The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 02, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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Address delivered by Rev. E. E. Gilbert at Jason Lee
Church Sunday, October 24
'Methodism and Old Oregon
was the subject of the sermon
delivered on a recent Sunday be
fore the congregation of Jason
Lee Memorial church by the Rev.
E. E. Gilbert, superintendent of
the Salem district,! Oregon con
ference.' It was the annual me
morial service fcr the first mis
sionary to Oregon, after whom
the church was mned. The text
was from Genesis 6:4. "There
Were Giants in the Earth in Those
Days." ... ;
Mr. Gilbert said: -
"In a peculiar sense Oregon be
longs - to Methodism. No fee
have a greater right to . tread
"Try It Out Yoiirself
says the Good Judge Y
And ; you will find how
much more satisfaction a
little of this Real Tobacco
gives you than you . ever
got from a big chew of the
ordinary; kind.
The good, rich, real: to
bacco taste lasts. so long
you don't need a fresh
chew nearly as often. So
it costs you less.
Any man who uses ; the
Real Tobacco Chew will
tell you that. !
Put ufi in two styles
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
TT TL jl TODAY and
i.uese noma uu luuuuiaius, , vi
follow these ancient trails than
Methodist feet. We. as a church,
have a right to claim Oregon as
our home and to hold it for God
and His kingdom, because we are
the children of those who first
settled this Oregon country, and
held it for righteousness, educa
tion and Americanism.
Indians Seek Light.
"It belongs to us by right of
the first missionaries to the Ore
gon country being Methodists. As
early as 1831 and IS 32 three Nei
Perces and one Flathead Indian
appeared In St. Louis, Mo., to beg
that some missionaries be sent
to their tribes in Oregon to teach
them about the white man's God
and to help them secure our Bi
ble. They were met by William
Walker, a Christian half breed,
who heard their story and at once
wrcte a letter to a Methodist mer
chant in New York city named G.
P. Disosway. appealing to him for
funds. Disosway sent the letter
on to the Christian Advocate,
where it was published. Presi
dent Wilbur Fisk of Wesleyan uni
versity. Middletown. Conn., read
Walker's story an! sent word to
Jason Lee. .telling him of the In
dian cry for light. Toting Le
accepted as providential the call
to become a . missionary-to the
Oregon Indians, and he at once
selected Daniel Lee, his nephew,
a minister, and Cyrus Shepard. a
teacher, for companions in the
great west and they journeyed to
Missouri where they were joined
by P. L. Edwards and C. M. Wal
ker, both teachers. The company
started on horseback for Oregon
in the spring of 1834. They
reached the summit of the Rocky
Mountains June 15. where Jason
Lee preached the first Protestant
sermon west of the Rocky Moun
tains, July 27. 1834, and they
reached the Willamette valley at
old Fort Vancouver on September
16 the same fall.
- Comforts Larking.
"They were not met at the
river's bank by a delegation from
the official board, nor permitted
to stand in the receiving line for
public reception, nor were they
advised by the district superin
tenaent or bishop. They were
greeted by the roars of the wild
f 1 J
1 I;
Starring Lovely
The Famous Monkey
Eat Les Meat If You Feel Back
avchy or Have Bladder
. . " Trouble.
Meat forms uric acid which ex
cites and overworks the kidneys
in their efforts to filter it from
the system. Regular eaters of
meat must flush the kidneys occa
sionally. Yon must relieve them
like you relieve your bowels; re
moving all the acids, waste and
poison, else you feel a dull misery
in the kidney region, sharp pains
in the back or sick headache, diz
ziness; your stomach sours, tongui
is coated and when the weather is
bad-you have rheumatic twinges.
The urine is cloudy, full of sedi
ment; the channels often get irri
tated, obliging you to get up two
or three times during the night.
To neutralize these irritating
acids and flush off the body's ur
inous waste get about onr ounces
of Jad Salts from any pharmacy;
take a tablespoon ful. in a glass of
water before breakfast for a few
days and your kidneys will then
act fine and bladder disorders dis
appear. This famous salts is made
from the acid o grapes and lemon
juice, combined with lithia. and
has been used . or generations to
clean and stimulate sluggish kid
neys and stop bladder irritation.
Jad Salts Is inexpensive: harmless
and makes a delightful efferves
cent lithia-water drink which mil
lions of "men and women take now
and then, thus avoiding serious
kidney and bladder diseases.
beasts,, the. warw hoops and toma
hawks of the Indians, and they
found the parsonage when they
had made it out of the boughs of
trees and ferns and logs of their
own cutting, and their donations
vrere from the wild fruit and fish
of the streams of their own gath
ering. They received many kind
attentions from the Hudson's Hay
company and courtesies from Dr.
McLaughlin. They put their all
into service for the Indians and
the few white trappers, to make
the kingdom of Oregon the king
dom of Christ.
"Oregon belongs to us by right
of Christian pre-emptionr the
building of the first church of
any denomination, and the tint
Protestant church west of the
Rocky mountains. The first
church building to be erected was
at Oregon, City by Willamette
falls. Here the first settlers
carved the dimension timbers out
of the logs and the finish lumber
came on boat around the Horn.
and It was built in 1843 and dedi
cated in 1844. The value of the
church' and Christianity in Oregon
cannot be estimated. It has be
come part of the standards, ideas.
laws and ideals of the people who
have stayed in this country
through the years to establish
this commonwealth.
University Founded.
"Oregon belongs to the Meth
odists because ofstbe first Chris
tian school, established on the
banks of the Willamette. When
the Lausanne anchored at Fort
Vancouver 80 years ago last June
with its ca'rgo of settlers, accom
panied by Jason Lee. they left
the boat with $600 in cash, col
lected during the voyage, from
tne passengers, and this money
was spent to lay the foundation
of a school for the white children
of, the first settlers. - This school
established became later Willara
ette university. No human abil
ity can ever estimate what . the !
influence ot Willamette university
has meant to the generations that
have passed through its sacred
halls. It has tas-ht Christianity
and standards and laws and ideals
that have become a part of the
life and thought pf the generation
that places Oregon among the
first states in the union in morals
and education.
"Our young men who went to
service riring tie recent war.
carried the best record for morals
of all stales in the union. Only
2 per cent of our Oregon boys
did not have a clean record. The
laws of our state have been made
in a large way by the influence
of our university closely associ
ated with our state house. Few
states have grown up side by, side
with a university.
"Oregon belongs to us by right
of the action taken at Champoeg
February 7,11841. This historic
spot marks the place where some
Methodists and other Americans
called a meeting for the purpose
of settling 'whether this Oregon
ecu n try should belong to the
United States or to the Dominion
of Canada. Many debates were
held as to the wisdom of forming
a government.
A merirjmi nra Championed.
"Jason Lee was the leader of
the movement for Americas gov
ernment, and the Methodist mis
sionaries co-operated, and on
May 2. 1843. it was settled by
line being drawn in the dirt, and
all In favor of United States gov
ernment were requested to stand
on one side, and those in favor of
Canada to stand on the other. Of
the 102 present. 52 stood on the
side for United States government
and SO for Canada, and of those
52 in favor of the Stars' and
Stripes. 28 of them were Metho
"With such a moral and spirit
ual giant for our ancestor as Ja
son Lee. what manner of people
ought we to be? What would be
dare to undertake for the taking
of this great commonwealth for
the cause of God and His king
dom? We can do great things if
we undertake them. 'There are
no Alps,'- said - Napoleon.- There
are no impossibilities with us.
we dare and do as did those great
hearts that opened this country
for the church, the university and
the farmer and merchant. Let us
prove God and see what we can
do In His strength.
Senator Conclude Cam
paign with Two Talks
in Salem Last Night
Senator George B. Chamber
lain addressed a Salem aui::icc
at the Liberty theater last night
and later an avrflow at thet
court house on his candidacy for
the United States senate as op-
ponent or Kobert N. stanneld.
the Republican nominee. The ad
dresses concluded the senator's
The senator declared that It al
ways has been his policy as a
member o the senate to be his
own conscience keeper, and that
be will dm lay down that policy
at the dictation of the president
of the United States, regardless
of whether he may be Warren G.
Harding or James M. Cox. This
statement was in reply to the i
charge that he was guilty of try
ing to bobble the Taft admlnls
traton and that be had clashed
with the Wilson administration.
The senator implied that be
senses a spirit of revenge at work
in some of the methods being
used to tight him In the sena
torial campaign. He declared
that ater he had caused the op
erations of the California-Oregon
power company to be held up at
Klamath lake pending an exami
nation or its contract with the
government, a campaign speaker
had appeared against him from
He asserted that after he ha
assisted in having Portland re
moved from the Seattle shipping
district and placed Into thi San
Francisco district, two speakers
from the state of Washington,
Senator Polndexter and former
Senator Plies, had appeared in
the state to campaign against
hiin. Further, be accused the
Swift Interests o spending money
in Oregon to defeat him for the
The senator reviewed at length
some ot the accomplishments of
the present campaign.
The optimist Is the roan who
insists that taxes will be much
lower next year.
We are finally, as a nation, get
ting down to work the telephone
numbers are all busy.
There are more than 2000 pota
to flour factories la Germany.
To Give the Hair a
Naturally Wavy Effect
r.vrr aiare Ik virtara af lk aiJaaerlaa
kair-rvrtinff artho first Wfax kaawa
ia tkia roaatrjr, aracgiat arr aa baa
having a really eitraordiaarr daana for
liquid kiloMria. It rffrrtiTraraa, ita
ranrrairo- ana ita raiira kanalaaxaa
(toabtlaaa karr ara rrapoaaibla far ita
inrrraiinf aae aaaaag well craaaaa wa
rn a.
Ona a4 aatr applr a littla af tka
liqaut with a rlraa tooth bra afar
doiar a a the hair and the trraaaa will
hare a baaatifal wary and f-leeay ap
pear nra wkirb be art mo mark af arti
fielality. Tka beat way ia ta airide tba
hair into atraada aaa mot tea each af
them f rum root ta tip. There ia aa dia
coloration, ao aticky, atraaky ar at her
nrleant featare. Liquid atlawriaa ia
fiaa alaa aa aa aid ia akapiaa; "ear
muff' and ia keeping then ia plae acr
Star of Hnmortsque
and Women's Fnrnislibgs, etc, tic
Oar Prices Always the Lovcttt
Commercial and Court Streets
Former! 7 Chicago Store
. and ,j
The wonder-man in
"The Miracle Man," i
and the legless man of t
The Penalty" I
'Aj.lAfl'S. f
. . , i ..... . ,
.:r.v;iiy f '
.. .5 f .-..Vt .-.
-'; k 1
: - I , : ' ' ' -r
. - - ..." ' -y . "" ' : r-.. s :.
i. -st- . -.. ;;- .--i ., ..,.(.....4-
Ac-." . .
Now n the Ilench by appointment f rtm the Jot
fmor, fr Justice of the. Supreme Court to fill va
cancy rausetl by the resignation of A. S. Bennett,
by writing in his name, thus: X (ieorge M. Brown
Cut this out and take it to the voting booth
Paid advertisement by Republican Campaign
A Committee -.
a" -V . e a a a la. 1 . t V " V i
1 i
. .-is
THE wope of scnice &t the United
States National conforms to the
many and varied banking require
ments of almost any Salem business es
tablishment. That the Ren ice is satisfactory, our ever
yrowing patronage list will attest.
November 13-20 Pacific International
Livestock Exposition in Portland.
1 1
s , ... . ;
t . ....... .....
Retailers at Wholesale Prices
High School Has Program
for "Better Speech" Vfeek
The hteh school English de
partment is carrying out the fol
lowing program in addition to
regular work, during "better
speech" week.
Monday. Each student will
hand in a short poem, an epi-
eram. a slogan, or a creed on
better speech.
Tuesday. Kach student will
bring to class a list o words an I
phras8 that he hears mispro
nounced, or which he mispro
nounces himseir. A long list of
words and phrases will be placed
upon the boadr and the recitation
period will be given over to drill
in thir correct pronunciation.
Wednesday. Kach student will
mak'? a short. wU-organized talk
on same subject toncerning the
value of good English.
Thursday. Will be known as
"ppeech rlcjninr day," and will
be given to the discovery of clttar j
a.iu effective words and phrases '
of slang, vulgarisms and ungram
matical terms.
Friday. Each student will
hand in a short. . well-organized
theme on Rome xubjct concern
ing the value of good English..
D'Arcy Boosts Stanfield
at Jefferson Meeting
- ii i .
Judse P. II. D'Arcy addressed a
big audience of voters at Jeffer
son last night on the issues of the
campaign, and made an effective
plea tor the election of a Republi
can United States senator from
Oregon. An enthusiastic reception
was accoorded Judge D'Arcv and
his speech brought forth freouent
applause. He was accompanied to1
Jefferson by Ralph Thompson,
chairman of the, county Republi
can central committee. - -
"The Quality Coffee of America!9
There b no better coffee
than MJ-Ba Coffee regard
less of priceWHY?
, , .
5 -lb. tin per lb. 46 C
3 -lb. tin per lb. 47c
Single Pound Tin 49c
Wo Recommend That You Buy the 5-Rx Size
'- . Ynn Save More Money"
RomtaJkn Wo Stand
. BthiMdtL
Two most Popular Brands of
Everyone knows the real merit of M. J. B. COF
FEE. We hare had specials on this Coffee, bt
this is the first sale wherein yon could boy tie
Highest Grade Coffee at the price cheap coffee
is being sold.
5 pounds, per pound 33c
3 pounds, per pound 34c
1 pound, per pound 35c
c-" a.
5 pounds, per pound.
3 pounds, per pound.
1 pound, per pound.
AMERICAN CLUB COFFEE is a popular price Coffee, erery can guaranteed by us to be the best Coffee ,
sold at anywhere near the price.
fca ..