The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 26, 1920, Page 1, Image 1

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Church Dignitaries and Men
oi Prominence in North
west Gather for Unveiling
Event Here Today
Hsaareds of Pastors Sum
moned by Bishop Shep
herd for Retreat
'Church dignitaries, pastors and
laymen numbering several hun
dred will arrive in Sa!;m this
morning. from all over the state
to take part in, and witness the
formal unveiling and presentation
of the Jason Lee Portrait, which
will take place at 1:30 o'clock
this afternoon in the honse of
representatives in the tata cap!
Bishop V O. Shepherd of Port-
laid will make the main address,
and there will be contributions to
the program by other prominent
representatives of the church and
state. Patriotic musical numbers
will precede and close the exer
ctaes, and another feature will be
the reminiscences of Jason Lee by
Mrs. Maria Campbell Sml'h, the
first female white child -born in
Oregon Governor Olcott will
presest the portrait to ' the state.
' Picture Presented State I
VTbe portrait, which Is Hfe-sljie;
was painted by Hester L. George,
a Boston artist, the commission
being given by the historical so
eiety of the Oregon Conference or
Methodists. - I
' Through this society also the
lift of the portrait was made to
the stata ot Oregon. , Dr. R. N.
Avison, was the originator of the
idea, the state committee named
to launch the undertaking being
- rnnpoBed of Dr. Cf. E. Clin. Dr
John Parsons and Prof. E. S.
Hammond, the two former of
Portland. Bishop E. H. Hughes,
a brother of the late Matt S.
Hashes, was called upon to-approve
and accept the portrait be
. fore it was sent east.
; The money for : the purchasing
ot the work was raised by appor
tioning the various districts in the
Oregon conference.
A local committee composed of
Dr. R. N. Avison, Prof. E. S. Ham
mond. Dr. E. E. Gilbert and the
late Rev. H. J. Talbot, waited up
oa Governor Olcott upon the ar
rival of the portrait, asking his
'suggestion In the matter of a per
manent place for it, and he im
mediately suggested the space
lost above the speaker's chair in
tk$ house of representatives. The
frame, a beautiful work of art,
to of Oregon fir, hand-carved, and
to tbei work of It. Monroe Gilbert
of Salem.
Program Outlined 1
The formal dedictory program
Hi be as follows:
, Singing of hymn. '.'Jason Lee."
- Prayer by President Carl Gregg
I Doner of Willamette university.
Presentation of the painting to
CoTtrnor Olcott for unveiling, by
Jdge T. A. MeBrlde, chief Jns-
; tke of the Qregon supreme court.
':' Reception and unveiling of
painting by Governor Olcott.
Address by Bishop W. O. Shep-
"Reminiscences of Jason Lee
jnd My Mother." by Mrs. Maria
' CmpbeU Smith, first female
bite child born in Oregon.
, Ort-hul poem by W. S.. Gor
don. ;
"Cowne and Hardships f Ja-
e.' by Hon. R6bert A.
"Jason Lee and Education In
n Congressman Willis
C. Hawley. v, ,
v I',M0 Had ot Come."
orefo3;; B-p,pr' ed.itorot the
Th??nK "Mr Country 'Tis of
Doxologjr tnd Benediction . Iter.
n v. Y ire.
j ' Mlabters To Assemble
IsfUton. v a assemuiy
fer ' .e mmbers of the con
ww!.1.1 attend ministerial
Biw' uh,ch ha hecn called by
eft.S1,e?herd m -Uhe , First
SJS'fvfwh- Tuesday i eve-
r .5,hoP wl speak to the
tot Z1.? church upon church
m :n,"e"al work . in general.
M mK dBly evening, he
. ze th necessity for
iiir Jn!?re8t ani activity In
S Vnta Jhd l0.O0O endow
!:r iMfor wam-tte univer
sal . J cent?nary campaign.
-WrfV! ugnrated internation
al .ir ag0' An effort
r tTie raade to arouse larg
tuPP0rt of the- Pacific Chris-
W 1,1 .or church,
epher? aftcmoon Bishop
on ZUl addSs the minis
nmtn. -Evanpellsm." At this
thi. a, ' G',br. represent-
SSrJ im1 f tlle reKOn
KTinen. 7.'" "Hurai
wUllS? nortner district.
frWl 5S .ln the Sunday
uisirci, will use
ued on page 5)
Hoard Has Thirty Members, Some
of Whom Travel Over ISO Miles
to Attend Meetings ,
At th-J annual school meetinjr
last June the largest union high
school district in Oregon, if not
in the United States-was organ
ized in Harney county. J. A.
Churchill, superintendent of pub
lic insirucucn, who visited the
district recently, says that the
union high school district com
prises J0 echool districts, in the
eastern part of Harny countv.
ine nign school district is 140
miles long north and .south and
aw mnes wide. It has an area
of over 7200 square miles, or
4,tys,uoo square acres. It is as
large as Delaware and Connect!
cot combined and almost as large
as me tate or Vermont.
tnder the law the board !s
composed of the" chairmen of all
or the school districts embraced
in the union district. This makes
a board of 30 members, with 16
required as a quorum. Some have
to travel as far as 132 miles to
attend a meeting.
The district has an assessed
valuation of $7,640,000, and a
tax of only 1.2 mills eauips the
building and is sufficient for the
expenses of this year. The dis
trict has a new modern school
building at Crane, the terminal
town of the Oregon Eastern rail
road, from Ontario. Crane, while
being only four years old and
having a. population of less than
300, boasts of the most modern
and best equipped school building
in eastern Oregon. The school
has Installed the empire chair
desks in the assembly room, the
latest in school furniture. It is
equipped for domestic science,
manual training, and a full four
year high school course. The iab
oratories' are equipped for general
science, biology and physics.
commercial courste is given which
includes bookkeeping and type
writing. I
Professor Rojr II. Cain, the
first principal of the union high
school, was formerly superinton
dent of schools at Onlden.lale
Wash., and principal of (he Weis-
er, Ida., high school for three
years. Professor Cain also
taught for several years in Ne
braska and Colorado.
Professor Theodore Forcier,
who teaches French and commer
cial subjects, has taught eight
years in Harney county schools
Miss Margaret i.?orccxn teaches
domestic science. She m a grad
uate ot Oregon Agricultural col
l?ge. V - j J' -
Salem Booster is Mentioned
as Bing Clancey's Prob
able Successor
In Cherrian political circles the
name of Charley Knowland is" be
ing mentioned with favor as a
probable successor to C. B. Clan
cey as King Bing of the organi
zation. . Little has ' been said
about the kingship, although the
election date is only about three
weeks away, but should Knowland
go into the office without opposi
tion it would occasion no great
surprise. .
While he Is not seeking the post
Knowland's friends declare he has
earned it as a consistent worker
for the welfare of the uniformed
boosters, and his qualifications
for the - Job are enumerated.
Knowland is one of Salem's ready
wits. He is an easy speaker who
can arise to most any occasion
and is considered to have organ
izing ability. '
Election Date Xear.
The Cherrlans will elect their
King Bing at their monthly meet
ing the second Tuesday of No
vember, or November 9, or that
King Bing Clancey must call a
sDecial meeting later in the month
or early in December to elect his
The Cherrian organization is a
Dart of the Commercial club and
the by-laws and constitution pro
vide that the Cherrians shall elect
their King Bing at their meeting
held prior to the annual meeting
of the Commercial cluD. wnicn
this year falls on December 8, the
second Wednesday of the month
The King Bing of the Cherf.ans
becomes, by virtue of his office
one of the five directors of the
Salem Commercial club, as head
of the tourist publicity and con
ventions department. The by-laws
and constitution or the Lommer
cial club provide that the Cher
rians shall elect their King uing
at their lasat regularly canea
meetinjr Just prior to the annual
meeting of the general member
ship of the Commercial club.
; , policy to t ontinue.
During the past year. King
Bing Clancey has had a most ac
tive time with the many special
events, including tne visit oi inu
Shrlnersi to Salem, the cnernans
taking part In the Rose festival,
the j anconver visit, trips to Eu
gene and Corvallis and many
other affairs. " ,
Thero is a general impression
that the Cherrians will continue
to take an active part In the city s
affairs as in the past year ami
that those who remain on the roil
will be expected to take a more
active part in the Organization s
activities or give way to those who
are willing to work and 1 respond
to the call of King Bing.
Governor Takes New Stand
on League Reservations
and Asserts Control by
Executive Unthinkable .
Candidate Declares Big
Business Opposed to His
. Governor Cox of Ohio an
nounced today that if elected
president he wouTflsit down with
the senate and make an "agree
ment" upon the league of nations
and that his agreement should
be determined by the senatorial
Control by. Executive Approved.
"The executive will,' the Dem
ocratic presidential candidate
said, should not control and it is
"unthinkable," he- tVpclared, . that
American membership in the
league should be postponed two
years, when the next senatorial
election is held. American mem
bership, he indicated, was the
primary consideration. ' He re
iterated he favored American par
ticipation with "clarifying reser
vations." Hailed by members of the gov
ernor's party as one of the most
important of campaign develop
ments, hi 'announcement was in
response to an open letter sent
today to him and his Republican
opponent. Senator Hardng, by 50
of their supporters urging them
tot accept whatever revision of the
Lodge reservations two-thirds of
the sent senate might approve.
The governor's statement, is
sued during a rushing West Vir
ginia tour today, read:
Clarifying . IteserratJons.
The situation is this: I favor
going into the existing- league
with clarifying reservations. Sen
ator Harding has said that he
was not interested in clarifica
tion, but in, rejection. . I have
every expectation that after No
vember 2 much of the partisan
ship' spirit that has been visited
upon discussion of the league
will have subsided. One-third of
the seats of the senate are to be
filled this year. The people un
derstand the issue and we will
accept their expression at face
value. I .will, therefore, sit down
with the senate and reach an
agreement about our going into
this league. There is no other,
and any talk of a new association
Is but an idle phrase. The im
portant thing is to get a start and
help to stabilize world conditions
which vitally affect the interest
and welfare of America. For ns
to remain out of the league for
two years or until another elec-'
ticn could be held would be un
thinkable. Much has to be given
In compromise now, in order to
Insurance our entrance into the
league, the people themselves
will have an opportunity to mod
ify and correct later. It cannot
be a matter of the exercise of
merely the ' executive will. The
popular will; as voiced at the
polls, must control. The sort of
agreement which I 6hall be en
abled to obtain will be determ
ined byj the senatorial elections."
Cox Willing in Compromise.
The governor's announcement
fellows ion the heels of his state
ment lit his speech Saturday In
New York that he would com
promise! the reservation contro
versy. Attention also was called
Uo the circumstances that follow
ed Elinn KOors siaicmeni inai
Governor Cox was as "unyield
ing" regarding article ten as
President Walson.
More than a dozen speeches
were made through the West Vir
ginia mountain country by Gov
ernor Cox and the state gave him"
one of the most enthusiastic re
ceptions of the campaign. . Min
ers, railroad men and other toil
ers were prominent among the
thousands which cheered him -vociferously.
Senator Harding's league state
Knients came in for special attack
by the governor. Denouncing
Senator Harding. Senator Lodge
of Massachusetts and other sena
tors who signed the "round rob
in" as "conspirators," he asked:
"How can we reasonably ex
pect one of the conspirators, if
elected to overturn the conspir
acy?" Fotirteen Different Staiwls.
Declaring Senator Harding 'has
taken 14 different league stands,
Governor Cox said his adversary's
position was "very much like a
shell game."
"There are three shells." he
fiaid. "One, is the mild reserva-j
tionists; one Is the death to the j
leacne, ani one is the new asso
ciation of nations. When ,you
vote for.hini (Senator Harding)
you don't know where the pea is.
Ypn don't know what shell it's
under." 1 ' .
(Continued on rSe 2)
Commander of "Lost IlattalhHi"
and Vale Professor Support
25. The Wilson administration
was attacked in an address here
tonight at the Mormon tabernacle
by William H. Taft who declared
that in his opinion the democratic
administration had proven a fail
ure. He laid special emphasis on
war-time aviation.
IJe-e!ection. of United States
Senator Reed Stnoot. republican
of Utah, was urged by Mr. Taft
and he said the primary purpose
of his visit to Salt Lake City was
to make a speech in his behalf.
Senator Smoot was referred to as
"one of the most able members
of the American congress."
The league of nations, Mr. Tart
said, was not a paramount issue
of the campaign.
"He declared he had no objec
tion to the covenant aji it now
stands but thirty-five senators
(hold overs, were , pledged to
vote against article X and that
he believed the article was not es
sential to the covenant that would
be adopted by the republican sen
ate and would be effectual in pre
venting war.
Professor Irving Fisher of Yale
University and Colonel Charles M.
Whlttelsey, commander of the
"Lost Battalion." leaders of pro
league of nations adherents, spoke
in a local theatre and urged the
election of Governor James M. Cox
for his league of nations stand.
is not vital
M. Bourgeois is Astound
ed at Political Quarrels
Over Non-essential
BRUSSELS, Oct. 25. Leon
Pourgeois, president of the coun
cil of the league of nations, gave
bis views to American newspaper
correspondents last night on ar
ticle ten of the covenant ot the
league of nations. Today the fol
lowing authorized statement re
garding the interview was issued
through M. Comert, the principal
press official of the league ofha
tions who had originally arranged
the Interviews:
"M. Bourgeois. t0 the American
correspondents. last night, said
he had been astonished to see the
political discussion in America
centered around article ten on the
covenant. .
"Article 10 is not. In fact, any
thing more than the moral foun
dation of the covenant. All that
13 efficacious in the covenant is
set forth in other articles indi
cating penalties and sanctions."
M. Bourgeoise, in the course of
his statement to the correspon
dents, said that. article ten could
be eliminated without In any way
modifying the effectiveness of the
league, and declared that it was
not considered so important- by
Europeans as Americans.
At the close of the Interview
and after M. Rourgeohs had with
drawn, the question was raised
among the American correspon
dents as to the effect of his ut
terances on the presidential elec
tion in the United States. It was
thereupon agreed to withhold the
statement until M. ' Bourgeois
could review it in this light and
give hla authority for its publi
cation. M. Comert informed the corre
spondents tills morning that he
had explained to M. Bourgeois the
importance of the remarks and
requested M. Hourgeois to say
whether he intended them to be
published in the United Stater.
M. Iknirgeois replied, M. Com
ert said, that he understood the
importance of what he was say
ing and was quite willing the in
terview should be printed.
The official statement' today
approved I hat part of the conver
sation of last night. In which M.
lourgecis, replying to question.
regarding the prospect of revis
ions of the covenant by the gen
eral assembly of 'the league Of
nations which will meet at Ge-
nevt November 15 next, said:
"The council of the league be
ing guardiaus of the covenant,
are, of course, unable to vo be
fore the assembly with any pro
ject that alters the covenant. Rnt
individuaT'states wlilch are mem
bers of the league may, of course,
propose such amendments as they
see fit.''
Makes Home Brew
Gets Six Months
PORTLAND. Oct. 23 M. F.
Piplic was sentenced in the fed
rial court today to serve six
months in jail on conviction of
having operated a sfill in his
home. While , he was in federal
court he was served w-ith a war
rant from the police court charg
ing him with wife beatine. Sim
ultaneously a uit against him
was filed in the state circuit
j court claiming $2900 damages on
the allegation that he bad dam
aged the house where he had been
Iivng by enlarging windows and
doors and cutting holes in the
walls in furtherance of his al
leged, distilling operalione.
Pirate That Control tJood ship
DcnuH-racy to be Overt hrown
by Voter
MARION. O.. Oct. 23. Senator
Harding virtually completed prep
arations of his last campaign
speeches today and planned to
lane a rest tomorrow before start
ing on the swing of Ohio eltie
Which Will OCCUDV the remafnrior
of the week.
Tonight he retired early, hoping
a long sleep would rid him nf
.slight cold contracted on his last
speaking trip. HI physician said
there was nothing serious In the
aiuictlon. but that precautions
were being taken to get his. voice
in as good shape as possible.
Harding headquarters made
public tonight a statement by
Judge John M. Carman of Wilkes
barre. Pa., former chairman of
the Democratic central committee
of Pennsylvania, pledging support,
of the Republican national ticket
and declaring that the "pirates
now controlling the good ship
Democracy should be thrown
"I favor Harding for" presi
dent," said the statement, "first
because I am a Democrat.
"His platform and other ad
dresses show that he is support
ing the constitution and is safer
than one who openly commends
efforts to subvert that grand old
Governor Over Steps News
paper Etiquette and He's
a Millionaire
George Horace Lorlmer. editor of
the Saturday Evening Post, to
night gave out the following replr
to the statement made public
Sunday night by Governor Cox
relative to a cartoon to appear in
this week's issue of the Post:
"There could be no better vin
dication of the partoon comment
inai win appear In this week's
number of the Saturday Evening
Post, no clearer demonstration of
Governor Cox's unfitns for high
orrice. than his misleading re
marks on the advance copy of the
weekly that has come into his
"Governor Cox Is a millionaire
newspaper editor and publisher of j
long experience. He must there-)
n-Fic uuurrsiana inai n is a iirsi
point of honor among newspaper
men not to make use of advance
copies of publications that are
sent ouj with the understanding
that they will not be released un
til a fixed date In the future. 1H
must know, as a publisher, that
at the tostal rate now being
charged periodicals and newspa
pers, no question of a subsidy by
the government is involved; that
the periodicals are not only "pay
ing their way, but that under anr
k'nd of an efficient administra
tion of the postoffice there Is a
handsome profit in earning them
Though ths editor of the Satur
day Eening Post has had some
thing to vaj editorially on other
sections of the revenue bill, he
has accepted and consistently re
frained from attacking the raise
in pjstal rates, even though he
oeneve it nnjust. If Governor
Cox has studied the adertisinc
columns of the Saturday Evening
Post with the infMlicanre and
knowledge that a man In his po
sition should have, hem ust know
that it has been the policy of that
"z!n to refuse casual adver
tising growing out of the excess
profits tax and han insisted on
wll-consldered, well-formulated
campaigns behind commodities
that can use advertising profita
bly and economically.
"The policy or the Saturdar
Evening Post Is now and always
ha been formulated by Its editor.
Neither any politician or group
of politicians, nor tiny interest of
any kind or description have sug
gested what stand it rhould take
in this election, or had anything
whatsoever to do with influencing
Its policy. Given the nam
record, and the Republican party
in power, he would not hesitate
to take as . strong a portion
against a continuance of Repub
lican rule.
"Propoganda has come. In the
minds of shallow thinkers like
Governor Cox, to mean any-view
that does not square with theirs.
Neither Governor Cox nor anv
other Democrat found anythinr
saoring nf dl?I yal prnjiattanda
In the Saturday Evening Post's
consistent and unwavering Mand
hfhnd the president during tho
years of the great war."
Indictment Demurrers
Overruled in Court
PORTLAND. Oct. 2T.. Judgo
Wolverton in the federal court
here today overruled demurrers
to indictments filed against Rich
ard Adams. L. M. Starr, and Par-
rott and company, charging pro
fiteering in sugar and the cae
was ordered tried. The men and
the firm are charged with having
purchased three carloads of sugar
in San Francisco and sold'
an excessive profit in Omaha and
Chicago wbilv the recent sugar
shortage was prevalent.
Republican Party Proposes
Association of Nations to
Insure Peace Without
Sacrificing Independence
Administrative Policies
Threatened Ruin Before
WASHINGTON. Oct. 23. Senator
Harding In a pre-electian state
ment to the American people
made public here tonight, de
clared ih Republican party "goes
to the people assured that they
will recognize Its superiority as
an instrumentality of administra
tion and that la the election now
impending they will give it the
certificate of their confidence and
Exploitation to be Ridded
The Republican party nominee
criticized the D-raoeratic admin
Istration ot .governmental affairs.
l?'"??" 2h d::
mined to be donj with Democracy
under the guise o Democratic
rorms.' The . Republican party,
he asserted, "has propos-d in its
platform and developed in the ut
terances ot its leaders, a program
which contemplates equal oppor
tunity for all" and "recognizes
the vices or exploitation and pro-
As to the league ot nations ia-
rue. Senator Harding summarized
his party's position as favorable:
Party Farornble to League
- "The Republican party propos
es such an association of
nations as will most effectively
further the aspiration for world
wide and permanent peace with
out sacrificing any part of the In
dependence of the American na
tion. It believes America can and
must bear its full part in the re
sponsibilities of the world but it
always believes that America
alone must decide what that part
shall be."
Senator Harding's statement
"In asking the suffrag? of the
American electorate this year, th
Republican party has In mini
both the record of service from
its beginning, whereof it i very
proud and the vision of opportun
ity for service in the future, which
its spokesmen have present el
auring mig campaign. we are
asking that a great responsibility
be lmpoed upon us. It Is a re
sponsibility that must be meas
ured by both the gravity of the
crisis that confronts the world
and the incapacity with which the
present administration has met
the problem of the last few
years, as Is the responsibility
we sek. our party has no thought
of evading, for it Lever has been
guilty of that.
Policies Bring I" lUatcr
emoerate economic and ad
ministrative policies ha'd brought
this country to the danger of dis
aster before the outbreak of the
war in Europe. The vast expan
sion of our export trade and l-
mands upon our producing facil
ities, which came, with the war.
saved i from immediate partici
pation In that disaster. Hut that
phase has now passed and noti ny
but a return to those construc
tive and progressive pol'rle
which bave always characterise I
the Republican administration
can ave us from early realization
of the dancer that confronted us
at the middle of 1)14.
From the beginning of the war
In Europe th" Democratic admin
istration steadfastly refued to
prepare for the national
in rase we fthould le Involved. n
191 when it was apparent to
most people that our
was In
itnm-dlate dancer of be-
ing drawn Into the struggle, the
Democratic party made It cam
paign on the boart that It had
kept us out of war, and th prom
ise to keep us out. Thus wh-nwe
round ourselves at lart In the
rtruggle, we were utterly unradv
for it. f.nd our participation cort
immeasurably more than it sboul.t
hav com.
An administration that when all
the world was In conflagration,
refused to realize the importance
f preparedness, of course rotild
lot be expected to rillze while
we were at war the nece5it
preparing for psce. So we enter-
cd into ouite uPr.ady forjl,; 'W "-rkV '
It as wo had bon for war Our
economics were disorganize!, our
debt enormoq. our foreign com
merce devoted largely to supply
ing the necesitift of war
"Slivcd Into World Attaint. j
nii,-'! ui reining to
remedying these ronditlon. the
administration ha" devoted ltelf
from the day of the armistice, to
promoting a project of world re
organization in wh'.ch America
j should bear the larret reponsl-
ouiti" or guaranteeing a new
scheme of things. Instead of mak-
; 7"" ' " , ' ' "Z T" ' l . ;
i peace had been won. the Amerl
atiran P001' lone of 4,1 ,he wr-
" "no u'uiru or uieir
government the privilege ot a re-
(Contlauca on Tag 2.)
Elcvea Men Were Incarcerated la
Cork Jail I Wore Lord .Mayor
Went to IlrUtoa
CORK. Oct. 25. Joseph ilar
phy. one of the hunger strikers la
Cork jail, died tonight.
The death of Murphy occurred
at 8:35 p.m. He was 25 years old
and unmarried.
Murphy was a member of the
Irish volunteers and was well
known as an athlete.
Joseph Murphy was one of 11
men incarcerated in Cork jail two
days before Lord Mayor MarSwf
ney was sent to Brixton prison In
London. All the men In Cork jail
immediately went on a hunger
strike. Last week, one of them.
Michael Fitzgerald, died.
There were reports last month
that Murphy was an American cit
izen. It was asserted that he was
born in Lynn. Mass. Secretary or
State Colby was declared to be In
vestigating the claim.
A dispatch from Cork Septem
ber 10. asserted that the Ameri
can consul there had established
the fact that Murphy was born In
Lynn, bat that he had been
brought to Ireland when aa Infant
by hla father, who la a British
subject. Marphy's father, Timo
thy Murphy, a shoemaker, resides
in Pouladnfr. a suburb of Cork,
lie said that he was the father
of fifteen children, only six of
whom are living. He emigrated
to America In ISM. settling In
Lynn, where three of his children,
including Joaeph. were born. His
rather declared that be took out
his first citizenship pipers la 1S95
at he left the lilted su'e,
before the naturalization became
At the beginning of the war.
one son. born in Lynn, according
to Mr. Murphy, registered at the
American consulate la Queenstown
as an American. Joseph, however,
failed to register.
It Is asserted that the govern
ment accusation against Murphy
was that he bad a bomb la his
Death is Result of Injuries
Inflicted by Pet
ATHENS, OcL 2S. (Br The
Associated Press) King Alexan
der ot Greece died at 5:20 p. m
loaay. iiu death was -due to
aounds received when a pet mon
key attacked him early In October,
the king being badly mutilated.
Throughout last bight, the heart
action grew weaker, bis general
debility became more pronounced
and pulmonary symptoms were in
tense. Breathing at times was
most difficult and alarming, and
at noon today it was announced
that the king's condition was
The death of King Alexander
gives rise to the question of suc
cession to the Greek throne. For
mer King Constantine was report
ed, according to Swiss dispatches
of October 17. as intending to take
advantage of the situation created
by his son's grave illness, by re
turning to Greece and claim the
About the same time a regency
was suggested and Constantine
gave bi opiaioa or this as follows:
"Sufficient unto the day Is the
evil thereof. I will pot think of
a regency yet. My pl are those
ot my people.
Premier Vrnixelos Sunday ex
pressed himself as confident that
Prince Paul. Conitantlne'a third
son. would not be prevented from
taking the throne by his father.
Both Prince Arthur of Con
naught and prince Chirlea of Bel
gium have been mentioned as pos
sible candidate.
It is probable that the old cham
ber a III be reconvened owiae tn
1 'he king's death to conlder what
j step are to be taken before the
new chamber meets.
Thieves Escape in
Two Small Rowboats
ROSEBURC. Or . Oct. 23 Sher
iff George Qiine returned today
ftom Scotsburg. the scene of a
postoffice and store robbery la
which the thieves secured over
l t-niJj
j taT(.
-.."mi. ne oerlared th.t th
States postal authorities
'era! of their officials at
Oi i -... . . . -l. :
7 Z"ZLH. "J ,D
made their eeane la two m.n
rowooata were Dot rnled
from their moorings until Satur
diy night.
Dry Victory Predicted
for Nova Scotia Vote
Bulletin. HALIFAX. N. S.. Oct.
2. Retarns received up to 8:3a
oriotg toalcht from various see
Hons cf Nova Seofb indicate
dry victory la today's plebiscite
upon the question of prohibiting
importation of liquor from other
Thus tar Halifax Is the only
place which shows a wet majority
and returns here are not coaylele.
Death Calls Most Promi
nent of Hunger Strikers
After 74 Daji Without
Food in Brixon Prison
EndNotUnexpectedfor Un
consciousness Had Claimed
Him Last 36 Hours
LONDON. Oct. 25. Terence
MaeSwiner. lord mayor of Cork.
the most prominent of the Irish
hunger strikers and said to have
been the brains or the repauiw
can army In Ireland, died early
today In Brixton prison.
74th Iay of Fat
The end was not unexpected.
for the lord mayor had been un
conscious several days. He was
entering the 74th day of his hun
ter strike as a protest against a
sentence of two years Imprison
ment on several charges, includ
ing one of having sediUona docu
ments In his possession.
Only his brother, John Mae-
Swiney. and his private chaplain.
Father Dominie, were with him
when he died. Mrs. MacSwiney
and the rrisonet's two sisters.
Annie and Mary, were at a sear-
by hotel.
The lord mayor, who wa' ter
ribly) eraactated as a result of his
long abstinence from food, had
been delirious for taany boars
and -was unconscious when death
Wife Cam to Death Tied.
It was several hoars after he
died before his brother was per
mitted to tell Mrs. MacSwlaey.
She Immediately went to the pria
on. accompanied by ber parents
and the Misses MaeSwiner ana
the family groap. and dry-eyed,
prayed over the body as It Uj
ca the cot.
There were no untoward detn
enst rations outside the prison af
ter the news of MacSwineyt
death became generally known. A
large force of police had bees
concentrated to put dowa any dis
order that might occur. It was
said at the prison that the reason -for
withholding permission to
Joha MacSalney to inform the
dying man's relatives of his con
dition wss thst it was la the pris
oner's interests.
Just before "MacSwiney died,
rather Dominic and John Mac
Swiney knelt at the bedside and
offered up prayers. The priest
administered the rites of extreme
Body to r Taken Secretly.
It is well within the porsrblll
tiea that the body will be taken
to Cork secretly In order to avoid
aplesjant results from what
ever "demon it rations might be ar
ranged la England and Ireland .
along the route traversed by a
train bear! a g the body. There Is
no intimation that any official
advocates refusal to Mad It to
The home office, la charge of"
prisons whkh would control the
movement of the body In Eng
land, said that bo rlaa for the
removal of the body bad been of
ficially considered. At the IrUa
office It was declared that bo
plan had been formulated for the
transfer to Ireland, and that
final decUIon on this point would
ret with Dublin castle.
It Is within the power of the
home office to give up the body
of a prisoner in whatever way Is
deemed mot expedient. It Is
pointed out that It could legally
tranfer It la re c ret to some out
ot the way port and later to a
government veel and deliver It
at Cork.
Murdered by r.agllJ.
Deputy Lord Mayor O'Callag
han. In a statement today on Lord
Mayor MaeSwiner death, refer
red to the atast!Batlon of Lord
Mayor McCurtala. who. he de
clared was mrdered by the
Kng!th." and anerted that UIc
Swiney had followed la the same
"In the shcrt Interval since his
lmpr1onment while I bave been
temporarily taking his place. he
continued. "I have received uo
tlce of au official oriala threat
erlns me wftp a similar end. The
enly me.are I. 6a behalf of re
publican Cork, ran give today
or the body of the late lord
major. I that Cork has definit
ely vM led allegiance fo the re
rbLe: that the people of Cork
will contlnne that allegiance un
swervingly and that those of as
who man the municipal council
will attempt, so far as la us lies,
to follow the noble and glorious
lead of two martyred republican
thief magistrate?.
The republican hold over the
JjMt 'kalr la Cork ceaaes
only hn the Iat republican la
Cork has followed McCurtala ant
MacSwlaey into the grave. Mur
der wilt not terrerixe us."
VUltora Restricted.
It became evideat several days