THE OKEGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON. TrESBAV Mons-iN'Q. QCTonKR r,, yi-.n . i 1 r ) , LAST DAY - HAROLD LLOYD and - -1 ."FAMILY HONOR" lYerfhcjJay lllw Starcftl4fi4a ottos Ape; j (P- .cf SttoiiMeii Passions t I. - YE LIBERTY Try Classified ,Ads. in The Statesman For Results SCHOOLS SHOW MORE STUDENTS Enrollment on Opening Day is Bigger Than Last Year, i Records Show; T The enrollment in the tity schools yesterday showed a de cided increase over the first 'day or registration last years jand in me opuion oi me scnooiauinn- tfes the total enrollment will reach tie 4000 mafk. ur hun dred amd twenty more pupils reg istered jMonday than registered! last year on the opening day, mak ing a, gain or approximately- 17 per cent. The largest increase is n the grades, which show a gain of 178. The junior high:; school has an -increase of 138 4nd the senior 104. , At a special meeting off the Sa in school board last night, it was generally conceded that the scnooi Dounaaries as mapped oui were the? solution for the time be ing at leastf the congested con dition of. some of the schools,, and especially the Washington! school wnere tne greatest cnance was made. If; The salary of the school nurse. Miss Taylor, was fived by the board at. $90. A general discussion regarding the inefficiency, of the book sale service In supplying the- students with their text books took- place. and a committee was appointed to confer with K. Gill & Coil state distributors in order that;!' the trouble might be. overcome. 31 r. usnorne, wno nas Deep en- gaged -to have charge of the; phys ical training or tne high school. in conjunction-with the wdrk of the.Y. Ml C. A.;was present!!'! He stated that it would be impossible for him -t give five days dt .the week to the service of the school as physical director, owing tin his - ' .fimirrah' "THEY GIMME THIS - I CAP FREE!" "i ' All you hafta do to secure one of these Spliftj Bright Colored skull caps absolutely free is to en one new subscriber to the DAILY . OREG05 STATESMAN.. That is new subscriber who his not taken The Statesman for the past month. - These caps are well made of good material. Co ort todaj and get a new subscriber and send or brirg your, order to the Circulation Department and you can get one of the Skull caps just as soon as your First Come First Served orer is verified. y , - Bring in a new subscriber or come and getmore particulars Daily Oregon Statesman 215 S. Commercial Street duties as secretary of thef Iboy's department of the Y. M. C. A but could leach three days otl'.the week. The 'board decided thai: his services should be retained!; for the three days, provided suitable irangements could be made for the remainder of the week. Su perintendent G. W. Hug was' em powered to i adjust the matteir , if possible, with the directors of the V. M. C. A..! and in case be is; not able to do so to engage a nevv di rector. M. .: The room rent in the Doniestic cottage was raised to SI 5 fof a single room and $25 to a doqble room, and. the board would pro vide a piano for the reception room. . - It was moved and carried tiat the board provide desk copies if the text books for the teacher: H ''He's the man for you and me, mother.". ? 1 : T. Wr.' '' ; fv4 v-&ttr-t"r: r - r -n I r CHAMPIONS BATTLE FOR WORLD TITU ' (Continued from page 1) race, the American leaguers will have no opportunity for prelimin ary practice Ebbet's field until tomorrow aboli noon. This cannotta;i to be a handi cap to them foff he Brooklyn park j with its short right field, barked j by a concrete Wall, makes risht position difficult to play until the fielder becomes! accustomed to the angle at which a hard hit ball caroms off th i-all. Proper judg ment on such p. hit frequent means the differenc between a single and double. A further advantage rests with thg Brooklyn team, in that the players have had. a longer period of res between the win ning of the pennant and their en try into the world series than Cleveland. . - The probabl lineup of the teams tomorrow will be and his fellow players of Cleve land there will be a large party of newspaper writers and fans ac companying the team when it ar rives tomorrow. Owing to the closeness of the American leagud o ;-r--- ..- ' A Prpi tlotx. of GOMFOUNDCOPAlBAM AT YOUR DRUGGIST People's Cash Store Jamieson. If Wambsgahss, 2b Speaker, cf Smith, rf Gardner, 3b , Johnston, lb Sewell, ss O'Neill, c Bagby or Coevelskie, quard, or .Smith, p, Brooklyn Olson, ss Johnston. 3b Griffith, rf Wheat, If Myers, cf Konetchy. lb Kilduff. 2b filler, c p; . Mar REPUBLICAN PARTY IS DEPENDABLE (i eSud uiojj pannuuoa) TenYears - Hilars : tmWm women who have kept the faith World Tnrtnil or l-reclm. i "The real question Which sthis whole league Echeme presents to the average citizen i3 this: Shall we go into Europe and take upon pun-elves as a people 'and as a part of our burdens and obliga tions the turmoil, the jptfife, ra cial conflicts and the imperialis tic schemes of the old world, or shall i we" stay out?, neep that plain, fundamental proposition be fore you. . j "All these schemes lead to but one destination Eurppe.i,Wheth flr you have it with orwithnut Reservations, it ail leads to Eu- ppe ana joins you anc your bildren and your chfldren'H rhil- dren to their councils, their set tlements, their standard of liv ing, their conceptioas of govern ment, their wars.and their etiprnal diplomatic intrigue just nof tor menting Europe i &s it has fo'r 30'J years. , - jftrpend On I'. H"n (f'Whether you call the scheme a league, a concert of pow rs. an alliance or an' association they all lead to Europe and place upon the' aln-ady bended hacks of Am erican .taxpayers their scheme of exploitation and waste,' and' upon the shoulders of the American youth the military burdens which must eventually grow out of this scheme.-. , "This is the reason why TJoyd George Is. perfectly willing for us to come in on our own terms. This is the reason which Viscount Grey is willing, for us to fix up our own methods, gratify our own vanity as to the method of going In. For they undrrtand and have so declared that once in. the method of getting in is immaterial. Once there we must assume all the obligations and deal with all the situations which our presence there inevitably in curs, i lyeagur Is a Failure. "Witness some of the scenes at Versailles, such as tha , betrayal of China the deal by which Shantung was bartered away to an unfriendly powef. America sat in the settlement and was silent. If not silt-nt. then by reason of her association, power less. That is the first time in all her history that she connived at the betrayal of a fiiendly peo ple and broke eve.y pledge, legal and moral, which a people could make. . . "And that is the first time that the United States ever sat in on a European settlement." r wr. mence at onie to restore year energy,' strength and; endurance by taking , Doesn't it make you feel good cause you to straight en, up- and feel "che3ty" when someone guesaes your , age at ten yearsj or so younger than you really are? You look into your mirror, smile with satisfac- tion and say to yourself: 4 Well, , he didn't make such a bad guess, at' that." ' The point ia: You're no Ider than your vitality. If a man is strong, vigor ous, mentally alert, fine and fit at 50 he has a better i chance of living up to 80 than a man of 30 who i3 weak and run-down has of vi living up to CO. While, none ; of us can stay the years nor stop timo, we. should all make an heroic effort to suc cessfully resist the effects of time by ever keeping our vitality a? par. A -When you sense a feeling ff slowirg dovrn of your physical f orces when your tomach. liver, kirlnn'onrl ,U ' keen, thm VlUtT UI73n3 Sr.OW SlOTlsmF kw,i. i, fi weaknessi-when you notice. , rltur jL-iii- and .- punch-m, other smw. ; Words -when ym fed yonr vitality LYKO MEDICINE COMPANY lor ialclaU droggist3.r Always in stock at Perry's drug store. The Great General Tonic ' Thia master body-builder will heir yoa necp younf? m' spini ana men la and physical action, because it wiB t Nature in maintaining yoar riUility at par It eitricltrs the blood, n-atnrca worn-oat tisauei rxTtjis janfrling and over-wrourfat nfrvea. in tite. tones up tlw dicostioo in ihorV, will put net in a, new Tifror and pew wtm in everjr fibre of jrowr bod jr. Yoa will be aurpriaed how nwh better you'll feel after Ukinjr a t--iit-nent of LYKO. if you are tired and worn out. "rrtu'jr ar.d phyncatly ex. baaMed. I fa mildly laxative 1 it1?? r DEPARTMENT WOULD RENT CITY HALL (Continued trom page 1) watr. C4y Attorney Macy said under the charter the city has no interest in the matter, mllllnr; In terests being in controll Aider man (Heny declared the city has an interest on Twenty-third Jtrct't becaune the current of Mill creek is undermining' the pave ment. At his motion the subject was referred to the street' com mittee. . To the light committee was ro ferreil a- petition for installation of a light at Hickory and .Fifth streets. Just as We Expected ' All Salem is talking about it and you will too Here Until Friday Midnight Our Ad vice Come Early members of th council last night against payment of expenses in clined by the city health orficer, in treating women afriicted with social diseases. This is under a nate law which proving that cit ies pay physicians and hospitals and statjd the expense of medi-cin- . renufred. Last month tfta city paid $125 arid last night a bill for 'd was presented. The city attorney was asked to ascer tain if there is any limit to the amount expected of the city. High Wtcr I to then A petition was re?d from pro lerty owners in the vicinity of State and Nineteenth streets ask ing the city to take measures to protect their prop?rty from high THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN - By CrJiir. RYBwrc I r AC MO MATTER -How" i ' k, fM TILl TME; j C3r vM 7TT -a Vou,ceN -who mMferr J ( ' . His post oh a , ' i8Jc- asiku .i ran, EI!OXTOX- -191. VK WKIIK ITlTrXATK IX SKCtniXCi AX ADDITIONAL $750,000 Of The Popular tiKNKKAL UHLICATIUX O". i.Ol.U NOT US CS? EDMONTON-Yielding 9 K.XKMIT VIWM IH)MI'IOX GOVKItXMKXT TAX - OKKIIUKD hllUKCT TO rKIOII SALK AXI CHAXCiK IX ntlfr: DATKII SFITKMUKK I. I2 j JK.O.MIXATIOS f IMJ, f.VK AXI 3IATI K1TIF-S AS FOIJXVS: ; lrisrijl ivl rmi-aBRual IntrrW $;MHMXMluSr4.'l. IWtl; , New York ami at the office of Morris SliO.OOO Due Sept. f '1021; lUtitlirrs Isr. TtSASClXl. ETATEXEJTT ' ieed ttloatioa .'. Valae aaBiripat pruyrrxj ( t iola!ia( paLltc tliH- . . . Net debeatare drbl Reveaae froat pablic vuliiiea (akave tt ( prratioal. Net MMrai imreTr-mDt debt . .. 11.03S.3TS . .. 9.44S.7 JST.7T3 ... S.O6.a3 IX ADDITION' TO BEING GENERAL OBMfi ATIOX NOTE. THESE ARE SECrSED BT LONG TIME lfclJt.TL KKi TUTAUXti 2.i4.4 EdmonUa i aa iadalrUI ritr .f KO,KtO la 70.0tO rple. aad the roaiarrrlal eealer af miles t axri'-ultaral land. rj.ain ia the pnda-tia ef vheat aad elher (raiaa aad lieatek. lata r dmantna fara the wealth af the fertile MrKeezia K trr 'Wy and the frrat frae Rjrer mo nlrr. aad eat of it i tarn, the equipment aad for thee t aad wralthr raptrea. . Ltf allty t b apprared by Malona, Waloaa It Vons. Tcrvnta, Canada.. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. rortland. Or. . Morris Btdd-. S09-11 Stark St. "Tla Pranler Ma aid pal Bead Heaaa" XtahUahd Orar a Qaarter Cealary Capital 0-ar MUUoa Dollars Merchant Hatloaai Baak Baa rranclaea, CaL TlvhoB ar Telegraph Orders at Oor Expao Seattle. Waah. Kc . 3 Cealxai BUe. tesse L. La sky "presents CECIL RDeMILLE'S production Something iTo Think About Only Time Ever Played Less Than 50c Our Price 35c Children 10c V A t I mi If is eiqfvf o'coclc jfijs represents one inch, . of PUROCA shading cream. 7 s4 Mle Men jDojDular nowadays s a" it one minute v aseiqfv( And you have a grwrou. lasting lathrrthat will Roftm the toughest beard so the razor will fairly dance through the shaving task. Use Purola for speed and smootHness. And listen to this: If you don't find Purola the greatest shaving cream you"Ve ever ued. return any part of the tube to your dealer and geteyour money back. 7T - CAT ip one mimcfe vasfe A II 111 J J 1 fc' .. .. V ' Good druggistsell Purola. y JkTy 47 ',""r-' taaa ea.nn. trnfUtU. PnyM ADVERTISE IN THE STATESMAN FOR RESULTS