I; SECOND NEWS SECTION PACES 1 TO 4 Generi News, Special Features, Labor flees, Society and Classified PRICE : FIVE CENTS SEVENTIETH YE All' SALEM, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 29, 10201 7 7 , ii J l ' l ill ' L . . . I By WVon Coppock HE Chemejeta street Evan-1 groomsman, ana ine .swn were WllSOa uaauci. o1lol hnnh wa o Iha crpn ft i of aft unusually pretty wed dint" Tuesday evening when Miss Frances Alice Launer, daughter of per. and Mrs. F. W. Launer De tune the bride of Barclay New man of Astoria. Baskets of Caroline- Testout roses and ferns were bung from the balcony at the rear of tbe auditorium, til wicker baskets similarly filled s were grotped .around the piano, and ferns and roses were banked high back of the altar. At the altar, in Improvised arch wound with greenery and roses supported n a knn tu of ntnk rose Detals. -.Be fore the ceremony Miss Elsie Llp- pold sang Carrie jacoos uouu. -I Lore You Truly," accompanied by Franklyn B. Launer, brother of the bride who lalso - played the wedding march, the bridal chorus lor Lohengrin being used. Two white f rocked little girls, M! Roniih runner and Miss Ma- Payne acted as ribbon bearers. and little Miss Marie wpp'u "3 flower girl, scattering rose petals for, the bride's path. Following her was tiny Master Robert Payne; who carried the ring in the heart of large pink rose. ; Miss Gwen dolin ETans -, bridesmaid, wore rose-colored organdie and carried aa arm bouquet of pink carna tions. Walter Weinhart was THE NU BONE CORSET eompsny uses the Only woven virs in existence. We do not use paper covered galvanised tin tor boning. Dont pay the profiteers ezorbiunt prices for cheap goods. Silk and fibre hosiery for, this week only, $1.75; were $2.25 to $2.(0 Black, white. , brown. We carry "Tonslto" the perfect hair remover. 1, ; . ; ,-. i A. L LYONS Na Bone Corset Parlors 429 Court St. f ,. Phone 958 Krneftt Zinn and Orville Williams. Vhe bride, who wasglvea in mar riage by her motuer, wore wntte rhine with a bOuf fount tulle veil and carried an arm oou- quet of bridal roses ana wntte sweet peas. ' Mrs. Launer wore a gqwn of grey charmeuse. The ceremony was performed by the father of tbe bride, assisted by the bride's uncle. Rev, T. D. Yarnes, of Lebanon. After the ceremony Leslie KDrineer sang "How Wondrous It Is Ao Be." The church was thron ged with - relatives and friends., Mr.- and Mrs. Newman left im mediately after tbe Ceremony for a fortngnt's wedding trip to Port land and the beaches. The bride wore for her gotng-away gown a taupe colored tailleur with a close fitting chapeau of the same color. Mr. and Mrs. Newman will make their home in Astoria where Mr. Newman, who is a son of Mr and Mrs. J. W. Newman of Albany Is display manager for the J. C. renney store. Out of town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Newman. Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey, Mrs. Simpklns and Mrs. East or Albany, Mr. and Mrs, Combs, Mr. and Mrs. Lucke. Mr. and Mrs. Beaty, Misses Maud and Eva Beaty and Oscar Beaty and Rev. H. E. Abel, of Canby. Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Schuster of Port land. Rev. and Mrs. T.' D. Yarnes of Lebanon, Rev. and lira. -, A. Welnart of Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Whitemore and daughters from LaureljOMrs. Alvin Haines of Bremerton. Wash.. Mrs. Amanda Wilson of Dayton, Miss Cwendolin Evans of Oregon City, Mr. and MYs. T. "CY Haverly, Mr. and Mrs. Shell and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Howard, Mr. andMrs. Put nam. Mr. and Mrs.' Emmet and daughter, Mrs. Helen. J. Whitman and Mr. and Mrs. George Honnllch of Albany. . i " Mrs. R. L. White, and her to "adorn the rooms, and a formal Mr. and Mrs. Ren SocolofskY of honrtt. i f . ti. daughter. Miss Margaret White, arrangement of these same flow- El Paso. Tex., who have been f lilies of th tuv .nd.h carried will go to Portland wnere tney ers was used for the table where motoring through Canada visiting a shower bouquet of white roses will attend the National Dancing covers were laid for six. Miss Lake Louise and School convention, and where they I sigourney is leaving soon to enter ing pUces. Mr.N and Mrs. Soco- Fowlds. her sister, was maid of wm taice me oauei counw uauer Northwestern unlTersity at Evans- lotsky will remain a week in Sa-1 honor. Her gown was of silver the well known Italian, maestro, 1 town., 11L. where she la in her J lem as guests of D. D. Socololsky. 1 Moth Mrs. FenwlckA. Newell of uuU v--o-w, -w I senior year. ansas city, matron of honor, was recognized as the greatest author- - nBg Geraldine cffr f p.. gowned in a bla taffeta. The ity on the dance in America. This Mr and Mrfc Meyrl Smtn naTe dleton. who has been a guest of bridesmaids, whose frocks carried is the first time the national con- turned from a fortnight's wed- her cousin. Miss Dorothy Geoff rr "t the color scheme of blue and .,mJntAfv2 hZn diS trP to Seaside and Cannon for the past fortnight, went to W- Miss Ruby Page Fer- Z thf wtitlnn ot l,each- Arter "Pending a few days Portland Friday where she will uson "d Miss eGrtrude Hoeber. KI tltfJZ r thl wittt Mrs" SmUh' mother. ppend few Mends be- of Portland and Mis. Grace Natiosc lnche M. Jones. .06 South fore she retdrn. to her home. Mrs. Oscar Gingrich and ruisii son win leave in a her few ants carried pink roses 'William Hoppes. brother or the .bridegroom, was best man and the ushers were Otto Hoppes, of Mrs. White is a member, includ- :""" rWu r. ana Ing a trip on the Columbia River b wauiwu "" vsk- tm. Hiimntina Hnfi I inejr win me iDeir nome. not confne iMf to Pallet dlnclng. jr. f or. an extended tour of the "JL ? TwSLi" ..d iSS out aetermmes as weuwnai mei Mrs. i. u. Aiaraon eniertainta i nw Yin 1 1 mnm Knt for th vear I iirrtA nf h fplonita with will be. Mrs. White and her luncheon on Friday in honor of T1 " Maude Manley and Cllyde wlth greenery and white flowers, daughter will be in Portland for I her sister, Mrs. E. D. Schirmet of intent, ton of L. L. Vincent! Mrs. Eugene Moore of Portland a lortnignt. Spokane, who has beeh her ge " "ru ro:ia- tiuieuy mar-1 sang "At Dawning" and "Be- I daring the past month but fho 1 y " B- L. Putmn at the cause" and Ralph W. Hoyt played Mr and. Mrs. G. D.. Garrett oil will leave Monday o Join Bier y-' ol v-oun btreei the wedding march Bend and Mrs. Garrett's sister, husband at The Dalles where Mr. lynrisuan church y-sterday morn-1 "A formal reception followed little Miss Josephine, en route to I and Mrs. Schirmer will make tlelr inB ln lne Presence of a few close 1 the wedding in the church parlors Marshfield. are spending a fewt-.ome next winter. Small pink I Jnds. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Mr. and Mrs. Hoppes will make days in Salem as the guests of J rosebuds were "used as decorations! ,rft niniediately for a motor tour J their home in Portland. This is Mrs. Garrett's mother. Mrs. J. Uhmnrhnnt th rm and a of tbe northern part of the state. I Mrs. Hoppe's first visit to. the Bennett. 1 small Jur. a reproduction of one - . Lnited states. . . . I of the lesser known Cellini's and I , K- Springer returned! "Mr. Fowlds and his daughter. Mlaa Panline RtnIneton re-1 mads, hr . s-trihnnd rrind nf thalron ft sojourn at Rockawar and I Miss Ames, will tour the United turned last night from . fort- j honor guest, filled with these othr Tillamook beaches Thurs-I States and return to New Zealand night's visit with friends at I nt ontrd th r- springer, wno is enjoy- in .Novemoer. Bremerton. Wash. table where covers were laid for Jn fU.h,n5 V1?- win ln Sa" w i tpn i irui me iri oi me wees. Mr. and Mrs. A. Thomas of Pen- J I . dleton are visiting Salem. Mr.j xt -i.t' ,.niiiil Mr d Mrs. C. W. NIemeyer Thomas was formerly in tbe oaa ery business in Salem, on Court street, and he is in the same line ln Pendleton. Mrs. Thomas was tav aa AaMAn a Calam kftfAra she became Mrs. . Thomas. They nd their mothers. are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. HalL 149C Ferry street. .. Mrs. J. A. Mann and her sister. Mrs. Alley, have returned from Loa Angeles, where they have been I from a fortnight's Tisitlng another sister for the last i Newport Friday. month, - i ; Miss Lucille Tucker is the week end guest of her sister, Mrs. Ha sel Wells of Hubbard. ( Mrs. Carey Martin . and Fatal Accidents listed for Use at Milwaukee During the week from August 22 to 27 the state industrial ac cident "omralrslon listed all the fatal accidents In tbe state, to gether with data concerning them for use at the convention of the National Safety counll in Mil waukee I'ext month. Every state In the union gothered almllardaXa durinr the week. Ituwbej by the council In determining most frequent cause of and ln-lbe program of acclden. prevention. ' ; A birth Is found Totd to old family Bible ftt Wear Haven. Conn., as follows: -Eli" be Jones, born on Nov. 20.1 ?; cording to the best of her recoi lecUon.- ' . ,..,;,,, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. NIemeyer d.5,ia.It. f'L1", ; "! motored to Pdrtland Monday and ,danc ng classes will open with a wIth M d . I fI5ill ' VrJn; lynd Aff "of Edmonron. All Helpful Health Hints Mr. and Mrs. Leland Ryer have returned from a' fortnight's so journ at Newport. the week. . Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Prunk of Eugene, en route to their home after visiting Mt. Rainier and The surgeon supplies Inside in formation at cut-rates. The very things we like the New Stamped Goods for Holiday Embroideries. New Novelties for the -... children i 1 : Raadlscraft Shop ' 423 Court Street . ,C E. Warner Phone 958 mninrin r nn ka rnimKi. I best are often. those we cant di- in w a s ntii i .a . Jt I O a.aa-w wa aa " 1 I Mis. ,UD" " "ra bltliwir, are spending a few days " MWltn M It VM in tKa ltr UKIU Be moderate in the use of all things, save fresh air. cold water and sunshine. The best patient is the patient here they are rnests of Mr. and in.. . 4 ei..... ll l ..inn 1 -- . it(. uu B B lr .t T r n ir. - xr n. ir.vi. I uu tra. i. c. nennnemin . wia. ii.ii; . Ti.i m j. 1 Z ... ' ... tt..r. Mr i -" u l" luinauu iou iu c-1 no can ana win co-ooerate wita two Hawkins cousin. Miss Mary Tay-Ic?mpanT that Ur on her Journey 1 the doctor. Patients acquire rhilriron am enlnvlna- m. fortnlaht'a I lnr nf RnAVin i i ineir nouse guest. Airs. biizaDem I aconlre health only aa they ntn vacation at Cascadia. I . tv.riuj, ira. ocuunemaa s i ue the service and Ideas of their Mi jl I Tifr. and Mm v t omith I motner, wno is returning to her I Dhyaician. Conerate! lfr Ttav Smith. 1 789 fTonter 1 tnmH Vrldav from a !! with I nome W COUnCU UIUIIS. IS. I street, has aa ber ruest her mo-1 relatives In Lane mbmt. . I ther. Mrs. A. M. Reeves, of Leban-1 . . , On. . . . . I Miss Vivian Dodderldee and . - I Mrs. H. O. Hickman of. Gervais sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miss Daisy Leonard of Redmond I are spending the week-end in I Judd. who. has been visiting Miss Grace I Portland. I Sherwood has returned, to her Mrs. E. J. Whitney, with her II, "fn7 TTtuda of a at. ...nmn.M w ut si..i. ok.. Ji t.A I .. .hil -vn I everlasting gratitude of an ai- vnnil vhn will ttarh afhool at I hnm. nnn fmrn Mnnlifii wlior I Um V r.nrh.m mnA ann lucivu uaouauj. that nlace durlnt the coming 1 ha haa nidi a tonr of tha confer-1 f mn rvin anf Yr rHw.nl I Mies Evelvn Sleourner of Ta-I 1r. and Mrs. T ' F. Clark. 144 1 t,- . v...h r.M.v -tr. I man body, coma was Jionor guest at the small I North ; Front street.- and - their I Whitney's, sisters have been her I whch enables the physical organs dinner for which Mrs. J. H. Wil- cuests. Mr. and Mrs.'A- J. Blake-UMt. .inJn. to properly perform their fsnc- hanrt was hostess Wednesday. I ly. of Boise. Ida., and Mrs. Ellal tolns an J promotes the deveiop- Boatrlght and her daughters of "Mias Haiel Anderaon and hr I nient of the positive facult.es and T 9 fmt aa atttisr Visaif jttia m At rtln sr Miss Alice Judd has gone toA , . inv.n ,. ..mhJl- Astoria to visit her brother and I , . i.i poisons and lessen the number of "exploratory incisions' and bloody operations, it has earned the Health is that harmonious con- Gladioli in shades of pink were used, combined with infant-breath MansnaiL mo., returnea rnou i.m.h nt- .in ?.UJihfi0m I outing ftt leaTe September 1 for Evanston. ni.. where they will enter North- Qualltles to the greatest degree. THE FALL COAT Of this season is a garment that' combines the qual ities of practibility and attractiveness. Never hare coats been prettier or more serviceable in style and material. They come in shade of nary, brown, black, taupe, burgundy and heather mixtures in such weaves as velour, sil vert one and serge and novelty coatings. ' Prices Range From $19.75 to $125.00 Where the "Pay Aa You Go" plan is a Success - W. Is;-:-' vitSioat Exiraviilice e . is the desire of sensible women today, and this is the Uiongbt wi kept before os in selecting for your inspection . these Dresses. They are the newest fall styles arriving daily from New York where they were purchased by our Mr. N. C. Kafoury. I You will revel in the variety of style and the freshness of their appearance and you will wonder how they can be sold so reasonably. ' - Satin Dresses from $25.00 to $45.00 Taffeta- Silk 1 Dresses ' from $19.50 to $45.00 ' 1 ' - - s 4 ' Georgette Grepe 4 Dresses : ; - v :; from $19;75 ta $55;00 Also .Velvet, - Tricolette and Party Difesses b the very best shades 111 ...... .,: f i . :::'St3r8 Mi Slats.SU I- Men's Stcre 416 Stats SL Newport. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Wilkinson and their daughter Margaret left Oh aa A m w uAa ta aa f a Klaa K mm A I aa 7UUUa7 W CUIU IVI UVUIV S SI I CfiAS-aa, LA . a.sa V Pittsburgh. Pa., after an extended i -"-.J C.w western university. Miss Teresa Fowle will go tel visit with Mrs. Wilkinson's moth er, Mrs. Abbie Farrar. "airs. Anna swanson left on Thursday for Portland where -shel will spend a few days with friends! before returning to her' home in Minnesota. . , Mrs. Swanson has been the guest of her parents in Salem, Mr. and Mrs. George Wel ti on, for the past fortnight. week to enjoy a visit with friends before her -school begins. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Bateman of Centervllle. la., who are touring the west, are visiting friends in Salem. Of Interest to Salem people Is the following article, clipped from the Oregonian. The bride and groom have many friends here and Mr. and Mrs. Owen Brown ofluiaa Crar Mollncon of tkl city The Dalles spent a few days the aa on. r hrtdMmalda.- fore part of the week in Salem ..M1 naiY jnn TnMi. as guests of relatives. Idauahter of Honorable George Fowlda of Auckland. Near Zealand ' Vari-colored flowers, golden-1 became the bride of John 11. rod. hydrangeas, touch-me-nots. I HooDes of Salem last Friday niKht and nasturtiums formed a color- at 8 o'clock, at the Fimt Cr-nrre-ful background Thursday evening rational church. Rev. W. T. Mc- when Mrs. C E. Schuneman en-Elveen otflciatlnr. tertained in honor of her mother, "The bride was given in mar Mrs. Elizabeth McCarthy, who triage by her 'father, who was a has been her house guest tor a t member of parliament and former few weeks .and who will leave to- minister of education In New Zea- day for her home tn Council Bluffs. Ia., with tour tables of five hundred. Honors -went to Mrs. McCarthy and . John Nat fa- man. whlle Mrs. O. P. Hoff and J. E. Heenan received consolation. Refreshments were served by the hostess . ct a late hour. Those present rere Mr. and Mrs. John Nathman. Mr. and Mrs. S. Brelt enstein. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Kinn. Mr. and Mrs. O. P.JIoff, Mrs. Mc Carthy. Mrs. Anna Reed of Port land. Mrs. Josephine Suing , and her son Cyril. Rev. J., R.. Buck, Rev. - Mr. Sneiderham of Wood- burn. J. E. Heenan and the host and hostess. , . Theodore N. Barr entertained Monday erening at his home on Court street In honor of his broth er. John Barr. a well known man ufacturiag Jeweler of Kansas City. Mo., who was accompanied by Cu stare Keeling. ; Mrs. M. 7. Pet sel and Miss Mary Schoettle as- lifted Mrs. Barr at serving. Hon ors, at cards were carried off by Joe Wuth. The gnest list Includ ed Rev.. Father Scherbrlng. Rev. L. J 4 Derouin. Rev. M. M. Hoff man of Dubuque. Ia.. Messrs. John Barr' and Gustave Keating of Kan sas City; 51. J. Petiel. Karl Arm- priest. .August Huckestein. S. Breitenstein. E. C. Quinn. A. K Huckestein. Otto Hartman. Joseph Weber, Ray Hartman; Joseph Smith. Karl Barr. Henry Barr. Frank Jaskoskl and John.Nath- roan. Miss Mildred Kaylor, who has been . spending the summer at Cascadia. returned to her home In Salem the first of the week. Miss Salome Socolofsky, - the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Socolofsky. who; has been In Can ada during the spring and sum mer. returned Thursday, accom ' paajeflr by her uncle and - aunt, land, "and who accompanied his daughter to this country . last week. Ahe bride was charming In a gown of white Taffeta. Her dress- Mix IN Wear Frolaset Corsets and "experience real physical com fort and improved figure lines in these perfected front lace corsets! There is a "right- model for every t typeof figure , RENSKA L SWART CORSET ' SPECIAUST ; ' w 115 Uberty, St. INTRODUCING MASK Q'UTH Mrs. Irene Scott has secured tbe exclusive rights to Mask O' Uth the new and scientific method of non-massage which preserves for men and women the smooth skin and youthful glow fine, clear; clean, inviting which count so much for happiness and success. Public Demonstration and Instruction given by MME. RQLLYE A r at the beauty parlor of MRS. IRENE SCOTT 125 North High Street THURSDAY, SEPT. 2nd, During the hours of 2 to 5 p. m. "A Skin of Beauty Is a Joy All-Ways" Oh Wonderful Mask 0 Uth To Restore the Expression of Youth Again Mask O Uth has been called the " Modern Alchemist," and truly, for it transmutes that leaden, sallow,' sagging, wrinkled - ' visage of neglect, or age, into the dear desirable expression and impression of .golden youth. Mask O' Uth is applied at the Beauty Parlor of Mrs. Ircnn Scott by appointment, or is available there for self application at one's home. This demonstration and instruction will interest everyone, as the matter of batbiug the skin, together with the prtier ap plication of creams, powders, rouge, etc., will be entered into . in detail; also the application of HAIR-A-fJAlN, a perfect and complete hair and scalp shampoo, guaranteed to grow hair and correct all diseases of the scalp. Make Your Appointments Early. Phone 1690 MRS. IRENE :'SCQTT 125 North High Street Salem,.Ore. v-