THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON SUNDAY MORNINO. OCTOBER 31. 1920 A REVELATIONS OF A WIFE The Story of a Honeymoon -' i - ' Wonderful Romance of Married Life Wond errully Told by ADELE CSAKRISON CHAPTER 733. HOW LILLIAN LED MADGE TO READ GRACE DRAPER'S PUR POSE. . l .. -rr-.t- ' -" ; -. I know I'm fearully stupid 1 I have discovered about this dam nable letter Junt yet." she said, tor I want you to think it out for yourself. - It will! be more con vincing to you If you analyze the thing step by step." ' She. paused for a moment while excitedly I pondered her cryptic wards. Then; she said slowly, imprssivelv: j "Madgs what would Graf ? Draper rather -achieve than any thing else in the world?" I did not need to wait long tor my answer. I knew only too well . T J . Ink iw nai urace Lrauer s ursirrsi iu "Im not going to tell you what on ' earth was, j i admitted shamefacedly, "but 1 haven't the slightest idea what you mean." ! Lillian drew up a sat down facing me. chair and Exceedingly Attractive 'r .- Payment Plan Comparisons made in point of price, power, wheel base, runningcost, performance, and every other de termining factor of value, lead the inquiring buyer straight back to the good Maxwell at $995. Point for point, it advertises itself in the plainest possible way as the greatest? buy in the market today. ' ' ' - t '- j " . 1 't Touring Car $ 995 Roadster . 995 Sedan . . 1695 Coupe . . 1595 "Gain Dicky' love,' 1 said sor rowfully. ' rndoubtedly.' she answered, "but failing that, what next?" Her word let a tiny glimmer of lip lit into my puzzled brain. "1 supple she would like to iart Dickj' and me forever." I said, my voice trembling a little with the excitement of the ld.a that was beginning to creep through my brain. "Co to the head of the class." Lillian said milling, and I knew that her lvltv was for the sale purpose of lightening the tension umt'T which 1 was laboring. "Now, granted that, what do you think would be the very best method for her to employ?" I stared at her for a long. 11 lumlnatng moment, then Jumped to my fe-t excitedly. "You mean " i She rose, put a quieting hand on my shoulder, and the next mo ment I found myself in my chair again. "I'm glad you see It at last." she said. "But I wasn't very far ahead of you. I'll confess she put something over, on me that time. I didn't see through it myself for awhile." "You really thnk " Blessed Relief. .. T ' "That Dicky never saw that devilishly clever letter, that Graca Draper knew that he was. away from home, and had it addresed to Marvin In that childish scrawl in the hope that you would open It. 1 don't think I know It, my dear. It's- as sure as it is that the sun is shining.' Relief, blessed, healing, came to me with her bizarre words But it was only for a moment. Then two dark, irritating thoughts came into my mind. The first I voiced-falterngly: But thero were so many ref erences In her letter to Incidents of her companionship with Dicky Pricmm F. O. B. factory, war tax to bo added Uyarrar: EEC OSCAR B. GINGRICH MOTOR AND TIRE CO I 371 Court Street I I ' Phone 635 Pre-War Prices I On d -Ycu have waited for Lower Prices, they have come and now you may have Let It ; ' j i ' - i ' ! , i . i . . your car Be a Closed Car Think of the convenience of a charming little "Coupe" all ful- ly equipped and beautifully up holstered. Easily handled and most economical in upkeep. "Madge, sometimes I'd like to shake you!" Lillian rejoined Im patiently. "I tell you there Isn't a word of truth In that letter from first to last. Lots of refer ences? Of course tnere are iois of references, too darned many if anybody should happen -to asK you. If she hadn't been quite so generous with her references she might have got away with tne trick, for awhile at least. Not for long, however, for, of course. Dickr would have riddled It as soon as he caught sight of it." "You mean you would have taken it to him?" I asked. "Do you think for one moment I would have believed such a thing without giving him a chance to defend himself?" she retorted with a touch of vehem ence. I had no answer for I was guil tily conscious that she had voiced precisely the thing I had meant to do. I hastened to utter the other thought which had come to shadow my relief at Lillian s shrewd Interpretation of Graci Draper's, letter. . . , "She was right about one thing." I said with a touch or self-contempt. Lillian glanced at me shrewdly. "You'rs off on another tack now, aren't you?" she asked inel egantly. "I'll wager a cookie I can guess what s the matter now "It would be of no use for me to take the wager,; I returnee 'You always can read me. 'A Whole Mind." "That'a because you are so transparently truthful, my dear," aha said tenderly, putting ner hand Impulsively over mine. "But seriously, you shouldn't, give a single thought to opening mat let ter Your mother-in-law guessed that it was something you and I ought to handle or she wouldn't have sent it on." "But" I said obstinately "Grace Draper was justified in the low opinion she had of my honor. If your theory is true, she sent the letter to Marvin on the chance that I would be dis honorable enough to open a leU ter that was not mine " "Did I say I had half a mind to shake you a minute ago?" Lil lian demanded, rsing and tower ing wrathfully above me. "Well., it's a whole mind now, and if I ever again hear you mention the necessity of any more honorable dealing wth Grace Draper than you would use toward a mad dog running loose in the street, you'll wish you' had kept your lips closed." WAR MOTHERS HELP SOLDIERS Delicacies to be Sent From Salem to Denver Tuber i cular Hospital Another important undertaking batketl bv the Salem War Moth ers is the effort just begun to. Mi-tire jais of jellies arm Jain, for the tubercular oldiTS In the . government hospital located I si j Denver, which was recently tran-i ferred from Fort Beard. N. M. I Klght, hundred soloiern, It In said, are being cared for In IVc ver and as very little in thj way of delicacies is provided for the men, the Salem women identified with the War Mothers' organiza tion originated the idea of calling upon every woman In Salera. whether a mother of a soldier or not. to give at least one Jar of jelly or jam to the cause. It is a contribution that an7 , housewife could make and nevei feel the loss, and they will ud be restricted to one jar. but may give as many as thy feel able. Gifts may be rent any time of the oay or week to the armory up until Friday of the coining week when packlag will bcin. the men of the American le&iun to aid in the latter task. The regular monthly meetlnr of the Salem chapter of War Mothers, which was to have been held Tuesday, has been postpon ed until Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock on account of the election. Important issues ar o come up at that time concern ing the forthcoming November bazaar, and It is urged that all members of the organization at tend. And the War Mothers al so wish it generally known that sewing and oth?r contributirns or the bazaar U not limited to members, but that anyone wno wishes tJ aid la the worth while effort may do so. Illom and of thoronirh poise, j . Stly In Math walk, tout rolled b! emotions as he j If faricer li inooey on their talked with the son. and no tMnJmil rrop can t they make It up tai oi me straw ion uuw m were sbfa. tf convict, sen-1 little frlecdly -All ruttt: Krl- j day. received hU father Warm! and showed nothing of the ap pearance cf the criminal. ?S ttraw tat? -Franklin County) dvke. bt reraeiak don'i mtd ready 10 bark It lu any taoney.- ltontoa Traiscrlyt. Jim. I mint yon to give me a esr bt-hoar d7. The thrlru.ifc afcu !urrot ef a Neil Hart is Vinted by Father from Denver When W. Z. Bancroft of Den ver, father of Emmett Bancroft, alias Neil Hart, met the prUoner at the state penitentiary late Fri day, the only message he could give him was that he would make a final effort to save the prison er's life by interceding with the governor, but that he could see no chance of success. The elder Bancroft, deeply re- Wffl. FARNUM "IF I WERE KING" Starts Tues. at The 'Orecron All Wool Suit Mr ' MADE TO YOUR MEASURE; A recent reduction in the price of woolens makes it possible for us to offer these Suits for this price. The same quality former ly sold for $55.00. They're dandy suits absolutely all-wool, made to your measure, fit guaranteed, after the newest modes of the season. SCOTCH WOOLEN MILLS 426 State Street STORE Remodeling We can remodel your old suit or overcoat into one of this year's styles. Ge ailing and Pressing Bring your cleaning and presA- 1 injr to us. Work guaranteed. Complete with Starter, new price, $894.28 When the cold winds and rains of Vinter set in, motoring is over with TJpen cars, but not so with a . FORD SEDAN T r ; - Shut in away from the cold and wet, with open vision to all, motoring joys continue. i j- . k l Complete with Starter, new price We Can Make Immediate Delivery Phone 1995 for a Demonstration OF INSIST ON GENUINE FORD PARTS $946.34 i ' ! i,. ! ; I 5a "Oh! I Can See a Lot Better now" Of course you can! When properly fitted glasses re lieve the strain on the deli cate eye-mucles and nerves, you can tell the difference at once. Periect vision Is a rarity. Many persons suffer the ill effects of impaired vision be cause they do not realize to what extent their sight might be helped with properly fit ted glasses. . It la such a simple mat ter to find out whether or not your eyes need glasses that no one should continue to put it off from day to Jay- Why not call and see lis? Satisfaction guaranteed in every detail. Dr. Albert R. Miller i , OptometristOp ician . Phone 341 rd REDUCTION LUMBER PRICES i In order to encourage local building; In order to keep our plant operating steadily all winter; and, In order to retain our present force of over 200 v efficient employees, we have decided to make thi: OUR THIRD PRICE REDUCTION Lumber plants all oyer the Nation have bean closing down, but we bare decided to so reduce our lumber prices that building will be encouraged and our sales of lumber large enough to enable us to continue operation throughout the winter. THESE ARE THE REDUCTIONS $3.00 per Thousand on Common Lumber . $5.00 per Thousand on finished Lumber BUILD NOW t No doubt tbis will be our final redaction. It is a reduction (or tbe sole purpose of encour aging building and is not based upon any re duction in our production costs. We see no indication of any reduction in cost of labor or of machinery, consequently these BUILD NOW Reduced Prices Are Only Temporary And will probably advance in the Spring BUILD NOW AND PROFIT BY THESE REDUCTIONS Chas. K. Spaulding Lumber Co. J 110-lfrl2 U. S. Bank Bide Jr