ! PERSONAL MENTION - Planting Time ELECTRIC MACHINE & Secure Reliable Fruit and Orna riTotiTrrrtiiTn rf mental Trees, Small Fruits, Roses, EJlUUlCCIUnU, , from THE SALEM NURSERY COMPANY 42S Oregon Bids. Phone 1763 far Tbor Washing Machine and ; Dec trie Work and Supplies. 127 Court St. Phono 488 It Pays to Trade at The FARMERS CASH STORE C. Burton Durdall 147 North Commercial 347 HARTMAN BROS. CO. lor Una Jewelry ' Jevelen and Opticians THE "DAYTON" Tha Bicycle for Everyone LLOYD E. RAMSDEN $17 Court Street Bicycles and Bicycle Repairing Talking Machines and Eecords Player Pianos ana nayer jsous "WALLFELT" Takes the place of cloth at about one 1 third fCVi MAX 0. BUREN 178 N. Commercial St. n I ICTKorth Commercial St. ii11 Electric Sign "SHOES' DffiilSON ELECTRIC CO. 'OB VORK AND FIXTURES i 2J Xorth Liberty Street D.H.M0SHER Rich Class j" Cleaning and Pressing 74 Court Street v What Have You? nr, sell and exchange w M(i second-hand furni ,l0"e. ranges, rugs, Jjat, ste. We will buy you . Ifc W. P. WRIGHT i !Ti w Ationer ' N com'l St., Salem, Or. "t your sales with us Vtople't Furniture POTATOES Call on ns before you sell TilSHOP BROS. Corner Ferry and High Streets Phone 1400 L A R M E PHONE 930 SALEI1 MOVING STORING SHIPPING AU Kinds TRAHSFEr of Goods W00DRY conducts sales anywhere In Marlon or Polk counties. Store located 270 N. Com'L AUCTIONEER Better Goods tor Lees HIGHEST PEICE PAID For SECOND HAND FURNITURE Stoves, Carpets ana 1001s r.rxU.i TTri1 a sr & Furniture Co. , . . xil. Oi7 286 N. commercial dv. FURS STORED Store your Furs during summer wun us. WEST FUR CO. 621 Court. Opposite Coarl House CARL & B0WERS0X Groceries Conrt Street Phone 409 JKUSICK S Oar lrt flet of traeVs cullM Ut riT. you prompt lemti knd track of tho tizo needed for you Job. Conn try and lion instanc Haolinf a Spocialty. Wo Bay and Bell W OOD AND OOi D. A. XJLEJCEK. Xaaacar. Accident Phono 1893 Two Aeritients FMtal Two fatal accidents out of a total of 263 industrial casualties were reported to the state indus trial accident commission for the seven days ending November 11. This is shown on the weekly re- FOR BARGAINS of all kinds such as furniture, stoves, ranges, machinery, of all kinds see the CAPITOL JUNK & BARGAIN HOUSE 215 Center Phone 398 DREAMLAND RINK Dance every Wednesday and Saturday Bungalow Orchestra TURKISH BATHS "Why is it the most prosper ous and up-to-date business and professional men and women look' so refreshed and cheerful and act so spry and active when their patrons meet them, they have large interests and prob lems in life to solve. It is Just because they carry their trou bles and cares iu life to the Turkish bath room, then for a short time they relax and rest. OREGON BATH HOUSE Open dail7 from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. S'T.OO DOWN A WEEK Will Buy a ONE MINUTE ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE twM GAHLSD0RF The Store of HOUSEWARES HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Vegetables and Fruits PEOPLE'S CASH STORE Mr. and Mrs. N'orria ifnnt nf Sublimity were visitors in the city yesterday. John W. Kbner of ML Anrcl w" transacting busin-x in S leni yesterday. Mr. Kbner is a merchant in that place. W. J. Culver, road master, was inspecting roads in the vicinity of St. Paul. N'ewberg and Hubbard yesterday. Mr. Culvr says the work for the winter is ilng clohed up in the different localities. Charles Heater of Silver Creek raus was in tne city yesterday. Attorney Custer K. Ross of Sil verton. was in Sal-ra Thursday attending to legal business. CUT THIS OUT IT IS WORTH MONEY Cut out this slip, enclose wlthj c ana mail it to Foley & Co. 2833 Sheffield Ave.. Chicago. 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive In re turn a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup; Fo ley Kidney Pills for pain in sides and back; rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments: and Foley. Cathartic Tablets, a wbole some and thoroughly cleanXng cathartic for constipation, bilious ness, headaches, and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere. GRAND Tuesday Night Nov. 16 GEO. WHITE'S SCANDALS of 1919 Direct From N. Y. 50 People 50 Big Orchestra 2 Cars of Scenery Mail Orders Now Floor and Boxes $2-30 Balcony ! $2.00 Gallery . $1.00, Add 10 War Tax Seat Sale Monday 9:30 a.m. Large Sam Paid Oat by Single Tax Leagaers J. K. Harmann of Portland re ceived and disbursed as manager for the Oregon Single Tax league the sum of $2699.0 in behalf ot the single tax measure on the re cent flection ballot, according to bis statement filed with the sec retary of state. Other statements have been filed as follows: F. D. Shank. Boring. Republi can candidate for representative for the 16tn representative dis trict. HZ. (leorRe W. Joseph. Portland. Republican-Democratic candidate for senator, 13th senatorial dis trict, nothing. R. K. llaney. Portland, in be half of George K. Chamberlain. Democratic candidate for United States senator. $30. Oils C. Moser. Portland, contri bution to the Multnomah county Republican central committee. M. V. Thonia. Portland. oial ist candidate for reprewniatlve. 13th representative district noth ing. ( Gir ii K. Metzker. St. Helens. Republican candidate for rprv sentative. 2tu representative dis trict, nothing. Try Classified Ads. in The annual teachers Institute of Marlon county will be held in the high school building Novem ber 22. 23 and 24. Mr. Mary L Fulkerton. county superintendent. Mrs. Cora . Reid. deputy, and Frank H. St ruble, rural school supervisor, will bar charge of the event. For teachers to secure 16-hour attendance certificates It will be necessary for them to attend fail time every session. The certifi cates will be left with the secre tary at the close of the final ses sion, j Following are the committees appointed: Resolutions committee EL A Miller. Salem: Mrs. Maude Mo- chel. Woodburn: K. 8. McCor mick. Hubbard; John K. Coleman. Turner; Margaret Scollard. Don aid. Membership state teachers as sociation Superintendent George VV. Hug. Salem; Harry Halllc, Gervais; D. A. Iloag. Marion. Press committee Clover It, Miller. Sllerton. chairman; Ren nle Hammer. Gervais: Cora Reardsley. alem: Hazel I. Rre wer. Jefferfeon: V. It. Coin. Scotts Mills;. Helen Hedine. Salem. institute secretaries F. H Struble and A. X. Arnold. ! J. C. Nelson, principal ot Salem high school, will be superinten dent of sessions. The institute instructors are J. A. Churchill, state superintendent of public instruction: President P. U Campbell. Cnlversity of Oregon: President J. 11. Acker man. Oregon state normal; C J. Klemme. Washington state nor mal. Relllngham: George W. Hog. superintendent of Salem schools; H. C. Seymour, state club leader. O. A. C. Corvallis; Dr. F. L. Stet son. University of Oregon; Thom as H. Gentle.' Oregon Normal school. Monmouth; R. O. Cole man. Oregon Agricultural college; Helena Wlllett. principal Engle wood school; Alice Mcintosh. Ore gon normal school; W. A. Denton. Miller Mercantile company; Ida M. Smith. Oregon normal; Lena D. Tartar, Salem junior high schools, and Lillian Godsey, coun ty nurse. An outline of the program fol lows: Momlay, November S2. Forenoon General session. Music Lena Relle Tartar, direc tor. Piano dnet Elbert Lachele. Donald Allison. Vocal solo Marie Churchill. "Americanizing America" W. A. Denton. "The American Roy E. J. Klemme. . Afternoon , . . . . . General session. SIuslc Lena Pelle Tartar, direc tor. Violin solo Delbert Moore. Vocal solo Mabel Marcus. Vocal duet Josephine Ilron. Ma bel Marcus. Departments Primary Number. Ida M. Smith Civics A present need, llenena Willett. Advanced Elementary English Alice McIntoh. High. School Reconstruction 4n Edncvation. E. J. Klemme. Rural Selected, Thomas II. Gen tle, i Recess Departments: Primary Numln-r. 2nd and 2rd grades. Ida M. Smith. Intermediate The Preparation of the Reading Lesson. Helen Wlllett. Advanced Elementary Composi tion. Alice Mcintosh. , High School, selected Thomas II. Gentle. Rural The Problem of the Rural School. E. J. Klemme. Recess. Ceneral Session Address. J. H. . Ackerman. Tuesday. Nor ember 21. Forenoon Ceneral Session: Music Lena Helle Tartar, direc tor. Violin solo Iva Clair Love. Chorus Salem Teachers Club. Address "Problem Making and Problem Solving. Thomas II. Gentle. Address "The Girl Four Square" E. J. Klemme. Recess. Departments: Primary Reading. Emily De- Vore. Intermediate Classroom dram atization. Helen Wlllett. Advanced Physical Training. R. O. Coleman. liich School Why and How of Project Teaching. F. L. Stet son. Rural Selected. Thomas II. Gen tle. Alternoon General Heyion: Mtmic Lena Relle Tartar, dircc-', tor. Cello wlo. Aery Hicks. Double Trio. Salem Woman's club chorus. The Work of the State Teachers" Association Supt. G. W. Hug. Recrna. ' Departments: Primary Intelllscnce TeM. Em ily IVore. Intermediate A Plan for Improv ing Elementary Language. Hel ena Wlllett. Advance Selected. Thomas II. Gentle. High School Practlfae Applica tion of Scientific Measurement. F. L. Stetson. Rural Physical Training R. O. Coleman. Recess. . General Se-f.ion. "Kping Trarh- cr. . J. Klemme. WrdmeMlay, Novrm tcr 21. Forenoon General Session: Music Lena Relle Tartar, direc Piano solo Dorothy Esch- Vocal solo. Mrs. Ella En gland. Selected Supt. J. A. Churchill. Recess , Departments: Primary Work of the County Nurse. Lillian Godsey. Intermediate The Whjs of Poor Spelling. Helena Willett. Advanced and Higb School Se lected. E. J. Klemme. Rural Plans for the New Tear In Club Work. II. C Seymour. Principals Association 1. S. Dot- son, president. General Selon Address, Presi dent P. L. Campbell. Afternoon General Session: Music Lena Pelle Tartar, direc tor. Chorus Salem Teachers CluL.- Business Session. Miscellaneous announcements. Oregon have entered. Tb Ana conda. MonL. team was the win ner of the cup last year. Read the Classified Arls. Harvest Sale Arranged by Local Salvation Army, Special harvest home services will be conducted at the Salvation Army. Saturday and Sunday eve- j hiu a mm The ball Isf tastefully decorated with autumn leaves and sheaves of wheat, oats and rje. around which is arrangel goods of all kinds, and descriptions, donated by Salem merchants and friends and members of the Army, for an auction sale Monday night. -Practically every merchant la Salem has donated something for the sale. says Ensign Roe. "We have meal tickets, photo coupons, silverware, glassware, fancy work, clothing, shoes, groceries, and in fact nearly everything you can think of. all of which will be sold at auction, proceeds to be applied to our general and relief fund. The Salem people have responded well, and It Is hoped the people will come and buy the goods. Anyone yet wishing to contribute to tho sale may leave things at the ball on State street any time Monday. The sale begins at S p. m. o UR bakery goods are in fnreat demand. The orders are corn- in in from hither and thither from the folks who appreciate good things to eat. If you hav en't ordered our bread that's one thing yoa owe yourself. ji PEERLESS BAKERY rhUip Winters, Pro?- - 170 N. Commercial Street Phone 247 Fire Departments Asked to Compete in Contest A. C. Rarber. stat fire mar shal, haa addressed a letter to the fire chiefs of Oregon urging that they enter the competition la the Pacific coast state In the Ince fir prevention contest for the Thomas II: Ince fire trophy. So far only 14 fire departments In "Follow Ma Girl FRANK RICH MUSICAL COMEDY Next Sunday Biizh Theatre McDowell Market "Where a Dollar Does Its Duty 175 South Commercial jrDOVELLS SERVICE M'DOWELUS QUALITY ii'DOWELUS PRICES "Xuf-ned" Try Them Beef to Roast 12c Beef to Boil Se Nice Youni: Mutton Lesrs ISc Younj Mutton to Roast . To Stew. .1W 10c Our Own Lard -25c Sugrar Cured Breakfast Bacon 33c A Fine Lot of Baby Beef , for you It is time to set your Meat and Suet for mince meit. You can buy it here for less. Open until 8 p.m. LADD & BUSH BANKERS Established. 18C3 . i General Banking Easiness Offica Honrs from 10 . rx. to 3 p. ex. The Keep Daintily Dressed About Your Housework It is a pleasure to yourself and to your fam ily when you sjo about your housework dressed in dainty and crisp house dresses and aprons. And o matter wno drops in on you, you leel tree to run to the door, knowing that you are wearing one of those adorable and thor oughly attractive cov eralls that you . j ist. bought at Shipley's. . And the Ease of Laimdering They arc made with flat belt and flat rockets and are often trimmed with bands of contrasting shades or with flat braids. They wash fo easily and can be ironed in a trice. They Are of gingham and ncr- calc; two materials that are known to every house wife for their practibility, their ability to wear and for the fastness of their colors. fU8, $2.98, $438 ilhiplc. The combination of the modern tfe and the "Pay At Too Co Han" Spells Success k4 5liutriTi7 mm'' mSfm- SALEM ALBANY Statesman For Results JWtTione 1047 Phpne714 tor.