THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTESfBER 9, 1 920 CLA8SITO0 ADVXSTISXME5TS Hats Par Word Per insertion So Three Intertions 6c On week (aU insertions) . . . . 8e One- month . .4 . . . .20c Six month' contract, per mo . . 1 5 12 meats contract, per nt. Miaimum or any advertisement 25 Norwich union ITttE'IXSl'ItAXCB SOCIETY TLIcIsen, Roland & Burghardt Resident Agent j 371 State St. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate T. K. FORD (Over La dd & Hush Bank) FARM LOANS HAWKINS & ROBERTS ! 20 1-207 Orecon nutldine NEW TODAY FURNISHED ROOM WITH FURNACE heat for rent, 263 f3puJth Hih atreet. WASTED COMPETENT CCOK FOR cafeteria at the state lair. Phone 576J ' or; adire.- 1331 North Samtntr street. FOB SALE (-ROOM BUNGALOW Lo cated ia Highland, baa, bath, electric lights, built in kitchen, bearing fruit ami barn. Pric $2000. - MRS. WINNIE PEiTYJOHX 173 State Street. Phone 515 FOR RENT FOUR. ROOMS. PHONE or after 6, 972K.' i 3 FORD BARGAINS 1916" TOURING Al condition, rood tires: If 19 coupe: classy bur. Room 8. liayns Lldg. Phone BARTLETT JEARS, 8'e A BOX. ALSO dryer help! wanted. E. H. ileot-e, Win- ataaley estate. Phoce 4F3. FOB SALE 6-ROOM BUXGALOW OX paved street, has all modern conreui eneett and garage.- Price $4730. -MRS. WINNIE PEV.T1 JOliX 273 Stata Street. Phone 515 WAXTED TO REXT IMMEDIATELY. haute partially fnrntsued or oniarnlsh ed. Phona 352 or address. 415 Court street.. FOP. RENT 6-ROOM BCXGALOW AND s:rcpinK porch, ..parti furnished, one blocii from post! f ice, fgu per uontd ' 255 South Cottace. FOR SALE A SECOND HAND BICY cl. at 1030 Chemeketa aU Phone 1280 FOR SALE 8 ROOM HOUSE ON Conrt street, furnace, fireplace, built in kitchen, bearine fruit, pived street and fin tatted in white epsmei through out, rnce uu. " MRS. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 275 Stat Street.. : ,l Phone 515 FOR RENT PIANO FOR THE WINTER. Phone 1210W. 1 WAXTED TO MAKE ACQUAINTANCE of a Christiaa lady of 60 aummers with some maana. Address C35, care States man - - WAXTED LADY TO DO HOUSE eooking. Permanent position for right rsrty. Dr. C. H Schenk. Derby bid.. fcatcav ore. CEKKRAL MERCHANDISE STORE FOR ssle. Polk county, in sswmill and farm ing community. About 93,000 business per month. Uood opportunity, fcr one or two. hustlers.- Private electric and water plant. Almost: new b'sildings, and good clean, . stock, totil s'Kot . 9t2,00i to 914.000. Am tearing atate, . bat would consider part traie and bal anaco cash. No better stor ia county, for tint investment. Address X.YZ, Ststcsman. 1; - - . FOB 8ALE OR TRADE FURNISHED hotel with 30 room a e.t Gates,' Oregon: hot and cold water, acetylene lighting plant, rock milk hose. complete cook ing utensils, stoves, silverware, dishes. etc. Will invoice over 910,000; w21 take 94500. A money maker, investi gate. Cart m or write O. W. Anderson, Uates, Oregon. FrftB FOUR ROOM BUXGALOW WITH plenty of fruit, near ear. Oood 6-roorn bungalow with two lots, well located. Good cottage on paved street with lar; ni iua picuiy i iruiK Tro bungalows on atreet car line, will sell chesp. , Good, home and 9 acre right in city, at Bargain. . . . i SQUAEE DEAL Ph 9000 470. BEST BUYS 235 acres, 140 cultivated. 95 atnmn mi) iiuucr pamre. running water, a-room amis with bet and told water, bath,- 2 fair barns, ail woven wira- fenced, f am r orchard, full t, of outbuildings, j.oe a; 970 per sere $8,000 cssh. naiance e it J yeart at 6 per cent. J0.75 acrs, all cultivated, family orehard, 4 room house, bans, paved rosd. .1 mile from town; 92000 , terms $300 down, balance 6 per cent. : 15 acres all cultivated. 6 acres in bearing fruit; modem 7 -room house, barn. . com pie in set of outbuildinzs. close ti Salem, $12,000, half cath, balance 8 per veni. stork .ana CQulpnsent goes. 12 1 acre, all In 7 yeir-old Italian prunes, On rock rosd. close in, on'y $7000. i. 30i acres berry land, closo in. $4000, half cath, balance 3 yesra at per cent. 2j .acres, ail cultivate, 6 acres bearing . rtalia prune, good M-roem bouse, good barn, a lot of outbuildings, with stock . and equipment itcluding an automobile. Some togans and some straeberries. half ,jbiio irow eny, a snap. s&OOO. term. 1 aousts. Jsonern 8 room ouugalow, fru't. 'bade, paved street, gaod lo:stion. $4000. Fun modern it-room rcsld-nce, strictly ; modern, very elos In 830O room plastered bouje, two lots, fins ) S0C0L0FSKY 84t Stats Street. 4 TV i- mume a -voon new a t net It . modern house with. 2 bed roim, t t modern homo with 2 Kdrooms. large ; ju.-o nU garage, inia with s-way wir lug all hardware brass, glac door knobs, adament phttcr, double fur-a. linen closet, cooling closet. This will . eu ioasy by owner at cott or' 83500 . . n .4 t rruk Jk t . .. - via wu win aana.e with bal ' nc on easy raonthlv psvmonts. In lerest.o per cent; quick possession. -room strictly modern him,.i.,. .11 I built-in work, basement ; two large lots la garden and fruit . terms. , oro-om strictly modem new bom . 92600, 81000 down. This will b com. : , pleted and ready to move into in three ; ) weexa .Aesr school and car. 6-room modern- bungslow at 1850 South ; . church at 93150. Basement, garage aad - all built-in. i ... . . i B-rootn house eomytet in aU ' ways ' : 3uu. 8-room modern, close to high school with furnace, fireplace, pavement and inune- iate posaeaaioa; 9VjQr terms. Let 9a ahow yon a home like you want. , vwners prices. , BECKE HENDRICKS 305 V. S. XatL Bank Bldg. Phon 11 J WORTHWHILE A 'ittlo over half a hundred acres elos ' Inj Jnf t off paved rosd en a good road. alt fencea and in cultivation. 3 V, miles out; hss a good barn. Pric 1250 par i acre, nsu sown. .'Tro seres at th edge of the city; , room noose, garage, near school; an exceptional good buy. Price, 93500 SEE J. A. MILLS . z: Ectv As.i NEW TODAY WAITED BLACKBERRY PICKERS for 3d acre si Mountain View farm. W. H. Kgan. Phone SFU, Oervaia. MOUle s. CALIFORNIA FARMS NEAR SACRA- mento for ssle on easy ttnu. Writ tor hat. E. R. Wait. Shawnee. Okla. FOR SALE 158 ACRES ALL IX CUL- tivrton, on bended ro-ad 8 -room bona, two barn. Price .-960 per acre HART & MULLER 20 Oregon BM(. READ THIS Terr carefully. This place that I tat ' consists of 30 acres, all cultivated, splendid barn and eider building ami an eld house; wotm wire Oaring. cross fenced with tamr. Three horses, two cows, alt the farm implements, chick ens galore; all the implements, wagons. aif, binder, 513 bushela oat. 25 tun hj. tvery thing in fart. At LISTEN There is eiitht acre of locans en this place . If you can ahow n any place in Marion county its eBaI I will buy yoa a 10 hat. They have averaged 4 ion ior aix years . ine catimate lor I neat year i aix ton.. There w.ll be 80.OOO lojtan lip prod a red on the place j. e nrin. J.i.r ... rt tnoosano. con tr art aaaured. Now we I will aay that the place only produce tona per acre IO tons in all, and the price ia only 8 cent w will allow - centa for picking, Icarin? 9120 net. mint 3VU pma wni iu i.pz. to tal 14,200 income, leavinK too 42 acres of just the aame kind of land lo make a living on and pay for the 11 C U The price for all thia ia 16. 500 for just 14 daya from the ninth of September. 1920. The place is one mile from paved road on a gravel road. 15 I miles irom talent, nortn. M. W.ROWLEY 305 State Street. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 6 rooms close in on pavement, furnace. fireplace, electric kitchen, every built- in feature, you have never aeen a nicer home S7300. 8 room new and modem, close in. fur nace, fireplace, pavement, At S7500. rooms at S5000. Furnace, fireplace. pavement, room at 92200. rooms at $3."x. 3 rooms at 91250. .Immediate possession -means today. nr.t IVI-. JIK.MIKIIKX 205 U. 8. Natl. Bank Bldg. Phone 61 2 Specials Worth While 13 acre. 6 acres prunes, S acres of this full bearing; 3 acres young trees: 4 acres cherries, pears, apples. 3 miles out on good road. Price 94960, half cash. No buildings. -w The other. Is 6ft acres, 2V4 miles out, roue to car. Mnall bouse: 3 acres in cultivation, 1 aero bearing prunes. .t rice 00, nau easft. SEE J. A. MILLS BHgh Hotel. EMPLOYMENT MALE TWO CARRIER BOYS WANTED AP- ply at Statesman office, or phono 583. TEAMS WAXTED FOR HAULING AND banking wood. Phone S14R. . WAXTED EXPERIENCED HELP IX - prune dryer about October lat. Address J. P. Mchstnley, Route 1, Salem. WANTED TWO BOYS TO LEARN printing trade. Must be over 16 years of age. Apply Statesman office, up stairs. OPCHARDIST GRADUATE OF AORI cultural college with 6 years practical experience wianea position aa manager with some reliable- company or tak charge 01 private orchard. Experienced witn apples, cherries and walnuts. Ad dress "C34," Statesman. MEN WAXTED AT ONCE COMPANY enlarging plant needs good laborer. In side work for winter, permanent. Com pany staode good for room and board until pay day. also pays railroad fare. See Mr. Newman. Hotel Bliga. Thurs day, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. FEMALE WANTED A WOMAX COOK, School for Deaf. Phone 646. STATE WAXTED LADY CLERK AXD TYPIST, permanent. Inquire Statesman office. Phono 583. WAXTED WOMAX FOR DIXIXG room work at Oregon State Tubercu losis hospital. Phone 433. WANTED GIRL TO TAKE CHARGE of mnsie department. Must be able to plsy the piano and demonstrate. F. W. weotwi rortbt. WANTED TWO GIRLS FOR DINING room, 950, room and board. Gall Hotel. Dallas Oregon-. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO work in our circulation department. A good proposition to the right people. Add re a the Pacific Homestead, btates man Bldg, Salem. Oregon. ' FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL WALL TINTS. MAXY new- eolc-ra 10 pound and up. Max O. Bsrren. 17 N.- Com'! St. POULTRY THE NORTHWEST POULTRY JOUR- naL the biggeat aad beat in the west. Too live magazine for live poultry-men, 75c a year. 91.00 in Salem. 8ead & cents for aample today. Address Th Northwest Poultry Journal, Salem, Ore gon. Mention th;s ad. FARM PAPER IF YOTJ WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 15 to Th Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a three months trial subscription. Mention thia ad. LIVE STOCK. GOOD SADDLE HORSE. SADDLE AND stock dog. Horse and dog broke to driving stock. Inquire or see H. T, Fleetwood. Turner, Ore. FOR SERVICE SUCCESS ORPHEUS. Swiss Saanea Hornleaa Buck; regis rrr4' rorrt"""-d. E-. , -Woods, 7O0 (S 111(11,. FOR SALE OR WILL LET ON SHARES. 100 stock ewes, all vonnv sheen Wilt let any number or sell any number of imrm. Aaaress willism baendsn, Tur ner, Rcct 1. MISCELLANEOUS tOK SALE GOOD CLEAN CHEET seed. Phone 89F23. SACKS. SACKS FOR SALE 100.000 grain, oats aad potato sacks. sto ta House, Capital dung an Bargain street. Phone 898. 15 Center FOR SALE ONE SPAX OF HORSES sound and true; about 1600 pounds race, aiso one used Diamond two-bot tom 14-inch plow. Fageol Truck aad tractor Co, 186 South High street. FOR SALE A HANDSOME AMERICAN walnut bed. room suite, almost new, roll top oak dek, chaira and tablea at 636 State street. Must be sold within ten suys. WALFELT" YOUR HOUSE; : IT'S superior to cloth, at about half pric. Max O. Buren, 179 X. Com'l St. CAPTIVITY OF THE OATMATe GIRLS Thia true story of western immigrs lion has been carefully revised, making a handsome little book. It tells in grannie terms of the massacre of the Oatman family, of the escape of Lo renin, and the captivity of Mary and - Oliv. Mary rdied of -starvation aad Olive was purchased from the Indian fiv years later. Th price is CO cents, postpsid. Address Ore go a Teachers Alafit&lT, EUa, Ortgoa, miscelineous ; WALLBOARD" CAX BE USED OVER lath, or studding, papered. Mas O. Com me rcial street.. tan be tinted or Burr a, 179 North WALL PASTE." XO COOKIXO JtE- quired. Sticks everything. 31 ax O. Buren, 170 N. Commercial s t n et . WOOD WOOU FOR HALE FEW CORDS Of second rrowth aud IrW cords of oak. Phono 3 MR. CALL THE SALEM FUEL YARDS TOR your wood and coal; oltic 752 Trad atreet. Phone 529. WOOD FOR SALE 16 INCH OLD FlR; 16-inch mill woo special price en ear Iota; prompt delivery; strictly raah; 3o5 South Church street. Phone 1542. Fred E. Well. PERSONAL GET M AKRIEI BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published. Free for stamp. Cor respondent. Toledo. Ohio. Automobile Directory xw rMO ainniMtt M ULtOUil MU 1 UK LAK L.I1- - v fV . . N. Commercial St. Pbon 66 Two 1915 Reo Tourlnr ears. . . .950 isiti rora loupe, self starter.. 650 5-pasaencer Stndebaker 20O Ford Bur 22s 1915 Stndebaker 400 1915 Stndebaker Six 450 1918 liarley Davidson motor- cyc, A 1 condition 200 CHANDLER CLEYELAXD Sale and Servic , FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED ROOMS WITH FURNACE heat for rent, 260 South Uish atreet. FOR RENT A DESIRABLE FRONT sleeping room, modern conveniences. tall in. the afternoon. 715 Center atreet. FOR RENT ROOM SUITABLE FOR two young ladies, at the Alexandria, t-nemeseta. mono lznn. HOUSES F. L. WOOD. S31 STATE ST, REAI estate, rentals. FOR RENT SMALL HOUSE. BARN garden, paature, aix miles south. Her bert Mirhelbrook. Salem. Ore. LOST AND FOUND LOST LOST PURSE CONTAINING MONEY and some papers. Reward offered. Re turn to Statesman. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED A PARROT CAGE. PHONE 764 H. WAXTED Furniture, stoves, ranges, Junk, hides, etc. CAPITAL JUNK AND BARGAIN HOUSE Phono 398 215 Center Street. CHINESE HIYSICIAX DR. L. M.' HUM CURES AXY KXOWX disease. 153 S. High St, Phcne 233. BUSINESS CARDS INSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE WKITTEX OX FARM property, hop and prune driers, and aU other forms of insurance, 1 including burglary, auto, indemnity, life and ac cident. - 1 A. C. BOHRXSTEDT 401 Masonic Tempi Salem, Ore. FOR REAL DEPENDABLE INSURANCE aad reliable insursace service, it will be to your interest to insure with the Oregon Fir Relief association of Me- Minnville ,.n, mwit home CABlnsnv. H. A. JOHNSON INSURANCE AGENCY Over Ladd Buah Bank, Salem i Phone 347. LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 136 S. Liberty street. Phone 25. Oldest Largest Best, Established 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work, prompt . service, 1264 Broadway. Phono 165. ' NURSERIES ITALIAN PRUNE TREES FOR FALL delivery, 1920. Pleaaa phone 111F21 or write Fruitland Nursery. R. 6. Sa lem, Ore. PAINTERS "MARTIN" PAINTER. Fhone 704. ROOF REPAIRING We'll paint your roof, We'll giv you proof, We'll tr ii too; -rWhich way's best to yout Wo guarantee to atop all leaks. HEX WHF.FI.FR Phone 1419 W 1495 North 17th Si MUSIO MISS FLORENCE BOWDEX TEACH er of cello-guitar (steel sad American), mandolin, iianjo, ukulele. Fr studio and terms inquire at Will'a. Music more. ?ute street. Salem. Ore. REPAIRING AND SHARPENING CUTLERY GRINDING: LAWN MOW era, safely razors, etc Stewart's lle- pir fcnop.347 Court street TRANSFER IL1ULING CAPITAL, CITY TRANSFER CO. 226 State St. phone 933. Diatribntin. forwarding and atorage our specialty. m var raies. SECOND HAND FURNITURE WANTED SECOND HAND FURXI ture. rugs, carpets, stove, machinery and tools. Best price paid. The Cap ital uarawar at f urniture X. Com'l St. Phono 947. Co, 285 STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 yeara experience; Depot National fence, sixes 26 to 58 inches high. Paints, oil and v smithes, etc, loganberry and bop hooks. Sslem Fence snd Store Works.. ?5Q Court street. Phone 124. SECOND HAND GOODS WE BLi AXD SELL SECOND HAND goous of alt kinds, pip fittings, har ness, eollsrs. collar pads, ' teois, aad chains. Fred Schindler, 258 Center street. WALL PAPER, "PAINT WALL PAPER AND CEILING PAPER 20c and up double roll. Max O. Bu ren. 179 X. Commercial St, i v SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS, WALL t'aper and Picture Framing. Good wirkpi.u. 455 Court St. Phone 485. PROFESSIONAL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS dr. White 'avt mat-shall, , U. S. National Dank Bldg. 506 DR. JOHN L. LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC r-nyslrian Surgeon, 403 4"4 Oregoa uidg. i -nones: oil ice 1394; Sea. 58F5. DR. W. 1.. MERCER. OSTEOPATHIC PhystcUn aad Surgeon. Kirkwilla graluate, 404 snd 45 U. S. Kail Bank btiildiug. Phone OHics 919, maids ac e.-.;- - ' CHIROPRACTORS 4 DR. O. L. SCstTT. D. C. ClrtROPRAO. tar. P. ft IT rutnii. lim.ii I' a jL-Bank Bldg. Phone 7 ; lUs.929R'. PHYSICIANS AXD srRCEOXS KATHERINE SCHLEEF, M. D, PHY- ainan ana curgeon. unices Oregon building, rooms 411-13. Phone 540 264. Over Oregon Electrie depot; WATER SALEM WATER. . LIGHT POWER Co, office 801 South Cc-m'l street. Tea per cent discount on domestic flat rate paid in advance. No de ductions for absence or aay canae ua leos water ia shut off your premises. REAL ESTATE FOR 8ALE 62 ACRES RIVER BOT- torn land: 23 acres in hops, fully equipped; good buildings; produced $:ilM00 of boo this vear. tluCHHl- Enquire K. W. Davis, Harriaburg. pro. FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF 'C ITT AXD COUNTRY PROPERTY. ED LOOSE Phone 987 Office 370 Stat Street. GOOD HOME BARGAINS 8-rnsn plastered bowse, god location, one block off of Plate atreet, good snap, large lot: 825UO 9500 eah. Fin all modern 5 room bungalow, base ment, fireplace, two fine lets, close I carline. Dandy borne 93200. 4 room modern bnngalow, baaement. fur nace, largo lot, near carline 9-3oo; terms. Good rooming bouse on State atreet; all well furnished, choir location, money maker. On account of sickaess mast be sold. Snap. Choice bearing ' prune orchard together with good crop, close ia; this week only. 8475 oer acre, good tsrms. Several good modern cottages at bargain pneea. PERRINE & MARSTERS 211-12 Gray Building. ' Phone 9o7 OWX YOUR OWX HOME. 6-mom bungalow with fireplace and full basement: modern except faraace. Al excellent horn well arranged: built in features, garage, A snap at 930OO; good terms. It-mam Imiuu. snodern exeeDt basement: 2 lots with plenty of fruit; graveled treet a j ton Good terms. 6 room plastered residence on paved atreet and eloe ia: full basement with ataiioaary wash tuba; modern except (rates . Extra larg lot with fruit, berries and garden; larg chicken pen. Located at -966 Oak atreet. Thia ta a real anap and will soon bo picked up. S'JriOO- rood term. 5 room bungalow juat outaide city limits and two blorka to car lino. Full cement basement face east. Largo list of furnishings are included with place; 930O0 half cash. 6 roots bungslow. nesrly new; full bsse snent: modern except furnace. Thia is a dandy plaee aad a bargain at 93000. Fine d room home, modern ia all respects, close ia; paved street; built only four year; ia fin residence section: paved alley. ' A truly fine home 98500. A fine residence 'of 6 rooms and modern in every respect. Close to state house. A horn that will appeal to you. Price 97000. OWX YOUR OVSTX HOME KINNEY & SMITH , 469 Stat Street Ground Floor CO ACRES 28 CULTIVATED; BUILD in j. close to ststioa: about 4 miles out of Salem; psrt seeded to alfalfa. A good investment. An opportunity to de velop aa income. Priced to aell this month at $0iHM). terms. Room 29 Mur phy building, corner Mate aat MB merciaL LIST YOUD HOUSES AND FARMS with u as we have buyers wsiting for different kinds of property. Price them right, two cars at your service. BARBER & PEARSON 200 Gray Building. Phone 790 21 ACRES OP CHOICE LAND. OOOD buildings, hot and cold water ia house, alio piped to barn; family orchard; about one mile from town, east of peni tentiary, paved road. Will consider some town property In trade. Price H"00, terms. R. 6, Bos 6, or Phone 19F4. FOR SALE 56 ACRES, 9 MILES FROM Salem. 1 mile from ralen-Da!lae high way, new 7 room bungalow, barn and ailo. This i an exceptionally good hay. Price 910.OOO. HART ft MULLER 208 Oregon Building. FARM FOR SALE 15t ACRES. ONE mile weat of Turner, 130 1 cultiva tion, 10 acrra arehard, principally ap- plea and cherries; balance ash limber and creek bottom pasture; 35 acres in clover. Good rich soil, no gravel; run ning water on place; good improve ments, spring water piped in houae. Price 9155 per acre. Trrma. Inquire Arthur Edwards, owner, Salem. Phone 33F4. R F D 1. Box 1. Turner. Ore. FURNISHED HOUSES FOR SALE 3-rnem ceiled home and 2 large lits at fl'oo. 5-room modern bungalow with everything built-in, baemnl and garage, com pletely famished with piano, victor machine, davenport, aewmg marnine, - carpet a, ran, linoleum, stores, beds, chairs. Sables, all bought in the last year. Pric 44tHK if taken at once. Strictly modern 6 room bungalow, rera- ?lete in all ways, full cement baaement, ttrnaee, fireplace, garage, laundry tuba, 2 wood lifts, aleeping porch, gas. pier gla.tea. absolutely modern and the best of materials and workmanship. Good location aad large lot. Price 958M1 and you can't match thia at leiiioO in Salem today. New. modern it-room some that lacks nothing. Price 970O0. Large 7 room home ia good loestioa at $2000; eaay trrma. 5-room bnngalow at tOfl cath. 'New 4 room home with garage and base ment, 2 large bed rooms lat go break fast room, dutch kitchen. large closets with electric lizhts. This ia a real borne, built right and will aell with qaicQ, possession for $3500 and $600 down to responsible people, balsnrr monthly payments and 6 per rent In terest. 4 room plastered borne that is right all ways sad price $2300. Large lot. fur nace, estt treat, two blocks to car. Terms. BECKE HTTDRICKS 20.VU. 8. Natl Back Bldg. Phon 161 FOR SALE OR TRADE BY OWNER 240-acr ranch. No. 1 land; 200 acres tiUabaie, 65 acres tilled, 50 acres prer tically cleared: a white land: 1H mil lion feet aaw timber; mill en corner f place. Uood O room house snd large bam; water piped to both. Two creeks, fsmily orchard, all under good fence near email town -station. arhool and high school: ia Polk county n R F D $ per acre. Will consider house aad let fin Salem to $5000; balance easy terms at o per rent. If Tea are inter etea ia a gooa ranch ifwill pay yoa to look thia up. Address C33," rare rtateaman. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. MODERN EXCEPT furnace, 4 blocks from stste b-oa Some fmit tree, garage, paved atreet. cement, walk, bandy to atreet car. This is a good home, best location. Price 9Voo $!7M down, balance like real. BARBER & PEARSON !'M -rT Building.. Phone TW HOUSES FOR SALE. ' Almost sew 5 room ttaagalew. full bate meat, two Uree lota with fmit and berriea for $-sH. on terms 5rem rottsse, modem j large lot. clnee t school aad car 11 " for $3u04 en terms. The o i are ..plendrd properties for th . price star. JOHN H. SCOTT REALTY CO, 229 Oregon Bsiidtag. Read the Classified Ads. REAL ESTATE SIX LOTS AND FOUR-ROOM HOUSE ready to plaster, 95oti; 9 loo raah, bol ance terras. 2 40 M. Commercial atreet. FOR SALE 12 ACRES ALL IN CULTI vation. Oood building close in. Price 910O. HART MULLER 203 Oregon Building. FOR SALE BY OWNER EIliHT-ROOM house, one block fruea alate house; modern conveniences; corner lot and atreets paved. Inquire at 1108 Conrt street. 135-acre farm, especially good for prunes, cherries, logsn berries and atrswbrries. Buildings good, near school. .Price and teraaa right; see it- Ala a good place of 45 to 60 acre. Some trade eon. aidered on ithr. W. A. Listen. 484 Court atreet. FOR SALE A FINE FARM OF 240 acres. 205 ia cultivation, balance, pae tur with living water and some valu able oak grab timber. This ia on of the beat wheat and clover farme ia the valley. A rich, dark soil with natural drainage; no hill nor gravel; good buildings. Pric 9105 per acr. HART k MULLER 208 Oregon Building. ' I WANT MORE AXD MORE nOUSES LISTED WITH ME. I HAVE THE Bl' YE5t!f PHONE lOOO OR 1014 FOR AS APPOINTMENT TO VIEW YOLK PROPERTY, CHAS. W. XIEMEYER Jast Real Estate MASONIC TEMPLE. WORTH WHILE 471 acre 'ranch. loO acre of ' bearirg . i.. i..j snilea from railroad town, on a gravel rood: ha 10-tunnel dryer, 2 barns, bouse. Hey tuip- .r-lu.linr tractor. Immediate ....inii nd rroD included. Price tn, . a f v. k.lf cash. 1 A mitra oat. all plow land, la creek bottom, running water, good soil; excellent berry land. Price 910OU; ft a mwl farm 10 miles out of 190 acres; liO plow land, has buildings and water. a 7 - nee mere. Ao excellent orchard of prunes, cherries and loganberriea in bearing, not far out of Salem; 9350 per acre; dryer. barn and bouae. A money maker. ts acres 8 miles oat: 115 ia cultivation. new heu of 8 rooms, two barns, good fences, well aad spring water. Pric $45 per acr. be r writ J. A. MILLS Bligh Hotel GOOD BUYS ICO acre dairy farm, 100 acre plow land. good buildings, some stock and equip ment. Price 9100 per acre. 200-sere farm. 10O acres cultivated, bal anee timber and pasture. buildings, good road, spring and creek. Pries 9125 per acre. 320-aer (arm aad timber, buildiags. Price 550 ner acr. 20-sers tract, prunes, logsnberries and strawberries, fsmily orchard, small houae and barn, good road, 4 miles out, Price 910.CHK). 51 -acre tract located close in. 10 acres bearing prunes, hoot and bam, about 1500 cords of stsnding fir. Price $16,- OOO. 17 acres elos in. 10 acres bearing prune. 8. 7. 14 years old. big crop, crop goes; two arrea set to togans, 1 mile from rsr line, sooth of Sslem. Price 912.000. Well improved 10 acres, close In, good bungslow. loganberries, prunes, strsw berries. Pric 97.500. 5 acres of firtt class logsnberry snd strawberry aoiL all cultivated. 4 mil aouth. Pacific highway. Price 91600. terms. Well improved 40 acres, located near St udent., to trade for acreage near a lem. Pric 97500. 2'4-ser tract, houae snd barn, nil klnda of fruit. Price sjihju. 8.22 acre tract, house and bam. 4 acres logsns. 2 acres prunes, psved road, close to earliae. Price 10.500. 36 acres river bottom land, good build iocs. Price 6500. 100-acre farm, all cultivated, good build ings, all stock and equipment goes. Price 9125 per acre. Good 6 room modern bungalow, located at 515 8. Commercial atreet. Pric 96000 and purchaser to assume street assess ment. Good 5 room bungslow Iocs ted ' ia Esst Salem. Price 928O0. Good 5-room cottage, basement. Pric $2500, 9700 down. W. H Grabenhorst & Co. 375 Stat Street, 5-R00M BUNGALOW 5-room bungalow, a good one, sam as new. excellent condition, east front, plastered, hot aad cold water, bath, electricity, good plumbing, seme built in festures, full basement, two larg lota; dosen bearing fruit trees; 100 logsns. chicken bouse and garage. South Salem. Don't hesitate on this. Price 92nn 91100 down. BARBER & PEARSON 200 Grag Baildiag Phono 790 WE NOW n.tVE HOUSES FROM 0 to $nMfl ALL ON GOOD TERMS LIST YOUR HOUSES WITH US iOU QUICK SALES. LAFLAR & LAFLAR 406-7 Oregon Bldg. WOOD'S BARGAINS Six mom house, lot COilOO with bar. $105", easy terms. Five runs bouse, good plumbing, 1542 Bellevu street, $ 120". Nice five room bungslow. near ly new and some famiture, $2iK0. Good 7-roota bonae, large lot, five blocks out, $"0M1: $500 raah. balance $35 per month. Good large bouae cloa in, $ti50o. Ten-room bungalow, SSOOO. Good large boas on Stat atreet, $..mki. lour room bungalow,- axt fin ished snd four lots lo'K). half rash. Largo house, good lot, 2144 N. Com mercial. $!. 90 acre cboico land, ne mile out, fair buibnngs, ?2'9 per acre. 105 acres two miles from small town, new bungslow, 955O0. ISO seres good land, 95hxi, er trade for borne m Salem. Good boas to trade for acreage. Five acre, all in orchard and loganberries, close in, $1300. If yea hsvo property to sell com in aad see an or phn F. L. WOOD 341 Stat Street, L A. HAYFORD REAL ESTATE 305 STATE STREET 5-room bungalow. let 50x150; toilet, bath, lights, fireplace, built-in kitchen, bonk case and window teats all for $20"0, terms. 8 room hou.e. lot 13'xl32: toilet, bath. lights, garage. chicken houae, large fmit trees, shade, 1 block from street rsr. and good rich soil for a garden. Price 938(H), terms. 6-mnm boat, good tocstion. Price 925O0, I on down and $20 per moa'.U. See this snd us. 8-room boose on paved street, baaement. furnace. 2 toilets, bath, lights, rhiekeg bense, ' 3fl fiuit trees, logsna, raspber ries, prunes, grape, apple and c her net one acre lot. This is iut the Pjocs ytm are looking for. a real horn. Pries $nhi. terms. I ms house, large lot, on paved street, plsttered. full basement, faraace. toilet, bath, electrie lighta, gas, fireplace, all for $mmi. terms. 23 cre. 14 mile south of Sslem on graveled road. 7 room house with aleep ing porch and bath, fine abode in yard, 21 Va acrra in cultivation, mixed fmit. 13 acre In cherries, prunes. als. bearirg tree; 2 acres logana; aprat outfit and other farm implements, large barm, 2 chikea beosea. wood abed. weH and ea-jiao for pumping. "aa you dnplieat tai for th pric, 4,0.Ot T L A. HAYFORD 90S Stat Street, - - - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 20 ACRES. CrOOD SIW bides, near arhooL apnag water Pipe ta bouse, fruit land: right price If aold t once te this. W. A. List, 484 Court street. I ttoa bouts and two lota. 5-room boagslow. most besstlfully locat ed, msay shad trees, on psvea street at 95500. 8 room house and garage, many shad trees, at 96OOO. room house on Church st. for 93000. A house splendidly srraaged for two rangea and some families including furniture at 94ooo. 8 room bouse on North Church at 95000. An attractive comer right la town with 4 up-to-dat dwellings on sum 921.0O0. A beautiful home on Center, view. A 7 room host a Cbemckeia atreet 90OOO. 6rem bout, beautiful lot, on summer street, very eto ta. 90 acr farss, 14 acre prunes, is acre cherries, 1 acre apptrs. am prsrs, 1 acr logana, acre potatoes, hay and grain, all accessary swiming trad for bungalow, balaac ter taia Aa attractive farm, all nearly all in frnit. 4 Salem. 915.000. tew buildiags, ilea aeath f loo acr farm 5 miles southeast of Salem at $150 per acre. 23-acr farm with good buildiags. well located, 7i miles north of aaleaa. 10 acres without buildiags at 91500. . 20 acres near St Louis at 92100. 10 acres in Han thaw fruit tract, with buildings at 93000. CO acres near Marion. Timber land near Lebanon. Many lots far sal. Aa apartment house with nine complete apartments, fiaithed throughout, electrie washer; all too I a will bo aold with th pise at 9 12.800. This beat is always occupied and la in on f th very best locations. GERTRUDE J. II PAGE Phono 1186 493 X. Cottage Street. REAL ESTATE LOAN'S INVESTMENTS WALTER MeLAREX Room 2L 1$0 X. Commercial 8L Phono 430 52 ACRES. TWO MILES FROM SALEM, 40 acres ia cultivation. 13 acres good pastor aad timber, old 5-room boss aad bam. Good berry land, on rock raid. Pric $6500 935O0 down will haadl. BARBER & PEARSON 200 Gray Building. , Phone 190 5 ACRES Larg? fine blJgs, Just outside limits, new Groom home with all built-in features, driven well, largo new chicken ho tea, over 100 fmit tree, logsns. strswber riea and geaeral garden. Thia is s real place on a real read at S real bargain. Pric $5250. 3 new small home for ssle at moving priees $2C0O, $3000 and 9$5oO and $600 to $1000 down will handle either. At from $550 to $SKKM) we ran ahow yon homes that yoa can't fiad fault with. Larg 7 -room home, eery do to univer sity and schools with larg cement batetneat. gas. esst front snd comer. Fsmily hss lived in baaement aad rent ed balance to good advantage. Pric 93800 $1000 rath. Old bom with bath aad electricity very close in lo downtown aad schools. Price $2250 $1000 down. Tell as whst ye wsat aad what yon eaa pay and if there ia auch aa aaimal w will abw it, Ii ther laa't we will tell you. BECKE & HENDRICKS 205 U. 8. Xstl Bsuh Bldg. Phono 161. HOUSE BARGAINS A beautiful Kttlo hosno piece of S rooms. garage, flowers, fruitland shade. 93 1 SO. Another similar at 93650 with two lots, pared streets aad walking distance. Another with larg grounds, closo to csr at $30OO, also with new garage. All of these are extra good buys and vain. A very good buy in a Highlaad 6 room boos at $2500. An 8 room up-to-date close la fin real deuce. See us about this. A 6-room with two good lots overlooking the valley, prim value at $210O. W are adding to liatings every dsy, w bar log ana nor besides, be The Fleming Realty Co. 341 Stat Street. Room 7. 7 ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE. nOT and cold water, bath aad toilet, good bam. chicken house, gss engine, well and tank : one acre of ground, several bearing fmit traea, on gravel street, 4 blocks from street car. all for 920tr 9m dost will aaadle, BARBER & PEARSON " ;r,v Rniliting ! '"HI . SELL IT TO THE FARMERS No matter what it is, irom a tlireshing machine, hone, or cow, to a paper cf The farmer is the heit hnyer. ... THE GREAT WESTERN FARM PAPER Published in Salem, Oregon, will place yoor advertisement in the hands cf 23 000 farmers and they read it i - Bargain Column ads cost only 3 cents a word, or 2Vz cents a word four or more nsertions. Try it Statesman Bnilding, Salens, Oregon Read The Pacific Homestead, Weekly, $ 1 a year. YonTI find it well worth wl- PUBLIC NOTICES. Nonrr: to taxpayers of MAUI ON COUNTY, OREGON The board of equilliation will meet at-the conrt houae In aald rnnnlT nn Unndir. SDtemb?r IS, io at in nvttvir n .m.. and pott- Ikly examine the asaeaament roH and correct all errors in t,,-f description or quality of land, lota or nthar nroDertr. and continue m aeaslon until auch work.ia com ntetjul All narsons Interested are no tified to appear an examine their assessments Tor me year .nrf ir not satisfied with the aame file application In wrltinr proper ly verified for at reduction or al teration 01 ine same oannr ins first fifteen days 01 each meeting", aa no complaints can be received thereafter. Hen F. West,' Assessor for Marion Coaaty. An en st. lfiO.s WHOLE MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED Marion Crery & Produce Co S&lem, Oregon, Phone 2483 1 I SAmi MARKETS BUYING rniCE Ecjn and Poaltrf .Eggs, 48c Hens, heavy, 22-2 Ic, Llxht bena. 18-20e. Old roosters, S-lOc, Broilers. 18-2 4c. Pork, Mat torn and I!eef Pork on foot. 16c. Lambs, C l-2e and 7r Dressed hofes, 23c. Beef steers, t"-8c. Cows, 2,6c. Top veal, 22c. Cheat hay 17-18. Oat and vetch bay. ier ton. 1S-20. Clover bay. 18-20. Grain Wheat, $2-12.10. Feed oats. C5-70. Beana, Mill Freds, Re-Ull Mill run. 858.50. Whole-tale to Desvlers Creamery batter, cartons. CSe and 67c, Butterfat, 62c Frnit Oranages, $8.00. Bananas, 12e. Lemons, $5.50. California, grape frnit, $f. Vegetables Cabbage. 3 c. Oniona. $2. Turnips, $2.25. CarTots. $2.50 ak. Green peppers, 12 l-2c. Bell peppers, 20c a pound. Paraley COc doien bnnctea. Beets, 75c dozen bunches, Cocoannta. $1.85. Cantaloupe, flat crates. $1.00. standard. $2; pony, $1.50. .. watermelon. 2c. Cantaloupe Honeydews, $2. Tomatoes, $1 ba. Potatoes, ne-, 2 He. Sweet potatoes. 12 Ue lb, Cababaa. 2 l-2e lb. Peachea, $2.00. Grapes, 15c pound. rietnll Creamery butter, 72c Dairy batter, COc Eggs, dozen. 55c Flonr. hard wheat. $17.5t. $2.80. Floor, valley. $2. Sugar cane. 23c Sugar, sack. J 2 2.50. When a Want Ad is Working For You The boarding home vacancy la merelr a. -aasslns lnr-tdenL not anything to worry about at alL People who keep boarders In thia town soon learn that the way to make money la tbat -vocation ia to utilize classified ala aa promptly and persistently as If advertising- for a kt dia mond. ' NORTHWEST Mm flMAL Oldest, Urgett aal Tbeat et th. Pacific Coast pewnrTatT rt Stock liagaalTM Telia yon an aVtnt tmcth,- -brooding, feeding, cmniag. aad caring for poultry A ftock generally. How to g, with a back-lot or comaer-ii ... ' plant, - t - - - Onlr 75 cent per year f years for $1.00. Northweit PoiittTy Jc-j Statesman Office SALEM i: .?-... We print eTerytlurj, frt- x calling card to t bock c Xrewrpgper Best equipped plxnt ia Orv gon outside of Portliii We eolicit the prinlkr u' fwTnen SUtesra&n bnHdin', Silrz, TlfilE TABLES T - - aTOTTTKIXjr FACUTC 00. Xo. S4 Oregonian N. IS Oregon Espreo ...... X. 38 WUMBtte Limited ... X. 19 Portland Psj.ter.ger ... X. 34 Coo Bay So. 14 Portland Expreos owuiisst 9 r. c 1 1 5 -:t: n X. S3 Orerealan ............ f X. 23 For Eugene IS H X. 15 Calif mia Exnevoa ..113 X. 1 7 Rooeburg Passenger No, 37 WUUmeito Limited No. 13 San Frsaeisco Pass Socoad 19 arrives ....... . 4 :V -t . 6 it ,10:t-. k l:i.t tAZXX 4XAX ZJXX , X. 73 ArrlT. at Salem ....... r7 No. 7 4 Leave Sal a d-Ma aALr-hf, falls crrr wxirxzi l$t Leaves SaVrsa, motor...... i !f Lve Salea. as tor 9 : 4 165 Leave Salens, aactor 1 i , Through ear to Maaateath sa4 , . ITILeores Sales fog DnUas... t iszjtmvsf at si era ......... t 164 Arrive si Sales Hi . 166 Arrive at flesn I.- , 1 172 Arrives at Sairsa I 01XOOM EXJCCTXIO . aofrabesndl Leave Penla4 .... 6:30 aas Ltd. 8:30 am ....10:45 aan .... 9 :Oi wsn Ud. 4:45 pm .... 6 :05pm Arrive ir-v ' Seism I;.-- l .iOta Is u 16:11 am UJiw 11 :SQ pCerJ n 4:11 put Itis 6:44 pm 8 iir $ :07 pes SsIms ss 1 5 T 19 IT 19 9:20 pm 11 rZO pm SoKms Jtorth Bank Station throve Jefiarw street 15 and 20 nuaatoa later).. VerUhonaA . " L-vs " Arrive Lagea Salem ' 4 .... T:lSam lo Ud. 7:39 am 9;tSasi 12 .... 11:10 am 14 ....11:15 am 1:15 pm 16 Ltd. 1:33 pm 4 .-OO rm Af i Pr-'JS 11 :i at l:i 1 I I ft I tH 20 ... Salem 9:30 pm :44r J 22 .... 9:25 pm 7:33 not 9 list Xvrth Beak Station (arrive Jef!f street IS minntes esxliavl, Losv ( v.lli. a -in COXVALLIS COXTECTICYI ysTtAbonal Leave Corvslll Arrive ?'- 9:20am t:4Ssa 2:10 pm 4:06 pm 4:16 pm :- . 6:21 m 7 :i p teath bound Lesv Selem .Arrive Carva 8:35 am 9:tr 1:15 am 11 : 13:54 pea Ur 4:12pm 4 J r K it pre S-t - STAlSw" JOB OFFICE I ... - , -