f5 THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY MORXIXIS. OCTOIiER" 22. IfrJO Issued Daily Except Monday by TI1K STATESMAN PVBLISHIXG COMPANY j 215 S. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon I (Portland Office, 704, Spalding Building. Phone Main 1116) ! MKMliKIl OF TH E ASSOCIATED PRESS.: The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for repub lication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited la this paper and also the local news published herein. R. J. Hendricks. . Stephen A. Stone. Ralph Glover. . . . Frank Jaskoski. . . . . . . .v7 . . .Manager . . .Managing Editor . . '. .... .Cashier .Manager Job Dept DAILY STATKSMAJJ' nerved hv carrier in Salem and suburbs. 15 cents a week. 65 cents a month. DAILY STATESMAN, bv mail. In advance. 16 a year, S3 for six months, $1.50 for three months, in Marion and Polk counties; 17 a year, 13.50 for six months, $1.75 for three months, out side of these counties. When not paid in advance, &u cents a year additional. J ... THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper. will be sent a year to any one paying a year in advance to the Dailr Statesman. SUNDAY STATESMAN", $1.50 year; 75 cents for six months; 40 cents for three months. "WEEKLY STATESMAN, issued in two six-page sections, Tuesdays and Fridays, $1 a year (if not paid in advance, $i:2a); 50 cents for six months; 25 cents for three months. L AN INTERNATIONAL STORY TELEPHONES: i Business Office, 23. 1 . Circulation Department. 683. "l Job Department, 583. ' ..'. Society Editor 106. Entered at the Postoffice in Salem, Oregon as second class matter. 1000 TIMES THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE Continued from Tuesday's Statesman) There came as a bolt from Heaven orders to cross the channel. Her Jamie must go. After he fell in love, he had n'irsed the illness that kept him in England, but now he must report for,duty in France. He went, the room was given up. Jeannie took a position and life went on almost as before, but not quite. One day in an American paper she saw his name among those, who had been killed, and darkness settled upon her mind. The little child that was coming to her must be born in the' land of its father, it must not be, a "foreigner." So she crossed the sea to New York. How this was done she hiss never been able to explain. Like poor bereft NanCy who crossed the Alps in the winter, God tempered the wind to the shorn lamb. .';' At New York the Red Cross sent her to a quiet hospital, where her man child came to her. not a foreigner but an American as she'proudly thought. The light on the tiny face had cleared ber clouded brain. She then asked to be sent to her husband's people, and gave their addresses. Messages crossed the continent from the Red Cross in New York to the Red Cross in the city called Peaces not far from the western sea. "Shall we send this girl and her child to you." "Yes, her husband was one of us., we will care for her," was the return message. Jamie's father and mother were visited, but they, in their grier could not be made to realize that their little boy as they thought of him, could have left a wife and child. But when the Red Cross visitor with' Jeannie and the baby stood on the little porch, the old mother involuntarily reached out her arms for the little white bundle which stood for all that was left of her bonnie boy, who slept in France, and she called "Father the baby has Jamie's eyes and the girl is Jamie's wife, "she is not a foreigner." Your part rn this is your dollar for the November Roll Call and a bit of your heart, always. nearly 50 per cent of men of. that ' the factory to the power, than It age to be physically nntit. . is to brin the power to the fac- To have a fit country It is ne- ! ,or- m m m cessary to have fit men. Vn., he 6"a .ate"r p0Wf.f cot And 8alem an be counted upon . prartirally nothing, except what to do its part In bringing about ; H costs to barne3 it. this idealistic lr. to the Y. nance fund. etat3 by subsorib- 1 M. C. A. nialnte 111 IlOl'ItS A WEEK. The only municipal employes who are compelled to work over twelve hourr- a day, the firemen are now 'working 144 hours -a week, again?t the average man's 18. I'nder these conditions the boys hardly know what it is to be home with their families, and they do not know the meaning of a social life or of having any re ctcation or amusements such a others enjoy once in awhile. IYIX(J THE PRICK. The Krupp plants ct Essen are row getting American soft coal at $33 a ton-. That's what they get for flooding the mines in France? Is no other one' thing more, im portant than a continuance of i...s growth, indefinitely. . The tariff issue is 100 times the most important issue in this campaign '. ' , Yes, 1000 times the most important. We have 40 million wage earners, getting an average of $1500 a year ; 10.000 of them are women. . ' Tliat means annual wages to our working men and women of 60 billion dollars. ' ' Sixty billion, dollars is 6 per cent, of a trillion (1,000 bil lion) dollars. i , That is labor's capital. : It is four times our national wealth, or what is known as the capitalists' capital. The capitalist is not sure of constant returns on his money or investment.' . He may hold stocks that pay no dividends; he may fail in business or have a profitless period. Labor's capital is only impaired through illness or idleness, and even this loss is largely preventable. ' . Especially preventable is the idleness that comes to the American laborer by ?mplaying the cheap labor of other coun tries to do our work. Just at. present we are paying at the rate of 2 billiorfto 3 billion a year in wages to foreign jworkers for goods neh as should be made" in this country, i . ; Three billion dollars, is 6 per cent, of 50 billion dollars. . Consequently 50 "billion dollars of labor's capital is useless and profitless. :-' - 1 . - Then, too, it should be realized that the imports of 3 billion dollars worth of competitive goods, most of it a loss of wages, -means a loss to merchants, builders, railroads and others, and directly or indirectlyaffects every one in the country. V If we do not eheck these constantly" growing imports soon it will be a national calamity beyond estimate, and labor's great capital of a thousand billion dollars will be seriously impaired. " Labor and capital and that means all of us mist' eltle this question by .voting the straight Republican tickets Veek from Tuesday. j . , v V . It is suicidal for a" wage earner to think of voting for Cox and free. trade; it is like taking the bread out of thd mouths of our children.'-' .. -j -..-v '.- . -.- ' . ' And it is suicidal for capital to vote for Cox and free trade; only in a lesser degree, as; showu above. . , ' And it will not suffice to vote for Harding alone. His elect ion is sure. I , ' ; But there must be a Republican Senate and House; in order to enact adequate protective tariff laws. , In Oregon, it Ls. a criine to think of voting for Chamber lain ' ! ' For he is a Democrat and will vote.with his free trade party. Our foreign imports are now at the rate or o,-iuy,i"Ju,uuv a vear four times our imports just before the war. If the present Democratic free trade tariff law remains in I force, the foreign imports are going to overwhelm us; ruin us. Again, this is 1000 times the most important matter m this ram nai eii. Every other issue is dwarfed by comparison. It is the bread and butter issue; the issue that means either abound ing prosperity and high wages and general employment Or spell red ruin, low wages, unemployment; rags, poverty and even starvation; arid after that the deluge. SHIFTING BY THE DOZEN, SLIDING BY THE MILLION K One the of the funniest things in campaign is the attitude of Cox in trying to pretend to 'get people to believe he is a dry when. as a matter of truth and history. every position he has ever had in his life he has secured through the whiskey vote. And :5is ap plies to his race for congress in the Third Ohio district and his three races for governor of Ohio. Cox himself will not deny It. " Is It any wonder that the fire man's constitution gives away at an early age? It seems that the only time that the fireman receives any no tice from the public is when he is called upon to render heroic and prompt service to me lire and property, then on the return to his quarters he is forgotten. The boys of the Salem fire de partment are now -washing autos in the alley back of the fire hall in order to secure their fund to promote the campaign for a two platoon system which will afford them a decent living condition. , . (New York Herald.) 1 A counle or so of more or less distinguished individuals and a couple of dozen or so of more or less obscure individuals get themselves projected into large, important and noisy front page type of .the Wilson organs these clays ,y swiicning irpm iiara inc to Cox on-, the Leajnie of Nations issue: A couple of million or so of. Democratic and independent voters going m a landslide to Harding don t get any trout pag publicity and don't want any. .'.'..' OOl thev want is to have Tuesday, November 2. come around so that in the polling places instead of the news columns they can get at Mr. Wilson s administration, 3Ir. Wilson s covenant I and Mr. Cox s cheerful idiocy. . What was it that Cox "kept us tut. of? Oh. yes; it was Mc Adoo. ' The United States s-ipreme FUTURE DATES. Ortobrr i2. Saturday Fiwrtba-l. S!m high avbaol SilTerton bijh acbool at Or1Hr .- Tuasday lnrilins of tainting f Jaaon 1 In ball of repre- uwi,tiwM in tt raDitol. Orlolwr- 2. ThurtdaT Eoefnic clinic t Comaierrial eluh. V.tMikr f. Satardar Football. Wil laai'tU vs. Pacilie Un'iTrUf at Forast OroT. NoTrml.er 6 and T. Saturday and Sun r timiiil ronTrntion of Marton Conn tr'(1iritin KndcaTor Coioa, firat Cn- NotrnWr It and 12. Thurdy und fridir tate peuitfntiary minntrrl ,how. Knhcr 11. ta 25 Re4 Cras roll Xnr.mlifr 11. T'hnmn'' Fontball. Sa Urn ki(h arhaol a. JIeMianille. at Sa lem, i - , Norcrotor I, Tawday Football. Sa ln hish ackoul t. Dallaa high acbool, at KoTrni1r 19. ThnradayFootball. Wil timnw t. Collie of Tnset Sound, at Taoaia. '... KeTMnWr to. Satnrday Foothall, Sa 1aa high achoot . tateaa high achoot, irKuimt. ' - - NnTrmbrr 21, SatBrday. Football. Sa Wm hifh achool Ta. Kujeao high acbool, t Kane. NoremtxT 2". Tburaday FooU-aH. Wit lamtl . Whitman college, at Haln- NTl)tr 25. TJiaraHar-Football, Sa Urn high school ts. Tha Pallca high acliol.. at The PalWa. Nu)bex Zj, Thunday Tnank(J;itilig y. court has spoken the last, word on the liquor question. The under taker niight as well distribute the white gloves to the pallbearers Parley Christensen is making sc many speeches that he ough to ie known las Parleyvous. Salem firemen are, working for. duty 1 14 4 hours a week. No wonder they want a two platoon feystem. cutting their workit-g fay to 12 hours,' seven days a yeek bave thrown sops to the govern ment in the shape of suggestions that the Red army shall march to the Rhine against France. The fire-eaters among the soviet sol diers are said to be enthusiastic over the plan. It would app?ar that ZinoYieff, who (a declared to be one of the four real leader in the soviet government, wait Kpeclaljy ent from Moscow to at tend the Socialist convention at Halle and Inflame the Germans. He appears to have faul-d. Germany has bad enougti of revolution and is hot likely to want a Red army cutting a streak of ruin across the land, feeding on the country as it goes to the Rhine. Moreorer, that arm;, Many as have been its battles, does not know what modern fighting means. It doesn't comprehend what really happened on the west ern front during the late war. If it did there would not be this foolish cry of "To the. Rhine against France." smaix itour.. Secretaiy Colby declares his as surance that Governor Cox is "of presidential caliber." Thi3 Is the first time we have heard a short .22 so designated. Exchange. W ll cf which means that the. i treat manufacturing growth of the future will le in the wet; as rure as the tides or the rising and setting of the sun. . All of which should Inspire every forward looking man and woman In this section. ' Kits for Itreakfast man under stands that a $20.u)0 prune ranch changed hands In the Salem dis trict yesterday. Prune lands are Koing to be higher; and all other good. Jands la thij section. It Is suggested that a vanity bag be pivred at the polling booths this fail to bring out the voters. It is proposed by physicians that human brings Im pedigreed like valuable dogs. Hut who is' to keep the herd book? Years ago Kansas was circular ized, afking the farm?rs to hold their wheat for a dollar a bushel. N'jw it Is being- repeated, but the price has been shoved np to three dollars. It Is said that former President cf France I)fcrhanel wept when he heard that Millerand "had been elected hi successor. Like President Wilson, It was so hard for him to let go. SEA WATERWAY ' IS PROPOSED be Greatly Lessened by Construction help fight the opposition. wUch is led by r -'preventative f. ork commercial orgaatzatioai the New York City dock tommbjl sloner and th; New York state en. ginger. The proponents argced that it Cost Of Moving Grain Would ! dll h movement of America tri auu lurrro; Widen the farmers' margin of savior . . . . .. . ! inn ur rtjuij jiwm ice mnii.. In incrtai.ig th prodoctivitr of his oil. Unless this In done, declared Mr. Hoover. Amerira 'a exprtt of Iojl product will continue to diminish, until they ceae tea years from njw. Nece.ity of developing th ) l-y. dro-electrtc power which the pro ject would create In order to eotu serve the coal supply of the Uait n1 spates, ilfo was declared uC cuf'tanding lmportanre. Continued rongetioo of trana portati.in lines between the east and wt and the clogriog of New York piers force delays wbch tha IlKT.ITCms. Some declare that what Italy 'really wants is a first class dic tator. We have a man named Wilson who is pretty good oa dic tation. He might be available. XO SYMPATHY AYITII SOVItTTS When the people of Oregon be gan to. inquire what Chamberlain, has done for. Oregon, his political star began '-to wane.. : lie has not represented Oregon at all. He has represented the j solid south. Oregon Republicans have been sending him to Washington to represent the Democrats of the section that has been in the sad- He there. He has been faithfnl to jthose 'Democrats he helped tLem put an army camp, muni tions works or ariation field "in every swamp, by the side of every mudhole, and at every wide place in the road, in the south while Oregon got nothing. It Is. high time Oregon Republicans woke i up ' from their sound and deep sleep. THK (JKOUNIl FIXIOIL Former Speaker Cannon, at the age of si, was considerably hurt by a fall In the cellar of his Dan ville residence. What was Uncle Joe doing in the cellar, anyhow? Did some if the home brew need attention or was he caught in an explosion? The details, seem to be lacking. Kxchanee, The absence of tears on the face of h? average American citizen, as he reads about sugar brokers, banks and dealers los ing a lot of money with the drop In the price of sugr, will, . of course, be excused. Pictures of Gov. Cool id ge In boots and carrying a milk pall an among the features of the pres ent campaign. But we are of the opinion that a bone head play , as maae m allowing nun to wear a white collar. Exchange. NCW YORK.' Oct. 20. A deep wa waterway from tha Great Lakes through the St. Ijiwrence rier was urgfd as cn economic necessity by mnn of cstlonal prominence today at a bearing before th? international Joint commission. Hertrt Hooter was the prin cipal peaker for the pro;onens of the project. His arguments were reinforced by William C. Reifield. former s.-cretary of commerce; Julius II. Harnes. prsidcnt of the IniteJ States ; nJw outlet to Europe would Hra grain corporation? Admiral . inate. the speakers bald. II. Heaven, chairman of tno I'nitfd Scale thippijg Loard; It. S. Macelwen. director of th bureau of foreign and domestic commerce; W. I. Saunters, pres ident of the American Manufac-turr'-aioc!atlon: J. R. Howard, president of the American Farm Hureau federation: the presi dents of two great trunk line railroads and an array of advo cates who came out of the wet to 1 SUtXIXl SILVERTON. Cr . Oct. The protd of the basketball social held at th Silverton high school Fr day night amounted to SC9.S0. II. F. Tschans. principal, acted as auctioneer. The rnony was' turned over to tbe atadeat body treaaary. I BITS FOR BREAKFAST i . L:f U12S evn INF IITPHIIR TOlWorn Out In Mind and Body UuLl fJUJul llUlV I" Your child is crukk to observe disturbance in jour mental attitode or HEAL YOUR SKIN Broken Out Skin mil Ilrliin? F.cxem lleljie.l Ovrr Nlgttt Cox keeps on howling about Harding- changing his mind twelve times, on the League of Nations Issue. J He demands that Mr. Harding set out definitely what he stands for. Mr. Harding In sists that he Stands exactly where he has stood all along for par ticipation in an agreement foun ded on justice and not' on force. Cut in this very matter. Cox shows his own inconsistency. He says at times that he stands ex actly with President Wilson, and at other times that be is willing to accept reservations. Rut he does not and will not av what reservations. He insists on bis opponent being definite, while he himself does not and will not and dare not be definite, He' is mere ly trying to throw sand in the eyes or the opposition; barn storming; camouflaging; employ ing cheap propaganda. WOOINXi GKKJIAXY. Comforting to many Americans as well as Britishers who feared the Lloyd George government wai leaning toward the soviet malad ministration will be the stiff note sent by the British foreign secre tary to the Russian Bolshevik minister. Earl Curzon has declared that, in view of the statements of so viet leaders that tbe Russian gov ernment considers. 'itself in a state ot war with Great Britain, any Russian submarines encountered on the high seas will be attacked on sight by British naval forces. The British announcement has a ring- which indicates that it is true. There is nothing bogus about IL . . It sets at rest the fear that th Downing street government has allowed itself to be influenced by the radical laborites of the United Kingdom who are In sympathy with the Moscow butchers. Ixrd Ccrxon Is known to be averse to Having any relations whatever J with the assassins apd robbers who now have the whip hand In Russia. He doubtless wehromed the opportunity which the launch ing of a snbmarine in the Black Sea gave him to sum up some of the sins of which the Bolshevists have "been guilty -toward Great Britain. France will welcome his note, as it practically supports the stand taken by that country with regard to the attitude which should be maintained against Russia by the great powers. Lloyd George's weak pronouncements concerning the Soviets helped to bring about the recent strain on the entente conliale; Curzon's strong words will show Paris a well as London that the British cabinet does not intend to con done the soviet atrocities. For unsightly skin eruptions, rash of blotches on fare. neck, arms or body, you do not have to wait for relief from torture -or m omhamuinpiit rlorlarp nnlaH Anr ih.'nJt i" riaeh r i skin specialist. Apply a little l i r the election of Harding and a Re Fair weather, at last. , ; It will 'help some, even at this late date. 1 physical condition. And when he ask;: What' the matter. Daddy ?' there' a tone cf solemn anxiety in bis little voice. The depression stamped upon you re Sects intensely upon him because cf his profound solic itude. He at once drops his dUt thine and rushes to Tourside. but hi ; happy smile has disappeared and bis buoyant spirits are gone -replaced cy a countenance or. worry ana a oeanng oi nopeiessneaa. Tan w at t thm napf" na4 wwtfwa mt ymmi 1 ajatily an ka trim ha kodr mmt k ha AtaUwL. Yaa ar ta a-M m tha inatiaraii r thnr bnt. Lwrk. thnstmx war tfcvtr htwii t instant yoa mbcm mm mt trnaa; "vuttt aw la" a aaaar U IJon tnpml tbvir latora by Martcctiaa yvov haalih. publican congressj watch business go. It will be like tbe election of McKinley in 1S9G. af:er the "Cleveland hard times." starting this country on its greatest period of prosperity up, to that 'time.1 . And think of what ls coming to the west It is 'good for the sorriest case of the blues. ; A. T. Vogelsang, assistant sec retary of the intet io. says In the current Leslie's that "Utper cent of the coal and 7 per cent of the water, power of the United States lie west of the Mississippi river. He might have added that a good deal more than 70 per cent ol the timber lies west of that river; a fifth of it in Oregon. i Mpnthn-nlnhiir n1 lninrnmnl shows next day. Because of its germ "destroying properties, nothing has ever been found to take the place of this sulphur preparation. The moment you apply.lt healing begins. Only those who have had nnsirtrtly skin troubles cars know the delight this Mentho - Sulphur 'brings. Even fiery, itching eczema is dried right up. Get a small' Jar from any good druggist and ue it like cold cream. UVXD mi The Great General Tonic will ban that "ird tavitt a4 4 iapl that arai ino. It will mnm Tour Mmtt aad are-v. th raTihia artawT mtm ml mnd avrrr.rtm wnUaM ncT yaur hoid am I fa. Ilnw a wlnrt. torn awtor. a n!atw ad ta 4 aaathna aaa a wwthy iwufiwwcaf tha rananj awalia. hniunW ua a iti r nta'wiK aad mautnttirt nt tm. Ha aar aaaaaaT darit4ni rmm t aabacrwiaj n.tmuaa. If ra froca nrrvnaa ahaaaftat. anaw-ur ar mracal (ata. ar 4 Vinw y af vital fan tn vmtJ mIm m ataf liiana. yacH Sa4 l.TkO ' Bi-Jcu!rty baaa Krmi. It tonra m Ua anora avatr- aal Ian yaa lariukcfiu AafcyaPr4fia Uttmi taaay. Saa f 1 1 n i. f i l 1 1 1 1 1 LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY Naw Yark BUaaaa Ciay. Ma For sale by all druggists. Always in stock at Terry drug store. KO km mmtdtm arfcJarh mmw. I He says it is c.heaier to brine j 1 '1 . , wa ww wwwl 1 a i a .'fv " A Simple Way To Remoye Dandruff This Ie the time in the cam paign when sundry people, other wise unknown and unrecognized, are "coming out" for this or that candidate. It makes a precious bit cf difference." , Next week's Salem slogan sub ject Is flax. If you are in po sition to doso. It Is your duty to help in showing that Salem ought to have a linen mill. We are ready, right now, if thd right man or men will take hold. i The rapid growth of the dairy ing industry Jn the Salem district helps to explain the general pros perity being enjoyed herel There Geruiany lately bo execrated, U now in the position of being wooed. . A remarkable change. One suitor, Russia, is eager and impetuous: the other. Great Britain, is reluctant, holding back, willing to embrace and yet half ashamed. These are the Impres sions one gathers from the latest cablegrams from Germany and Kngland. Russia' is represented by the insolent young Zlnovieff, who wants toform the world by fracturjing iu skull. Great HAVE YOU SUIWCKIBLII? There is one sure way that has never failed to remove dandruff at once, and that is to dissolve It. then you destroy it entirely.' To do this, just gt about four ounces of plain, common, liquid arvon from any drug store (this Is ail you will need I. apply it at night when retirinK: use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morninr, most if not all, or i VOUT dandruff Will 1m vnno an.l I three or four more applications will completely dissolve and en tirely destroy every single y-lgn and trace of it. no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find all itching and digging of the itcalp will stop in stantly, and your hair will be flurfy, lustrous. glosy. silky and soft .and look and feel a hundred times better. 17 A Suit That Will Make You Happy the Season Round The Seal of Satisfaction The Monroe La VI guarantees yoa put irctioo and the price ticket attached to each garment is the nation-wide guar anty of standard Hjnrix Clothes Prices. Have you a boy in your fam 1" or are you interested in the loydom of your country, its com ing citizens? If you answer this Question in the affirmative then you are interested in the Voting Men's Christian association,' for the two are rynonymous. Just now you are being given an opportunity to prove your In terest in a visible way, for the so licitors are out this week and next, asking you to aid In the If. XiTl a ,. . ucHTiuca as urced bv cumnaim inr w ' : e" w tuv a group of international bankers to make an a'diance with its re cent enemy. i With "The Hoiyn of Hate" still ; not unforgotten it is hardly sur prising to find the IlriSsh some what COld. : A comnjercial agreement be tween Great Rritain and Germany would henWit ,.lt - ugic wurifi because It would preclude any pact with soviet Russia. The llof shevlsts have had their eye for manr- tuoMtlsralJeiUu: - Tby of spcunng necessary to organization L 13.000. which is aintain the local tnis year. These iiien are going about th? work in a very quiet way. and thus far have only the most en thusiastic reports to make of their reception, and it is expected that the end of the coming week will show the desired figures. The most vital lesson taught by the' war was that our younz standard, fur the draft showed j"" AVr are asking for a twelve Jiour day in KteaJ of twenty-four that we are servinsr tititler the present system. Vote 500 Yex "Two. Platoon System" i tntlorel lv Salem City Council I'ustxess Men's ' League Commereial Club K Central Lalior Cotinril S.tlctu Kire l)ft. J 7 t0z' ) ii:7 t !rVlV I A- . ' V-'tSTV. J I F l?5 kx vr--it a 1 r3" we sold you today a suit that would last ten yean you'd probably buy another next Fall. It's habit to tire of the things we wear; it's self-respect and " self-consciousness that prompt ui to invest in a new style. But we've a suit this Fall ' youll be proud to . wear, proud to own, and proud to display every day, any where. It's one of those Monroe Suits, one cf those smart, catchy New York models for which Monroe Clothes are famous. A Monroe Suit lifts you right into line with New York's best dressed men for in New York Monroe Clothes arc bought and worn more than any other kind. See us today for a season . of clothing satisfaction. G. W. Johnson & Company U. S. National Bank Building