.1 ,r , , . . ...... .- , Sunday mornino. ArnrsT 29. 1020- ' '.It THE OREC.ON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREO ON FLARES AND FLICKERS -n,i finrpv. acconmlished Mir of chaps who appear in neat !inM uita, play violin, banjo, ' ' ciaflc and poptar selec D, together with acrobatic lT,inr. rather puts them in a jjjss, of Versatility and musical velty. At the Wish today. ,00a to Ye Liberty. . . . 1.irviMiP 4 on (n(ant f Ail dI castle the Swiss Tyrol are Included in the new.Xolznick pic tare. "A Fool and His Money," UllJJl w 1 1 w fev a Cotcheon'a story and starring Eu rena O'Brien, which will bepin a three d'ty showing at the Oregon theater tody. 1 happy a wen Phesay and Powell, a pair of entertainers with selected Etork of laufcha.LiIa talks dancing that in pot slow, and songs fast. Phesay is of theseiul mit rthool of comedy, eccentric and funny in his peculiar way. Ai the iJligh today. - The-new William S, Hart feat ure, ,Sand!'? baa several touches of comedy relief that are unique -and anion if them is one wherein the star shoots an ear of corn from under the bill of the rooster! which is enjoying a midday feast Ir the roadway. Mr. Hart then X THE BIG SUNDAY SHOW WARD AND GOREY Novel and Artistic MUSICAL OSIGINALinES Phesay and Powell ' -Eccentric Entertainers Lev Diamond Character Comedian ... A THRILLING SPECTACLE! ANITA STEWART iln "THE WRECK" Two Locomotives Telescope. H Big Struggle on Bridge. Fireman and Engineer in Combat INTENSE, DRAMATIC TALE OF LOVE, JEALOUSY AND SACRIFICE THEATRE It's Here Today And Two More Days My 7 r: R 'Jfr fs''' Jrj Kiam J y I i "WITH BABE FISTS HE HULED ! Elam Harnish , toughest sourdou&k'itt y,wi iajur oi irien out a wta .ven before a Woman's Sxnilc SrU is the litro of GHT X Powerful Picturixation cl5 'JACK cyclonic novel of the ice-bound North Ihtcirctca br anlrjl 5t3r CsiSl-including MTGHEIjL LEWIS : TROTTING THROUGH TURKEY POLLAUD COMEDY PATHE NEWS AND REVIEW LIBERTY; AVatrli for The Luck of The Irish" . TO GET THE BOYS OUT OF THE TRENCHES ling tb se.tifst?r term. Miny Luaineftsmpn of Salem took aJfan- late or this oiler last winter brn a limited number were offered for Bale. A fuller annnuncerm'tit of this proponed rale will he made on the arrival of Coach Mathews in Salem. 1 Vonlar. Aucuf t 29. from HiZ- don'i chapel and burial will h to CUT View cemetery. r.lllfutf-l her job oru arm cranklnc Tnr Ford- njones Tea. and It "ed rn rlfht for toollnr f eo1"K Hon that wa roa htweB mole and s tlcyrle. Seattle Woman Dies at Parents9 Home in Salem Mr. II. Louis Bairl of Seattle di-d Monday. August 27 at 1079 Marion ptret-t. the borne of her parenta. Mr. a Ad Mrs. K. U. Sontn wick. ite.sdiea her parenta she la survived by her husband. J. A. Ilatrd. tbre brothers. Albert. Ro land and Ralph Southwirk. and two sinters. Mrs. J. W. HaMlnrs of Kalem and Mrs. U. A. Thompson of Berkeley Cal. The funeral will ar. awaaa i r- w . k w a k ia m m - ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine They may not be able to do it before Christmas, but they will shortly after March iih proceeds to shoot each separate grain of com away . while the astonished bird looks vainly .for his lost meal and registers com plete amazement. This episode; is a bit In the new Paramount-Artcraft film starring Mr. Hart, which comes to the Ore gon theater next Sunday. Lew Diamond, a single enter tainer who impersonates charac ters, nicely. The Hebrew and the Italian being featured in his hodge-podge monologue of hiimi cry, song and recitation. At the Uligh today. ! ' Elaine Hammerstein in "Whis pers U the feature attraction at the Ore?; 5n Wednesday and Thurs day of this wet It. Boys, Pve: Struck It Gold all over the place and not ten mile fronr here!" Imagine the effect of this statement "when uttered by 'Burning Daylight", in a mining camp that had been a dead town for years. It you want to ' aee what a real stampede looks like: if you care to learn' just how far and to what extremes' a human being will go to procure gold, see 'Burning Daylight" a vivid and gripping adaptation of Jack Lon don's widely; read noveL at Ye Liberty theater today. ! PROSPECT GOOD FOR FOOTBALL AT VILLAMETTE Coach Mathews Sends Word 4 Ahead That Practice Will Begin Early VETERANS RETURNING Second String Men Avail able and New Material Recruited for Squad B,r iableta of Aspirin" is genuine Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by phy ricians for over 20 years. Accept only an unbroken "Bayer pack age which contains proper di rections to relieve Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism. Colds and Pain Handy tin boxes of 13 tablets cost few cents. Druggists also roll hrrgdr "Bayer packages.. As pirin is trade mark Bayer Mann facta re Monoaceticatidester of Salicylicacid. A T i - f ' a :, : ; -. . 1rl : 1 innounceien GRAND . ' THEATRE OPENING FRIDAY, SEPT. 3 Watch for Announcements AE. LAFLAR Mgr. "Three Gold Coins is the new thriller with Tom Mix. at the Ore gon Friday and Saturday. The .collision of two .trains head on at top speed contributes one of the big thrills of Vitagraph'a picture "The? Wreck." - This sub ject, with Anita Stewart as star. supported by Harry T. Morey and an all-star cast, will be shown at the Bligh theater today. i Mr. Laflar, who was formerly at the Oregon theater and who managed the Columbia theater In Portland, has taken over the Grand theater and remodeled j it completely, i In short, it will he a new ,;heater for Salem. Mr. i I.aflar;s poHcy will be the best, in pictures, Vaudeville and road (hows. A fine orchestra will also be featured! The grand opening will be Friday evening, Septem ber 3. I "Jiggs." the social lion, will ba the big laugh provoker at Ye Lib erty next Sunday. r Cannot Praise thh Remedy too Highly jVsl vat era uor rmt mza SUFTCSXa TWO TIMS , Jodeiiur from her letter, the mis ery and wretchedness endured by Mrs. Charlie lay tor, k. j?. v. ho. i. Box 144, Dillon, S. C- most hare been terrible No one. after read' in? her letter, can continue to doubt the great healing- power of PE-RU-NA lor troubles due to catarrh or catarrhal conditions in anr Dart of the body. Her letter i3 an inspiration to every sick and Buffering- man or woman ! nvwhere. Here it is: "I suffered two years with catarrh of the head. stomacn ana ooweis. inea two oi the best doctors, who pave me trp. I then tool; PE-RU-NA and can truthfully say! am welL When I besran to use I'J-KU-iXA, l weiir&ed one hundred pounds. My weight now is one hundred and fifty. I cannot praise PE-RU-NA too highly, for it was a Godsend to me. I pot relief from the first half bottle and twelve bottles cured me. I advise all sufferers to take PE-RU-NA." As an emergency remedy in the home, there is nothing quite the equal ox this reliable, time-tried medicine, -r.onu-.NA. 'ihonsands place their sole dependence on it for coughs, colds,- stomach and bowel trouble, constipation, rheu matism, pains In the back, side and loins and to prevent the grip and Spanish Flu. To keen the blood pure and maintain bodily strength i and robustness, take FE-KU-NA. You can buy PE-RU-NA any where in either tablet or licuid . With the advent of brisk au tumn days, football gossip begins, and with each day the babble be comes more audible in regard to the prospects of various gridiron teams for the coming season. Willamette university claims to have prospects for one of the best teams in its history. Willamette's claim for a good team for the coming season .is based on the certain ' return, of most of last year's squad, assurances of enroll ment of good new material and of the return of Coach It. I Mathews for his sixth season as mentor of the Bearcats.. Coach Mathews, according to present indications, will have a veteran team for the coming fall. He has lost only four players of last year's team and second string men are available to fill the gaps left by the men who are-"not to return this fall. Mathews Send Word. ' Coach Mathews gave out the in formation recently that he would arrive in Salem on September 10, and on that date he says rudimen tary training will commence for the aspiring Bearcats. He is at present' engaged in construction work in Walla Walla. There is a wealth of material for backfield positions on the Bearcat grid machine. During the last three seasons there has been a dearth of backfield material which placed the Willamette elev en under considerable handicap, but apparently this season the Methodist institution will have the best of backfielda Zeller. "Rubs' Rarey. "Tuf fy Irvine. Oanzans, Paul Sherwood. Ralph Barnes,. Kenneth Powers. Wapato and Rein Jackson com pose the list who will contest for positions on the Bearcat backfield.' "Phat" Zeller easily proved him self a star,backfield man and open field runner last season. He scor ed a majority ot the touchdowns made by the local grid eleven through sensational squirming long runs. Against the heavy and experienced' Multnomah Athletic club team last fall he scored a touchdown after a 60-yard run and shaking loose several tack lers. His other touchdowns were obtained in similar manner. Much is expected of Zeller this talL Jackson Has Speed. "Russ Rarey, captain-elect, and Wapato are four year men on the Bearcat squad. - Rein Jackson, although he has not played a full season Tor Coach Mathews, is ex pected to crowd the other -aspirants to the last notch. He lacks experience, but his speed may serve him In good stead. Sher wood. Barnes. Ganzana and Pow ers composed the second string back fields of last year, and are ex pected to be good material for this year's team. ' Harold. Tobey ot Greenacre. Wash., is the only lineraan who will not return this fall, according to the Information. He plaved left tackle, and it Is likely that Bill Lawson. who Is better known among Willamette students as the Terrible Swede- from Blan chard. Wwh, will play in Tobey's position. I ast year was his first year with t he Bearcats, and his experience of last season promises to make him one of- M&thew's best hta among th linemen for a.tackle io?ltlon. lie Is a ranrr weighs 180 pounds. The other linemen, it is said, will return this fall. Among them are Loren Easier, veteran center; Lester Day., guard; Ramsey; guard; Ja cob Nickel, guard; David Lawson. guard; Rodney Alden. guard; Ray Schmalle, end; Oscar Payne, end: Howard George. . tackle; Vernol Zeller, end. and Caton. tackle". Ticket riaa Announced. In pursuance of a plan of last winter when Associated Student body tickets were sold to business men and other townspeople who took advantage of the otfer. the athletic management proposes to sell student body tickets to towns people entitling holders of such tickets to admission to all univer sity functions for the semester (term. In addition to the free ad mission to all university functions obtaining for the price of one as sociated student body ticket, the holder of the ticket will receive therWIllamette Collenan free dur- WARNING m r.l tout! XM kOHOLAXl InrMlnc ted tnut. Mn,. - -w COMING THURSDAY W. aw BBBBto sassaa BSBSSSS) I II YE LIBERTY Thirteen-In-One WATERLESS Being scientifically prepared, it is modern in its efficiency and antiseptic in its nature. . It is designed as a superior cleanser for tne skin. For Mechanics Vul cankers Printers Painters Loggers Dry Cleaners Factories Restaurants Offices Hospitals Hotels Schools Homes Cleans Hands Clothes . Dishes Enameled Ware Marble Tiling ' Linoleum Furniture Walls . Windows Metal Machinery Automobiles QUART CAN 35c - - , . . SALEM TIRE & VULCANIZING Cb. 121 South Commercial Street Salem, Oregon y&J? zm&z&ii iff Today -Tomorrow -Tuesday EUGENE O'BRIEN IN "A FOOL AND 'r V -f u 1 EUGENE O'BRIEN CELZNiqr A U a vYo Vs. I' ll' l ; y f' HIS MONEY" By GEORGE BARR McCUTCHEON ; Comedy. Fox News