THE OREGON STATESMAN. SAT.P.M OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 31. 1920 5 A ... CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Mrttk'A Ileturn it ijie Armory .Tues lay at yeuranre Symphony coma t. A MilHon Kirawberry Plants Ceorge W. Weeks, who. lives down in the northern suburbs oi . Salem, where! he raises anj dries fruits'oT various kinds, was the first man of the Salem section, to ship a full car of strawberry plants. That was three years ago. He la now employing a force of men digging strawberry plants, and he expects' to ship a million of them to Watsonville. Cal., where they have been sold. This will be more than the carload he shipped thre. years ago. They are mostly the Marshall and Ore gon -varieties. Mr. Weeks says the wet fall weather, which was so bad for pome things, was very pood for the strawberry plant in dustry of this district, which has Douglas Maclean J in "The Jailbird" 245:457:30 and i 9:15 p. m. R SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS ' . Repairing and Alterations 1215 S. Com'l St. . Phone 1863 GENUINE I 1717 UNION L.E4E4 ALLS $4.00 and $5.00 SCHEI'S ELECTRIC MACHINE & ENGINEERING CO. Tor Thor Washing Machines and Electric Work and Supplies. ,. W Coort Sy , Phone 488 loda Crackers, ner pound. . . .20c - Dairy gait in 50 pound sack. .75c Itraws, per bale ..85c Uondry Soap in 23 bar lots 91.00 I Fardwheat Floor at per sack $3.23 ' The Highland Grocery fhone 406 740 Highland Avenue HARTMAN BROS. CO. For Fine Jewelry Jewelers and Opticians THE "DAYTON" The Bicycle for Everyone LLOYD E. RAMSDEN X87 Court Street Bicycles and Bicycle Repairing "WALLFELT" Takes the place of cloth at about one i third MAX 0. BUREN 170 N. Commercial St. 167 North Commercial St. 1 the Electric Sign "SIIOES" ; DENNISON ELECTRIC CO. 1000. 4 r JOB WORK AND FIXTURES tXk Korth Liberty Street D.H.M0SHER Hlh Class r Cleaning and Pressing 4T4 Court Street WANTED Beans i Potatoes LONG DISTANCE AUTO TRUCKING Jfllamette Valley ! Transfer Co. Phone 1400 ' 3so do local hauling prown to r.e a considerable In dustry. I Itrad Helpful Health Hints. (iris, Ciirls, ;irls And it's a dandy show at the Uligh today. How the Others Live" V.'ill be graphically denlcte.l in the beautiful colored pictures shown at the First Congregational church this evening. Flection 1 Set urns . v Along with a dandy new show Tuesday, at Bligh's.j Drs. White and Marshall Osteopathic physicians, U. S. Bk. Xew Corporations Article's of incorporation have been filed by the Pacific Abstract Title company of Portland, capi talized at $100,000. The incor porators are A. IJ. Manley, W. II. Masters and Joseph Roberts.' The Ash Natural Catboulc company Of Portland, capitalized at $25, 000, also has filed articles. ; The incorporators are George Bn land. Andrew Koerner and Clar ence J. Young. Legal Blank Get them at The Statesman of fice.. (Catalog oh application. lU(i Sunday Show ! They come fro'm all over Mar ion county to the Blign, theater. There's a reason! - I. -u -! Trusses f ; Fitted at Tyler's Drug store by an epxert in the business, i D'Arry Will Speak S ! Judge P. H. D'Arcy will be the speaker at a Republican rally at Jefferson Monday eight. Ralph Thompson, chairman of the Mar ion county! Republican central committee, trill also attend the meeting. Wanted , I i j Girl over 18, at the Gray Belle. The Vacuum Cups have ar rived at A. H. MOORE'S Salem School of Expression Lulu Rosamond Walton. Director .147 N. Commercial Phone 592 1484J Weekly Recital Class ' 'I Sales utMnMuw oemce VALLEY MOTOR CO. Planting Time , Secure Reliable Fruit and Orna mental Trees, Small Fruits, Roses, , " !-..' from THE SALEM NURSERY Oregon Bldg. Phone 17C3 1 WOOD WOOD One car of dry ash wood, S 11 per cord. Phone 520. TRACEY WOOD CO. POTATOES Call on ns before you sell BISHOP BROS. Corner Ferry and High Streets Phone 1400 1 Talking Machines and Record? Player Pianos and Player Rolls WOODRY conducts sales anywhere In Marion or Polk counties. Store located 270 N. Com'L AUCTIONEER Better Goods for Less i HIGHEST PRICE PAID For SECOND HAND FTJRNITURE i Stoves, uarpeis ana iu Capital Hardware & Fumtture Co 285 N. Commercial St. Phone 947 FURS STORED Store yoor Furs during summer ; ; ' .- ;i With US. WEST i FUR CO. 521 Court. Opposite Court Hoose CARL & BOWERSOX ! v Groceries' 333 Court Street Phone 409 Eusi ck A ott For J. T. Welsh I-or city marshal means effi ciency and economy. (lafi adv.) Ae For JT. T. VelIi For city; marshal. An expr ienrod officer and taxpayer, (raid adv. Tl.i.- i:ra..on Tht Oregon theater has $1000 wcrth of carpet Ifi its foyer and does not want it ruined by seve ral hundred high school pupils, whose shoes, aJter parading the streets, have necessarily accumu lated a lot of auto grease and oil. Have a good time, boys, but we're keeping this theater clean for you and the rest of our patrons. Chas. Kupper, Mgr. Wanted ! Girl over 18, at the Gray Belle. Dr. Seshult May now be found at 323 Ore gon Iildg.i First (lass Used Fordson Tractor fnr Rnl at a right price. See Vick Bros. ReiMiblican Headquarters Room 229 Oregon building. Buttons, campaign pictures and literature. Write or call. Automobile Found . The Ford bug which was taken from the residence of I. E. Chase, 1132 Center street, this week, has been located by the automobile theft department of the Portland police, about six miles from that city, out of commission. Chase will go to Portland tomorrow and get his car. Vick Urns. I lave A first class used Fordson trac tor for salj at an attractive price. Wanted Girl over 18, at the Gray Belle. Xew Show And election returns, theater, Tuesday. Grand WHK IS SALEM, OBEOOH - stop at BLIGH HOTEL A Horn Awy Iron Horns Strictly Uedern 91.00 per day 100 Booms of Solid Comfort Only Hotel in Bnainess District MR. CAR OWNER Why worry along on 3 cylinders. A STROMBERG CARBURETOR makes your car perform perfectly and saves gas. Put on by us at ten days free trial. Great Western Garage Phone 44 Opposite Court House S. C. STONE, M. D. CURES CANCERS and does a general office practice. Office Tyler's Drug Store 157 South Commercial Street DIXIE DOUGHNUTS 35c Doz. SALEM BAKING CO. 439 Court Street. Phone 954 JACK'S CAFE A good place to eat Short Orders all day 163 S. Coral Street J. D. Maddox, Prop. - W.W.MOORE Fornltnre Store The Home of the Vlctrola You gtt more for your money at ! t juoore s It Pars to Trade at The FARMERS CASH STORE C. Barton Dardall 147 North Commercial J4 7 W. T. RIGDON CO. Leading Funeral Directors DREAMLAND RINK Dance every "Wednesday and Saturday ' Halloween Masquarade Bali, October 30 Good- Prizes No Raise in Prices Bungalow Orchestra MOVING STORING SHIPPING ah v:j. L A R M E PHONE 930 SALEM R mii muui TRAHSFER of Goods Onr larf. fleet of tmcltt ablea to giw ya prompt aerrieo and a track of th. aixo seeded for year Job. Country and Lone Instaaca BanUns a Specialty. We Bny and Sell W O O V AND OOA Ii D. A. LARMEE, ICaaagor. Aeeidenee Phone 188S 1 What Have You? wa hnr. aell and exchange new and second-hand furni ture, stores, ranges, rugs, tools, etc We will buy jou out. ; COL. W. F. WRIGHT Auctioneer 271 N. Com'l St., Salem, Or. List jour sales with ns People's Furniture Store NIgHJTitrae 1047 Phone734 "Homes and Haunt Of Humankind" is the title of a series of beautifully colored pic tures to be shown at the First Congregational church this eve ning. You will want to see them. Ciillide at .rn-r ' Krnest N. ISranson. 1195 South Twelfth street, while drivini; an automobile west on t'ourt street, at the intersection of Liberty, col lided with another machine, the driver of which did not stop. The Branson car 'sustained a broken wheel and a bent fender, but ap parently the other machine was not seriously damaged. RIgdon and Son Reliable funeral directors. Attention li. P. O. V.. Full election returns will be re ceived at Klks club Tuesday eve ning. I Western Union direct wire and operator at club, and will re main until full returns are in. For Attorney General. Vote for X-I. II. Van Kinkle. (Pd. ad.) Tomorrow Night May be an important .ne in your career. It ill if yon start to the Capital Business College night school with a determination to improve your efficiency in teaming to do some thii-ps bet ter than you are nt pios?nt able to do; them. Employers appreci ate efficient service. We can help you. Where Will 1x Go t or your Chri stmas photos? Dog Killed A dog had its back broken yes terday as a result of being run over at Cottage and Union streets. Chief of Police Welsh responded to the call sent in. and put the dog out of Its misery by shooting it .The incident apparently served as the "last straw" to residents in the vicinity, as complaints were registered regarding the delivery wagons speeding in that district. and it was asserted they made it dangerous for anything to appear on the streets. For Attorney General. Vote for X I. II: Van Kinkle.' jPd. ad.) EWtion Returns Grand theater, Tuesday night. WM. FARNUM "IF I WERE KING" Starts Tues. at The Oregon L $9.00 D0: 1 A WEEK Will Buy a ONE MINUTE ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE WM. GAHLSDORF ; The Store of HOUSEWARES HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Vegetables and FnuU PEOPLE'S CASH STORE For Stoves ranges, heaters and fur niture of all kinds see the Capital Junk and Bargain House. We also buy all kinds of second hand furniture, hard ware, machinery, hides and junk of all kinds. Capital Junk & Bargain House 215 Center St. Phone 398 1 -v X- Those who em ploy us have I he assurance that they will receive, the hiphest do Kreo of EervUe and Falisf jelion. We are equipped to handle a com mission in a thor o u g h manner. Our services aro dependablo and polite. 71! SSBSilSaWBWBIW 1 I. H. Van Winkle An experienced man for attor ney general. (Pd. ad.1) Baby Daughter Arrive A baby daughter arrived at 3:4 aj tn. yesterday at the borne of Mr. land Mrs. David II. Tal made.; 1244 1-2 State street. She has been named Jane Mercer Tal- madge. Ilione Seat IU-s-rvat " . To Salem Lyceum course at the arm or 4 101a. Capital Normal Review Clause- Begin November 1. If you are preparing for examination for teaching, civil service, etc.. we can aid you. . Address J. J. Kraps, Salem. Oregon. For Attorney General. Vote for X I. 11. Van Kinkle. (Pd. ad.) All the, Xewet and Latest . Styles in folders . and finishes for your Xmas photos and we have a tew real bargains. Parker Shrode Studio. Love. Watchmaker and Jeweler 337 State street. Salem. No l4inrheon MonlaT There will be no luncheon at the Commercial club Monday, the affair being postponed owing to the refurnishing of the club rooms and because of preparation for re ceiving the election returns Tues day night, when Eric Duller, the local ma;iger of the Western Union, will take charge of the In strujnent. getting the came report that is given out In Seattle and San Francisco. The Commercial club willhold open house on the occasion from 6 p. m. until 2:30 a, m.. women as well as men to be invited to the club rooms. Hot Off the Wi Election returns. Grand theater Important Meeting Of Capital post' No. 9 ih.i 'Am erican Legion Tuesday, Nov. 2 at 7:30 p. m., at the armory. Write in the Xante X I. II. Van Winkle, for At torney General.. (Pd. ad.). Cabbage. 1 He lb- Dellvere! Ward K. Richardson Phone 494 Officials Will Meet Wednesday afternoon in the Commercial club the officials of the Marion County Children's bu reau will meet for an Important business session; the principal is sue being to solve the problem of securing and paying a nurse to take charge of the follow-up work ' of the organization. This el fort has grown to considerable propor tions, more than can be attended to by the county nurse, and as the fee charged at the clinics for reg istration is so very small, not enough money can be realized in this way to mt the demand. Any one who is interested in the wel fare or Marlon county's babies is Invited to assist in the undertak ing, either with funds or sugges tions. , Freh Salmon 7 Cento Fltts Market, phone 211. Attention B. P. O. K. Full election returns will be re ceived at Elks club Tuesday eve ning. Western Union direct wire and operator at club, and will re main until full returns are In. Courtesy " . And a square deal. This Is the record of Verden M. Moffltt, can didate for city marshal. (paid ad.) Licensed to Marry , A marriage license was granted yesterday to Bertha U. Kemp ana A. C. Benson of Salem. I. IfOVan Winkle An experienced man for attor ney general. (Pd ad.) Season Ticket Reservations I For Lyceum course at armory Mon. and Tues.. 9 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. Phone 1015, or call at box office. "The riim Kicn In . the Christian Life" and "Life's Minus Sign" will be the sermon. subjects at the First Con gregational church today. They affect you . Bicycle Stolen ' ' . . Two bicycles were reported as having been stolen some time Fri day night, one belonging to Charles Heath, taken fTora In front of the Nelson Brothers' Plumbing shop and the other wheel was reported by Floyd Bruce. 960 Broadway as mission from his residence. Write in the Xante X I. II. Van Winkle, for . At torney General.. (Pd. ad.) KeAMOn Ticket ReMerrations For Lyceum course at armory Mon. and Tues.. 9 a. m. to '6:30 p. m. Phone 1013, or call at box office. Itiotns Nothing Better Place your orders early for your holiday supply. Parker Sbrode Studio. Yount I Sieaker , The speaker this afternoon at the Y. 31. C. A. gathering at 4:20 o'clock will be A. E. Youot. state secretary of the boy's work for Oregon and Idaho. The meeting will be in charge of the High "Y" club of the Salem high school. There will be good music and some, special pictures will be trhown. A cordial Invitation to the young men of the' city to attend is er.tended. Klertiun Ileturn At the Awnory Tuesdar at Lienrance Symphony concert. You'll Want Something M This year for holiday presents, and we have them for you. Iar-ker-Shrode Studio. ' Write In the Xante f X I. n. 'an .Winkle, for At Jam Ilea Bleu James Hess. 8S years old. pio neer resident of Wheatland. Yam bill county, died at a local hospi tal Saturday afterncon. The fu neral services will I conducted this afternoon from the Hopewell church. Yamhill county. Inter ment w ill be in Hop well ceme tery. IliFilon Son will be in charge of the services. Yrrdn )l. Muffin For city marshal. A vote for Officer Moffltt Is a vote fir a square ehooting and courteous police administration. (Paid ad.) Owing to- Increased business I hve been forced to change my location. 1 may now be found at 325 Oregon Hide. Dr. r. S. Schultx. ! PERSONAL MENTION Mr. and Mrs. Kay J. Anderson and family have been guests for a few days of Mrs. Amanda Mat thews of Shaw. Mrs. Richard B. Faulds of Se attle is the guest of ber nieces. Mrs. Roy Anderson and Edna Garfield. Miss Blanche Barrett has re turned from attendance on Judge Bingham's court at Albany. Miss Elizabeth Topping expects to leave in a few days for Salt man. Cal.. where she has accept ed a position as librarian In the free county library at that place. E. Z. Young, state boy's sec retary for the Y. M. C. A. of Oregon and Idaho, with head quarters at Portland, la in the city. Mrs. II. W. Thlelsen and her daughter Ellen. 9S5 Court street, are spending the week-end In Portland. I. G. - Drager. county treasu rer, was. a visitor in Corvallis yesterday. II. C. Todd, teacher in the Sil ver Creek scnool, was in the city Saturday. Mrs. Will Thornley. who re sides near Silverton, was In the city yesterday consulting with County Superintendent M. L. Ful kerson. regarding school matters pertaining to that district. Among the out of town guests who registered at the Y. W. C. A last nl?ht are Mrs. C. A. Steele. Mrs. J. J. Schechter. Mrs. Mar- r VOTE FOR VERDEX 3. MOFFITT 84 YES I'AID PUBLICITY BY MOF FITT FOIl MARSHAL" CLflt r Neuropathy Neuropathy cures by cor recting primary and secon dary structural defects. The Neuropath finds and cor ects these lesions; other wise he Is at best a poor Masseur. Concentration of effort- brings proficiency. Froficlency secures results that bring relief to the suf ferer of pain and diseases. Neuropathy Is Nature's own remedy. Have those' tired, cramped . nerves liberated with a course of these treatments and realize for -yourself the benefit j re ceived. Dr. F. S. Schutz 32.1 Oregon Bldg. Phone: Res. 13IOJ Office CO I IGNITION TROUBLES are "pie for our Auto-Elcctri-cianf regardlest of what type L on your car, truck or tractor. Electricians thoroughly conversant with all magne to and battery systems to gether with shop fully equipped and stocked mean SERVICE that is DE PENDABLE and PROMPT c Moderate Charges R. D. BARTON 171 South Commercial Street Thone 1107 SALEM, OREGON "'- ' " 1 ' zaret Zellar. all of Portland, and i Mrs. SiLle CbrUlensen of Tilla mook. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. White and daughter. Mis Blanche White, re turned Friday evening from Min neapolis. Minn- where Mr. White went to niett Mrs. White, whoi was -ry ill. Mr. and Mrs. V.' W. Rose Lraugb. 1422 State street, have returned from a motor trip to Kn gen and Corvaltln. They were accompanied to Salem by Mrs. K. . lirown of Eugene, and her brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Keinoehl of Casey.. Ill, who will rpend the winter In Eugene. The visitors have gooe for a mo toring trip up the Columbia Itlv er highway. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Armstrong of Oast on were guests Frtday of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kosebrsugh. 1422 State street. I Statlstics'show that more wid owers than widows marry. y Hood's Sarsaparilla Makes Food Tasto Cood Creates aa appetite, aids digestion. purines the blood, and thus relieves scrofula, catarrh, the - pains and aches t rheumatism and gives strength to the whole system, f Nearly CO years phenomenal sales tell the story of the great merit and success of Hood's Sarsapari:.a. It is Just the medicine you need now. Hood's PlUs help fine cathartic Potatoes We will commence ship pins soon. Come and see us. We can store your pota toes if you don't want to sell. , MANGIS BROS. Warehouse: High and Trade Street Thone 1231 Office 542 State street Thone 717 CABBAGE for KRAUT .t t a lll'C -ptr pound dcliTcrcd . Danish Ball Head, solid and well trimmed. Make kraut at a eot of 15c per gallon. ' - - - -j - Hnhriartl and Banana Sqush, pound 2: - WARD K. RICHARDSON ' Front Street ' Thone 494 LADD & BUSH BANKERS EsUblhhed 1863 General BuJcLnjr Entlnesj Office Heart "froa 10 a, xn. to 3 p. n. QUIT COUGHING Schtifer's Srhaefer's ColdTabhU Cough Daham These preparations, prepared in our dispensing ' department, are absolutely the best remedy we know for coughs or colds of any kind. Quick re lief at a reasonable cost. Several eizes. Schaefer's Drug Store Sole Agents for Garden Court Preparations 135 X. Commercial Street. Phone 107 Don't Fail to See AUBURN BEAUTY SIX SEDAN which is now on display at our salesroom, 197 Soutli Commercial St, opposite Marlon Hotel Auburn Sales Co. tfrmdinif SALLM.ORE. A complete line of Ameri can and Imrorted Wrist Watches in Silver, OoM filled. Sol id Gold and Platinum Diamond Rinp. Broaches and Lavalliers Everything in Jewelry Sterling and Hated Silverware Seth Thomas Cock A. B. GARDNER Successor to Cardner k Keene YOU ARE IN DEBT! V.trrr kit t pr- T rrr ulml tlt, rv- ymr part to l mt ( tk wr!4. Wk.J tWre r nivwii, ike crl rm i tkat k vfc mtt r r.i. mmmt. T latis wrl4 U ki4 t l Ba k Cite kia hU TRAINING HELPS! A BpeKal Viaa trajaiaf a.lpa )m aak a .fiaita ml r 4araiaa. prirar aa4 aataral aktty. PAY YOUR DEBTS! Tea: it ia yacraalf aal la atkrra M take Tear iraatr ia tka ar!4. Wa ' krlp ye arkra tka araary traiaiac WnH aa ar call ta 4 a far iafaraiaUaa. Capital Baxiacxx College Salem. Oregon our 1921 Model BALEH ALBANY torney General., (f t. ad.) f