THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON. TITESDAY MORNTNO,' SEPTEMBER 14, 1920 Two Hanger Strikers ' Held Innacenl by Irish CORK, Sept. 13. A special court of inquiry was held today to hear evidence In behalf of the hunger'Htrikers now in Cork jail, which Harold Berry, former h'gh Bherirf of Cork, had advised Pre mier Lloyd George helrould intro duce to prove the innence tf at least;' two Sean llenhessy and Joseph Murphy... : Evidence was given tendicg to contradict the Rovernroenfs accu nation that Murphy had a live bomb when arrested July 15 but the lawyer for the defense Said that he had not had ' sufficient time to secure witnesses to con trovert the additional charge that Murphy also had seditious docu ments. The elder Murphy, how ever, denied his son had any such documents. - Tuo Inquiry was adjourned to await witnesses. The - student O'llerlihy testified In behalf- of Henessy. On bt-halt of Murphy his father testified that the bomb had been given to his son at the Aghada airdrome and that he took it home as a souvenir. Frank Merrttt, a demobilized oldier. testified that it was he who gave Murphy the practice shell, minus the detonator, which Murphy had picked up In 1916. A bomb introduced as the one umnu m Murphy's possession was declared both by llcrrtt rs2 the older Murphy not to be the souviner bomb 'given Joseph by Merritt and taken by the military in the raid on the Murphy home. RAIL MEN APPROVE placed at the disposal of the rail I way workers for permanent oper- SENATOR'S POLICIES aUonK.!.,!d pru ,iCtm.trT .ISi I aaa saa-aass weseaaswu w . - w (Continued Horn page 1 the nroDertv seised for war to those who held title thereto. To have seised railway properties and railways and the communication lines had been successful. It rea- l.lent of tb. prwiit .duili.Hr.. Wrt lh. rbllc. Ask Limits Dividend. "There has been much outcry Read the Classified Ads. ' ' ' ' - i T ' ' . - - - . J i X . - - . - k t i jr. lP::v." ;..v ' : ' ' "I must empnasise one of the against the act ( Cummins-Km; h gross misunderstandings relating act) aa being hostile to labor and to the Cuminlns-Each law. It did unlust to unionism and subservl- Lt provide for a permanent gov-lent lo rapltaU On the contrary it erjwuent guarantee t,t dividends ha the very opposite' of these on railroad capital. On the con- L:iin It does not Interfere lih trary it placed a limit on these collective bargaining; on the con- dividends, it did provide for a ttair it facilitates collective bar maintenance of rates for a period Ualning. Moreover it recognises of six months which would guar-1 tli.t railway workman ought to be antee a sufficient railway earning lmDloved under the most lonu to make possible the financing of I nate conditions for the good, of all necessary railway improvements it. American people. It, under the control of their owners. I feet, provides that they shall be but this guarantee, of a five and I abuiidjntlr and generously corn- one half per cent earning was lim- nensated and established for the ited to the period of transition of hirst time In America, a tribunal versally recognized as being nec- J concern for workmen may be giv- J opajUSn OJlu llOrla 11 OT essary oecause 01 ine aamitiea i en an exprersicr. rauure or tne government to mam urn me railways in a state 01 pre-i D ADITUfTDQT paredness of efficient service. I i AKlvrlUiwI Ciuarantee Saved Komi j iContlnucl from paga 1) "If we had returned the rail- msHi srlthnnt thla iomnnr.rr I ClISlS. II guarantee of earnings. In all probability the great American system would have broken down entirely and we should have found California Autoists Indicted by Grand Jury 8AN FRANCISCO, Sept. 13. Six members of the team and auto truck association, including two members of the San Francisco board of supervisors, were Indict ed by. the county grand Jury late tonight on true bills alleging vio lations of the Cartrlght anti-trust law anad a section of the penal code relating to cheating and de frauding persons of property. Three counts were reported In volved In the Indictments cgalnst each person named. Fraudulent manipulation of bids for excava tions and grading work was charged . Those Indicted were: William 8. Scott, supervisor and secretary of the contractors' asso ciation. Charles J. Towers, supervisor. Frank 0Shay. contractor. Frank Mordecal. contractor. W. II. llealy, contractor. Robert Farrar, contractor. Veterans Co-operate HARRY CAREY in m Datdiinx s Western Story A GUH FIGHT1N' GENTLEMAN - Today,. Tomorrow and Thursday BLIGH THEATRE ST. IjOUIS. Sept. 13. Recom mendatlona that the United Span lfth War vaiann Muinanl, wltK means much for the n. th. wnrM i welfare of the republic." buildlnx no their memorial or- KTilrcient of C. O. P. I todav at tha linA national n. BANGOR. Me. Sept. 13. Col. Mmnm.nt ourselves in a state of railway pa- P- Prkhurst. Republican can- Th w&. prffl4.nted by I. K. Witherspoon of Seattle, senior because of the delay In the ar rival of the Poles. Joffe and Doleniky. Bolshevist assistant commissar of finance. represent soviet Russia, while the Ukrainian commissar of agricul ture. Manulsky, represents the Ukrainian soviet. The Russian party totals 41 persona. KOOSEVELT AT SALT LAKE. SHIP WILL NOT FLOAT. VIGO. Spain. Sept. 13. All at tempts to re-float the American steamer Siboaey. aground la the harbor here, have been unsuccess AIRPLANES AS PATROLS. LOS ANGELES. SepL 13 The lute of airplanes in detecting for- SALT LAKE CITY. Sept, 13. jest firea In rural districts re- ceived attention today at the J 7th annual convention of the Pacific Coast association of forest fire fighters, attended Ly 204 delegates. FORGER IS Klv-YTEXCI3V PORTLAND, SepL 13. J. J. Roberts, who recently pleaded guilty to a forrery charge, was teatence-l to not more than 29 years In the state peniteatlary. Theodore Roosevelt anl Raymond Robins addressed a Republican meeting here tonight d were cheered. They dwelt chiefly on national problems, with emphasis on the league of nations-and great stress upon Shantung and Japan. The trip to Utah was made with difficulty on account of the landslide on the Denver . 4k Rio Grande. In Colorado. It necessi tated delay, the speakers making a circuitous route over another railroad and the elimination of all dates In Utah except the meeting here. The visiters left here at 11:30 o'clock for Butte. .COLORADO VOTES TODAT a state-1 aa the ralysis. which the country could didate for governor. In not tolerate ment tonigm saia m iu commander-in-chief, and auc We also stipulated that there campaign n nu gested that the Spanish war vet had hpen nti rHlurtion of Amerl-1 contestea or uruiuviai. vu i .ffiii., with ihn.. k can railway wanes during the that national isues. the result must! fought In the recent war In cere same period. In other words we I be accepted as giving most n- monlals and public affairs and In gave tne American raiiwaymen elusive eTioeocn mi iu '"""i legislative matters aflectlnr ex tne same guarantee we gave to tne i ot Mimo ich ..hai.v gervlce men. American owners and In neither and un-American administration case was this done with a sole that- the Democrats have given as thought of owners or of workmen, during the past seven years. but congress was thinking of the "It is equally an endorsement welfare of all the American peo- of Harding and Coolldge,' pie. I added. Service Only Reward. "We have eliminated every he Another report urged that ac tion he taken demanding that all positions In . soldiers hcies be filled by veterans. William Jones of New York. commander In chief, advocated the establishment of a permanent national headquarters. He sug gested that an assistant adjutant DENVER. Sept. 13, Candi dates for United State senator. eongrese and all state offices will be elected by the various parties In Colorado at the primary elec tion tomorrow. - Special watch ers In Denver's downtown pre cincts were ordered today by the state supreme court to prevent fraud. WAXT WAGE INCREASE m ' ' ii n l Wonderful LZcdlctno The scientific blending of reliable vegetable remedies of benefit to persons who suffer from Dclina?" LMolAppt!t Bratln ra Dlaetlve Tromblc S3wSccvcxy fmen Illnx 4 IUmdr4 AXleta Are yon ran down? Are yoa IrntableT Are retrokeTb try tIispproYd remJy and satisfy yourself X iiM beneficial ingredients. 1 HMdMsfM Briacsa is soU in original BBJACXA D&IXS COUPA.VT ,J$-oc boUUa only. Kf r - u all tubsttiuUs. r0000 DENVER. Sept. 13. Mine workers In district No. 15. Unit ed Min Workers of America. In- eluding most -1 Colorado, today filed not ce with the state Indus trial, commission with a demand for an- Increase ot wagea ot 11.76 for an eight-hour day. " Receive Better Wage ! I J - - J speculative phase of railway oper- MttrArr Tfttili auon ana me railway ousmm uas , . m . Innl cf thm Arrnl,.Mn. k- become an extremely conservative ABOinSt ASSOCiateSl imA i. a one with nothing to inspire eff I- " Axi v.v uu v. I OREGON ClTT, Ore., Hepu 13.1 less than five years. wwji iiku w Kimc. Brought from the nenltenUanr I it wa. . Mnn. hawA taVnn swsv H t ImruilHn W I . .1' I uenw vcamaa ea J a w FvitHA i a 6. am whnrav tub fat Mrvmff m. I MAMW.MVtM. t . m Xece lV.r oTrato". "'.TeVm Vr the murder of Ha"r TorTTo enWl" ery" veteran oi reduced railway operation to a nnhin.k vnrtini rnr.hir nr ,s . - -y, - I "o ' lo l"f '-" kv. driven Ust June, George Moore with a very limited return made red .today aa a witness for puBBiuK: "ufww. ..i the nrosecution at the trial ol 11-:. "Naturally Wis enactment did ' nr.w. wv iointw In. vfjuucu I not appeal to ibobw rauicai auvu- Mlotawl with htm for th crime. cates or railway ownersnips or lnnrm tMtlfied that Brake and those socialistic tneonsts wnoiw. ji. ,w- thouKh the railwavs oucht to be I" ...j ..- v.- , I NEW YORK. Sept. 13. Organ seized br the rovernment and v. r. ied firemen have received renerml - f"" w """"" ... r .... City and stolen a license to hse on -B". J T - Vk J. ! . . v- k. .t it Per cent during the past and that after Brake had commit- pVidZnt iT.r .7 iZL,"w ted the murder he had driven the 1't. at ,the n v-v n - r-i- k I session of the annual eoonventlon car iw wikwu k l .. i. .i . .... Moore rode In the tonneaa with .-JT "BC,,i,OB W4 "WS T . mm mmm-m.mMp v wf, v I thtrew fro mthe car Into the river. ., u" Tf?" "T!r ward tne extension of unionisation n I among firemen. The organisation Uestres Connecticut Uu m lrw.i. m th. rm, ct.... to Ratify cn Sdhage"ll "cordm to the Japanese Cruiser Gun Explodesr-7 are Dead HONOLULU. Sept. 13. Seven men were killed and eight ln- jured by an expldhlon which blew out the breach lock of n gun aboard the Japanese battle cruis er Kariuna while at maneuver In Muroran bay. according to n cable gram from Toklo to the NIppn Jijl. Japanese language newspsper here. The Harluna Is the flag ship of the second battleship squadron. Light Your Farm ' ' Buildings with the " Fairbanks Morse a NO MAIL OX PLANE 1U. .it -"O CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Sept. 13. Mall airplane 154. which left Chi cago at C this morning, arrived here this afternoon at :15. The plane la being ferried across the country and carries no mail. 40U$hiT"Plan Lot L. Pearce & Son . . 236 Korth ComaercUl Stmt 20 for 20c Spur Shows You Something! In , these days especially Uiere's always room at the top for a ciga rette that can give you the highest possible quality at the lowest pos sible price. And that is just what Spur 13 doing right along. Domestic and Oriental Tobaccos blended by a new method that brings out to the full that good old tobacco taste. Satiny, imported parjercrimped, not pasted, making an easier-drawing, slower-biiming cigarette. Smart ''brown-and-silver" package, three-fold, that keeps Spurs fresh for you. Get next right away. report. During the year 41 locals were lost. It was stated, including those at Los Angeles and San Francisco. NEW HAVEN. Conn.. Sept, 13 Senator Frank Brandegee, in a letter to Colonel I. Mulman. islature will ratify the federal j SeVCTe Wind OJld RcOSl suuicisr auicuuiiirui m. iuq . 1 m v clal session opening tomorrow.! LOOSCS trUll UOXnaZC n.s ocen an ouispoaen opponeni EUGENE, Or., Sept. 13. of woman suffrage by federal ne., rain and a wind storm to- amenJraenL . 1 day caused thousands of dollars In the letter the senator says: I ,n th .nni. .n "In view of the fact that the prun, cropa of Lae VouMy, ac- uuiij ui iu rmiun i cording to orchardlsts of this amendment oy lennessee na clty- At Umes thm wtnd hltw at been ouesUoned and that the re- a Teioelty of from 30 to 4g miles suit of the entire elecUon an h0U7t nnilnr Urge qtianUties Uui iue vv,uULiy ut, I of fruit to fall to the ground. impeniea. ana in consiaerauon oi Tne total precipitation during the fact that amendment la cer- th0 48 noart u OTer two ta.n to be raUtied. I earnestly lnch?a. nop pIcking Is at a nope ine legislature or wn- atandni and growers predict ueciic'ii win pruuiyii immj Mama tO the Crop. amendment. I "Tha country has decided that D . , j women shall have the right to DOlStieVlStS AlTlVe Ul vote. I am convinced, therefore. that this right should be made unquestionable by the action ot as great a number ot states as Is possicje before .the election. SUGAR TAKES .A DROP. PORTLAND. Sept. 13 Another decline of S3 a sack on sugar. announced by San Francisco re fineries this morning, will be put Into effect here Immediately on receipt of the next allotment. This will make a wholesale price of flft.30 a sack here, with 35 to 50 centa off on orders oNSS sacks or more. The retail price to the consumer should be around 117 a aack. At Cleveland R. H. E. Philadelphia C 3 Cleveland 3 8 3 Naylor and Perkins; Coveleskle and O'Neill. I I ; rand its good old tobacco taste I ' put Snar there ty -Vol " V ccy.(Z ) J I '3irr"- : i. , -i. ' fW"m M - . - -. ..,,, t.. . - AMERICAN LEAGUE At Detroit R. H. E. New York .'4 4 0 Detroit 2 9 1 Mays-and Hannah; Ehmke and Stanage. At St. Louis R. II. E. Boston 6 14 -2 St .Louis 4 15 2 Myers and Sehang; Bayne, Bar- well and Serereld. , At Chicago R. H. E. Washington.. ........ 12 0 Chicago 15 17 1 Shaw. Erlckson. Bono and Gharrity; Faber and Schalk. I NATIONAL LEAGUE . - aft R. II. E. At Brooklyn First Came. Chicago 3 10 Brooklyn 7 12 Alexander. Carter and O Farrell Daly; Pfetfer and Krneger Second Game. Chicago 2 10 5 Brooklyn 7.9 1 Marlin. Bailey. Jones and O'Farrelt; Marquard. Mamaux and Miller. At Boston R. H. E. Pittsburgh 0 3 1 Boston 3 7 1 . . Adams. Zian and Schmidt; Scott and Gowdy. . At New York R. H. E. St. Louis . 0 5 3 New York - 7 S Doak. Scott. Lyons and dem ons. Griesenbeck; Toney and Sny der. At PhiladelphU- Clnelnnatl . . Philadelphia Eller and Allen; Witherow. R. IL E. 2 4 0 .. S Rixey ahd Riga to Meet Poles RIGA. Letlvla. Sept. 13. The Russian Bolshevik delegation. headed Ty M. Joffe. arrived at Riga today and Is quartered lc the Hotel St. Petersburg, where a score ot short-haired women sec retaries and typists are unpack ing boxes and shaping np the ol flees preparatory to the negotia tions which It Is expected will not begin before September It or 17 STRIKERS AFFILIATE CLEVELAND. Sent. 13 Three thousand railroad yardmen on strike here for 22 weeks tonight voted to attempt affiliation of all men still on strike to make their stand more effective. POLES MAKE ADVANCES WARSAW, Sept. 13. In a line straightening east of the Bug the Poles occupied localities after fighting at some places. North east ot Brest-Lltovsk they met severe resistance but captured Kohryn and took prisoners and one armored train. In the south the Poles have pushed further toward Kovel Junction, .occupying six towns. i ; WOMAN 1IEU FOR MURDER I A he in r that But AN BIERGENCY r E0P-M0VLNO time is is emerrencr ererr txricultiiral community must and the resources of the community such state as will enable it to assist work. for the banks in whose ranlts the mosey the many accumulates, .it would not be possible to af ford that necessary co-operation. ... j w JOPUN'. Mo.. SepL 13, Mrs. Charles Dorm an. 34 years old. is neia m me vnerosee county " - . dead in bis noma at Treece. Kanl L.c.rv. Sunday. OREGON THINGS THAT NEVER" HAPPEP By GENE BYRNES WANT XOO TO MEET m ONCLE NDO HE . -HtS f MS StHPATW! V VERY WEALTHY AKO I vs;e rAAt TtiE ( ' MA'S LEFT EVERiTrttNS I TRBLC T& ME. r4 HIS WILL. V WITH MV . ( BUT THE DOCTOR J RAKDFATHCR1. SfD HtS LlAOLC A V J TO LIVE. TO bE )) -, Wk HoHDREC C( Trr Choice Canadian Bonds XXXMTT rXOK AXX. XMXXXIO OOTXXJDCZXT TAXaTIOK. YLELDINO TROH 7 Wo TO 9 5100,000 CITY OF CALGARY ALBESTA PROVINCE School District 6 per cent Gold lTotes 93.42 to yield T.Li iUMfaL, 1. IKt. Dm ITarrk 1. I'1 PrteriU m4 mIimu! (Marrk lit RmmWr lat) mtiU, la iaa44 Caia 4 th I Iiai ia Kear Trk Ot MUlW mtttrtm User ! i.iwM SUM aa4 lloa. LStT aara4 hf Mran. MalaM. Maa Laac Tmmm Here Are Other Exceptional Offering ST.Ooe M aaitofca fnriaw. Bi S: VUfritj IMS: rrW J.S$; TWU 4.0Oe Krlkirk. Maalta. Ka ; Vatril7 inl- 1rm TU 1,000 TirfaVia. B. C. hUta ; Matmrtty JSJJ trlM IIU- TlL4 it i'i liiLril, llllt fimm 91 SI: YtrM 'b AAA VT.aalaM II.IMUII Vllf, tHalri. V; Maiartif : Pnc- : TU S.SOO VTiaaip. (Umlw) Stiff IKatrwt. il larliy ISJ: Prt .$: TtrM 1 900 VTlaaiBac ltiratT (Hanr. SUle : ' Uniy mil; Prwa till; Ti14 u S Boa WluiM IOralTl Walr iHatcwt. KW S": hmr 1 M: lrw Ss; S-. SOO Nana Vumtff B C. aUia Malan'f i'rir 2 Si; VWU -V. Ontrr y TaUsaeM er Tilnmk at Ow tJty MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. m4 eu itiaata. - TV TTaaUac Xaaietal Sa4 Baaaa, CMtl:iaa Qaariav a Oaawry. Mams BUc 9-ll Slara Sf. CaptUl Oaa Miri 1 XUn TaUaaaM SVraa4ar Sll i STATESMAN CL.VSSIF1ED AD3. HKIN(1 TiEStTTS