The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 19, 1920, Page 1, Image 1

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The. 8Uterrn reeerve tha leased
wire report of the Associated
Prrti, the greatest aad moit re
liable press association ia the
Rain: moderate southwesterly
Senator Writes That Send-
r c .1 . u:.
Ing 01 opuncsuiau i.v
Informally is Not Viola
tion of Propriety I
Candidate Speaking Mani
fest Sentiment of French
MARtOX 'O.. Oct. 18. Reply
ing to an Inquiry from President
Senator, Harding wrote
te House tonight that al
though i France had sent her
"spokesmen" to him informally
asking America to lead the way
for an association of nations, the
Incident had not involved the
French government In any viola
tion of international proprieties
Sentiment of People
The senator declared that in his
reference to the subject in s
speech at Greencastle. Indiana
recently, he only had sought to
convey the thought thai thera had
come to him "those who spoke a
sentiment which they I represent
ed to be very manifest among the
trench peoole."
Ha added that his words "could
not be construed to say th,at the
f rencn government has sent any
body to me."
Referring to Mr. Wilson's sug
gestion of impropriety,, in a for
eign naiiun anproacnmg a pri
vate citizen" on such a subject.
Senator Harding pointed .out that
ha is a member of the foreign re
lations committee as well as a
nominee' for .the presidency and
Burgested that 'Informal expres
lon to me is rather more than
that to' a private citizen."
Hi I"tter Follows
The text of Senator Harding's
letter.. sent in reply to one from
freitaent, Wilson a eking whether
Ise. senator had been" correctly
, fl.noted In his Greencastle speech,
'. follow:-
"Dear Jlr. President:
"I hare before me a press copy
of your letter to me of this date,
though I am not in receipt of the
original copy. I am glad to make
. a prompt reply. , '
! "It Is very gatifying that you
hesitate to draw inferences with
out my assurance that' I am cor
rectly quoted. The quotation as
Reported in your letter is not ex
act. The notes of the stenogra
pher reporting my remarks quotes
me as saying: - 'France has sent
bar spokesmen to me informally,
. asking America In Its new realiza
tion of the situation to lead the
way for an association of nations.'
"I am sure that my words
; could hot be construed i to say
that the French government has
sent anybody to me. The, thought
I was trying to convey was that
there 'had j come to ma those who
spoke a sentiment which they rep-
' resented to be very manifest
among; the French 'people, but
nothing could suggest the French
rovernment having violated the
proprieties of International rela
tions. France would never . seek
to go over your high office as our
tuiei executive to appeal to the
. Henc people or any rjortlon
thereof. I can see no impropriety
in Private citizens of France, or In
Americans deeply friendly to
rnce explaining to m their nn.
aerstanding of sentiment in that
friendly republic.
"U is not important enough to
Perhaps, but I very re-
Tg that an Informal
wpeMion to me la rather more
a aJ 10 Privte citizen, I
tor... p ace 8 member of the
rluS T11 committee of the
chJ mJI ttna,e. wnlch is
i w.lth certain eonstitution-
, ut-a i
urn .
n ' r uu ana i am necessar
in' vu".Bt'ous-at I am the nom
ine t .v l " me nom
ines of the Rmukk..
j wunarinti. ti...
President 0f repubHc.
t- "mblnatton of those
nn-i "J?1 " Rnt not to he
friS T.that wn, 'e'ry devoted
ISJ nL -?,er rela-
. u '" naiiQiis no mai
wl.h "? tney fame should
Dlr td,V,s w; relating to as
52 ?Bi !?, C0P"ate with our
hieh IIPnbHc ,n attaining that
lnry, the orvance of all the
W,ii?t and aSain asrt that
UlnL .vCh 8ymment ha3 ntain
JtZrJ? raat respect for
b!er!S l Wh'Ch 1 m'eU
With great respect. I am.
ery truly,
rren O. Harding.
Mistake In. "opy. .
IuripIegident's letter al not
w t0 use th ect words
V. .
reencastle speech, but
iiirt rep.eated a- Paraphrase
iJa . ' rPrRfntatlve"
" in place of rhe plural '
21 m
W., i ne singular had
-nsed in the transcript of the
l-'vij1 enographer. as made
u. e n the senator's Imln in
4 copy R,Ten to new-
(o e ha ent her spokesman
"or Harding iaid he had
i:.pi:iitiox to
Huntsmen, and t on boys Along
Willi (College Professors Will
Capture "Wildest"
NEW YORK. Oct. IS. Organ
ized! search for the well-advar-tisei
but undiscovered "niissing
link' the remains of he near
man that scientists since the' day
of Darwin have longed to exam-'
ine is to be carri?d on in Asia
for a five-year period, beginning
next February.
An expedition, financed by a
230,000 fund, will penetrate the
remote regions and er?n if it
fails to uncover remnants of
man s rude pre-nistoric forbear.
it is planned to bring back to
New York, "the greatest natural'
historvcollection the world has
evsr seen."
The American Museum of Nat
ural history whichjjs sponsoring
the explorations, announced to
night its associates are the Am
erican Asiatic society and 'The
Asja Magazine. These thres will
finance tne expedition, with tne
help of private contributions by
Mrs. Willard Straight. J. P. Mor
gan. George F. Baker, Childs
Frick, W. A. Harrtman and Mr.
and Mrs. Charles I.. Uemheimer.
Huntsmen and cowboys as wll
as erudite professors and scien
tists, will be included in the par
ty, for it in planned to trail some
of jthe wildest wild animals in
the; world in the Gobi desert and
bring thent back to New York
alive. i
Antelope that can run ?0
miles an hour." wild horses with
less speed but more control in
their kicking apparatus, and wild
camels, wild asses and!' long
haired tigers "will be run down
in kaiotor cars, lassooed by Mon
gol; cowboys, and some of the
specimens brought baclr alive to
the-N-aw York zoological, park,"
said the statement announcing
th"! expedition. I
"It is the hope of finding the
bones of a pre-historic aneester
of man, however, ' that is held
highest by Hoy Chapman An
drews, assistant curator of mam
mals In th a American Museum of
who will, be in
charge of the expedition and. his
iassociatfiis. The party will have
jits headquarters in Peking." "
President Wilson Investi
gates Statement of
WASHINGTON, Oct. 18, Pres
ident Wilson took steps today to
ascertain, whether the French gov
ernment had given authority to
"a representative of France" to
approach Senator Harding; "infor
mally" with the request that -the
Republican . presidential nominee
take the! lead in the formation of
an association of nations.
S, The White House also
public the text of a letter ad
dressed to Senator Harding by
President Wilson, inquiring as to
the correctness of a statement at
tributed to the senator inl a dis
patch daed St. Louis, October 16,
in which) he was quoted as having
said he had been so approached.
! "I need not point out to you,"
the president wrote, "the grave
and extraordinary inferences to
be drawn from such a statement,
namely, that the government of
France,' which is a member of the
league of nations, approached a
private citizen of a nation whl5h
la not a member of the league
with a request 'that the United
States lead the way to -a. world
fraternity.' " I
I Neither officials at the White
House nor at the state depart
ment would comment on the na
ture of the inquiry directed to
the French government,. It was
understood, however. I that the
note was transmitted by the state
department to the French gov
ernment through Ambassador
Wallace in Paris. At the French
embassy It was stated that no
such communication had been re
ceived there for transmission.
Secretary Tumulty said that no
reply had been received by the
White House either from Senator
Harding or the French govern
ment. 1
Testimonies of Game
Fixing Thought Ended
CHICAGO. Oct. IS. The Cook
countv grand jury investigating
the baseball scandal does not ex-
. . t A
pect further testimony impncai-
ing major league; players in gam-
Ming and game "throwing." nut
will devote Its future sessions to
securing evidence aeainst the
men who are aiieeea to nae
fixed" the' 1919 world ' series by
bribing Chicago American league
players to lope games to the Cin
cinnati National league team, ac
cording to a statement tonight by
Hartley Replogle. prosecutor in
charge of tbe inquiry.
Further Indictments might be
voted aeains; major league play
ers, however, on the streng of
evidence already received. Rep
logle eaid. but the jury plans to
delve tomorrow almost; exclusive
ly into the ramifications of an
aliege-J gamblinc rig which
sought control of the annual
championship series, i j
With Presidency Won, G.
0. P. Leaders Turn At
tention to Capturing Ma
jority in Upper House
Conditions in East and Mid
dle vWest Reviewed hy.
Oregonian at Chicago
CHICAGO, Oct. 18. (Special
The Statesman. T The politi
cal campaign ot i20 is now en
tering its' last stages, with both,
Republicans and Democrats ex
erting themselves to the utmost.
With victory for Harding and
COolidge practically assured by a
tremendous popular majority, as
well as electoral vote, the chief
interest nbw centers in the sena-
torial fights being waged in many
of the -states.
Unless all signs fail, the vic
tory of the Republican national
ticket in the east . and middle
west will be one' or the greatest
landslides in the history, of Aro
crican politics. Where a month
ago it was figured that Cox had
almost "an even break In Ohio, it
is not believed now that he will
icome within 100,000 votes of
ica rryfng 'the state. Indiana, will
jgive Harding' a majority of 50.
t00. and Illinois will roll up one
of the largest Republican majori
ties, ever polled.. Harding will
iarry New York, New Jersey and
West Virginia, as well as all the
other northeastern and middle
western states; with almost an
even brpak today in Missouri.
Kentucky and Tennessee. Though
confident cf this. Republican lead
ers will not lie down on the cam
paign, until the last minute, of the
last day, but will work to make
the majority as large as possible.
However, this situation gives 4he
KepuDiican management more
time now to devote to the various
senatorial contests, and this will
form the burden of the work of
the party managers during the
remaining days before election!
Period Demands Harmony.
The senatorial, situation is a
serious one. It would be disas
trous to elect a Democratic sen
ate with a Republican president.
The inability of the Republican
senate to work with the Demo
cratic president during the past
two years is sufficient illustra
tion of the injury the country
must suffer from a lack of har
mony between the executive and
legislative branches of govern
ment. In these days of recon
struction it is imperative that
harmony, may be secured and the
country push ahead in vital mat
ters of I reconstruction is by hav
ing a Republican senate to back
up oUrlnext president. '
With Newberry practically out
of the senate, thus reducing the
Kepirblican majority to-one, and1
wUh -Harding's election meaning
another loss in the senate of one
vote, the situation' is most seri
ous. No Republican can consist
ently vote for Harding and then
turn around and vote for a Dem
ocrat for the senate. When he
does so he Is striking a blow at
the future successful operation of
his government. Voters i casting
their ballots for Cox should vote
for the! Democratic candidate for
senator, and vice versa. It is not
now a i question of Ihidviduals,
but a question of principles, with
the best interests of the cbuntrV
at heart. ! and every voter should
remember when he or she goes
to iVe polls that upon his or her
action may depend the control of
the United States senate.
Indiana Fight Hot. i
In Indiana a hot fight Is on be
tween Senator Jipi Watson. Re
publican, candidate for le-election
and Tom Taggarf, - Democratic
boss, for the senate. Harding
will carry Indiana, but it Is not
at all certain that Watson will
win, and It is positively certain
that Watson -will run behind the
national ticket. Watson now has
a slight advantage, but there are
two weeks more before election
and Taggart 13 no novice at the
game of politics. Local issues
fignrei largely in this campaign.
In Iowa, Senator Cummins is
having the fight of his life. Iowa
will give Harding a majority of
st least 100,000, but Cummins
will in no event secure j anywhere
near this majority. His opponent
is Claude Porter, who c&me with
in 15.000 votes of defeating Gov
ernor j Harding for re-election in
Iowa :in 1918. r Porter ! has been
United States district attorney in
Iowa, as a capable man and a
hard campaigner. Cummins is of
the old Progressive faction In
Iowa J and has always had more
or lets opposition in "his own
party.) He has not been physi
cally well enough to make a vig
orous i campaign, and hence has
been handicapped In this respect
Others local matters enter into
the situation which are going
(Continued on page 8)
lUlll-noii .... ,r. v .J,,:oV TKEI. AMI OTTO IX.
X.llioilal (;u:inl Offiirs in Mull.
noiiMh l ountj t, ;ive Dinner
In Honor of Conimamlrr
Lieut, r.en. Hunter Liggett, who
crniiiiaiKUd the
on Landed the American armie,
n the Held in France and Delg-
him, will visit Oret'on nevti ! month
to attend a dinner whir-ti 'irilt h
given by the officers of the Ore-
Mi .National guard stationed ln!l"rs ,s Becoming widespread.
Multnomah countv. !
ueneral Liggett, who is at pres
ent commander of the Ninth corp
area with heaquarters at San
Francisco yesterday advised Geo.
A. Whitej adjutant general of the
state, who served under hira for
a time in France, of his accept
ance of an invitation tendered by
White for the Portland
of honor
I Liggett will be a guest
at the dinner for which
several hundred guelts. including
army and: navy and national guard
ouicers and prominent citizens
will be invited. Arrangements
for Ihe afiair are in the hands of
a Portland committee headed by
Maj. J. F. Drake, who suggested
that the dinner be given to bring
attention !to the new national de
fence proble which centers larg
ely about the national guard. The
day : and . jhour in November for
the affair! have not yet been set.
General Lip get t is known
throughout the country as the
" man In the field" in France. He
commanded the amous First corps
which broke the German bubble
in the German drive oh Paris
tarly in 1918. As the American
forces were enlarged he was given
command of the First army, and
it was he who directed the great
Argonne battle which broke , the
Pnusian back. He is known as
one of America's greatest gene
rals and was. possibly, the most
popular; general In France be
cause of his Interest in the wel
fare of his men and bis utter fear
lessness in battle. He went over
seas as commander of the 41st
division in which -the Oregon vol
unteers were serving. .
- mi -i
Death of Fitzgerald Will
Have Bad Effect on
Other Fasten
CORK. Oct. 18. It Is under
stood that a military inquiry into
the death of Fitzgerald which oc
curred Sunday night, will be held
hsfore the body Is removed from
Cork jail.
With the announcement of the
death of Fitzgerald there came to
light a romance which would
have resulted In the marriage of
Fitzgerald on his death bed is
permission could hava been ob
tained to hold the ceremony. A
constant attendant on Fitzgerald
since he began his hunger strike
was Miss Condon of Fermoy. She
was suDDOsed to have been his
sister, but as it turns out sh3 was
his fiancee. Miss Condon nursed
the prisoner night and day.
A week ago Fitzgerald ex
pressed a desire that he be mar
ried to Miss Condon onore ne
died,, He said that he felt that
death was near. . Miss Condon
consented, but permission was re
fused 'to the prison chaplain to
perform the ceremony.
Th ? bishoo of Cork was ap
pealed to. and he is said to have
authorized another priest to per
form Jhe marriage ceremony, u
is asserted that when the prison
authorities Uarned, of this plan
ttiev ine1 a warnine that if it
was carried out all visitors would
be excluded from the jail in me
future. Accordingly the plan was
.-"-.-- . , '
Fitzgerald had served moiupftwere rrire-niun-
In prison. For three montns nj
had been In the Fame jail in
which he died, in solitary con
finement. He had teen out
the .prison only a fortnight when
he was rearrested. He is said to
have been the commandant ot the
First battalion of the second .or
brisade of Irish volunteers.
The condition of Joseph Mur
phy caused much anxiety, the jail
physicians saying h? is at deaths
d-o-. . !
The treatment of Murphy gave
the phvpfrians their first oppor
tuniiy to make a thorough exam
ination of any of the hnnSer
strikers. "The emaciation (of
Murphv is simply awful, j the
said. "He is literally nothing but
skin and bones. His ablom?nJ is
so shrunken lhat it Is only a noi-
13 "He whispered that he watif'1
to die to escape his pain." add-!
the doctors. j j is FOl XI
ASHLAND. Or.. Oct. 18 Frank
Manes of Talent. Ore., who had
been missing for four days h.
on a hunting trip in the apate
country, was . found this after at
Jack's flat In Northern California.
Mine's was hunting with Warren
Hearing, also of Talent,
UMIshSd a camp last Thursday
morning. Each went on a hunt,
ioing in separate directions and
Manfs, became lost.! Hunting par
ties from different towns in Jack-
toj80" gince Iast Thursday
county had oeen numiuB ....
TM1.1WJIJ sen ie U Sustetilel j
t onreren-e Fail lo irl
; LONDON'. Oct. 18.-The cessa
tion of coal mining throughout
he country seems romnlpt tnr
r""""" nun-rs in some uis-
tlic,s appear io be entered the
strike in a half hearted mnnr
'here is no sirn of an V break In
l""'r .rank, and conseouentlv ih
"""location of the country's indu-
neither is there known of any
mediation growing out of today's
conferences, all parties apparently
awaiting the reassembling of par
liament tomorrow.
There is an unconfirmed report
tonight that the government In
tends to otrer the miners a com
promise of one shilling per shirt
advance, provided they accept sub
mission of the whole dispute lo an
independent tribunal.
The strike will hit the ' Iron.
steel and cotton industries serl-
qnsiy. The great blast furnaces in
1 : i ....
uc .iiiuuinmorauin district are
beginning to damp down; thous
ands of furnace men and steel
workers are idle. This district
provides a third of the whole Brit
ish output of Die Iron and It i
feared, should the strike be pro
longed mat some Z5,00 men will
ne without work.
'""riiooi ana Manchester an
nounce the impenfling suspension
of the tramway services. The vinlt
of the prince of Wales to the city
on Wednesday has been rescinded
ana u is announced the nareant
which was to have been a featnre
of the lord mayor's show has been
Frank Hodges of the miner's
union, has issued a statement in
tended to prove that the miners'
watses since 1914 have not ad
vanced commensuratelv with the
advance In the cost of living.
College Yell Leaders and
Several Bands Add to
n.- Enthusiasm
MARION. O.. Oct. 18. The
long saccession ot political pilgri
mages to Senator Harding's front
porch reached. high tide today in
a gathering that deluged Marion
and swirled about the vicinity of
the Harding home in a roaring
So great was the crowd that Its
fringes packed the streets a block
away and hundreds were unable
to go close enough to hear the
nominee's speech on the obligation
Of the American voter.
Delegations from many states
and representing many special
groups were In the crowd, which
paraded to the Harding residence
shouting and singing, and greeted
the candidate and his wife wtlh
an uproar of political enthusiasm.
More than a score of bands
Lmarched with the paraders and
serenaded the nominee for two
hours after bis address, while he
and Mrs. Harding shook hands
with a stream of visitors.
' The xenato'r speech, largely de
voted to a discussion of the obli
gations ot the American voter,
was . addressed particularly to
those who are to exercise the bal
lot this year for the first time. He
pronounced use ot the franchise
a duty as well as a privilege, and
urged that the two party systems
be preserved as the most practical
means of securing efficient gov
ernment. New women voters, he
asked especially to segregate
themselves- jin a party of their
own. . .
The first i voters contingents
including groups from 33 colleges
and universities, made up most of
the crowd. In addition, there
of various
races and delegations from many
Ohio counties. Dayton sent a del
egation carrying banners pro
claiming that the home city of
Governor Cox was for Harding.
Heading the parade was a bicycle
brigade, formed about a bicycle
which Senator Harding once own
ed and rode, and as part of the
front porch ceremonies he was
presented-with a new machine
with his name engraved on the
cross bar.
Two of the show spots In the
procession : of marchers . were
formed by girls of Ohio Wefleyan
university. attired In middle
blouses, and by a woman's club of
Pittsburgh, wearing marching
costumes of blue and white. ,
Although the parade did not
start, until nearly 2 o'clock,
crowds began to cluster abnat the
Harding residense hours before,
and by noon the lawn was over
flowing and the porch wa crowd
ed with the visitors.
Cheer leaders of the college
delegations mounted on the roof
ot the porch and percheM in
trees, kept the groups on the
below singing campaign songs and
howling out political parodies on
their college yelU.
LONDON. Oct. 18. The condi
tion of Lord Mayor Mac Swiney
has taken a change for th worse,
it was announced in a bulletin is
sued by the Irish self-determination
leagne at 5 o'clock this evening.
Governor Proclaims That
League is Inspired From
Above and That it is
Pledge to Mothers
Candidate Believes Irish
Trouble One of Exter-
RUFFALO. X. Y.. Oct. 18.
Preaching bis laagne of nations
onpel today In northwestern Xevs
lork. Governor Cox renewed as
saults against Senator Harding
for alleged "wiggling and wob
bling". Upon the leaue issue.
To six large audiences at Syra
cuse. Rochester and Buffalo, and
in two rear platform addresses
en . route, the Democratic candi
date carried his preachments up
on jthe league declaring Ibst it
was; "in pored by God" and a
"PliqJge" to American soldiers and
mothers. .
larding Ha Made Slip
AX the Broadway auditorium
andvGenessee hall here tonight
Gornor Cox declared that Ren
atofvJ Harding had made a "slip"
in tating that be had been ap
proached "unofficially'" by a
French representative regarding
"a world fraternity.
"The French government.
said Governor Cox. "very prompt
ly and properly denies that there
have been any official overtures
of anv kind. I want to ask Sen
ator Harding whether it I
not true that the 'representative
of France' was not Maurice de
Kobra of Paris. If this be true,
and I have strong reasons for be
lieving that it is we have
an instance of the kind of coun
he will seek in international
afjatrs. - , .
Governor Cox said' that Mr. de
I Kobra, a correspondent for the
raris La woerte. ana wno re
cently traveled with the governor
before going to accompany Sen
ator Harding, was an author and
humorist. ;
"Senator Harding's slip oc
curred." Governor Cox continued,
"in on a of his back platform
speeches. The restraint ; imposed
by the intellectual guard that has
been with him for week was for
the moment withdrawn. The
statement comes from Marlon
that no more extensive speaking
tours will be made. Obviously
the Republican- party Insists upon
being protected from the blun
ders' of its candidate. The cir
cumstance creates the question
as to what protection Amer
ican 'can devlss against presi
dential blunders if Senator Hard
inc should chance to be elected."
Governor Cox reiterate. t that
Senator Harding had taken 13
variant league positions and the
Democratic nominee predicted
that the American people would
not approve an attempt to "wig
gle Into the presidency.
Governor Cox aked whether. It
elected. Senator Harding, in car-rrlng-out
h!s proposal, for "plur
al government would consult
with tha Johnson-Borah or ther
groups. .
Republican Are Dizzy
That. "a storm, a cyclone of
proiest from Republican men and
wpmen." has followed Senator
Harding's Des Moines speech, was
asserted by Governor Cox to all
bis audiences.
"They've followed him until
they are dizzy and couldn't any
more," he declared.
F.lection In New York of a Dem
ocratic senator who would sup
port I he league was nuked by the
governor in all nis addresses.
Her?. tonight he also urged reel
ection of Governor Smith.
While in Rochester the gover
nor laid a wreath on the grave of
Susan U. Anthony, woman snf-
rage plonr.
Ileal With IrNIi QucMion
Special reference lo the Irish
ouestion was made lonirht by
Governor Cox. who challenged
Senator Harding's po.-ition lhat I'
was not a matter for official Ani
ericn. The nominee asserted his cn
tonnt "had voted against every
proposal of self-d jtermination in
the senate from th beginning of
his service until now. including
every proposal for the freedom of
"iVnator Harding says that
this 'is not a dometle question."
said the governor, "that concerns
Great Britain and Gieat Britain
alone. My judgment is that it
has become a world tragedy. I
call your attention to the fact
that the Knrlish parsers have been
predicting Senator Harding's elec
tion and that th'ee da?s a(tr he
expressed himself against the In
terests of the Irish people. Bal
hriggsn. Ireland, was burned to
thi ground by British soldiers.
Cox Favor Irchm !Un
When he plunged directly In
to his league agrument the gov
ernor was Interrupted by the
"How about the soldier's bon-
The candidate reiterated that
(ConUnued on pas S)
leagne of Xaifa Cm Sec
rrlary of ( otiind Ibiard It.
'r From Ka
. Thousands of Democrats In
New York city will s tip port Sen-!
slor Harding for the presidency,
at the November election In pre
ference to Governor Cox. de
clares R. B. Good in. seTiarr of
the state board of control, who
returned yesterday from a trip
t the Atlantic coast.
As an illustration of this
change In the political line-op.
Mr. Good in says be talked to
member of the street cleaning
department, most of them Iieroo
crats. and found that the major
ity of them declare themselves for
Harding. The question of Ike
league of nations appears to be
the hinge on which they ate
"Kverywhere the talk favors
Harding. said Mr. Goodin. i
Mr. Goodin went east In charge
of a carload of patients from ta
state hospital for the Insane.
When the special car left here 32
patients were on board. They
were distributed at various points
along the route and six went an
through to New York. Four were
deported to foreign countries. I
.Mr. Goodin Investigated newly
invented flax pulling machinery
while In the state or New York
and reports that It has not yst
been developed to the point of
practicability. However. film
pictures of the machinery lu op
eration are to be shown In "Salem
in the. near future through ar
rangements mad by Mr. Goodin
while in the east.
Workman at Kay Woolen
Mills Dies After Accident
at Noon Hour -
A raveling on his apron wind
ing about a shaft rsnsed fatal In
Juries to Charles Volgt. 2 years
old. at the Thomas Kay Woolen
mills at tb noon hour yesterday.
He died about half an hour after
being taken to a hospital.
Mr. Voigbt. who operated
wool scouring machine, evidently
had climbed by a ladder to oil
some overhead machinery- It be
ing the noon hour few other per
sons were about the mill. Indi
cations were that the raveling
winding about the revolving shaft
first drew Voight's woolen apron
about the shaft and then the
man's body, causing him to be
beaten on othr parts of the me
chanism and mncb man;led.
He was in an Insensible condition
when found and did not recover
When the apron was unwound
from the shaft a raveling at the
end told the story
Mr. Voight had been In the
-vnploy of the woolen mill two or
three , years and he had been In
Salem .about 10 years. His home
was at fc8 North Sixteenth street.
He leaves no Immediate family In
Salem. A brother Htm in Wis
consin. Funeral arrangements
are to be announced.
Clothing Retailers '
WW Sell at Cost
CHICAGO. Oct. If. Retail
clothing dealers throughout the
country will sell clothes at cost
Ibis fall. Andreas Burkhardt of
! Cincinnati, president of the Na
tional : Association of Retail
clothiers, said tonight.
"Rightfully or wrongfully, the
public is determined to get lower
prices. said Mr. Burkhardt. "Con
sequently the dealers have deter
mined to forget all about profits
and , sell their commodities at
"Dealers are not taking this ac
tion from fear of panic or neces
sity for quick turnover In money.
It Is done simply because the
country is passing through a tem
porary period of deflation and nn-
settlement and we feel that the
good will ot the people must be
! Professional Baseball
Will be Reorganized
CHICAGO. Oct. 1 Represen
tatives of erry National league
baM-hall club and three American
league clubs tonltht went on rec
ord as favoring abrogation of the
national agreement between all
professional leagues. Rsolntion
adopted proposed a complete re
organization of baseball with' the
national commission abolinbed
and a civil tribunal of three men
not financially interested In the
came in complete control.
The action rame after a confer
ence lasting more' than nine
hours, the resolutions will be con
sidered at another meeting No
vemler S and presented to the
meeting of minor league officials
at Kansas City November 9 tor
their approval. All professional
leagues will he invited to Join
with the 11 clubs acting today la
the proposed reorganization.
ROME. -Oct. IS. Anarchists
today attacked tne Aurtliano fort
situated a few miles from Rome
They were repulsed by soldier
alter a short exchange ot shots.
Ltjlll UIj x Ull
Hunt, Reporting For Senate
Committee Declares Of
ficials of League ' Have
Violated Logan Act
Office ii Leasee; iiVGiten
Going Over by Commit
,. itee Representative
ST. LOUIS. OeiX lg.-s-Ores of
confidential from ae flies
of th Lcsgje to !n force. Pce.
of which Wllllaru Jloard Tift Is
president, were introduced - into
the record of the senate commit
tee Investigating campaign rx
pcndltnres here late io4ry. taffies
of a number of -frotnlnent New
York banters were" mentioned.
Ixaa Act Violated.
Dora 11. Hunt, attorney for the
committee, who lavestlgated the
activities of the league, reported
that "In my estimation officials
of the league have violated the
Logan act. passed Jan. 30. 1?I9,
which prohibits American citi
zens carrying on negotiations
with foreign governments or
their agents regarding disputes or
controversies without the permis
sion of the United States.. The
act carries a penalty, apon eon
vietioa. of tinea of not more than
SSOAv aad Imprisonment ot from
six months to three years.
11 ant Seat to New York. '
"The senate committee sent
Hunt to Xw York several days
ago to investigate the activities
or the League to Ea fore Place.
"Hunt conducted an Inquiry for
five days In the league's office
there: read all the correspondence
In Its files and examined employ
es and officers of the orgaaixa-
tton. -
"His report, a voluminous doc- :
ument. embracing copies of all
letters which be thougtt had a
bearing en f be campaign expra,-
ditnres Investigation was present
ed today.
The senate committee met here
today to complete Its Investiga
tion of the pre-eonveatioa cam
paign in Missouri and adjourned
to meet again some time after fe
election. Before adjourning, tel
egrams were dispatched to the
chairman of the Republican aad
Democratic national, senatorial ,
and congressional -committees, di
recting them to file romplete -statements
of their receipts, ex
penditures and pledges at Chi
cago on Thursday. October -It.
Report BeswAttoaaL
The report ot Sir. Hunt's In
vestigation" of the League to En
force Peace proved the sensation
of the day. Dozens of confiden
tial letters between Mr. Taft.
George W. Wtt-kersham. Theodore
Marburg of Baltimore and-thers,
were given.
In his summary II r. Hunt said
that Herbert 8. Houston testified
before the committee that he had
talked to the German chancellor.
Lord Robert Cecil and David
Lloyd George in regard to the
United States entering the league
of nations, and Edward A. Fi
lene ot Boston, who has been
abroad on a similar mission, is
now -in Germany on a' mission to
get- Germany into the league."
"The correspondence and data
which follows.-. bears oat the
charge which I am about to
make." Mr. Hunt's report says,
"that this organization has.
through its officials, by corre
spondence and conference, talked
with various officials of foreign
governments about getting this -snd
other countries Into the -league
of nstlons peace treaty,
all ot which, la my estimatloa. Is
In violation of the Logan act.
liters Are Taken.
Mr. Hunt also reported that
William 11. Short, secretary of
be league, took from the files
certain letteis between Mr. Short
nd George W. Wlckersbam la
which Mr. Short proposed a cam
paign in the Interest of Governor
Cox. and Mr. Wlckersbam "agreed
n part." Mr. Short refused to
give up the letters, the report
states, on the ground they were)
A letter Iron Mr. Wlckersbam
to Mr. Short, dted July 30, 120.
Thank you. my dear Mr. Short
for Arthnr Seeter"s memo. It
n very logical and sound. How
much better. wa Governor Cool-
tdge's speech of acceptance than
that of Senator Hat ding's- Other
correspondence shows that ex-
Prestdent Taft threatened to re
sign from the presidency of the
league it it tofck a partisan part
in politics and reiterated bis be
lief that Senator Harding will be
elected and that "the one hope of
securing the league with the
Iodge reservations is through the
Republican candidate.
Vote Koghl for Lesurrse
The Hnnt report said that the
League to Enforce Peace spent
1250s to finance a letter sent by
Samuel Gompers to 20,00 loctl
unions atklsg the anion member
(.Continued, on pate 2)
(Continued on page 5)
4' '