The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 04, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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N -
Adoption of Referendum
Has No Affect on Nego
tiations With Japan
WASHINGTON. Nov. 3. udop-j
tion by the California electorate j
yesterday of the referendum;
measure restricting the right of!
aliens to leae or hold real prop
yl erty in that state will not Effect,
it was learnea toaay, ine continu
ance of negotiations here between
the Japanese ambassador and the
state department as to the status
' of Japanese in California and the
general subject of Japanese im
migration. The heavy (majority
in favor of the restricting meas
ure, it was said, had been fully
discounted in advance, and nego
tiations have made such progress
that should treaty resul it may
reach the senate during ithe win
ter session. The temporary ab
sence from .Washington 6f Am
bassador Morris, who has been
conducting for the state (depart
ment the discussions with Ambas
sador Shiehara, it was said, had
been fully discounted in advance,
and negotiations' have made such
progress that should treaty re
sult it may reach the senate dur
ing the winter session. The tem
porary absence from Washington
of Ambassador Morris,! who has
been conducting for the state de
partment the discussions with
Ambassador Shiehara, it was said,
. has only partially delayed nego
tiations. They will be resumed
fully on the return of Mr. Morris
this week. The 'Japanese am
bassador conferred today with
Secretary Colby, but no statement
ar. to the purpose of his visit was
given out.!
Ar.ti co-rtpJiU'i-y
Yos, 50': no!,
in;e-Ast V3. 32:
iefuge aill
i'ive ,-r teat
no. VJ3. Bird
M.; no. 3i 2.
(Continued from Page 4.)
berlaln. 67; Hayes, 4; Stanfield.
2. Far congress Hawley. 136;
Talbert. .11. Secretary of slate t
Kozer, 155; Sears. G; Upton, 1;
Dairy and food commissioner
llawley, 130; Von "enrsa. C.
Public service commissioner
Bennett, 29; Buchtel, 110; New
man, 2-J jCompulsory voting
Yes. 29; no. 123; Sixty day ses
sionYes. 31; no, 131. Oleo
margarine bill Yr?s, 32: no H7.v
Single tax 19. no, 13-j. Four
term officers- Yes, 77; no. 72.
Port consolidation -Yes, '?; no,
66. Antl compul3ory vaccination
Yes. 37; r.o, 117. rive per
cent interest s, IS; no. J 28.
Bird refuge lillrs, "!;. no, 91.
Divided legislature Yes. 31; no
05. Market commission Yes,
27; noj 103. .
Sal-iii Xo. I
For president --Harding.
C.x, 81; Wat Kin, 0; Debs, 9. For
senator - Ch-iianti :aiu, 118;
Hayes. j'7; . Slau:;, 8:
152; Sveneon, l.VFor congress
Hawley, 20r; Taiym. 22. Sec
retary of tat-4-Ko'-. 2,,:
Sears, 10; Crtcn. . . Dniry an!
food eunvnSss!on-r Hawky,
209; Von Cearen, 10. Public ser
vice comitm&ion-'i Honnett. ,51;
BjchteJ. 'M; X'wm&n. 2. Ccin
.llsory otiiU Vf l:. n:. i'J
Sixty ' day s:v;on Yes. ! ; "no,
143. OloniarpaiiiiS 1111 Yes,
49; no.? 190 Sin'e tax Yes. 17;
no. 220. rjur yo..r t.?rn rouu;y
officers -Vts, 129; no, i( 2. Port
consolidation si : no. 130-
The American Beauty,
The King Pin of Fun
' makers
The woman's ride of
t :
an age-old argument
I V:
: IK-
i jn
Takes the Ail out of
Jail in
Two Reels of Uproar
ious Laughs
Sunday, Super Special
Divided 'bUVi re--Ves, ."; no,
17 4. Market c:mmI?sion Yes.
U; no. loO.
Vt WotHlI.trn
For president Harding, 175 ;
Cox, 75;. Watkins, 7. For sena
tor Chamberlain. .103; Hayes. 1;
Slaughter. 3; Stanfield. 14. For
congress. Hawley 1 S3; Talbert 24;
'Secretary e? state Koser. 203:
Sears, 13; Upton, 6. Dairy and
iuou Hawley, 107:
Von Behren, 19. Public service
commlssoner Bennett, 50; Uucb
tel. 147; Newman, 13. ConipuJ
orv votingt Yes. 34; no. 141.
Sixty day session Yes. tf3; no.
n3. Oleomargarine b!M Yes,
30; no. 151. Single tax Yea. 23:
no,? 162. Four year terra county
officers Yes. 96; no. 75. Anti
compulsory vaccination Ys. OS:
no. 130.. Five per cent Interest
Yes. 34; no. 165. Bird refuge
bill Yes, 176; no. 120. Divirtel
legislature Yes, 73; no J5. Mar
ket commission Yes. 43;
132. Uort consolidation
95: no. 1.
Salem Mo. lo
For president Harding,
Cox.. 81; Watkins. 6: D?bs. 3.
For senator Chamberlain, 120;
Hayes. 11; Sfaughter. 9: Stan
field. 163. For congress Haw-j
ley. 2 la; Talbert. 14. Secretary
of state Kozer. 262: S?ars, 13;
Unton. 1. Dairv and food com
missioner llawley, 226: Von
Behren, 15. Public service com
missioner Bennett, 63; Buchtel.
190; Newman. 3. Compulsory
voting Yes, 48; no. 203. Sixt
ay session Yes. 57; no, 173.
Oleomargarine bill Yes, 49; io,
207. Single tax Yes, 21: no
221. Four year term county of
t.cerfr Yes, 122; no. 111. Port
consolidation Yes, 98; no, 110.
Anti-compulsory vaccination
Yes, 63; no, 183. Five per cent
interest Yes. 31; no, 209. l.Mrd
refuge bill Yes. 93: no, 132. Di
vided legislature Yes, 48, no,
172. Market commission Yes.
43; no, 168.
For president Harding, 50;
Cox, 30; Watkins, 3; Debs, 2. For
senator -Chamberlain, 36; Hayes,
2; Slaughter 3; Stanfield. 46;
Svenson, 2. Representative in con
cress - Hawley. 65; Talbert, 10.
Secretary of state Kozer. 70;
Sears, 6; Upton 4. Dairy and food
commissioner Hawley, 67; Von
Behren, 11. Public service com
missioner Bennett, 20; Buchtel,
60; Newman, 6. Compulsory vot
ing Yes. 13; no, 57. Sixty day
session Yes, 15; no. 52. Oleo-'
margarine bill Yes, 18; no, 49.
Single tax Yes. 12; no, 61. Four
year term County officers Yes,
25; no, 44. Port consolidation
Yes, 38; no, 37. Anti-compulsory
vaccination Yes, 48; no. 36. Five
per cent interest Yes, 5; no, 73.
Bird refuge hill Yes. 15; no, 61.
Divided legislature Yes, 14; no,
54. Market commission Yes, 15;
no, 58.
East Woodbura.
For president Harding. 191;
Cox. 78; Watkins, 6; Debs, 12.
For senator Chamberlain, 113;
Hayes, 3; Slaughter, 9; Stanfield.
154; Svensen, 2. Representative in
congress Hawley, 180; Talbert,
24. Secretary of state Kozer,
210; Sears, 19; Upton, 14. Dairy
and -food commissioner -Hawley,
190; Von Behren. 19. Public ser
vice commissioner Bennett; 55;
Buchtel, 163; Newman, 12. Com
pulsory voting Yes. 73;. no, 141.
Sixty day session Yes, 76; no,
98. Oleomargarine bill Yes, 45;
no. 14 6. Single tax Yes, 28; no,
196. Four-year term county officers-
Yes, 106; no. 99. Port con
solidation Yes, 106; no, 97. Anti
compulsory .vaccination Yes, 40;
no, 176. Five per cent interest
Yes. 39; no. 183. Bird refuge bill
Yes, .SO; no, 131. Divided legis
latureYes, 59; no. 136. Market
commission Y'es, 40; no, 153.
For president Harding, 27;
Cox; 33; Debs, 12. For senator
Chamberlain. 48; Slaugter, 7;
Stanfield, 20. Representative in
congress Hawley, 40; Talbert.
18. Secretary of state Kozer.
46; Sears, 19; Upton, 2. Dairy and
food commissioner Hawley, 36;
Von Behren, 18. Public service
commissioner Bennett 17; Buch
tel, 29; Newman, 16. Compulsory
voting Yes, 25 - no, 25. Sixty
day session es. 29; no, 9. Oleo
margarine bill Yes. 23; n. 22;
Single tax Yes, 16; no. 43. Four
year term county otflcers Yes,
30; no. 24. Port consolidation
Yes. 28; no, 14. Anti-compulsory
vaccination Yes, 19; no, 3 b.
Five per cent Interest Yes, 20;
no 32. Bird refuge bill Yes. 27;
no. 27. Divided legislature Yes,
31: no. 11. Market commission
Yes, 27; no.
Having sold my farm and must give possession soon,.
6 miles East of Salem, on the Silverton road (the old
I Sheldon farm) ort
Monday, November 8, 1920
Commencing 1 O'CIock, p. m., I will sell all of the fol
lowing Property:
1 horse, 8 years old 1 Cream Separator
2 horses, weight 1100 each 1 Farm Wagon
2 Calves 1 Harrow
1 Plow . 15 Tons good hay
1 New Ford Truck 1 Drag saw
Three acres Potatoes, Set of Harness, One Scraper,
Post hole digger, 1 5-tooth harrow, and articles too nu
merous to mention. All the above cows giving milk.
TERMS: All sums of $20 and under, is Cash; over
that amount 12 Month's credit will be given, purchaser
giving bankable note with approved security, interest
at 8 per cent. ..No property to be removed until settled
for, and Auctioneer to be final in all cases of disputes.
Phone 1177 Owner
For President Harding. 83;
Cox. 19; Debs, 2. For United
States Senator Chamberlain, 26;
Hayes, 2; Slaughter, 4; Stantleld.
7fi; Svenson. 2. Representative
in Congress llawley, 81; Tal
bert. 7. Secretary of State Ko
zer. 91; Sears. 4; I'pton. i. Dairy
and Foo4 Commissioner. Hawley,
81; Von Behren 10. Public Serv
ice Commissioner Bennett, 17;
Buchtel. 65; Newman, 4. Com
pulsory Voting Y'es. 23; No. 66.
Sixty Day Session Yes, 21; No,
50. Oleomargarine Bill Yes, 34;
No, 46. Single Tax Yes. 14; No,
73. Four-Year Term CotiniyOf
ficera Yes. 32; No, 50. Port
Consolidation Y'es, 33; No, 41.
Anti-Compulsory Vaccination
Yes, 22; No. 61. Five Per Cent
Interest Yes, 12; No. 70. Bird
Refuge r Bill Yes. 21; No. 57.
Divided Legislature Yes. 15; No,
63. Market Commission Yes, 19;
No, 64.
. Chemawa
For 'President Harding, 120;
Cox, 55; Watkins. 4; Debs, 3. For
United States Senator Chamber
lain, 76; Hayes. 5; Stanfield, 99
Representative in. Congress
Hawley. 136; Talbert, 5. Secre
tary of State Kozer, 145; Sears,
6; L'ptcn, 5. Dairy and Food Com
missioner Hawley, 132; Von
Behren, 10. Public Service Com
missioner Bennett, 43; Buchtel,
98; Newman, 1. Compulsory Vot
ing Yes, 35; No, 105. Sixty Day
Session Yes, 29; No, 98. Oleo
margarine Bill Yes, 60; No, 74.
Single Tax Yes. 14; No 121
Four-Year Term County Officers-
Yes, 57; No, 73. Port Console
dation Yes. 40; No, 84. Anil-
Compulsory Vaccination Yes, 22;
No. 115. Five Per Cent Interest
Yes, 32.; No. 101. Bird Refuge
Bill Yes. 50; No. 81. Divided
Legislature Yes, 22; No. 97
Market Commission Y'es, 27; No,
Kalem Height
For President Harding. 134;
Cox, 64; Watkins. 13; Debs. 10;
W. W. Cox. 1. For United States
Senator Chamberlain. 101. Hayes
7; Slaughter, 13; Stanfield, 95;
Svenson, 2. Representative, in
Congress Hawley, 148; Talbert,
27. Secretary of State Kozer,
163; Sears. 22; Vpton. 10. Dairy
and Food Commissioner Hawley,
134; Von Behren, 30. Public Serv
ice Commissioner Bennett, 44;
Buchtel, 124; Newman, 23. Com
pulsory Voting Yes, 35; No, 157.
Sixty Day Session Yes. 46; No,
129. Oleomargarine Bill Yes,
51; No. 30. Single Tax Yes, 23;
No, 176. Four-Y'ear Term County
Officers Yes, 87; No. 96.-' Port
Consolidation Yes, 61; No, 114.
Anti-Compulsory Vaccination
Yes. 47; no. 153. Five per cent
Interest Yes. 24; No. 168. Bird
Reruge Bill Yes. 90; No. 103.
Divided Legislature Yes, 33; No,
147. Market Commission, Yes,
51; No, 128.
For president Harding 4;
Cox. 47; Watkins. 1. For sena
tor Chamberlain. 58; Hayes. 1;
Slaughter, 1; Stanfield. 70. For
congress Hawley, 94; Talbert.
7. Secretary of state Korer. 99;
Sears, 5; Upton, 8. Dairy and
food commissioner- Hawley, 97;
Von Behren. 5. Public service
commissioner Bennett. 44; New
nan. 2; Buchtel. 73. Compulsory
voting Yes." 29; no. 73. Sixty
day session Yes, 29; no, 58.
Oleo bill Yes. 34; no. 57. Sin
gle tax Yes, 19; no. 89. Four
year term county officers iYes.
40; no. 63. Port consolidation
Yes. 50; no, 51. Antl-compul-
. vaccination Yet, 41; no.
Five per cent interest Y'es,
no. 86. Bird refuge bill
24: no, 79. Divided legis
latureYes. 31; no. 67. Market
commission Yes. 2 5; no, 77.
For president Harding, 134;
Cox. 60: Walking. 2; Debs. 1. For
senator Chamberlain, 64: Hayes
6; Slaushter, 3; Stanfield, 125.
For congress Hawley. 155; Tal
bert, 11. Secretary of ktate Ko
rer. 136; Sears. 11; Upton, 1.
Dairy and food commissioner
nawiey, ,141; Von Behren. 15.
service commissioner
4 4: Buchtel. 122; New
Compulsory voting
no. ii v. sixty aay ses-
47; no. 109. Oleo
52; no. 103. .Single
15; no. 161. Four-
county officers Yes.
Kozer, '37; Sars, It; Upton. 6.
Dairy and food commissioner
llawley. 272: Von Behren. 18.
Public service commissioner
Bennett. 70; Buchtel. 231; New
man. 5. Compulsory voting
Y'es. 61; no. 238. Sixty day
ston Yes. SO; no, 204. . Oleo
margarine bill Yes. 80; no, 213.
Single tax Yes, 31; no. 269.
Four year term county officers
Yes. 146: no. 142. Port consoli
dation Yes. 118;' no. 150. Anti
compulsory vaccination Yes. 64;
no. 252. Fiva t cert lntert
Yes, 34; no, 251. Bird refuge
bill Yes. 110; no, 183. Divided
legislature Yes. 74; no. 20.
Market commission Yes. 50. no.
(Tabulations continued
Socialist Object to
Withholding of Mail
question 'more important than
was involved in the Dred Scott
decision or any other question
heretofore raised concerning the
destiny of democracy In Ameri
ca is declared by the Milwaukee
social democratic publishing com
pany, publishers of the Milwau
kee Leader. toJte presented in Its
appeal filed in the supreme court
from federal court decisions to
day, upholding Postmaster Gen
eral Burleson's autborty to deny
the malls to that publication. The
postotfice department, according
to the brier, has persistently re
fused to indicate any specific vi
olation of thJ espionage act, un
der which action was taken, be
yond thtj statement that the pa
per had shown "a general ten
dency to be seditious."
"It is absolutely necessary that
the use of the mails as second
class matter should be preserved
to the stld paper, the brief as
serted. "If It is not to be com
mercially destroyed."
The petition said Victor L.
Berger. managing editor, had of-
ered to change the entire policy
of the paper It tne ban was. titl
ed, declaring he owed this to 12,
000 stockholders.
ii i n.iii iiimi.iniirt r f t v
( S
I i;.
JkLmm 1 1 ! AJy i j.
man. 6.
Yes. 29;
sion Yes,
Bill Yes.
tax Yes. ,
year term'
; no. so. Port consolidation
Yes. 39; no. 111. Anti-rompul-sory
vaccination Yes 49; no"
119. Five iDcr cent intert
Ye?. 27; no. 142. Bird refuge
bill Yes, 49: no. 113. Divided
legislature Yes. 30; no. 130.
Market coinmi?sion Ye?. 26; no.
130.. .
Salem Xo. 3.
For president Harding. 1S6;
Cox. 8..; Watkins. 6; Debs. 1. For
senator Chamberlain, 13 4; Stan
field, 139; Hayes.1 3; Svenson. 1.
For congress Hawley, 202; Tal
bert. 16. Secretary of state
Kozer, 23 S; Sears, 6; Upton. 9.
Dairy and food commissioner
tiawiey. zm; Von Behren. It.
service commissioner
54: Buchtel. 173; New
Compulsory voting
i v. aixiv-aav e-
60; no. 136. Oleo
61; no. 145. KfnM
A snappy
man. 5.
Yes. 53;
sfon Yes.
bill Yes.
lax es. 28; no. . 185.
year term county officer?
I": no. 9S. Port rnnnlMilnn
Yes. 81; no. 114. Antl-com-
'"uu,ll cs, &i; no.
rive per cent interest Ye.
Bird refuge bill
129. Divided ses-
no. 160. Markot
46; no. 167.
Yes. 3; no.
sion Yes. 38:
ci.ramisswon ves. 4 2: no. It 9.
Salem Xo. 18
For president Harding. 227:
?SV9 7 Catkins. 6: Deb,. 5;
v. . Cox. 2. Fenator Chsm-
Deriain. 149: Hayes,
ter. 4; Stanfield. 177
tative in
10; Slaugh-ReDrenen-
congresa Hawley. 238;
16. Secretary of state
Keel of Electrically
Driven Ship is Laid
TACOMA. Nov. 1. The keel for
the first electrically driven cargo
ship to be constructed In Tacoma
shipyards was laid today at the
plant of the Todd Drydock and
Construction company. The ves
sel which Is to be a 6,500 ton all
steel motorship Is being built for
the Alaska Steamship company
and many officials of the line
were present for the occasion.
Klrm Xo. Ik , h
Supreme court justice Crown.
141. Attorney general Ba-.lev.
27; Coshow. 9; VanWinkle. 102.
Kalem Xo. 7.
Supreme court justice Brown.
51. Attorney general Bailey. 7;
Coshow, 8; VanWinkle. 40.
Kalrm Xo. 5.
Supreme court justice Brown.
95. Attorney general Bailey. 12;
Coshow. 1; Vn Winkle. 74.
Supreme court Justice Brown.
23. Attorney general VanWin
kle. 19.
St. Pant.
Supreme court justice Brown.
30; McCarthy. 17. Attorney gen
eral Bailey. 3.
Supreme court justice Brown.
57; -McCarthy. 8. Attorney gener
al Coshow. 16; Johnson. 8; Van
Winkle. 20.
Supreme court justice Brown.
41: Smith. 2. Attorney reneral
Bailey. 6; VanWinkle. 23.
Kat Hubbard.
Supreme court Justice Brown.
33. Attorney general Bailey,
12; VanWinkle. 16.
Yft Ktaytoa.
Supreme court Juitlce-Brown.
36. Attorney general Bailey,
2: Coshow. 6.; Johnson. 1; Van
Winkle. 23.
Went Hnbbani.
Supreme court Justice Brown,
35; Smith, 1. Attorney general
Bailey. 7; VanWinkle. 30.
W'rt Ktaytoa.
Supreme court Justice Brown.
15. Attorney general Bailey. 5;
Coshow, 6; VanWinkle. 8.
Supreme court Justice Brown,
15: Smith. 1. Attorney general
Bailey. 8; VanWinkle. 1.
' Supreme coart Justice Brown,
25; McCarthy. 19. Attorney gen
eral Bailey, 14; Coshow, 2; Van
Winkle. 4.
Supreme court justice Brown.
22: McCarthy. 11. Attorney Gen
eral Bailey. 7; VanWinkle. 12.
Cent ml llowrIL
Supreme court justice Brown.
48. Attorney general Bailey, 5;
VanWinkle. 33.
Victor Potat
Supreme court justice Brown.
19. Attorney general Coshow,
4; VanWinkle. 7.
Turner. .
Supreme court Justice Brown.
91. Attorn. y rental Bailey, i;
Cosbow. 2; VanWinkle. 67.
t-'-t WtMMlbara.
Supreme court Justice Drown.
71. Attorney general Bailey. 22;
Coshow. 1; Vn Winkle. 49.
Supreme oart lutir lim n
17; scatterinr. 4. Attorney r-ner-sl
Cly. I; VanW'nkle. 12.
hrotu Mill.
Supreme court lattice Brown.
72. Attorney general Uall-r. 4;
VanWlnkl 111.
.-uprrm court Jan
': McCarthy. 1. AtT
r.l-Ba.ley, ; V.aWJJ
j Ka Sthrtlo " '
Supreme court Julce
i5;.ttertBc.j. AttoraerVS
al Bailer. It-. r. I
U iakle. 74. ' ;
j . mm i lu.
19; maturing. lAtiorarr
Winkle 2C. T-
EUGENE. Nov. 1. University
of Oregon students and Eugene
townspeople are planing a Joint
armistlcs day celebration. A par
ade with veterans of four wars
wilj be a feature. In the evening
there will be a dance at which
victory medals will be distributed
to ex-service men.
(Continned from Page 1)
20: McCarthy. 4. Attorney gener
al VanWinkle. 9.
Supreme court justice Brown.
37; McCarthy. 1. Attorney general
Bailey, 1; Coshow, 1; VanWin
kle, 24.
Supreme court Justice Brown,
43; Smith, 11. Attorney general
Bailey. 2; Coshow. 7; VanWinkle.
Eat GervaN.
Supreme court Justice Brown.
44; McCarthy. 1. Attorney gener
al Bailey. 3; VanWinkle. 30.
Kalem Xo. 13.
Supreme court justice Brown.
55. Attorney general Bailey. 4;
Coshow. 7: VanWinkle. 44.
Sal err Xo. 14.
Supreme court justice Brown.
97; McCarthy. 2. Attorney gener
al Bailey. 5; Coshow, 2; Van
Winkle, 70.
Supreme court Justice Brown.
20. Attorney general VanWin
kle, 18.
' , Sublimity.
Supreme court justice Brown.
108; McCarthy. 3. Attorney gen
eral Bailey. 27; Coshow, 16.
Supreme court Justice Brown.
49; McCarthy. 1. Attorney gener
al Bailey.- 1; Coshow, 8; Van
Winkle, 39.
Supreme court Justice Brown.
21. Attorney general Bailey. 1:
VanWinkle, 14.
Supreme court Justice Brown.
52; McCarthy. 1. Attorney gener
al Bailey. 7; Cosbow, 3; Van
Winkle, 4 5.
Kalrm Height.
Supreme court justice Brown.
89. Attorney general Bailey.
12; Coshow, 11; VanWinkle. 84.
Kt Kalrm.
Supreme court Justice Brown.
28. Attorney General Coshow 2
Van Winkle. 17. '
. Maclray.
Supreme court justice Brown.
26. Attorney general Bailey. 1;
Coshow, 1; Johnson. 5; VanWin
kle, 15.
Supreme court Justice Brown.
13. Attorney general Bailey, 1;
VanWinkle. 10.
Kalrm Xo. 8.
Supreme court Justice Brown.
75; McCarthy. 4. Attorney gener
al Bailey. 9; Coshow, 11; Van
Winkle. 32.
Supreme court Justice Brown.
15. Attorney general Bailey, 2;
Johnson. 2: VanWinkle. 19.
Wmt OrvaU.
Supreme court Justice Brown
16; McCarthy, 2. Attorney
al Bailey
Winkle. 6.
Supreme court justice Brown.
31; Smith. 1. Attorney general
Bailey, 5; VanWinkle. 10.
Supreme court justice Brown.
74. Attorney general Bailey. 9;
Coshow. 5; VanWinkle, 51.
Men'f and Women's Farnishmjji, etc, etc.
Oar Prices Always the Lowest
Commercial and Court Streets
Former! Chicago Store
T7 l
1(1 A I Corespondent
J rI case
II II i i ii m m i i i Ell
- U - ILAI
oa us roue suu
voa am
vou. school pcorsft ar TtaiLAacxsT
canoes ao famous itbt
ImtroctMa and Local
ji l mim J
The People's Cash Store purchased the entire stock of Groceries in their
State street Store opposite the Hligh Theatre from
J. L. Buslck & Son
The store has been greatly improved, the stock is more complete, regular,
deliveries are made a few times daily and real service is to be had. Try
us in our State street store; the phone is 1799.
lieginning Saturday, November 6th, we will hold an ANNIVERSARY
SALE that will make everybody sit up and take notice.
Watch for
IN the near future we will open a general
hardware and paint business in the store
formerly occupied by Barnes Cash Store at
286 North Commercial street It will be our
aim to give to the Salem public a hardware
service heretofore unequalled anywhere.
Watch for announcement later. -
Doughton & Miller
286 North Commercial Street
ti 1 ai tuu. in rfutaii