The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 27, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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    i.ii.W,M).i i Jit li.W AU. tn.iUliU; ..-iJJli
;. . ; v ny molly liniTNK .. ..
I'lTR most interesting
event w the mul wert. is
th Y-M' Home," of Mrs.
Willis (1 Havtfey. ami -Miss Iras
Hawley iikh vill take. placed at
the William ,'. Brown residence.
590 State strjjH, ""this afternoon
between the honrsv of 3 and 6
o'clock. The affair s to he in
formal, no Invitations having
been issued.
Mr. a'iidjMrs. C: P. Bishop were
quests at la luncheon given yes
- t ... i-
Now "shipment., just receive
1 at Shipley .
(eruay at the ;lloteli l&aiion by
i -oil. 4 .r. Kobert A. tooth
ot Kugene. who werefcerts. to take
part in the Jasore le dedicatory
,KfrciseH at the Capitol, v
! I . ' j
Miss Muriel Stetves has as her
guesf-s for the week, her cousins
Karl and, Arthur Steeves of Hills
borough. New Hmnswirk Cana
da. ! - .
.1 1 . 1 .
S Thu evening is being eagerly
iookcci ijrwaru to by a group oi
" i-juuiiKt-r ioik, who tN-lll be
guests at that time of Miss ' Mayl
Hunter and Miss Leah Rods, w'ho
are entertaining with a line par
ty, and. a supper afterward at the
home of Mis Hunter. About 20
guests will be bidden.
Miss Myrtle Albright, a Uni-
J at the Big Store
Special Prices in All Departments
taU !
rrn 11
' of
th a
I and
i this
a Just
it the
th of ;
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it thla
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unded. j
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ime to
i 1840.
a of the
d P ,n
t aa af-
in the
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al Iel
t. when
to the
ie aerr
ey were
and on
The 'IbTKaJVX fes.
versity of Oregon friend of Mrs.
Paul jU. Hendricks was the week
end finest or the latter, eoming
np trnn her home in'Manmam.
Mr. and Mrs. W. I). Clarke
spent the week-end in Silverton
an the gtiest of fi tends.
-a- j
Mrs. Clark J. ThompKon and
family have returned from Port
land, where they .pent the week
lwi. and to which place they are
removing shortly to make their
permanent home.
Mr. and Mr?. Percy Cupper nonth
nau as a brier visitor Tuesday,
the Matter's nephew, Sam Kuebler,
o Seattle.
Mrs. J. J. Ackerman of 13D
Wilson street, will open her home
Thursday afternoon to the South
Salem circle of the American
War Mothers, when they meet
for th?ir- regular session of sew
ing for the November . bazaar,
which the local organization is to
sponsor.' To raise money for ma
terials with which to make the
children's garments which the
women are working on, a silver
tea was held in conection with
the regular meeting or the South
circle at the home of Mrs. A.
Michaels last week.
The regular monthly meeting
of i the Salem chapter of War lo
thrs will .be held in the auditor
ium of the Commercial club next
Tuesday,, at which time a short
program will be given along with
the regular business session.
.The Central circle of the or
ganization has been working on
rngs for the bazaar, and it is
planned to hold a meeting this
week, to continue the' work. In
the Parlors of the First Congre
gational church. 1 .
One of the largest affairs of
the week, for the younger folk
and one that is being happily an
ticipated Is the Halloween party
to be given Saturday nigM at the
W. C. Young home, whin Miss
Florence Young and Miss Jean
nellei Vandervort will be Joint
hostesses. About forty invita
tions have been- Issued for the
party. . j
. , -. 1
i Mrs.' Iloy Hixon will be hostess
for the Cold mi Hour Ha! Moorehouse of PendNton. Mon-1 Ifnailng Mm. the "Founder of
Mm. t.ylle went
American Institutions and drill
liiion un the Pacific coat.
No event, therefore. In Oregon
Continued from page 2.
come a powerful coentry In
the hand ot KnuUnd? If
(tieun gwH from uh. iiip
hiHr of the Tnilei State
goes with it. Never, no.
day afternocn. entertaining at the',ja.v afternoon.
home o: her sts-ler-iu-ia . wra. A idown Siturdjj
Cleveland, on Twrtity-thiril !.tr,vt.!
This Is to be lh. s'0?i.I n.tiu!
of the year.
Mrs. 1 It. Iinneon and Mrs.l
Earl Itaker accompanl'Hl Mrs. j.
II. Hellar. of Indianapolis as rarj
as Portland Sunday on her way,
to her home. For her pleasure
a trip over the Columbia hieh-i
way was taken previous to herj
departure. ,
Mrs. Heller speui -t Irranh Is mm than lAir.t nr i.a. ajy. "On
guest of Mrs. Duncan and Mis. Dlolur man ' rrIl,, h Mrnk .
Carle Abrams. ... . , Inushinc a ramnnlpn h9W1 in r.
f l..... nn.l TO n-.Lnr !. " " " " " I
jus. ...... " . n.,ruii. t i i
itinerary. Mr. lsee vlitd a doien
states, and sjioke In thf printipal
cities ofthe qountry. '
Men who speak wit hi authority
agree on one thing, namely, that
Jason Lee'a campaign g;jve the Im
pact uhlch set the peoile In mo-
which make uo the Laides' Aid Ltward J9 "ra
itv f ,h. rhnrrh. I"4'8"- "ys unaries u. Moores,
The Mission uarir ent aboard
! the Ijiuann Ik tuber 9. 1SJ5. anJ
b ft
fur elf lit month, larking c-Ubt , f
dava, ami I bey lulled over 2 ." ( i
mile. ; I i
. On the' 12lh cf Jun a eonfeT- j
etue a( jiled ai Fort Van-uoer ! f
t fi the appointment of the nit- I
. ! .. . 1 ... . I k. w
'iniur.r. aui iDi- urn imj i'm
d furled fur Ibelr field of labr. f
Th. h''Vric analogue of IHe
i v ... . . I4ii3nne in the l jvf looer. hnc ,
I'll ,"ewi lUIk I lie mil m - ' . . . . . ,
::3i in ihe morning. May 21. ' t-ntj y I Hug celebrated tbi j
1X4.1. Ihefuhlp rtwMNl the bar ol'J-'f A r !rr in the Centctonlal,
the Columbia river and anchored Mi'.iy r Oregon eu wisu: n;
The appeal of the Alton Tele-Ia Haker'a Hay ; aud. the chronicle j i a fair ICustratUm to ay that
th firt dav of Joae. by- 'n" i..':r.e a i in' i cui-t
in aiem. ie...s eni?r- tr otisin. it lila nhodmrr.nh
tained while here as the house, ja011 on1 i hlll
the cood: providence of God. in l 4 what me May I lower f
were permitted to cal anchor at t a to the Atlantic CoaM in l:e."!
Fort Vancouver, and terminate the The log of the Luanne Is full!"
Jl' ltajla A
Tlte Slwiw Von
Wailnf Fr
Grand Tbeatr
remained over in Portland unti'
Tuesday evening visiting with
This afternoon in the parlors
of the First Methodist church will
take place the regular monthly
meeting of all the seven circles
voya-e." ; i of human Isterest. but that U an- t j ,t . Plitttifipr! Af
The Lanann was their home ! r ther nory. Kead IDC
j Dr. and Mrs. O. V. Ellis are
now domiciled in their new home
at 594 North Liberty street, re
moving from 4 ST North High
A New Principle iti
Complexion Treatment
Most rr.mi are injurious when nsl
hbitully. ' Ther rlog the pores anil
eventually Inrm permsnBt. tfj
stiflinr film which interfere with elimiu
ative ceiion and makes tlaa kia airkly
ana psstr. ibere is an pl"-tion
merrolized u which- acts upon an en
tirely different principle. -While . per
fectly harmless, it has the pecaliar prop
erty of removing by absorption the dead
and lialf-t'ead particlen of scarf skin, as
well as unhealthy matter in toe pores.
Thus it takes away from instead of ad-
dins to the complex ion. differing in this
respect from cosmetics. The result Ss a
perfectly natural 'and healthy young
eoraplexion. Merroiized wax, procurable
at maj- nrue store- lone ounce is sum
cient, is applied at night like cold
cream and washed off in the morning
The correct principle in the treatment
of wrinkles is to tighten the skin, which
naturally irons out the lines. A fare bath
remarkably effective in this direction.
may be made by dissolving an ounce of
wdered iaxolite in a half-pint witch
. - . .
You Can :ilJa: -fieftOT atS;
f v years ago iISEIB5 Hour
I j 1 t-.L, . ' ! V ' II ?A run CSS
' : I"- ' i iT"- .-' " ;
I. iii.i V 1 t- 11 nmieiffwVrf -
J;f i unaouuicuiy itr"-- v. ,
breakfut crowned
Aad fSlSXXB Pan-'.
, Flour make
"tot waffles.
10, 24 i and 49 i Ibi sack.
33XS FVjur.
(stftxd before roeasunnaj.
I cup auaar.
1 cup sweet rruUc
V, cup butter (scare).
2 level teaspoons baking
powder. ...
I or 2 esaa, well beaten.
Cream together sugar and
butter; ail es- Strt to
gether twice tour and bak
ing powder. Add to first
mixture alternately with
milk. Flavor with H tea
spoon vanilla. Bake ia
rnoderate oven. Makes three
layers. : ,
Fiu-ims: Powdered sugar.
Whites of 2 eggs.
F resh grated cocoanut.
Beat whites of eggs stiff:
: add sufficient powdered
' sugar to spread easily on
cake! Sprinkle thickly with
I Dr. and Mrs. John Parsons ot
Portland, who came up to attend
the unveiling of the Jason Lee
portrait yesterday afternoon, are
being entertained during their
stay as the guest of Mrs. F. J.
The Parsons have a host of
friends here, gained during the
six years that Dr. Parsons occu
pied the pulpit ot the First Meth
odist church.
"Governor Pen W. Olcott," says
the Eugene Guard, "was a lunch
eon guest of Hendricks Hall-on
Thursday noon, when he was in
Eugene . to preside at the annual
Pledge day at the university. Ad
ditional guests were Chaplain W.
Gilbert, newly appointed reg
ent of the university, who spoke
at the assembly on the campus
preceding the Pledge day cere
mony. President P. L. Campbell.
Dean Elizabeth Fox, Miss Mabel
Cummings and Karl Ontbank.' .
' I
The women of the Oregon itata
Republican central committee, of
which Mrs. C. P. Bishop ia a local
representative, have ; received a
letter from WJ11 H. Hays asking
them to keep on working hard
for the Republican cause. "Work
until the very last minute,' he
advises. Mr. Hays also - tpoke
highly of the work being done in
this state by the women of the
state central committee and by
those who have given their tfme
in the Hardlng-Coolidge club and
In the general work for the cause.
- - '!" ' - - ' -
il .. - - . ,"."
; ML . - , . I .'
Surrounding him on the occa
sion of his . 70th . birthday, Wed
nesday , afternoon., were a group
of relatives and friends of J. N.
Skaife. who has spent nearly, all
his , life in Oregon, being . born
shortly after his parents crossed
the plains. .Twenty years of this
time have been, passed in Salem;
his boyhood home being In Fair'
field. ! ! , -v.
A., sister,, Mrs John Marthaler.
of that; place was present to as
sist him in celebrating the 'day.
and two other sisters were also
with him, Mrs.: Samuel PhilHps(
and Mrs. ;J. R.i Broyles, both of
Salem. ..i . I
.r .
A merry affair, of the week
end was the masquerade party In
the parlors of the First Metho
dist church Saturday night, given
by the members of the Intermed
iate Epworth league, for he
pleasure of the new members!' .
The big room had been made
festive i with ornamentation of
jack o'lanterns, sheaves of corn
and other materials suggestive of
the season. About 30 boys and
girls participated in the gaieties
of the evening, coming disguised
as clowns,! tramps, gypsies, col
onial maids, Turks, and two girls
representing animated paper hags.
An Annual custom will again be
revived tonight in the parlors of
the First Methodist church when
the women of the Mother's class
of the Sunday school will enter
tain their husbands with a Hal
lowe'en party. Mrs. A. A. Lee
is chairman of the program com
mittee, and with her co-workers
has an enjoyable schedule worked
out for the evening.
I :
Mrs. bra Walker of McMinn
ville was the week-end guest at
the W. WJ Fawk home.
i ', -
Mrs. Wilbur Griswold of Pen
dleton arrived Tuesday : evening
and will be the house guest for
several weeks of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. Larkin, 715 Center
street. It'
ll ' . .
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stewart
of Lebanon were week-end guests
of Mr. anfl Mrs.. J. R. Broyles
Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Smith re
turned the first of the week from
Spokane, where they had been
visiting friends. During their ab
sence .which covered a period of
three weeks, thoy were entertain
ed by old acquaintances in vari-;
ous places of the state, where
they madej their home for many
years before coming to Salem to
reside. , ' -
Mr. and; Mrs. Otto J. Wilson
and their two children returned
from a three week's motor trip
in California last night. Their ob
jectives, were Palo Alto, where
they visited Mayor Wilson's
brother; and Merced, where they
were entertained by Mrs. Wilson's
sister and I brother-in-law. Rev.
and Mrs. H.. T. Babcock. former
p?stor of the First Presbyterian
church here, and who has held a
similar position in Merced for the
past seven (years. The Wilsons
visited every point of interest in
California along their route ' of
travel. , i . - . "
Mrs. Will fll. Lytle returned
Monday from Portland where she
went to attend a reception given
by her sister. Mrs. Robert ,N.
Stanfleld for Mrs. Blanche Moore-
house, j daughter of Major Leo
was the greatest single Influence
in starting the Immigration of
184.1." j
Insiretl the Churvh.
Jason Lee set the church on fire.
When the call for lire service was
sounded out men and women re
f ponded, saying. "Here im I. send
me"; and the appeal for money to
tinance the enterprise- brought
thousands of dollars -into the
Lord's treasury. It wa a day of
the Lord; new -glories filled earth
and heaven, and men werre driven
by a celestial gale, llarvey K.
Hines says of this aspect of Mr.
Lee's victory:
It was a great achievement. A
lumberman, called of God in the
pineries of Canada, and driven by
the spirit to the western coast of
America, was leceived everywhere
as a hero and hailed aa a. prophet.
A profound Impremdon was
made upon the Missionary Society
by, Mr, Lee. and his plan were
adopted, though, as Bishop Bash-
tord pointed out. fundamental
changes In the policy of the So
ciety were involved. What
changes? Let Bishop Bashford
tell the story. He says: '
'Poverly donated, ft little,
wealth gave its 'gold, frankincense
and myrrh. The'culture of Boston
responded; the pride of Sfew York
cast it A Jewels into the ireasurv.
The staid sobriety of Philadel
phia wept nd shouted and gave.
Baltimore outdid the renown of
her ancient missionary fame.";
"The change from pure ! evan
gelism to applied Christianity, and
the adaptation or the Mission In
Increasing measure to the t white
people while raring for; trie In
dian.." ' I
See Low it worked out. t'nder
the spell of his spirit the Mission
ary Society authorized Jaxoa Lee
to bring 52 persons on the Lau
sanne to Oregon, It of whom were
children. In addition, the Society
authorized the purchase cf ma
chinery for farming. Including a
threshing machine, the Iroui works
i or a sawmill, tor a grut mill, and
all kinds of merchandise, so as to
render the missionaries aa- tar as
practicable. - independent . of the
Hudson's Bay Company, and en
able them to Introduce civiliza
tion and Christianity among the
Indiana and the white peopli .
soma ot trie practical and for
ward looking plans of the Centen
ary movement were anticipated by
Jason Lee.
Officials of tae government 'ap
proved the designs of Jason -Lee,
and gave him a helping hand. This
was a notable victory. The dream
of Hall J. Kelley became a shining
reality in his pJan. and iCufclne
ministers gave him financial sup
port. It meant that the voyage of
the Lausanne had a politick!- as
well as -.religious significance! Re
ferring to the sailing of the Lau
sanne out of the harbor yA.. New
York; Bancroft says: "No rora
pany ever sailed from thatj port
whose departure was watched; with
more Interest by religions and po
litical circles." t
Political interest expressed it
self In a practical way. which Ban
croft describes in the following
passage:. . , S
"A proof of the favor wth
which Jason Lee's designs were re
garded by the Cabinet is furnished
by the appropriation of considera
ble money from the secret service
fund,, for the charter of the Lau
sanne. Lee kept the secret, and
so did. those who gave him the
money,- until the boundary ques
tion was settled between .Ualted
StatAat flnt C!rAaf tlrlf tin ! t
The amount of the . appropria
tion is given by one. authority as
$6000, and by another as $2600.
The amount is Immaterial fof the
purpose of this story. The fact
establishes the Influence of Jason
Lee upon Congress and the govern
ment at Washington, and the sig
nificance ; of his colonization
scheme in the settlement of the
"Oregon Question."
"In this work." said Harvey W.
Scott, "no name stands dr 'will
stand aboTe that of Jason? Lee,"
and he is quoted' by John Gill as
calling Mr. Lee, the "Father of
American Oregon."
He also quotes Bancroft ns des-
1 . - Tf
II free V'?t7
OlmmtrmttJ. wrilcCmrWMit f - I I f,
' a.
Preparing for one hun
dred and twenty million
meals with Karo Maple
for 1921
Last year American . hausrvrves
bought orcr five million cans of.
Karo Maple Delicious flavor,
moderate price , and wise buying.
Do you know that the mater, of Karat
Maple are the world's largest users of the '
purest and best flavored maple roax?
That over a thousand torn of maple
agar from the finest maple groves la
Vermont and Canada are used each year
to make Karo Maple?
Karo Maple Is pure and wholesome
its flavor is root an imitation.
Yet the price is so moderate that yea
can afford to serve it at every meal. .
Try It just once, on tome nice hot
waffles, or brown pancakes. Or as si -spread
for bread of crisp toast.
If Karo Maple isn't the most satisfy
ing syrup you ever tasted, at the most
satisfying price you ever paid for a simi
lar syrup, return the balance ot tha
can and tho grocer wilt rtiund yout
... . . -
SEg Rprntmtie
. '"'..
Tine New '
. . . i
k '.i S
N OTE the Savings
Our bis stock of knit under jarmcntj not only carries
the label of quality and ityle but each garment has
been tailored to give that neat, trim and mug fit that
women demand in VKnit Undergarments." -It is econ-t
omy to bay now.
SUITS $3.95
Of course you will want to look thi
special, lot over for it contains splendid
values crarments that formerly sold up to
$d.00. They are principally in Dutch neck.
Willi? sleeve ami ankle lerxrlli
" -It AA
or an cation.
Another Special Lot at....$1.50 a Suit For women.. $2.95 to $5.50 a suit
Odds and ends of Women cotton For Fris and small children we have
Union Suits in all sizes. Dutch and Hijrh suits in cotton or wool.
neck with winj? sleeves and ankle lenfrth. Priced 95c to $3.45 a suit
Former v;tlus to SrVfKK
A Ctrp Tlf7 t III ror IV.vs we liavf Iiihiii SuiN
LAol DAY i Priced Special. ,.. $1.50 a Suit Priced $1.75'to $3.50
You will readily realize why we are selling so many
: when you see them. They are cut extra full and are well
mrde of excellent quality outinjrs. The prices arc their
chief attraction. j
For women .:;.L.$1.50, $1.75 and $2.25
; Outing Flannel Gowns and Pajamas for children in
sizes 2 to 14 years. !
Priced : $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $L9S
One table full of Women's hiph grade NisM Gowns and
Pajamas at 10 per cent discount,
Children's Sleeping Garments made from soft fleecy
cotton so as to give utmost comfort and warmth these,
chilly nights $1.73 and $2.23 values.
Priced Specially i :.... $1.50
$2.95 to $5.50
You will find here just what you have
been looking for Union Suits In Dutch
Neck. High Nrrk or Ilodice Top -.lee vele,
wing sleeves or long sleeves, knee or ankle
length. Materials are wool, wool and silk.
466 State Street. Phone 877
8) - -
i - 7..i -- 1
. ' ' ' , i. ; " - . . . i '