The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 31, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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MimUr monthly meeting
, ths Salem district Oregon
" 1 vnsle Teachers' Association
feld at Miss Tartar
7 4t Monday evening. Novem
St0di .t 1-30 o'clock There will
br VSImn of officers. collection
am and other ba8ine8S of im
Lieurance. tta'j coiri-
Indian songs, was sent
.I. Indian reservation in the
WM?Hrest to collect the tribal
He was supplied with
ftaSrSords and through his
amrtciatlon with the savage
haunts recorded hundreds
at tne lanes yt.7- . .,
Si flutists and as sung at the r
..ri nm festive occasions. I It U
estimated that' enough of
melodies are preserved by the na
tional government to keep fifty
composers busy for one hundred
years. ' J j
There is an old phras? about
"making a piano talk." It is more
of an art to make a piano sing;
and that is what Harold Henry
does in bis."Keltic Sonata" which
appears on his Salem program.
One settles comfortably in one's
seat with this artist at tlrs piano
anticipating, a east of good
things both new and old. I M
"Hyei i with the consummate skill
for which this pianist isj noted, r
,-Tne tiaison aemonsirauon! war
a treat to a crowded house, t As
to tone quality the reproduction
was complete; as to tone quanti
ty the trained ear could make
discernments. ; The perfo' mers
were splendid artists and the vio-
Salem Music Directory
J - W . ; ;
Cello, Mandolin, Guitar,
' u ' -i ' '
Banjo, Ukulele
. i i
Derbv Building
linlst was particularly fine. Tha
audience was a frost. Row after
row of people accented tha com
pliments of a local music house
and sat throughout the evening
with folded hands and. faces ex
pressing little more than pieces of
putty. The :result was no en
cores until almost the close of the
program, when the performers
were so completely 'congealed
with Salem chill that their re
sponses were half-hearted.
The music work in the Saloin
schools is being well patronized
ihis year by the pupils in the va
rous schools. The chorus at the
high school has several choruses
memorized and if some -paid en
gagements can be arranged with
lodges or other organizations of
the city, records for work in mu
sic appreciation will be secured.
One lesson a week is given to
Victor demonstrations and stu
dents keep notes which explain
the. records played. A contest is
planned between the jnnior high
schools and twelve additional rec
ords are. needed. This contest is
being conducted after the plan
made in the Educational Digest
by Anne Faulkner-Oberdorfer,
chairman of the music committee
of the National Federation of
Women's Clubs. 1
Teacher of Singing '
Choir and Chorus Training
Pupil Soloists for Programs
, 162 Liberty St. N.
Phone 334 or
Voice, Piano, Harmpny
A Teacher Who Sings
. -' i: . ' and : . .
A Singer Who Teaches
y Floyd It Mrlntirv. At 3 . ia. lh
Junior lragur, will mel with Miss Mar
ffuxite Ualrhow im chars: 6:30 p. .
the? first and second chapters ( the Ep
wot;h league inert. Tli first chapter
meets in the Incur niom. tinder the di-
rrnion of Kdsvin Norm: the aeeomi
chapter will meet in the Hunday arbuol
ro m and the pastor will have rhars-ej At
7 :30 p. m. a program of nur and read
ings win he riven by the rhoir. sssisted
by Ilahn F. I.angenbers;. Miss Lulu Rosa
mond W'a'.ton, Leonard Chadwirk and El-r-ert
Laehelle. Following is tho prof ram:
1'iano and organ Misa Kulh Bedford aod
Mrs. Mason Bishop.
Hymnn. "Hark, Hark. My Soul" . .Suiart
Choir and Contrrcilion. j
Prayer and the UrJ'i Prayer j
Pastor and Congregalioa.'
Baritone Holo. "The Saviour's Com
mand" Chiproan
Dann F. Langenberg
Anthem, "Sing I nto tae Lord" . .t'aTia
Choir. !
Instrumental, ! "Souvenir" (violin) and
piano) ........ ledla
Leonard Chadwirh and Klbert LarhelU
Contralto Hoio, "Hull SttU With Thee"
..............t.... Jarolou ,
MI- Gertrude Aldrirk ; 1
Readmit, 'Kinj Robert of tfieily.'. .
i UmcfeltoW
Jtias l.ulu Kotamond W altos. '
Duet, "1 Heard the Voice of Jeu .ay"
j Kathbum
Mis Sadie Pratt and VUxd II Melntire
Baritone KoJo. "He Knows tho Way'
. bri;Kt
Lealio II. Kuririmr
Keadinp :
a) "The Outlaw" Clark
(b) "Tho Prayer Cure in the Pinea"
Miss Luln KnumnnH Waltnn '
Soprano Solo. "Cloeer Stilt With Thee"
; .... Kolfo
Mra. J- N' i
Offering For use of the rhurrh rhoir
Anthem, "Fear Not Ye. Oh. Israel."..:
. " Laroy
I.Tmaa Mrltnnsld and f'hnir
Hymnn, "One More Iy'e Work for
Jeaua - l,owrr
Choir and Conrreratu
Benediction and Potlude
naa oar trx,rr nd to "r -'I:a ! delicacy than the afrrage physic-
) Cathoiic.
Chemekela and Collate atrecta. Maaaea
at 7:30 Kxpositim of Hleased Saera
meat follows). o;oo sod solemn bich
"d sermon by pastor at 10:30.
1 u Forty linara' Adoration will rlose oa
Soaday eTeniog at the 7:30 lnedrf-tme
and procession In which the choir boa.
flower oris and Children of Mary will
take p.rt. The procession will ho pre
cluded by a short sermon on "Grac-."
by Ket. Father Buck. fcTeryooe ia wel
come. ETa&gelicai.
I hcnit-Leta street, r. V. Iuner. pas
tor. Sunday arhool at 10 a. ns W. A.
hpnnarr. leader. W. Schj'.l is aecrrtsry
of the pontes! for new member. The
Kcds and tuo It toes are now ia battle.
Who wi l Wi. Sermon at 1 1 a. in. Kar
neat Zimm will lead Y. P. A. at 7 p. m.
Sermon at 7:3.-
Icr pood. No Catolic ran com
mit murder. I. e race suicide, or
as some of the extremely delicate
woutl pay. "limitation of famil
ieV and remain a Catholic la good
are produenre of eril also. ; standi?. It l trtily a ! cry in
it is in tues rae that the ; to God for vengeance, and it Is
ian handles it. Aod those who
would siy It was productive of
evil, might as well say that the
handling of such cases by physkv
Catholic church is such a power. our rplnia lh more plalaly and
forcefully th erlm la v bandied,
the better It will b for or coun
try. Marrtara was lnrtlteted
irlmartly for th pro-creation of
the human race and not for tho
tratlflcatlon of the passloni an3
it Is the doty of everyone to leara
this. ;
Residence Phone 1588
Studio Phone 592
Room 1-3 j
147 North Commercial St
First Met&odlst Episcopal
State and Church streets. Services te
em at 9:15 with an old fashioned rlasa
meeting, led by W. I. Cu minings, honday
achool at 9:45, Alphena (riuette, uper-
intendent: aometninz intcrestinr erery
Snndar morning, Kood maaic At U
o'clock Rev. .- Blaine Kirkpatrick will
preach, using for his subject: "What is
Uoodness!" Last Sunday the rhurrh was
filled to an overflow. At 3 p. m. aemcea
at Old Peoole'a Home. Twelfth and Ferry
atreeta. Senior and Intermediate l'ne
will meet at 6:30. At 7:30 ReT. Kirk
patrick will delirer a sermon using for
his text: "JesUs Attitude Toward Ig
norant and Superstitious Faith." There
ill be a meeting of the board of trus
tees and the. finance committee Wednes
day evening at 7:30 in the church. Some
important items of business are to be
considered and all members are requested
to be present.
First Baptist Church.
. William T. Milliken, D. D.. pastor.
Morning prarer aerriee in the Atroga room
at 9:30. Bible arhool at 9:45. II. R.
Hewitt, superintendent. Morning worship
at 11. Dr. M. F. Haines of McMinnville
college will speak this morning. Senior
division of B. Y. P. U. at 6:30. There
will be a debate upon "Baptism" this
evening. The purpose, of these debatea ia
to encourage careful study of all 'aides
of Christian doctrines.. The affirmative
will be led by D. E. Dent and Ralph
Miller, and the negative by Allen Kafoury
and John Rayl. The second division of
the B. Y, P. U. meets in the Agora room,
loader, Alire Roth: : theme, ."Making
(rood Americans." Evening worship at
7:30; sermon theme, "The Age of Inno
cence." Visitors welcomed at all serv
ices. .
south Salem Friends
Soa:h Commercial and Wasainrtoti
H. E. Pemberton. . pastor. Church Bible
school' at 10 a. m.. Carl Miller, superin
tendent. Meeting for worship and preach
ing at 11 a. m. Young people meet at
8:30 in C. E. At 7:3a the peace com
mittee will give a most interesting pro
gram. Most of the time will be given to
slides showing tho work of Friends re
construction work ia Germany aad Fraaee.
All are welcrocne.
First Christian.
High and Center streets. Bible school.
9:4.1 a. in.; preaching at 11, a. m. and
7:3d p. m. by 1. C. Kcllema-of Eugene
Bale university. C. E. society at o:3of-
p. m:; midweek prayer service. 7:30 p.
m. Thursday. A cordial invitation is es
tended to all to attend these services.
especially strangers. ,
Centra! Congref stional
South Niaeteeath -and Ferry atreeta
II- C. Stover, minister. A service rem
Mntng the Sunday school and the morn.
ng worship at 10 a. Mrs. Hurt on Kd
warda in charge of Sanday arhool boor.
sural soio by Kenald Craven and an ad
dress by the pastor at the morning serv
ice. Christian Endeavor at f.lS p. as
Evening service at 7:30 p. m. Evenaig
at-dresa will be a disrassion of the value
of and the conservation of our fragments
Music by the choir and ladies' chorus.
Community School
Community School of Ueligioua F.dara
tioa for rhurrh workers and parents: S
h-m I'jhlic library. Mondav night. At
7:30, "The Child." Prof. J. F. Matthew.; ol Christ." Mrs. V. A. Park;
'leaching Vaiuca of the Old Testament."
LW .'- H'1!'1""- At ;15. "Training
of the lVrotional Life," lr. W. V Kat
ner "(irrlhMd and Character." Mrs. C.
ti. lAneT; ,"Chil:ren s lepartmenl. Or
ganued for Service," Mrs. K. U Far
nier. At 0 o'clock Assembly. "Some Observations,-1
Her. C. H. Powell.
Chriatiaa aad Missionary Alliance
Services oa next Thursday afternoon.
Novrmber 4. at 633 Koala Commercial
atreet. Rev. J. E. Fee of Perl land, will
rondnet Bible atady beginning at 2:15
o'clock. All cordially welcome.
State Instttutloas
Kertires to be held by members of the
Salrtu Ministerial assoeiatioa are sched
uled for Sunday as follows: At a. m
State Hospital, by II. C. Htover: a. m.
Feeble Minded Institute, by B. E. Kirk
patrick; 2:15 p. Mate school, by
I bonss Acheaon: 3:00 n sn ;irl.
Training achool. by 8. R. Msmey; 3:13
m Tabereuioaia HosnitaL h T m
of Piano
Special attention given to children and
Studio 345 Marion St:
ensemble playing
Phone 1299
Specializing in Moderii Technique for tone building,
; necessary for piano interpretation j
Dunning Improved Music Study for Foundation
Residence Studio i
695 North Liberty St;
Phone 1351
IesUe Methodist Episcopal
South Commercial and Meyers streets,
At 9:45 a. m. Sunday achool. E. A. R bo
te n, superintendent classes for all ages
and grades. Well equipped primary de
partment meets in Leslie hall tinder the
expert management of Miss Fern Wells
The Cosmopolitan class for younger
married people is well organized and the
attendance increasing at each aession of
the achool. At' 11 a. m public worship,
with sermon by the -pastor, theme, "The
Divinity of Christ." This sermon will be
the first in I series on this subject. Spe
cial nmsic -.includes -an anthem, "Come,
Let li Sing," by Banks: and a ao'.o.
Beyond the Dawn. Sanderson, sunf
Jason Lee Memorial.
Corner of Winter and Jefferson atrcets.
Thos. Arheson, pastor. The following is
the program for Sunday, October 81: Sun
day achool at 9:45, Cbas. Hageman iav
cnarge; classes for all ages. ; tinder ten
rare - of capable teachers. Strsagers . are
made to feel at home and are always wel
come. Public worship, 11 a. m., subject.
"Church Frsternitv." Jnnior Enworth
lesgse, 3 p. m. ; Senior league. 6:30 p.
m. The young people' a meeting offers a
splendid opportunity for service,- we have
place reserved for you. Evening serv
ice st 7:30, subject. "A Sure Candidate
for Election." A special effort ia being
made to make all of these services in
spirational and helpful in the highest de
gree to all who attend. We extend a
very cordial welcome to the public to
come and worship with us. The subject
lor prayer meeting on Wednesday evening
at 7:30 will be "Protestantism in Ire
land." Everybody .welcome.
First Congregational.
Liberty and Center - atreeta. W C.
Kantner. minister. At 10 a. m Sunday
srnooi with classes for all. W. I. Stsley,
superintendent. At 11 a. m... "The Plus
Sign in the Life of. the Christian" At
6:30 p. m Christian Endeavor with live
meeting. At 7:SO p. an, The Minus
Sign' in Life." Following this address
series of slides showing how neoDle live
win - De shown. "Homes and Haants of
Humankind" is the titles of the series.
A cordial invitation to alL
I Helpful Health I
Services at St. Joba'a Eranreliral
Lutheran church. Sixteenth and A atreeta
at 10:30 a. m. in German. Sunday arhool
at v:3 a. m., English. H. 11. Goers, pas
ior. jieiormsnon anniversary services
Sunday morning. -
, Ministerial Association.
The Salem Ministerial association will
meet in the Y. M. C. A. Mondav at to
mm. The addreaa will ho e-ivea hv lie
Bellinger. All miaiatrra in and near ik.
city are cordially invited la attend
In .
Starts. Tues., at The Oregon
V ''"
Fundamental Trahihi
.Rwidence Studio, 148 North 12th
for Children
rhone 134
! The drug nihilist wag tne scout
of all progress in medicine,
t !
I Civilization owes .much to its
doctors yet more to its cooks.
! ;
! The most important room in
the house is the kitchen: the
bath room comes next,
The reliable doctors in every
community are as well known as
the unreliable ones.
, Knowledge without practice
makes but half a man. Health is
a short name for tireless effort.
Education of the will increases
the efficiency of the mind, as ex
ercise increases the strength of
the body.
All doctors may be divided into
two great classes; those who
prescribe needlessly and admit it
and liars. I
The physician must help na
ture, not force her. The "vis
n.edicatrix naturae" (the healing
power of nature) must be aided,
Osteopathy, while a prompt and
efficient, treatment' in, all acute
attacks, of disease, is 1 especially
valuable in chronic ; ailments
where the vital . tone 4 Is below
Highland mends.
Bible school st 10 a. m.. Clifton Rosa.
superintendent: classes for all ages. tHir
school is growing nicely. We had the
largest attendance Isst Sabbath that we
have had for some years, with snlendid
interest ia all the elsesee. Come and
bring some one else. Mornina? worth-in
and preaching at 11. C. E. meeting at
:15; preaching at 7:30 p. m. Prayer
meeting on Thursday at 7:30 p. a. Com
munity Miasion Workers Hand meets all
day Wednesdsy with Mrs. Frank Cole
man on Loenst street . Yon will find a
i real welcome at all onr services, i I. G.
Lee and wife pastors.
Court Street Christian, f
Court and North Sevan uth
Onr fall csmpsign is en ia full blast now."
''" ia mo important week ol the cam
paign. This is the week, when everybody
in ine rnurra I to be busy announcing
the special week of meetinsa and Invite
people out' to these aervieea. Beginning
with the 7th there will be aervices every
night. The first-part of the. week the
home forces will condurt the aervieea and
the latter part of the week an E. B. C.
team. Evangelist Goodwin and his male
quartet. You cannot afford to miss a sin
gle service. Come today and hear all
about our plan. Bible achool at 10 a. m.
ixtyal day , ovember 14. Junior. 11 a.
Morning aermon. "Fartnershio With
God." Intermediate C. E 5:30 . m.
special C. E. rally service :30 n. m A
special program prepared. All come. Song
service ana sermon.. 7:30 p. m subject.
'Stone of Stumbling." atraight forward
meeaage for all. Monday at 7:30 p. n
church board meeting. Thursday at 7:30
p. m., campaign rally service. Reports of
personal ,vra:ers snrt special prarer aerv
ice ana messsge by the pastor. Friday at
I :.kj p. m, rally social by the V. K. ;
suu soriai inn ior an. tne public is
invited to these services. i
, Evangelical Lutheran. I '
-East State and Eighteenth street. Son
day arhool at :4.V a .m. Preaching serv
ice at 10:80 a. m. Lather league at 7
p. m., topic, "The Ancient Versions of
Our Bible." Evening service at 7:30
p. m. Everybody is cordially invited.
Geo. Koehlrr, pastor.
Facts About the Catholic
By Rev. J." R. Buclu
The question might b asked;
Did . Protestant denomination
ever make use of the private con
fession of sins to their ministers
in order to obtain forgiveness.
and we answer that some of the
non-Catholic denomination even
today have the confessional. Some
denominations have two services.
hirh service and a low service'.
The first does not believe in the
confession of sins to the minister.
but the latter does. It is most In
consistent, we must agree, to go
to a low service at one hour of
the day and believe one thing.
and to another service at another.
hour and believe the exact re
Soma Protestants axe pleased
to admit .that confession to a min
ister may ie made with spiritual
benefit in certain abnormal cases
for instance, in case ot sick
ness. So that In their Judgment.
a religious observance which Is
salutary to a sick man. ia pernicious-
to him in good health.
Some may say: Why confess to
priest when yon can confess to
God in secret? We might also
ask. Why have public prayer when
one might pray alone? Why build
churches when you can worship
God In your home? Why employ
ministers to read the Gorpel when
one might read it in private?
We might go on and quote ex
amples illustrating the Catholic's
view, but time nor space will ad
mit. Surflce It to say that many
most eminent ; Protestant and even
inuaei writers, wn are conver
sant with thq practical workings
of the confessional, bear testi
mony to the moral reformation
produced by It. The most neces-
isary requisite for confession be-
; ing a real sorrow for sin and a
real purpose; of amendment, it
ioiiowk tnat one will hardly ap
proach the confessional again and
again with these sins and then
Hdw You Shoiildi Read
What do the good people of the world.
sk that we do with the bible that there be
no understanding among us?
Read ; it in . the spirit in which it was
written. . .;! . ; ,
What should the good people of the
ori(J demand that we do with the league of
lotions on November 2, that there be no
i understanding? j '
Read it in the sDirit in which it was con
structed, . - ! .
: What does Will E. Purdy ask of the good
jPle of Salem, that they may know what
'ke few to offer the general public?
j Visit, the Oregon Bath House at your
j fst convenience, and decide after look
! n? over whether you wish to advise your
: j"1 to patronize our establishment; which
Ic5nd to none in Oregon. j . jv. '
c . : -i S: '-:; .
1'?' , assstiiiiV v.- :
ITnited EvangslicsL
Rally, rally, rally. Ye Keystone Tagne
of Christian I Endcavorers. Where f
Where! At the United Evangelical chnrrh
40 North Onttage street. When 1 Sunday
evening at 6:30 o'clock. The services
will be. in charge of the conference es
executive committee and there will be a
numbr of short addresses durinr the en
deavor boor and at 7:30 Rev. E. C. Farn-
ham of Portland, president of the anion,
will preach. We hope the members, and
friends of the rhnrch will take advantage
of this unusual opportunity and hear Kv.
Farnham. as well as help tn boost the
Christian Endeavor work. The morning
services will be held as usual, Sunday
school, 10 a. m. and sermon by the pas
tor. Rev. 8. 8. Mumey, st 11 a. m. We
are anxious that the interest which is
manifest in some of the services may con
tinue and that the work in all the de
partments may " fall in line. A cordial
welcome awaits you at all the aervieea.
Official board meeting, Monday , at 7:30
p. tn. Grayer meeting.. Thursday, 7:30
p. m.
Firs United Brethren
Tew park. Bible school and temper
ance pmgraia at lo a. m : preaching at
litis a. m. C. E. at :..0 p. to , short
talk by the pastor at 7:30. ;
St. Paul's
' Chenieketa and Chnrch streets. Serv
ices for the 2'Jnd Sunday after Trinity
7:30 a. tn., holy communion: 9:43 a. as.
chnrrh school; 1 1 a. m morning prayer
and sermon. "Moral lintemretatien f
National and Slate Issues," bring the
second of two pre-election wmom; 7 to
p. m., eve,ning prayer snd address. "The
Kaints." Everybody welcome. Charles
II. 1'owell, rector.
make no real effort, to overcome
them. In fact, no priest can give
absolution to a penitent who will
not consent to an amendment of
his life. I
it a man comes into tne eon
fessional and; confesses a theft
he cannot receive absolution un
less he promises to make restitu
tion. If it should be a great thert
and he has disposed of the money,
or the goods he is nevertheless
obliged to promise he will, as far
as popsiDie. and as soon as jkj
elble return what was stolen or
make good. It may take him
years at hard. work, but it Is re
quired ot trim. IT he should die
and leave property, this must be
used to pay his theft.
If a man injures his neighbor
unjustly, the priest must require
that he make amends. This li
sometimes very hard to do. but
absolution cannot be given nntil
wrong is made risht. pernons
who are in the habit of. gossip
inr to the injury of another
character, must also make this
right before obtaining absolution.
And since confession Is entirH
voluntary, we may readily. see tho
beneficial resnits. . In rrzard to
sins of Impurity. These aifo must
be conf5PKd and a firm purpose
of amendment made. To those
who have read the antt-Cathollc
literature on this aspect of the
confessional, we would say it is
handled In the most delicate man'
rust Church of Christ Scientist
Cbeasekrta street. At 11 a. bi., Bible
lesson, subject ''Everlssting Punishment"
Sunday school at 9:43 a. as. Wednesday I
evening, testimonial meeung ai o coca.
Heading Toons. 2"9 Masonic Temple, open
,r,: ;;'.rr.'i ."rvu srss& rib,- " wU f"aon
In any great event the BEST MAN ALWAYS
WINS--or if it is an article, or good, the best
article or good always wins.
The same thing will be true in this election.
You may vote for one man, and we may vote
for another, but at any rate; the BEST MAN
The same thing can be said of suits, and
S ' t
The Best Suit or Overcoat
.Always Wins
We don't care what you may say, we know this to be true,
speaking, are running for an of fice the office of satufying
suits and overcoats. T1IE BEST TAILOR ALWAYS WINS.
Clothiers, figurately
the people in better
We make suits and overcoats for most of the real men in Salem. Our superior tail
oring, the better grade of materials which go into our suits, and the satisfaction
we try to give our customers have given us our success. .
Have you ordered your new suit ? Remember, THE BEST SUIT ALWAYS WINS.
High Class Tailor to Men and Women
474 Court Street
Salem, Oregon
a tlGI ' wVl
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1 ! . km, ' ' .
Did You Ever
Well, man, if you never have, you still have
something Good coming to you. For your
next pair give yourself the pleasure and
satisfaction of wearing a
For $13.50
You can buy the Brown
Calf English Bal, rubber
heels, brown Norwegian
grain Blucher.
For $12,50
A Brown Calf Bluch-
Penn or round
For $12.00
Brown Russia Calf,
English bal, rubber
For $14.50
Black Kid, A. B. C.
last Blucher, rubber
For $10.50
Patent vamps with
cloth tops, plain toes;
the correct dress shoe
At the Electric Sign "SHOES"