i ctkaSfflSO APVXKTIgXMEHTa , lata rti War ' - ; p.. laotrtio .... oZTwmk (iU itrtKn. ).... r .,tk" eoBtract, per mo..l5e ii meat otret, per bo.. 12c Mia? r nj advertisement 25 FOR SORWICH UNION POUE INSURANCE SOCIETY THelm, RoUnd Burghardt FOR h-dAenl Arent 371 State. St. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate , T. K FORD (Over Ladd St Bush Bank) FARM LOANS HAWKINS & ROBERTS 2O4-207 Oregon Building NEW TODAY FOB BALE A. 21 ROOM ROOMING k.au in fiu location en State street ; art tcrma. W. A. Li tun, 434 Court .atreet, WANTED-DINING ROOM G1RU HOME Restaurant. -.3 .na iwnmcnwi FOR SALE A GOOD RANGE. USED two montna. aos .-onn xngu iut" Phono 117. mo bTW VORD TOCRIXO. 11 ..t.i mnA fir car runs fine. New ton rood nDhulsterinz. Room 8, Bajne building. Phone 794. . BEN WHEELER EVERYTHING Re paired. All kmda of sharpening. 342 North Commercial at rest. SNAP 40 ACRES, 18 ACRES OF BEAR ing prunes w7ith crop 5 and 9- years Old. 19 acres of poaturo and timber, good family orchard, bcariug; 7-room plastered boose and barn in fair condi tio. Ideated 6 miles sooth' in Liberty district. Price 914,000; 96000 down, balance 9500 per year at 8 per cent in tarest. For aale only for a few days. W. 1L GRABENHORST CO. , i 275 State Street. NOTICE OK ASSESSMENT OK THE COST OK IMPROVING THE ALLEY IN BLOCK NO. 17 OK UNIVERSITY AUDITION TO SALEM, OREGON: Notice ia hereby giTen that the Common Council of the City ot Salem will, at or about the hour ot 7:30 o'clock p. m. oa the 20th dy olf September, 1910, or at Hie game hour at any subsequent meeting ot the Common Council, -. tv. onnMlt Pharnhdr In thi ' City Hall, proceed to assess vp0n each lot or parcel of laf ju pri portlonate share ,t iht cost ot lmproring th cfly Jn Block Xo. U of UXtTeratty Addition to Sa lem. Jlrre4Ton, from the south line GUie street to the north line fit Fftrry street. AU persons interested in said assessment are hereby notified to be and appear at said time and place before the Common Council and present their objections to aid assessment. If any they have, and apply to the Common Council to. equalize their proportionate chare of said assessment. By order of the Common Coun cil this Sth day of September, 1920. X t EARL RACE, Recorder. ' Adopted by the Common Coun cil this Sth day of September. 1S2V. I EARL RACE, (Attest:) City Recorder. , NOTICE OK. ASSESSMENT OK THE COST OK IMPROVING THE ALLEY IN BLOCK NO. 3 i OK ROBERTS ADDITION TO SALEM, OREGON. ' Notice ia hereby, giren that the Common Council of the City of Saltan will, at or about the hour or I: SO o'clock p. m. on the 20th day of September, 1920. or at the tame hour at any subsequent meeting of the Common Council, at the Council Chamber in the City Hall, proceed to assess upon each lot or part thereof, its pro portionate share of the cost of Improving the alley in Block No of Robert's Addition -to Salem. Oregon, from the east line of Twelfth street to the west line of Thirteenth street. All persons .interested in said 9essment are hereby notified to be and appear at said time and place before the Common Council and present their objections to said assessment, if any they hare. .and apply to the' Common Council . to ; equalize their proportionate hare of said assessment. By order of the Common Coun ! eil thls 8th day of September. K 20. fjl j EARL RACE. Recorder. J. Adopted by the Common Coun- ( eil !thls Sth day of September. 1IZ0. - ! EARL RACE, (Attest:) Cfty Recorder. NOTICE OK ASSESSMENT OK THE COST OK IMPROVING . -FERRY STREET FROM 14TH TO 13TH STREET. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Salem will, at or about the hour of 7:30 o'clock p. m. on the 20th. J of September. 1920. or at the ante hour, at any subsequent Meeting of the Common Council. t the Council Chamber In thj City Hall, proceed to assess upon 'Ch lot or part thereof or parcel t land, its proportionate share I the cost of improving Ferry Jeet from the east line or Four lnlh street to the west line of 'itteenth street. All persons interested n said Jenment are hereby notified to " aad sniiAa. ( coif HmA anil s i fore the Common Council a rent their objections to 'wessment. if any they have. t i pp,y to th Common Coun han. qnll their proportionate I fe t said a KKessmen t. . cij 'fc?r,lerof the Common Cotin 1929. 8th day ot September. I AdouulllRL ffACE. Recorder. ei thia s hy tl Common Coun 1920 of September, THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON. NEW TODAY LOST BETWEEN HOPMERE. AND waeonda, sack of clothes. Return to Hopmere store and receive reward. SALE 6 ROOM .MODERN BIT NUA- row, garage, also furnace; basement the fall six of house. Located six block from .Slate tad Commercial streets. Call 1630 Slat street. HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER DESIRES roots and board sear Salem high school for the ft month school term. Prefer quirt private family or in home with other teacher. Adtlrca Haaet 1. Browne, 1. U. Bo 5. Portland. Ore. SALE FOUR GOOD SHROPSHIRE bock. Greea Bros.. Rt 3. Tuner, Ore. STANDARD EXCHANGE, 342 NORTH Commercial street, diamond, watches, musical instruments .run, clothinx. shoes, etc. Both new and used goods bought, sold or exchanged. , BARGAIN ONE TWO TON WIXTHER truck; equipped with rortlwood carry ing body. See H. J. Wilvon, Marion Au tomobile company. WANTED WORK BY YOUNG MAN who haa had experience ia manufactur ing, bookkeeping and selling in the est permanent position with chance of advancement. P. O. Box 512. MR, FARMER Before yon pay more than 9110 an acre let oa bay you a hero ,a cigar, and ride you ont to a few farms that must sell for lea. We will take all the chance, all you hare to do is ait down and rest your bands and feet. We like to snow larraa. BECKE & HENDRICKS 203 C. S. Natl. Bank Bldg.- Phone 161 BARGAIN A 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, plastered, lirrf basement, lots of built- in work and fine garC.cn. Price 92300 casn. owner leaving town V. H. GRABENHORST CO. 275 Stats Street. TWO CARS SECOND GROWTH FIR OH TUACK PROMPT DELIVERY. FRED E. WELLS Phono 1542. WANTED 100 MEN AT ONCE TO leara to operate and repair Automobiles and gas tractora. Hempbill a Automo bile and Gaa Tractor School. TOT Haw thorne avenue. Portland, Ore. Write or call for free catalog. FOR SALE OR TRADE 210-ACRE Waahington wheat land, all under el tivation : IRO acrea summer fallowed. Crop off thia IRO brought nearly 94000 last year. Will tske city or ranch property. Addreaa 1199 Willamette, at, Eugene, Ore. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED ON FARM No objection. ts oBe or tw, ebj.4rB; Address C38, Statesman, rbnI.TinTWO FIVE ROOM bungalows will an.. i -!-.-. .. let. bath, and elecV Tf month 7 pe- .., T... monthly Cent interest, ttavable ' sritlt paymenta. See them be- for. tnev are aald. "W. II. GRABENHORST t CO 275 State Street. BEST BUYS 333 acres. 340 acres in very high atate of cultivation, all woven wire fenced and cross feaced. 50 acres clover, spring water in milk house and in all the Ma ture lots and all the buildings, whole f'lace turd, g room houae. barn room or 100 head of stock, two silos, a lot of outbuildings: at railroad station. miles from Salem; price only 9125 per acre, easy terms. 239 acres. 140 cultivated, balance pas ture: 9 room modem house. 3 barns, rnnaing wster, woven wire fenced, only 970 pee acre, "eosy-.aetswsi'' ! 160 acres, all tillable, u acrea bottom, balance rolling, the finest fruit land, lota of fine timber, in Marion county: price 95O00. Will exchange for city property. 97 acres. 65 cultivated, fenced. B room - house, all the beat of loam, 5 miles of goo1 town: stock and machinery goes 9165 per acre, ease terms. 40 acres, all cultivated. 20 in fruit, the finest 7-room new bungalow in the vjciaitr of Salem, new fine barn, ga rage and pump house, on paved road 3's miles from the court house; a snap only 920.OOQ. very easv terms. 10 acres. 5 logans, 44 blackberries, all in first class condition aad ia full bearing, had the best of care. If sold aoou only f 8jO0. 10 arres. all cultivated. 5-room house. Household goods goes, at school, 4 miles from town -only SJ.jO. 54 acres, all new laud. 3j lozans, ' acres strawberries, fenced .tiled, on paved road, close in: 93200 'a cash HOI SES 9 rooni modern, paved atreet, fruit, 14000 91 boo rash, balance terms. 10-room furnished house, paved atreet, good income, only 94250. term. 6-room strictly modern new bungalow. hardwood floors. 96500. 6-room modern house, paved street, very close in. 93500. 910OO rash, balance easy terms. . ( , . 7 room strictly modern bungalow, east front, good condition. 91,000. S0C0L0FSKY 341 S'ata Street. 6 HOUSES That are on market at lesa than last week. We apecialixe on property that must sell. Resd these 91650 Old 6-room home with sewer and city water, electricity, large tot on main car line, 12 large bearing fruit treet. 91"0 OM 5-room plastered home with 2 large lota, corner, good atreet, east front, cement walks, lots of fruit, grapes and gardea. 9200O Old 6-room home on pavement and car. large bit and fruit. 92650 New modern 5-room home with dutch kitchen, nice bath, east front, nice lawn, garden, fireplace . Concrete fonndation, doable construction. CoOil for fine 10-room borne right in town with furnsee, fireplace, every thing built-in, large lot. wonderful view, garage, partly furnished. 93500 for strictly modern 9 room home ia best residence section; full cement basement, furnace, fireplace. The above were priced to sell and then cot again to insarw move so we em phasize,, advertise and wilt sell them. Let us call and ahow you a few homes you haven't aeea. BECKE & HENDRICKS 25 1. 8. Natl. Bank Bldg. Fkflne 191 Notice to contr.ctors Notice is hereby given that th- undersigned will receive bids un til 5 o'clock p. m., September 20, 1920. for the construction of cement concrete sidewalks to be laid on the south side of Colum bia street, between Commercial and Liberty streets, "in front of and abutting upon Lot 14 in block No. 3 of Riverside Addition to the City of Salem, also: On the south aide of Columbia street, between Commercial and Liberty streets, in front of and abutting upon Lot 1 in Block No. 3 of Riverside Addition to the City of Salem, also; On the south side of Columbia street. between Liberty and Fourth streets. In i front of and abutting upon Lot 1 In Block. No. 2 of i Riverside Addition to the City of Salem, also; On the south side of Columbia Street. between Liberty and Fourth streets. In front of and abutting upon Lot v 14 in Block No. 2 of Riverside addition to the City of Salem. Plans and specifications may be had at the office of the City Recorder. ; -j v EARL RACE, NEW TODAY FOR SALE MY HOME. 1511 SOUTH Liberty atreet. Phone 133J. STATE SCHOOL FOR DEAF DESIRES lit employ an iuvtrurtor in wood work - ing and cabinet making. LA. HAYFORD REAL ESTATE 305 STATE STREET 5-room bunfalnw, lot :0xl5n: toilet, lath. lights, fireplace, built-in kitchen, book rase and window aeata all for 2WU. terms. 9 room honse. lot 132x132: toilet, bath, li&hts, carafe, chicken house, larre fruit trees, shade, 1 block from street ear, and eood rich soil for a garden. Price 93,oO, term. 6 room house, good location. Price 92."HX 9500 down and 920 per mo a -J.. Sr tlui and ua. 8 room honao on paved street, basement. furnace, 2 toilets, bath, ligltts, chirkrs hoase, 30 fi-it trees, lobars, raspber ries, pruaes, crape, apples aad raerriet one acre lot. Thia ia iut the placs yon are looking for, a real homo. Pries 97000. term 7-room house, large lot. oa pared atreet plastered fall baoemect. furaaee. toilet, bath, electric lights, gas. fireplace, all for 96000. terms. 6 acrea all in ruitjTatioa and fruit, only 3 miles from Salem. Good new 5-room plastered house and good barn. Price 9TOOW 93000 cah. 60 acres all ia eultiT.tion. 9 miles from raim, fenced and crovi fenced with woen wire. Has family orchard and aome togaas; 4 room boae and food bara. Price 99500 cash 95000. 25 acres on the MiWertna road, close to Salem; all la crop; haa family orchard and aoine logans; 3 room bouae and good barn. Price 9KHJO ( ah 93SOO. ii asrea all ia bearing prune, ouly rniies from Sslera at a price of only 9MM0 with 93KH cash aad crop pay menta on the balance. This is an es cellent place. 5 acres mile from street car line one acre bearing prunes. 9 acres bearing logaaa. Price 97oo cash 9-5oo. 33 V acrea all ia cultivation, only 9 miles out oa graveled road: 5 acrea pears aad apples, bearing: $ room house, bara and other outbuildings. Price 970OO casa B4000. l-r as show yea this. L A. HAYFORD 305 State Street. EMPLOYMENT MALE TWO CARRIER BOYS WANTED AP ply at Statesman office, or phoao 593 TEAMS WANTED FOR HAfLINO AND banking wood. Phoao 314R. WANTED TWO BOYS TO LEARN printing trade. Mast ho over 19 years of ago. Apply Statesman office, ap- stelra. MEN WANTED AT ONCE COMPANY enlarging plaat needs good laborers. I a aide work for winter, permanent. Com pany atanda good for room and board until pay day. also pays railroad fare See Mr. Newmsn, Hotel Bligh, Saturday and Sunday. FEMALE WANTED A WOMAN COOK. STATE School for Deaf. Phoao 946. WANTED GIRL TO TAKE CHARGE of musie department. Muat be able to play the piano and demonstrate, r. W. Woolwortb. WANTED LADY CLERK AND TYPIST, permanent. Inquire Statesman of flea Phoao 593. WANTED TWO GIRLS FOR DINING room, 950. room aad hoard. Gail Hotel. Dallas. Oregon MISCELLANEOUS WANTED COMPETENT COOK FOR cafeteria at the atate fair. Phono 576J r address' 133 4 North Summtr street. WANTED BLACKBERRY TICKERS for 30 acres at Mouataia View farm. W. H. Egaa: Phoao 3F11, Gcrvau. Route 2. WANTED 91EN AND WOMEN TO work ia our Vireulatiea department. A good proposition to the right people. Address the Pacific Homesteod. States man Bldr . Salem. Oregna. FOR SALE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE OR TRADE FURNISHED hotel with 30 rooma rt Gatea. Oregon: hot and cold water, acetylene lighting plant, rock milk hoj.e. complete rook ing utensils, stoves, silverware, dishes, etc. Will invoice over 910,000; will take 945O0. A money maker, investi gate. Call on or write G. W. Anderson. Gates, Oregon. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE FOR aale. Polk county, ia sawmill and f rm ing community. About 93.000 business per mcath. Good opportunity frr one or two hostlers. Private electric and water plant. Almost new b'uldings. and good clean stock, total about 9I2,Ooo to 91 4.OO0. Am lea ing state. but would consider part tra'ie and bat anace cash. No better alert ia connty, for same investment. Address XYZ, Statesman. BEAUTIFUL WALL TINTS. MANY new colors 10e pound and np. Mag O. Bhren. I7 N. Com' I St. POULTRY THE NORTHWEST POULTRY J0UR aaL the biggest and best in the west. Tne live magazine for live poaltrymea. 75c a year. 91-00 ia Salem. Send a cents for sample today. Addreaa The Northwest Poultry Journal. Salem, Ore gon. Mention this ad. FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET TnE BEST farm paper, send 13c to Th Pacifie Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a threo moatha trial subscription. Mention thia ad. LIVE 'STOCK. REGISTERED DURHAM BULL FOR aale .one year old. color red. Hunt Bros., Shaw, Oregon. GOOD SADDLE HORSE. SADDLE AND stock dog. Horse and dog broke to driving atoek. Inquire or see H. T. fleetwood. Turner. Ore. REMEMBER THE FARM AND STOCK aale at the Dr. Howard ranch two miles west of Monroe SeptemHer 14th. Eighty head of registered and high grade Shorthorn cattle. FOR SERVICE 8UOCESS ORPHEUS. Swiss Sssnen Hornless Hack : regis tered. purebred. E. E. Woods, 700 North High. FOR SALE OR WILL LET ON SHARKS IOO Block ewes, all young sheep. Will let any number or sell any. number of them. Addreaa nlliiam baeriaan. 1 ur ncr. Rot: to 1. ' ' M ISCELLAN EOUS SACKS, SACKS FOR SALE lOO.tMHl Capital grain, oata and potato aacss. Junk and Bargain House, 215 Ccater street. Phone 39. PEAKS FOR CANNING. 75 CENTS4 Bring your box and pick them np. Phone 64F13 or come to large prune dryer on Wallace road. FOR 81LE ONE SPAN OF HORSES; sound aad true; about - I600 oouada each. Also oae need Diamond two-bot tom 14-inch plow. Fageol Truck and Tractor Co, 186 South High street. CAPTIVITY OF THE OATMA! GIRLS -Thia true atory of weatera immigra tion has beea carefully revised, making n handsome little book. It tells ' in graphic terms of the maasacrs of the ' Oat'maa family, of the escape of Lo res is. aad the captivity af Mary aad Olive. Mary died of atarvatioa aad Olive waa pnrrhased front th Iadiaas five year later. Th pne la cents, poatraid. Address Oregon Teach a ra JloetMe. Psl". MISCELLAN EOUS WALFELT" YOUR HOCSE; ITS superior to eUth. at a host half price. Mas O. Burea, 179 N. Com I St. DBS. "WALLBOARD" CAN BE USED OVER la-.h or atndding. Can bo tinted or papered. Uit O, Buren, 19 North Commercial atreet. 'WALL PASTE." NO COOKINO Re quired, Sticks everything. Mat O. Bare ii. 179 N. Commercial atnet. wood WOOD FOR SALE FEW OjRDS OF second growth and few corda of Oak. Phone 31 4K. CALL THE SALEM FCEL YARDS FOR your wood aad coal; office .752 Trade atreet. Phono 5:9. WOOD FOR SALE 19 INCH OLD FlB: 1 A-inch mill wood special price oa car lota; prompt drliv'ry; strictly rash; 3tl5 South Church atreet. Phoao 1542. lied t Wella. PERSONAL . WANTED TO MAKE ACOCAINTANCE of a Christian lady of 60 aammer with some means. Address 13 J, rare State- GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published. Free for stamp. Cor respondent. Toledo. Ohio. Automobile Directory OLESON MOTOR CAR CO. 349 X. Commercial Su Phoao 699 Two IMS Reo Touring ear.... 9"0 1919 Ford Coupe, aelf starter.. 50 5 passenger Studebekrr 200 229 400 450 lord Bug 1915 Stndebaker 1915 Stndebaker Sis. . 1919 Harley Davidsoa cycle, A 1 condition motor 200 CHANDLERCLEVELAND Sales aad Service FOR RENT ROOMS FOR KENT A DESIRABLE FRONT sleeping room, modern conveniences. Call in tha afternoon. 715 Center atreet FOR RENT ROOM SUITABLE FOR two young ladies, at the Alexaadria, 1030 Chemeketa. Phone i:?0. nocsEs F. L. WOOD. 331 STATE ST, SEAJ eatato. rentals. FOR RENT ONE-ROOM HOUSE IN South Salem near city limits, five blocks from car line, 92 per month. Statesman business office. LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST ON POOR FARM ROAD MONDAY evening, gold Waltham watch, iaitial B on back. Reward. W. E. Barea, 745 Court atreet. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS W A X T E D Furniture, stoves, raagea, Jaak. hides, etc CAPITAL JUNK AND BARGAIN nOUSE Phoao 999 215 Center Street. BUSINESS CARDS CHINESE PHYSICTAX DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN diseaao. 153 S. High Si, Ph. no 29. BRK.SSMAKING. GIRLS MAKE YOUR OWN CLOTHES. Bring your material and coma so the dressmaking eenoel. 1193 South Liberty treet. Ker information call 2. INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE WRITTEN ON FARM property, hop and prune driers, aad stl other forms of insurance, including burglary, auto, indemaity. life aad ac cideat. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple Saleas, Ore. FOR REAL DEPENDABLE INSURANCE aad reliable insnranro service, it will be to your interest to insure with ibe Oregon Fire Relief asaoriatioa of Me Minaville. year own home eecipaav. U. A. JOHNSON INSURANCE AGENCY Over Ladd Bnah Bank. Sslees Phone 917. LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 189 S. Liberty atreet. Phono 25. Oldest Largest Best. Established 1999. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work, prompt service. 1294 Broadway. Phone 165. NURSERIES ITALIAN PRUNE TREES FOR FALL delivery. 1920. Please phone 111K21 or write Fruitland Naraery, R. 6, Sa lem, Ore. PAINTERS 'MARTIN' -PAINTER. Phone 7l4. MUSIC MISS FLORENCE BOWDEN TEACH- er of cello guitar (ateel and American), mandolin, banjo, ukulele. For studio and terms inquire at Will's Music Store. State street. Salem. Ore. REPAIRING AND SHARPENING CUTLERY GRINDING; LAWN MOW- ers, safety razors, etc. Stewart's Jte- jair Shop. 347 Court "treet TRANSFER HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER . CO. 226 State St, phono 933. Distributing, forwarding aad atorago our apouaity. Get cur rates SECOND HAND FURNITURE WANTED SECONDHAND FURNI tore, rugs, carpets, stov.s. machinery and toola. Beat price paid. The Cap ital Hardware at Faraitar Co.. 295 X. Com' I St. Phone 911. STOVE REPAIRING STOYES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years experience; Depot National fence, sixes 26 to 59 inches high. Paints, oil and varnishes, etc., loganberry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stov Works, 250 Court street. Phone 121. SECOND HAND GOODS WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND - goods of sll kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, collars, collsr pads, toois. sd chains. Fred Schindler. 259 Center street. WALL PAPER. PAINT WALL PAPER AND CEILING PAPER 20e and ap double roll. Mag O. Ba rea, 179 N. Commercial St. SEE PORTFK rUK rIT, Paper a.d PrUr. Framing - JGeod workmen. 4..5 Court St.- Phono 4-. CH IROPR.1CTORS DR. O. L. SCOTT. D. C, CRlROPRAfA tor. P. S. C. gradual. 909. 13 U. 8. N. Bank Bldg. Phone 7; Re. :R 1 PHVSICLNS AND St RGEONS KATHERINE SCHLEEF. M. D, PHY aiciaa aad Hargeoa. Office Oregon building, rooma 411-19. Phone 940, 264. Over Oregon Electric depot. 1 Read the Classified Ads. PROFESSIONAL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS WHITE vr RfcMR,5faALU M,,riNE FCV R ROOM BUNGALOW WITH i. a. National 1tU- wu.. - bisr ik. . A,V .o o . . V- i BSflg. I hones: Ollica 1394; Kasv 69F 7. ourgeoa, 403-(i vregoa DR W. L. MERCER. OSTEOPATHIC IhysK-iaa aad Sdrfeoa. Ktrfcevtlle graduate, 404 aad 405 L". 8. Natl Beak koiiding. Phoao Office 919. resideaco WATER SALEM WATER, UOHT a POWER errice 301 Booth Ctaa'l atreet. Tea per rent diacoaat oa dotaestie flat rates paid ia advaaco. No do aactioaa for abaeaco or aay caase ma leas water ia ahat off v.ar nremlaaa. 1 . - ' . -ia REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW Lo cated ia Highland. haa bath, electric lights, built ia kitchen, bcawiv fruit aad barn. Price 9'JtMH). MRS. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 5 Stale Street. Phone 515 READ THIS very carefully. Thia placo that ia for aale consists of 50 acres. all cultivated, aplendid barn and other baild;ngs aad aa aid hoase; wevea wire fearing, cross feaced w.th same. Three horses, two eowa. all the farm tmptementa, chick en gsluar; all the implements, wagon. Oisc, binder. 503 buhls est. 2 J toas hay. Everything ia fact. Now LISTEN There is eight acres of logans oa this place . If you can ahow me aav place ia Marion county its eo,aal I will bay yoa a 910 hat. They have averaged 4' tons for -ais ye re . The estimate f.r steal year is sia tens: There will pu.irw logsa lips proourea on me piace for spring delivery at say 950 per I t bos sand, iontrarta aaaured. Now we ! will ssy tat the place only prodaceo 5 tons prjr acre 40 tons ia all, aad the price ia only 9 cent a wo will allow 2 eenta for picking, leaving 9120 net, makiMg 9siu pias 9vvv i'oj S-r. to tal 9,iOO income, leaving you 42 acres ot just the same kind of land to make a living oa aad pay for the H C L. The price for all thia ia 916. SOO for just 14 dsys front the auith of September. 1920. The place ia oae mile from paved road oa a gravel road, 15 tiles from Sslesa, north. M. W. ROWLEY 305 State Street. FOR SALE 139 ACRES ALL IN CUL- tivatien. oa bonded road 9-roona house. two barea Price 960 per acre. HART & MULLER 209 Oregon Bldg. FOR SALE 6 ROOM BUNGALOW OH paved street, haa all modem eouvent nceo aad garage. Price 947SO. MRS. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 275 State Street. Phoao SIS SIX LOTS AND FOUR ROOM HOCSE ready to plaater, 9300; 9100 cash, bal aace terms. 240 S. Commercial street. FOR SALE 12 ACRES ALL IN CULTI vatioa. Good buildings, close La. Price 99100. HART ft MULLER 209 Oregon Baildmg. FOR SALE BY OWNER EIGHT-ROOM houae. one block from atate house: aaodern conveniences : corner lot and s reels paved. Iaquiro at 1109 Conrt street. 135-acre farm, especially good for praaea. cherries, logsaberriea aad atrawborriea. Buildiaa-e good, aear school. Price aad term right: aee it. Also a good place of 45 so 0 acrea. Some trade con sidered en either. W. A. Liaton. 494 loan atreet. FOR SALE A FINE FARM OF 240 acres. 205 in eultiTsliou. balaara pas tar, with living water and some valu able oak grab timber. This ia oae of the best wheat aad clover farma ia the sailer. A rich, dark eoil with nature drainage; no hilla nor gravel; good buildinga- Price per aero. II ART A MULLER 209 Oregon Baildtag. I WANT MORE AND MORE HOUSES LISTED WITH ME. I HAVE THE BUYEHS. PHONE lono OK 1014 FOR AN APPOINTMENT TO VIEW YOUR PROPERTY. CHAS. W. MEMEYER Just Real Estate MASONIC TKMPLE. WORTH WHILE 471 acre ranch, lofl acres of hesHng prunes 15 years old. in good order: 125 acres plow land. 6 milea from railioad town, oa a gravel road: has 10-tunnel dryer, 2 barns, house. Hay and e-iuip-meui mrludiag tractor. Immediate possession and crop included. Price 913 per acre, half caah. 13 acrea 5 milea out. all plow laad. ia creek bottom, running wster, good soil; excellent betry land. Price 94000; rash. A pood farm 10 mile out of 190 acres: 120 plow land, has buildings aad water, 975 per acre. Aa excellent orchard of prunes, cherries and loganberries ia bearing, gst far oat of Salem; 9350 per acre; dryer, bara and honao. A money maker. 160 arres 9 mile out: 115 in cultivation. new house ot 8 rooma, two barns, good fenifea, well and apriag wa'.er. Price 965 per acre. See or writ J. A. MILLS Bligh Hotel T GOOD BUYS lCO-arro dairy farm, IOO acre plow laad. good buildings, some atock aad equip ment. Price 910O per acre. 200-aere farm, IOO acre cultivated. Bal aam timber and pasture. buildings, good road, spring aad creek. Pries 9125 per acre. 320-acro farm aad timber, buildiags. Priee 9jO tier acre. 20-acre tract, cranes. loganberries aad atrawberries, family orchard. aaaajl hoaae and bars, good road. 4 miles out. Price 910.0OO. 51-acre tract located close in. 10 acres bearing prune, house and bara. about 15oo corda of stsadiag fir. Prieo 91. oo. 17 arret close in, 10 acre bearing prune. 9. 7, 14 yesrs old. big crop, crop goes; two acrea set to logsns, IS mile from ear l.ne. aouth of ttalem. Price 9 12. OOO. Well improved 10 acres, cloae in. good bungalow, loganberries, prunes, straw berries. Price 97.5O0, 5 acres of first elaaa logsoberry sad atrawberry aoil. all cultivated. 4 mile aouth, Pacifie highway. Price 916O0, term. Well improved 40 acres, located near St. Helens, to trsde for acreage aear Sa lem. Price 975O0. 2 (a -acre tract, house and barn, a'.l kinda of fruit. Price 9 1 OOO. 8.23 acre tract, house and barn, 4 acres logsos. 2 acres prunes, psved road, close to earltn. Trice I0.5OO. 3C acres river bottom land, good buitd ingv Price 9.VK. IOO sere fsrm. all cultivated, good build ings, all stock sad equipment goes, . Priee 9125 per acre. Good 6-room modern bungalow, located at 515 S. Commercial atreet. Price 9oo) and purchaser to asaame atreet asses meet. Good & room bungalow locatdd in Eaat J Salem. Price 9-'. Good S room cottage, baaement. Price 925mi. 9704 down . ,, n .Of W H. UfaOenilOrSl OC ieO. V . . . 275 State Street. FARM nR SALE 15t ACRES. ONE mile west of Turner. 130 in raliiva twin. 10 acres orchard, priartpally p ples aad cherries; balaace ah timber and rr-ek bottom pasture; 35 acre ia cWv.r. Good rich soil, no grovel; run ning wster an place; good improve aaenta, apring water pip In bonae. price 9155 per acre. Terms. Inquire Arthur Edwards, ewoer. Palea. Phono SF4. R F I I. Box I. Tamer. Ore. Read the Classified Ads. ! SATITKDAY MORX1XO. SEPTEMBER 11, 1920 REAL ESTATE I Good 5-rooa bungalow with two Iota, cottage oa pares atreet wita largo Wt aad nlejtv of fm.t. TVa bungalows A I, . V street ear Iae. will -u cecap. Good home aad 3 arres ri$hl la city, at a bargain. SQUARE DEAL Pheooe 470. 4 room honao aad two lota. 5 room buagalew, most beastifally locat ed, maay ahads tie, oa paved street at 95500. . room aouo ana garage. aay shade tree a. at foOOO. 6 room houae oa Church at. for 93000. A hente splendidly arranged for two raagva aad mat families including furuitars at 940O0. room house oa North Church at 9000. Aa attractive corner right ia towa with 4 up-t. data dnelUuga ea mm at 9 2 1.0OO. A beaatiful noma oa Ccater, 97900. A 7 room house oa Chemeketa atreet at 96000. 9 room houae. beaatiful lot, aa Summer atreet, very close in. 90 acre farm. 14 acres prases. 14 acres cherries, 1 acre apple. - acre pears, 1 acre logaaa, 3 acrea potatoes, hay and grata, ail necesaary buildiags would trade 'or bungalow, balaace terms. Aa attractive farm, a?l eew buildings. nearly all ia frail, 4 mile south of Salem, 915,000. 100 acre farm 5 milea aoathraat of Salem at 9150 per acre. 23 acre farm with good buildings, well located, 7 Vg Bailee aorta of aaieaa. 10 acre without baildiagt at 91500. 20 acres aear St. Louis at 92100. 10 aerea ia Haaahaw fruit tract, with building at 93000. 69 acre aear Marion. Timber la ad aear Lebanon. Maay lata for sale. Aa apartmeat houae with aine complete apartments, fialahed throughout, electric waaher; all toola will bo aold with the place at 912.900. Thia hoase is always occupied aad ia ia one of I Be very, beat locatioa. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE Phono 1199 1 493 X. Cottars Street. REAL ESTATE LOANS INT ESTMENTS WALTER MeLABES Room 2L 10 S. Commercial St, Ph.ae 430 53 ACRES, TWO MILES FROM 8ALXM, 40 acrea ia cultivation. 12 acrea good pasture aad timber, old 5-room hoaae aad bara. Good berry la ad. aa rock rad- Price 96500 93500 down will kaadle. BARBER & PEARSON 20 GYy- BaUdiag. Phone 190 FOR SALE 93 ACRES RIVER BOT toa land; 23 acres ia hep, fal'y oAwipped; good beildiags; prodared 930.OO0 of hops thia year. 930,000; Eaouire R. W. Da via, Harriabarg. Or. FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF CITT AND COUNTRY PROPERTY. ED LOOSE Thene 97 Offire 370 Va Slata Street. GOOD HOME BARGAINS 9 room plastered honao, good location. oe block oft of State atreet, good shape. Urge lot: 925009500 rash. Fine all modern 5-room bungalow, base ment, fireplace, two fine lota, jclea to rarline. Imady home 93200. 1 4 room Modern bungalow, bssewient. fur aaee. large lot, aear carlme 12300; terms. Good rooming boaae oa State atreet: all well far siahed. choir location, money maker. Oa account of aickaesa aaast bo sold. Sasp. Choice bearing prune orchard together with good crop, close la: tais week oely. 9475 per acre, good term a. Several good modern cottages at bargaia pneea. PERRINE & MARSTERS 211-13 Gray Building. Phoao 907 06 ACRES 29 CULTIVATED: BUILD- inga. close to ststwa: about 4 milea out of Sales-; part seeded to alfalfa. A good iaveatmrat. Aa opportaaity ta de velop aa income. Priced to aell thia month at 9000. terms. Room 2 Mur phy building, corner Stat and Com mercial. 5-ROOM COTTAGE, MODERN EXCEPT furnace. 4 blocks from atate houae Some fruit trees, garage, paved atreet. cement walk, handy to atreet car. This is a good '.home, beet location. Price 93200 9 1700 dowa, bslsnee like real, BARBER & PEARSON ZOO Gray Iu3diog. . Phoao 790 HOUSES FOR SALE. Almoat new 5 room bungalow, full base ment, two large lot with fmit aad berriea for 92800. oa term. 5-room cottage, aaodern eeavenleae large lot. etoao to school aad car Ubm for 1 3 OOO oa term. These are aplendid properties for the price asked. JOHN H 8O0TT REALTY CO. 229 Oregon Building. HOUSE BARGAINS A beautiful tittle borne place of S rooma, gsras. flowers, fmit aad shade. 91150. Aaother similai at 936.SO with two lota. paved afreets aad walking aiianee. Aasther with large groaada, close to csr st 93000. slao witb new garsge. Au af these are extra good bays aad value, A very good buy in a mgaiana o room bouse at 92 WV An 8-reom up to dale eloae in ftaa resi dence. See us about this. 1 6 room with two good lot overlook tsg th v a iter, prime value at 9210O. We are adding to listing every day, we hsve 100 aad more be ides. See The Fleming Realty Co. 341 Ststo Street 'Room 7. SMALL HOME A -eoom new strictly modern house with 3 bedrooms, largs modem home with 2 b.4roems. largs meat and garage. T. with Vway wir ing. all hardware hravt. glaac 'door kaabs. adament plaater. double fk:, linen cloaet. cooling closet. Tbi will seil today by owner at rot or 93500 and 960 down will handle with bal aece on ea monthly payment. Ia tereat 6 per rent : Ottirk peeion. 5-room strictly aaodern bungalow. al. built in work, baaeaseat and fireplace two large lots ta gsrdea aad fru.t 93150; terms. 5ro-om strir-tly modern new homo at t:xt. 91im0 down. Taia will Ko eoso- plcted and ready to move into in thro weeka . Near .'hoof a.d ear. 5 room modere bungalow at 185 South tsurrh at 93150. Basement, garag aad all built in. 6-room ho complete ia all wojs y -h) room aaodern. rWae to high acbool with furaaee. fireplace, pavement aad Inn diato peetou: !'fl terms. Let na show yoa n boss like yea w sat Owner prleea. BECKE 4 HENDRICKS 2" V. K X''V rh P'-- rv . t I , . - . i , - -. REAL ESTATE 7 ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE, HOT aad rwld water, bata is tone. ge tarn, chicken house, gaa engine, well and tank; one acre of ground, aeveral bearing fruit trees, on gravel atrert, 4 blocks from atreet car. ail fr 9-OOJ 9H dowa will handle. BARBER & PEARSON 200 Gray Bedding. Psoas T90 WORTH WHILE, A Lttlo over half a hundred acrea clnse ia. just f paved read oa a god read, ail feaced and ia cnltrvativa. IS miles oat: haa a ged bara. Price 9250 per acre, half dowa. Two acres at the edge or th riy: room hooae. garage, near ache!: ea exceptional good bay. Price 935O0; i cash. SEE J. A. MILLS BUgh Itetel. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW 5-ream bangalew, a pel oae. same aa new. esreileat eoadition. eaU treat, plaaterrd. hot aad reld water. bath, electricitv. good plamtiag. aoaao built ia feotores. full haaeasent. two Urge lots: dosea bearing frail trees: 1m) logaaa. rhickea mm aad garage. Sooth Salem. Dea't hesitate aa this. Price 920091100 down. BARBER & PEARSON 200 Grsg Baildtag Phoao .90 WE NOW HATR HOUSES TROM 950 to 9 -.ooo ALL ON or TERMS LIST YOUR HOUSES WITH US FOR QUICK SALES. LAFLAR & LAFLAR 4i6 7 Oregon Bldg. WOOD'S BARGAINS Six room he ate. lot 60x100 with bam. 91050. easy terms. Five-reea, hoase, good plumbing. 1542 Bellevae atreet. 912U0. Nice five-room baagalew. near v bow aad seme farailare. 920O0. Good 7 -room houae. large lot, five block a oat. 950OO; 95O0 cash, balaace 935 per month. Good large hoaae close ia, 96500. Tea room baagalow. 900. Good large boaso oa State atreet. 9 .OOO. Four-room bungalow, not fin- ished nnd four lota S600. aait caaa. Largo nonoe. good lot. 2440 N. tB mercial. 9oO. 90 acrea choice land, one mil. out. fair bandings. 9259 r acre. 105 acres two miles from small town, new baagalow. 95500. 160 acres good land. 9 5OO0. or trade for bonne ia Salens. Good boose ta trade for acreage. Five acrea, ell ia orchard aad legaaberriea. cUao is. 91SOO. If yon kavn property to sell come ia aad aee aso ar pbons . F.LWOOD 111 State Street, 21 ACRES Or CHOICE LAND. GOOD buildiags. hot aad cold water ia heaee, also piped to bara; family orchard; about oae mile from towa. east of pi teaOary. paved road. Will consider some town property in trade. Price 9"00, term a. R. 6, Dot 6, or Phone isrs. OWN YOUR OWN HOME Oeod 7-room plaat ered boos, msii rn ex cept furnace. f'-l basement, waiaat aaa fmit tree, chicken park aad green boaae. cle t ear line. Bargain nt 9254. half rasa. Sew 5 room baagalow. full baaement.ga- rage; nsodern except furnace. 9J5VO; fine term. Neat 3-room cottage la fine conditio, bath, toilet, bghts -V f"' hoy for 92450 cash. 5- reem plastered bangalew. built 5 year. bath. SoiW-t, lights, ase, esst front, ga rage and gardea spot. Will boob aell at 92w0; tcrma. . 6- room plastered hoase on gaveled atreet. bath, toilet, lighta; 2 good lots with roaaideraMe fruit. A Snap at. 92190; good terms, 6-room plastered dwelling at 966 Oak stref full baaement, stationary wash tub, bath, toilet, lighta aad gaa: extra large lot; oa pavesnenl aad ear line: close in: 92SOO 1 10V dowa .raUBce 9 per rent. 6 room bangalnw with fall cement base- anent. modern except furnace; a atce borne at 93lKK 92000 dowa. 5-room cottage, asodera escept basement. Oft good eoroer lot. eaal treat, fruit, good gardea spot and garage. A real aaap at 92 too : mostly rash. A really fin modem borne in every re spect; rooms and large sleeping porch. Fall cemeat baermenl. furnace, etc.; nearly new. Fine garsge and large lot. Fine home with every kind f built in features 9554MI; half raab. Modern 6-room home close ia. paved treet and north front ; furnace, etc 945s: balf caah. OWN YOUR OWN HOME KINNEY & SMITH 46f State Street. Ureoed Floor , j r tsT '',ui I Light Your Farm Buildings with- the Fairbanks Morse 40lJlvlT"P.ara Lot L. Pearce & Son 236 North Commerdal Street REAL ESTATE tirr yoro uousca and BARBER & PEARoUri Pheoo TW u0 Gray Baildiaf. SALE - 9 ROOM FOR feart street, furnace, ""r -3 - . ivrned rr..t.i.-- " " M R STWI VmE PETTYJOHN 275 Sto Street. nmm way. new 7 ro-s nciw fr? eila. Th- ia aat eceptonKy t Price 910 OOO MART k MULLER 209 Oregon Baildtag. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 9 rooma eJ-so in . Mveenrnt. fireplace, sectnc ajtcaew, ia feature, oea have never 9 rooaaa at 95KM. !. Tirrpla. pavemea:. S rowaa at 922X. 4 rwai at 95oa. 3 rooms at 91250 Imatedtete p. e saday. ut.'k.r & lirDVILSH 203 1. 8. NatL Bank Bldg. PWno 191 2 Special Worth WhUe 10 acres. acres praaea. S acres of th e fall bearing: 3 acrea roang treee: acres cherries, pears, apple. ' "fT" ool oa good rood. Prxo 94654. kaU caah. No boildinga. The other is 6 acres, 3i saitoa not, n mile to car. SaaaU aoaao: 9 acres in cultivation. 1 aero bearing prune. Price 93 7 SO. half cash. SEE J. i. MILLS Blirb Hotel PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OP MARION COUNTY, OREGON The board of equalization will mt at the court house fa said coanty on Monday. September IS. 1920, at 10 o'clock a .m.. ana pup. licly examine the assessment roll and correct all errors la valuation, description or quality of land, lota or other property, and continue ia sessioa until such work ia com pleted. All persons interested are ao tified to appear aa examine their assessments for the year 1920. and if not satisfied with the same file application ia writing proper ly verified for a redaction or al teration of the same during the first fifteen days of each meeting, as ao complaints can be received thereafter. Bea F. West, Assessor for Marlon County. August. 1920. WHOLE BULK AND PRODUCE WANTED Marion CwLnery & Produce Co Salem, Oregon. Phone 21S3 I SALEM MARKETS I BUYING PRICE ECS aad PosUtry Eggs. 4t. . i. ; Hens, heavy. 22-2 le. f Llrht bens. 18-20C Old roosters. S-lOc ' ---. Broilers. lS-24e. Fxark. Mattnm and Beef Pork on foot. 1 Sc. Lambs, l-2c and Dressed bora. 22c, Beef steers, i-8e. Cowa, S-e. Top veal. 22r. Hay ' 1 Cheat bay 17-18. Oat and vetch hay. per ton. U-20. Clover bay. IS 20. Grata Wheat. 12-12.10. - Feed oats. CS-70. JHIGHESTER S PILLS V ft FoTs'S. w mITVi aTTa n C If avtTatoaa Salts rtiXa,aad UniYersal Light and Power Plant Light your house and barn elec trically. No more lanterns and lamps to carry about and clean. Iron your clothes electrically. Na more hot fires oa hot days to heat yonr Irons. Pnmp your water electrically. No more work on that old pnmp handle )r cranking the engine. Hare water Tor fire protection. Corne in or write and let ma give ron farther information and demon ttration. 1(2 No. Commercial Street c o Salem Velie Co. T. C Wood, Dealer r EARL KACE. City Recorder. I (Attest:) Citv Recorder. 1 1