The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 26, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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(Continued from Page I)
SnHal iDals were made
through the state today by the
governor to miners and others
of the working classes and these
were londly applauded. lie told
of the "mine run" payment, the
mine safety, workmen's compen
tation and other Ohio laws.
Unsino-s In Opposition.
Reiterating that "big business"
was opposing him. because he
said, it did not like the "progress
Ire administration of six years of
Cot-In . Onio," he declared that
"big business" opposed his "use
of the golden rule instead of the
bayonet," In Industrial contro
versies. At Hinton, a "railroad
men's memorial presented to the
governor said 100 had contribu
ted $1 each toward expense of
the candidate's special train to
day.- '' j
West, Virginia gave the gover-i
nor some of his most picturesque
campaigning, including a tour of
20 miles of motoring through
mining villages in detp mountain
gorges. Stores were closed and
school children dismissed, to line
the roads with flags, and smutty
faced miners emerged to greet
the candidate. A negro "jazz"
band on an automobile truck fur
nished music for the motor cara
van. At Charleston, the governor
spoke to several thousand persons
about the state capital steps, and
here tonigttt he , addressed a
crowd in a large hall and also a
theater audience during: a halt in
the performance of a musical
comedy star. A. B. Koontz, Dem
ocratic gubernatorial candidate.
and othr West Virginia candid
dates accompanied him. The
governor's addresses today were
at Hinton. Uuinniuont, at the
Oak IU11 fair grounds. Heckley.
Mount Hope. Kayetteville. Fay
ette. Montgomery. Cabin Creek,
Charleston. St. Albana and here
tonight. Several were brief plat
form talks.
(Continued from Page 1)
i: We want a 12-hour day instead of 24
Endorsed By
v City Council Business Men's League
Commercial Club Central Labor Council
Paid Adv. by Salem Fire DepU
turn to the legal status of peace
and to the enjoyment of these
rights which they had temporar
ily surrendered under the cir
cumstances of war. So long as
war was on. Republicans upheld
the hands of the administration,
forgetting party considerations,
and gave their Tote In support of.
war measures far more generous
ly than did their political oppon
ents.. Yet an autocratic adminis
tration repaid this vloyalty with
the demand, in the campaign of
1918, that Republicans be remov
ed from every position of influ
ence and power. That demand the
country rejected. It was the first
time in the history of this nation
that an administration had been
defeated in the midst of a foreign
war. That defeat would have
been ample admonition to any ad
ministration not entirely absorbed
in Its own peculiar policies and
Dumoses. But it apparently was
unheeded by the powers at Wash
ington. Neglecting the acute, do
mestic situation the administra
tion suddenly conceived an Inter
est in foreign affairs that icon
trasted impressively with Its lack
of concern for them in the period
before We were ; drawn into the
1 S. Concerns Xeftlectcd.
"So while Immediate and prac
tical concerns were being neglect
ed, while reconstruction and re
oruanizatlon of tour own country
were forgotten, the adminlstra
Hon was devotlne itself to the
chimara of a world reorganiza
are j A Few R e as o ns
the Crowds Flock to
to People's Cash Stord
' i pounds net . .-. ...... - 45
Bacon, 12 pounds net. . ... . - $3-70
Dry ! Salt Pork. ...... .v . . . . .1 . . ?8C
Bacon Backs... . . .... ... ". . . , L . .33e
Cottage Rolls;.... !......... U. 37c
Picnic Haras. . . . J. . . . . .27c
Minced Ham ... . . '. I' ; . 25c
- i ? - i -1
Cod Fish. . . ............. ..19c
' Pink Salmon, 2 pounds. . . 15c
Ilerrjng, 2 for., 5c
Kippered Salmon . . ... ... --30c
Summer Sausage, 1 pound. .... 45c
Catsup,' 1 pint bottle.. ........ 24c
' Del Monte Sauerkraut, 2 for. 35c
v r: - , . j-;
i 1 pint Mustard'. . '. 22c
Use Flake White Shortening, similar
to Crisco. Bring your owii container,
rper pound . . . ... ........ . 24c
'.,:' . $2.98 t j ; II v -
MEN'S COVERALLS, heavy menV furnishing, all sizes.....
Boys' and Men's OVERALLS heavyweight . ...
Lightweight Tl ....... L .". ..f. ....
MEDIUM Weight. ...... . .Li . . ... i .... . ..... . . .
BOYS' OVERALLS. .... . J. .......... . .v.V..f. ..1... .'.
Men's Khaki Pants, good grade. . . . .... . . . .... .'. .
LOGGER SHIRTS, heavy, with double back and front.
. $2.25
78c and up
Government Sweater pieces 2 to the
Sweater, complete. . ........ -98c
. - " - r : V I
' r ! ' . -Sewing
Thread, black, few white, a
Boys" Winter Weight Union
Suits . . t
72x80 BLANKET. $3.98
64x76 Blanket $2.98
All Feather Pillows. . ....... .$1.19
Cotton Batts, 3-pound weight,
Stitched, 72x1)0. ......... . $1J5
SWEATERS, all-wool, ladies' and
srw... ...v....$4.98
TUXEDO Ladies' All Wool '
; Sweaters --$3.98
THROW CAPIAS, 2 pockets and
ht ...X... $3.98
for ladies, all-wool..." $1.75
colors and sizes .'. $3.98
Beaded designs and styles. . $3.98
est beaded styles and colors $6.98
tlon. The Republican congreas,
that bad boen elected In the
autumn of ISIS, attempted to and
did. Institute measure In the
hope of putting an end to the
treasury defTc'it and bringing in
economy and system Into our na
tional .finances. But the preai
dent vetoed that measure. The
administration went right on
spending vat sums in excess of
our revenues, offering no con
Etructive inspiration or leader
ship; apparently forgetting our
domestic difficulties in its en
grossment with- the thimera of
world reconstruction.
"This, in a word, is the record
of the administration now about
to retire from power, which seeks-
tn have its policies perpetuated.
The country will decline to give
its confidence and its mandate to
that party or tho?e policies. It
remembers that the Republican
party fought the Civil war and
afterwards restored and unified
the nation. It believes that the
Republican party is capable of re
peating that service, and because
it so believes. It is going to re
turn the Republican power to
The plain people who, on the
whole, have been raised to a new
and higher level, are not only
convinced that they are entitled
to remain in this new plane, but
they must rely upon the construc
tive abilities of the Republican
party to keep them there. It Is
our purpose to accomplish ex
actly this. While we will oppose
every suggestion of revolution or
disintegration, we do stand for
every measure of evolution and
development that tends' to carry
the masses of the nation forward
and upward.
IMatform Is !:.un.
"During the campaign . now
about ending, the Republican
party has-' proposed In its plat
form, and developed in the ut
terances of its leaders, a program
which contemplates equal oppor
tunity for all. It recognizes the
vices of exnloltation and profi
teering. It has declared for wise
and practical measures looking
to co-operation In production and
'n marketing. It recognizes that,
in all measures to preserve equal
ity of opportunity, there must be
a recognition of the fact that
ereed and cunning must be held
in check if we are to insure that
true character and worth shall
be given every opportunity to
share In the advantages that the
community can extend to its
The Republican proposes In the
realm of international affairs
such an association of nations as
will most effectively further the
aspirations for ' world-wide and
permanent peace without sacrific
ing any part of the independence
of the American nation. It be
lieves that America can and must
bear its full part in the responsi
bilities of the world, but it al
ways believes that America alone
must decide what that part shall
be. It goes to the people as
sured that they will recognize Its
superiority as an instrumentality
of administration and that in Toe
election now impending they will
give it the certificate of their
confidence and trust.'
Kansas City Promoter '
Would Use Oregon Water
Winiam T. Reed of Kansas
City has filed with Percy A. Cup
per, state engineer, an applica
tion for authority to appropriate
water from Jump-Off Joe ereek
and Winona reservoir for the Ir
rigation of 1240 acres of land In
Josephine county. The develop
ment contemplates the construc
tion of about eight miles of ditch
at an estimated cost of $100,000.
Other applications have been
received as follows:
The Shevlln-Nixon company
has filed an application for per
mit to appropriate water from
Pauline creek for domestic use.
for lug pond, and steam power in
connection with saw mill near
Ily Mrs. Kate McDonald of Ray
ville. Or., covering the appropri
ation of water from Rock creek
for the Irrigation of a small tract
in Wheeler county.
Ry E. R. Graham of Grand
view. Or., an application cover
Ing the storage of water In Fly
cteek reservoir for irrigation and
domestic purposes in Jefferson
Ry Leonard L. Goodwin of Vale.
Or., covering an appropriation of
water from the Owyhee river for
irrigation purposes In Malheur
county. w
tiroes as SO tank cars of an aver
age of Cu.OUO pounds pe.ear.
Oregon City Water power ex
pansion at Its plant here Is being
contemplated by the Crown-Wil
lamette I'aper company. An ap
plication to secure this has been
filed with the federal water pow
er commission.
Medtord The largest one-day
sale and the highest averar
price ever received for Rogue
Kiver pears was mad In New
York last week. Thirteen cars
were sold for an average of nearly
1SO0O a car. One car of Anjous
from Deer Creek orchard sold for
$3 or $4 a box.
PORTLAND Agencies have i
cent)? ben established for the
Kr.truscan phonograph, manufac
tured in this city. In old Mexico
the Hawaiian Islands and China.
The entire output of the plant at
the present tlm Is contracted for
and plans are being maae 10 in
crease the volume of the factory
Manufacture of Gasco furnaces
Is developing Into an important
Industry. These heating contrlv
ances perform the functions of an
ordinary not air furnace, but nurn
no wood. They are equipped
w-ith an automatic thermostat
that can be set. much in the fash
ion of an alarm clock.
has been arranged tfcronih the
Pioneer Film company of New
ork and con tracts have t-n se
cured by the Ar-erlan Ufotraph
company of this city
western prod art toss.
for tkr
Ea of it
ew rilms Is to cost betveea 1J5
600and ISO 66.
"Perhaps You Don't Know"
says the Good Judge
How long a little of
the Real Tobacco
Chew will last.
Nor how much gen
uine chewing satisfac
tion the full, rich real
tobacco taste will give.
Ask any man who uses
the Real Tobacco Chew.
He will tell you that
this class of tobacco
will give more satisfac
tionand at less cost
than the ordinary kind.
Put p in tvo stjlts
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
Portland Distribution of
Portland-made motion pict
ure I
PORTLAND Everything I
now In readiness for commence
ment of work on the proposed 100
ton factory of the recently Incor
porated Vegetable Oil Mills com
pany. Its operation will mean
the Importation annually, of $!.
000.000 worth of raw copra and
the handling of double that am
ount th finUheri -(vi urt. It
will provide return cargoes' for
vessels carrying Oregon pina to
Australia and New Zealand. Sin
gle orders for cocoanut oil from
inland manufacturers sometimes
reach the Pacific coast manufac
turers and Importers In, such vol-
Tell now To Get Quick Belief
from ilead-Colds. It's Splendid!
In one minute your clogged nos
trils will open, the air passages
of your head will clear and you
can breathe freely. No more
hawking, snuffling, blowing, bead
ache, dryness. No struggling for
breath at night; your cold or ca
tarrh will be gone.
Get , a small bottle of Ely's
Cream Ralm from your druggist
now. Apply a little of this frag
rant, antiseptic, healing cream In
your nostrils. It penetrates
through every air passage of the
head, soothes the inflamed or
swollen mucous membrane and
relief comes instantly. i
It's Just fine. Don't stay stuf
fed up with a cold or natty ca
tarrh Relief comes so quickly.
n n
Red Crown gasoline
has a continuous chain
of boiling points. It is
an allTefinery gasoline.
Winter Playground
of the Pacific
Where the climate brings sunshine ,
and flowers the year round
Play, golf over splendid courses; tennis on champioash'p
courts; polo on fields of International renown; motor,
over perfect highways; horseback riding along pictur
esque bridle-patbs; surf bathing on smooth sandy
Reduced Round Trip
j Winter Excursion Tickets
f A Via The Shasta Route
On sale daily to Tklarch 31. 1921.
Pinal return limit April 30, 1S21.
Stopovers permitted at all points within limit of tickets.
! ' .
California booklf ts will help you select the resort of your
cnoice. &ccure your copy now. They are free on request.
inquire ot iocal Agents Tor particulars as to fares,
routes, sleeping car accommodations and train
Southern Pacific Lines
General Passenger Agent
'State-Wide Telephone Service
Our efforts are eontant!y directed to the extension and improvement of
"sUte-wide" telephone service. Lrge and small communities are dependent
uron each other, commercially and socially. Uood telephone equipment in the
cities and towns of Oregon, with good construction aud well maintained "Ion
distance" pole lines and wires letween, mean their mutual convenience and
The value of any telephone is proportionate to the numWr of other tele
phones which may be connected with-it. In Oregon there are approximately
l.'W,(KK) telephones connected with our nystera. Ideal telephone service means
the prompt connection of any one of these with any other and the least possible
loss in Ktrcngth and distinctness in the conversations that follow.
Our entire plant is- engineered and constructed with the object of render
ing a satisfactory "state-wide" service sufficient in facilities available and
with these facilities efficiently maintained. For this purpose the telephone
equipment must be better, local and trunk wires wut be of proper sire and'
type, and central office and switchboards must have additional apparatus to
accommodate and care for the long distance circuits.
Hefore the troubled period of the war we always aimed to maintain
"spare" or reserve plant that is, plant ahead'of immediate needs, thus en
suring prompt and more satisfactory compliance with demands for service as
they arose. During the war this reserve was exhausted as the materials we use
were required and properly taken by the (Jovernment and those industries
piven priority consideration.'
With the reconstruction period, as is the ease with all other lines of bus
iness, our problems have continued to an unexpected degree. We are still
hampered by shortage of materials and delayed deliveries.
We realize the requirements of our long distance patrons. We have
comprehensive and well defined program designed to provide additional toll
circuits sufficient to meet the present and constantly growing demands.
. i
The Pacific Telephone -'and Telegraph Company
trzi f'i i xr--r tnn it iicn
111 V SB M Bk M
SpQodin cfup io
jjgut rno oa
ir mum
hi i . 1 1 1 1 ii
f t
ofPuzeh w
Here's PUROLA a straightfonvaxd,
honest shaving cream without tricks.
Just chock full of quality and speed.
One inch, one minute, one dab of hot
or cold water, for a quick, generous,
man-sized lather that will make the
toughest beard as soft as the down on
a fluffy chick.
Backed by this sincere guaranty:'" If
you don't like Purola if Purola doesn't
give you the quickest and biggest
latlier you have ever had takeany
part of the tube back to your dealer
and get your money.
All good druggists sell Purob.