! THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING. OCTOBER r.l. 1020 REPUBLICAN VICTORY IS PREDICTION (Continued from Page 1) 1 1 J T j Coolidge, ' Mr. Hays laid claim tojuota. Missouri, Montana, Nebras Ithe following states: I jka. Nevada. New Hampshire, New California. Colorado, Conaecti-'j Jersey. New York, North Dakota, cut, Delaware. Idaho. Illinois. In-i(10, , 0rfpn .u"I1:e?nfyl".nie' diana. Iowa, Kansas, 'Maine, Senator Harding and! Governor ! Massachusetts. Michigan. iMinne- re Announcement Prize ppniest winners of the Pumpkin Seed Contest at the People's Cash L 'Store. Number of Seeds 480 1st Prize -F. R. Royston, guess. 46S, 1464 Ferry street .!'---. . , ! . -1 2nd Prize Mrs. Nora Pearson, guess 493, 1341 South ! 13th street. - ' ' 3rd Prize Mrs. Nellie Hogarth, guess 499, 1947 Mill fet. Will the winners "kindly call and receive the prizes. Rhode Island. South Dakota. Utah Vermont. Washington. West Vir ginia. Wisconsin and Wyoming. n addition,' he said, "the Re publicans have very much better than an even chance to carry Ari zona, Kentucky. Maryland and New Mexico, with 27 additional electoral votes. his makes 359 Republican electoral votes almost certain out of the total of 531. "The Republican victory .in Kentucky is certain, provided the weather is such that it is physi cally possible for the great Repub lican majority in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky to get to the polls. The same erement enters into the result in Tennessee where there Is a splendid chance for the Republicans. We also have a splendia opportunity to carry North Carolina and Oklaho ma. This makes the probability of an additional 34 votes. Democrats Sure of Nine. "The only states - Democratic candidates are certain of: Alabama. Arkansas, Florida, Louisana, Mississippi, South Caro lina, Georgia, Texas and Virginia, t The electorate oX America, who Is for "America first is simply waitine for the ODDortunity to voice a protest against the ciency, extravagance , and racy in government and to express Its complete confidence in tine con structive ability of the; Republican party, in a manner that will be heard around the world." Mr. White, who declared to night he had spent the last three days checking up detailed jreports from all state chairmen, asserted he saw "no reason to alter my forecast in which I predicted cer tain victory for! the Democratic ticket" ! A ViHoiXif" America. ! Mr. White referred to a. predic tion he made yesterday. "Bui, in perfect fairness, I want to say that th's will not alone be a Democratic victory. It will be the victory of America, a victory over disloyalty and partisanship, a victory over disunion and dis honor, a victory over the counsels of selfishness, j "Th's nation wants to establish and maintain world peace in con cert with those nations which were our allies in the struggle against imperialism and militar ism. It wants to extend the Mon roe doctrine to the world. It wants to secure peace in the east ern hemisphere as in the western and to spare future generations of Americans from the necessity of laying down lives abroad to save mankind from military domina tion, i "We have! won the argument for peace. We have won. despite the fact that a clean and fair cam paign on our part has been con ducted j in the face of a campaign that bore every semblance but fairness and cleanliness." RICHMOND CLUB IS RESENTFUL Resolutions Are Directed at Writer of Recently Published Articles ineffi4 autoc- J i ' : - v :-;.; ill- ; ' THGroiFinifoin ITS I' " r rT3 VJ M i 1 r Mill party, in a manner that kill be i i rm i I i f j i ill S : i ...... : ' I i - !' -. ! ' You can do better at 1 11 II I I III W i If ft I It " A IVf mi III l Mi I IS II Kit 11 11 I I III Ff - oAeHfttiori'wicic Institution ! ' i A..ri 1 ! mi1 i i mi I POLICY OF DEMOCRATS IS HELD INTOLERABLE (Continued from Page'l) and comforts to which tbey jtxv rrillclniu and mit.ttrm nt tnali; DISTINCTIVE FURNITURE at Prices that will Meet Your Approval 11 For the Home, what I need and want. And I can Nfld prosperity only in a Re publican form of rnvernment. As a good cVi7cn of th's' great V. S. I A. I -sure hope that yiu will do ' vour part in electing a Republi can government, which spells proppertiy for us all ROIiAND (". CLOVER. for many lyears secretary to Repre sentative W. C. Ilawley and now engaged in the practice of law In Salem.: It Is my. judgment that Senator Harding and Governor Coolidge will be elected by a ver-i itable avalanche, and I attribute the decided rrei'onderanee of sentiment in faror of them to the furl that the better thinking peo ple of the Cniled States tee In them presidential timber if the first class, and that their election with a Republican house and sen ate to t support them, will mean a return to constiinuonai gov ernment, a firm and diKiiitlAd foreign policy in keeping with that of Washington. Jefferson and Monroe, a restoration of sta ble industrial foundations, arnd a reconstruction policy which will cast off the "wiggle and wobble" of the past eight years, sever! the accumulations of burdens that have attached themselves to i the one v pontic during the war.l es tablish a just protective tariff for the benefit of American labor 'and business, and that ' American can again look to Harding as their president with the same confi dence and assurance that they at one time, turned to McKinley and Roosevelt and were proud to claim the United States as Uhe land of their nativity or of iheir adoption. The people are Ured of .subterfuge and deception.! of Wilsonlsm. and desire to get back to Americanism and for that rea son the great mass of voters Is rushing to the Republican nomi nees for national offices. i i LOT I. PEARCK. My reasons for believing that the Republican party should be placed in charge of the machinery of the govern ment can be briefly stated as fol lows: This country needs a pro tective tariff to prevent the un loading of cheap foreign materi als produced by workers receiv- At a meeting of the Richmond Inmrovement club Friday night resolutions were adopted express ing resentment against the writer of a communication which was published a week ago criticising the location or tne Kicnmond ana the Englewood schools. j The resolution follows: "Whereas, there appeared in the Issue of the Oregon statesman. published Sunday morning. Octo ber 24.! an anonymous communi cation signed "Only a Taxpayer," wherein some individual made a miserable attempt to enlighten the public on the various troublesome matters pertaining to our public schools, the communication hav ing apparently been prompted by the noble fight made by the school patrons of South Salem for their just rights, and "Whereas, the author of said communication after criticising the location of the McKinley school building stated that In a lesser sense this Is also truo of Richmond and Knglewood. both or which; should have been located more central and thereby avail able to release the more congest ed districts, and j - "Wheieas, the anonymous writ er by the foregoing statement dis played his total ignorance or tha conditions in the sections or tha city where ' the several school buildings are located, evidentlv or near-sighted citizens who can i see no more than four blocks of the business district of the city and who arc perfectly willing to benefit by the taxes paid by the people of the outlying distridv but ready at all times to deny'! these same people the privileges justly entitled, and "Whereas, the Richmond school building is centrally located in a section or the city thickly popu lated with children of school age and provided with beautiful san itary and spacious pKiy ground conducive to the good health of the chiMren. therefore be it Required. That the Richmond Impiovement club, the member-' ship of which is composed entire- I ly of taxpayers and school pa trons, by these resolution voice its resentment against the unjust by the anonymous writer, aa-1 bt it further- j:eolvtl. T it e stand rtady to co-opraie ith the people of South Silem in their fight for a t nuirr deal ami tkaitilv n.loru ' the stand taken in their behalf j Starts TtlCS. at The Olon I by George E. IUIoren. r . Wffl. FARNUdl In "IF I WERE KING" of the board of director of school dictrirt No. Z. and be it further "Resolved, That a cory of these resolutions be furnished the pres of ttfe city." I Statesman CIalfV! Art j: 5 SUNSHINE IN YOUR LIVING ROOM theseeold flays. Cheerfulness, that means so much to the home, may be secured by the purchase of one of pur REED LIVNG ROOM SUITES: Our line js very complete, pur ilrice is the lowest when you con- siaer me; yuamy oi mercnanaise. ill REGULAR $240.50 3-Piece SUITE AS ILLUSTRATED IN OUR WEST WINDOW EXTRA SPECIAL THIS WEEK REGULAR $23.50 REED CHAIR OR ROCKER, REGULAR $28.00 REED CHAIR OR ROCKER, REGULAR $10.00 REED CHAIR OR ROCKER, REGUlJAR $50.00 REED CHAIR OR ROCKER, REGULAR $65.00 REED CHAIR OR ROCKER, -T $198 75 NOW..! p .. .. $19.73 NOW..... ..4 .$23.30 NOW..... .... $31.75 NOW . L. U.......$ 12.75 NOW.. .1 . $56.25 prevailed during Republican con trol, as against the extravagant waste which has prevailed during the past few years of control by the opposition party. It soes without saying that in order to 1 have a harmonious administration j the two branches of congress should be of the same political faith as the executive, and it is therefore very necessary that our state Bhould elect a Republican senator and congressman In orW that the hands of the executive may not be tied. Vote right. DR. II. O. HICKMAN, mayor of Gervais -The American people will elect Harding ' and Coolidge because they want progress, con struction and strong American ism. L. 3. ROWLAND, secretary of the Marlon county Republican central committee iThe election of Harding. Coolidge and Stan field will insure to; our people and 6ur country a return to a safe and sane administration and will also insure a long-delayed fair treatment of our ex-service men O. K. HALVORSE.V. mayor elect of Salem The American people will lect Harding anj I Coolidge because they believe in j the principles of the Republican 1 party, and because progress, con- i strnction and true Americanism j have always been practiced by . this party. Stanfield should b I A a A 1 A l- Ml Ma . ing low wages in competition with V .u so,luai "rT De un" our well paid workers, and in ad- ,p the par,y nd 80 that our Rreat dition we need a return to busi- state of Oregon- will be repre- ness methods which have always sented properly. Ask to See Our Western Pipeless Furnace. It Weighs More and Costs Less - Luggage Wc have for your inspection ; every thing that is needed in the Luggage line. It is a pleasuiic to trade with us. Our Prices are Right. "I awe? The Cheney ir 1 r A Mirror to Harmony Thd Cheney plays all nakos of rec ords. Better let u s 1 demonstrate onej of these ma chines in ! your home. It-has no Equal. Hi tin - 1 U. S; Army U. SL Navy Goods Goods if Trade in Your Old Furniture as Part Payment on New FANCY j ART- AND ENGLISH GLAZED CRETONNES Value to $1.75. Special this week, per yard....7Jc EXTRA SPECIAL TI . WEEK ONLY IS Regular 50-cent POLISH now fine We are showing a line of BATH ROOM FIXTURES Such as Glass '.''Shelve! Medicine Cabinets, Nick Ie-Platcd Rods, etc. j 1 j - - - 1 ' - r " ;- . 1 -1 340 COURT r n f f a t t p.v v STREET V. O. llAMIL lUiN H STREET T At Sweeping Price Reductions Brand New Regulation Army Shoes, Chocolate Color, All Leather, absolutely brand new. Postpaid to your town $5.75 ' 'New Woolen Socks Army Socks, Gray color. Postpaid to- your town, per pair J '. 45c' In dozen lots, per dozen, postpaid to your town $4.80 1 New U. S. Army Long Pants, All-Wool, Olive Drat Guaran-j teed absolutely new and perfect. Prepaid to your town $6.45 Navy Dlankets, All-Wool, Dark Blue, Hrand New. Extra large, j very soft and of beautiful design. Black stripe in center. We ' consider these blankets the best wc have yet offered. Splen-j did values. Postpaid to your town $7.75 . New Olive Drab All Wool Blankets. The very finest quality, weight 1 lbs. Guaranteed brand new. Postpaid to your town - ----- $7.75 Olive Drab Blankets. Class A A. Postpaid $6.50 ; Navy Underwear, Brand New, AH-Woolen. Gray color, regu- I latum navy underwear, two-piece suits, very soft. Per suit,.! ! postpaid to your town $4.50 lisavy Itain Suits, Two-Picce. Absolutely waterproof. These! jare not slickcrs.j They arc' rubber. suits, consisting of a pair! 101 pants and a coat. Guaranteed brand new. Postpaid t; 1 your town l 1.. .- cc oc Brand New Wagon. Truck and Auto Covers and Tarpaulins. 11 it. in. by 11 ft. G in. Postpaid l Hi C Br i&L 111 ' 1 HV - $14.75 Olive Drab Woolen Shirts Laundered and re claimed by the Government and look like new shirts. Postpaid to your, town ..:.., $3.50 Armv Tents. lP.vlfi fpot smiaru 11 fvo ki..1. ( slightly ued F. O. B. Isoa Angeles, California! k'A each ei-r rn i vj Canvas Folding Cots Brand New. Regulation jU army cots. Heavier than commercial cots. Ab tj solutely new. Express prepaid to your town " - 1 - $5.75 All cuirntcp,l aliHolutcly repreKntctt sn1 motley wiil Ik f hofrfully n-f'iniUd if nt itatlsfactory. ; 1 Spud i9 clictVor n.oncy order. UKI-OSITORY: CITIZENS' NATIONAL HANK. LOS ANGELES UNITED STATES SALES CO. Nar n.in tau ;120 West First Strftt, Los Angtlts, CaliTornia I TRADE MARK ovc New Price $890.35 New Price $890.35 FARWi TRACTOR We Can Make Immediate Delivery Now is your opportunity to increase your capacity; eliminate expense; free yourself of labor shortage and high wages and make good profits. Ask a Fordson owner, we rest on his answer. With this good weather, think what yon could accomplish with a Fordson. Don't longer hesitate, but join the growing list of satisfied and prosperous Fordson Owners. Power Farming is the loJevy IPJay Come in and talk it ever. Valley Motor Co: J.C.PERRY : I'rop. Prry lrne Store." ?!cm. Siat- lUxall Captain. i With considerably more than a mil lion ballots recorded in the Rexall Stores nation-wi)e straw vote on the Presiden tial election, the closing week of the Poll sees but little change in the relative posi tions of the rival candidates. Governor Cox has made slight gains in sonic locali ties where overwhelming majorities were predicted by the Harding supporters; but these, apparently, were offset in some Democratic strongholds where the Ohio senator showed unexpected strength. The success of the Rexall straw Vote, of course, b due to the one hun dred per cent co-operation of the Rexall druggists throughout "the country, but the heaviest burdens fell upon the 18 Mate captains, or one captain to each state. The captain for this 'stat tr i J. C. Perry of Perry's Drug Store, end has been indefatigable in his efforts t spur up his fellow Rexallites through out the state to "get out the vote," count its Imllots, and get off the re turns" each night so that he cou!l cmpile them for the statej wire the state returns to the Boston Headquarters of the United Drug Company and also flash liack to each druggist in his .tatc the total state vote for that day. His burden has been a heavy one but, W date, he has' handled 12, 1M Killots, and these have; apcarcd each day on the National Bulletin issued at' Boston Headquarters and mailed each evening to all ioints where there j is a Rexall Druggist, j ( The interest manifested in this straw vote by the big rnctn-iIitai newspajiers, ail of which carry the nation wide result in their i tw col lumns, and many of them commenting tit.trially uim the vote, has bceu ' universal. ! Every effort ha lwen made to safeguard the vote in order t see that j it is honestly cat. hne?-tly counted ami cfirctrtfy ard imp;trtially jwcntp! 'j to the public. Tlic Rkall ,traw vote f jfour years ago fort-raMcd the jclcctitm f President Wilson, even slmwi'ig that he would carry the States. fa of New Hampshire anil California. The tote of this year I cveti nvrc comprehensively taken' ami n hiubt will jroe c-iually c.-rrctt. 1 , i -4 - . ' . . - ........ j ... 1