GIT Y NEWS IN BRIEF Good Office Help . Is very scarre and the salaries are good. The. most valuable of fice apistaht is one" who can do" ell-arotind worlc, bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting, etc. .Many are handicapped (by not being able to do all- Any kuch ..may remove the handicap by taking work at the Capital Husiness collegfc night school.; It beginls next Monday. y, ' 1 ; fUffdon and Son Sellable funeral directors. False Alarm Tim'-d In An lam wis turned Into the fire department last flight which was entirely unintentional- on the part of the person responsible for the call. However, it is well to take a little time looking over the telephone directory, especially re lating to .such 'important calls as the fire department, in order that inch mistake may not occur. The 1 ALICE BRADY - - ' In " : J- "SINNERS" By Request 'MOTHER MACHREE' On Our Wurlitzer Organ by Mr. Monroe SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS ; Repairing and Alterations 1215 S. Com'l St. Phone 1868 GENUINE I 1717 UNION L-E-H ALLS t f 1.00 and $5.00 SCHEFS ELECTRI (MACHINE & ENGINEERING CO. for Thor Washing Machines and ; Electric Work and Supplies. 117 Court St. i Phone 488 toda Crackers, per pound..;. 20c Dairy Salt in SO pound sack. .75c Straws, per bale . . . .' . ...... .G5c Laundry Soap in 23 bar lota 91.00 lardwheat Flour at per sack $&25 The Highland Grocery ' ffcone 406 740 ITIghland Arenae HARTMAN BROS. 0. Tor Fine Jewelry Jewelers and Opticiabj -THE "DAYTON" The Bicycle for Ereryone LLOYD E. RAMSDEN S87 Court Street Bicycles and Bicycle Repairing; "WALLFELT" Takes the place of cloth at about one- third fejji MAXO. BUREN "i" ' 179 N. Commercial St. 167 North Commercial St. It the Electric Sign "SHOES" DENNISON ELECTRIC CO. JOB WOBK AXD FIXTURES . 2a Korth Liberty Street D.H.M0SHER Hlja Class Geanlng and Pressing 474 Court 'street 4 WANTED Beans Eggs Potatoes WNG DISTANCE AUTO . TRUCKING Willamette Valleyf Transfer Co. Pionel400 Peash Store incident! last night; in turning In a false alarm ia but an example of the resujlt of what might happen to anyonje thoughtleeslf calling up this department. In the place of calling for 149, which is the plione number of thejtire depart ment!, the fire alarm call. 37. givert on the covf r page of the directory was given, which is for fire alarms only, ' - 1 Lega Blanks- Get them at The Statesman of fice. Catalog on aDDlleation Auto Turns Over While driving in the thick fog near Aumsville on the Turner road Monday night, two automo biles collided. One with C. S. Browne, at the wheel, turned com pletely over. The occupants were considerably shaken up. but no che was seriously in Ture-d Tha her car; driven by U. J. Fisher. v1as not badly damaged. Vantl a scnooi girl to ass st with puseworK tor board and room. Mrs. Frank Meyers, 593 South commercial. Motorcycle 1 amut;Hl jv. W. Ransom, while driving a truck at the Intersection of Cau itol street and Garden road, and In attempting to make a turn. tailed to give the signal, accord ing to a report last night, and as a result Rex Howard, in the em ploy of the Postal Telegraph com pany, riding a motorcycle, ran A .11 A . . . juiu me irucK. 111s macnine was Ladly damage. Season Lyceum Tickets At Geo. C. Will's.!! Republican Headquarter Room -329 Oregon building Buttons, campaign pictures and literature. Write or call. Miller Is Fined Alleged breaking the traffic re gulations of the city by cutting corners at the intersection of State and Liberty streets Monday night, wag rfhe cause for the ar rest of Harry Miller of Salem. A WEES XX SALEM, OEE009 top at SUCH EOTEX A Horn Away from Horn Btrirtly Modern fl.00 per day 100 Booms of Solid Contort Only Hotel ia Buiin? District Tires and Everything at the Great Western Garage Opposite Court House Rhone 44 WOOD WOOD One car of dry ash wood, $11 per cord. Phone 520. . TRACEY WOOD CO. VALLEY RED SPECIAL 4TUBES ; ' ,." U At : A. H. MOORE'S POTATOES Call on ns before you sell BISHOP BROS. Corner Ferry and High Streets Phone 14 00 Talking' Machines and Records Flayer Pianos and Flayer Sous Place Your Order Early fot Fall Planting . Complete line yarletlet Salem Nursery Company Phone 1763 427 Oregon Bldg. WOODRY conducts sales anywhere In Marlon or Polk counties. Store located 270 N. Com'l. AUCTIONEER Better Goods for Leas HIGHEST PRICE PAID , For - : - - ' SECOND HAND FURNITURE Stores, Carpels and loots rnitl Hardware & Furniture Co. 286 N. Commercial St Phone 47 FURS STORED Store your Furs .ddririt summer with us. WEST FUR CO. I . 621 Court. Opposite Court House CARL & BOWERSOX Groceries 3S3 Cotirt Street Phone 409 Bu sick deposit of $25 was made to assure his appearance to answer to, the charge yesterday before Judge Race, who Imposed a fine of 110. Fresh Salmon 7 i Cents Fitts Market, phone 211. Case Under Aliwment rite case of Arba Martin Aumsville, arrested last week of on a a charge of wantonly killing aog, occupied a greater oart of the day In the justice court yes- ieraay. The case! had aroused considerable interest and a largo number of the citizens of Aums ville were in attendance. Judge Unruh took the case under ad visement until Friday morning. Will Yon Do Here? Mien? Watch for further ani- nouHcements. Will Meet Mother f ' Dr. C. IT. Moorle. eminent child specialist of Portland, who is to be present at the (October eugenic clinic or the Marion County Chil- men a umtaii xuursuay auernoon rias sent word tht he desired es pecially to rheet mothers with sickly or under-normal children. Complying with this request the secretary of the bureau will reg ister oniy cnudren or this-description to fill the few remaining places in the registrations. A large clinic has jalready been reg istered, but any! mother with chil dren suffering from mal-nutrition. mai-assimiiation cr similar ail ment' may phone Mrs. Matthews at 134S-M. -r : I- Hallowe'en Kntertainment Highland school, pet. 29, 8 p. m. . i Sermons Arou-p Intt-ivsti The short sermons preparatory for the Forty Hours j Adoration at the Catholic church' are exciting considerable interest. The ser vices consist of a hymn by the boy choir, prayers, a short sermon nd benediction. The subject for Wednesday evening is "Sin and Its Confession." and for Thurs day evening. "Indulgences". Ser vices commence promptly at 7:30 and everyone is cordially wel come. Seat Reservations for Salem Lyceum I course Friday, OcL 29, 8 a. m. at the armory. One person can: not reserve more than 10 tickets. j Flaying to Capacity - Dr. Jeykll and Mr. Hyde. Grand theater. - j Licensed To Marry A marriage license was grant ed yesterday to Margaret McCor- Painting and Paperhanging Grave & Son. First class work guaranteed , Phone 382, Dallas, (I will pay phone) Sales . and Service nt invitlAi ui VALLEY MOTOR CO. Salem School of Expression Lulu Rosamond Walton. Director 147 N. Commercial Phone 592 1484J Weekly Recital Class DIXIE DOUGHNUTS 35c Doz. SALEM BAKING CO. 439 Court Street. Phone 954 JACK'S CAFE A good place to eat Short Orders all day 163 S. Com! Street ZJD. Maddox, Prop. W.W.MOORE Furniture , Store v The Home ot the Victxola You set more for your money at Aloore's -i It Pays to Trade at The FARMERS CASH STORE C Burton Durdall 117 North Commercial 917 W. T. RIGDON CO. Leading Funeral Director! MOVING ?1ST0RING 930 SHIPPING L A n M E SALEf! All Kind i JTRAFISFEr of Goods Oar Urge fleet f tnAa mMh to fi yB prompt seme. track of ta. t U. eda for yar Job Country and Long Distaaee Xlanllag a Specialty. W. Boy nl S!l . W OOP AND OOA if D. A. ULRKER, Maaagn. JUiideoe. Pho 183S What HaTe Yon? We hay, sell and exchange new and second-hand furni ture, stores, ranges, rugs, tools, etCj We will bny you out. -' COIj. W. F. WRIGHT Auctioneer 271 N. Com'l St.. Salem. Or. List your sales with ns People's Furniture I Store Night Phone 1047 Phone73t mick of West Wood burn and Cy rillus J. Crosby of Woodburn. We Will Reserve All Tickets Sent in to us after the lineup is taken care of. Hallowe'en Kntertaimncni Highland school. Oct. 29, 8 p. m. Sues To Quiet Title Action was taken in the circuit court yesterday by D. .A Larmer to quiet title to a parcel of land known as Boon's Island, which lies between the city of Salem and North Salem. John Rarrym In i Dr. j Jeykll .Grand theater. and Mr. Hyde. Odd Fellow Attention Every OddFellow is invited to attend the annuM home coming of Chemeketa lodge. No. 1. I. O. O. F. hall. 7:30 this, evening. Fine Imposed S. S.i Ruggles was I arrested Monday night on a charge of drunkeness and was held in the city Jail until Tuesday! morning when be was given a hearing be fore Judge Earl Race, and a fine of (25 imposed. . I Direct Moll Order to Salem Lyc'eum f3urs to L I lie II. Springer, 372 State street. CroNhlng Authorlzctt The public service commission yesterday Issued an order grant ing to the state highway commis sion authority to construct an overhead crossing of wood con struction oyer the tracks of the Klamath Falls Municipal railway company, near the town of Dairy in Klamath county. Of the total cost $500 -is to be borne by the railroad company and of the re mainder 40 per cent bythe high way commission, 30 per cent by Klamath county, and 30 per cent by the railroad company. Cost of maintenance must be paid by the highway commission and by Klamath county. Season Iyceum Ticket At Myrtle Knowland s Vaudeville Thurs., Fri. Sat., TlHgh theater. Patterwon Funeral Thursday The funeral, services of William F. Patterson will be held at Fox valley "Thursday morning at 10:30 o'clock. Interment will be . in Fox Valley cemetery. The fune ral procession will leave the Rig don undertaking parlors. .Thurs day morning at 8 o'clock. DANCING FROCKS i New shipment just received I at Shipley's LET'S GO! LET'S ALL GO ! WHEN? Watch Further Announcements BBBSBBSSv DREAMLAND RINK Dance every Wednesday and Saturday. Halloween Masquarade Ball, October 30 Good I Prizes No Raise in Prices Bungalow Orchestra $ Q .00 ?wn Ad A WEEK i Will Buy a ONE MINUTE ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE WRL GAHLSD0RF The Store of HOUSEAVARES HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Vegetables and Fruits PEOPLE'S CASH 'STORE For Stoves ranges, heaters and fur niture of all kinds see the Capital Junk and Bargain House. We also buy all kinds of second hand furniture, hard ware, machinery, hides and junk of all kinds. Capital Junk & Bargain House 215 Center St Phone 398 THINGS THAT yooR a rotten 6 AWE .YOU CUT ME THREE Joe as 0 BUTCHER, tYErt ot That i'i i 34S !KTf-,lNT'0fA!- castook cam Cabbage, 1 Me lbM Iellvcrcd Ward K. IUchardson Phone 491 Mr. Are lUlcael It was reported yesterday by the Hammond Lumber company of Mill Ciiy that some war cloth and a pair of tan shoes had been taken from the company's camp. Suspicion led to the arrest ot L. Johnson. Ted Steel and J. E. Mil- lins at the Oregon Electric de pot in this city by Chief Welsh and Officer Urown. They were held In the city Jail awaiting in vestigation and later instructions were received to effect their re lease, i Republican Rally . j At armory Friday night. Oct. 29, good speaker and good mnsic PEACE ISSUE WILL BRING LANDSLIDE (Continued from Fage 1) Despite heavy rain beating down on their umbrellas while the gov. ernor spoke from the covered balcony of a billiard room, the outdoor crowd yelled "go on, go no." A rear platform speech was made by the candidate at Balavia. Ohio, where a crowd with a band and red torchlights gathered. LARGE HOUSE HEARS STORY Miss Minna L Harding Pre sents "House of Rimmon" at University A capacity house beard Miss Minna L. Harding, head ot the public speaking department of Willamette university. In a mas terful dramatization ot Henry Van Dyke's powerful story. "The Houpe;of Rimmon." in the. uni versity chapel last night. Miss Harding had the honor of giving the firbt public appear ance in the beautiful reconstruc ted chapel In Waller hall. When this auditorium is finally com pleted it will be a work ot art. and it was most fitting that the first program given for tbe pub lic should be an Interpretation of one of the masterpieces of litera ture, by a real artist ot tbe spo ken word. Miss Harding. In the course of the play, portrayed so many dif ferent characters that tbe audi ence was held spellbound by her power of character delineation. Her voice is ot exceedingly fine texture and she was able to make more than a score of varied char acters stand out with a distinct ness that made them appear as living characters to her audience. Her strength of character work was keenly felt in her imperson ation of Naanian. captain of the armies of Damascus. Miss Harding, in presenting "The House of Rimmon. has given to the people of Salem ahs interpretation of one of tbe great est works of Henry Van Dyke and bas presented in a most com mendable manner one of the moit difficult pieces of literature to interpret. In so doing Miss Hard ing: has commended herwlf very highly to the people of Salem as an exceptional artist. Th rou shout . the entire recital the interest of the audience .was held fatt by the intensity of th story and tbe manner in which it was presented. Miss Harding was applauded many times by the largest crowd that bas ever list ened to an entertainment in the university chapel. The scene of the story, which centers around Naaman. captain of the armies of Damascus, his adventures, as the result of being I cursfd with leprosy br the House LADD & BUSH BANKERS Established 1863 General Banking Business Office Honrs from 10 sv. m. to 3 p. m. NEVER HAPPEI Keep The rtCeP IT VVOK5E . of RImmon. his final cure of the disease, and the ultimate saving of iRuahmah. a captive maid of Israel. Is laid in Damascus and the mountains of Samaria. The time was 50 D. C E. E. MMNEY PASSES BEYOND Man Prominent in County for Half Century Sue ciimbs at Age of 72 E. E. McKiuney. a native pio neer of Marlon county, died at Willamette sanitarium In Salem at 12 o'clock yesterday noon, aged 72 years. Thus ends the life ot one ot the large figures of -Mar lon county in the past half cen tury. "Ed" McKlnney was born four miles south of Salem on August IS. 184 S. on what was then the John Minto farm, afterwards the John F. Miller farm, and now part ot the land of the state Institution for the feeble-minded. His parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wil flam W. McKlnney had not yet taken their donation claim, which was one mile south of where the town of Marlon now stands. They had come across the plains from Oak Grove. Mo., in 1S47. Young "Ed" McKlnney attend ed the public school in the neigh borhood, then a private school at Sublimity, taught by T. II. Craw ford and W. W. Beach, and after that was a student at Willamette university, graduating In the clas- v - 'Or 3 MORK DAYS Tbe Wonder Khowr JOIIX BARRYMORE la DR. JEYKIX aad MR. HYDE GRAND - PERFECT pastry is a joy forever. Ita a mealtime confection that quite properly "tops off" your midday or even ing meal. And a. coffee rinjc or some of our choice 1un.iand rolls might help you to appreciate your early meal. PEERLESS BAKERY Philip Winters, Prop. 170 N. Commercial Street Tbone 247 slcal conr from that Ivrtltutlon witH a bfftr class 5a U19. He commenced' merchandUInf at AumtTille soon after gradua tion, aad from there moved to Turner where he was a merchant and warehouse man. After that he was for a time engaged ia mer chandising In Sublimity, and was postmaster there. He always took a Urge interest In public affair, was a well rad man. and a leader among his neighbors. In 1S72 he was married to Mrs. Virginia Condit. who survives him. There were no children. He had been In tailing health for about a year. The mother of the deceased till survives, on the old farm, four miles southeast of Turner. Two brothers. J. V. and Mayro. both ol the Turner neighborhood. senrive him. aad there are six living sisters: Mrs. M. E. Adams of McMlnavllle; Ann K. McKIn ney. Turner; Mary E. Bower. Co colalla. Idaho; Frances O. Ball. Turner; Alice N. Tracy. Turner, and rMi. U. O. Longiworth. Port land. The funeral will be held at Turner on Friday at 2 p. m.. with interment In Twin Oaks cemetery. Turner and Starton lodges ot Odd Fellows will Jointly have charge QUIT COUGHING Schaefer chaeIe Cold Tablets , Cough Balsam These preparations, prepared in our dispensiniT department, are. absolutely the best remedy we know for coughs or colds of any kind. Quick re lief at a reasonable cost. Several sues. Schaefer's Drug Store Sole Agents for Garden CourtFreparations 135 N. Commercial Street. Phone 197 CABBAGE for KRAUT V2C per ponnd delhrered Danish Ball Head, solid and well trimmed. Make kraut at a cost of 15e per gallon. Hubbard and Banana Squash, ponnd ?3 WARD K. RICHARDSON 2305 Front Street . Phone 494 A P P E A L T O The History of Your Eyes We Always Preserve for future reference a complete record of your eye trouble; also the date, kind of lenses and style of frame furnished. This is only one of the many ways in which we exercise care 'for the benefit of our pa trons. - "APPEAL TO 'OTrnLL" Let him adrise you whether ov not glsss es would be of benefit. N C I u L Dr. C. B. O'Neill Optosaetrixt-Optidaa and Bnsh Bank Lending Ladd SILK HOSIERY ANNOUNCEMEMT! OUR ENTIRE STOCK Which is very complete and carries the let makes of Women's silk Hosiery in satisfactory weight and shades of Black, Havana Brown, Taupe, Grey and White. INCLUDING Phoenix Silk Hose is now offered at the new market prices. We anticipated the fall in silk Hosirry prices and hare waited to buy our stock at th nevr reduced price. Our entire stock of Hosiery hat been marked at tbe last Lij? cut in price and i NOW back to the low level. Always rrmemW that thU atore U awake to th5 market condition and for that rean realizing tbe chanpea that are Imund to come, we adviv? you to buy couM-rratively aud to PAY AS YOL f JO. 1. . Jtpleg 0. of the 8rriees..Mr. VtTV was a charter member ei ner lodge. . It may be only a hunch, but aH of the amateur cabinet makers are speculating eiciulvely on the make up ot Senator Harding t of ficial household. It may be a straw showing bow the wind blows. , l:. : j " o Hoofi'si Sarsaparilla ; Makes Food Tasto Good Creates an appetite, aid digestion, purifies tba blood, aad thna relieve crwfula,- catarrh, the palna and aches of rheumatism and girt strength te the whole system, f Nearly IS yeaV phenomenal aa Ufl the story of tb great merit and" ucreas ef llood'a SaraaparlHa. It la Just the soedlclae ym r-& now. Hood's F2U help ae catbarUc A P P E A L T O fi E I L L SALEM list do local hauling 8ALEM ALBANY t 4 X