The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 31, 1920, Page 13, Image 13

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Mr and Mrs. Clen Russell and
t;0 children. Elizabeth and lion
Jean of Portland, arrived yes-
terday from roruauu,
be the week-end guests ofMr.
,nd Mrs. W. W. Moore.
" in Informal welcome to Su
JStendent and Mrs. George
Fh,,' and the newly-appoint-'S-SfaSor.-
in all the city
krni. was extended Friday
SSfty S Instructors who haye
ed more than one year in
Te a'fwas held in the
wia Hallowe'en novelties, and
decorative material. ,,
The standing en,tertal?1
committee of the Salem Teach
er.' club, directed the details o
! the deception. Miss Margarei
Power is chairman of this com-
SSS: tbe other member, beg:
Miss Gertruae rumu-.
t'ula Creech. Miss Alfa Kosen
Si. Miss Mabel IWWjft
Miss Ola Kingsbury and Miss
drr the incoming n
siructors. their .wives and hus
Unds as wll as all members of
the school board and their wives
were informally invitea.
A pleasing program was pre
sented, including vocal numbers
by Miss Marie Churchill; piano
numbers by Miss Esther. Vheeler,
readings by Miss lJulu Rosa
monde Walton, and viotin selec
tions by Leonard Chadwick.
' Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weller
wcro hosts at a dinner Wednes
day nignt in honor of their neph
ew, Wener unamDeriain ana nis
bride, who have been visiting
Mr. Chamberlain mother, Mrs.
Rose Chamberlain.
: HpbUIps the honor eUesta. rov
ers were laid for Mr. and Mrs.
Charles weuer, Airs, saran ttog
ers. Mrs. Rose Chamberlain. Miss
Plmi Weller. Mrs. S. E. Huelat.
Mis:; Mary Frazier. and he host.
combined pink roses and maiden
hair rem.
Tue bride was before her mar
riape Miss Dorothy Canfield. the
wedding taking place Tuesday,
October the nineteenth, at the
home of Judge and Mrs. George
Belt, in Spokane, uncle and aunt
of the bridegroom.
The young folks will make
their home in Portland.
One of the largest and most de
lightful attentions that have com
plimented Mrs. J. j. Murphy or
Portland, house ;uesi oi Mrs.
William Lord, was thj tea. Wed-
A Han VhoJfos Made Good for
Oregon and the United States
Vote FOR 3 -
Chamberlain -
tt Kilned win the war.
He was the soldiers' friend.
He has always fought tne
. people's battles.
He helped create the Feder
al reserve, Postal Savings, and
-Farm Loan Banks. i
He fathered the develop
ment of Alaska' and aided re
clamation in Oregon.
! . He has always voted for the
; right, regardless of party, and
has been right upon all public
He is For the League of Na
tions, with or without reser
vations. . i
He is a national figure be
cause he has made good. 1
" ! Vote for i
For U. 8. Senate
j (Paid Advertisement)
Senator Chamberlain Speaks at
Iaberry Theatre: 8 p. E Monday
-'ff. a
1w Mi
l , ,ntm,iwg "" '" jj
noailiitr ? . V v
Ida Babcock an J Mrs. hhv Kar-j
rar. at the home of the former,
and which called toeth-?r a large
number of forme. neighbors and
olden-time friends of Xhi hon
oree. A profusion of dahl'av in va
ried ton-?s formed a graceful and
beautiful setting for the event,
which was marked bv a Pleasant
informality. T3-1 vas served to
the guests who wer seated
around several small tables, the
hostesses being assisted by Mrs.
John Farrar. Miss Grace Rjbcock
and Miss Oda Chapman.
An interesting feature of the
afternoon was the singing of
"Auld Lang Syne" as the guests
were mailing meir departure.
Guests bidden were: 1 Mrs.
Mrs. D. F. Wagner. Mrs. R. J.
Hendricks. Mrs. C. P. Pishop.
Miss Elizabeth Farrar. Mrs. W.
II. Bvars. Mrs. Ronald Glover.
Mrs.. Wlliam P. Lord. Mrs. Emma
Baker, Mrs. Fred Steusloff, Mrs.
WV I. Staley. MrsJ Lott Pearce.
Mrs. John Farrar, Mrs. E. J.
Burchill. Mrs. Miller. Mrs. E C.
Small, Mrs. W.-C. Kantner. Mrs:
Georg J. Pearce. Mrs. Gideon
Stolz, Mrs. Mary Haas. Mis.i Mar
garet Cosper. Mrs. Lenta Westa
cott. Mrs. Kirk. Mrs. M. M. ChaT-
man. Miss Oda Chapman. Mrs. P.
1 II. Raymond. Mrs. A. N. Moores.
Mrs. William Steiger, Mrs. A X.
Gilbert, Mrs. E. E. Waters, Mrs.
R. B. Duncan, Mrs. Alice H.
Dodd. and Mrs. William P. Bab
cock. - t .
Candles twinkled in wierd jack 1
o lanterns, frightful old witches!
and ghosts appeared in the most
unexnected places and a general
atmosphere of uncannlness sur
rounded the members or tne a-
lem O. A. C. club when Miss Ruth
Rulifson. Mr. and Mr. Wilbur
Weeks and. Mrs. Dora Cummings
entertained with a wonderfully
planned and executed Hallowe en
party at the country home 01 tne
former Thursday night.
A silent figure in white met
the guests at the door; another silent, ushered them in
while still another directed them
to the cloak room.3 at the haa
of the stairway.
An abundance of Hallowe'en
novelties and foliage in autumn
coloring made an appropriate ana
Msvpr KPttine for the evening's
festivities, which reyived an tne
olden-time superstitions associat
ed with the last date on tne ucio-
ber calendar. There was a wit cn,
followed eerywhere with the pro
verbial black cat. fortune telling.
an further In keening with' the
time, a supper 01 ginger orsau
and cider.
Several readings appropriate to
Hallowe'en were contributed by
Mrs. Cummings: there wsre songs
by Miss Lena Belle Tartar, and
other songs oi college aays in
which all joined.
The affair, which was one of
the outstanding parties of the
past six days, marKea tne ursi
winter gathering of the club
members, one to be held each
month throughout the winter. A
big football rally will be held on
the twentieth of November, as a.
pre-celebration of the Thanksgiv
ing game.
Those who enjoyed the joint
hosts' hospitality were: MrJand
airs. Rhea Luper. Mr. and irs.
G. F. Chamoers. Mr. and Mrs. An
drew Hansen. Mr. and Mr3. Edgar
Pierce of Aumsville; Mr. and Mrs.
Pari Ahr-im. Mr ami Mr J. Mark
McAllister, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Anderson. Mr. anJ Mrs. Mark
Hathawav. Mr. and Mrs. Imid
Wright, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Wal
ters. Miss Charlotte Daey, Mis3
Dorothy Steusloff.' Miss Jessie
Harriett. Miss Nell Sikes. MIfs
Agnes Bayne, Miss Lena Belle
Tartar, Miss Alice Forbes. Miss
Ola Clarke. Miss Mildred Weeks.
Miss Lucille Cummings and
Messrs. IPter Lester Pearmlne.
Arthur Cummings, Joseph Steus
loff, Truman Cummings and
Wayne Weeks.
of the University of Oregon,
will return to Eugene late
Tomorrow Mr. and Mrs. Albert,
accompanied by Mrs. J. C. Grlf-
Rlver. They expect
about WedneMay.
to return
Mrs. O. E. Kr. th froop
tormlag a motor party to IlooJ
(Contlaoed oa pas )
I . I
tith. will leave for Portland where tney wuj oe joinea oy ir. iau 1
Largest Stock of
Mr. and Mrs. Svmour Jones
are entertaining with a dinner
at their country place tod.iv tor
the pleasure of Clarence Bishop
of Portland, recently returned
from a prolonged sojourn In New
York City, who is here for -the
week end. and for Mr. ana -Mrs.
C. P. Bishop.
Th Women's Republican Study
club of Marion County. Oregon,
announces a meeting for Monday
afternoon at the hour or iii'Jfci
the Republican headquarters. 229
Oregon Bldg.. Salem. Oregon, at
which the principal speakers will
be Mrs. I. L. Patterson and S. M.
Endicott. This will be the last
meeting before the election and
all ladies of Salem and Ticnity
arp nrK,1 to be present. The
nrinrinal tonicv will be the immi
gration question, protection as
advocated by the Republican pi?i
form and the waste and oxfrav
gance of the present administra
tion as indicated by authoritative
government publications.
Mrs. R. Monroe Gilbert Is
expected to arrive in Portland to
day from Seattle where she Map
ped on her way home from Min
nesota, where she has spvnt two
months visiting with b- parem.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wilcox, and
other relatives and friend?.
Mr. Gilbert went to Portiana
to meet her, bofi to be entertain
ed briefly with riends there be
fore their return to Sa'.ena.
Mr. and Mrs. James Nicholson
and young son.. James Jr. are
spending the week end with rela
tives and friends In Portland. .
Mr .and Mrs. Joseph H. Albert
aro on Invinsr a week end visit with
their daughter. Miss Mary Jane
Albert, a Kappa Kappa oamma.
, r t -
1 i i
i ' A
In Salem
Your pleasure in Music is greatly in
creased by the VARIETY OF RECORDS
in your collection.
The Victrola brings you all the music of all
the world, the best of 0 per a, Concert and Or a
torio. The liveliest and most human of pop
ular songs and dance music.
It is our business to study your interest, and we;
jwant you to enjoy your Victrola to the utmost, con
fident that in so doing we shall continue to enjoy
your valued patronage. That is why we carry the
largest available stock of records.
1 ' ' - " - .
Is not an accident. Her record as being The First City in Oregon
in Per capita Pay-Roll was not attained in a day.
Is and haJ bjeen a strong factor in maintaining
both the ay-roll and the berry market. The
Juice Business is the safety valve against a de
structively low price ever again.
This Company now needs the assistance of every
man in Salem and vicinity who can afford to in
vest any amount of money in .making for the
permanency of Salem's prosperity.
Write or ' Phone -20&
. W For Information Regarding Our Issue of PREFERRED STOCK