'8 THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 27. 1920 ' JASON LEE AMONG L THE PIONEER LEADERS (Continued from page 2.) in 1854, 20 years after the arrival of Jason Lee, and he presided at the second session of the Oregon Conference. He called Jason Lee "the peer of any icnan who adorns the roll of modern workers of the Church of Christ' Harvey K. Hines. notable pioneer minister and editor of the Pacific Christian Advocate eight years, dipped into tlie life and work of Jason Lee deeper than any 1 other man. Concerning his posi- DANCING FROCKS New shipment just received at Shipley '8 7k LET'S GO! LET'S ALL GO ! WHEN? Watch Further Announcements Hon in the forefront rof Oregon s life, he wrote: "JasoflrLee's work can never die. Its influence will flow on forever. His place as first and most influential in determin ing the course of history in the Northwest can never be success fully contested. Careful and can did historians on a survey of the decade from 1834 to 1844, that really decide the character and po sition of Oregon, both in the ele ments of its intellectual and social life, and in its relation to the United States, cannot fail, to see that he was , first in every move, ment that determined that his tory."' James W. Bashford, Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, author of "The Oregon Missions," aftd student of missionary move ments throughout the world. reached this conclusion: "The simple story of his deeds places Jason Lee's name high on the beadroll of prophets and martyrs begun in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews and not yet concluded." And after a careful survey of the undertakings of Jason Lee and his associates, the Bishop adds: "Our share in the Oregon Missions is the most important joint home and foreign misionary enterprise of the Methodist Episcopal Church." Why was it so Important? Be- LAST DAY "The Flame of l Hellgate" ' k Death Trail Romance of BEAR TRAP GULCH . Daring Horsemanship of Reckless Cattle Rustlers BUGH THEATRE VAUDEVILLE TOMORROW AN OLD RECIPE TO DARKEN HAIR Sage Tea and 8ulihur Turns Gray, Faded Hair Dark and Gloy Almost everyone ; knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compounded, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or .gray. Years ago .the only way was to get this mixture was, to make it at home, which is mussy and troublesome. " Nowadays we Bimply ask at any drug store far "VVyeth's Sage and sulphur Compound." You will get a large bottle of this old-time recipe improved by the addition of other ingredients, at very lit tla cost. Everybody usqs this pre paration naw, because no one can possibly tell - that you dark ened your hair, as it does it so naturally and evenly. You damp en a sponge v soft brush with it and draw, this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time', by morning' the gray hair disappears, and after another ap plication or two, your hair be comes beautifully dark thick and cause it was the .beginning of a movement, which, not only planted a church, but carried the flag of the Republic to the shores of the Western sea. i-.. j Bishop Bashford: ;also concurs in this fine statement from the pen of Harvey K. Hines. "In the mis-i sionary annals of the Methodist Episcopal Church Jason Lee bears he same relation to" Melville B. Cox as In our early history Bishop Asbury bore to Bishop Coke. Coke was the prophetic dreamer; As: bury lealized Coke's dream. So Cox was a splendid prophecy of the triumph of the kingdom. He entered Africa with comprehensive plans and flawless consecration on March 9, 1833." Four months and twelve days later he Jay dead .up- on the Held, leaving the church only his heroic commons, "Let a thousand fall before Africa be given up!" Lfee had barely time to hear the dying cry for Africa; before taking up his march toward the western shores of America. There hi became in fact what Cox was in splendid purpose the man who set the stamp of his life, as well as the glory of his death, up on the missionary enterprises of the Church." Albert Atwood, charter member of Puget Sound Conference, author of "The Conquerors," a study of the conquests of the pioneers, which is full "of ' information of notable men and women of that period, - thus characterized the apostle of Christianity. in Oregon: "Jason Lee possessed a genial spir it, a warm and loving heart, a kindly nature and a greatness of character that easily made him the peer of the greatest and best men in the world. He was a patriot and a Christian of the noblest type. - "The name of Jason Lee is chis eled deeper than any other in the historic shaft that commemorates the deliverance of this fair land from the control of savage tribes, which he came to bless,! and not large herd of cattle into the Wil lamette Valley from California. which broke the monopoly -of the Hudson's Bay Coupany, Is de scribed by Professor Lyman, and Jason Lee's part in the enterprise. l.o the Memorial to Congress prepared by Jason Lee, with the assistance of P. L. Edwards and David Leslie, and signed by prac tically all the adult men in the Willamette Valley, 36 in number, praying that the government would consider the importance of, the Oregon country and the ques tion of acquisition. Jason Lee, was the prime mover in both un dertakings, and in a burst of ad miration Professor Lyman im- ished his eulogy with these words: "In short, to Jason Lee, more than to any one, unless we except Dr. Marcus Whitman, must be at tributed the inauguration of that remarkable chain of causes and ef tects. a long line of sequences, by which Oregon and oar Pacific Coast in general became American possessions, and the international destiny of our nation was se cured." The Memorial to Congress was dated March 16. 1838. and it gave the impact which brought about the results so vividly described by Prof. Lyman. Harvey W. Scott, editor of the Oregonian, who spoke with author ity on all questions pertaining to Oregon, paid a fine tribute to Jason Lee. It will be observed that the possible exception to the prim acy or Jason Lee, noted by Profes sor Lyman, is overruled by Mr. Scott. He said: "I regard the immigration movement inaugurated by Jasn Lee in Illinois and elsewhere, throughout the country as his greatest work in behalf of Oregon. It was not nntil American mission aries entered and possessed the country that a foothold was gained for the occupation of Oregon by ! American settlers.. As settlers and colonizers our missionaries became to destroy. His name , is written ftne chief force that Americanized first and highest upon the roil oi . Oregon honor. " W. D. Lyman, Professor of His tory, Whitman College, and author of valuable books on pioneer Ore gon, exalts Jason Lee and his work.. . He stresses his heroism, his shrewd common sense, and his vital Americanism. Mr. Lyman wrote: "Jason Lee looms large on the background of the history of Ore gon. His life, though short, was heroic and influential.- It may be said of him that be combined re ligious zeal with shrewd common sense and capacity to see and adapt himself to the business and political conditions of his time glossy and you look years young-j and place. er. I The great task of bringing a It is not too much to say that most of those who came to Ore gon during the first 20 years of settlement and growth were moved to come by the agitation begun and carried on by those engaged in the missionary cause. In my conception Oregon was secured to the United States by a train of events in which .numerous persons were important actors. Neverthe less, I must five, chief credit to our beginning as an American state to the missionary effort of iWhich Jason Lee was the pro tagonist. The Protestant missionaries were tire main instruments that peopled Oregon with Americans. They established the sovereignty Torn ' a. tt ' nt i h e w and demon strata ta Prodaeta. Why worry -about inffi"incjr ar the Kirril; of help -hen the WIZARD Product atand ready to Irii a helping Band in Miring year loDMvWaninf prob lems 1 cl MOPS Can had in two style. The dost mop ia rhemi tall treated and abaorba dust without araCerin; tt. The polish mop ia treated with WisanT Polish, It cleana and polUhea the floor at the iame time. Wizard Hups ara the eonTenient " triangle chape which givaa them aereaa to every nook and corner. They nave Hie adjustable elbow nsnriie for eas in aaa. Wiaard Mepi are priced from. ,$1.75 to 12.50 Tiff rV 4; WtSARD POLISH WIZARD DUSTER A conveniently ahaped dnater of the moat aanitary tvpe. Does not aeatter dnat. - The chemical treat ment ralWti fend holds dust - Strongly made: dus ter of the best quality of yarn: waihable. withoot destroying chemical-properties; will last indefinitely. Price : . . IttZARS IVAX ftOQWS $1.00 WIZARD WAX Liquid and Paste Polishes and reerTe the .-finish- an floors, farni turr, woodwork, lcath-r. linoleum. Kastly applied with a cloth j and polir.fi with another cloth. It form a thin' rnat 1hat protects the aurfare and leavea a rVtn, hard. r.h, subdued luster that ia a ioy to benold, -Wiiard Waa i Paste ia especially adapted for use on floors. I Wiard I.iqnid Wax is rernramendrd for polishing furtiiture, ;ians. woodwork, automubilea. etc. Wizard Wax Paste 5Vi-ouac can 45c 1 pint aiza 4 85c quart can 11.70 Wizard Liquid Wax 5-onnra aiza. 6- eaac) aiza. ...76 il Tw ! wizard N m - FLOOR 'l ; il , 'ra WisarA Floor1 Poliaher ia the NEW derirc for I ; jjrfij polishing floors that takes all the hard work out il "V J p 3 II I ef kecpint them in perfect condition all th time. II i I Xa oaiy ia it low ia price, economical in w, .11 m I 1j1 bat ia easier and aim pier to use. and actually pro ill j , I f ' Ij I . durea far 'better reaulta than any other waxing de- ill 1 IK II ' Price $4.00 .11 II lacinung Jtagtuar oac oi eu " iau i - - Zs I r 1 v r LJ WIZARD POLISH T II IkJ L i A A Thf- most scientific polish made for furniture, r4!?2l i- I If I i w woodwork and floors. It dries iui--kly. without a.lVwVi V II c - sti'-kines. and eiecs surface a brilliant and ery VJ If ' -y AHfl permanent polish. S I I . n : I twcits ounce notna .60 I .yr-rgy-y as8C5j Quart can .i... ,...$1.25 - .ga, 1 Half sjaUom can ... : $2.00 ' j Gailoa can 13.00 i WIZARD I : ' Dust Cloth WIZARD INSTITUTION MOP Cbeirically trraUrd to pick up dut , -jtl without catteriit; it. r jc ':- f- ,rTrii. The. ta mop for on larSe A s-ery . jreat .imjirement oTer "t, , jr..-..-y- 7i f!oor spaces, such a school , of- rdinary:. Hii.tS cloths. Can , be i fs.; V-'( 'lA'i ": - rii ;T fires. -stores, etc. Hop is treated washed without destroying its t , '. ,i 'i f 1 . ftv"K with Wizard Poli-h; picks up .last. , dust-Jathericg I properties. Amply I . "hJ f 9 1. f ' . . Vt cleans floor and polishes It at terra. Sfrieo . L 60C I -JXiX- iame time. Price 2.60 . ' ' ' i 1 i I ' WIZARD Wall Duster Sn c.i!,wels or dst will linter on walls that are Koite oer with a Vuj-d Wall I'uster. This eon trrnicnt duMer is made of the krst yarn, rhemirally tr-ated to co'lect nd hold all dut. It can be wah rd without injury. The rf-cmica! trcsrment is permanent. Urbt and easily handled, t'osnr.lete wi'h fin inch handle $1.75 tj $2 23 or the United States in the Pacific Northwest. Lee induced the gov ernment of the United States to participate in the colonisation and support of the country.' In this work no name itands or win siana above that of Jason Lee." , Charles B. Moores. son of a pioneer family, student of Oregon history, sometime speaker of the House of Representatives or ne Oregon Legislature, said: "Jason Lee was Salem'a first and greatest citizen, lie was the most con spicuous figure of Oregon poineer Methodism. He was in at the be ginning. His was the direct mas ter mind. He was the incarna tion of the Church, as Washington was the incarnation of the Col onies. Although comlnr as an evangelist. Lee was Methodism's most effective contribution to the civil development of the state. "The chief glory of Methodism is. not that she did better or great er things than others might have done under similar circumstances, but that she had the courage, the prescience and the enterprise to lead the vanguard and preempt the field. It was the good fortune of Lee and his missions to appear in the crucial years. Much of the work of others was sporadic and done at a time when public senti ment was not receptive or respon sive. The work of Lee was oppor tune, sustained, continuous and ef fective. In his second eastern eam- palgn. in an over dosen states. 13 j months were spent. That cam paign was the grestest single in fluence in starting the Immigra tion of 18 43." T. T. Geer, former governor of Oregon, saw in Jason Lee a lever. which uplifted the Oregon country and rolled it in another course. He wrote in "Fifty Tears in Oregon": "I la ImtuMilhla In rn hrnnd Jason Lee in Oregon history. Back of him there is a void no schools. no churches, no agriculture, no homes. Indeed, there was no civil ization. There were trappers, fur traders, a few white men with native wives, adventurers without a purpose In life. But Lee. with his companions, on the 6th day of October, 1834, pitched their tents on the banks of the Willamette River. 10 miles below where Sa lem now is, and proceeded to found the ' Methodist mission, from whence at once began to radiate the influence of Christianity for the first time in all the Oregon Country." J. B. Horner, Professor' of His tory, Oregdn Agricultural College, laid this flower on the breast of Jason Lee. He said: "There waa something so permanent and far- t . k. . . m ' 1 I 1 rcacumg in won jason ieej aid that only as time passes can we see the results of his labors, and fully understand the colossal ef forts put forth by this Christian gentlemen for the enllghtment of Oregon. Bancroft, author of a History of Oregon, gives this pen picture of Jason Lee: "Light In complexion, thin lips closely shut, prominent nose, and rather massive Jaws; eyes of superlative spiritualistic blue. high, retreating forehead, carrying mind -within; aomewhat long hair, pushed back, and giving to the not too stern but positively marked features a slight Puritan leal aspect. Though not devoid of worldly ambition, he was sin cere and sound to the core. Strong in his possession o himself, there was nothing Intrusive in his na ture. Though talking was a part of his profession, his skill was exhibited as much in what he left unsaid as in his most studied ut terance. Frank and affable in his intercourse with men. he inspired confidence in those with whom he had dealings and was a general favorite." A strong, sincere, devout man was Jason Lee, and well fitted for ms great task. movement. It i my privilege to speak of his influence in build ing this glorious WUUrnette val ley, upon the ruins oi pa ran ism ccupjs an mlnsre !ntuntrta tie. Oregon will forever b la debt t Jason Le. "It Is fitting, therefore, that In lumn the came formerly given to II this mighty territory, this v - a, uuur.. auu i ! v iBii aeatn es loved cv his strong countenance mould j Oregon return to V.nT11- S look down , upon the Uw-mak.nr j attre of adorttoa aa Afcl ( of the empire which h formed. r WJ a new heaven and a new earth ot, this capitol of the state which as- free Institutions and cnrutian civilization. "Around the world It Is eve" so. The gosrel is the pioneer. The missionary blazons the trail which becomes the highway of the immigrant and later a trans continental railroad. It wai' so in Inula, and in Africa, and in South Atactica, and It as so in Oregon. To Jason Lee and his colleagues mut be attributed those original Impulses that have resulted in ths high morale and Intellectual life of th? northwest territory. That he hlmwlf vas influential in shaping the come of history In this northwest can never be doubted. He was fore most in every activity that deter mined our ploner hl'tory. He come. the moral which has bevta awe. "We mar t.,. room, ana m rwn Which hs fsl "uimcsitrw. aj t'tlU f J V I I rrn IJfr's Work Iexk-1 "Shall we be worthy son o" such a si re 7 bnaii that ecc:e- watet. lasticism wnzen ni organ i?r:f about piiiBiaiB sue eyiiii buu inur '"'re? Br A any puis sai:; . a Alaska would t aod a, u uj 1 i .i i err v - tk. fnnnner? It la for llirvu ako ...J Wwtta- follow In bis footsteps to deter-1 JJ ' h4 mine. Shall they wh bare ro- : ' " U . flted by the glorious instttationi of this favored section ot '"th- land or tne rree. ana ine nooi? of the brave" fulfill the large . , . vision which thU man undouht- w7 lZV eaiy receiveai onau we iranmii: h of the region woaltf taTJ :vantr over I ho sm. 7" ,of tciIU ia ib CaitH I?J unimpaired to- reneratIon tnowa aa e.. . ' hit I'nf K.kk. v. I LOVE AND FAITH CONQUER OBSTACLES (Continued from page 2.) - therefore, came with the Bible. but also with the plow, and with the sawmill, and the crlst mill lie, therefore, came not only to preach to the Indians, bnt to be the founder ot a colony and even tually of a commonwealth. He came to he a germinal force which should grow Into government, and flower Into rich and varied insti tutions. Truth Held KsMentUl. "Art for art's sake is a distor tion. Truth for truth's sake Is false. Church for Church's take is monstrous. Art and truth and ecclesiasticism are for humanity's take, and that lifts all Into glory. That made early missionary ef fort worth while; made it worth the money spent freely like oint ment rrom the alabaster box; made It- worth the lives not counted dear by the heroes and heroines of early Oregonian days; made It worth every toil in pri vation, every tear over untimely deaths, every love, and every en thusiasm. That is the sky that haloes and hallows the name of Jason Lee. "Rut much of th work in all activities i accomplishes! Indiwt- ly. Jason Lee came to p roach at apiruoai gospel, but h-s more than those who sent him, or almost any other in that , early , day, seemed to comprehend that the gospel meant a larger life, social, economical and political. We know now that It m?ant sky scraper building, transcontinent al railroading and Irrigation en gineering. He did not know what it meant In detail, but he grasped the problem of a future civiliza tion. He was a missionary of the most verile kind, devoted to his comparatively bumll- task, but he was likewise a ali'tesman laying the foundation of an em pire. He had an eye for detail and circumstances, but a mind also Tor generalization and fore sight. Marvelon, 'oniv Tol.l "Oth-rs today will speaV his marvelous couraxe. and his contribution to th-j life Oreson. It is, mine ti rpajr a more general way of this man who srt marks on all the moun tain peaks to guide tVe popula tion that soon wa to p-ur Into these valleys. It Is mine lo call attention to the providential character of the man who was the leader of providential of of of m ti IIS 'BP AT IE Hope Muslin, 36 inches wide 20c Yard Ladies - Illack Cotton.llose, pair . .19c UdieV White Cotton Hose, pair 23c SW Children's Black Cotton Hose, per pair .19c and 25c Ladies- Outing- Flannel Gowns in white or fancy colored Outing Flannel, Special, each.; :. $UB3 5-4 Mohawk Sheeting, 72-inch wide, un bleached, yard 69e 3-4 Mohawk Sheeting, 72 inches wide, bleached, yard .V. 75c Amoskeag Ginghams, fast colors, yard 29c 10 inch Georgette Crepe, yard ISZ 10 in. Crepe de Chine, yard.t.. $1.93 56 in. Tweed Coating, yard ....$3.93 56 in. all wool French Serge, yard.. $3.49 36 in. half wool Tricoline, yard t-t Comforters 72xS4, each $23, $3.13, 3 lb. Cotton Batts, ea. $L23, $1X3, tZ White Outing Flannel, an excellent c,-.' ityyard X 36-inch Percales, yard ZZc izlt. Iluck Towels, 17x35, each Z Huck Towels, 19x41, each..; Cotton Challies, 36-inehes wide, yird.. Table Napkins, 18-20, doien T Table Linen, 69 inches wide, yarJ....t Bed Spread, 72xS4, special, fcb...pi: BWsVABt asV a s W 0 W tHVaafcsl W ft f yard ..................... ....-c Our Price Always the Lowest " GALE ci CO. Commercial and Court Streets Formerly Chicago Si Scarcity of Telephone Equipment , .BaaBBBaaBB-i-a,a-aa As new subscribers a number of individuals have .recently placed, orders with us for telephones. Old subscribers havQ asked for sen ice at . I new locations. They have been told by our representatives that immediate compliance with their desires was impossible owinjr to lack of VtcJepborkv facilities" in a particular locality. "Why," one will say, "The poles axd wires are on the street and the house U already wired." 9 We wish that the problem were as simple as it founds. There iruy be poles and wires, lut every wire may be in use in jrivinjj service to others. There may be a cable, but every circuit in it may lie assigT. edto telephones already installed. There may be spare wires and circuit hut no switchboard apparatus at the central office to which they can be con nected. There may be sections of switchboard but not available for oper ation on account of the lack of necessary accessories' such as ringirg kT relays, etc. ' The reason for the shortage of telephone equimpment is simple. Dar- , injf the war period we were unable to maintain our reserve or stock pUzi as the same materials we use were required and taken for (tovcrnrocai purposes and for industries properly favored by the (Jovcmmcnt. Since the war, with the unexpectedly prolonged prolaVms of reconitructico, production and delivery of materials needed to-meet even current de mands have been delayed. Every business concern is havin? similar ex periences. The manufacturers of telephone equipment have been bendirf every effort to fill our orders, but they in turn are meeting the sac difficulties in securing rubber, paper, silk, glass, porcelain, tin. thread, shellac, metal parts and other articles not generally associated ia the public mind with telephone service. At the same time with this abnormal situation with refrrence to rr-a-tcrials there exists an unprecedented demand for trlcphmc service, and even under these circumstances jour record is one of fulfillment of demand. In the first eight months of this year we have added telephones in the State of Oregon. In the eight months prior to our declaration of war wc gained 2C55 telephones. We desire to give service a much as a patron wishes to receive it We desire to promptly comply with the suggestions of public authorities who have taken a proer interest in the situation. Wc are facing abnor mal conditions but we will of necessity, gradually overrt-mc our diffi culties. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company I a