The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 31, 1920, Page 9, Image 9

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Society, Editorial, Features, General Nerct
and Claxuiied
I5y K)LIA" iVlirXK;
"In the latter end of harvest -upon A U Hallow Eve, Queen
nurgude neighbours rydis (now gif I reid richt) some bucklet
nod and some on a utnc. rv nun aim m iroupes
: - . ' -.1
?. o Renew
fr the twilight" King James VI.
mONlGHT is Halloween! The one, night in all the year
1 when rigid social rules are considered "bad form," and,
although it is a; date essentially associated with Youth,
the spirit of the night some how attaches itself to the blase
Grown-ups, who forget for .a few brief; hours that they have
outgrown this frivolous stage, or to be exact, discover, that
they haven't, and are made to learn again that "youth knows
many things tne craoueu
The celebration ofj Hallowe'en is one of the most delightful
custorns that has been bequeathed to us by the "ancient
heathens," and, although years have changed its customs and
superstitions, it still retains its original popularity. The maids
of old Rome observed the day, but to them it was surrounded
with more or less of a religious atmosphere. Shakespeare's !
people knew all about it, but the holiday probably reached its
: greatest state of perfection with the "bonny folk" of the
u;Manr?a for Rnhhip. T?iirns tplls n t hnr "snmo merru
friendly countra. folks, together did convene to burn their
nits, an pou thir stocks and haud thir Hallowe'en.
, Mast of the prettiest and quaintest superstitions connected
with the' date were originated by these people, which have
since been annually revived, and tonikht. crav Salem vouths
and maids will participate, in the safme escapades and en
deavor to provoke the good will of the witches and spirits in
the same manner that flaxen-haired lasses and kilted laddies
of the heather and braes did in the time of The Bruce; and
the Carricks. , ! i
V The younger. contingent in local society has been and will
be especially active, a number of informal affairs in celebra
tion of the holiday bing announced. I All the pretty and sen
timental superstitions that are affiliated with this date on
the calendar will be revived, and scores of lovely maids, rt
other times too modest to listen to; the call of their own
hearts, will so conduct themselves as to make the Carlins,
witches and elves think a new variety of beings has drifted
in from far-off country of shadows, j
The one o'clock luncheon giv
en by Mrs. A. N.ItiiBh yesterday
afternoon wai a fharralnK affair,
complimenting Mrs. Hash's house
guests, Mrs. John Hughes of
Portland and Mrs. Warren Truitt
t Moscow, Idaho. A large bas
ket of richly-colored fruit formed
seasonal and distinctive centter
tfce for the table, and at either
end were lovely clusters of Rus-
fortnight in Salem. Mrs. Hughes
who has been here several weeks
will be the guesf of her son and
daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs. J
t rank Hughes, before her re
turn to Portland.
The Hallowe'en dance given at
the; Illahee Country club Thurs
day night formally opened the
- 1
"1 '
Miss Alice Dabney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy
Pope Pabney, of Portland, whose engagegment was an
nounced recently to Kenneth A. Moores, son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. N. Moores, the wedding to be an event of the
spring. Miss Dabney, who has a host of friends in both
Portland (and Salem, will be extensively entertained pre
vious to her marriage.
Kll roses, buds of-the same rose. . , ori. . ... . . .
i.u rcrl tal City, and rivalled in elabor-
-j 'ate details of decoration and a p-
battonaire favor for each guest. 1 point ments any of the several
.' Covers were laid fait twelve. brilliant affairs give athis pop
5Irt. Truitt Is lea-mg Tuesday jular club. The club house .was
lor ar home, after spending a I embeJllshed with a 'wealth of
Nflsori ;f Portland were with Ir.
s:nd Mrs, WUIiafii .!: Mi
i.ory i;oa !r or Victoria. It. C. j r.(
was ih- piL-.-t of Mr. and Mrs S. th
Kd wards; Capt. Harry Ord of-fcti:.4.
Itidfpf ndcncc r-aine orer for tbfnlhed
fasion and was the KUent of Mr.
and Mr. .lan Itynon. and Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur J. Itahn entr-
lained Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller
i Portland.
in M.-.rk and yellow form me a
can iy fr th dancers. A bit
woodland wan introduced in
u- of r.lh. liDs and
Th- Swart orchmtra fur
tlie Mii.-ic for th nuui-
Mrs. Crover u-IIingr P-a
Many New Attractive Articles
for the Holiday Trade.
! Needlecraft Shop
429 Cburt Street
.-E. Warner
Phone 958
woodland and- garden material,
niakinir a wonderfully effective
tackgiound for the merrymakers,
among whom the happiest spirit
1 carefree insouciahce prevailed.
Over loO guests assembled for the
event. !
I Quantities of F" marigolds'
from the shades of palest yellow
j Nu Bone Corset Parlors
K'u Hone does not lose its shape
nor the boning rust by being laun
dered. Made In-all grades of ma
terials and a model for every fig
ure.' We have a line of the Just-
Hte Corsets in prices from $2.00
to S5.00, speciily aesigneu ior me
unior and growing girl.
A. E. Lyons
4 29 Court. Phone 938
That Set New
Standard of Styles
and Values
HE secret of beautiful furs lies in su
perior skins perfectly matched and
Z faultlessly moleled according to the
ktestmode. Having selected our fiirs with
this in mind, we are prepared to offer our
customers ' .
The Most Beautiful
Examples of the
- I Art of Peltry!
furs have never been more lovely. The designers seem to have reached a per
fection this year which they have never before attained. They have combined
rs in such a way that no part of their beauty is lost-Mn fact it is enhanced
V the combination. , . '
And there is a conspicuous element of reasonableness in! our present prices. So
e urge you to choose now, while selections are new and plentiful.
I 111
o deepest gold alternated, with
Dusty Millar and masses of
Woodwardia fern, forming a color
effect of yellow, silver and green.
Haskets and banks of this decor
ative material decked the mantle.
where a cheerful fire glowed
throughout the evening and
formed an embankment around
the sides of the room, a bit of
scarlet salvia and Jerusalem
cnerry Deinu introduced as a re
lieving color note. The punch
table was particularly distinctive
and beautiful.
r esioons 01 ceuar iormed a
canopy above the dancers, and
hanging baskets with their green
ry were bun another detail of
the perfect whole of the decor
ative scheme. Centering the
room a grouping of moon-shaped
lanterns with yellow silk globes
gave the necessary suggestion of
Hallowe'en. To.C. H. ' Clancey
was due the credit for the decor
Hunts orchestra furnished
splendid music for the numbers
Many of the toilettes; of the
women represented the last word
in fashion and were notably bau-
tuui. Among them were
-MrsJ- William McGilchrist. Jr
KlacTc panne velvet, combined
with spansled net.
Mrs. W Melvin Plimpton
Pine tulle over corn-colored silk.
Mrs. J. I.. Van Doreri Black
Hanue velvet.
Mrs. P. !. Thielsen Turquoise'
nine metal cloth.
Mrs. U. M. Hofer Ivory
ehantily lace over ivory
with King s blue panne velvet
bodico einbelliFhed with irrides
cent sefuins.
Mrs. Harry Hawkins Cloth of
gold gown.
Mrs. Karl MrMecham Plame
ooloreii lace over foundation of
the same color, with .accessories
to harmonize.
Mrs. Frederick Ijimport HIne
satin brocade, embroidered with
silver. i
-Mrs. ;eorgp F. Rodeers P.Jack
lace over Mice blue slllc.
Mrs. U. I,. Matthews Tnr-
riuoise- blue ilk and silver lace.
Mr?, o. t Icke Tllack silk
with cerise ostrich trimming
Mrs. A. J. Hahn OId,fashion-
rd colonial costume of salmon
. colored silk. , r
.Mrs. Rompo Ooulet Pink
(eorgctte with bead garniture
oer pink silk.
; Miss Martraret RodgerS Plack
! silk, with tulle and tiny red rose
I buds on bodice.
Miss tatnerme Carsops White
fatin. with ovcrdrape of silver
lace and pastel embroidery.
Much loterext- centered around
ir.f dinners and suppers, which
were important 5hd delightful de
rails on the evening's program.
1 One of the largest of the former
! affairs was that for which Mr.
and Mrs.. Harry Hawkins rr
bouts, at the Mar'on hotel.
Covers were laid for the fol
lcwfng: Mr. and Mr.. R. M. llo-
jfer. Mr. and Mrs. V. Count 11
!lpr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spears.
I Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Cross. Dr.
and Mrs. Prince Hvrtl. Mr, and
j Mrs- Arthur J. Itahn. Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Miller or Portland,
and the hosts.
j Six sueMs accepted the hospi
tality of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
' I-amport. who also entertained
!ith a dinner. Hallowe'en decor
ations made the table particularly
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Thiel
sen were other hosts, who asked
in a few friends for dinner. De
corations again reflected the sea
son, a big basket of fruit center
ing th;table. with orange ran
dies, favors and place cards fur
ther emphasizing Hallowe'en.
The -at home" of Mrs. Willis
C. Hawlry and Miss Iras Hawley
Wednesday afternoon proved one
of the happiest affairs of the
week.. It was informal, and all
the more delightful for that, and
alrht ugh the w atbe- wr- null
inclement, friends of the Haw leys
iei mm ueier mem iroin
accepting the opportunity offered
to assemble for a bit of social cor
diality over the teacnns.
The affair was held at the Wil
liam Drown home on State 'street.
a continuous stream of matrons
and Inaids arriving and departing
mrougnout the hours between
three until six o'clock.
Nearly two hundred local wom
en called during the afternoon.
Autumn leaves and lovelr vel-
low iiiiiingdou rose added their
chrm of rich colonne in the
rooms 'of the Henry J. ltenu h"me
Tuesday afternoon when Mrs.
iieaa and ilfss tirace llean and
Mrs. Frank W 'Soencer entertain
ea jointly with a large tea. be
tween tue hours of three and five
Aw-isting during the afternoon
were Mrs. Ben Olcolt. Mrs.
Warren Truitt of Moscow. Idaho;
.Mrs. John H. Albert and Mrs. T.
B. Kay who poured: and Mrs. R.
- Boise. Mrs. William Brown.
Mrs, C. H. Robertson. Mrs. Ceorte
- Bfown. Mrs. A. X. Moores. Mrs
Frank Spears. Mrs. Rollin K
I'age, Mis. Homer Ooulet. Miss
Ellen Tbielsen. Miss Iras Hawlev.
.miss Catharine Carson. Mrs. Alan
Bynon, Mrs. Paul Hendricks. Mrs.
Pope Nelson, Mrs. Kenneth Hall
and Mrs. Ercel Kay.
ft- &
I shering in the week was the
first dancing party of the Mon
day night club, which proved one
or the smartest and rayest of
any similar affairs that this clnb
has eiven. . Hallowe'en svmbola
tonironted one on eveiy side
There weie black rats. bats
witches and owls, with festoona
iers. over one hundred
makers participating.
Many Iwautiful gowns were
worn, the vuri-hued materials,
with their scintiljting garniture
of silver anl gold lace forming a
...... I...... . r t : . .
""""" oi mm ani roior. (
Among the com unit noted I
were thos? or the following: !
Mrs. 11. J. W nderoih pale !
pink taffeta, embroidered with.
silver flowers. '
Miss Francelle Hawlev Blue i
! Mr. V. K
Mrs. . A. :-4 ii. Clack char
tneiie, .th t.irt tanel and bod
ice ornamented with beautiful
Lad . garniture of black and
erv relieved with jellow velvet at girdle.
.Mn;. T. II. Galloway White
lace over pink silk.
Mis. Ceorce II. irbe PalJ
I blue Uk with n ver-drap of' IContlnoed tin Par
Kuhn r.laek Mtin.
emtellthrd with black lace, ana
r l--el with a rorre ortrerl
jvtrlch tips and r.
The 120 uiemberthlp Hat of
the Monday Xl'nt rlab It fol
lows: Mr. and Mr. Arthur S. Hen
on. Ir. and Mn. Crover Oellln-
panne velvet, bodice and
I over-drape of silver lace.
Mrs. W. V. Moore Flame-rol-.
ored' gown of iu-poned uirro-
; chine idlk. with Uxlice and nklrt
; over-drape of black and copper i
1 'ac'- I
Mrs. C. K. Batea Black ailk
net over black satin, with bodir;
of opalescent beaJ garniture, and i
narrow sash of black and silver.
riooon. ;
Mrs. Merlin Hardinc Cold i
embroidered yellow georgette ov- j
er oundation of yellow ailk i
Mrs. William M. Hamilton :
Pale blue taffeta, with bead gar-!
niture. S
Mrs. Prince I!yd Silk
over pale blue taffeta
Mrs. Roy Mills Tiirnuoia bin
changeable taffeta with ait.
Mrs. Paul Johnson Anrirot
ilk. relieved with bands of Maefc i
Mrs. J. E. BronhvBodice and
skirt foundation of creen brocad
ed snlin With nver-drano f . ..I
ow Kaiser silk, emheliuhe -itK
handsome bead trim in inc.
Mrs. Ralph A. Clover Annie
green silk, with bodice and orer.
drape of silver lace.
Mrs. Frederick Schmidt Old-
rose panne velvet, with gold ornamentation.
Good News to Those Who
Have Been Waiting For
New Coats. Cloth
Dresses and Party
We want you to come and sec
these new jrarments, a .well
as to examine and pa-.-i judg
ment upon them. You will
like them, for we have aimed
to secure modes that are dif
ferent. You will find them excellent
values at the prices they are
ct? ! i
466 State Street
Phone 877
Starts Tues. at The Oregon
toned f'"' "' "
satin, j j
S23 Court Street
High Grade Furriers
Opposite Court House
ss Kunape Craig reacock i ti, V'. Art nt
Gf orgette over blue, in bouf- j " i ' UTe$S
Mrs. Alan Itynon lilack laco
over ivory-toned satin.
("ante effect
Miss Marjorie Kay Black sat
in, with sequins on black net, re
lieved with cerise roses.
Miss Alice McClellan lilack
lace over black satin.
Miss Nell Thielsen Apple-
green silk, combined with tulle
Miss Katherine Slade r-Silver
cloth with bouffante skirt.
Miss Valeria . I'.riggs Aprico
eharmeuse over silk, with skirt
panels and bodice of silver lace.'
- Many visitors were noted in th
throng. Mr. and Mrs. Clark - E.
Clean Up Prjces on
Fall and Winter
Entrancing things, are the suits of this winter season. . They are youthful,
and yet withall, there is a "sophiyticated touch about them that bespeaks
of the fashions of France. Splendidly serviceable are the serge and trico
tine suits;. while those of soft velours, broadcloths and the finer weaves
win much popularity by the richness of their weaves.
While the range of shades is large, there is great demand for the newer
tints developed from golden browns. Many suits arc trimmed with fur.
The Corset i all important
Style, (timfort, pnirM-r support,
correet hues, fnMMiom of move
ment, ett, all dopeml upon tlie
eorsot In the line of 'Frolaset
Corsets is a model for every
type of figure.
115 Liberty St. i
i! 11
' ; f
rv 1
t i :
U ;.J
" .11 SI J
V, 7
1 N f
Ml k
; -, d
1 $64.50
39. (&. i'litalfg (En.
PAY AS YOU GO" and the result is no troublesome bills at tic
end of each month