A THE OREGON STATESMAN." SALEM. OREGON. i : : . TiimsDAY mousing. ocronEn 2$. CITY NEWSIN 13RIEF Snecial meeting ot Multnomah c'hapter No. 1, II. A. M., .this evening. Work in the Mark and Past Mas ter, degrees. jadgment by Stipulation judgment by stipulation in ts court foe the return of prop and if return could not be Zit torj 11171 with costs and ahnrsements. was the coriclu i0a reached in the case of Frank Johnson vs. .J. A. Moxley in tHa circuit court yesterday. The Wit was brought for the posses ,on of a farm tractor and plow hich Johnson alleged was held nfilawfully by Moxley, and for i-hlch he demanded in the com plaint $1750. H. Xj. Hill. The Florist Makes a specialty of fine cor sage work. ,331 State street. Magazine Club llate The Ace, 127 North High. -Miup On Komi , While attempting to slow down" his car north of this city on the highway in' order to lend assist ance to another car off the pave ment, L. ! l nomas, driving a truck, was run into by John F. pillman, who was also traveling in the same direction, in a Cadil lac roadster. The Pillman car was somewhat damaged. T . If You Are An Klk Bring your wife or best girl to the dance Friday evening. 1 Vote For J. T. Welsh For city marshal. Ah exper ienced officer and taxpayer. InrlflQ ft CiPAn rri ALICE BRADY .. in :j; ' "SINNERS" "Motner Machree" Special Organ Number MR. MONROE ! i r . Attention n. 1. O. Elks Special entertainment Thurs day evening. (Ent. Com.) II. I. Hill Will op?n his new florist store at 331 State street, Thursday morning and invites the public to Inspect his stock of cut flowers, slants, vases, etc. Mr. Hill has had thirty years experience in easlern cities and is thoroughly familiar with all branches of the florist business. Give Mr. Hill a call, i i Attention It. 1. O. F.Iks .V Special entertainment Thurs day evening? (Ent. Com.) Co-ed Republican Club . Of Willamette university, fifty strong, will sing Friday night at the Republican rally. Salem Ijeeum Cournf Seat reservations, Friday, 8 a; m. at the armory. One person cannot reserve more than 10 tickets. Decoration For all occasions is a specialty with Mr. Hill who has opened a new florist store at 331 -State street. Let him figure on your next decoration. ifarriage Jfcen Marriage licenses were issued yesterday to the following appli cants: Birdie Wylant and Clifford p. Graves of Silverton; ' Myrtle Solie Kemp and Gottfred M. Mehl of Silverton. Ronionilwr the Republican , 1111 v - At the armory, Friday night. The band will play and E"'ev will sing and good speakers. You snoui' an oe mere. A Vote For 3. T. WeM For city marshal means ffi ciency ttnd economy. ' Store lUirglarize! A store was entered at Cottage i Grove Tuesday night and a quan ; tity of clothing and other, articles taken, including overcoats, travel ling hags, suit cases, and women g ' wearing apparel. The &anie night a residence in Eugene was en tered and approximately $700 worth cf women's apparel taken The police; are inclined to the be lief that the two robberies were committed by the same persons. SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS j . Repairing and Alterations 1215 S. Coml St, Fnone 1868 GENUINE I 1717 UNION Ltiti ALLS 3 $4.00 and $5.00 1 SCHEIE ELECTRIC MACHINE & i ENGINEERING CO. for Thor 'Washing Machines and ; Electric work ana supplies. !JT Court St, ' Phone 488 loda Crackers, per pound. . . ,20c Wry Salt In SO pound sack. .75c 'iltmns, per bale .....65c iUaadry Soap in 23 bar lots fl.OO . UrAvbeat Floor, at per sack $3.25 Th Highland Grocery Rkjbs 496 740 Highlamd Avenne HARTMANBROS. CO. Tot Fina Jewelry . Jewelers and Opticians Don't Forget The big political meeting, Fri day night. Elks Ianre Kridav Nlaht For Elks and their ladies. Dockey and Son Wanted I J. J. Dockey and son. Vance, said to be strangers in the city, are urgently requested by H. C. Corn, of the Good Eats restau rant, to put in an appearance and make good their, word that they would return and pay for the "good eats" which he had sup plied for them this week. Dockey asked for credit, saying he was working with the city sewer gang and. would get his pay Tuesday. He and his son ate their break fast and took a lunch with them on that day, and since then have not been seen.- Upon Inquiry it was learned that they had taken their baggage from the. Washing ton hotel where they were room ing and had left a bill of $2.:0. Corn is said to be out about $8.50. Election Supplies Heady iThe appearance of - the lower hall in the county court house last night leads one to a full re alization of the fact that election day is very near. Stacks of bal lot boxes for shipment to the vari ous precincts throughout the county were lined up on either side of the hall. County Clerk Royer's of fee has been a bu.y place during the past month, and at " last every thing , is in readi ness for November 2. Vaudeville Today at the Bllgh. Fresh Salmon 7 Cents Fitts Market, phone 211. Endorsement Announced , At a meeting of the Moffit-for-Marshal club held last night In the of tires of Dr. II. F. Pound, announcement Was made that the Salem Central Labor council and the Timberworkers' union has en dorsed the candidacy of Mr. Mof-fit. nepubllcan lleadqaart Koorn 329 Oregon building. Buttons, campaign pictures and literature. Write or call. I-ost Anto Wheel Lost, an extra wheel wth tire for Maxwell roadster, between Mill City and Salem. Return to City Cleaning works. 1261 State street. -rr- Trues Fitted at Tyler's Drug store by an epxert in the business. Lost iot-iunit Are to be regretted,- but they nt&y be avoided by the right kind of preparation. The Capital Busi ness College night school is in tended to fit one to avoid losing opportunities In business. It be gins next Monday. School opens the last three nights o' this week for consultation. Call. let us talk matters over. Salem Lyceum Cou Sat reservations Friday. '8 a. m. to 6:30 p. ra. at the armory.' Also Saturday 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. You may purchase season tickets at this time. Pratt Will I'.uild . Iirw. Pratt is making prepar ations for the erect 'on of a fine bungalow which is valued at $4000. The dwelling, for which a permit was granted yesterday by Mark Paulson, deputy city record er, will be built Fourteenth street. at 13 North Tires and Everything at the Great Western Garage Cpposite Court House Phone 44 WOOD WOOD One car of dry ash wood, $11 per cord. Phone 520. , TRACEY WOOD CO. .THE "DAYTON" Tas Bicycle for Everyone LLOYD E. RAJISDKJf S87 Court Street Bicycles and Bicycle Repairing "WALLFELT" Takes the place of eloth at about one third MAX0.BUREN 179 N. Commercial St. 167 North Commercial St. lithe Electric Sign "SHOES DENNTSON ELECTRIC CO. JOB ORK AND FIXTURES ; 2J forth Liberty Street ; D.HM0SHER ; Gttiaj and Pressing 74 Court Street WANTED. Beans nEgg Potatoes people's Cash Store LONG DISTANCE AUTO TRUCKING Wniamette VaUey : Transfer Co. Phone 1400 lso do local hauling VALLEY RED SPECIAL 1 TUBES . At ; A. H. MOORE'S POTATOES Call on ns before you tell BISHOP BROS. Corner Ferry and High 8treett Phone 1400 McDonald Vantrl y A young man named William McDonald, who was being cared for at the home ot Dr. G. E. Prime, 1017 North "Twentieth Elreet, is wanted on a charge of stealing clothing from the Prime home, and also for taking a bi cycle from Liberty and Broadway streets. A r part of the clothing taken was sold by McDonald to t William Slmw.' wtin Intor ro. I turned it to the rightful owner. The bicycle was evidently used to make a get-away. McDonald is an ex-service man and has re cently returned from service in Siberia. Republican Rally. At armory Friday . night. Oct. 29, good speaker and good music. lioy lroblent, Subjct Rev. H. X. Aldrlch or Leslie church will address the Mother's club at. the Y. M. C. A. this af ternoon at 2:30 o'clock on "The Hoy Problem." This meeting is for the purpose of studying the Igal Blank Get tnem at The Statesman of fice .Catalog on application. Sur fnr IHrorrr Mrs.The!ma Lucht of Silver- ton has Instituted proceedings to secure a divorce from llenrv . . . ! uucni. in her complaint she asks for the custody ot their minor child. Esther Lucht. Rledon and Son Reliable funeral directors. We Have n Nice Un or Fern Palms and blooming plants ouitabl? for gifts. Whose birth day Ih tiay. Hill, the Florist. ZZ I State street. Portland Man Enters ' Race for Supreme Court Political tarda are' being circu lated here announcing the candi dacy of William O. McCarthr of needs of the boy and co-operating ; Portland for supreme judge in op- wun me i. m. u. a. in deiermin- position to Georre K. Brown, who ing methods to aid in the building of better manhood. I Cabbage, t?ic lb IMivered Ward K. Richardson Phone 494 Visit The New FloriM St At 331 Stat rtreet. We are showing some ofthe-finest Mums, Roses and Violets In the city. H. L- Hill. The F'lorist. For Medical Certificates for Marriage Licenses apply to S C. STONE. M. D. Tyler's Drug Store 157 South Commercial Street oemce VALLEY MOTOR CO. Sa Lnl lem School of Expression a Rosamond Walton. Director 147 N. Commercial Phone 592 1484J Weekly Recital Class Talking Machines and Eecorda Player Pianos and Player nous Place Your Order Early v for Fall PlanUns . Complete line rarletlea Salem Nursery Company Phone 1763 427 Oregon Bids DIXIE . DOUGHNUTS -35c Doz. SALEM BAKING CO. 439 Court Street. Phone 934 JACK'S CAFE A good place to eat . Short Orders all day 163 S. "Coml Street J. D. Maddox, Prop. W00DRY conducts sales anywhere In Marion or Polk counties. Store located 270 N. Com'L AUCTIONEER it-llil-.'.'tl Better .Gooda tot Less HIGHEST PRICE PAID For -; SECOND HAND FUENTrUEE Ktnvpa. uaroeis anu Capital Hardware & Furniture Co. 285 N. ijommercwi ou trw FURS STORED Store jour Furs during summer wun us. WEST FUR CO. . 621 Court. Opposite Court House CARL & B0WERS0X Groceries 383 Conrt Street Phone 409 HUSICK S SALEM ALBANY W.W.M00RE Furniture Store The Home ot the Victrola Ton set more for your money at Jioore's recently was appointed to that po sition by Gorernor Olcott. Gener al opinion' has been that Brown would not haTe opposition. Mc Carthy's political affiliation Is not stated on his cards. Deschutes County Gerk Adds to Slacker Roll DANCING FROCKS New shipment just received at Shipley's DREAMLAND RINK Dance every Wednesday and Saturday Halloween Masquarade Ball, October 30 Good Prizes No Raise in Trices. J. f Bungalow. Orchestra , $9.00 DOWN A Wi EEK Will Buy a ONE MINUTE ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE WRL GAHLSDORF The Store of HOUSEWARES J. H. Haner. county clerk of Deschutes county, in reporting to Adjutant General White, has ad ded three names to the slacker list which was submitted to him recently by the state military head for checking' with local records. J When the - official list of Ore gon slackers was received by the adjutant general from Washing ton. Adjutant General White withheld it from publication until such time as it could be checked by the respectlYe counties. De schutes county Is the first to re port. One ot the men whose name was added in that county claimed and obtained exemption on the ground that he was the sole support of a wife and child. Three days later he was arrested In Portland on a non-support charge. Another claimed exemp tion -on grounds that he was en gaged in fanning, and Immediate ly afterward left for parts un known, deserting hU family. U. G. Boyer, Marion county clerk, reports that one man on the local slacker list had preriously been tried on. the charge and found not guilty. GROWERS DOING LARGE BUSINESS Over Six Hundred Cars of Fresh Fruit Already Shipped Quietly and without much os tentation, an enormous business has been going on la the office of the Oregon Growers Co-operative ansoctation. Over COO cars 'of fresh fruit has already been shipped this season and so well has the work of trading and In spection been done that not a n cle complaint on quality has been noted so far this season. The association's and 'packing corporation's combined balance was $:03.t:,7 last night. This money has been coming In from fresh fruit sales, mostly pear money, and is being checked out at present to pear growers In a second advance, which makes the total payments to the pear grow ers to date of $70 a ton on No. Is and $30 a ton on No. 2s. The remainder ot the money on pear sales is coming in rapidly and within the next two or three weeks the final settlement on pears will be made to growers. Through the successful sales ar rangements made by the aisocl aflon. which has one of the best selling organizations in the north west, the average eastern cost for selling pears has been lowered to between $25 and $30 a car. which is extremely low. compared with costs in former years. Checks to growers are going out at the rate of .about $25,000 to $30,000 a day from various banks. The as sociation and Its affiliated pack ing company Is doing business with 19 banks. Car (Mm In Swrd-rm. The first car of apples for Sweden left a few days ago. Ex- ; port shipments of apples and late pears have also commenced to England. Scotland and Canada. A feature of this season's sales. hlrh have been very pleasant. is the attitude of the buyers who have made purchases this' year. A beaTy repeat business Is assured . . L f I BMiisiicu cuiiumrn, as me associ ation's distribution this year was more extensive than Oregon pears have ever seen. One cannery buytr who had never bought Ore gon Dartletts before was so well pleased that he has Instructed the association to enter his order. subject to approval of price, for ; litQQ tons of pears for next year. Owing to a new arrangement made on export business, the as sociation is saving the growers from 24 cents to 5 cents a box on sales cost, which has been cus tomary In the past, which will re sult in a big saving to growers. them to fcavsTTaltb ta their own consciences and thlr own right nesa. 8o this new America of ours should have an unparalleled senM ot Integrity, an unparalleled capacity to show w world that mercy and Jastice ran go hand, in hand. It Is costing $15,000,000 a daf to run ihe government. Another cause of the hlrh cost of living. It Pay to Trade at Tbe FARMERS CASH STORE O. Barton Durtlall 117 North Contmerdal 347 W.T.RIGD0N CO. Leading Funeral Director! HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Vegetables and Fruits PEOPLE'S CASH STORE U I MOVING STORING 930 SHIPPING SAlM Ail Kinds TRANSFER ot boons L A R M E R Cur Urgm fleet of troekt enables to' rive you prompt eerriee mnd s track of the size seeded for yomr J 00. Con q try and Long Distance HauUnz a Specialty. We Bay end Belt ' W O O V AND OOA Ir D. A. LAEMEK, M&DSfsr, Aesidence Phone 1893 What Have You? We boy. aell and exchange" new and second-hand furnl ture, stores, ranges, ruga, tools, etc We will bay you Ut COL. W. F. WRIGHT Auctioneer 271 N. Com'l SU Salem. Or. List your sales with ua People's Furniture -Store Night rhon 1047 rhone7S4 Potatoes We will commence ship ping soon. Come and see us. We van store your pota toes if you don't want to sell. " MANGIS BROS. Warehouse: High and Trade Streets Phone 1291 Office 542 State Street Thone 717 X BSSSlSSVBSS Let's Go Let's All Go FRANK RICH SHOW StXDAV Bligh Theatre J PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. A. X. Fulkerson. connty superintendent ot schools, was In Aurora yesterday visiting and In specting schools In the vicinity. Mr. and Irs. J. W. Wolfs rd ct Silverton were visitors In the city yesterday. Senator C. M. Thomas was here yesterday from Medford. For Stoves ranges, heaters and fur niture of all kinds see the Capital Junk and Bargain House. We also buy all kinds of second hand furniture, hard ware, machinery, hides and junk of all kinds. Capital Junk & Bargain House 215 Center St Phone 398 Hold Your Breath IT'S COMING.. WHAT? Watch further announcements National Guard Popular With Dallas Veterans Any prejudice that, ex-service men nay have sgsicst serving la the national gaprd. particularly those who saw service in France, s not apparent at Dallas, for a hen a new guard company was organised there Tuesday night. E. B. Hamilton, commander of Carl Fenlon post. American Lesion, vas electcu captain, and a large number of ex-service men and members .f the legion enlisted In the company. Captain Hamilton held the rank of captain also la France where he made a good military record. A total of 70 men signed up for the company, an unusually large number, and Dallas is going out for the strongest company In the state. Tbe officers hope to en list 100 men. YOU ARE IN DEBT!. Krrrf "lil f t prim- j htve. r-r nilirnl talrnt. r- your part to U rtt 'ml Ihr wrld. j Wai! .thrrt ar rraVinaal r-iii wnk, th funeral rala ia (hat br ha wrrr nt rr nrn moot. Ta liara vorid is kind to the Biaa atb (itt-a hi brat. TRAINING HELPS! r-rial tuin training hr1n fN makr a a'rfinitr a.r of ottr rtluralVon. aM-riraf- ami natural alii'ity. PAY YOUR DEBTS! Xin r it l yoarrIf an 4 In ethrra Is tak nr prefer plarr i" thr rld. raa h.!i 'u -nr. Jhr an-rnwr; traoiiaa:. Wnir or ra'l t' Hajr fr fuforaaalioa. Capital Business College Salem. Oregon Trio Extradited or j Theft of Automobile Coventor Olcott yesterday hon ored requisition papers from Gov ernor Hart of Washington by granting the extradition of C. II. Wood. Sam Tullwlxer and C V. Dell, who are charged with the theft of an automobile. The men were under arrest la Portland and William Worn ham. Seattle city detective, to whom the papers were issued, expected to lave with them last night for Seattle. WILSON IS HEARD ' FROM WHITE HOUSE (Continued from pxge 1) the present campaign. I suggest that the randidacy of every can didate for whatever office be tested by this question: Shall we c-r shall we not red-win the great moral obligations of the I'nited States. MISSION OF NATION IS OUTLINED (Continued from rare 1) America a nw consci-nce and a stalwart doctrine that all rights must b founded upon obi i cat Ion and the realization of man's duty to man. and a solicitude for the weak which never forget justice. t the strong, a fundamental I sense of fair play, and apprecta-j Hon of mercy and tenderness, and an enduring faith in the right-. ness of mn and women. "Men and women love him and men and women will forever love him. not merely because he had loved them and had eternal faith In their capacity to reach new heights of spiritual achievement, but because he awoke In them bis own faith because be taught CABBAGE for KRAUT, lllic per pound delivered Danish Ball Head, aolid and irell trimmed. Make kraut at a cost of 15c per gallon. Hubbard and Banana Squash, pound -a WARD K. RICHARDSON 2393 Front Street Thone 431 i - - ! i NX CARRY A CHECKBOOK INSTEAD OF P0CKETB00K I'JT EEP yonr moner at rk ia the bank sk boih for yourself and the communi k"ty at large. If you want to feel prosperous, a CHECKBOOK betok just as much wealth and a whole 1 more pood judgment than a roll of bill We have eheckbooka here at the Uni States National Bank which will just that vest pocket or a lady'a handbag III rus ill ted J 7 SAtXM ORtXOM MliOICEII We now have our salesroom at 107 South Commerrial street in the building fannerly occupied by the American Auto Co., where we will carry a complete line of accessor ies, tires, oils, etc. We also have in connection a Eepair Shop, equipped for first clasa repairing and employing first, class mechanic only. A trial is all we ask. Special Bargains in Used Cars One lH-20 Auburn, like new...:.. $1850 One Studebaker Touring.-. $400 Ohe Studebaker Light Delivery $200 One Cole-Four Touring $50 These cars have been overhauled and guaranteed A-l shape Auburn Sales Co. Thone .TOO 197 South Commercial Street Salem, Ore. SILK HOSIERY ANNOUNCEMEMT OUR ENTIRE STOCK Which is very complete and carries the best makes of Women silk Hosiery in satisfactory weight and shades of Black, Havana Brown, Taupe, Grey and White. INCLUDING Phoenix Silk Hose is now offered at the new market prices. We anticipated the fall in silk Hosiery prices and have waited to buy our stock at the new reduced prices. Our entire stock of Hosiery has been marked at tLe Iat big cut in prices and is NOW back to the low level. Always re mcml-r that this store is awake to the market conditions and for that reason realizing the changes that are lound to come, we advise you to buy conservatively and to I'AV AS YOU RO. 1. . Ijtplsg ffin. 2