THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON THURSDAY MORXIXO. OCTOBER M. 1W0 : - gate Wm4 ; Sf fflij.. - 56 si Insertions) 80 0 lMt 7s.' contract, par ia o..l5 ,,k eoatract, .per ..- 1 i r aay advertUe-aat 25s . - to "sTnkWICH UNION jTSX PSURAXCE SOCIETY BoUnd & Burghardt .ireit 871 State St. 205 KCP I'ONEY TO LOAN Oxt Real Estate T. K. FORD (Orer Ldd & Bush Bank) FARM LOANS HAWKINS & ROBERTS 304.207 -Oregon Building NEW TODAY S7,'tai; normal classes J. J. Krsps, Slen, Oregon . - rv iiWXKK o-iwv- a USWlYT .m be." 2 "r,i,": S.rth 1Mb. as- -"I BrTl5 ACRES OK LAXI IX WJa ale- Inquire of R. P. Bo,... 27 Breyman Block. " - wOOD 10ROOM P1.AS- r. -2 hoase. basement. 3 toilets, i'.r.Jfn liht. gss. city water, iirn tinw k.t, with street P"d JOO. for location and tfrmi phone 717. - - rHL'ECHILL AXD YOUXO DO FIRST Barber work. Th. Bank Shop, 'Zt Ih. cbimes, r. 8. bank. TrCBXISHED 6ROOM APART .t located near 8.. P. ticket .ffira. For information phone 5 or call at Oregon " " 8T BUT IN SALEM SIX-ROOM, aairra in every respect, good location car line and paved street, extra .ilh Kou.ra Deal Realty Co " '. . . . . ... i.i I w. i m kit Dana diux. rnunr oo - i THI OREGON FIRE RELIEF A8SO CIATIOS OF McMIXNVILLE, 18 DK ff.VDABI.E AXD SURE; WITHIN lisr, KKACH AXD TELEPHONE CALL LOW COST PHONE 1 ST AX OLE Y it FOLEY Agents Issk Bank Bldg, Salens. Phone 347 UPEOVE TOUR EVENINGS BY TAK wg seate practical work at the Capital Iscisesa college night school, which betas neat Monday night. Kegiater this ark and learn while yon earn. Claaa asd ladividuat instruction in the snathes that will fit yon to advance. Tse arkeol will be open tonight and fnaay and Saturday mgbta for inlor- TOC CAN BRING THE WHOLE FAM st. Tea are Invited. Where I Watch tat asper. - a. IDC CAX BRING THE WHOLE FAM ft. Tea are invited. Where I . Watch tie raper. 1 6000 FARM TO RENT CASH RENT The Fleming Realtx. Co. 341 Km street. t Oft lALt 8-ROOM HOUSE, GARAGE sat ssra, 2V acres, close In; will sell ter lltoa infonaatlfia 840 Union at. LOSt LEATHER HANDBAG CON taiaisf ssta tools, on street about 1:30 p. a. Weisesday. Finder please phono A ritrkk, 1Z71. .. . 600 D LOCATION ON 80UTH COM- : nercial for garage, warehouse or other Wuaew. Lot 50 foot, wide, mna larMfh to Liberty street and baa good Hootsre facing on Liberty. Only oce sleek from paper mill. Worth S 10.000; eeasr aeeds the money, jrnee fojOO, AO. BOHRXSTEDT Ml Xueaic Temple, Salem, Oregon OfSZft WILL SELL 5 ROOM BUNGA Ire with garage, dutch kitchen, base' svat, weed lift, hot water, bath, piss teres, electricity, cement walka, 2i Ma, lacsted one block west of Rich ead schosl at 485 South 2-rd atreet ust freat en gravel atreet; vacant a: teraia if desired. Seo owner at U Sank lath or phono 437 noons or Bfraisgt. ae agents. BOOKKEEPER WANTED AXTH A FIRST RATE MAN LADT WHO 1 HOKOL'O-HLY 1 1 D I K 8TAXUS B(HiK KEEPING ASU CAS DO A LITTLE TYPK-I.tJJJ50- REFERENCES KE- LT PER MONTH TO START aiAyrEST GUARANTEED " " . Applv Bttaaem 0f5c . ' FbuKLlC UArl STORE Fkaae 4W. . fCf NU.E8 FROM SALEM. bam. irT . "m hooM. Urre hsaae. ate. About 15 1 eer7.rt .refcf P""". cherries. tsad k' 1 ,.V ind ' crop. A bons at BsVta, PETTEY'S REALTY fcO. ." Bute Street. CjjjE-Yt artrl Tnv.8Mn8 , 4 lUTCIUUHlU rottaaa .i.en " an u'v ,Ti"r-... , a..v. "r car nne. nice 10- STJ" ms aaap k.i. . . ZS. '. 8135 per acre. iTck ".a0 in altivstioa: ,"ssi5 ch,,. serrios; wjll sell or f RINE & MARSTERS !-! H Onanieeei.i n..t. Bld- EMPLOYMENT FEMALE ' - . v. - . .. aak,,., " lU IWK AND A a o...- , . i.IO OCUUU! llfl, r MALE hn ,5WILLAMETTE STUDENT U cJr '' iT""0' Jb preferred, -i.tsta. Phone 1577R. 1 7 IIELP LV SAILING M Vl. TO LEARN PRINTING over 16 veara of aee -!lrw office, npttairs. 1 .- fiAJIUSTS WANTED MES wojteji jo work In oor circulation u.paruneat. A rood propositi"" "S" teopU. Address the-Fsrlfte Homestead, States man bid.. Salem. Oregon. FOR SALE BFAUTIFUL WALL TINTS. It ANT ntw eolcri 10e pound .ad np. O. BOW eolirs Bnren. I'y N. Com i t. FINANCIAL ve have"55SF oood farm mort- wtwKlXS ROBERTS Oregon Bldg., POULTRY THE NORTHWEST POULTRY. JOCK- sal. tbo Dig g ,V Til liTO mageiine for live poultrymcn. 7b. a year, 8100 - Salem. Send 6 eta amnl -- Address The Northwest Poultry Jonr. 8., Ora gon. Menlion IP 401 FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THS BEST farm paper. d ! Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for a tbrea months tr 1 wlicnptw. Mention tbia ad 3IISCELLANEOU8 WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY; arship for rent. Phone 71. SCHOL. FOB SALE IMPROVED OREGON strawberry plants. B. F. Hunt,. Koute 4. Boa 9C. Balem, Ore. FOR SALE VETCH AXD OATS. 3e. il.' M. Msgee, Salem, Ore. Koute 5, Phon? 81K25. FOR SALE CHOICE WILSON AND (iold Dollar strawberry plants, 94 per thousand. Kenneth V . Bayne, Koute V, half m. Ore. APPLES FOR WINTER SEVEN VA rieties. low quantity prices; delivered, Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front at. Phone 494. REGISTERED O. A. C. BOAR FOR SALE age 11 months: also a few cord good second i growth fir wood. Victor Schneider, Turner, Oregon. K F D 1. FOR SALE TRUCK CHAINS ALL SIZES. CAPITAL JUNK - BAR- GAIN HOUSE. 215 PHONE 398. CENTER ST. CHOICE STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR v v n.. w - i. . it .w.wiwr hcii.wj v.sWB tw- n.n.. a-....i.. 101 W ilson and Progreaslve Everbearing any quantity. Order now. Ward K Kirhardson, 3895 Front atreet. Phone 494. CAPTIVITY OF THE OATMAS GIRLS This true atorr of western rm migra tion baa been carefaUy revised, making a handsome little book. ' It tella in graph ie terma of tbo massacre of the Oatmaa ' family, of tba eaeapo ol Lo- reaao, and tbo captivity jai Mary and Olive. Mary died of atarvation and Olive waa parehased from tne Indiana five rear later. The price ia 20 cents. poatpaid. Address Oregon Teachers Monthly, Salem, . Oregon. DANISH BALL HEAD CABBAGE FOR krsut, crisp, solid and well trimmed. 81.50 per 100 lbs. delivered; 16 gallon kegs, 81-00. Ward K. Richardson, 2335 front atreet.- Phone 494, ' ' WALLBO ARD" ' CAN BE USED OYER lath or atuddtng. Can bo tinted or papered. Max O. Buren, 179.i'orth Commercial atreet. WALFELT.' YOUR HOUSE; IT'S euperior to clcth, at about half price. Max O. Buren, 179 . com I at. "WALL PASTE." NO COOKING RE- qnired. Sticks everything. Max O. Boron. 179 X. Commercial striet. STANDARD EXCHANGE, 342 NORTH Commercial street, diamonds, watches, musieal instruments ,guaa, clothing, ahoes, ate. Both new And used goods bought, sold or exchanged. SACKS. SACKS FOR SALE - 100.000 frain, oata and potato sacks. Capital oak and Bargain House, 815 Center atreet. Phone 898. . . WOOD CALL THE SALEM FUEL YARDS FOR . i i . MM: r n J .. your wooo anu nii ouwe iiwf atreet. Phono 529. Automobile Directory 1920 CHEVROLET FOR SALE, DRIVEN about 2700 miles. 391 N. 19th. Price 8800. , OLESON MOTOR CAR CO. 849 N. Commercial St. Phoas 868 LPT I aTrT-.' .. 1917 Ford ...8275 1918 Ford '275 1918 Ford 2iO About twenty other nsed rara of various makes at a very low figure. FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT ONE LARGE FRONT room at The Alexandria'. 1030 Chem eketa street. Thone 1280; FOR RENT TO A GENTLEMAN. ROOM in homo with all modern conveniences. Address B. !.. care statesman HOUSES F. lu WOOD. 331 estate, rentals. STATE ST, REAL FOR RENT FURNISHED HOME TO adalts employed during the day. Kef ereneea reiuired. Owner desiresto re tain one room. Address "C55," care Statesman. 1 rF.lLSO-NAL GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper poblisnea. rree ior j. respondent. Toledo. Ohio. LOST AND FOUND LOST lonT YELLOW PERSIAN CAT Please phone 2026M, Reward. PERSON TAKING GRAY SILK UM brelU from Grey Belle Thursday, will aave trouble by returning it to 1099 South High etreef. I LOST AUTO THEFT SIGNAL LAST Saturday a. m. on Silverton road ne.r Fairground atore, bearing .No. 2 atamped on outside and the tiame i n ion Oil Co.. Calif, on inside. Party waa- seen by U. O. Co. employe carry Tn, hT .ign.l pant the IVU fa pl-nt shortly after it waa lost. Will please return to U. O. Co. plant and receive reward. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FOUR FOOT CORD WOOD WANTED, -Salem Tile Mercantile Co. wivwn A GOOD IVORY REED .. - fiftft baby carriage. " nllV I VAI'B rvn FIVE WASTtU 1U ou n " " ' , . ii ..n,nt down and room nouse, " v- ,K ,:, ..n.inder monthly, within the city limits. C No. 58, care Statesman, BUSINESS CARDS CHINESE PHYSICLAN DR L. If. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN dl.f 153 Hieh Pt- Phco 988. FERXS, CUT FLOWERS AND ALL kinds of aira potted plauta and palma; fioral dengjia a ipeeialty. Arthur Plant a green hooae 1'hono 1J50W. 128 S. 13th. corner Wilbur FOOT SPECIALIST CHA8. K. TATRO Derangenienta of the feet acientifirally treated. Lady in at tendance. Itoom 4U4 Manonie Temple. LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUXDBV COMPAXT. 138 8. Liberty atreet. Phono 25. Oldeit Largeat Boat. EatabUabtd CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 'Wuality work, prompt aerrica, 1284 Broadway, fnono 1 65. MONEY TO LOAN. YOU ARE THINKING OP BUILDING aee ua fur your building ioau. Prompt aua enicieni aervice. A. C. BOHRXSTEDT Manonic Temple Salera, Oregon NURSERIES ITALIAN PRUNE TREES FOR FALL delivery, 1920. Please phone 111F21 r write iruuland araery. K. C, Sa lcm. Ore. PAINTING AND PAFERHAKGING have gone east on an extended visit and I recommend A. H. Clark i phone 1396J) as a competent workman. Glenn lj. Adams. PLUMBING AND REPAIRING OR PLUMBING AXD REPAIR WORK call 287W. REPAIRING AND SHARPENING BEN WHEELER EVERYTHING RE paired. AH kinds of sharpening. 842 uriu vommerciai streot. CUTLERY GRINDING; LAWN MOW era, safety raiora. ate. Stewart'a 1U- pair tsnop, B47 uonrt atreet. TRA NSFER HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 228 mate St., phone 933. Distributing, lorwaraing ana atorago oar specialty, o r raiea. SECOND HAND FURNITURE WANTED SECONDHAND FURNI tore, rags, carpets, s loves, machinery and tool. Beat prices paid. The Cap ital Hardware ft Furniture Co, 285 n. torn i pi. mono 47. STOVE REPAIRING STOCVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 401 yeara experience; Depot National fedce, aixoa 28 to 58 Inches high. Paiata, oil and varnishes, ate., loganberry and hop hooka. Balem Fence and Stove Works. 250 Court atreet. Phono 124, SECOND HAND GOODS WT BUY AND 8 ELL SECOND HAND gooos of all kinds, pipe fittinga, har ness, collars, collar pads, tooia, aad chains. Fred Schindler, 258 Center atreet. ' WALL PAPER, PAINT WALL PAPER AND CEILING PAPER 20e and ap donblo roll. Max O. Bu ren, 179 N. Commercial St. SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS, WALL Paper and Pictore Framing. Good workmen. 455 Court St. Phone 485. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS KATHERINE 8CHLEEF. M. D, PHY aician and Surgeon. Offices Oregon building, rooms 411-18. Phono 840, 264. Over Oregon Electric depot. WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT a POWER Co office 301' South Ccm'l atreet. Tea per cent discount on domestic flat rates paid in advance. No de ductions for abseneo or any cause ma- leas water is abut off your premises. PROFESSIONAL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSIOLANS DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, 808 U. 8. National Bank Bldg. DR. W. L. MERCER. OSTEOPATHIC Physician aad Surgeon. Kirksviile graduate, 404 aad 405 U. 8. Natl Bank - building. Phone Office 919. reaidenee 614, DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, OSTEOPATH10 Physician at Surgeon, os-o vreg Bldg. Phones: Office 1394; Res. 681 CHIROPRACTORS; lilt O. L. SCOTT. P. S. C CHIROPRA 309-12 U. H. Bank tJlljC. raonj 87. Re. 82fR. REAL ESTATE tviR SALE BY OWNER 5 ROOM MOD- ern house, 68? N. CapitoL Inquire within. WOOD'S BARGAINS l.m bnnealow. two lots. 81300. 5 rm house, two lots. 81200. 5-room bungalow, two lota. 82200. 5-room cot tare and four choice lots. South Salem, 8320O. 5-room bungalow, paved atreet. 83100. 7 -room bungalow wttn garage, earner lot. 82700. 6-room house, cor ner lot. oaved atreet. 82250. 10-rooia k.. ne state house, a InsO 865O0. 10 room modern bungalow, a hi xin 0Ai 5-acre tract, well im nroved. close in. S1S0. 13 seres, good buildings, good road, close in, 85SOO, i .ere. fine land. Close in. ai.uu. - room bouse 8500. F. L WOOD 341 State Street. : i GOOD. NICE HOME ON STATE ST of 9 rooms, basement and furnace. 2 baths, 2 toilets. 2 fireplacea and Urge lot with garage for 3 eara. Enquire of LA.HAYFORD 303 State Street. GOOD BUYS 320-acre tract, 80 acres of good grain or fruit soil, balance line aeeond growth fir timber, buildings. Price 850 per 24oeacro farm, all cultivated, buildings, good road. Price 8100 per acre. 20 acrea of good aoil located on the Gar den road, thia side of Swegle echool. Price 8300 per acre; iwv uowo. 63 are tract south of Salem, 5.1 acres cultivated,, Duuaings, n"", -' 5 miles 'out. Price 8200 per acre. 15 acres of rood berry soil, all cultivat ed. Price 83200. . ur-ii :n,nrv.i1 10-acre fruit tract, good banrslow, barn; wi:i consiaer and lot up to 82500 as part payment. Price 97500, 10 acrea of Italian prunes, 9 and 10 years old, in first c'.sss condition. 4 miles south. Price 86oO. 15-acre tract of good bottom land. 4', acrea bearing logsns, small . a miles out on good road. Price 94750, $1250 down, balance 5 years at 6 per cent interest. . 51, acre tract. 2 acres bearing pmnea, some logans. 4 -room house, barn, well. TMe $1710, 9950 down, balance terms, 8 per cent ' . .. 7Va'-reB timber, close in, good sou. ' Price 9325 per acre. Well improved 5 acrev rood plastered bungalow. 2 acres logans. balance prune, good road. Price 95000. 64 acre farm, all cultivated. house, 5 miles south. Price 9125 per acre 10 acres good bottom soil, small house, some fruit. Price 92200. 900 down., terms. HOUSES Good 8-roora house located in Sooth Sa lem. Price 9500. 6-room house ia South Salem, trice 6- room modem house on Fairmount bill. 7- room hou'ae 'located on Eaat State at. wPricO 94000. I 5-room bungalow and two fine lota oa riaved street. Pries 83600. W. rL Grabenhorst & Co. 275 Ststs Street. REAL ESTATE A NICK BUNGALOW- CHEAP Thl U an exceptional good Talue at T.oo; eement walka, nice lawa and roaea. ekiaa to ear lima. An 8 room houae. modern, foil baaement. furnace, fireplace, white enamel dalcb kitchen, splendid location, paved atreet, close to atato buildings and university. A very cowl bur at 1420U. A,5 room up to-date bungalow, ran mike ii six eaailr, good location, some fruit, tbllt-in fealurea nira finish at 4UO. A good house for a rooming proposition. auvu; win pay well; close to banks. A small restaurant businMa with rood business, takes abant aiSOO msJ. Thi beat big modern bouse in the town tor the money, close in at $2650. ion ill admit it on seeing whether yon may buy or not. Another big rwrning proposition nrar postoUice, IGDOO. gee na please. THE FLEMING REALTY CO. 3 tata Siroot A Real Home at a Sacrifice Price Choice 22-aere tract on Garden road, with line modern a-room hjuse with lull baaement and good water system; V mile to car line, plenty of fruit for family. This is an ideal suburban home and must be sold on aceoount of Sickness: easy terms. If interested call at the Wilson place or phone 907 and we will take pleasure ia ahowing the propertr. PERRINE & MARSTERS 211 and 12 Gray Bldg. ED. LOOSE Real Estate and Inveatmenta 370 i State Street. Office Phone 987 One 5 room bungalow with or without furniture. 5-room house and 6 Iota just off pavement One S room bungalow, lot 99x116. lH-tory good noose, 8 rooms. 2-story 9-room house, close in. A good rooming house proposition. MUST BE SOLD Before November 1st T room house, bath garage and barn, 2 lota, on car line; close to achooL Nothing aronnd thia haa been sold nearly so cheap. Price I aow. some terms. Msgee. room 29 ""' oiaie ibu commercial, overt Busiek's. WORTHWHILE 82250 will buy a good & room house and ' 2 lots, basement, bsta, built in fea tures, electric lights; small down pay ment. " t 8750 will bay small cottage on good loLl some I run trees; caaS, oajaaco to auit pnrcbaaer. 810O per acre will bay a apleadid 200 acre farm only aix miles from Salem, on rot-k road; 130 acrea in cultiva tion: ' cash. Best buy ia Marion county. MILLS & COPLEY 3314 Stata treet. FOR SALr: TWO ACRES. JUST OUT- aide MrMinnville, Oregon. Good aevea room house, chicken houses, many kinds of fruit, berries, grapes, walnuts, etc.; good soil, well drained. A con venient and desirable borne i a a thriv ing city with best edaraatonaJ advan tages. Owner. Mrs. Alice Richardson, 2395 Front street. Salem. Phono 494. 25 ACRE FARM ALL IS CULTIVA- tion; honae, barn. 'well, etc, good soil 3 miles from town, 83000; flOOO will baudle. - , Fine suburban homo, 10 acres choice land, nice new cottage, 8 miles east oa good road. Price 86000. 103-acro farm, good house, level land; o uules out. good rock road. 810.0OO. 145 acrea, ail in crop, good improvements. oa rock road, 7 mile oat, 8100 per acre. 40 acres close in, well improved, model house, close to school: S 13,000. 6-room honae. two lota, near car line 81500; fllOO will handle. OREGON LAND CO. 142 State Street. Salem, t GOOD 6-ROOM HOUSE 3 BLOCKS From Paved atreet, 81200 800 cash, bal anco easy terms. 7 -room house on graveled street. 1500; reaaonaMo terma. 5-room house, 1 block from gravel atreet. large lot, 8300 down, balance cosy monthly psymenta. Fine modern 6-room house, 1 block from car line. Price 84200. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. U. 8. NatL Bank Bldg. Phono 470 REAL ESTATE 8-room house and lot 132x132. toilet, lights, bath, garage, chicken boose. Urge fruit trees, shade; 1 block . to atreet car, and good rich soil for gar den. Price 83500. terma. 8-room house on paved atreet. basement. furnace, 2 toilets, bath, lights, chicken house, 30 fruit trees, logsns. raspber ries, prunes, grapes, apples, cherries oa one aero lot; this is the pUce you are looking for a real borne. Price f850O, term. 3 -room boose, east front, lot 50120: rlty water, electric lights, 4 blocks to atreet car don't pay rent when this ran bo had at 875o. Are yon looking for close in property! If so here ia a good 9-room house on Court street, . plastered, toilet, bath, 1 : h. . ... I i . . i. . j I 1 1 f u l a, ga, largo Mri, inn ana paved street and one block to car line. Price 85000, terms. Here is a hoase of 5 rooms, plastered, toilet, water, bora and garage, 2 large lots. Price 82200; cash 9500 aad 940 per month. 10 acrea and oToom house, 12 miles north of ealem, a I plowed for crop, good dark soil, ibarn 20x30 with abed on one aide, rhiekm house, well and pump, good range, heating stove, ate. Price 920O0; rash 9800, balance easy terms. 10 acres dark grsy soil, all in cultiva tion, fenced woven wire and .rait. 8 acrea logana. 4 evergreens, shack hoase. small barn 2 wells, close to school on good road; thia is a good place for the price; 97600; cash 965UO, balance easy terms. - If yon are looking tor a good heme ia tbo city we have it. If yen are looking for a home on easy payments, if you are looking for any kind of a farm or fruit proposition, we hsve it. trt mt. L A. HAYFORD Real Estate 305 State Street. A beautiful home oa Oak street, located on very attractive grounds, complete in every detail. Ah attractive comer on Winter 'street, a large, beautiful home in good repair throughout. 7- room house on Winter street. Urge lot, 89000. terms. A besutiful home on 19th street at rea sonable price. 8- room boue on X. Capitol, bath, fur nace, 85000. 7-room honae on X. Cottage, east front. splendidly locsted. A bouse on Union street arranged for two families with some furniture for 83250. 6-room cottage on Center street, bath, torn see, garage, 84200. 6- room bungalow in good condition, 84500, 91500 down. 8-room bouse on S. High, hot' water heat, hot and cold water in every bedroom, brings good income from roomers 86000. One of tbe best located lots with differ ent fruit trees, all kinda of flowets, a great garden spot. 7-room house. If rim want to locate right aee me about this wonderful locstion. 7- room 'house on ChimeLeta, 96500. 6-room house on 14th street, 942UO. A beautiful . bungalow, most attractively located. 84500. I have several furnished houses for sale at different cricea. well located. 7-room modern house, all in good repair. bit 60x70. 82700. 7-room bnue, 3 lots, lots of fruit. 9-500, 8800 down. G room house on a splendid comer -:tiiKl. 6-room bunralow on Fifth street with splendid winter garden, well located rooms to rent by day. Good farms with and without machinery. GERTRUDE J. RL PAGE 492 X. Cottage. Phowejj Read the Classified Ads. REAL ESTATE FOR 8U.E BIGGEST BARGAIN IN balem; house aad lot 80s 185 contain , i 5 aparttaeata aad 2 aiaglo rooms; cement pavement and walk all . Prvperty all clear. Meo H. G. Da on at atru North Commercial atreet or Kletu' Cigar Store. WB NOW HAVE HOUSES FROM 880 TO 86000 ALL ON GOOD TEKMS -. LIST YOUR HOI S8 WITH US FOR QUICK SALES. LAFLAR & LAFLAR 808-7 Oregon Bldg. SPLENDID 8 ROOM PLASTERED - house, small basement, electric lights, bath aad toilet, on good atreet. close in; 7 82850; 86SO dawn snap. Tbia fine property mast bo aold.fWaller Me. t-aren. Koom 21. ISO North rial street. Phono 430. "Cummer- C4 ACRES TO LEASE WITH OPTION to buy. This is 5 miles south of Salens in renter of fruit and logaa district; all cleared aad (air house. Owner here from California and will lease with k leae money to apply on purchase price of Sftotio if lend suits. Tbia ia real land at a In figure. 1-este or terma. Party baa' 5 close in buildings that carry themselves big; will make good income to owner that can watch; owner non resident. I Party with 5 paaa-ngrr car, just ever I hauled will trad for. lots. , BECKE A HEXDKICKS 2U5 u. . Xatl Bank Bldg. Phone 11 FUR SALE APARTMENT HOUSE consisting of five aparlmeata. located six blocks from postoffico in good reaidenra district. Lot 80x158, full cement baaement and good furnace. house built about tea years ago and in ' excellent condition, newly- tinted throughout, each apartment very com' pletelr furnished with high grade far niahings, including bedding, linens and dishes: well bghtej and clean. Tbia ia an unusual offering and will be sold at a bargain as owner ia leaving ha lam. rnco fsouu. ' MRS. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 1275 Stata Street Phono 61 LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US IF ,n, i. ii i, u-. .-.i- i. I property but sell it. Would like some bonnes to aell for a, few hundred cash aad balance like rent. What have you! John H. Scott Realty Co. 228 Oregon Bldg. House Wanted for Farm 40-acre fruit and walnut farm. 30 acres oeanng. mostly prunes. Urge . pro no dryer, honae. aad barn, spring water system .in buildings; located eonth of Salem. Would take ninrambered Sa lem residence property aa first payasent eaay terma on balance. Price; BARBER & PEARSON 200 Gray Bailding. Near Commercial Club SOMETHING NEW Lew-priced hemes en easy terma. 8250 down Balance like rent takea old room home on pavement and car. Large lot with fruit. Thia can bo worked over iato a fine homo for less than 8120O; time aad terma. Price 91SOO. Location No. G36 North 18th streot. Vacant now. 9300 down Balance yoar terma for 8- room homo and Urge lot, aorta, 820O0. Vacant. 85O0 down for 6-room home, north 91500. Vacant. 9500 down Balance like rent for S-room bungalow with fall basement, wood lift, buffet, dutch kitchen, hot water, bath, wired and pUstered. Cement walka, garden, flowers, large lot and garage; S30OU. Vacant, 485 8. 23rd street. 9500 down for brand new small homo. aorta, entirely, built-in, baaement, ga rage. 93400. Vacant. 970O down .for new 5-room caL Baagalew, onth, dutch kitchen, base rat, 92S50. Vacant. 92000 dowa for modern 6-room homo with fireplace, furnace and fine large lot oa pavement and car, fruit, ia boat resi dence district. BECKE & HENDRICKS 208 U. 8. NatL Bank Bldg. Phono 161 BEST BUYS & hcreo. all fenced, goed aoiL close ia. food road. S1300. terma. 8 acrea, 8 logana. t garden, 6-room house, barn, fenced, 8'.s miles from Salem, best of bottom soil, 93000, 92000 rash 9looo at 6 per reat. 5 acres, m miles from Sslem limits. food barn. 2 acrea cleared, good road, 81IOO. 10 acres. in fruit, - mostly pruaes. boose, LaMU, fenced, 1 acrea bottom, 8 niilet axi 91250, 1 2 TOO cash, bal ance 6 pw cant. 22 acrea. fan noose, barn, electric lights, at city, 940OO all cash. Thia all good berry land ' and one of the beat bar gains on the market. 1 acre. Salem Heichts. at ear line. 8650. rasa, ooiaaee per cent. I 30 acres at city, ail cultivated, fenced! hog tight, good barn. 84500. 9500 cash, balance 5 yeara 6 or cent. I 71 acrea. new modern buaealaw. bars ( - hen and hog houe. SO acrea cleared, 21 timber aad stamps, horsea, cow. chickens. tools implements, feed, mile from town. 810,700, terma. 110 acres, 90 . cleared. roam modern hoase, good ibara aad onthnildinga 91HH electric light system in prem ises, 94500 worth of personal property including tractor, water aysteaa. boat of soil, running water, with equipment. 922.000; - very essy terma on 970O0, balance casis. HOUSES 5 rooms modem, 92500. 7 rooms modern, 4 block a out, 93000. 6 rooma modern, V block, best location, lata of fruit, shade. 855O0. terma. 6 rooma modem, paved street, good con dition. S4ZOO cash. I teems, furnace, good location. 86000 terms. S0C0L0FSKY 341 State Street. Room 1. FIXE SMALL TRACTS 6 acrea, all new Und. oa good graveled road aad close to school aad stare: 4 miloa from Salem; all new Und of tin est ooaliiy sad all cultivated. Small new house, barn. etc. A boot 14 acrea spuds, kalo aad cabbage, good youag Jersey row. 2 horses, harness, about 20 rhickeaa. 2 light wagons, etc. Everything included with place. Price 8370U; soeao terms. r will trade for Urgrr farm. GOOD 12 ACRE TRACT .VI under cultivation: 1 acre young lo gs at, 3 acres good corn aad a boat 7 tons of hay in bam. Also good row. horse. 2 pigs, cultivator. plow, few chickens, etc., are included with farm. Oood 5-room house, good bam, eh irk en house: on good rvad aad it l'i miles from city limits. Everythiag goes for 13 ACRES EQUIPPED BARGAIX 7 acrea Italian prunes, 3 acrea cherries. wslnnts aad apples, and about 2 acres garden. 2 miles from renter of Salem oa good rold. Xew 6-room house, good barn, chicken hoase, ate. Water pump ed by gas engiae. Includes good cow. two horses, wagon, plow, harrow, disc, some small tHls. etr, for 8 7 4 OO ; some terms, or will trsd. for larger farmv KIXXEY A SMITH 4i:9 State Street. Ground Floor. COTTAGE FOR AUTO SMALL COTTAGE. SEMTMODtRX OX paved street, north Salem, good lot, fruit and - garden. barn and garage; will take in licht ear as part pay and soma rash. Priced low, BARBER & PEARSON 200 Grsv Blilc Xesr Oemmereial Club ThY wolves of Russia are the cans' ot deatn to hundreds ot children and travtlers every wlr. PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice? ia hereby glren tbat the ondomlrnod will rrrt-lve bids un til 5 o'clock P. M., NoTvnibe-r 1st. 1920. for the construction of a cement concrMe sidewalk to ! laid on the North side of Lefrelle Street, between Commercial and Saginaw Street, in front of and abutting upon Lot No. 4 and the wst 100 fee-t of Lot No." 5 In Block No. 1 of Meyer's Addition to the City of Salem. Oregon. Plana aud specifications may be bad at the oirice of the City Re corder. EARL RACE. City Recorder. NOTICE. Notice is hereby siren that I have impounded the following; de scribed doc in compliance with Ordinance No. 1404. to-wit: One middle-aged. Airedale dog. weight about 40 pounds. The, above described dog -will be killed if not redeemed by own er on or before November 1st, 1S20. as provided In said ordi nance. W. S. LOW. Street Commissioner. October 26. 1920. WHOLE MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED IftLrion Creterj & Prodaea C Salem, Oregon. Phona 2483 I SALEM MARKETS I BUYING PRICK Ear- a4 foultrj Eggs, 9-70c. Hens, heavy. 22c, Light Lena. 11-2 Oc O'd roosters, S-lbc Broilers. 20-2 4e. , Pork. M attorn Md Beef Pork oa foot, 15c Lambs. 1-1 lc Dressed hogs. 20c. Beef steers. 7H-Sc Cows. S-c Top Teal, 17-1 8c. 2 ' Kay Cheat hsy. J 18-1 20. Oat and vetch bay. per too 9Z0-IZ1. aver bar. S20-S21. Grata Wheat. $1. SO. Oats, 0-7;c. Beans. C-CVk Mill Fred. Retail Mill Ran. C2c 1 WboleMto to Idlers Creamery butter, S 7-6 Sc. Butterfat. 55. rout. Oranges.' $9.50. Bananas. 13 l-2e. Lemons. $5.25. California grape fruit. $1. Cranberries. $5. Dates. $7.25 case. Yecetableo . Cabbage, 1 l-2c Onions. Oregon. $1.75. Onions. California, $2.40. Turnips. $2.00. Carrots. $1.00 sack. - Greea peppers, 10c-Sc. Peppers, 20c pound. Parsley 0c dosen bunches. Beets. 75e dosen bunches. ' Tomatoes. $ 1 crate. Potatoes, new, 2 He Sweet potatoes. 5c Cababaa. 3 l-2c lb. Grapes. $2.25 ext. Huckleberries. 20c lb. Hard wheat flour. 13. 50-13.75 Retail Creamery butter, S5c Eggs, per dog.. 80c. Hard wheat flour. $3.25-13.50 Flour, valley. $2.75. Sugar. $13.50. REVELATIONS OF The Story of Honeymoon A Wonderful Rosaarsce of Married life WoiMJerfulJr Told by . ADELE GARRISON CHAPTER 730. WHAT DOES GRACE DRAPER'S LETTER TO DICKY CONTAIN? "Don't open that letter." Lil lian said sharply as my fingers went mechanically to the flap of the envelope. "Let me read It first." I looked up at her apologetical ly. "Pardon me. dear." I said earn estly. "I had forgotten tor the moment that you had offered to shield me by reading the letter first. But really. I'm stronger than you think." , I hld out the letter, however, despite my protest, and she open ed it without further ado. Her first glimpse of tbe written pages seem Tjl to anger her. Her eyes flashed, and her lips set In the grim, tight line which means wrath with Lillian. I waa wild with curiosity to know the con tents of the page which was so disturbing her. but I held my peace until she finished the letter with an exclamation ot Intense diagusL 'That's an unusually lengthy j epistle tor an anonymous letter. isn't it?" I asked timidly. I Lillian didn't answer for a long) moment., then she gave a start as if she bad been suddenly awaken ed from sleep. What did you say?" she asked absently, then abruptly. "It Isn't anonymous. It waa my 'turn to be amaxed. The handwriting on the mysteri ous letter which hsd aroused first Lillian's misgivings, then her an ger, had been tbe same aa that ot the anonymous clippings which had caused me so much pain. We had been practically certain that those had come from Grace Dra spired them, that she possible Lillian's Warn: nr. Lillian's voice Interrupted my excited conjectures. "I.oob: here. i.adre. she said Incisively, and I mentally stood at attention at her words. "1 would have given a good deal to have spared yon this. but. of couiae. having once known of the exist ence of this thing she gestured toward the letter In her hand as If It were a loathsome reptile she grasped "you will have to be told the whole miserable business. I want you to promise me one thing, however, before you take it. Will yon? "Of course." 1 said faintly. "Don't Judge your husband too harshly until you give him an op portunity to defend himself. she Id. with a wistful note in her voice which revealed to me anew. the strong, helpful, wonderful friendship which Lillian had given to Dicky for so many years. I began to tremble violently. There must be something especial ly damning against Dicky In the letter which Lillian handed to me. I glanced at the letter from Dicky which I had Just read and crumpled In resentment at the at titude of mind it displajed. Had my anger been called forth by a psychic premonition that this oth er fanged thing was also In the room? It seemed something more than coincidence that the two letter should have come to tne in the same mail. "I Must See" I have heard and have nsed many time the expression -burning one's fingers. but always Id ly. I think I never shall speak or hear the words again without the remembranae ot the sensation I had as I slowly unfolded the sheets Lillian handed to me. My dread of the unknown word be fore me was so great that I had the actual sensation ot touching burning coals. I told yon you weren't strong enough for thia. she said re proachfully. "Better let the thing wait until yonr strength returns." But I clung to the letter obsti nately. "I must see what ia In It. I said hysterically. "I believe I shall go mad If I don'. "Very welL But yon must wait until you've taken something for mo first. Lillian's tone waa Inexorable. I never thought of disobeying her. although each minute that I wait ed for her return seemed aa eter nity. Sht came back swiftly, and held to my lips a tiny glass filled with an aromatic mixture wnicn I rec ognized as one the nurse had giv en me several tlmea daring the weakness of ray first day at the hospital. . I swallowed It obediently, wait ea wun unian a watcnlul eyes upon me until I felt lis restora live influence, and she rave an assenting nod to the mute plea I gave her. Christian Endeavor Union Has Meeting at Dayton DAYTON. Or.. OcL 27. The fifth ' annual convention of the Yamhill County Christian En deavor anion met at Dayton Octo ber 23 and 24 with a good at tendance of delegates from Mc Mlnnvllle, Newberg. Springbrock, Cbehalem Center and Dayton. Saturday morning and after noon waa taken np by song ser vice and talk on the work ot the union. In the evening at (:39 a banquet was served at the Meth odist cnureh by the Ladles Aid society of that church. During the banquet toasts were given oa " F e 1 lowshlp. -Responsibility." -Ability." "Duty." "Action." "Conseer atlon."' Obedlenc." "Willingness. "Readiness," "Mis sions." "Reality." and "Helpful ness. Sunday morning; was given over Ouch i Rub Backache, Stiffness Back hurt you? Can't straight en up without feeling sudden pains, sharp aches and twinges? Now listen! That's lumbagj. sciatica or maybe from a strain, and youll get blessed relief the moment' you rub your back with soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil." Nothing else takes out soreness, lameness and stiffness so quickly. You simply rub It on snd out comes the pain. It Is Nf Light Your Farm Buildings with the Fairbanks Morse Lot L. Pearce & Son 233 North Cczoaerd-l Street to devotional services at tbo vari ous churches of the elty. The afternoon addvaa at tke E?aa ellral church waa delivered by Walter M. Meyers, subject "Mo tive Power." ome of the speakers of the two days' meeting were: Fay A. Rielnmetx. subject "The Com mand"; Leater Jonea. subject. "What a Christian Mast Posses to go Forward"; Jane tlolllngs worth. "Presentation of the Quiet Hour." and Walter L. Myers, sub ject. "Motive Power." Sunday afternoon those present were treated to a surprise by the orchestra of the Christian church nf McMlnnvllle. Near the close of the convention a budget of $159 wa pleUed by the Chris tian !.lraor workers ,of Vim till county for next year's ost. Dallas Business Men Have Ticket in Field DALLAS, Or.. Oct. 27. (Spec ial 'to The Statesman.) At a meeting held In the Commercial club rooms Monday night by a r.umber of prominent business men or the city for the purpose of naming city officers to'run at the election next Tuesday, the following names were selected and the people of the city will be asked to write their names on the ballot next Tuesday: For mayor. U. R. Grant; coun cilman at large. N. L. Guy; coun cilman In ward No. 1. Walter S. Mulr and C. X. lUIyen; council- men In ward No. 2. J. R. Allgood and C. n. Sundberg; councilmen In ward No. 3. Floyd D. Moore and Robert 8. Kreason; council- men in ward No. 4. Charlea Hayes and Carl Cerlinger. The only officer In the present council who filed his Intentloa to. seek .the vote of the people for office again was John T.- Ford. the veteran auditor and police Judre. he. however, having no op position. Tbe city election prom ises to be one of the hottest waged fa Dallas for a number ot years. as several tickets are said to be In tbe field. PYTHIANS YISIT HERE. DALLAS. Or.. Oct, 27. (Spec ial to The Statesman.) A num ber of tbe members of M arm ion lodge No. . Knlghta of Pythias, of this city Journeyed to Salem oa Tuesday night and assisted la con ferring work oa rive candidates. Grand lodre officers and a largo number ot visitors from other towns were also present. mly:rtox personalr. SILVERTONTbrel OcL 27. Karl EInarson arrived In Silver ton a few days ago. Mr. EJnavsoa was teacher of history and En glish In the Silverton high school last year . Ho also helped -direct the high school dramatic dab which is known as "The Silverton Playmakers. Miss Hilda ' Soiberr Ylslted la Portland recently. She returned teher home la SUvertoa SnmcaT.- A miscellaneous shower waa held at the homo ot Mrs, C. C. Evans Monday eveninr. la honef of Miss Myrtle SolL The mala feature of the evening was a mock wedding ceremony which provided much amusement. The rest ot the evening waa devoted to musle ani gamea. About 35 wStu present. Automobile stolex. SILVERTON. Ore.. Oct. 17. An Oakland Six car belong lai to Mrs. Grace Palmer was stolen ' Monday morning from a point about one and one-Lai f miles eat of Silverton, A reward of $25 la offered for the recovery of the ear. A man without a memory baa been located at Santa Monica. That's nothing unusual. Wo loaned four-bits to a friend some months ago and It la evident he has forgotten all about It. Possi bly he Is the Santa Monica man. Loo Anreles. Lame Back Lumbago, Soreness and Away Try This I perfectly harmless and doesn't burn or discolor the skin. Umber up! Don'x suffer! Get a trial small bottle from any drug, store, and' after using It Just once, you'll forget that you ever had backache, lubago or sciatica, because your back will never hurt or cause aay more misery. It never dlnappoiata aad baa been recommended tor 0 years. Classified Ads. Read fte Classified Ads- ter. per, or at least that she had la-