THE OREGON STATESMAN. ORTTCON. FR1DAV MOKNINTr, OCTOHKU 1. 1020 ' I - -. ; ' i , GIT Y NEWS IN BRIEF Coptn To ImlIcton . - Louis Compton. warden of . state penitentiary, has been -moned to Pendleton to serve STwUnesa in the trial of I Jack lithie and Elvie Kerby who were implicate in the slaying or Sker & TU Taylor. .. . . :. Orrfrr Bor Vanted-- . About 14-year-old boy prefer 4. Call at Statesman business office, or phone 5S3. , ' - Coh McEIroy Aid his Bpal Dance orchestra, every night this wk at city hall. ' i .' ' IUin May l'aIt Race i It was reported last night that If the rain which -began yesterday rontiniies today it may bo neces sary to tail off the racing pro gram at, tha state fair this after soon. Should this bo necessary card of especial interest will, t arranged SatuyUay afternoon. iinionusQiK" , iMst: ' I Times 1 Today ArHy- "j . ELECTRIC MACHINE & ENGINEERING CO. Tor Thor Washing Machines and Electric Work and Supplies. H7 Court St. Phone 488 Fire! 1 I your water aystctn adequat. Don't fall la wa lbs Paul HTgtem whirl, is anto ali and haa a direct-from-th-wU con action, - eivitij you frmh drinking water. . I. C. WOOD (Salem. Veil Co.) ICS i'orih Commercial Street. WANTED Sacks, Hides. Machinery and all kinds of Junk CAPITAL JUNK, AND ; BARGAIN HOUSE 21S Center St. Phone 398 Soda Cracker, per ponnd. . . :20c Dairy Salt In CO pound sack. ..75c Straws, per bale 05c Laundry Soap In 23 bar lots $ l.OO Hard wheat Floor at per sack f 3.25 The Highland Grocery ' Phone 496 740 Highland Avcnne -i 7T. : -" HARTMAN BROS. CO. Tot Fine Jewelry ; Jewelers and dpiicians . CROSSETT SHOES "Make Life's Walk Easy" v SCHEI'S : The House of Kuppenheimer THE "DAYTON" J - The Bicycle for ETeryone J LLOYD E. RAMSDEX 387 Court, Street V" Bicycles and Bicycle Repairing "WALLFELT" Takes the place of cloth at about one ithird MAX 0. BUREN 179 N. Commercial St. 167 North Commercial St At the Electric Sign "SHOES" DENNISON ELECTRIC CO, JOB WORK AVD ''.FIXTURES'' 223 XortbLiberiy Street 1 .D.H.MOSHER High Clas Cleaning' and Pressing J74 Court, Street - ta 1 ww.-- -- -, 'j-ji WANTED Beans fa rotatoes People's Cash Store X0NG DISTANCE AUTO TRUCKING Willamette Valley Transfer Co. Phone 1400 iMLtio local hauling Dance At 'Armory . All t!l!s week, best must.-. floor in tha city. 7 p. m. i . i .. .i Curd of rrUanks ' We desire to express our heart felt thanks for all the kindness and assistance Fhown by neigh bors and friends during the sad circumstances ofj our husnand. son and brother's. death. We wish especially to tharik the men from the paper mil! who so loyally and ably assisted in helping find the lbdy. Also or.r! apprsclation r the beautiful floral o'ferinss and 1 fine 'music' , Slrsj. Louise Sawyer and children. Mr. and Mrs. C; A. Sawyer and family, Mr. aud Mrs. Charles Morser. . TIjo All Star Pivr Gfeatrst dance ninsic in hc city this week. Armory 7 p. ru. - Salmon , j . Cheapest fori three years. If you wantito ran any, phone 211. Fitts Market. , . , . The PubKc- Is lnv;ic . To attend a f res lecture on Christian Science-by Clarence W. Chadwick, C, $. H, of Omaha. Xebrarka. Member of the Hoard of lectureship I ot The Mother Church, The jl-'irst Church of Christ, Scientislt, in Boston, Mas Kaehusett,s. at lihe Ariiiory, Salem, Sunday, October 3, 1920; at 3 o'clock, P. M. i Colo McEIroy-- : Ad hiKeaf pance' orchestra, every night Ihijs week at city hall. f i Opening Studio Lillian Hartshorn, teacher piano end organ. StVdio 394 N. Church, phone178: or .2042, re.; Cabbaje For Kraut - . $2 per hundred pounds deliv ered. Ward Kj RichardsonPhonei 491. . l ' Sleep at Stations 1 Three young lads spent Wed- VALLEY RED SPECIAL TUBES ;';',! At ' A. H. MOORE'S POTATOES Call on us before you sell wsnop BROS. ( Corner Ferry and High Streets s ' Phdne. 1400 , i TalMrM Machines and Records PlayerlPiano3 and Player Eo Place Your Order Early for Fall 'rianting Complete line varieUes Salem Nursery Company Phone 1763 427 Oregon Bldg. W00DRY conducts sales anywhere in Marion , or Polk counties. Store located 27D N. Com'l. AUCTIONEER Rett er floods for Ijess HIGHEST PRICE PAID - ' . For .r - .! SECOND HAND FURNITURE Stoves, Carpet3 and; Tools, j j Capital Ilartlware & iFurnlture Cri 285 N. Commercial $t. Phone 947 Trunks, Bags Music Rolls and Suit Cases . i ... Brief Cases at HAMILTON'S 340 Court Street WOOD WOOD For all kinds of wood", seo Tracy Phone 520 FURS STORED Store your Furs during summer with us. WEST FUR CO. 521 Court. Opposite Court House CARL & B0WERS0X Groceries , 383 Court Street Thone 409 U. S. GARAGE 654 Ferry Street USED BUT NOT ABUSED CABS SPECIAL New series Sturlcbak er, value S1625.J today 11300. U. S. Oarage. Phone 1752. USED CARS To Sell Cheap for Cash or to trade 'n- for Bread and Butter. , THE R. & C. MOTOR CO. 178 S. Commercial St. tf.' Bosicks . '-i. i i - .--BAmi-ilLBANY iT I lu.iue ponce siaiion who had in some manner become lost from their parents. They were all provided with beds and something to eat and, did not take the matter very seriously. Cole McKlroy And his Keal Dance orchestrj. very night this week at city hall. fll Sal cm Will, have somethin to tbintt aoout next week. I - t . - Collides With Truck I It. Schubei of Mulino, Ore while driving a Ford collided with one of the Lanner tnicks at the intersection of Court! and Com mercial - streets yesterday. Tho Ford sustained- Flight damages but no one was injured. Macazfncs and Subscriptions ' The Ace, 127 North High street. Minneapolis. Symphony Orchestra Monmouth, Sunday, Oct. 3,-ft :u p." fctage. m. Special Monmouth Iloml DcNitcl ,L. II. Pierce was charged with violating the . traffic regulations yesterday in cutting the corner at State and, Commercial streets, fie deposited $25 as a bond for his appearance to answer to charge today. the Hjpdon qntl Son Reliable funeral directors. Coming Prepared a long instance call wa; ceived at police headquarter: leraay to do on tne iooKouty tor a 14-ycar-old boy, Joseph Kna,pp, who was on his way from St. John to attend the state fair. He ap parently bad given the matter serious attention. He was riding a bicycle, towing an Overland ex press wagon loaded with blankets, guilts, -comforters, a f rying pan and groceries. As ! a traveling companion; he was accompanied by John Flynn, a lad 16 years old Joseph was-armed with a revolver FOR SALE Sfoves, Ranges, Heaters, Furni ture and Tents CAPITAL JUNK AND BARGAIN HOUSE 215 Center St. Phone 2D8 Salem School of Expression Lulu Rosamond Walton Director 147 N. Commercial j -t Thone 592 DIXIE DOUGHNUTS 35c Dcz. SALEM RAKING CO. 439 Court Street. ' Phone 954 Salem Cleaners and Dyers ' Repairing and Alterations Phone 1868 JACK'S CAFE A good place to eat Short Orders all day 163 S. Com'l Street J. D. Maddox, Prop. W. W. M00RE t Furniture Store The Home of the Victrola You get more for your money at Moore's l It Pays to Trade at The FARMERS I C ASH f STORE . C. Barton Durdall 217 .North Commercial 217 ! W. T. RIGD0N CO. Leading Funeral Directors MOVING STORING 930 SHIPPING SALEM AILKinds' L A R M R 7 RAHSFER oi b ds too Our lars Deet of tnfeka enaWa oa to rie you prompt apr-rice and a truck nf the aie n'ded for jroor job. Conn try and leng Dfstanca ; lltallnz a Specialty. Buy and SU " W O O V A "S D OOA Ij D. A. LARMXE, Mantiar, Rslene, I'uona IS'Ji Dreamland Rink . . . . I ' Dance i Every Wednesday and Saturday ant. Every Night Fair Week Bungalow Orchestra 'No Raise In Prices What Have You? We buy, sell and exchange new and second-hand furni ture, stoves. ranges.-4ngs, tools, etc We wiU buy you out. ' ' COL. W. F. WRIGHT v 5 Auctioneer ' 2tl N. Com'l St., Salem. Or.; List your sales with ui People's Furniture Store Nlgbt Phone 1047 rhone734 ft" H' 1 IMJ. ' " and carried some shells. The youngsters have not as yet arrivedtnurses, iu iue city. Will Close nt Noo Ladd & Bush bank will Cloe Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week on account of the s'ate fair. . i The Ame:-ican' ;Jed ctci Exhibit at the state fair. An Interesting place for a visit is the American Red Cross section in the Educational building, which was shown at the Yakima fair last week and will be taken Oc tober 4 to the Linn County fair. It "is in charge of the local offi cers and 'Muss Fletcher, a Red Cross nur.fp, who explains r tha various charts having to do with the cara ofj children, their food, clothing and care of the sick. Al so all appliances for Jirst aid as used by the Junior Red Crpss aro presented in a most novel and in teresting way. There are in ad dition daily demonstrations in th care ef the sick, such as bed changing and making, bathing, taking the temperature ate. These are made by Miss Cndsey. the Hood's (. Sarsaparilla Makes Food Taste Good Creates an appetite, aids digestion, purifies the blood, and thus relieves sirofula, catarrh, the pains and aches of rheumatism and . gives strength to the whole sytstem. : Nearly 50 years' phenomenal Sales tell the story of the grea merifl and success of Hood's Sarsaparillal It Is Just the medicine you need ow. Hood's Tilla help fine cithart:.' WH.EU IH SALEM, OSEGOH top at ,i BLIGH HOTEL A Horns Away from noma Strictly Modern $1.00 per day 100. Booms of Solid Comfort Only llotel in Businexa Piatriet Your Cat Needs Service A heavy, well equipped tow car and well equipped shop always at your service. Creat Western Garage Phone 4 4. Opposite Court House AVE NEVER SLEEP A GOOD MEAL Deliciousiy Prepared, Well Served Music Dancing U CANTON CAFE l 1G2 North Commercial SU HIGHEST PRICES ' . . ! . y Paid for .1 - i - Vegetables and Fruits PEOPLE'S CASH STORE WANTED $10,000 worth of furniture at once. Will pay highest ' price. CAPITAL JUNK AND BARGAIN HOUSE 215 Center St. Phone 308 dO nH! DOWN $Z.UU( A WEEK will buy a One Minute EIectricWashing Machine v WM GAHLSD0RF The Store of House "' warc3 i Wo have proven that we arc wor th of the -pub-licis confidence. Our equipment is d i g n i f i ed ahd genteel. We plan our setvices care fully and execute t h e ni v conscica tiOuslyi : county nurse, assisted by local Do not fail to see th!S. Girl Or Woman Slay Hare Hoard And room with two ladies in exchange for hejj). Phone.' 191 3. Fair Interests I'ortlanders Mr. and Mrs. John Kisafberth of Portland are in tha city visit ing the fair, and with their littlo soa. are nous guests of Col. and Mrs. Carle Abrams'in South Sa lem. Mrs..Kisaberth.was former ly Miss Althea Lee and made her home "in Salem for many years, where the attended Willamette university. Her father, J. D. Lee. al3o visited the fair Wednesday, and is now visiting friends and relatives in Monmouth and Dal las. He will be a member of the next legislature from Multnomah county. i Final Game , .Honeyman Hdw. jvs. Salem at Oxford Park Sunday, Oct, 3rd at 2:30 p. m. Journal IMitor At Fair Among tna visitors to the state fair yesterday vwas Hon. Jl- E. Ir vin of Portland, edilor or the Oregon Journal. He was accom panied by Mrs. Irvin and his son. This was Mr. Irvin's first visit to the stifte fair in 14, years. He was particularly impressed by the remarkable showing of automo biles on the grounds, and spoke reminiscently of the former days when he and a friend, would hire a buegy, each pet 'a j girl and spend the afternoon driving over the fair grounds seeing the sights. love. Watchmaker and Jeweler 337 State street, Salem. New CI a ' .In all subjects will begin at the Capital Business College on Mon day, October 4. A large enroll ment is expected. Plan to begin on, the opening day. If possible register on Saturday of thl3,week to avoid confusion onMonday. Samson Does His Work John Srhif le who operates a 140-acre farm on the Silverton road three miles out of Salem 13 now the possessor of a new Sam son tractor purchased of Vick Brothers last Wednesday. : Ac cording to George Vick who made'e t is only one of many Bales which 'result from a dem onstration of what the tractor will do. Mr. Schiffe had no,in' tehtion of buying a "tractor and at the time of the demonstration his son was plowing the field with a?-sulky plow and three horses which he believed would do the wotk better i than any tractor. After tha tractor ,ihd plowed -three trips around Ithe field Mr. Schiffe told his sort to drive the horses to the barn and that from now on.they would dp Samson tractor farming. - , x ; Card of Tlianks - We wish to thank our friends auw it'. 1 S a 1 uJ i a a, v ft iuii iivni kind acts, letters of condolence and expressions of sympathy dur ing our recent bereavement at the los3 of our beloved little Gooley. 'Mr. and . Mrs. George Sun! and family. : i Slarriajre Licenses. Marriage licenses were issued to the following recently: Daisy Par ker of Gervais and William Jasper King of Silverton; Alma. Honsley and William G. Hatfield of Salem; Mrs. LucV Mannering and Oscar Haeerud of Silverton: Dora Ra- bens and Marion S. Hunt of Sub limity. ' Cabbage For Kranf $2 per hundred pounds, 'deliv ered. Ward K. RichardKon. Phoue 494. ' Title Cleared A decree was issued in the cir cuit court yesterday to quiet title to real , estate consisting of 25 acres, in the case of William H. Fearney and Fred B. Grrett vs Joseph II. Miller.. The decision rendered was in favor of t'lc plaintiff in the action. , f PERSONAL MENTION h , ; Mr. and Mrs. Ray r.. Jenkins of Alsca. Ore., are in the city attend ing the state fair. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fox of Dal las, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Shank, parents of Mrs. Fox, and are attending the" fair. . 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Holfberg and family of Lafayette were visitors at the state fair yesterday . SALTS FINE FOR ACHINGJ1PEYS Wo rat too much mejit which clogs Kidneys, then the Rack hurts Most Tolks forgot Hiaf the kid nrjys. like the bowels, gct..Flug gish and Hogged ahd need 9 flushing occasionally, elso . we have baekarbe and dull misery In the kidney region.' severe bead aches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stoniach. sleeplessness and all sort of bladder disorders. You s'mnly must keep your kidneys active and clan, and the moment you feel asi ache or plain In j the kidney region get abort jfoiir ounces of Jad Salts from any po)d drne store hc-. take a ta hWpoonful It a glass of .water ba'ore breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will-then at fine; This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lem on jnice. combined with lilh'a. rnd i harnless to .flush slogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal acMvity. It also neutral ize the aMds in the urine so it no ioner ' irr,itats. thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salt Is harmless: inexpen sive; makes a delishlfut f ferves cent lithia-water drink which ev erybody should tako now, and then to keep lh?ir kidneys clean, thus; avoiding serious complica tions. . . A well-known local druggist savs ;he sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe In overcoming kidney trouble while It Is only trouble. - ,i ASSOCIATION AGAIN RAPS CONCESSIONS State Fair Board Called Upon to Exclude Ques tionable Amusements BIGGER BARNS NEEDED rl - . - Prominent Men on Program of Speakers at Annual Banquet Last Night ' Once again the Oregon Ture Bred Livestock association has tone on record against games of chance and shows that border on the immoral at the .state fair, and at a banqnet last, night adopted resolutions calling upon the State fair , board hereafter to exclude them from the grounds. Some of the concessions have been found Objectionable in spite of efforts made prior to the faif to bar amusements ot this j char acter. To relieve the state fair board of the responsibility of ex amining into every application for concessions, the resolutions recommend the appointment of a committee of three from; the chil dren's welfare bureau to sit with the board as a committee of cen sors on all applications. The association goes as far as to volunteer to go before the legis lature for financial assistance that may be needed as a result of eliminating the concessions. , Another recommendation Is that more barn, room be provided for sheep and ' hogs on the fair grounds. At , the meeting last night the speakers- were N. C. Maria, secre tary of the association; C. N. Mc Arthur. representative in ( con gress from- the tlfird Oregon dis trict; Robert N. ;6tanfield. Re publican nominee for United States senator; Isaac E.' Staples and O. M. Plumtner. ' The resolutions, which art signed by H. H. Bushnell, Isaac E. Staples and Ed Schoel as a committee, follow: "Whereas, the Oregon Pure Bred Livestock! association be lieves that the foundation and groundwork of air fairs is agri culture and livestock; that the great object of holding of state fairs is for the education of the present and growing generations; that the first consideration of the management of all fairs should be the morals and character of everything that comes within the fair's influence; that the princi pal object of our lives should be the moral training of our iboys and girls; ".Now therefore, this associa tion as a body unanimously goes on record against all exhibits and concessions that are not educa tional and that are not morally clean. i "Whereas; this' association be lieves that all gambling devices and games of chance and some of the side shows that are conspicu ous on the fair grounds -of our fair this year are unwholesome and demoralizing and totally un fit for the association of our young people upon whosemorals and education depends the future of our homes and state; j . "Resolved, that this association hereby express itself as against the permitting of Fuch games and shows upon the fair grounds, and htreby insists that the state fair board and all other fair boards of the North Pacific circuit clean their grounds ot all gambling de? vice3 aud questionable amuse ments; that we are very desirous of supporting the state' fairs in every way possible, hut we insist that everything that is of a gam bling and immoral nature be ex cluded from our fairs and fair grounds; that we will use our in fluence with the state legislature toward securing sufficient finan cial help so that the permitting of all of the said games of chance, and disgusting shows can be elim inated, and to relieve the fair board of the responsibility and the trouble ot examining these ap plications for concessions at our state fair wc would suggest that a committee of . three be appoint ed from the Child' Welfare bu reau to act with the board as cen ors on all applications lor con cessions that exnect to exhibit on pi fair ground; I Resolved,, that It Is the con census or. opinion oi tne came men and this association in gen eral that more barn room should be provided for hogs and sheep, so that they can j be classified in barns according to breed. "Resolved, thai we express to the Oregon state fair board our sincere thanks for the use of the anditorium in which to hold our annual meeting, and for the many courtesies extende"n. "Resolved, that) whereas N. C. Maris, our esfeenied secretary, and who has bee;n the secretary fine? the inception of this associ ation 11 years ago, and who has attended to the work of that of fice deligently and faithfully, has been Tiepreciated by part of the management of j this fair for car rying out tne wisnes or tnts as- sociation. that we endorse him every particular, that we are back and his acts in and assure him of him and others of the cormnlt tees for a clean and prosperous fair. ' .' . -: ' ) ! "Be it further resolved, that we appreciate the efforts of our gov ernor. Hen Olcott, for hi3 response to our appeal, in behalf of clean Influences in and about the state fair grounds this year. 1 "Whereas, an "all wise Provi dence has called from work Co reward our esteemed inen5er and co-worker, F. A. Koscr, and i : "Whereas. F. A. Koser was a most hinhly esteemed member of onr association, and has for years workc and labored in behalf oi better livestock and livestock con ditions, especially -for the better ment of all breeds of hogs and thcep,, and. gave tho - best that was in him for the benefit of our fair, and its , associations; ' "Now, therefore, be it resolved that in hla death, this Livestock association, as wll as the stock industry in . general, lost a good friend,, exhibitor and 'supporter:. "Be it Tesolved, that this asso ciation extends our expression of sympathy .and condolence - to hi3 family, and that a copy of this resolution be 'sent to them, and that another copy be made a part of the records of this associa tion." Minor Change in Schedule Oregon Electric Railway - i On and after Monday, Oct. 4. changes in passenger schedule will be as follows: - Local tra ns Nos. 23 and 24 be tween Woodburn and Salem will be restored. No. 23 will leave Woodburn 2:07 p. m.. arrive Sa lem 3.05 p. m. No. 24 will leave Salem 3:30 p, m., arrira Wood burn 4:13 p. m. No. 9 arriving Salem at 4.12 p. m. from Portland will have connection to and from Wood burn Saturday and Sunday only. No. 12 leaving Salem 11:30 a. m. for Portland will have con nection to Woodburn, Saturday and Sunday only; . s J. W. Ritchie. Agent. Lyons Funeral Today V The funeral of Elmrer P. Ly ons will be this a?terh"oaaat, 2 o'clock at the Rlgdon chapel. Rev. J. G. Gillespie will comduct the services. Burial will be in the I. O. O. F. cemetery. Where the pay as you go plan h&s started many a growing Bank account Bank to Close at Noon On account of the State Fair our bank will close at noon Wednesday, Thursday and Friday LADD & BUSH, BANKERS At Forty Eye-Help AX the age of A P P E. A L need help for elose lorra ox correcuy aajusiea . glasses is not given, eyestrain with' all its attendant evils, is set up. , . ." ;f ' .. ' , . If You Are Forty . ; ' 'APPEAL TO O NELLL.' ' . --sLet him advise you whethef or not glass es would be of benefit. . I' . . - . f ' Dr. C. B. O'Neill Optometrist-Opticiaa O N E I L L Ladd and Brush Bank Building When Bread Helps Pay the Bill Mothers there's a re w way of saving your food bills it's to eat more HOLSUM BREAD. A great rood authority "says: "The American farruly spends approximately one-tenth cf its food money for Bread one-fourth of its food That means out spend on Food, you spend ten cents on bread and you get more than one-quarter of food en crgy from BREAD. x. f ; Now DOUBLE the amount of BREAD you eat eat two slices of HOLSUM BREAD in stead of one, and this is the way youH save money on Food. Made for you by CHERRY CITY rlv fA.ODNER0 2?rr: i r SUXM'.ORE. Pearls Felco Pearls are the fi nest production of the pearl makers art. Can be washed and are not affected by perspira- tion. . . . ,.. tome in ana ce wui. We wish to remind you of the care we give to ev ery detail of the jewelry business. .Your own ex perience is our witness. State Fair visitors welcome Read the Classified Ads. ;'-:; ;.r: Is7 Needed ' forty the eyes begin to A P P E A L T O O i N ET r L L work, and if this, (in the I SALEM and derives more thaa energy therefrom.' of every, dollar you now A the BAKING CO. Felco i " 4 t i ):: s ' ..v I : - ': i .i 1 1 . r -a " t i. L i i i'; I; 4. ;. -