- " . i THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON. I ! TTESDAY MOUSING. OCTOBER 2G. 1920 jUVZXTXSlCZXTt Sat Ps Word . I1 t. i.ix Insertions).... oa '"V : 2o 10m ". ntract. per mo.. 15s i-i" eostraet, per o. . 12o 1' aJaay edvertiscmsnt 25s -vTSttlCII UNION Lj jvsl'BAXCE SOCIETY Liglttt, Roland A Burghardt Lrt Agent 871 BUt St. TjONEY TO LOAN i On Real Estate T. K. FORD (Orr Ldd & Bush Bank) FARM LOANS $750 UWKINS & ROBERTS 204.207 Oregon imaging $10U NEW TODAY 4T-TKRS40N OAS BK FOUND AT st Clnh stables, Phone 7.i Residence ken a 1961: i r, ...... . ties, low quantity prices ; Qfiitrreu lard K. Richardson, 2i- r roni s I'aoss 494. I a mix TWO ACRES. JUST OUT j- Uchliniiville, Oregon. Good seven , house, rhicken. bouses, many indt ef fruit, oerriet, vvm, eir., - , . I... . k-i. vesical ana , .hv witn iHr&l - eoucunonai wb' taf Owner, Mr. Alice Richardson, .Tat' Front street. Slcm. Phone 484 - - ESCOTT'S - SPITZENBERG AND His. Psrsmame appies, i p" .. - ill Mill atreet, between High and . . 1 .1.1 1 DI...A arra streets, or cuimn, 132J. , ' jSlTTD-rBOY TO HELP IN MAILING Apartment. Appiy Dirm u.i.n, systairs. . : gOOM HOUSE AND 3 LOTS, $2300 iuia down. 0-room bouse, ngnts, nam. Hatwnsry tuos auo ii"u S120W down. 6 -room house with Wtk and payed street, $2ttou $50i '"'GERTBUDE J, il. PAGE 3 Xorth Cottage Phone 1186 h) RENT 3 ROOMS ON GROUND, Ljot 8. 21st. Call after 10:30 a. m. tSTED USED CRAMER PIANO Vitk to buy direct from private owner, rtwae 284 M. SALE 8 ROOM HOUSE, GARAGE sad bare; acres, clssj in. Will aril cheap. Csll 840 Union street. - 151 ED 'BY' WILLAMETTE STUDENT sit time work ; jsnitor job preferred, US N. Cottsge. Phone 1577 B. . SALE BY OWNER SIX-ROOM aaasc, bath, psntry, store room,, tele m.. electric lights. 6 kits, barn, hen tasa. woodshed. Phone 145SK, 596 Tsraer Jtreet. 2GI8TEBED O. A. C. BOAR FOR SALE ui 11 months; also a few eora gooa Md ' growth fir wood. Victor eckseider. Turner, Oregon. R F D 1. 01 KENT rUKMSHfcl JtUMH. lvr snlu employed during the day. hci- trsaeef required. Uwner oesires to re uia oaa room. Adaress V3. care lutesman. h) SALE VETCH AND OATS, 3 Vie. M. Msgee, Salem, Ore. Koute a, rheae ttiS. COST r- -YELLOW PERSIAN CAT please phone 20ZOJ. newara. 08 8AL CHOICE WILSON ASD Sold Dollar strawberry plants, $4 per thoassad. Kenneth W. Dayne, uoute v, hslets. Ore. ISO CHEVROLET FOR SALE. DRIVEN th.it 3700 miles, 393 . itn. rnce law. V157XD FURNISHED ROOM, BY Is? smploed. Phone 4o7. 01 BALE BY OWNER 5-ROOM MOD- ns sense, 689 X. Capitol. Inquire wlihia. ?0I BALE APARTMENT HOUSE caasisting ef five apartments, located six. blocks from postoffice in good nideere district. Lot 1 80x158. full ssswat basement and good furnace, aeast bailt about ten years ago and in curliest condition, 1 newly tinted thrsscaost, each apartment very com pletely famished with high grade f ur suaisgs, iacluding bedding, linens and ousts; well lighted and cL-an. This is as ssasasl offering and will be sold at bargain as owner is leaving Salem. r"riee -ietMio. i II HIIS. WINNIE PETTtVOHX r,i State Street Phone 515 job bale extra good s room tlattertd modern houte, ,1 blocr to car ias, 1 blacks to school, nicely located, trice for auick sale $2550. terme, 341 tal street. - SAWYER ft EMMETT rU.80 TAKING GRAY SILK UM rails from Grey Belle Thursday, will ave trouble by returning it to 1099 avsta street. UI TOO GOING t WHERE I WATCH nnbre aaaeancemeat. M ACSES TO LEASE WITH OPTION s bay. This is 5 miles south of Salem center ef fruit and logan district all cleared and fair bouse. Owner here irsm California and will lease with 'A esse money to sodIt on non-hate Drier ef $8000 if lead suits. This la real land at a low f t .... Party hss 5 close ia buildings that carry . ui,, win maxe good income f that csa wstch; owner non- I resident. : . r-- raae lor lots BECKE A Hrvnuinra 10S U. S. Natl bank Hi . .. il BEST BUYS 1 l!!r,'J '."r'd' oo4 'L eloss in, fssd. rosd,' $1200, terms. wes, 3 logsas, 2 garden, roow house. leucea, miles from Salem, ett ox hot din wii I tvtiiA ....... flow at per cent. ; arm. IU ;i t a . .. . " i" sslem limits, bsrn, 2 acres cleared, good road. W sens. ' l .. w 't - " "'S moaiiy prunes. 7: ,rm Ineed, 1',, acres bottom, L',-'. S250, $2700 caah. b.l- fe 'Ji'j"- btr". 'Jtrie lights, $4000 all ,.,n. Thia all good TT Isad and oae of the best bar! Jz" sBarket.'- $,? H'hts, st car line, $650, A tJ"" hslsnce 6 per , cent. J, Zj m- cultivated, fenced 71 iT 3 r Per cent, aialuT "ar buugalow, bam, 11 iniL-. 50 acres cleared, si"" stumps, horses, cow, sii. VV 190 ' implements, feed, i X'jt L. 1 10,7(M),- terms. """O cleared. 6 room . modern 4 barn and outbuildings kULti'lHl1' Kht system in prem- hrLT ona ot personal proper! af ?"o tractor, water system, best $Z2,r'""'g water, with equipment, very say terms i on $70o, taj-. , HOUSES i ItZ. $2500. W'tJ" "ra, 4 blocks out. $3000. bh xit block, best location, I tstj .yy. 4s. $3500, term a. s. s. ,, . '-"- a- u. ran i afc WW JJJJ food itx-ation. $C000 ,ttJh SOCOLOFSKY " 8tm, Boo a, J. J v NEW TODAY ED. LOOSE Real Estate ami Investments 3Tt2 Stat Street. Office 1'boce S7 On room bungalow with or without furniture. 5-Toora house and 6 lot just off pavement One C-room bungalow, lot 99116. I'll story good hoje, 8 rooms. ) 2-story 9 roodi house, close in. A good rooming house proposition. MUST BE SOLD Before NoTemUer 1st 7-rootn house, both garaga and Lam, 1 lots, on ear line: close to school. Nothing around this hat been sold nearly so cheap. Price 92000, soma terms. Magee, room 29 comer State and Commercial, over BusU-k's. - j WORTH WHILE $2250 will buy a good 5 -room house and 2 lots, basement. Lath, built-in fea tures, electric lights; small down pay ment. ' . 1 wiK buy small cottage on good lot. some fruit trees; cash, balance to suit purchaser. per acre will buy a splendid 200- ere farm only six miles from Sslem, on rock road; 130 acres in rultiva- lion ; county. j canh. Best buy in Marion MILLS & COPLEY 33 Hi State itreet. VACANT HOUSES IMMEDIATE . ! POSSESSION I Hare 5-room bungalow with (basement and garage, will lease for one yesr or more i 40 per month in advance. 6 room old liveable home, well located; will lease. 4 room modern with basement and garage Willi lease nine montnsf 5-room brand new modern bungalow; will aell for $3850: easy terms. 6-room house with sewer, hot water, well joraieu, e Diocka from, car m itu 2 lots $1500; some terms. 3 -room home with ele-tricitjr, sewer, tele- pnone, city water, la fruit trees, large garden, 3z blocks to car; 4 lots; $1250. 6-room house with furnace and fireplace in I Salem's best residence district. Large lot on car and pavement, east front: fruit; $4500. 3 room livable with barn and large lot; t.'OOO; $30O down. If you can use a home let na show you a few that have come down to a ' fig ure that will protect you and make you some money and in the mean time give a you a place to live. Phone us and let ua show you a dozen more in any class that interests. The above are vacant. BECKE k HENDRICKS 205 1. S. Natl Bank Bldg. Phone 161 j FINE SMALL TRACTS r . " f 8 seres, all new land, on good graveled road and close to school and store; 4 miles from Sslem; all new land of fin est quality and all cultivated. Small new house, barn, etc' About 21, acres spuds, kale and cabbage, good young Jersey cow, 2 horses, harness, about 20 chickens, 2 light wagons, etc. Everything included with place. Price $370O; some terms, or will -trsde for larger farm. GOOD 12-ACRE TBACT All under cultivation; 1 acre young lo gs ns, 3 acres good corn and about 7 tons of hay in bam. Also good cow, horse, 2 pigs, cultivator, plow, few chickens, etc., are included with farm. Good 5-room house, rood barn, chicken bouse; on good road and is 14 miles - from city limits. Everything goes for .- i '13 ACRES EQUIPPED BARGAIN 7-acres Italian prunes, 3 acres cherries. wainuis ana appies. ana auout z acrea garden, 2 miles from center of Salem on good road. New 6-room house, good barn, chicken house, etc. Water pump ed, by gaa engine. Includes good cow, two horsea, wagon, plow, harroV, disc, some, small tools, etc., for $7400; some terms, or will trade-for larger farm, t , J KINNEY SMITH 469 St-.te Street, Ground Floor. EMPLOYMENT MALE WANTED MAN TO WASH DISHES AT the Oregon State Tuberculosis hospital. Phone 433. W ANTED BOY TO LEARN PRINTING trade. Must be, over 16 years of age. Apply Statesman office, upst ai rs . MISCELLANEOUS WANTED MEN AMI WOVEN TO work in oar circulation department. A good proposition to the nrht neoole. Address the Pacific Homestead, States man oldg, Balem, Oregon. , FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL WALL TINTS. SfAXT new colors 10c pound aad up. Baren, 179 X. Cora" I St. Mas O. FINANCIAL" WE HAVE SOME GOOD FARM MORT gages to sell. HAWKINS ft ROBERTS 205 Oregon Bldg., Sslem POULTRY THE NORTHWEST POULTRY iOUR naL tho biggest nod best ia the west. Too life magazine for lira pouitrymen. 7 year, $1.00 ia Salem. Send 6 cents .. ssmnle todae. Addrsaa Tho Northwest Poultry JosrV. Salem, Ore gon. Mention tat. J FAR3I PAPER IT YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send - 15e to Tho Pacific . Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for tbree m oaths trial subscription. Mention this ad- LIVE STOCK. vnu. sale STOCK HOGS AND AP nl of several Varieties. Address W. H. Egsn. Gervaia. Route 2. Phone 3F11 PIANOS FOR SALE MARSHALL ft WENDELL ni.na in first c ass condition, rnone 556 J, evenings. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE IMPROVE! unr.ui.i strawberry pisnts. . r. iiuni, 4. Box 9C, Sslem. Ore. FOR SALE TRUCK CHAINS ALL SIZES. " CAPITAL JUNK v BAB QAIX HOUSg. 21S CENTER ST. PHONE 398. , FOR SALE RANGE AND FURNITURE for a five-room house; 438 South 22ad: street. DRIED SPLIT PRUNES, 6c LB. SACK r. V. Ohmsrt. Phone 108F31. FOR SALE STOCK HOGS .NI AP pies of several varieties. Address II. Egan, Gervais, Route 2. Phone 3F11 CHOICE STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR November delivery Oregon. Marshall. Trebla. Gold Dollar,1 Ettersburg 121, Wilson and Progressive Everbearing; anr Quantity. vroer -. Richardson. 2393 Front street Phone 494. CAPTrVITY OF. THE OATKAJ GIRLS This true story ot wnwr. -' tion has been carefully wU, 4".k' a handsome little book. It Ssphie terms of the msssacrs of the arman family, of the escape of Lo re nxo, and the cspttvity ot Msry snd Olive. Msry died f stsrvsttoa snd Olivs was purchased from tns .Indians fivs yesrs liter. Ths pries is 20 erata. postpaid. Address Oregon Teachers , toathl. Saleat, Orefoa. MISCELLANEOUS UAAlSsH BALL. HtAD CABBAGE tUK kraut, crisp, solid and well trimmed. $1.50 per 1U0 119. delivered: Id gallon kegs, $1.00. Ward K. Richardson. 2335 front street. Phone 494. WALLBOARD" CAS BE USED OVER lath or studding. Can t tinted or papered. Max O. Buren, 179 North Commercial street. "WALFELT" TOUR HOUSE; IT'S npertor to cltth, a; about half price Max O. Buren; 179 N. Com l St. WALL PASTE." SO COOKING Re quired. Sticks everything; Mas ' O baren, 179 N. Commercial atnet. WF STANDARD EXCHANGE. 42 NORTH Commercial street, diamonds, watches, musical instruments .runs, clothing. shoes, etc. Both new and used goods cougnt. sold or exebanged. SACKS. SACKS FOR .SALE 100.000 5 rain, oats and potato sacks. Capital unk and Bargain House, 215 Center street. Pbone 3U8. WOOD wood contracted any amount C57. care Ststesmse. CALL THE SALEM FUEL. YARDS FOR your wood and coal; office 752 Trade street, fbon 52 v. Antomobile Directory OLESON MOTOR CAR CO 349 X. Oommereisl St, Phone 60$ 1917 Ford 1918't'ord 181 o Ford .$275 . 275 . 250 About twenty other used cars of rariout makes at a very low figure. i FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT - 891 North Commercial street. GARAGES FOR RENT OR SALE LARGE OA rage. 903 North Liberty street. Fennel. ROOMS WANTED LADY ROOMER, 217 SOUTH Church street. FOR RENT ONE LARGE FRONT room st The Alexsndria, 1030 Chem eketa street. Phone 1280. FOR REXT-'-TO A GENTLEMAN. ROOM In home, with all modern conveniences. Address B. L.; care Statesman. HOUSES F. L. WOOD, i331 STATE ST, REAL estate, rentals. PERSONAL GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published. Free for stamp. Cor respondent, Toledo. Ohio. CATHOLICS WISHING TO MARRY Particulars fr. Address Home Club, 1. Box 23, Grand Rspids, Mich. n LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST 1028R. PINK CAMEO RING. PHONE Reward. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FOUR-FOOT CORD WOOD WANTED Salem Tile Mercantile Co. WANTED A GOOD IVORY REED baby carnage. Phono 868.' WANTED 8 HP STATIONARY GASO line or oil engine. Must be in first class order, late make aad price 'tight. J. love, re dee, Ore. WANTED SECOND GROWTH FIR cut last winter, ran use any quantity up to looo cords. Kinga rood Fro ducts Co. BUSINESS CARDS BARBER SHOPS CHURCHILL AND, YOUNG WILL DO your barber work. The Bank Barber Shop. U. 8. Natl. Bank. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. M. HUM CUBES ANT KNOWN disesse. 153 S. High St, Phono 283 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING REASONABLY DONE at 4i8 North Commercial.' FLORISTS FERNS. CUT FLOWERS AND ALL kinds of nice potted pisnts and palms floral designs a specialty. Arthur Plant's green house. Phone 1250W 1298 8. 13th. corner Wilbar FOOT SPECIALIST CHAS. E. TATRO Derangements of the feet scientifically treated. Ldy In at tendance. Room 404 Masonic Temple INSURANCE. FOR REAL DEPENDABLE INSURANCE and reliable insurance service, it will bo to your interest to insure with the Oregon rire Keliei association ot ate Minnville. vour own home company. H, A. JOHNSON INSURANCE AGENCY Over Ladd Bush-Hank, Balem Phone 347. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. L. A. Kliea, for five years associated wit hthe Travelers Insurance Company ' in New York and Hartford, specialis ing in indemnity lines, will now have charge of our Liability Insurance De partment. See us for Boiler, Elevator, Burglary. Truck aad Auto Indemnity and Collision Insurance. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple Salem.Oregon LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRT COMPANY, 136 8. Liberty street- Phone 2S. Oldest Largestr-Best. Established 1S89. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Oualitr work, prompt aerv ice, list Broadway. Psene 165. MONEY TO IXAN. IF YOU ARE THINKING OF BUILDING . see us for your building loan. Prompt ' and efficient service. A. f. BOHRNSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple Salem, Oregon NUILSEnrRS ITALIAN PRUNE TREES FOR FALL delivery. 1920- Please phone HIF21 or write Fmitland Nursery. R. 6, Sa lem. Ore. PAINTI0ANT)j P APE SHAKO UP j I have gone east on aa extended visit and I recommend A. H. Clark (phone 1390J) as s competent workman. Glenn L--- - PLOIB1NO ANI REPAIRINQ fORPLLMBIJ4G AND REPAIR WORK rail 287W. REPAIRING AND" SHARPENINO BEN WHEELER EVERYTHING RE . paired. All,, kinds of sharpening. S42 North Commercial street. CUTLERY GRIXDWO: LAWN MOW era. Safety raiora. ate. Stewart's Ko- pair Shop. S47 Court street TRANSFER HACLTNG CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St, phono 933-. Distributing. , torwsrding and storsgs our specialty. Get nr rates. -. Read the Classified Atk SECOND HAND FUHX1TURE WANTED SECOND HAND FL'RNl- ture, rags,' earpeta, atoves, aasehlBery and tool. Best prices, paid. The Cap ital Hardware A Furniture Co., 2s5 N. Com I St. Phone 947. 6 bTOVE REPAIRIVO STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIREI 40 years I experience; Depot National fence, site 25 to 58 inches high. Paiata, oil and varnishes, etc., loganberry and bop books. Salens Fence sod Stove Works. 250 Court street. Phone 124. SECOND HAND GOODS BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, nine fittina-a. aa nest, collars, collar pads, toois! and chains. Fred Schindler, 25$ Center street. WALL PAPER, PAINT WALL PAPER AND CEILING PAPER 20e and op double roll. Mas O. Bu ren, 179 N. Commercial St. SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALL Paper And Picture Framing. Good workmen. 455 Court St. Phone 485. CHIROPRACTORS DR. 0. L. I SCOTT, D. C CHIROPRAC ter. P. 8. C. graduate. 809-12 U. S. N. Bank Bldg. Phone 87; Res. 828R, PHYSICIANS A.N'D SURGEONS KATHERINE SCHLEEF. M. D, PHT- sicisa and Burgeon. Uliieea Oregon building, rooma 411-13. Phone 640, 264. Over Oregon Electric depot. WOOD KAWIXts WANTED CUSTOM WOOD SAWING solicited. Phone 1177. WATER 8ALEM WATER- LIGHT a POWER Co, office 301 South Cc-m'l street. Tea per cent discount on domes Us flat rates paid in advance. e de ductions for absence or aay eaaae leas water la shut off yonr premieee. PROFESSIONAL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, U. S. National Bank Bldg. 60$ DR. JOHX L. LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC Physician Surgeon, 408-404 Oregon Bldg. Phones: Office 1394; Boa. 68F5. DR. W. U MERCER. OSTEOPATHIC Physician and i Burgeon, Kirksvlile graduate, 404 and 405 U. 8. Natl Bank building. Phone Office 919. reaideaco 614. REAL ESTATE WOOD'S BARGAINS room bungalow, two lots, $1300. 5 room house, two lots, $1200. 5-room bungalow, two kits, $2200. 5-room cot tage and 'four choice lots. South Salem, $3Z00. 5-room bungslow, psved street, $3100. 7-room bungalow with garage, corner lot. $270O. 6-room house, cor ner lot, paved street. $2250. lO-room house near atate house, a snap at $6500. 1 o room modern bungalow, $8HH. Choice 5 acre tract, well im- S roved, close in, $5J50. 1.1 acres, good uildings, good road, close in, $5500. 5 acrea fine land, close in, $1300. 3 room house $500. F.L WOOD 341 State Street. A NICE BUNGALOW CHEAP This is aa exceptional good vslue st $2500; cement walks, nice lawn and roic clntA la e.e tin. An 8 room bouse, modern, full basement. furnace, fireplace, white enamel dateh kitchen, splendid location, paved street. close to state buildings and university. A very good buy at $4200. A 5-room up-to-date bungslow. can make it six easily, good location, some fruit. Dunt-in leaiures. nice Imiah. at B4200 A good house for a rooming proposition. auw; win pay well: close to banks. A small restaurant buainess with good business, takes about S1500. mod. The best big modern house in the tewa for the money, close in at $2650. Yon will admit it on seeing whether yon may pur or DOS. Anotner Dig rooming proposition near postomce, $6500. See as plesse. THE FLEMING REALTY CO. 3 state Street A Real Home at a Sacrifice Price Choice 22 acre tract on Garden road, with fine modern B room soase with fall bssemeat and good water system; . mile to car line, plenty ef fruit for family. Thia ia an ' ideal auburban home and mast be sold en aecoouat of sickness: essy terms. If interested call at the Wilson place or phone 907 and ws will take pleasaro in showing the property. . PERRINE 8c MARSTERS 211 and 12 Gray Bldg. - Act Quick if yoa want This 6 room mostly modern plastered house. 2 blocks from Ststs street csr line north, on psved streets, esst front. Urge lot, barn and garage, a bargain at t-70O; - $600 down, rest like rent. BARBER & PEARSON 200 Gray Building. L A. HAYFORD REAL ESTATE 305 STATE STREET 5 room bungalow, 1 year old, good lot, fall basement, bath, toilet, lights, garage; $145 worth of wood and all fort SS 'OO I room Bung. law. plaatered. eaat front close In, basement, .bath, toilet, lights, some fruit, 1 block "to street csr.. Pries $2000; rssh $500, bslance $20, month. 6-room house and lot 51x130. on corner of North Liberty atreet. Thi is a gool location and if sold soon will take $1250; cash $600; balance 3 or 5 year. 10-room bouse, eaat front, plaatered, hase- - meat. 3 toilets. 2 baths, light, gss. and is arranged for 3 apartmeats. fruit, shade. Price $6000; cash $3000, bal- - ance 3 to 5 years. 20 acres good land, 1 mile east ef fair grounds, on graveled road. 1 mile to school, .all ia cultivation, 1 Vs seres prunes and cherries, no buildings. Price $6500; cash $3230; balance 3 to 5 yrars. 30 Vi acres. 8 Kites north of Sslem on main graveled road, close to school, all bottom land, no overflow, all ia culti vation, all fenced with new woven wire, flit seres logans. 3 ro-m house, - small barn, gransry. chicken house, 2 new wells, 2 horses. Tries $S00 terms. 180 acres southwest of Salem, en graveled road.! 179. acres in cultivation, black loam soil, all fenced woven wire; fam ily orchard, right years old; 2-story 8 room house, 10 years old ; barn, large rhicken heuse. we'.L wood shed, fruit house, wsgon sheds, etc. Price $36,ovo, terms. iL A. HAYFORD 305 State Street. EASY TERMS 196-acre farm, good location. IMI under cultivation. Hi acre family orchard, balance goo! timber. Good 8 room boats, mostly modem, spring water, bath,! large barn, room for 17icows. 10 horses. 50 ton bay capacity; good well and gas pump at barn. Implement abed land granry, i fruit house. 3 poul irr kontes. other buildings. This is a good, farm an hour's drive from Salem. One iof the bet bargains. Immediate mutettion: orice $15.(HK; terms $21100 or more down, balance 5 years st 6 per cent I interett. ' BARBER & PEARSON 200 Oray Bldg. Nesr Commerrlsl Club Vso Statesman Claatllie3 Ads - REAL ESTATE ROOM HOUSE CLOSE IN, ON PAVED street, cement walks, lot 42slfcO, eat front, plastered, toilet, bath. I gbt, gas. full baeiaeni; large bam. a atreet ctr line. Ibis is the place yoa are looking fr. Price 94UJ5: rash $.HI. trriui. I.. A. II AYrXlRD Real Estate SO.'i State street. LISTEN Good six rocm house to give away if yeu buy the lot it steads on. It sate is in gooa repair, lights, bath sad all ibi provements psia. n Uasfirnl at , two blocks from State at. T.ra PETTEY'Sj REALTY CO. 331'n- State Sireet. 25 ACRE FARM I ALL IN CULT1VA tion: house. bm welL ete aoiL 3 miles from town, $30tv; $10O0 wdl handle. Fine subarbsn home. 10 acres choice land, nice new cottage, 3 miles east on good road. Price $60OO. 103 acre farm, good house, level land; 6 miles eot, good rock road. $10.m. 145 acres, ail in crop, good Improvements. on rock resd, 1 miles out, $10W per acre. 40 acres close In, well Improved, model house, close to school; $12,000. 6-room house, two lots, near car liae $1SOO: $UOO will handle. OREGON LAND CO. 142 State Street. Salens.. ACREAGE Three Tine bays at $450u 10 acres with trait near ear liae; 15 acrea No. 1 soil for logsnberriea. good rock road. 34 miles out. bo buildings, no land in the vicinity at less than $225. This in le gist would bring $10,000. And we have one ef the very best ef invest ments in a big revenue prodariag or chard at $20.0o0 that is a sarpnto so as at that figure, paye well even with bad luck on the prune portion ef it. The loss in prunes only emphasises the vslue of a combination orchard each as this is. If yon have several thous and to invest don't fail ta see as an this place. Tilt FLEMING REALTY CO. 341 State Street. GOOD BUYS 320 acre tract AO acres of good grain or fruit soil. bslaBce fine second growth fir timber, buddings. Price $50 per acre. 2 to acre farm, all cultivated, buildings. good road. Price $loo per acre. 20 acrea of good soil located on the Gar den road thia side of Swegle echeo! frire JtKJ per acre; $1500 dowa. acre tract south of Meiem, 55 acres cultivated, buildings, timber, rock road. milea out. - fnce $:oo per acre. 15 acres ef good beiry soil, all rultivat ed. Price $3200. Well improved 10 acre fruit tract, good bungalow, bam: will consider hoas and lot up to $25O0 as part payment. Price $75oO. 10 acres of Italian prunes, 9 and 10 years old, in first clsta condition, 4 miles south. Price $0000. 15-aere. tract of good bottom land, 4'j acres bearing logans. email haate. & miles out on good rood. Price $4750, $1250 down, balance 5 years at 6 per cent in I err at. ik acre tract. 2 acrea bearing nrnaes. some logsns, 4 room house, bam, well. Price $1750, $950 down, balaace terms. 6 per real. 7li acres of timber, close ia, good soiL rrieo J per sere. Well improved 5 seres, good plastered bungslow, 2 seres logans, balaace prunes. gooa roae. nice isikmj. 64-acro farm, all cultivated. house, S i ilea south. Price $125 per acre. 10 acres good bottom soil, small koase. some I mil. fries $2200, $0OO down, balaace terms. HOUSES Cood 8-room house located in South Ss lem. Price $4500. room houao in South Salem. Price $2U0. 6-room modem house on Fairmooat hilL '- Fries $4750. 7 roam, house located on East State St. Pries $40O0. 5-room bungalow and two fiso lots on paved atreet. Price $3600. W. H. Grabcnhorst & Co. ' 275 State 8 1 rest. O WHIZ SOLD 2 HOUSES YES terday. One we have sold 3 times at a profit to each purchaser. Best thing close ia is a e-roeas house, aet an old shack, $1175. SftoO cash. Mage. Room 29. corner State aad Comsyereisl streeta, over Baaick's. SOMETHING NEW I-ow-prired homes on eaay terms. $25o dowa Balance like rent lakes etd 6 room home- on pavement and ear. Large lot with frail. Ibis ran ho worked over iato s fiae home lor lesa than $1200; time . and trims. Price $IHrO. Location Ne. 436 North 16th street. Varaat now. $30W down balance , yar terms far 8 room home and large lot, north. $2immi. Varaat. $5i down for C run home, nertk $1500. Vacant. $5oO down Balance Irke rent for 5 room bungslow with full batemeat. wood lift, buffet, dutch kitchen, hot water, hath, wired and plaatered. Cement wlks. gsrden, flowers, Isrge let aad garage: V3000. Vacant. 485 H. 23rd atreet. $50 down for bread new small kjme. north, entirely built in, basement, ga rtge, $3400. Vacant. $70o down for new 5 room est. Bungalow, south, dulrU kitchea. batemeat, i6M. Vacant. $20oo down for modern 6 room home with fireplace, furnace and fine large lot on psvensent and car, freit. ia best resi deace district. BECKE & HENDRICKS 205 U. H. Natl. Bank Bldg. Phone 1C1 LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH I S IF ' yoa want to sell it. We not euly list property but sell it. Would like some bouses to sell for a few haodred rash and balance like real. What have yau ! John H. Scott Realty Co. 228 Oregon Bldg. FOR SALE ROOM HOUSE, UK'AT ro in re. blocks front state rapitol ia best resHteace district. Has hsth, rlec ; trie lights, bailt in kitchen snd mod era arrangement ef rooms: paved at ree, Bearing fruit aad eatt froat. very comfortable home and ran be handled on easy terms. Prie $.1600. 5 room bungalow, - well located, newly paiated. tinted aad pat in excellent condition, good fireplace tj'l cement bstement, sll built-in features. Pri.e SOOO. URS. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 275 State Street. Phoae SI GOOD 6 ROOM HOL SK 3 BLOCKS From Psved street. $I2o0 $700 rath, bal a ore eeay terms. 7-room hoase on graveled street. $1500; rrssoaabio term. 5-room house. 1 block from gravel street. large lot. - down, balance easy mommy payments. Fine modern 4-room house, 1 block frost car ii e, trice $4200 SOl'ARE DEAL REALTY CO. V. S. NatL Bank Bldg. . , Phone 470 House Wanted for Farm 40 acio fruit end wtlaat farm. 30 acres bearing, mostly prunes. large prune dryer, boo., and tarn, spring water system in buildings; located' south of Sslem. Weald take naiacwmbered Ha lem reaidrare property as firn payment ease terms on balaace. Price $15,000. t BARBER & PEARSON 200 Gray itaildiag. Nesr Commercial Club FOR SALE BY OWNER ONE OF THE bett farma ia the Willamette Valley: 208 acres. 2oO ia ealtivatioa. improvo ments worth $X)0: 1 1, miles to O. E. ststios. $125 pea acre, or will divide sad make different price. Terms: 2270 Mill St.. -Sslem. Ore., or phoae 204 3 R. . . Read1 the Claixincd Adx.r' Baker Eastern Oregon Light REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BIGGEST fttRGAIX IN Bsless; boose and Wt eoitsl nsuls i Bk a an e. J sa . " w w-us i x $) re , eessent paveaseat sad walb al t4 Property all eU-ar. S It. U. Daama j at BV9 North C'oaatorrLal atrvos M , Ktetts' Cigsr Stare. WE NOW IUYE HOUSES FROM -. TU $bOuO ALL UN UtHID TLKMS LIM" Yol k HOI SI4 WITH US FoR vuicsi SALLM. LAFLAR & LAFLAR 406 7 Oregon Bldg. SPLENDID IRoOlt PLASTERED hoot, small bsatt. ebrrtrtc lights. Lath aad toilet, on rood street, r-looe fiae property mutt b Larea. itwa 31. It bo avid. Waiver Me- o Nur'.h Commer cial street. Pboae 41l. QUICK SALE UF YOUR PROPERTY through 'Barber Pearson r4 estate office Is what "ill happen if y.a prtco U right aad give as a chance. Maa hav. lonad thia out aad etpresoed great sstUfsrtoa ta our qatrk way of aeiuag. 1 wo cars at yar aervtce. FARMS A good farm, boarht ehean now. will make yen rich. Estate prwpertieo mast sell. l-t as show yeu foar ia particu lar that are ged and for tale al 1 5 to - b-s tats sa edjotaiag laadt. All with buildings law grata at $IOw aa acre; z5 gram and atock at $5 aa acre; .'Hi grata aad dairy lor gatitio. sd 17 acr fruit at $47oo; two paved highway. BECKE & HENDRICKS Phono Ifl 205 V. M. Natl Bask UUr PUBLIC NOTIOJ NOTIC1-: TO tX).NTILCTOILH Notice la hereby glrea that the undersigned will receive bids un til Z o'clock P. M., November l$t. ior toe construction or a cement concrete sidewalk to be laid on the North aide ot Lef'elle Street, between Commercial and Saginaw Streeta. In front or and abutting upon Lot No. 4 and the wst 100 feet of Lot No. S la Block No. I of Meyer's Addition to the City of Salem. Oregon. Plans and apeciricatlona may be had at the orrice ot the City Re corder. EARL RACE. City Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTILCTOILS Notice ia hereby given that the undersigned will receive bids un til U o'clock P. M.. November let. izu. ior the conatruction of cement concaete aidewalk to be laid on tha north aide of Leffelle Street, between Commercial and Saginaw Streets, in front of and abutting upon the eaat SO feet of Lot No. 5 In Block No. 1 of Mey er's Addition to tha City of Salem, Oregon. flans .and specifications may be had at the office of the City ttecorder. EARL RACE. City Recorder. WHOLE MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED BIftrion Creaserj & Produce C Salem, OTeg-on. Phone 2483 I ' SALEM MARKETS ! BUYING PRICK Rax aa4 Poaltrw Eggs, CSe. . Hens, heavy. 22c Light hens. l$-20c. . U)d roosters. S-lCe. Broilers. 2 0-2 4c . Pork. Mattow gtrwi Beef Pork on foot. 15c Lambs. 8-1 le. Dressed boga. 20c. Beef ateera. 7 Vi-Sc. Cows. 3-c. Top veal, 17 lie. liny Chat hay. t IS-120. Oat and vetch hay, per ton S20-S21. Clver hay, 120-121. , Grata ' Wheat. $1.10. i Oats. 60-7Sc Beans. -C IIU Feeds, Retail Mill Run. 62c. Vboleal4 to Pesilera Creamery butter, 5 7-0 Sc. Butterfat. ZZ. Fruit Oranges, $9. Bananaa. IS l-2c. Lenions; $S.25. California grape fruit. C. Cranberries, $. Datea, $7.22 caae. Vegetable Cabbage. 1 l-2c Onions. Oregon, $1.75. Onions, California. $2.40. Turnips. $2.00. Carrota. $1.00 sack. Creea ypers lOc-Se. Bell peppers, 20c a pound. Parsley 60c dosen bunches. Beets. 7c dozen bunches. Tomatoes. $1 basket. Potatoes, new. 2c Sweet Potatoea. &c S l-2c Cababaa. 3 l-2c lb. Grapea, $3.2S crt. Huckleberries. 20C lb. Hard wheat flour. 13.50-13.75 Retail ( rtamery butter, C5c Eggs, per doz.. 80c. i Hard wheat flour 3.2S-3.80. Klour, valley. $2.75. Sugar. $13.aV. Newsy Uotes of State Industrial Growth State. fair made a surplus over ixpensea of $20,000. Chevrolet motors to build a 4 $140,000 warehouse at Portland.: n uniniiiarviiiauu is y i i.M i lu revive face brick plant here. ' New Tonndry being built at Cot tage Grove. llarshtield Navy spends $15. 000 at Englewood on employes homes. Astoria rets direct steamer ser- .1 . .ltf.Hl. .lit.. . w . rise to vsiuuruia tiuri .lunuiuci 1st. ' VarshfleM building municipal aviation neLLf-!" . to na - k Powf r company plana to extend r etrie wrTlce tu Wnit Swan mines. Keel Ia!l for new dredfe for port of Portland. Grants ontrsct!oa to . a v. I lUHfJ l UOgnwaj. t'otvallit Kr ad aF 0th Of k... i.iln, K xtmrm t. ! pared. j Eugene aand and fravel plant now running: 2 4 hours per day. Dofur New market highway i to be built between here and Katu ! say. Hood Rlter Lost Lake road to be draggr-d. STAHSM JOB OFFICE We print eTerytliinp, from call in g- trj to ft Look or newspaper Beat equipped plant in Ore gon outside of Portland We solicit the printing of fanners Statesman building, Salem, Oregon (r ,i: jV? sns' m -Lie I:!?.-," lajRjyiMfi amaamarAal. ytxMo aTorrnoyAAffio?! Ltsrm ia m eajav V J I St . a .! fl II IsBemoy yiiC-' '"''I I I When A Want Ad Is Working for You Tou're talking rare progress In yonr hudt for i layer for H4 used machinery, or farnlture or office appllaseea. People arts 4 afraid to buy seeded things bectasa they are "second hand. The Important thing Is that they art still good enough to (Ire aat!sfao tory service. If they are, yonr ad. will do bislnees for you. ' SONG BOOK COUPON Tim eoupon ffood for the Creat Ilook of 1000 Song. IP presented with two other coupons, (three in all) and $1..V) in rshh. . STATESMAN PUBUSHING CO. 215 South Comraereial St Salem, Orel e 4 What 9 per cent on Your Money Means f f 4' win set a prwfit ef ' 474 IO wUl net a prodl of... ra ji will net a profit of 4.741 W will wet a profit of . M: i will net a profit of M mi wiil Bet a prof. I of 1 hit is the l-atts of Isvestmeat las aeiewl,ftea!y ro 4 t.-r real lid Note, of b I ity of rdatoetoa. I'fWtl hirb we are .f-riag upon a ho w of 94 Si, matanag is Sept.ml-er I. I92J. e 1: General Obligation EDMONTON i i i Province of Alberta I Yielding 9 Exempt. Froa All Dominion GovemsieEt Taxation I'.ted tpientber I. 1924 le Hrptemher I. 1922 Priee 94 62 Prices Subject to Change Without Notice Tho resources sad property be kind ta Usui are loo woa knows to Sieauoa hero. ' AaCIAt. i a IS rooe H'm nlitiM V.Jae Maaipal Pr-prty t at Net IVWaiar D-M ., Reveaao frm PaLlte I tiliii.. Iiwil rut ai opeeattoot Net Loesl latprovemewl ! t I rale payers' share I f s In addition to being General Obligation Notes, these art secured bj long time debentures totaling $2.534,420 ZVeaoaUaatloas $140.1544 sad $1444 Pr iriptl aad a st ststtl iaierei I March Itl aad September 11 pay sl-1- ia 1' f iU oo la New Voek City at tho offtev af Moma toewbers. lae. Lefthty apptwv.4 by Maiofee. Maloae Loag. Torooto, 4 i .TELEB0 OR TTLXOlAPg OXEZXS AT OUR EXPENSE. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. "Tie Fro mtor afaaldpat Bond Hevse" PorUaad. Or.. Merr s BUg, 149-11 Stogk Irtssvry tll Seattla. a. Central Mg. Tirima. Wasa Fatalttr aUSg. Baa rtsactace. C. Iterchaats t'tiI Bsaa BaUdlag. 4 Estttlls ed Owes' a Qaartov Ceatary a ! 4 I i -I an glad to yoa hone. Howard. raid his father to hit email son. who had teen awey to a military echo I. bat. who waa tome for the vacation. -How are )oa getting on at school?" -Fine." aald Howard. "I hate learned to say 'thank yoa and If yoa pleav In French. Good"' aald the father. Tnai la more than yoa eter learned to say In Engjlsh." LOSTINE Marble of Tery fln grade la to be quarried la thia region by the Wallowa Marble and Granite worka. Capital is now being raised to open up com. mvrrially the marble deposits la l - Lnstln t toa-ta't. I TIMEJABLES I 4 : o south t a ricmo co. BTosnahowadl No. 4 Oregwalaa l-in No.16 0e.cwa r.tpeeos ....... tlsn No. 2t WMieasrtie Uasited ....9:11am No. If Portland Paaeeager .... 2 pas No. 24 Co. Bar S.Sipm No. 14 Pertlaavd Evpveoo 7:44 pm fseorUk sua d No. SI Oregwalaa S am X.yjroe horeae 10:ISam So. 1 J CaUforaia Fspreoa .....11:28 am No. 17 KtwSsrr Pasaengee .... 4 48 pm No. 27 WUlaasetto Ltmned .... :44 pm Xo. 13 t'raaemro Paso It M r" Seeoad 13 srrtvea 1:11 e SALZMOXAa 1ZTI I No. 72 Arrive e4 Saleoa t:lS Ne. 74 Leave Balem 4 :00 pel SAXXM. FATJ S CITY St WXaTZaUr tl Looveo Salem, nso'or T:4S IS3Leo.es alom. mesor...... I S ISS Leaves Salem. WMtor 1 :li em Through ear to Mooasowth aad IrM 171 Lea res Salem (or Delias... S:llpm 111 Amm at Salem 9: IS eat llS4Arri.es SI Rolem ll:0em 144 Arrives as Salem 1 :0 pet I72Arri.ee st Sslem t... 7:40 pa oaxooiT txrcTaUO Sowlhaooad Leave Arrive Arrve Portlaa4 SaUm Tagtmu Uia S SO am IS Meat Ltd. S :30am 10:11am lS:2$po) ...,l:4Sam 13:V0 pssCoe t :20 pat .... 2:05pm 4:12pm :4p Ltd. 4:41 pm S :40 pm 8 .11 am .... $ OS pm 8 :OT pm taalemoo!f .... 9:20 am 110 am Balem oeH 5snl Baah SUUoaj (leoeo doff street IS aad 2 asiaatea later). Vsrttsswad to0 Arrive Eageao aWUm 7: IS am. 7:30 sss 9:43 am Arrive Pert teas t.llil ll:lSss 1:41 pa 3.41 Ltd ll:Oam U:lSsm 1:31pm 1 Ltd. 1:51pm 4 00 pm S:4pei tO ... Salem S .SSpm 7 :4d p 33 .... S:35pm 7:5Spm 9 IS pm Nnh Baah ataliam farrree Jeffeeswa street S minnteo eortier). 'Usit Cos vaMia 4:10. coavAXLia ooa-rtcTioaa Vsrtkswaad Leave Co- sills ArH.e g at sea 6 -20 am 9:41 am 8:44 pm 4:O0pm 4:10pm S :30 pm :213m 7:13 p aWsttswaad Leave Sslem Arrree Cevs S:31am 9:pm 14:lSam ll.SSam ll:5pm 9-34 pm 4:12 pm S:4lpm 4-44 pm IMm I 14 14 t J 5 ISS OA Ilea l.tM pa .... 3.304 00 potedl ia the Of A I teria. 22 moaths or 6 Gold Notes, Citj of 1T1 xtt T $44. 4,7 IS ieeludiaf PaWUe Ulilitsrsl . 11.015.174 IIMttl 7ST.773 2.W4 4.743 Ceplgal Owe Mum Z&sxs D b id "E d r rt it n a w f 7 I- r h a 3 t 4 4 t 4 4 4 4 4 $ 4 s