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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1920)
f - ." THR WEATHER Oregon: Friday, rain west. ' jj. or snow east portion; fresh easterly wlI!ds- The State? rr an receTTc the leased wire report or the Associated Press, the greatest and moat re liable press association ia the world. SEVENTIETH YtiAR SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 12, 1D20 PRICE: FIVE CENTS 1C HONOR PAID 10 A Soldier, Symbol of French Victory in the War is Laid to Rest Beneath Arc de Triomphe AMERICAN SOLDIERS' GRAVES DECORATED Apothesis of Glory Accom panies Expression of Na tion's Gratitude PARIS. Nov. 11. An unknjown soldier, the symbol of France's victory in the war was laid in his final resting place beneath the Are de Triomphe, today, in an spothesis of glory accompanied by expressions of gratitude of two millions of his countrymen and allies. Never in the history of trance has a king or emperor been afforded such honors as those rendered the unknown sol dier. The bodyt of Napoleon re turning from St.' Helena did not stir the French to such a depth of emotion as did this obscure nameless man. . Eyes of France Are Dry Not a cheer was head and not a tear was shed, the five year war saving long since dried up the veils of Paris' tears. The silence was respectfully oppressive.' Tor. day broke dull with a heavy fog banging like a pall over the si lent city. ! ; The most Impressive ceremony vat at the Pantheon where all the prominent men of -political, offictal and Judicial Paris had "as sembled. Three marshals, of France, all the generals promi nent in the war and the whole diplomatic corps with the excep tion of the German ambassador, listened to President Millerand's tpeeeh.; Millerand Addresses Throng Addressing the unknown sol cef toff in. President Millerand alluded to the. American soldiers, laylngi . ' - : "Unknown soldier, : nameless and triumphant representative of the gallant multitudes of poilus. the dead who lie in the cold graves in the soft of Flanders, Champagne, Verdun and so many other battlefields, famous or un known; young heroes who came lo us from the other side of the Atlantic, the British Isles and dis ant dominions, from Italy, Bel- , glnm and Serbia, from all points of the earth to offer up your lived for the Ideal which France one more ia representing, sleep in peace! You "have fulfilled jour destiny." Faces Radiant With Pride President Millerand ended bi3 address with a tribute to Leon Gambetta; the famous French pa- trtot I . v "( After the president's oration, the procession took up the march to the Arc de Triomphe. Presi dent Millerand walked barehead ed with Marshal Foch, Joffre and PMaln, in full regalia, following behind a battered .155 gun of the . model of 1915 bearing the body of tin unknown soldier. Mutilated soldier!, painfully drawing their wounded bodies ont with faces radfant with pride opened the procession. "We cap tured Givenchy," one soldter min i a leg taid. "K would go throneh It again IfT neeessarv" Old pollns of the Marne battle of lsii wearing red trousers and IJk. received subdued applause while flowers were' thrown from windows on the car bearing the Vworate American Graves a tj Brocasion reached the Arc Xr njphe shortly after noon. . "' Tjyof the poilu and an urn conuihtflg the heart of Gambetta jw blaced in the Chapells Ar nte.t and the procession broke up. I The crowds were permitted to fUf past the c,of f in for one ist ftJb ldler draped in the , jrucolor flag above which was the jnscriptlon "thou sbalt not pass" w achieve which, this, as well: as million and a half other French tave up their lives, Thin afternoon a group of lit- f w tin In the name of the tench government decorated the ea of American soldiers in ouresnes cemetery in the presence "Ambassador Wallace. American wpon and French officials and Qmrous Americans. titiihboys Reign in : Oregon Metropolis . ROWLAND. Ore., Nov. 11. -frTrand was In the hands of its ? service men. the dough 7 the gobs and the devil t?"dn throughout today and un- lonignt. The streets in the ..!11B hours took on a carnival i t ce; There was dancing otsT p1rement3 and in the big - ttfu' A" sorts' of noisemaking "ice wi v . . , . . i IV a. th 'c "rougni into use ana lu, ,mi Rave way to jollity!, feature of the earfier houri UNKNOWN : L - ! FRENCHPOILU h hT Etreet Parade participate! of iPt i BeTeral thousands of veterUhe fnn- oi uniiorm. uov- C eori. 'W' 01cott anrt' Iarr 8 L. Baker reviewed It . u and mil ...if... TELLER ENGINEERS $45,000 ROBBERY CAREY THOUGHT LOCKED IX TIME VAULT. Youth Takes Money and Flees In to Country to Seek Safety Found at Farmhouse OTTAWA, 111,, Nov. 11. Ad mission that ho "engineered the whole thing ' himself." was made tonight." according to' county of ficials, hy Franci", J. Carey, 21 year old teller of j the National City bank of Otfawa, who gave himself up today, i following yes terday's robbery ot the bank. Most of the $45,000 taken ha3 been recovered. Carey disappear ed after the robbery and it was at ftrst thought he had been locked in the vaults ; Carey was found at the farm house of Mat COrwin, four miles south of t'tica. 111., into which he staggered late today foot sore and weary. Following a tele phone call to President Charles P. Taylor of the bank, in which Carey said he would await the arrival of Sheriff C. S. Ayers, he was brought back to Ottawa and made his Reported confession. in me presence oinis .moiner, Mrs. Mary -"Carey, Sheriff Ayer announced that Carey made this statement: "I did the whole job. Ii en gineered the whole thing myself. I cannot explain the presence of anyone in the alley. When I went home to supper last night I stuffed $500 in bills in j my pocket. At home I hid it under the mattress. After supper I went back to get the rest of the money. When I left the bank I ranout on the road. I walked for miles and miles in the dark." PLACE CAUSEOF N. Y. EXPLOSION Plot Declared Linked With Building Trust Graft by Evening World NEW YORK. Nov. 11. Re sponsibility Xor the disastrous Wall street explosion last Septem ber, the echo of which was heard around the world in denunciations of "reds" and "anarchists," today was charged to individual labor ing men or. labor sympathizers by the New York Evening World. The paper, however, admitted it could not explain the presence of threats signed "Anarchist Fight ers," found in a mail box near the explosion. - f . - In a three page story the paper announced that the mystery of the blast that killed nearly 40 persons and injured 150 more "had been solved." The theory advanced was that the death wagon in which the bomb had exploded had not been sent into the financial districtto terrorize "the capital ist class," but had been intended as a reprisal against Robert P. Brindell. president of the build ing trades council and 85 Brindell workers employed in demolishing the stock exchange building an nex. Held up on the way the; bomb was believed by the paper to have exploded before it reach ed its destination. Seeking to link the explosion with the "building trust graft," now being investigated by a joint legislative committee, the paper naming a houswreckers' union, said: "The Evening .World presents proof that 1800 men, nearly all foreign born, sober, ' Industrious, efficient and well . disciplined, have within 'a spade of 18 months been subjected to an amazing con spiracy of greed and injustice, and the explosion was the culmination of this - tyranny. The - building trtades graft was responsible for the crime. The Evening World does not charge the union,' as a union, with responsibility. It was the work of individuals, possibly inside the , union, ' possibly the work of sympathizers. "Further proofs are presented that the wrath and sentiment of theseN working men and their fel lows who knew of their tragic losing fight -to avert vagrancy and starvation in days of overflowing labor opportunity was centered not only on their arch-oppressor, Robert P. Brindell. dictator of the building trades council but upon1 house wrecking contractors." Americanism Council U Proposed by Galbraith BOSTON, Nov. 11. Governor Coolidge, vice - president - elect, with Fred Galbraith of Cincinnati, national commander of the Amer ican legion; Rear Admiral Harold O- Dunn, commandant of the First naval district, and Major General David C. Shanks, com manding the First army corps, at tended an Armistice day meeting on the Common this afternoon. Mr. Galbraith urged the people to prevent the appointment as heads of the army and navy of men "who pay political debts at the expense of the nation." General Shanks presented Mr. Galbraith with the Victory Medal. At a meeting of the Boston iCty club tonight, Mr. Ga braitn sug gested the formation lot a greai national council" for the spread Americanism. Such a council. he said, could cover "a aozen forms of Americanization being spread by a dozen' patriotic or ganizations." . . : REVOLUTION STARTED BY ASSESSORS Tax Men Want Governor, ecretary OI State andiisif a n a great historical pageant Treasurer Removed and New Board Appointed UTILITY VALUATION CAUSE OF DISCORD Lienenweber of Clatsop County Elected President of Association ' I ' Oregon county assessors are aroused agaMint the present sys tem whereby the state tax com mission fixes the valuation of public utility properties, and . as an organization will probably ask the next legislature to remove the governor, secretary of state and state treasurer from the commission and, create a new commission of three members, two to travel about the state to examine utility and other prop erties and one to do the office work. Also they will -ask the leg islature to appropriate sufficient money to finance. such a system. This plan of the assessors de- veloped at the conference with the state commission and public utility representatives Wednes day and at the meeting of the as sessors yesterday. The assessors say they do not have access to the records of the utilities except in a limited way through the of fice of the state tax commission, while the utilities have free access to the books of the assessors. They declare it is utterly impossible to have a valuation placed on public ut'lity properties that is in pro portion to the valuation placed on th-i property of individual citi zens. Individuals Also Jjaae While the assesors admit that some of the utilities are losing money, they claim the utilities are not distinguished In. this re spect from the farmers or other private property owners. The- commission will not re port for some time on the utility valuations for this year. As an alternative to the pro posed plan to remove the gover nor, the secretary of state and the state treasurer from the-state tax commission and have St board of two traveling and one offire com missioners created, it was sug gested that the duties of the state tax commission might Je at tached to the public service com mission, giving that department authority to appoint two traveling commissioners. Conferences Opposed The assessors are unqualifiedly opposed to any future conferences with the railroad attorneys on the question of thi ratios or taxation for the utilities for Mhe reason that the attorneys after free ac cess to the records of the asses sors, have unlimited data at their disposal, while the assessors are without data from the records of the utilities. C. L.. Starr, former secretary of the state tax comm'ssion. now a tax attorney of Portland, in an address to the assessors, ex pressed the opinion that the three-member commission plan would be satisfactory, but said it Would be unjust to add the duties of the commission to any other state department, such as the public service commission. Countyyassessors of Oregon, in convention here yesterday, went on record as favoring repeal of the law passed by the legislature of 1919 requiring the assessors to take an asricultural and horticul tural census each year. They de clare it is impossible for them to collect the correct data. Committee Named . A committee appointed to draft a bill changing the system and sbefora the legislature is composed of F. P- Liennweber of Clatsop county. J. B. Coleman of Jackson county, J. S. Van Win kle of Linn county, J. P. Beyers of Coos county and C. E. Walker of Lane county. As a i legislative committee Welch . of Multnomah county. Van Winkle of Linn. W. B. Cook of Clackamas county, W. W. Calk ins of Douglas and Coleman' oi Jafkson were appointed. F. p. Leinenweber of Clatsop county was elected president of the State Assessors association. J F. Holman of Polk county, vice president and J. P. B-ycrs of Coos county, secretary and treas urer. Another! law which the asses sors will endeavor to have passed hy the legislature will b? a stat ute requiring auctioneers, before they sell any quantity of goods, to obtain from th- owner a tax re ceipt showing that taxes have: been paid on the articles. HAITIANS PREFKR MAR1NKS WASHINTU. y .ov Haitians prefer the methods m rrefer the methods k. I'niHd States marines tot rren ilnrma rf tllO IS - tnOHC l "C f,liinl"'- " -- land. Rear Admiral Knapp. who Is ronductinu an investigation of conditions in Haiti, reported to the state department today. He declared that nowhere did he en counter opporsitlon to American administration of affairs. GENERAL PERSHING HEADS PAGEANT FIRST DIVISION MARCH DEMONSTRATION IN Crippled Veterans Are Ieeorated With Regimental French Fourrager CAMP DFX. N. J.. Nov. 11. Marching afoot as one vt the vet- lerans. General John J. rersningi inai in sinking manner nienuir- ialized its battles of the world war. Hundreds of other former dficers and men of th disn were in the three mile liiu with the, ?resent personnel of their Ut companies and batteri.-a nianh ing in the most thrilling feature of the Armistice day reuni n .-f "the first to go over and the last to come back." At the conclusion of the dem on stration. General Perilling decorated with their regimental French fiurragere a detail of crippled veterans of the division from the Walter Ileid hospital at Washington, praised n a brief address the record of the division as a standard of inspiration to American soldiers through all the future, and paid a touching trib ute to the memory of those "who. by their supreme sacrifice, have made this day possible." , Wtnesaed by thousands, the parade especially signallized the .great offensives in which the division participated in France. It was presented cm the north parade ground, its borders bank ed with tanks, field artillery, huge "can throwers" and other battlefield equipment. Eight memorial arches told by inscrip tion and decoration each its story of some big event in division history from the disembarking on French soil to the last success ful drive on Sedan. BASIS SOUGHT FOR AGREEMENT Emotions of Armistice Day Should Help Bring Irish Settlement LONDON, Nov. 11. Former Premier Asqulth appealed for ad vantage to be taken of the asso ciations and emotions aroused by the anniversary of Armistice day which could not be put to worth ier use than an endeavor to find a basis of real settlement for Ire land. ! ' Premier Lloyd George, replying contended that the present bill was a generous measure but the Irish people were not in a tem per to give it proper understand ing and consideration. He declared that documents to be published at an early date, found in (he possession of Sinn Fein leaders in 1918, provfng thy were involved in a German plot, would show the necessity ot hiiftland retaining complete con trol of Irish harbors. t To give Ireland the iower to raise a conscript army, he said, would be a dangerous menace to Great Britain and he warned the laborites that with an army of that kind in Ireland under full powers of Irhh dominion rule, conscription in England v would become inevitable. The premier contended that It was equally Impossible to allow Ireland her own navy which was quite needless for her national life and could only be used for the peril of Great Britain and her own destruction. He argued that it was fruitless to talk of granting fiscal autono my to people still demanding a republic. Expressing . a fervent hope for the removal of misun derstandings which would make the future dark, the premier closed with a note oT emotion: "It may be that It was an Irish soldier we honored today. Ire land has had a great and brilliant share in the empire. Some of her greatest and most gallant war riors hlped to fight for the em pire. Some of her greatest states man the shining marks of Burke and the stern leadership of Wellington all contributed fo buld the empire. "All we ask is that Ireland should, not in a moment of anger cast away an Inheritance which is as much hers as ours but join in the empire it helped build and adorn." War Conditions in Urga Are Critical PEKING. Nov. 1. Further re ports received here from Crga. Northern Mongolia, where the Chi nese have driven back forces com prised of Russians. Mongols and Japanese, describe the exploitation of the Russian residents by the Chinese since the abolition of the extra territorial rights. Including a threat to exterminate the Rus sian population In the event the enemy forces compel an evacuation of the territory. All the Russians have been dis armed and a majority of them nlaced in jail. No Russians have : nermHte.1 to leave I rea. E - American mininc-rncin- describes the status of for lt1' eigners in th" 1' region as crit- ical. The Chinese have arrested Mon golians living in Buddah, and de manded the abandonment of their alleged efforts to restore autono my In. that region. MEXICANS HEAR VOICE OF HARDING Foreign Policy of Peace, Friendship, But Protect ing American Nationality is Urged by Senator COURTESY IS PAID BY MEXICAN GARRISON American Nation is Only in Morn of National Life Full of Richness ' .imoWNSVIIXE. Tex.. Nov. 11. Facing a border crowd in which were many citizens of Mexico and several officials of the Mexican government. Precldent-eleet Har ding proposed here today a for eipn policy directed toward peace and friendship, but demanding al ways full protection of American rationality and American citizens wherever they mar, go. Mexicans Pay Courtesy. The address, his first prepared utterance since his election to th. presidency, was delivered from a stand on the Fort Brown parade grounds, within a few .hundred yards of the International boun dary. The cavalry sabres of the Fort, Brown garrison rattled about Mm. but in place of honor on his right was also a part of the Mex ican garrison or Malamoras. pay ing a visit of compliment and courtesy to the next American president. ; In his address, devoted jointly to' the significance of the Armis tice day anniversary and to th country's foreign relations, he did not mention Mexica by name nor did be refer directly to the league of nations. We crave fraternity." he said, "we wish amicable relations everywhere we offer peace and choose to promote it. but we de mand our freedom and our own America. I believe an American eminent on the seas, respected in ttery avenue of trade, will 'be safer at home and greater Influ- ence throughout the world. I like to think of America whose citizens are ever seeking the preater development and enlarged resources and widened Influence or the Republic, and I like lo think of a government which pro-tt-cts its citizens wherever they go on a lawful mission, anywhere under the shining sun." IVeparedne I Urged. Mr. Harding also suggested that the nation learn a lesson of. pre paredness from the experience of the world war. and spoke a word lor waterway development. He praised the efforts of Texas citi zens toward the development of adequate rrrt facilities at the mouth cf the Rio Grande, declar ing his vacation visit to Point Isabel had brought a new reall 7ation of the economic possibili ties of the state. Although primarily an Armis tice day celebration, the program of addresses and the parade which preceded It were also planned as a welcome to the president-elect and as a boost for the Rio Grande deep waterways movement. The crowd came by thousands from many of the Rio Grande valley cities and from across the border and there were in the day events piany elements to emphasize both national unity and international friendship. Consuls Ride Side ly Side. In the rafade. which included an elaborate pageant represent ini: historical epochs and demonstrat ing productive possibilities f tb alley. Mexican Consul Vasoue. - of Brownsville and American Con - tul Wilson or Matamora rode to - Rather, each carrying the flz or bis nation. .Manv other M:ilr3n flags were in tht procession and the military band or the Mata- moros garri?on had a place just behin-1 the fourth cavalry squad - ron. which acted as the president - elect's escort. General Lopez, military rovfr- nor of the Matamoros district was on? of those who ?al on lh Fva!(. ers stand. Rv special re.juet o' the president-elect, the Matamo - ros military band, stationed near Mm. nlaved - "Mexico Al!-rprln jn?t before he becan sieakinu. A Significant Itav. The text of Prcsident- le. t Hat- , cMne's address at the Armistice celebration here follow in pari: , November the eleventh has an abiding significance to America! and the world. Kor A merle it sea led our capacity to defend o-ir national riclits and atamped etfectiyeness in aiding to fn-M-rv.. the established ord.r of wr. I civilization: for the world i tin-rkcd a new ord-r for human- :ty. and for all time It warns am - bit ion and madness for nowax that . malt .'I ...'M m in.-'tion of the worlil ner-r designed bv Ood and will ne-r b- tolerated by na nk ilifl. ""The day is especially inter esting to our own country. t eause without American partici pation It might have been a late" (Continued on page S) GOVERNOR COX IS . ! s n r Alt 1 REORGANIZATION OF IS II.I.-TIMKD PARTY iH-morratic Party Ha Already Elected It leader Say Statement MONTGOMERY. Ala.. Nov. 11. Governor Cox of Ohio was ten dered an informal reception on his arrival today with Mrs. Cox. en route to Tunkegee for a week's huntine trip, e aim was accom panied by former Senator Tag gart of Indiana and was met here by Senator Harrioon of Misi ippi. Senators HarrUon and Tag gart issued a statement declaring ! that talk of reorganization of the Democratic party was Ill-timed. :The party has already elected its leared for the next four years. the statement said. "That leader Is James M. Cox. It la presump tion on the part of anybody o say that the Democrats who knifed the party should try to reorgan ize it." KING UNVEILS WAR MONUMENT Thousands File by Tomb of Empire's Newest Immortal an Unknown Soldier LONDON. Nov. 11. In historic Whitehall tonight Great Britain's newly unveiled monument to her "glorious dead' stood half burled beneath hundreds of flower tok ens of the nation's sorrowing ap preciation of their sacrifices. A few hundred yards away, ia Westminister Abbey, amidst the tcmbs of the realm's great men repesed the body of the empire" "neweat immortal" an unknown comrade of thpse whose deeds the cenotaph niemoralizes. Every partf the empire, all classen of lis citizens from th king to bereaved relatives of the humblest private, participated In the impressive nnveillng cere monies and the subsequent burial rites in the Abbey. Whitehall and the streets adjacent to th Abbey were Jammed with people, most of whose faces mutely told the tale of lost lovd ones. The two minute's silence which fell over this old concourse at "Big Ben" thtlnitrreri the hnnr 11 m.m,rrm,A tn x -hk Hons It was a silence broken only by the hysterical shriek of a wo man who collapsed from the In tensity of it spell. 'On the tenth trke of the great gong, the king pulled the cord unveiling the imposing monnment and with the others stood uncovered and with bowed head. Then, after bis wreath and those of the prince of Wales and ine cmctal colon a 1 reDresenl. i tives had been depositei at the bise of the cenotaph, the field marshal, pall bearers with their hallowed burden, moved off to the Abbey, the kins following the flag-draped coffin. At the coneluMon of the ser vices in the Abbey the sound of married drums rumbled through the ancient rdliice: btiglen bound ed and the king and members of the rojal party filed out slowly. Throughout the afternoon great l ues extendel from the cenotaph through the lencth of Whitehall across irjfalcar square, waiting! 10 swen trie accumulation of flow er about the monument. Never before has London ' rurh vaat and patient ficwd. At a late hour tonlcht they were still silently filing by the cenotaph, many depositing wreaths, and through the Abbey past the arave of the unknown soldier. The Abbey was to . Wpt open until midnisht If necc rary for all desiring to entr. . ; -.. ) f ITSt SnCWllakeS Make j . ... f , Appearance Last Night i . j S;:lm' first snow of the win ter f-ll last night. beginning j about 9:i: o'clock. The flakes ' ere the size of a iwo-blt piece, j but so many lusty rain drops ' mn,'i ih them, that the bK i snow crystals barely hit the ' lr:"""l before thy were gone 8n:l ha(1 ,cft no evidence of tbe.r I raid ,h community. ; ' Representatives From 11 Colleges Coni er LIGENE. Ore.. Nov. 11 Col lege and universities all the way l "rltuti Columbia to CaM tor- nU erfm represented at a confer ,nr' tiH'1 hre tH,i"r 'V discuss " Problem- of the roller, paper. An.-nc the " L. wV".1.! KrK , dvV ,h, .. n wrM ' l'MIIIM.l, -l .Mill , :"'" ,,t " iniDa..fHw ,(, !.,, b, or puman Gonzaga university. Spokane. Ore- Agricultural college; Univer sity of California. l'nlvi-ritv of : Washington: Whitman college. Walla Walla. Willamette univer stty. Salem and I"nlersity of Ore gon. Following the conference a ban quet was tendered the vUitors by publishers ot the 1'niversity of Oregon Dally Emerald staff. BREYMAN PROPERTY IS PURCHASED BY SALE1 ELK LODGE Contraction of Temple to Cost Not Less Than $200,000 and That Will Accommodate Membership of 2500 Planned for Fext Two Years Space Covers Two and One-Half Lots Valuable Realty Held by'Lodge Within the next two years it is probable that an Elks temple, to cost not less than $200,000 and with accommoda tion for a membership of 2500, will be erected at State and Cottape streets, on the Breyman corner. This became known yesterday when announcement was made that the Werner Breyman residence property has been purchased by the Elks for the purpose of erectinjr a home for the Salem lodge. The price paid was $22,500. Purchase) was made from the Breyman heirs. The house now standing on the property is the largest residence building in Salem and at the present time is vacant. The ground space is two and one-half lots. What immediate use will be made pf the house and lota has not been determined. Neither have plans been drawn for the new home, but it is understood that early action will be taken towards deciding on the character of construction. It is known that the building, when completed, will be an ornate structure that will add much to the" beauty of that already beautiful section of the city. It is understood the building will contain all the conve niences of modern Elk homes, including dormitory, gymna sium, swimming pool and reception room in addition to the regular club and lodge facilities. The Elks are determined to make the new structure am ply large. The lodge has rapidly outgrown the present build ing, although it is known as one of the neatest Elks homes in the state. Some of the most valuable real estate in Salem is now owned by the Elks. Besides the newly acquired Brey man property and the site of the present terap!e on liberty street, the Elks own the corner at Court and High streets where the Webb & Gough undertaking establishment Is lo cated, t . The building committee of the Elks through which the deal was made is Charles R. Archerd, Frank T. Wrightman, Dr. H. H. Olinger. E. W. Hazard, Thomas B. Kay. W. D. Evans and Homer Smith. B. E. CARRIER IS SUTiIMONED mm aa i Prominent Salem Citizen Passes Away After Illness i ' of Three Weeks 1 ! B. K. Carrier died at his home. lfii Court street, at S ; : o'clock last night after an illdena of about three week. He was it years old. Mr. Carrier ha ben a resident Jf Salem for about 10 years, hav ing come here from Kane. Pa. Formerly he was in the lumber business, but since he came to Salem bad op-rated two farina, one In Marion and one In Polk county. Mr. Carrier w a leading mem ber of the F:rt MethodiM rharrb end was a member of the hoard of trustee of that church. He is rurvlved by his widow .and by ath -r Immediate relative who live in Penns vlrarla. Funeral arrangement have not been male. Idle Men Begin to Drifts in From Many Directions Idle men are drifting Into th? city this wek from the north. the east and outh. Some are re turning to their home, tired of the lire of th hobo, others in quest of work, white a few. think ing to e the world and Indiffer ent to life'a responsibilities, drift on with the tide. Wednesday night 17 inea. all of whom were without tnean. were given shelter fmm the rold In the rlty Jail. Several necessar ily slept on th floor as the num ber of beds Is limited. Among thee m-n were bov wl dressed and some showed marks of re f nnf nt. A fine looking lad of lt years was among the latter, and whe.i askrd If h would not lSk. to sit down at his father's table for breakfaH. with a show of filing replied: " I would Ilk- nothing better. He was rttnrnng to his fath er s houe in the sunny south land. . Another, a printer by trade, when aked where he waygoing, i.i a distrusted tone said. "I am going back to my Job that I left." It is thought that all of these men left the city yes'crday. I o. A. r. OFF foil It I.IAIIX s inT Nn ir vn, it At. L .be g,X,Vr -7.1 f --V Vl? r"u I. rM S Mrt, In Ve t ,,cttce. the foot- i n ball tam Oregon Agriei'ltoral -,' hP- ,Hrv " hednjed Mo pla again! Vah ngtn s'ate cll-g- n-t Satarda Athl-tk-Manager Jam-s J. l(tbardMn ; the Atri acre all in rood frond. tien for the coming game ei- 1 ct-pt lht fM-rse Powell and liar- ry Swan were suffering the ef fcts of alibt Injuries sustained 'two week ago In the cam llb the University ot Waihlnston. r.IRS:HAT.ETON r PASSES AWAY Member of Well Known Willamette Valley Family Dies at Stockton Mrs. Sarah I. Hamilton, wife of M. L. Hamilton, who daring the many years h- lived In Salem was one of the beat known resi dents of the city. 4d yesterday a' the home of ber son. Land Hamilton, at Stockton. CaL. ac cording to a message received by ber half-sister. Mrs. Carey F. Martin. No detaila of the death of Mr. Hamilton have been a rerta'aed here. Sh was visiting ber aon'a home. Mrs. Hamilton was bom at Dal las, probably about 0 years ago. and was a daughter of Uosei Smith. She baa natneroua rela tives among the promln-nt fam ine of Salem and vicinity. Im mediate relatives who urvlv ber are ber husband, two aons. Land Hamilton of Stockton and Ira Hamilton of Oakland. Cat., and two half-alttera. Mr. Carey Mar tin of Fal-rn and lira. Richard Kirk of Portland. Mrs. Hamilton was a member or St. Joseph's Catholic cbnrch or Salem. It a probable that the body will b brought here for funeral sericea and Interment. Portland Will Add Forty Patrolmen PORTLAND. Xer. 11. Forty additional uniformed police and II motorcycle policemen will be placed on beata la residential sec tions tomorrow as a part ef the plan of Mayor Baker and Chief of Police Jenkins to cope with the present crime wave. These patrol- men will go on shift at I o'clock and work until 4 o'clxk In the morning. They will be kept on this shift, and placed In the resi dential districts until the present series of burglaries has been bait ed, the mayor announced. Alaskan Reindeer Meat to be Skipped to If. 5. S RATTLE. Not. 11. Meat packers at Nome. Alaska, will be p-rtarrd to ship at least . reindeer carcases lo American markets tbrouca Seattle next year. Carl J. Loraea of Nome, said here tonight. Nome Interests are building two additional re trigeraLng plants at Ilea v lk and Golovia. near Nome, and plan to establish a string of such plants lone th roast of Alaska. The reindeer herd" owned by one com pany tn the vicinity of Nome now numbers more than 35.OQ0 ani mal. Mr: Loutea said and be pre dicted there would be a million reindeer la the Alaska territory wltala tea years. V