THE OREGON i STATESMAN;1 SALEM; OREGON.' !' I WEDNKSD A V MORSTn:(V OCTnhKR rt. rl tti'0 " 1 it I -e ; lata r Word ' j , .W ipserOon (ix insertions).... 8e ...20o . ItJu' contract, per mo.. 15c fZcata oatraet, Pr "..12 jT nsa rlimt 2So Norwich union rrr-v psCRAXCE SOCIETY elites, linu muKJiuui, L'ONEY TO LOAN IF On Real Estate T. K FORD (Orer Ladd & Bush Bant) FARM LOANS I HAWKINS & ROBERTS 204-207 Oregon liutiatng NEW TODAY WoFStaIN PEN BARREL BE : Poiaal Ml More ana rut- int avenue. inder please puone 1110, ;,ST BETWEEN OREGON THEATRE tad Vli.l;et meat market a Jife .J"'-'"" int-e poliev. rnulcr pnone rave at Salem Hank of .Commerce. lOD CONTRACTED AX V AMOUNT. 7, rare statesman. . Friil GROWTH FIR WOOD SIX- teen inch or four foot. I red I. Well; hoi Sooth Church. Phone J .4.. t)i:V I SUMK Jl'.r., .-.w.. J nerni rnin. in Baptist s-e ueorje O'Niel. .North U trect. ft RKXT.OK .SALKl-AKUK DA- rage. !HI3 :ortn i.toerij sirci. rt-uun. tS COINli TO CHICAGO SOOX" CAN tare joo money, ivenirn io, red .Boa inutjeimt-nr-. RO TOI K1VU T 'TRADE WHAT late yen: rnone ut. , )tNG MAS -20. MF.Ch'aN'I'cai.LV IX ttiard. " onir aJt reirins ex perience, vivtiea poiiwn in parajtcor a(ie aecemory uvi. .lourtn um, tire Statesman. IBM FOR JtALElliO ACRES 1 room om. two fijirnn inn other UildiBg; J miles northeast field en gsod road. Write of Spring- fur tvruia. Route 1. Greil, Jiprtnjffieio. ure.. ,)rrA CAMEO BKOtM'lf .'TUESDAY' tftemoon en atrerts oi sairin; rewaru. Fteae mornings, nn. jnojuayao. mum bungalow, full tasemeet, large rioai oa second floor, large; lot, many fruit trees, linoleum, gaa range, paved street; $6000 $3000 down, j I st house, 2 lota, covered I wit a most rrery kind of ehrubbt-ry and all kind sf trait, east front; $4500. mm cottage,; almost down town, fur- urt cement basement, garage ;f 4200; HW down. . i nai aosse, joins a business house down a. $jOO. . mi IsDzalow beautifully ' located rs.t be auid tnia week at reduced wife. ' ." .1 imss konse on 25th at, $2700; $1000 sew, balance mortgage. ntm house. , twoKutge lotv with eitaoat furniture. bat several bout close in, completely tarnished at moderate prices. cottage on Marion at, alii furnished, will be tble 'to give pooaessiojn in a few "(iEBTRUlE J. L PAGE NCcttagehonellSe HOUSE SNAPS :-3-noa "brtad new bnnsalow. 2 kMrks from car on goodstre:ot, 1 Mock fraas peveatnt,Mull rementl basement, faraace, fireplace and large i-ement f1.r garacs. Thia owner bought in Xsrrh. mast leave and is a-lhng at east. Thia is entirely t-ui!rrtt with beat ef fissshing and fixtures? Quick pov irsswa.. i . j-rooin brand new built ia bun- piaw: large Jiving room, 2 bed rootna, floe lata, dutch , kitchen, breakfast weai. Terns. "jO cash takes an attractive j reom asafalow with fireplace, close to car s Bavement.' Immediate possession. Terms for modern bungalow with nrsge sad basement; 2 large lots,- gar m aad flowers. si. take a room home you will like; raraere. fireplace. keys s 7 -room home close Ln with U cement basement, furnace and fi tvtj and drive. "v takes an old C-rooin home well lo sld en pavement and car with larxe M fcttloo; fruit; easy terms. .A few nadred Nil make this a fine prop wiy tr see or aell. . "0 essb, will buy a 12-roora home "S ia to business center.'j This now slsabed and arranred for ?iiail apart ati ad rented. This withj good lae- sad fine hot water furnace. A .l Ciri-ehMn mlm,nt J -V)e kaj., aB u.ou, home' that la to ""a. ' J ' '12 Mth liaAnn A . ...... U m. r, v,vio, fii.iwij alio s.'j.iHH', Uewin' i - . ' ft ir in or near Ihs m.rl.i r..r - Wea) bB let us call and tihow you a that are reasonable and low for BECKE & HENDRICKSj j- f. 8. yti B,nk ulliK l.h,,e 101 a besstiful h.u... ' rs sre n-.t too hijh: ).i find them Ut?V7 r -?"Pl''V'"odern and i n sxht si a.., ' ... be Ir ir..... ."'""' pnet's, ranging vlo.000 ..iv., P run . . s.m . r -w u.i six rooni f.. ' i 5 of . , ,n.a " slreefi.: Some price. at jour own Boom a busi- hUe euee arr.n.j . . raneV. r : r.,w.'"''1'". ekmdid VrmT tor r-" "so. waod .,.1 jTj w ranje nno--term! VeBd"1 l-r $U500 ea Chnr,W ... .' ' ' tieei . ii- , trT". O street ' 0th a,.r 2Hh street ; t. uru sir i . "vl b.l..7i-. ;nsiie nr coa. " T roon, i, '" " 'rhU heaaiiful CKRTIM'lsm? M'itol St. film 31. P.IGK ia-n.Uthre Prion-11 Rfi - w v a a w w tlrfrr; - IT a i-.--,K05lu x - n,,i House"-'iji i aireei I LIL 11 W 'ML uovTTs -- -V htatesmao office. lXTtuZZ " i . -i,, UT0 U'".iS PRINTING LLAXEOUS JTi? Eu Ci,lrcuI,Uo r.rtment. A -L'C a.2', ""'"taad. Slates u"k- 'J"J Mn Herrice; H25 ' .nl i;, mination write ", Jj. fl , l,iuitab!a BldS, Wlt- FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL WALL TINTS, new colors 10c pound and Bp. SIANY Mu Q. Baren, I7S S. Com I at. H. FINANCIAL WE (HAVE SOME t,OOD FARM MORT gages to sell. T HAWKINS ROBERTS j 205- Oregon B'.dg.. Salem. POULTRY THE NORTHWEST POULTRY JOL'R nat. the biggest and boat in the weat. Too liT magazine for live poultrymen. 75e rear. $100 io Salem. Send S rente (or sample today. Address Tlio Northwest Poultry Journal, Salem, Ore- fo- Mention tlua aai. FARM PAPER TOU WAST TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 15e to. The Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for three months .trial subscription. Mention - tola ad. LIVE STOCK. " ' - - - FOR r KALE 4-BlX WEEKS OLD PIGS - Phone 13F12 or 13F31. 1 SPAS OF MULES FOh SALE OR trade. Phnre 5F21 J. Lobley. Rt. 8 3IISCELLANEOU9 SEE i THE WAOE OX E -MAS IRAO SAW phone' 422, corner High and Ferry.! FOR! SALE IMPROVED OREGON strawberry plants. B. F. Hunt. Boat 4. fllox C. Salem, ure, EXTRA FANCY CABBAGE FOR KRAUT. S- pr hnndred pounds delivered. Phone 3 or 4fj. FOR: SALE TEAM FIXE MARES. ALSO heavy harns and l.nccy O. Hofatet t-jf. Garden Road, Route 7. Box 204 cafo rred Mark. f DANISH BALL I IK AD CABBAGE FOR kraut, crisp, solid and well trimmed. $2(00 per 100 lbs. delivered ; 16 f il!on kejs, tl.OO. Ward K. Richardson. 233 j . tTpnt street, -none 4,94. CHOICE STRAWBERRY PLANTS, FOR November deliveryOregon, Marshall, Trebla, Gold Iollar, Kttersbor; 121, Wijlson and Progressive Everbearing; an quantity. Order now. Ward K Kihardaon, ' 2305 Front street. Phone 494. l . CAPtlVITY OP THE OAT if AS GIRLS Thia true story of western immigra tion has been carefully revised, making a ihsadsome little book. It tells in graphic terms of the massacre of the Oatman family, of the esrapw of Lo reajo, and the 'captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of - starvation and Olive waa purchased from toe Indians five year Uter. The price i 201 cents, postpaid. Address' Oregon Teachers Monthly, Salem, Oregon. ' c j "WALLBOARD" CAN BE USED DYER lath or studding. Can be tinted or papered. Max O. Bursa, 179 North Commercial street, i "WALFELT" YOUR HOUSE; IT'S uperior to cloth, ia; about half price. Max O. Buren, 179 X. Com'l St. I . "WALL PASTE." SO COOKINfj RE quired. Sticks everything. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial stn et.i STANDARD EXCHANGE, 342 NORTH Commercial street, J diamond, watches, muaical instrumenta ,gun, clothing, hoes, etc' Both new and used 'good bonght, sold or exchanged. ; 1 . i SACKS. 8ACKS FOR SALE 100.000 5 rain, oat and pctafb sack, unk and Bargain House, 21S treet. Phone 393. Capital Center i. FOR SALE TRUCK CHAINS ALL SIZES. -CAPITAL JUNK t BAR GAIN HOUSE, PHONE 399. 215 CENTER ;st WOOD CALL THE SALEM FUEL YARDS FOR your wood and coal; office 752 Trade street. Phone 529. Automobile Directory FOR SALE GOOD 1-TON TfcUCK. Will Davis, 840 Saginaw street. SECOND HAND FRANKLIN" -FOR at a bargain. Marion Auto Co. SALE OLESON MOTOR CAR CO. 349 N. Commercial St. Phone 66 1917 Ford ..... ...$273 1918 Ford 275 1910 Ford 250 About twenty other used earn of,farious uiari m m Tvrjrj raw iigare. FOR RENT ROOMS FOIt KENT ONE LARGE F ROXT Cheaa- room at The Alexandria. 1030 eketa.atreet. ll'hone FOIt KENT TO A GENTLEMAN. StOOM in home with all modern conveniences. Address B. rare Statesman. I HOUSES F. L. WOOD. 331 estate, rental. STATE ST, REAL FOR RENT FURNISHED HOME TO adu(ts employed during the dny. Ref erences reinired. t)wner de.sirea to re tain one room. Address "C55," care Statesman. t i A FURNISHED FIVEIROOM HOUSE TO reut for. the winter months. Apply and stale the makeup of the family please. Or will. '.sell unfurnished i the-pet two weeks. Apply to V. 31., care, Statesman. I PE1LSONAL GET MARRIED LEST MATRIMONIAL paper published, i Free for stamp. Cor respondent. Toledo. Ohio. i WANTED MISCEL JELLAN . ia t w as ' i KOUH FOL'lt-FOOT CtJRD WOOD WANTED Salem Tile i Mercantile Col WANTED 3 i OK 4 USF( '-RNISHE4 rooms, will lease for fi uionijhs, cash in advance, msn. Addrcsi "C54," ckre States WANTED HULL FOR WORK BOAT: 25 to 35 feet la length, llust he in trood condition. Address Jj A. Galla gher, Corvanis, Ore. BUSINESS CARDS CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR.' L. M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 S. High St, Phr-ne 283. -r- FERNS. CUT FIX)WERS AND ALL binds of nice potted plants nd palms: florl designs a specialty!. . Arthur Plant's green bouse. Phone liuOW. 12SM S. 13th. corner Wilbnrj HAT CLEANING AND BLOCKING THE HAT BOX -blocking hats: 420 CLEANING f AND Kerry. Phone 1177 INSURANCE ' Rurvlaries have been frecuen Tt of late Ipsure agapist burglary in America- largest Indemnity tlompanyj. Auto Indemnity, Fire, Life, Health and Accident also written. j . Residence Building Loanfada A C. BOIIEXSTtDT .. ,. Read the Classified Aus.1 4(1 Maaonie Temple. I Salem. Pre IXSUIMXCI-. OR REAL DEPENDABLE INSL'RASCE and reliable insurance terrice, it will be to your interest to insure with the Oregon rire Relief aaaoeiatioh of Mc Ulnnville, youy ewa home roo:inT. A. JOHNSON INSURANCE AUKNC CT Orar Ladd k Bush Bank, Salem rnone a 4 7. IiAUXDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY, 136 ;S. street, t'bone 35. Oldest Largest Best. Established 189. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work, prompt serrice, 1264 Broadway. Pnono 165. j XURSERIES ITALIAN PRUNE TREES FOR FALL delivery. 1920. Please phowe 111F31 or write Fruitland Nuraery. K. 6. Sa lem. Orel ; PAINTrNO AND PAPXRHANOINO have (one east on an extended visit and I recommend A. II. Clark (phone 1396J) ias a competent workman. Glenn L. Adams. I PLUMRIXG AXI UFI'AIIUXfJ FOR P1A" M B I NoTk N 1 K E P A I R WO R K call 287W. REPAIRING AXD SHARPEX1XQ BEN j WHEELER EVERYTHINO RE naired. ; All kind of sharpening. 342 -North Commercial street. CUTLERY GRINDING; LAWN MOW era. safety razor, etc Stewart's Re air Shop. 347 Conrt rtreet. : TRANSFER HAULIXG i CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO.218 State St, phone 933. Distributing, forwarding and storage our specialty. Get tAir rate. SECOXD HAND FURNITURE WANTED SECONDHAND FURNI- I 8 tore, rngs, carpeta, stoves, machinery ana too. Best prices paid. The Cap ital Hardware A Furniture Co,i 283 N. Com' I St. Phone 947. STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years experience; Depot National fence, sixes 26 to 58 inches high. Paiats. . oil and varnishes, etc, loganberry and bop hook. Salem ' Fence and Stove Work. 2.-.0 Court treet. Phone 124. SECOND HAND GOODS WT BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND good of all kind, pipe fittings, : har mm, collars, collar pa da, tooi. sad chain. Fred Schindler, 259 Center treet. i WALL PAPER, PAINT WALL PAPER ASD CEILING PAPER 20e and up double roll. Max O. B ren, 179 N. Commercial St. i ; SEE i PORTER FOR PAINTS, W31LL Paper And Picture Framing. Good wcrkmen. 4i5 Court St. Phone 485. CniROPRACTORS DR. O. L.. SCOTT, D. C, CHIROPRAO- tor. f. 8. V. graduate. 809-13 U. 3. N. Bank Bldg. Phone 87; Res. 928R. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS KATHERINE SCHLEEF, M. D,! PHY- sicisn and Surgeon. Offices Oregon building, rooms 411-13. Phono 640, 264. Over Oregin Electrie depot. WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT 1 POWER Co, office 301 South Co-m'l i street. Ten per cent discount oa domestic flat rate paid in advance. ! No de ductions for abseaeo or any eaase un less water is shut off your premises. PROFESSIONAL! t OSTEOPATHIC PHTSICIANS DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, ' 509 V. S. National Bank Bldg. DR. JOHN U LYNCH, OSTEOPATHIC Physician- Surgeon, 403-404 Oregon Bldg. Phones: Office 1394; Res. 68F5. DR. W. Ii. MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Pbvsicisn sad Surgeon, KtrksvUle gradual 404 and 405 U. S. Katb Baak ,t building. Phone Office 919, residence 'I 614. - . : . , REAL ESTATE) FOR SALE , OR TRADE FOR RESin denre property One Rose City Park lot and one Laurelhurst lot, Portland, and one Overland 90, run less than 3000 miles. Perfect condition. Write Mrs. Olga G. Hoffard. Silverton, Ore, GOOD 6 ROOM HOUSE 3 BLOCKS From Paved street. $1200 9700 cash, bal ance .easy terms. j 7-room house on grsreled; street, $150; reasonable terms. 5-room house. 1 block from gravel street, large lot. $';! down, balance easy monthly payment. j Fine modern 6-room house, 1 block from car line. Price 9420O. ! SOUARE DEAL REALTY CO- . U. S. Natl. Bank Bldg. Phone 470 FOR SALE C -ROOM BUNGALOW. ONE block from paving and street car, new, ' modern arrangement ami eonvenieucee. . A comfortable home for $320QL 5-room modern bungalow on pavement, has fireplace,, garage, east front, price $4230. ! MRS. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 275 State Street. Phone 513 l FEATURE THIS. AT " PRESENT KICES rith furnace, 1 2 fire- A fine home places, bath, ahower room, plastered. electricity, gas. aix rooms with larg unfinished attic, fine large bed room down stairs with fireplace, wonderful 73x150 hit ou' pavement and jcafr. in best residence district, remeni walks and east front. Beautiful trees and fruit. This lot would have aold fiv years ago or 95000 but this fine hmiM is on the market today with Immediate possession and some terms for $1300. There is no way but to win on thi property. ISecke & Hendricks, 205 U. S. Natl. Bank bid?. Phone 161. FOR'SAi.r. 8-ROOM HOUSE LOCATED three blocks from state capital. This property ; has corner lot aize 81x105 with bearing fruit, fine shrubs and flowers. House has oak flo.irs. sleepinj porch, basement plastered and fitted up for billiard room. h fireplace in liv ing room and billiard room, hot water ' heat. This i one of the beautiful homes of the city and will be sold ; furnished for $12,600. ll-roeta house in exclusive residence dis trict. A complete home in every way and very reasonably priced at $20,000. MRS. I WINNIE PETTYJOHN 275 State Street. Phone 515 AN EXCELLENT BUY 25 acres. in cultivation, u'i in logaus. 3 in Italian prunes, mixed family or chard, rolling laud, modern 7 room house; bath, electric lights, good l.rn, chirken and hog houses, high pressure water svtein: on Paeifie highway, close in ! This is 'an exceptionally fine piece of iland. John H. Scott Realty Co. 228 Oregon Building. 1 F I K K P L A C E. PAVEMENT. T'lG'i ground and a trim 5-room bunsalow fot $2750. This is attractive. Old enle.1, fi-ruom liveable home in fine location ou pavement and car, Located at -'-I Korth Itilh. Large lot with fruit. $.- will make thia a fine home. Pries $1800. Your own terms. 7-room plastered, honie with electric.ty, hot water, lath and garage good eon-dition- close tf main car, east. $2i. Becko k Hendricks, 203 U. S. NatL Hank bldg. i, ' COME IN AND LET US SHOW YU sotne of our rhoi.e city homes. We have the.m from $750 to $15.00 with term. Also fkrini ud choice closeeln acreage. Will be pleased t4 list your property pETTEY'S REALTY CO. s3iisute direct. REAL ESTATE I 23 ACRE! FARM ALL l.v CULTIVA- tion: house, bar, wea etc, eod soil, 3 mile from town, 98000; tlto9 will handle.! : . Fi? .ulnr'n home, 10 acres eholee land, nice new cottare, 3 miles east on ood road. Price $0000. 103 acre farm, good house, level land ; 6 mile out, good rock road. 10.0o0. 145 acres, ail in cop, good improvements, on rock road, 7 mtlea out, 100 per acre. ' t , i 40 acre ; close In. well improved, model bouse, close to school; 1 12.000. G room boose, two lots, near ear line flSoO: 11100 will handle OREGGN LAND CO. 142 State Street. Salem BEST BUYS ..0 acre. 130 cultivated. 0 timber, 100 acrea of the cultivated land firat class river bottom that would srow alfalfa. the 50j acres finest fruit Land with northeast slope. n good road, to be paved, 6 room modern bungilow, large lar. other ontbuildiaga. ail fenced i acd crOsa fenced, at aution. cloae to school, 3 miles from Ralem, $125 per acre. ' eah. balance per cent. 54 acrrs.i all cnltiavted. best of slley loam, 11 aire Italian prunes. .24 acres young Hanlet'e oeara. It irmi familv orchard, H-room modern plastered house. 1 dairy bam. 1 hav barn, 1 hore born, silo, implement " ahed, go rage, well fenred. 2 miles from Salem, 927.000, i cash, balanee 6 per cent. 98 acre,: 50 cultivated. 48 timber and pasture, Howell prairie, 8 room bouse, barn, other outbuildings, family or chard. $17,000. $11,000 cssh. balance 6 per cent. 3 acrea. all cultivated, close in, $1200, $800 cash, balance terms. 3 acres, 4 bearinc lorana. 1 ttrhri-ia I a!v .net to Drunea. S190O rh $1W;0,-terms. lfdl'SPQ t rooms, atiictlv modern t rir.nT. i h.-j . l - t.'ui w inroogaeui. very finest location in the city, : close in, fine lawn, on Vi-y easy terms. If you want a real home see me at once. i 7 - room modern house, paved atrect, close in, $3850, easy terms. j room modern, large lot. $26o, $7C0 rash, balance 6 per cent for 2 yeara. 6 room modern, fine location, paved street $2350. all cash. o-ruotn modern, line lof, fruit, 13000 terms. ; Have several very fine bouse bnv described in the above liat that ; be sold. not mat I S0C0L0FSKY 41 Slate Street. FOR SALE 5 ROOM COTTAGE OX street car line, has electric lights, city water, two large lots, beating frail of all kinds, chicken boose. Price 9J650. MRS. WINNIE PETTYJOHN: 273 State Street. Phone 313 THIS IS A DANDY 5-room modern cot! age facing theleaM. large lot, aome fruit, close to school, a . fine property for $3000. half cah. Muat go at' once. John H. Scott Realty Co. 228 Oregon Building. GOOD BUYS ! 320-ere tract. 80 acrea of good grain or fruit soil, balance finer second growth fir timber, buildings. Price $50 per '" acre. ; 240-acre farm, all cultivated, baildings, good road. Price 9100 per acre. 20 acres of pood soil, located on the Garden road this side of Swegle school. Price $300 per acre: $1500 down. 63 sere tract south of Salem, 55 acres cultivated,- buildings, timber, rock- road 5 14 miles out. Price $200 per acre. 13 aer-s of rood berry aoil, ail cultivat ed. Price $3200. ! W'e'l imuroved 10-arre fruit tract, i mod .bungalow, barn, will consider bouse -and lot up to $2,500 as part payment. Price $7500. i 10 acre of Italian prunes, 9 and 10 year old, in first class condition, 4 miles south. Price fCooO. - 13-aere tract of. good bottom land,' 4'x acres bearing logana. amal) house. 5 mile out on good road. Price 94730, 912-H) down, balance 3 years at 6 per cent interest. 3j-aere tract. 2 acres bearing prunes. aome mgans, 4 room hotise, Karn. well. . Price. 91750. 9950 down, balaaco term at C per cent. ! 72 acres of timber, close in, good oiL Prire 9-125 per acre. i Well improved 5 acre, good plastered bungalow, 2 acres logans. balance prunes, good road. Price 93000.. 64-acre farm, all cultivated, houre, fiv miles aouth. Price $123 per acre. 10 acres good bottom soil, small house, some fruit. Price ,$2200, $600 down, balance terms. HOUSES I : Good 8-room house located in South Sa lem: Price $4500. ' . Six room bouse in South Salem, ; Price $2100. Six-room modern hone on Fairmouht hill. Price $4750. 1 7-room bouae located on east State street. Price $4UO0. 5 room bungalow and two.. jus lot oa pored street. Price $3600. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 State Street. m HAVE HOLD FOUR ftoUSES IN THE last 10 days from $2100 a p. need some to sell. .Jlfve one 5-room house, good location, $185(1; $500 rash. One 4 room $550 or $100 cash. Have some dandy close in acreage tract with baildings. Magre. room 2!, corner State and Com mercial, over Busick grocery. LA. HAYFORD REAL ESTATE 305 STATE STREET 5 room bungalow. 1 year old. good lot. full basement, hath, toilet, lights, garage; $113 w.rth of wood and all for 9120O. 1 room Bunglw. plasten d. east front. close in, basement, bath, toilet. l:.;hi, aome fruit, 1 block to strert rr. I'ri.e $20i0; cash $5ti0. baianee $2'l month. S room house and lot 51 si:i, on. corner of North Liberty etreet. This is a good location! and if sold soon will take $I2.".: cash $600:- balanc 3 or 3 years AO-room house, east front, plastered, base ment, 3 toilet. 2 baths, light, gas. aid is arranged for '3 apartments, frujt. shade. I'ri.e ftiiioO; cssh 91000, bal ance 3 to 3 yea's. 20 acres good land, I mile east of fair grounds,, on graveled road, 1 mile to school, all-in cultivation, l'j acres prune and i-herrie. no hui!dmgs. Prire $6."00; cash $3250; balance 3 to 5 tfars. 308 acres. 8 mile north of Salem on mailt graveled road, close to sclyiol. all bottom land, no overflow all in enlti vat ion. all fenced with new woven wirej 6'x acres logans. 3 room honse. siiis'.J l.srn. granary, chicken hO'lse, 2 newhaells, 2 horse. Price $80110 term-s. 180 aei-es southwest of Salem, on graveled roadi 179 acres in cultivation, black loaui soil, all fenced a-oven wire: fam ilv orchard, eight years old; 2-tory 8-ro4m house. 10 years; old; ham. large rh liken house, well. Wood shed, fruit h.iusj-. wajon sheds, etc. I'nre f jO.oo'.'. tenns. LA. HAYFORD 305 State Street. " ACREAGE j Three fine tiuys at $! ' 1" acres with fruit nesr car line: 1 acres -so. a son for locan berries. g.Hjil rock roaa. .i'i rotlesi out. no hou.linz. no lena in ine vicniitv at less than $323. This n lo gaii'si would briutf $l.XMi. And we have; one of the very best of invest mentis in bic reveniie producing or chard Bt 920.000 (hat i a surprise to us ait that figure, paya well even with bad ilurk on the prune Krtioa of it. The (loss in prunes only emphasize the value of a romhinatioa orcnara su.n as t bis t. If yon have several tnous- and t.t invest ion I fail to see as oa l.lace. this TUB. FLEMING REALTY CO. 341 Stat Street. REAL ESTATE rOR SALE BIGGEST BARGAIN IN 8 item; hooae and lot Oxlo5 coatala inc i opartaeBt and 2 iagU room; cement pavement sad walk all " Property all clear. See H. O. Damaa at North Commercial atrvel r Klet:' Cigar Store. WE NOW HATE HOUSES FROM $850 TO $60OO ALL ON GOOD TERMS LIST. YOUR HOUSES W ITH 18 FOR QUICK SALES. LAFLAR 8c LAFLAR 406-7 Oregon Bldg. SPLENDID S ROOM PLASTERED house, small basement, electric lights, bath and toilet, on good street, cloae in; only $2650; $650 down; snap. Thia fine property must be sold. Walter Mc- J.areo, Room 21. 10 North Commer cial street. Phone 43U. QUICK SALE OF TOUR PROPERTY lb rough Barber A Pearftoa real estate office is what will happen if yoa price it right and give as a chance. Many have foand thia out and expressed great satisfaction la our ouirk way of aeiliog. Two ear at year service. WOOD'S BARGAINS ; Five-room house with good plumbing $1500. Six room boas Sooth Salem. 91200. Three-Room bouse, 9300; half cash. Sevea-roosa buagalow, strictly modem 93000. Nine-room buagalow near state boo $8000. " Ten-room honse oa Stat at, modern $6500. Tea' acres all ia orchard, new baUdiag $4000. j 90 sere, close ia, all andrr plow, air buildings; a snap at 922 per acre. Seveamom bangalow, 92700. Five-room bunralow, $2300. F. U WOOD i 311 State Street. A NICE BUNGALOW CHEAP This is an eireptional good value al 1 2 '!: reaient walks, aire lawa antl , rosea, closo to car line. Aa 8-room house, modern, full basement. furnace, fireplace, white enamel datrh kitchen, splendid location, paved street. close slate baildings and aniversity. A very good buy at $42'0. A 3 room up to-dale bungalow, raa make it six easily, good location, aoir.e frait. built ia features, nice finish, at 942x. A good house fr a rooming prnposition, 94000; will pay well; close to baaka. A small restanrani business with good business, tskes ahont 91300. good. . Ths best big modern house ia the towa for the mosey, close in at 9S650. Yea will admit it on seeing whether oa may boy or not. Another big rooming proposition aear postoffice, 96500. ee as plesse. THE FLEMING REALTY CO. 3 state Street X)R SALE OR TRADE FOR LIGHT CAR -s-4-reom axidern bungalow, gjod terms. . Call 1253 Chemeketa street, owner. WORTHWHILE A SMALL HOUSE. 093 North 23rd: a lot 50x150; 8 fruit trees. Price 9750; half cash. A 5-room house, has city water aad toi let, beariag fruit. 3 blocks to school. 4 blocks to car. Price 91130: 9450 cash. A 5-room house, modern except furasre. basement, two lots, east treat. -9i-50; $800 dowa; immediate pases- ' sion. The best 200 acre for tbo pries ia Mar ion county; 9100 per acre. I SEE MILLS & COPLEY j 331'i State Street., BARGAINS OF MERIT 3 room modrra bangalow, fine basement, nice location, garage, hen house. Urge lot. Quick sale. -9 3000; term. 13 acre tract 3 miles oat. 4 acre or chard, berries, email new house, barn and good well: 15 acres ia caltivatioa. Snap. 95200; easy terms. Good well improved Polk count T farm, good buildings; good aoil, good location only; 9 13 5. per acre on gwvd terms. 5-room cottage, 3 fine lotv good locatioa, best bay ia towa for 91500; terma. 5 acre choice loam soil, cloae ia oa fiae road; 930O per acre. 20 acrea choice loam aoil. b jildiags. team, lock. machinery, tools, crop. Snap 95000. . Farms. . honse. acreage, orchard tracta. PERRINE & MARSTERS 211-12 Gray B'.dg. FOR SALE 3 ROOM BUNOALOW. ligrta, tslh,' toilet, east front. large lot : and pave4 afreet. Located oa Fair- snoant Hill. Price 9'Jli'O. c.h. t V. IL GKABENHORMT k CO. 273 State Street. SNAP GOOD 6 ROOM BUNGALOW, built alwat nine yeara with four kits. . all east front; basetoeat. faroaro aad built in work, (.orated ia South Salem. Price $3600; $13u0 cj.h will haadle. Thia is real value. I W. IL ORABEXHORST A CO. 275 Sta'.o Street. TACAXT NOW HAVE A 3 KOOU MOD fm bungalow with basement, datrh kitrhea. 2 Urge lota and garage, aea hoaae, chirkea park, all flowers and grarden. t.ood slrvei and close te school. This at 45 S. 23rd atreet. Price $300. Terms if desired. See owner at 810 Statesman street or phone 437. FOR SALE J ROOJI MODERN HOME. built about 8 year, herd w.Mid floors, fireplace, east front and Hrge lot. we!' located. Price $8300. Terma. . IL GRABENHORST A CC X 275 State Street. FOR SALE BY OWNER NINKROM house a paved street aear anisWaity ; suitable fa.r two families. $2''1 Irge house-keeping rooms. Modern house. Phone 172DJ or 1425M. $V YOU ARE IXkOKtAO FOR t BCII.O ing lot, see we have them priced reasonable and on essv terms W. H. tiUAIIEXHORST k C 275 State Street 1'hone 513 ED. LOOSE Uejl Estate and Investments 370',a State Street.' Phone 087 320D BUYS A 3 ROOM COTTAGE AND ait fine lots, 1 Mock off Commercial atreet. "tMl bays fine 10 room house at Meamontb, Hr.. fine business prop osition for anyone wishing to board oi room students. ri nuc notices I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR .bills contracted by my wife, Mrs. Ag nes S.don. Higned. T. A. Nadon. WHOLE MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED Marion Creamery & Produce Ci Salem, Oregon. Phone 24S3 I SALERf MARKETS ia vino pnio: Eew anl r-oultry - Egs-s C2c cash. lieu, heavy. 22-2 c Light hens. 13-20c. O'd rrxmters. R-l Cc. JJioilers. 20-3 lc. Pork. Mutton ami Ikref rork on foot, 1 5c. Lambs. C l-2c and 7 Dressed hogs. 20c. Beef steers, ft-8c. . Cows. 3-c. j Top real. 2 Or. ; ! t:T Cheat Lay, f IS $20. f Oat and Yetch har. 7r $20-$2l. i Cler hay. llO-Jtl. firvdm Wheat. $1.80. Oats," tJO-T Sc. Beans, -C Mill Frexls r.rfail Mill Hun. C2c. Wholesale fo rrvl1er4 Creamery butter. 60-6 lc. Buttcrtat, 57e. i r-nl Ion Oranisci. .i0-$9. Bananas. 13 l-zc. ( lemons. S-SS. California grap fniit. . ! Cranberries. 5. I Dates, 7.2J case. Yrcrtable-s Cabbage. 1 l-2c. ; Onions. Oreron. $1.73. Onions. California. $2.40. I Turnips. $2.00. ! Carrots, $1.00 sack. Greea peppers, 10c-8e. . j Bell peppers, 20c a pound. ! Parsley 60c dozen bancbes. I Peets, 75e dozen bunches, j , Watermelons. $1.75. i Cantaloupe Ilcneydevs,, $2. ' Tomatoes, $1 basket. Potatoes, new. 2c. Sweet Potatoes, 5c 5 l-2c. ' Cababas, 3 l-2c lb. Peaches. $2 crate. Grapes. 32c crt. Huckleberries. 20c. lb. Hard wheat Hoar. $3.50-$3.?5. ' Retail Creamery butter. 68-70c. J " Er.p.1. per dor.. 70c. Hard what flour. $3.23-3.0. Flour, valley. $2.80. Sucar. $13.50. When a Want 1 Ad is . Working For You ; The boarding house vacancy Is marely a passing Incident- not anything to worry about at all. : People who keep boarders la .this town soon learn that the way to make money la that vo cation Is to utilize clacslfjei all as promptly and persistently aa If .advertising for a lost dia mond. , e P First Come First Serrcd Vitl T jx om a, yenr Bring in a new snbscriber or come and get more particulars ' Daily Oregon Statesman' -215 S. Ctrramercial Street 001! NOW is your chance to take WE have sow on hand a lection of old and new songs thousand of our most popular songs, printed for both singing and playing. . LETS HAVE MUSIC is one of the watch words of the times, BUT. do you always have the kind of songs that the occasion requires? Get one of our large Books OF A THOUSAND SONGS and you will always have its,. This beautiful cloth bound book contains songs of every description. Darkey lullabys, boating songs, love songs, every kind that you wish or desire. CET one while they last as we have only a limited number and there is a large call for them. Actually all the old songs you ever heard. ' . , Bring us in three coupons and receive this large collection of songs for the small sum ci $1.50 or if you are not a subscriber and wish the book you can get it for the regular price of $2.50. ...CUT OUT II EKE. SONG BOOK COUPON This coupon roihI for the Croat lloik of'TUXK) Sonrrsf. IK fircsrntrd with two other coupon (three in all) and $1."0 in cash. . r STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. c 215 South ronimercial St., Salcrn, Ore. H My natnr and adiliras l: i Name . V . A il re JAPAN WOULD CALL 3IEN TOKIO. Oct. 16. An a result of the uu taken October 1. the figure of which hare not) been announced, the government has ' begun sending; circulars throughout the country asking physicians, fureeons. de:ttitA. pharmacists, tailors. Llacksm.ths and other prions hethr they would b willing to serve in cate of wr. REPORTS AI1K DENIED BERLIN. Oct. 17. Official quarters have no knowledge of re ported tevolts In Moscow and the invasion of the Kremlin, as slated In recent Zurich dispatches claim- JHICHESTER S PILLS si ijirshw rum sua a4 ft ase saae. B)e oCNMe A.kwf su ifrrn aiAaisjsa BLaa riLiA t. iMSslMslilMtlUaNl sold n atis DtmLa Relieves. Constipation Don't lake narflatlvts lar Coa wrfrsmttmaa met HmfsmtaJv Ucy 4vm train turn slelicate intembranc asitl leave la frmcls In at vrrsc srB4lia4sa Uban tvelorc 11 ym are traablc4 wrlta Oss tlpatlea, SI ekH ear ache. La- llrjestlara S4J7Sfaaw. CARTERS El ITTLE VER aeh, DIzzlacas Dlllaaaacaa, 7ieTVstxsBesa. or leaa ol Apae-pte-Dl tfitim-0H m aeffte ol CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER JTLLS take ooe alter eaela aaeal aad one at sVetftlaae. A Sew slays trcatateat will pat Staajsara, Urwe- mmaf gTawmia la Bkormal eoaditi Tmunnar Smtatmt SaaBI?kf . e Hurrfih! THEY GIMME THIS CAP FREE!" All ron haiu do to iccnre ole of these Spliffie Bright Colored xlrtill caps absolntelj free is to ptt one sew subscriber to the DAILY OREGON STATESMAN.-. Thai is a -oevr- rub Jrvbr who- hits cot tiken The Statesman for the past month. These caps are well made of good material. Go out todaj and get a sew subscriber and send or bring your order to the Circulation Department and you a. a 1 tt OF 1000 SONG adranatge of one of the BEST premium offers ever made. number of copies of this book of ever compiled. This book in ing to be based on announcement of the German foreign ministry. The ministry denies rwponaibillty for the reports. i . s ! I 1 TIME TABLES lOUTHEUT PACTTIC CO. XertkTaoud Na. 54 Orerealsa $:00sm No. 1 Oregoa Express ....... 7:oSew V , Ul! Il.lil a 1 1 mmm xi is r.rtuTd Faaager 1.05 pm J-:-;r I'.WVl i ja. mm ifruiis aifmi ... . j SesUVoaad N. Si Oregoalaa ....... No. 21 Fee E scene ...... .... 9:0$ ....l:laea 11:39 am .... $ .... ( Its .. ..1: 1 liaS j v. 1 5 California Easireea I . 17 Ro;rg Pasaeagee a. ?T Willae-ette I.ISBll'd No. 13e Franetaca Pa Sere 4 13 orrises tALraC GEAJt LOT No. 71 Arrive at Salem ....... t:11i 4:00 pel No. 74 Leave fcalem CAXXM. r ALLS CITY ft WXiTZUT 141 Ieee Salem, aso'or T:H4 1CV Leases Salem, motor , :! 1H Leaves Salem. ax.toe 1 :i 9 . Threaah ear to Meamooth aad Arli l?l Lea-ea a!em far Dallas... :lp l3Amvi at Seieas :! 14 Arrive mi Helens U:Ae)m 1 I M Arrives at K:esa ......... 3 :3S pa) 1 173 Arrives at Salem 1:40 pa) OIXOOaT KXXCTRX0 Soathbwaad Lea re Arrive Arvrv ft. lem Kagwoa iota 9 -.: 10:11 em It .14 pel 13:54 pmCar 3:39 psj 4:13 asm :4pm -44 pm 9:JJr :07 pm SeUeaael ll::pm Salem oe'l iaa f leave Jeffersos IT". . . :30 am 5 Ltd. 9:30 am T ....10:43 am s 2:01am 11 Ltd. 4:41 pm 17 .... :05pm 19 .5 ta ! Nerh Beak Ha , street 13 aad IO mates later). VirUWtal Lesv Arrive Eagrae Sa'eea 1:11am 1I Ltd. 7:10am I Ota 13 .... 11:39am 14 ll:1'.ia ltttpm 14 Ltd. 1 $5pm 4-oepm 70 ... Salem :30 pm tJ :3tpm T :53 pm - Arrive rrlea . :2 l ll:sSs 1:41 f4 9:45 p 9:41 pe 3:49 M N-nh Baah Statieo tarrrro Jetfrraea street IS sauaates earlier . Lesv Cor vsllis 4:19. cortallis conrcnofi YertlWwad Leave resTtts arrive Sa'-eaa 9:2 am 9 4$ am 3:40 pm . :0 pea 4:10 pm ' :i:pea . l;4Jae awtkVea4 Leave mlm Arrve CraS ' 9:33 am t:5 pa ' l:13am 11:91am 13:Spm t:2Spm 4:13 pm 9:41 pm -44sm '"tf most up-to-date and largest col reality contains even more than a Send .While The Sending Is Good As Our Supply Is Limited Statesman Publishing Company SALEM. OREGON t'