The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 19, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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A eansed a ripple of surprise
t in Salem is that of the mar
Hart of Bert Warren Macy. and
u Anna Rader Campbell,
JUrhter of Mr. and Mrs. D.- D.
lUder of Walla Walla, the wed-
announcement that
3fpyoa lik hearty
Tempting food
But don't car
For any 1
Unnecessary work
Del Montr Beans
With Tomato Sauce
Will help you
Hungry mouths
And save you
Lota of trouble.
Ready to serve
Hot or cold!
' -
has i dint raKlnjr place Tuesday, Oc
tober H, at me Home of the
bride's parents. . f f- ' i
After a wedding trip to Pendle
ton and Eastern Oregon points.
Mr. and Mrs. Macy will be at home
to their friends In Salem, after
November 1. I j'
Mr. Macy has been city attorney
for .several years, and is a law
partner of Justice of the Peace
Miss Margaret Itodgers had as
her guests over the week-end a'
group of popular' young Portland
folk. Miss Cornelia ; TevisJ Miss
Virginia Tevls, Coleman Wheeler,
Harry Jaeger ana uoyo jaeger,
who returned to Portland Sunday
night. ! .
m i
vr Vr
Mrs. W. Cbnneli Dyer returned
home Saturday night from Port
land, where she was briefly enter
tained by her cousin. Mrs. Jacob
Kamm. She went down to meet a
group of friends of ithe Kamm's
who were in the city from Hono
lulu. A dinner at the University
club Thursday evening was for
them and Mrs. Dyer.
Mrs. R. M. Hofer was a visitor
in Portland the last lot the Week,
returning home Saturday night.
- Mrs; Lee L. Gilbert is home
from Portland where she visited
friends for several days last week
i . ,4 i
Beginning today, and holding
over tomorrow, at the Hotel Port
land, will he the state conference
of National Leage of Vfomen's
Voters. The conference will call
together I women from various
parts of the state who were recent
ly organized by the state organizer
Miss Gertrude Watson, whose trip
to Salem; a; fortnight, ago was re
sultant in the forming of the Sa
lem chapter of the Oregon League,
. more easily digested- because
it is a vegetable fat, 100 pure, and
is from an edible source. :
I i ' - ' ;-.-..-;! i '
I ; Even after frying fish or onions the V
ame lot of Mazola can be used for
frying delicate foods. Merely strain :
and use it over and over again. ; ;
".- Mazola does not absorb any of the
odor or flavor of the foods fried in it,
nor does it smoke up your kitchen. I
i Once you toy Mazola you will prefer
it to lard pr compounds. .
SmOin Ruprmtfntatiottm
i 'Portland
FDtrr? Write for
Corn Product
Kcaaing Company, P. O,
elv Slttttrefbl f,4Urmwn
k I look. Cora Products
161, New York City.
i.-K 1
Mrs. Z.fJ. Rlggs being named
Miss Cornelia Marvin, chairman
of the Research committee, is
slated to make the final address
of the convention, her subject to
be "Women in the Orient."
Mrs. W. Everett Anderson,
manager of the Salem Musical bu
reau returned from Monmouth
yesterday, where she went in the
interest of the trio of concerts.
which are to be given under the
auspices of the bureau in Salem,
this winter. The normal school
as well as a large representatlon4rhurch.
oi me people of Monmouth Is
much enthused "over the opportun
ity offered to promote the events.
and subscribed generously.
Mrs. William Bell rs home from
a short visit with friends in Port
land, j
One of the happiest gatherings
which the week-end witnessed was
the celebration In Portland Satur
day, when Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mills
of Salem, nd their son and
daughter-in-law, Mr." and Mrs.
Harry Mills, commemorated their
wedding anniversaries. The date
marked the 30th year for the
former and the first for the lat
ter. The occasion was also in ob
servance of J. A. Mills' birthday.
The group were joind by an
other son and daughter-in-law.
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Mills, and
their young son Waldo, Jr who
motored up from Hood River. All
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mills at their handsome apart
ments at the Royal Arms .
Announcement of a marriage
that is much interest here, is that
of Miss Florence Rose Coffield.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Coffield of Goldendale. Wash. to
Theodore Byars, son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. r. Byars of the same
place, the wedding being an event
of Sunday, October 10.
A brother of the bridegroom.
Rev. W. N. Byars, who is attend
ing Willamette university this
winter, went home to officiate at
the ceremony. j
The bridegroom is a grandson
-of General and Mrs. W. H. Byars,
his father being reared in the Cap
ital city. The young , folks will
make their home in Goldendale.
Both are graduates of. the "high
school of Goldendale, the wedding
culminating a romance that be
gan there. Mr. Byars will be asso-
viated in business with his father
in the Klickitat Abstract company.
Miss Lea Nichols left Sunday
evening for a tw months visit
with her uncle, H. G. Nichols at
Long Beach, Cal.
Miss Miriam Woodberry of New
ShJbiK? Ji?. h5r .tU?1'.'!CJt t& Oregon theatre. In celebra
'mV?ullvr uMw-MWjtion of her birthday, culminating
v"r moniniv Danauet i luaiih. , i i . . .
n ' .'7 .. - . " iiu supper mi me
Winter. The women of the church
will serve. This club was formed
last winter, but in its short exis
tence it has become one of the
most worthwhile and Interesting
ubdepartments of the church.
I Miss Woodberry was an attend-
"H at. the annnaf innfnnrA nf
Congregational churches In Forest
u rove last week. She will return
to Salem again over the coming
week-end. when she will again
speak at the First Congregational
Mr; and Mrs. E. A. Henneit en
tertained as their house guests
daring the latter part of the week.
Mr. Bennett's cousin. W. E. Ben
tt. of Tremont. III. It was the
Jirst meeting in 35 years of the
two latter.
Unimpeachable If yru were
to see tha irnequallec' volume of
unimpeachable testimony In fav
or of Hood's Sarsapariila. you
would upbraid youire.f for M
long delaying to take this effect
ive medicine for tnat blood dis
ease from which you are suffering.
A pretty affair of Saturday
night was the dinner over which
Mr. and Mrs. TlnnuM Plover nr.
Rided as hosts. A vellow floral
Centerpiece Waa iiaert the mlnnr
decorative detail also carrying out
whs coior note. Covers were laid
for nine.
: ,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles NIemeyer
and son Stuart were last-of-the-week
visitors In Portland..
Mrs. w. S. Mott Is leaving this TUt RlOTV of Hnnpvmnnn
morning for Astoria, where she IUC ?WTJ Ql a nonCTTHOOn
goes to witness a nlav that her son
James Mott is producing for a civ
ic organization Wednesday and
Thursday nights. While there she
will be the guest of her son and
daghter-in-law, her vist to cover
several days. Before her return
home she will also be entertained
by another son and daughter-in-law.
Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mott. at
Vancouver Barracks. Mrs. M6tt
will be away for; about three
Mr. and Mrs. William Mulr, of
Springbrook. Ore., and Miss Irene
Deach of St. Joseph. Ore., were
week-end guests of Mrs. Elizabeth
Miller. j
An enjoyable event of Thursday
night was the "Country Fair," for
which the Artisan lodge was re
sponsible. It was given in their
rooms in the I. O. O. F. building.
A splendid program was given, and
there were numerous features, ap
propriate to a "rear country fair,
introduced for the pleasure of the
crowd. Eighteen members of the
Woodburn lodge were present, and
there was also a large representa
tion of outside folk. It was the
first open meeting of the year for
tne lodge.
The committee in
composed of Mr. and Mrs. R. C
Kriesel, Mrs. P. E. Anderson, Mrs.
Williamson. Miss Bertha Waldorf.
Miss Echo Hunt and Miss Cole. ,
Mrs. J. B. Littler and Mrs. E. E.
Fisher will be Joint hostesses for
the West Centrol circle of Flrat
Methodist church, Wednesday aft
ernoon at 1 half past two o'clock.
A Wonderful Romance of Married
Life Wonderfully Told by
York city, field worker for the Matters of business will usurp the
Home missionary societies of the greater portion of the time. The
Congregational church will be the meeting will be held at the Tesl-
guest of honor at a large tea this dtnee of Mrs. Littler.
afternoon, given by the ladies so-1 !
cial circles of the Central Congre- State-wMe Interest centers this
gatlonal church. I week in tne annual convention of
The church parlors will be em- the Oregon Parent-Teacher assort-
bellished with a wealth of autumn ttfon. which Is a branch of the
foliage and flowers, the tea tables National Congress of Mothers,
to be particularly distinctive. Hos. which opens In Portland Wed nes
tesses will be Mrs. E. M. McKee. day evening at 8 p. m. at 'the Y.
Mrs. W. A. Martin. Mrs. Thomas w. C. A. It Is expected that sev
Hall, Mrs. Harry Rose. Mrs. Wll- eral hundred women will be in at-
liam Gruchow, -Mrs. G. E. Ter- tendance from all over the state,
willlger and Mrs. W. W. Cory, as representatives from various aa
The tea will be at 2 o'clock. Miss sociations.;
Woodberry to speak during the Mrs. C. ! W. Hay hurst of Port
afternoon on subjects with which land will preside. The parent's
she is particularly acquainted. A educational bureau, home eo-
musical program will also be giv- nomics, education, innit. pumic
en. In the evening Miss ' Wood- health, kindergarten and the work
berry will again speak, the men of of the Farent-Teacner association
will be some oi tne suDjects Tlis-
:Ah " i
me word was hardly more
than 'a breath, bnt it startled me
as It it had been the ping of a
bullet close to my ear.
For it came from the lips of the
wounded officer whom I was help
ing to nurse, and there was san
ity In it Instead of the disjointed
murmurs which he hsd been ut
tering before.
I had been s engrossed In the
thoughts of Dicky that I had lost
all sight for the moment of the
important task which; had been
delegated to me. that-of calming
by my presence the delirious Im
aginings of the wounded man be
fore me.
I looked down quickly Into his
face, although my ' eyes were
somewhat blurred by the rush of
tear which had come to them at
the thoughts of my husband, and
rhareo was i which I had In some fashion kept
iruui tueuuiut. toe w uuaum oi-
flcer's eyes were open, and he
was looking Intently at me. I The
wild light of which the nurse
had told ma had gone out of
them. In Its stead there was
look of unutterable relief. : but
even as my eyes cleared and I
saw him clearly, a shadow crept
into his.
'You are real?" he said
slowly, doubtfully. "You are
allvs?" !
"Very much alive," I answered
cheerily, for Instinct -told ! me
this was the best way to reassure
him. As I spdke I took my hand
from his forehead. - i
He frowned as I did to. and
looked like an unhappy child.
"Don't take it away."
he said painfully. "I lik3
cussed. Superintendent J. A.
Churchill and Miss Cornelia Mar
vin will be the speakers from Sa
lem, i .
Miss Grace Babcock returned
Saturday night from California,
W ll -.n;fn- wot w where she spent six weeks as the
"SWJ!X: ?lm".,rZ'll guest of friends, several of them
Difficult to Keep Your
Hair Wavy? Read This
all means do so. . You'll never
again use, the ruinous heated iron.
The eurltti ess will appear so per
tectly natural and the hair will
being former Salem residents, who
joined in making her sojurn pleas
ant. In San Francisco, Miss Bab
cock was the house guest of Mr.
be so beautifully lustrous. Instead ,r I vZ7nt Wi-known
of dried I and parched. Thus o.i ' " V Vfci,- ...
liquid silmeiine serves .also as
a beneficial dressing for the hair.
It Is neither sticky nor greasy,
but quite pleasant to use. It
should be applied with a clean
the guest of her cousin Miss Ida
Haas, and Mr. and Mrs. rercy
Ried (Gertrude Fa wk.)
A Hallowe'en social is the order
pulse which made me say deter
minedly: "But I promised him I wouldn't
leave him while he slept, and I
must keep my word."
(To be continued)
Naval Itineraries for
1921 Are Announced
Secretary of the Navy Josephas
Daniels announces that the navy
department has issued Instruc
tions to the commander of the
Atlantic fieet ami to the com
mander of the- Pacific fleet to
submit tentative . itineraries for
the foreign cruises to be made
by the respective fleets in the
summer of 1521.
The present idea Is that the
Atlantic fleer will visit ports of
the east coast of South America
and also Capetown, and possibly
other South African ports. Includ
ing paslng the Island of St. Hel
ena, the home of Napoleon during
his captivity.
The Pacific Ceet is expected to
visit the South Sea islauds and
ports In Australia and New Zeal
and. It Is probable that the Pa
cific fleet win be able to vlrit
ports In southern New Zealand
and also Tasmania, or Vandie
man's land.
After the completion of this
winter's Joint maneuvers In the
Pacific In the months of January
and February, the fleets will pro
ceed to their target grounds on
or before March 10. and finish
up all target practice of the pres
ent year. It Is expected that this
will be finished about .May i.
then, after six weeks In home
yards for repairs and the cus
tomary leave. It I3 believed that
the vessels will get away on their
foreign cruises about June 15.
Last week showed about 2300
enlistments, and the enfcsted per
sonnel or the navy has risen to
over 112.000 men. Telegraphic
instructions has been received
from the bureau of navigation to
discontinue enlistments and re-
enustments of seamen for sub
marine duty.
SCOTTS MILLS. Oct. 16. Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. Taylor and daugh
ter visited relative la Portland
Jesse Burkhurst was a Portland
visitor Wednesday.
I. Dunagan of eastern Oregon
is visiting relatives In this vicin
ity and exp?cta to spend the win
ter here.
School began Monday at Scotia
Mills wlthntlrely a new force of
teachers, and a large attendance.
Ben White has sold his track
to J. C Barnes and expjets to
move to southern Oregon.
Mrs. George I lay nes was a Port
land visitor Tuesday.
E. Glger went ta Portland
Thursday on business.
H. Plas and sons John and Ger
hart went to Portland Monday to
spend the day with Miss Gertrude
E. R. Lawrence is in Salem be-
Inr called there on the Jurr..
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Rice were In
Balem Thursday on business.
tooth brush before putting up the of eTentg tne QTder of the
uair. ur-.wmB me- orusn mrouga Eagtera Star tonight, the program
the hair from root to tip. a d gnPperf which will suggest
, The hair will have the loveliest tn,g date on tne calendar, to fol-
curls and ; waves . imaginable Jn low tne reguiar business session of
three hours, and It will be easy tne OTden xne committee in
tomanage, no matter how you charge ls headed by . Mrs. David
do it up, A few ounces of the Wr,Khtt chairman. Mrs. W. P.
Ilnnlil mmShS w 111 S Sis'
luiuiu Hum juur uruggiai w" Fowle, Mrs. Cora Keio. anss ary
last a long time.
m Blanket Week
j : Ladies f Suit Week
1 Goods
Every Ladies Suit
Heavily Reduced
No Reserve
If Possible
Bellinger, and Mrs. O. A. Olson.
4r -9r
Miss Grace Fawk was a week
end visitor in Albany, where she
was entertained as the geusi o
Miss Mary Louise Qumn.
viewers and messages of sym-
nnthv are being sent to Mrs. R. L.
White who is conveieaciuB nw
severe illness at her apartments.
231 South Church street.
iLt TmmtL Snook was the
week-end guest of her brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. L.
M. Traver, in Portiana.
rs!l Ethel LIston entertained
with a line party Saturday nlgnt
New Way to Remove
Hairs Creates Sensation
Actually Take Out the Root
What beauty specialists T?r&
. . . . ImnArtint (19
as one or me rowi "" - .
coveries in receni ,J' " "
.h.i.Minp method of removing
superiluous hair. s greats
vantage, of course, lies in the fact
that it actually removes the hair
rSJts. It does this eaMly in
Ptantlv. harmlessly. Suirerers
romlythe affliction
no longer despair The actual
hair-roots come ou,
leaving me
hairless as a babes.
sucn com
"I'll Not Go Away.
Reluctantly I resumed the
smoothing of his hair back from
his forehead, the service which
the nurse had requested of me
while he was delirious. I was
furious at myself b?cause I could
n't control the flush which over
spread my Taee at his request.
He did- not see my embarrass
ment, however, for he had closed
his eyes as he spoke, and for
llttla while lay quiet, so quiet. In
deed, that I was beginning to be
alarmed. Bnt Just as I was about
to appeal to the nurse, who also
was watching him, he opened his
eyes again."
"Why did your eyes have tears
In them just now?" he asked, and
this time his words cames less
painfully, closer together. "Are
yoa hurt badly, after all? I've
been afraid they were lying to
me." I
His voice rose in excitement.- I
saw that the only way to quiet
him was the method one would
use with a frightened child. I
I bent a little closer to him.
"Look at me." I said, lust a
hint of sharpness in my tone,
"and listen carefully while 1 tell
you the absolute truth. I am not
hurt. I am very well, and you
must have ben mistaken about
the tears In my eyes. Yon don't
see any there now, do you?"
I smiled at him as I asked the
bast question, and a slow, weakj
grin curved the -corners of his
"Nary a one." he returned with
a pitiful attempt at lightness, and
them the nurse Intervened.
"Take this now, please." she
said, "and then close your eyes
and -try to r.o to sleep."
Rha held a formidable-looking
dose of medicine out to him. He
looked up at her rebelllously.
"1 don't want to go to sleep."
"Will she stay Tight here and
not let ro my hand?"
The nurse looked at me, a calm.
professional glance, yst I could
not but imagine that her eyelash
es veiled a quizzical look. I felt
myself flushing again, but I knew
there was only one answer for
me to rive. I looked down Into
the pleading eyes of the wounded
"I'll not go away. I promise
"Thank you. All right, nurse.
Obediently he swaltowed the
dose she gave him. smiled up at
me with a tourh of whimsicality,
and closed his eyes like a tired
child. For several torturing min
utes his fingers and eyes twitched
nervously, and his head Jerked
occasionally from side to side as
if he were in pain. But gradual
ly he became quieter, and before
long waa drawing deep, regular,
restful br?aths, and sleeping as
naturally an if he were Just an
ordinarily, fatigued man.
Hub Tala From Iktrk With Small
Trial I'rfKtle of Old
"St. Jacob I ML"
VK Make the next
n)J ctor taste better
, O after
LS el sinoWnfi
ydcanse your cioatb
I A moisten your tfaroat
1 i sweeten your breath
c(k W-'Hy Still only J
5C a J
H N:4i&Jfl Package J
ixv mjvzzzZJ.. ., - -it, 1 11 "3
very eyes.
smooth and
When your back Is sore and
lame, or lumbago, sciatica or
rheumatism has you stiffened up.
don't suffer! Get a small trial
bottle of old. honest "St. Jacobs
OH'1 at any drug store, pour a
little In your hand and rub It
rlcht on your aching back, and by
the time you count fifty, the sore
ness and lameness Is gone.
Don't stay crippled! This sooth
ing, penetrating oil needs to be
used only once. It take the pain
right out and ends the misery.
It is magical, yet absolutely harm
less and doean't burn the skin.
Nothing el.e stops' Intubate,
sciatica, backache or rheumatism
so prompely. It -never disap
points! . ...
By Purchasing a Season Ticket to Sal em
AdultSeaon Ticket $3.00. Student $2-50. Chil Jrra $2.00
Regular a J minion trill amount to $7.00 -A
wason ticket will have you money oa two cumber.
.. .. . . .-v .I.icuraDee Lil tie Symphony--, v
Frederick Warde
Albert Lindquest
I)e MUIe Male Quartette
JIrrlert Leon Cope
Wr are prrM'i'.tiujr Vilhjalrarr Stcffanon, the world'a
noM fatuous scientiit explorer, litre November ID, ia his
hrillin lecture. "My Firrt Year in the Artie.,f Alao
aterroptiron viewa showing his effort. All holder of
season tickets to the Sal cm Lyceum Course Kill be given
a spoeial price.
Bur vour arasou ticket novr
415 Court 'St. 432 State St,
Mail Onlera !
Seat Sale -Closes
.Oct 22, 1920
372 State St.
Salem, Orrgon
First Number
Little Symphony
Not. 2, 1920
- j . i
r 1
... .
.rf X
m ir s i irra
plete relief, a ttc c
is the most "" .v; rpmoVal
woman can ou, 4"'r the same
of halo' Growths. For th.
reason drugtus -
. ... safetYt It IS
ran use It wun rui"7 . '
. J it
.nnrmous aemanu ...
- a
. " r ennM even eat
so narmieas i
' it without any rtl e"ect.
"But I've Promised."
" "I thrnk yon can slip awav
now, the nure murmured In my
ear. "He will never notice your
I felt vaguely, foolishly resent
ful of the air of complete author
ity which enveloped her. It was
as if she had said: "You have
done very well, child, but we
don't need you any longer."
- 1 didn't stop to analyze the lm-
f ... : w .
t-, -- ' ;'
I - - - -1
2, 7 and 9 p. m.