The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 19, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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Republican, Central Com
mittee Urges Election to
Supreme Bench
Knowledge of and Ability
to Interpret Law Cited
as Qualifications
jhat the state executive commit-j tin- law
Ue of the UeDiiblkan party has iiHtgrity
lulursfd unanimously Justice
A'.c r.i-'- M- Itrown in his candidacy
jo lit- voted a? a member of the
$ up rem? 'court at the election of
November 2. Justice r.rown has
no opposition up to the present
time, and it is not believed he
ill have.
j Write Xanu In.
C'hsi'rman Tongues letter re- members
jums the county chairmen to.; county.
limpness upon the voters that .it j i I La Hot Ptcviously Prepare,!.
vill be necessary to write Jus-j ''The re.ig.-i;if bwi of Justice
lice r.rown'a name on the ballot Bennett occurred too late to en
flor the reason that the resigna-i aile Mr. Itrown to have his name
jion of Justice A. S. Bennett. j printed on the official ballot for
whom Jirown nas succeeaeu ny the election on November 2. It
governor, j will be necessary for the voters
to write his name on the ballot
a man of unquestioned j
whose long F.ervice a- !
!ifrict attorney and aiioiiiry;
rejieral peculiarly tits hint for!
thp office he no' seeks. Fori
tbexe reasons the menibers ofth!
committee commend the candi-j
dacy of Mr. Itrowu to you a .
chairman of the oun;y central)
committee and bespeak for him j
jr.ur active Mipon and through j
you to the active support of ih"
of the party of your
. ,i
Barber Backs Deputies in
Letter Written to Mayor
of Klamath Falls
of iIm fiie survey and
coiiflafcraii hi."
IVIitic Ib-tiietl
In another Ittr written
the last
. ..- ....... . ..... w . - - - ----- . ... u g .
rii:iir in the iuotle l M- tnc uihirr ,f m ...
" - . - . . - -mm.TJ V
Appointment of
came too late fo:
P.rown's name!
The letter from Chairman
Tongue to the county chairmen
reads in part:
! ''At a meeting of the executive
Thomas H. Tongue. Jr.. chair- committee or the Republican state
man or the state Republican cen- ... rV.v-
tral committee, has sent to all
county Republican chairmen in
to be printed on the ba.lot. . in the space provided for the elec-
, land Monday. October 11, George
M. Brown was unanimously in
dorsed as the choice ot the coni-
' the state a letter notifying them j mittee for election on November
2, as justice or the supreme court
to fill the vacancy caused by the
resignat'on of Justice A. S. Ben
nett. This position Mr. .Brown
now fills by appointment.
;" "In ; making this indorsement
the members of .the executive com
irittee recognized the fact that
Mr. Brown is a life-long Republi
can, an able and successful law
yer who knows and can interpret
IF YOU are kwinr hir. ta dandruff, or ,r
bald. let It b aiwwn that KOTALKO. contain
ing tannin kaar ail jui otlier potent lngmli-
rnu. u wutxtrrfullr auccaaaful. For rem. wururn
rtiiiOnn Hair frroa. dandruff eliminated ta
nary raarc wlirn all failed. im r.l'AB-
: ANTES and monr-rfund offer. Ct a btii al
aar busy priarmaoy: or ml It cenu for Prool
Horn of KOTALKO to .
J. IL Brittala. ta&, Stallon, F. New York, S. Y.
t''on, of a successor to Justice Ben
nett, it very important that
this detail be impressed upon the
voters. Instruct them to write
in the name- of Mr. Brown in th
proper snace on the ballot and
then maJ?e a cross before th
name in the same manner as the
choice of other candidates is indicated."
Pomeroy Says Mayor and
Council Members Had
Chance to Testify
Midweek Special
Six Native Singers, Mtisicians and Dancers
Noted World War Lecturer 'and Humorist
Star of Mutiny and I turning Daylight
. ' in : i
Hospital Inmate Found
Hiding Under Building
T. J. Fromm of Portland, who
escaped Saturday night from the
Cottage farm of the state hospi
tal tor the insane after he had
been notified that his wife ha:i
petitioned to be appointed his
guardian, was found yesterday
biding under the ward building
on the farm. . It was believed he
had none to Portland to protest
at his wife's action.
VllUlAVJIl U i illl 1 U , utAtt) oiitn in tli pirr- up-n. , tiarl htm kt Ur as Cl-T. i
JS. II. I'.imi-roy. ! assiie! in f I Wl U A I VVI 11 L l4 11 i ran h ar.- Jark'
tl'e inv.-.iiaiM.n ..f the H"!110'1 iltiYii .rliillv H LLiV T.iu.- t
bot'l fir. ihe latter said that . '
Last Day
ii in
s i- ' "
We are now entering our third year of business with the people
-of Salem and district and for the past two years, we have found,
that by fair dealing, and by giving the general public the utmost
benefits by offering high class merchandise combined with the
very lowest possible prices, we stand on a pedestal compared with
other stores. Visit our store once, and you will be convinced.
Our Economy Basement is a treat in itself. See the beautiful pre
miums offered. Premium tickets to ftll value of purchase of $1
or over. v -
That the recent investigation
of the Houston hotel fire at Kla-
mafh Falls in which several lives
were' lost, was conducted in the
same manner as are other simi
lar probes, and was confined to
determining the cause of the fire
and the reason for such serious
loss of lif?, was the substance of
a communication prepared "last
night hv A. C. Itarber, state fire
marshal, in reply to a letter writ
ten by Mayor Struble criticizing
the report of the fire marshal's
department as far as it pertained
to the Klamafh Falls inquiry.
"Ther-3 are still serious men
aces to lite and property existing
in your city which could be rem
edied by proper fire prevention
methods and the elimination of
such hazards.! said Mr. Barber's
letter. "This department Is not
concerned in your city politics in
any manner, our only Interest
being in having the proper co-operation
from your citizens and the
city officials in fire prevention
work. The recent conflagration
certainly brought the need of bet
ter regulations very pointedly to
the attention of your citizens and
y;ur city council.
Inlfference Shows
"Following' the investigation in
your city and the recommenda
tions made to jour city council
this department furnished copies
of ordinane?s to the regular fire
hazard. Your present city coun
cil still has the opportunity to
place itself on record" before its
citizens as. actively favoring fire
prevention work by enactityr
these ordinances and following
such enactments by condemna
tion of dangTons risks and . giv
ing instructions to your police and
file department to require your
citizens to place the premises in
r-afe condition. This Is the inter
est we can possibly hate Intije
municipal affairs of your city.
"1 have no disposition to criti
cize v.MirsMf or your city couucil
'n. r mnection with the serious
fires which have occurred In your
city since our firo surveyi My
deputies who have been in touch
with the matter have reported
that .y;)u and othr city officials
expressed an interest in Tire pre
vention work and' the elimination
the serious fire hazards con
fronting your city but that there
was an indifference and. in some
Instances. ci?cided opposition . to
the carrying out of such work.
The facts remain that there has
been littla progress made In
Klamath Falls between the time
.Mayor r ruble and two memlwrrs
of the Klamath rall council
were itivt-n an irortisnMy to t
"f was never inov. ca:Tul I"
the lnveptisati.ui of a case. ain
Mr. I' his Inter i May-,
.. i t - !.
or triioie. ami i a in riiij
will'ng to stand bark of our of
ficial report to the very inl.ul'-t
il.-iail. I do not know the poli
tics oT n single individual in Kla
math Falls and in my opinion the
same can be said of lieputv Allen.
. This is the fint time since the
fire marshar law waw enacted
that an official or citizen oT any
city has charged 'politics as the
basis, of or for the investigation
of a fire wher? bunion lives have
been lost and I sincerely hope It
will be the last."
Initial Meeting Last Night
Clarence V. Reynolds
Is Lc:
!'i f. il - I Utk .
I r- :rr or th. ;saaT u
l.rjt iit.w iar can your arn-; Hi-sr ll. Cc" I
... --- -. t
! vvei. wn-n rar rran-i- un run u.
(Continue I from page 1)
ike away a considerable num
ber of Kepublican votes Tie' might
otherwise secure.
VilMn Koox"h IVmocrat.
In Missouri. Senator Fpencer Is
naturally expected to have an up
hill fight, for Missouri is a Dem
ocratic slate. The situation In
Missouri is a peculiar one. The
fontroversv between President
vWilson and Senator Spencer has
occupied a good deal of space In
the newspapers. Before this.,
Senator Keed. lemocrat. had not
bten taking any hand in the Mfis-
2 V.. tl'llnM fhAtaa
if in r i itv in. mi i ii imiii x iitai Km
of fal-itv aeainst Snencer rot a annual fall get-together meetinr
.. i
A ;
: v
- r
v ,7s.' v
Yoii may be Surel
j says the Good Judge I
That you arc getting fujj
value -for your money
hen you use this class of
The good, rich, real to
bacco taste lasts so Ion?, '
you don't need a fresh
chew nearly as often nor,
do you need so big a chew .
as you did with the ordi
nary kind.
Any man who has used the
Real Tobacco Chew tviH
tell you that.
Put fi in two stjUs
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
1 RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobas
Altout 20 members of tbej
First Christian church met In the'
church parlors last nlht for the
rise out or Heed, and the Dem- '"e nrst part 05- me evening
ccratic "fire-eater" was forced to I was given over to a program of
take his stand with Spencer on I Mng and short talks by meni
this Issue. This will po doubt bers of the church. The.oeca-gie-Spencer
considerable Heed j ion was further enlivened by the
Minnnri: Yiut the Missouri situ- announcement by Ed Ttwnsend.
ation is mow than doubtful. chairman el the oflicial board.!
In South Dakota it U firmly ilLVat the nw .fak,or
believed that C.overnor Norleck. ! r-"
Rev. J. J.
called by the
Republican, will win the senator'
1 church, will, arrive shortly In Sa-
- - A f
ship, replacing a Democrat, irow-i r".. "
It ia n ral imrio tare In 1 "-,
. . . . . ji 1 r 1 -
ihnncn 1 no 1 r'
Dakota, and
Clarence TV. Renofds. pas-1
1 tor of the Christian church of
Y v 1 . a 1 11 lii n aam ft A an
.u ' Wirh Corvallis. opened the every-niem
exists, for Instance. In Illinois. ! If" 'apipalsn of the local chnrch. j
Some of the ex-service men are u'Tnr'a 'J"m .L
lie wll rpeait each nignt IBI)
VH-k to the members of thj
fighting Norbek in South Dakota.)'
and his candidacy Is not -at all
. I t . 11 1- I- 1 l l. .. A
Called "stalwart" faction there. ! r,,,,rf h on w,u of the fin
Special for Tuesday
f ' " --!.'--
Grocery Dept.
Soap Powders, Starch and Bluing
Crystal White Soap, 15 bars. .$1.00
White Navy, 13 bars . . ... .$1.00
White Wonder, 17 bars ........ $1.00
No Bub Naphtha, 18 bars. . . . . .$1.00
Elk Savan, 21 bars. . . .$1.00
Citrus Powder, package. . . .30c
Swift's Pride Washing Powder
package 19c
Argo Corn and Gloss Starch,
large package . .2 for 25c .
' Bluing, 15c bottles. 9c
The Best Woolen Soap, 4 bars. .25c
6 bars Best Toilet Soap. 25c
1 package Armour's Washing Pow
der with every purchase of $2 or over
and Wednesday
Dry Goods Dept.
54 in. Wool Flannel, grey, red
and blue,, for middies and
I dresses, yard....... ... .$1.65
White Middies, ages 6 to 14..:. 75c
All Wool Sweaters for girls and
ladies $4.75
All Wool Tuxedo Sweaters. .. . .$3.98
Ladies' Heavyweight Underwear
Union Suits $1.48
Two-piece garment. .98c
Girls Heavyweight Union Suits $1.19
Men's Haynes Heavyweight Union .
Suits, all sizes $1.85
Boys' and Girls Heavy Winter
Hose, 3 pairs ....v. .39c
Boys' Suits, two pairs pants. ; $6.95
Hope Muslin, heavy flannel, all colors
Beautiful Ginghams, 3 yards;,. .95c
. 36 in. Percales, per yard ... ,25c
We have just added to our stock a large shipment of PETERS SHOES, which, along
with our present large stock we will offer at rock bottom prices.
Slumber Slippers, warm feet insures sleep, per pair ,63c anri 75C
A good range of prices in men's and women's Felt Slippers.
Full lines, all styles, men's, ladies' and children's Rubber Boots and Rubbers.
Men's Long Slicker Coats $iqi
Men's Heavywtjight Calls. . .. .... ;$i5jj
Men's Suits Overcoats, Special for Tuesday and Wednesday. ONE-THIRD OFF
Take Salts to Hush Kidneys If
Hack Harts or Bladder
If you must have your meat
every day. eat It. but flush your
kidneys with salts occasionally,
says a noted authority who tells us
that meat forms uric acid which
almost paralyzes the kidneys in
their efforts to expel it from the
blood. They become sluggish and
weaken, then you suffer with a
dull misery in the kidney region,
sharp pains in the back or sick
headache, dizziness, your stomach
sours, tongue is ccaied and when
the weather is bad you have rheu
matic t'winges. The urine ets
cloudy, full of, sediment, the chan
nels often get sore and Irritated,
obliging you to seek relief two or
three times during the night..
To neutralize these irritating
acids, to cleanse the kidneys and
flush off the body's urinous waste
get four ounces of Jad Salts from
any pharmacy here, take a table
spoonful in a glass of water before
breakfast for a few days and your
kidneys will then act fine. This
famous salts is made from the
acid of grapes and lemon juice,
combined with lithia. and has
been used for generations to flush
and stimulate sluggish kidneys,
also to neutralize the acids In ur
ine, so It no longer irritates, thus
ending bladder weakness.
Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot
injure, and" makes a delightful ef
fervescent dithia-water drink.
' - TTsrr.M
An efficient fire De
part inont is to a mu
nicipality what a
well-! raineil arm y
itnl navy is to a na
tion. Vote 500 Yes
; System"
Norbeck Is a Progressive, and one
of the organization which grab
bed off the control of the state
from the so-called "t talwart" or
old-line Republicans.
Nonpartisan Nominated.
In North Dakota a Nonparti
san leagiicr went Into the Repub
lican primaries and captured the
Republican nomination. It is said
that liidd will vote with the Re
publicans for the organization ot
the senate, but at the same time
bis party ties are not the most
bindinc. He defeated Clronoa.
Republican Fenator, for the nom
ination. These are but a few of the con
tests being waged k various
ftatcr. but thfy illustrate the ab
solute seriousness of the situa
tion. The IDemocratic strategy
Is to capture the senate, and they
are bending every effort In that
direction. Governor Cox in his
travels through Indiana laid par
ticular stress upon the flfnt be
tween Wats-on and Taggart. aTfd
asked lor Taggarts election.
Taggart and Cox travelled to
gether in that state. This effort
on the part of the Democrats has
awakened the Republican leaders
to renewed IntereFt In this mat
ter, and the fight Is on.
In Idaho and Oregon it appears
that Harding will win by de
cided majorities. If the Fame peo
ple voting for Harding will vote
for the Republican candidates for
senator, ft will mean a distinct
gain of two votes, replacing Dem
ocrats with Republicans.
As Senator New pointed cut to
me recently:
"It is not a question of per
sonalities, but ot party and prin
ciple. I think a lot of Senator
Chamberlain, and If a Democrat
were to be elected I would rather
see him than anyone 1 know of;
till, he is a Democrat and will,
vote with the Democrat to or
ganlze the senate, and for that
reason I want to see a Republican
elected, for with Harding as pres
ident, we must have a senate ma
jority which will work in har
mony with th president."
"ix Spread Mud.
I heard Cox speak in Indiana,
arid though he spoke to fair-sized
audiences and was frequently ap
plauded, stiin did not feel that
he was gaining many votes. He
played mostly upon the emotions
of the people, and possesses every
trick and artifice of the profess
sional politician. The burden of
his speeches had to do with the
a . .
ipasup. inougn ne spread con
siderable mud" upon every oc
casion. He urged the election of
Dmocratie senators. He ap
peared confident of victory for
himself, but apparently little of
that confidence found its way
inio tne hearts of his hearers
Cox is defeated, but that does not
necessarily mean that the Repub
licans are going to win the sen
ate. There is the fight now. and
it. Is just as Important to America
as the ficht for the presidency
uncial program of the rhurcb.
Tonight the sermon topic follow
ing the song service at 7:20 will
be -Christian .Stewadlllp. The
hous-to-houe vinltation by the
men of the chnrch to rais the
church budget will take place next
Sunday afternoon.
Any breaking out of the skin.
even fiery. Itching eczema, can be
quickly overcome by applying a
little Jlentho-sulphur. says a not
ed skin specialist." Because of Its
germ, destroying properties, this
sulphur preparation Instantly
brings ease from skin irritation,
soothes - and heal the eczema
right up and leaves the skin clear
and smooth.
It seldom falls to relieve the
torment and disfigurement. Suf
ferers from kin trouble should
cet a little jar of Mentho-Sulphur
from any good druggist and use It
like a cold cream.
Lckdies' P
A new shipment just receWed direct from New
Kodak Bags
Morocco Bags
Plain Black Pocket Books
Hand Tooled Pocket Books
Prices range from 59c to $7.50 each .
Out Prices Always the Lowest
Commercial and Court Streets
Formerly Chicago Store
i i
I ,
- By getting ypur supply of Bedding we hare a good stock of this icporUit
line of merchandise, and yon owe It to yourself to come and at least look it
overi and see what good values we will give you on
Another Bullet Taken
; From Burger's Body
William Jlnrger. Center street
confectioner, who on the night ot
September IS. 1919. was shot
three time by boy highwaymen,
who held him up on the Seven
teenth street footbridge, between
Center' and Chemeketa streets,
vesterday had one of the bullets
removed from his body by phy
Itiirtrer was shot twice in the
upper part cf the body and once
in the hip. " The bullet in his hip
still remains. One other pased
through hi body and the third
lodeed in the breast bone. . This
is the one that was removed yes
terday. r
The youths who did the shoot
4ns have never beea apprehended.
Blankets Comforts
$2.49, $2.98, $4.50, $5.90, $6.50, Al
$9.90, $12.50 $5.90, $6.90 and $7.90
Bed Spreads Sheets
, At At
$3.98, $4.50, $5.90, $6.50, $7.90 Sunflower 72x90 ..-$1.93
and $9.90 j Pequot 72x90 $2-13
Pillow Cases Sheeting
At j At
49c, 55c and 59c 85c, 89c, 98c and $1.10 yard
yaw y w Trxfiri r
i m- - ik ii ii ii i ii ii
i QAcJSicition-wiclc Institution
4 wf