The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 31, 1920, Page 10, Image 10

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ger, Mr. and Mrs. John Brophy
. . . rt g-n n n f
ir, anaaira. v. wu.u, ......
and Mrs. Roy Burton. Dr. and
Mrs. C. E. Bates. Dr. and Mrs.
V. H. Darby. Mr. and Mrs. T. 11.
Calloway. Mr. and Mrs. C. S.
Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. j L. 9.
Cer. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ham
ilton, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Har
ding, Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. John
son. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ,Mc6il-
Christ. Mr. Oliver Myers. Mr. and
Mrs. Frank G. Myers, Mr. and
Mrs; Roy H. Mills. Mr. and Mrs.
W. W. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Perry. Mr. and Mrs. George Rich
es. Mr. nd Mrs. G. B. Webb, Mr.
and Mrs Harry Wenderoth, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Weldmer. ;Mr.
and Mrs. Frederick Schmidt, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Duncan. Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Glover, Mr. and
Mrs. W. T. Grier, Mr. and Mrs.
H. V. Compton, Mr. and Mrs.
Will Evans, Dr. and Mrs. p. A.
Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L.
Stiff. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J.
G. Brown. Mr ' Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S.'. Wal
ton. Mr. Fred Mantis, Mr. C. B.
Clancey. Mr. and Mrs. Miller Mc
Gilchrist. Mr. and Mrs. Fred . S.
Lamport. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rob
inpon."Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McKin
non. Mr. and Mrs. Will T. Xeill.
Mr. and Mrs. leo Page. Mr. and
Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding. Mr.
and Mrs. Bliss Darby, Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Busick. Dr. and Mrs.
P. W. Byrd. Mr. G. A. Griswold.
Mr. and Mrs. G. 1. Putnam, Mr.
and Mrs. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs.
Linn Smith,
j -
The supper and dinner parties
that were inspired by the Monday
Night Club's dancing party the
first of the week, were among the
No matter what you taste or preference,
there are Maxine Shoes to please you.
' '" ! ' V . -';'
Whether for general wear or dress
whether sturdy shoes or dainty evening
pumps you'll find them here; and in the '
very latest style. ; 1
.125 North Commercial Street V
gayest, prettiest, affairs of the
past six days, gathering together
as they did. folk who were par
ticularly congenial.
j- The largest of these was the
supper for which Mrs, William
McGilchrist Jr.. and Mrs. Merlin
jlardin were joint hostesses, at
the residence of the former. Two
jarge tables were employed, and
for one there was a centerpiece
lot vivid, scarlet salvia, and for
the other a lovely mound of sal-mon-hued
gladioli and fern.
Places were marked with unique
Hallowe'en cards.
Those circling the tables were:
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Schmidt.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stiff. Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Perry. Mr. and Mrs.
i' I. J. McKinnon. Mr. and Mrs.
I Millar McGilchrist. Mr. and Mrs.
Will T. Neil!. Mr. and Mis. John
E. .Brophy. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Glover, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Grier.
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Jlamil-
ton. Mr. and Mrs. Harding, and
Mr. and Mrs. McGilchrisjl. .
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spauld
ing complimented Miss Francelle
Hawley, daughter of Senator and
Mrs. C. L. Hawley with their din
ner, for which covers were laid
for eight. It was a charming af
fair, marked by the unusually
beautiful decorations. All the
insignia of Hallowe'en ornament
ed .the chandelier tobove I the'
board, . a silver candelabra bear
ing yellow candles, and black cat
place cards, bearing out the black
and yellow color motif.
The rooms also reflected the
season. wierd jack-o'-lanterns
gleaming from banks of autumn
fcliage, interspersed with zinnias
and box berry.
Another of these delightful af
fairs was the supper, over which
Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Geer presided
as hosts. Guets circled a table
that was festive and beautiful,
with - a- color motif perfected in
red, salvia, candles, and favors
all being in this color.
Those bidden were: Mr. and
Mrs. C. B. Webb. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank G. Meyers. Mr. and Mrs.
T. H. Galloway. Mr. and Mrs. Ar-
min Steiner. Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Still another contribution was
the supper given by Dr. and Mrs.
W. H. Darby, which called to-
grthpr fourteen guest". . Here
again Hallowe'en decorations pre
vailed. !
Announcement or an another
event of paramount importance
just made is that cf the Junior
By Gertrude Robison Ross
I leaned last night on thelittle sill
Where many a time we have leaned before.
And my heart was struck with a sudden chill,
For something white was at the door;
And it beckoned me and still and still.
It may have been the mist no more.
1 kneeled me down by my bed to pray
That He bring my love safe home again,
And ever above the prayers I'd say
I heard the cry as one in pain.
And it frightened me but today, today,
I'm sure that it must have been the rain.
I know that God will not forget
To bring him back, for God is kind ;
But a voice kept calling through the wet,
And drenched with fear my heart and mind ;
A nd I knew the voice and yet, and yet,
It may have only been the wind.
given under-the auspices of the
Order of the Eastern Star, were a
group of Salem folk. Mr. and
Mrs. John J. Roberts, Mr. and
Mrs. Z. J. Riggs. Miss Edna Si
monton and O. K. DeWitt.
X- i'e
Mr. and Mrs. Uoy Mills are en
tertaining as their house guest
the former's mother. Mrs. A. R.
Mills, of Springbrook, Ore.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert W. Macy
(Miss Anna Rader Campbell I
whose marriage was an event of
October 1 4. in Walla Walla.
Wash.,, will prrive in Salem to
morrow, from their honeymoon,
which was spent in Eastern Oregon.
Pennants and emblems of the
rrder made the dance of the
Arabian Knight's club in Moose
hall Tuesday night, a distinctive
and beautiful affair, from t he-
point of view of the decorative
background, and there were the
To know the satisfaction, the com'
fort, and the economy of wearing
good shoes, visit the Buster Brown
Guild dance, to be given in the
armory early in November. It
is an annual event, and conform
ing to past affairs of the same
nature, promises to be one of the
smartest and most largely-attended;
ot any of the season's dances.
A great deal of Interest Is at-
attached to the large dancing
party, which Mr. and Mrs. R., 1.
White are giving for their daugh
ter. Miss Margaret White, which
will be an outstanding affair of
the Holiday season, the date fall
ing on Christmas eve.
A large invitational list will
call together member' of the
younger social set from both Sa
lem and from out of. town.
' '-..
Motoring down to Woodburn
la?t night to attend a carnival.
ments. as well as the menu.
carry out the seasonal motif.
Club members who will be the
guests are: Mr. and Mrs. E. B.
Millard. Mr. and Mrs. William
Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Lit
tler. Miss Beryl Holt. U. G. Holt.
Mr. and Mrs. Will T. Kirk. anJ
the following additional guests:
!r. and Mrs. K. E. Gilbert. C. B.
Clancey. Dr. and Mrs. It. L.
i Sleeves and Mr. and Mrs.. J. II.
A joint birthday celebration
will be held at th Dr. W. H. Byrd
home today when Dr. Byrd and
Virginia Mary Byrd. the little 2-year-old
daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
Roy Bird will celebrate their
ratal anniversaries. It will be a
family gathering. Including Dr.
Don Byrd or Portland.
The rooms are attractively dec
orated with pink and white dahl
ias, and the dining room present
a most festive and beautiful ap
pearance with yellow dahlias.
few deft touches of Hallowe'en i greenery and marigolds, the tabh
j added to the red, yellow and being centered with a big basket
for the table around which werr
seated Mr. and Mrs. Goodrich
Moir. and Miss Jean Duncan, re
cently of New York City, and Mr.
and Mrs. Glover.
Mis Elizabeth !ord and Paul
Wallace were Salem folk attend
ing the Junlor-lai:ue dance in
Portland Tuesday night, the af
fair being one of the largest and
smarten events ia many years in
the metropolis.
Preceeding the dance MibS Lord
and Mr. Wallace were guests of
Mn George Gerlinger. who was
entertaining with a twelve-cover
dinner at her residence,
karlne Elizabeth Rice, the
small daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
C. O. Rice, was the inspiration for
a charming little birthday dinner
which Mrs. Rice gave Monday
night. The big pink and white
birthday cake with its six gleam
ing candles added to the beauty of
the table, which carried out this 1
pink and white color scheme-.
Mrs. George H. Burnett return
ed from Dallas Thursday night.
where she spent the week as the.
guest of her nephew and his wife.
Judge and Mrs. Harry II. Belt.
During her absence Judge Bur
nett was in Pendleton on official
business. He returned Friday.
Miss Margaret Griffith, a Kap
pa Gamma pledge of the I'ni
versity of Oregon, is spending tho
week end with her parents, Dr.
and Mrs. U F. Griffith.
Mr. and Mrs. John II. Scott are
entertaining over the week end
Mr. and Mrs. John Ileall. Mrs. J.
P. Jones and Bernard Sao-, all
of Portland.
(Continued from Pag Z.
To Own a Bicycle
is the ambition of every boy's and juTs
life. It is the one thins that gives pleas
ure and at the same time . is of unsur
passed value.
Buy. a Dayton
The Standard Bicycle of all makes. With
every Dayton we sell goes the staunch
guarantee of the Dayton manufacturers,
and at the same time the bicycle service
which only master mechanics can give.
Lloyd E. Ramsdeii
337 Court Street
"IE I wcor viwrw
at 1 II ud lYlllVJ
Starts Tue3. at The Oregon
j Qjur Jewelery ((
; Always Gives Satisfaction Y
f Vrp) . EHIND every piece of if,
I - I 1 i ' f. .VtS&? : $r ' '' i Jewelry which leaves our S
j III ''"T a J?fj store goes the well- V
! :ll i NiUf ' ' known "Hartman" guarantee.
j ! ', f--I iri-; Hr- $ This means you must be sat-
I : 7 ! ' y isfiedj:' r jj
UR jewelry and ornamenta pieces carry that fineness I
If of detail jand design which make them so coveted I
among distinctive people. You will be delighted to see y
;.... them. ; ( . '..,; . . I;- K
I ; ; Here you will rind one o,f v. J v . , A l
j ; J J; the finest selections of dia- C'!- Jj
: f j monds in the state. Ir U l
i fsl You can wear a diamond j I "7 T Jl v"--
! ! : Come in and let us show j j. - y.AW'J Vt y
! ! y you these magnificent gems j i ' 'X-y&S ' S- It
i ' V and tell you how:. j r N I
) ; We Are HALLMARK Jewelers , ;
w k Hartman Bros. jj
I .. . ' ' ' I .'.
green of the order that made the
setting bizarre and striking In
the extreme.
A great many new and lovely
gowns were noted, the alfair be
ing market In every way as one
of the most attractive and de
lightful of any given during the
reason. Hunt's orchestra of five
pieces furnished the music for
the evening.
From out of town there came
to be in attendance. Mr. and Mrs.
Keith Walker Powell, and Mr.
and Mrs. John Steelhammer. of
Woodburn, and the following
from Salem: Mr. and Mrs. II. T.
Love, Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Thomp
son. Mr. and XI rs. W. W. Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gille, Mr.
and Mrs. Lester B. Davis, Dr. and
Mrs. O. A. Olson. Dr. and Mrs.
W. H. DarJy. Paul Wallace. Mr.
and Mrs. Z. J. Rigss. Mr. and
Mrs. O. J. Schei. Mr. and Mrs.
George G. Brown. Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Dalzell, Mr. and Mrs. G. E.
Schunemann. - Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Strickland, Mr. and Mrs.
F. C. Brock-Mr. and Mrs. Bliss
L. Darby. Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Vibbert. Mr. and Mrs. "William
Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gilbert,
Mr. and "Mrs. Romeo Goulet. Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Ramp. Mr. and
Mrs. W. T. Davis. Mr. and Mrs.
John R. Sites. Miss Eunane CraiK.
Miss Edna Simonton. Miss Myr
tle Warfel. Miss Ruth KUW
Miss Dorothy Brock. Miss Niles.
C. E. Wilson. Graham Griswold.
O. K. DcWItt. and Glen Xiles.
Mr. and Mrs. Georce F. Rode-
trs and daughter. ,Miss Margaret
Rodgers. motored to Portland
yesterday, going down for the
musical success. Buddies." a:
the Heillg theater last night.
Dozens or Salem -football en
thusiasts motored singly and in
croups to Corvallis yesterday to
witness the bin Califoruia-On-irmi
football Kanje.
Mr. snd Mrs. J. L. Van Dorcn
motored over early in the day.
David Eyro made up a parly
composed of Dr. Prince Byrd. Dr.
T. C. Smith. Jr.. Curtis Crosn.
Harry Hawkins. W. Conncll Dver.
and Frank Spears.
Dr. and Mrs. Roy D. Byrd were
among those motoring over.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stolz were
I accompanied by Miss Margaret
.-iiiis an, i .Mrs. ienta Westacolt.
Mr. and Mrs. R. p. Boise had
in their' party Mrs. Frank E.
Snedfcar and Senator Charles I
McXary. '
ClMrls Wcller was arcompan.
;i by A. ., Moores and Wallace
v arson.
, '
A Kijoup t Sab'in coif nlhnsl
asts will Portland this
n omine io try out the new AIu-
uhks. nilo there the
men will be: the cuests or IVrcv
Bretherton. who recently viKitcil
miphi as me Biist of his
. rmnrc-in-iaw and Kister. Mr.
MlS. Clifford ltrn.n . r..:t..
sir. Brptherton's mother. Mrs w
. Brotherton. is Riving a dinner
i.i honor of the visitors, who are
U.estor Cox. Wiliiam H. Burs
hardl Frederick D. Thielson and
John W. Harbison.
Mik Marjorie Brown is spend
ing the week-end i Corvallis as
the icuest or her sorority sisters
t the S.Kina Kappa house. She
xvent over yes.erday to be present
jt the big dance at the collece
last nlcht. and to attend the O.
r .i ,', ersi,,r r' California
football game.
Mr and Mrs.- w" C. Younc an
rxtcnding hospitality to the mem
bers of the Diohko club, and ser
n;L,addtional cnest" tomorrow
5 T, T.n thejr w, -otertain
with a Hallowe'en dinner. .
A big basket nf fmw m
ot autumn fruit and lighted with
yellow candles. All the other ap
pointments carry out the note of
One of the pretties! juvenile
parties of the week, which had
a Hallowe'en motif, was the one
given by Mrs. C. A. Iwis Friday
evening for the pleasure of her
little daughter. Elizabeth, and a
group of her small friends.
Novelties of the season were In
evidence throughout the rooms,
the pretty table being done in
yellow, with yellow candle-light
diffusing a sort glow.- Entertain
ment appropriate to the time was
The guest list included Katbe
line and Dorothy Cory. Roberta
Mills. Lucille Xash. Dorothy
Kloepping, Mildred Drager. Dor
othy Ross and Rny Page.
Mr. and Mrs. Claybourne II. J
Walker arrived in Salem this,
week from Newport and will r;
main for some time as the bouc!
Kuests of their son in law and
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Con-t
nell Dyr. Later they expect to,
go to Southern California where:
they win pass the greater part of
the winter. j
Mrs. Robert E. Downing nnd :
Miss Hazel Downing are sndini'
the week end with friends in !
Portland. j
Mr. and Mrs. Rot Mills. Mr. ,
Walter Spaiildinc. Mis Ari Mill- i
er. Mrs. Charles K. SpauldinK and
Mrs. John .Mills were vimtors n
Portland yesterday. molortrs
Mrs. William H. Burghardt Jr.
refurned frm Portland Thurtdav
where she iJpont the week wllh
friends. The appearance of the
Portland Symphony orchestra and
Benno Moisei witM li. Russian pi
ano star., was thf red letior fea
ture of Mrs. Burchardt's sojourn.
Mrs. Roy Bihhop and Mrs. Bert
Haney asking hf r to ! rTh-ir
guest for tle affair at the Ucilig
Mrs. Ralph A. Glover was a
gracious hostess Thursday nilit.
when sh entertained with a din
ner in celebration or Mr. Glover's,
birthday. ' A toldcn mound of ;
ntaricolds formed a renter pi ;-e
Without 'UUiglhi Prices
Specials for Monday and Tuesday
nt the
MKABO'Live Model' Corsets
f DC UJic icvciiii ic.cicvt uu; tiv vi si;m lit -
I ?et. By far the largest nhipment of Corsets ever brought
f into Salem. We guarantee the fit or money refunded.
m i i- r i. i. t l
i ne siocK is complete; matt your cnotcc cany.
' -. - ;-
All $3.00 K&Lo Cor.ets for... ...
All $4.00 K&bo Corjets for. .
All $3.00 Kabo Cor-ets for
Bnusiers for Udie and girl at only
We are reducing our stock of Glovc. and have marked
them to move fi5t.
on Gloves.
These are enormous money-saver
Kid Gloves in black and tan, value $3, now for.
Pure Silk Gloves, doubles all through, every color and
size, a regular $2.50 value, all go at 1 ..i...9Sc
Fancy Cotton Gloves, all colors and
izts, a big value
More Bargains of Interest to Ladies
Indies Sanitary Belt
Ladies' Sanitary Apron at
Indies Sanitary Underskirts these are a silk and rubber finish.
In justice to yourselves, come and se our. window display of Corsets and Gloves,
also other items of interest to ladies.
mi ii ill ii! n . i i m n iid i ii ni i
' ' 1 ll J i nf 1 1 , nr- ...... ZX
Do YouT' Shopping at
COMPARE our QUALITY and PRICES with Any others No Exceptions-and you will find Our
Prices Lowest . .. .: .VHi
Cood Goods.
terthe board, and a.i the appoint: