THE OREGON STATESatAN, 8ALT&T, OREGON ct m -a, - clajsxtted ASvxxTuziaam . " Rat Far War -.' Prr aertiea .............. 2 Three lasenlo 6 OMfHk Insertion t).,.. Om ................ 20e Sis Us' contract, pr me.. 15 13 Biilki estrsct, per m. .12 Biaimem r say adTertlsemeat 15a FOR Norwich uxids ; V FIRE IXSURAXCE SOCIETT . TbieLsen, Roland at Burghardt Rewidrnt Acent 371 State St. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate ' . i T. K FORD ' (Over Ladd & Bnsb Bank) FMI.1 LOANS HAYKINS & ROBERTS 204-207 Or on Building FOR SALE BALED HAT AX D STRAW. Pha 2091 J. " FOR BALEr EARLY "2f las ar, a good bay. 416 " A BIG,, SNAP 'W'WSSfJiS. loekefor Una hoe i?r 0 la city.- Get rt right from JMr). raome Krietly hJ ilXNESOTA PICXIC. Tuesday, aug. 1 1M North Capitol atroev Baleat. f, V '" ,. f taaeb basket, cup, b.1vea aa- fork Farmer, pl.BM "mTcream. AU Uophere come. 1 20 l...j-n tnnn HOP PICKERS. SO teams Wa 'gai.aa th. raach ' l Oreaa. FiTa haadrod acres i. vm.. all old alaatiar ateept 70 : itivb trail is. boaatial tamps. ... lta toara nriee. . butcher thop, free wood and para water. Daara bait 60x100 feat. Writ aad register at i (.r boa oiekinr. Our aid picker asBoeiall wanted. E. Clommeea Herat ; Ca ladepaadaaca. Ora. : BAROAIX S-ROOM -COTTAGE LOCAT d blocks sooth, plastered, good basa moat, lot 401150 leak Price f JlOw . . cash, t - - - '; 1 W. H. CRABESHORST CO. I ' 75 Stata Straat. FOR SALE--HOP PRESS. GOOD AS . aew bad aaad ana season. H. M, Webb, Haata U DalUa. . J FOB SALE CLEVELAXD TRACTOR ad plew. Pbaaa 20F14. '.. . - - FOB SALE CLOVER HAT. t0F14. PHOXE WAXTED WOMAX FOR OEXERAL koasowark: na washing. P. 0. Bag 17, etartoa, -Ore. BXAP 3 ACRES OP FIRSf CLASS . river bottom soil, 2a acrea cultivated, balaace good paatara and aaay cleared. Bice 5-room baagalow goad acbaol acreoa the i read, bam - aad ' ebickea boasa. Cloaa to Oregon tlectrie ata- tloa. Price iOO. , oWtkn before it ia sold. . - , ' - W; H. CRABEXHORST CO. , 375 State Street. " , - FOB SALE MILK GOAT KID (MALE) atoatb aid, good - chaare te gat ftaa back,'Xubiaa atraia. , W. Seara, aa- Of-1 . ; i . MISR LA ROCHE, TEACHER OP.PIAXO Pregteoslve series or- aarmday the-, ery aad history; 7 Id Sana ltb atreet, ' Phaaa 1448. . . -i: ,r. 1 BIRDS FOB SALE 13 BIXOERS FROM inmortad stack. Garmaa Roller: three Hart MonaUia lingers: 477. . Center at rest. i . - ,t -. FOB SALE S-ROOM galew and two lota. MODERX BUX- located oa Hood atreet. Price 83200.-- W. H. GRABEXH0RST A CO. '."(., i 1H State Street. " FOR SALE STUDEBAKER 17S9 Seatb 13th atreet. FOUR , FOUR-ROOM HOUSE AXD TWO LOTS far' aula. Address "C2d" eara Statea- WAXTED BOY TO WORK ABOUT SIX boar day.. Pbaaa Sit. I WASTED A UVE GIRL TO TAKE .charge af aa office; oae who caa use " ' a typewriter aad ia aot afraid of work: mast attend strictly to. basiaeas; good . esmry with caaaro for - adTaacenurai. . Oia vperiac. Address 0 .M. B, tkl$ Kle GOOD BUYS Xew- modem 5-room bungalow, basement, 1 fUsplace. . Price 95250. S-roeta ho a so located en Fsirmeant Rill. boaatifal .view. Urge lot. Frio f 4000, ' ' est terms. - Oood -roem hoase, close la. Price $2400, 9400 dewa. ' Good S-room ' cottage at 647 Ssgtnaw street, good basement. Price 9-100. , Good 7 -room bonse located close in, baa. an, tmrnace, fireplace. -Pric 94500, Good 7-reom baagalow located doe ia aa paved atreet, baaemeat, fireplace. Price 95250, 93000 dewaw , S-room bouse located oa paved atreet. Price 91050 aad assume -psveaaeat. t-rom bangslow aad two fine lota. Price . ZW. ; , . ... , . . 4.81 acre tract of first class berry or I praao laad. located south af Slm. I . Price 918UO, easy terma. 10 acrea af fiaa bottom aoil, nearly all Sl,WdV, ru- -euse. Priea 8iOO 9600 dew, balance terms. Well improved 10-sera tract, good bun galow i acre togaae. prune, apple, trawberrie. Will consider & roost bona ia Seatk Haiem ap ta- 32500 aa part payment. Price 9750O. 12-aera tract 3 seres of 14 vesr old . praaes. good crop, 3 acres legsas act. iT,"f.A"'1' Kb Vocstioa. Price $7500, terma. -, 3 acrea bearing prunes oa main Pacific f P 3-4 highway. ilea adath. Price S4AUO. tao-arre fsrm and limber, baildinrm. is.. 000 cord af atsadiag fig timber. Price .950 per aere. - If yea want to bay, trade ar selt, aee Y. H. Grabciihorit c Co. , - . 975 State Street, , .'- FIXE HOMES 1 8500 $800 dewa will bay the best 4 roem bam ia Salem, entirely baill-in, - ba etas eut, breakfast room, garage. 94200 takes modern 5-roem baegalew with baaemeat and garage. 95000 ier 6 rooma. close in, basemant, furnace, fireplace, - pavement .' 15800 baya 6-room atrietly madera baa- . gskow with fall eemeat baaemeat, far nace,' fireplace, plastered garage. 90000 tor atrietly aew aad moderg, 8 raom baagalow facing east, an ear aad pavemeaL corner, , entirely built-in, farnace, fireplace. ... $7500 .will bay wonder In S-room class 9000 tskes a strictly asodera or room. bnngsjew. Both complete ia all j way with hardwood .floors, . farnace, fall ' cement basement, f treptace, Inrge lota. . Urge rooms .witk every bailt-ta festare, fine eemeat floor garages, both aa pavement aad rar. . Oh yes, 93800 take a fine home very - close- in with corner lot, east frept, ea car wit gss, electricity, -wash tubs, cement baaemeat, easily divided lata 4 apart meau; d eatraneoa, - -1 1 -roows ; 91000 dewa and balaac i meatkly - - permeate at 6 per cent:1 ' Any one of the four apartmeata will rarry.' . Hera ,U chsnce for aoma live eitiiea te let a close la kome esrry kirn. Three flaea take rare of all Yooma aad aot oa cob erete ia baaemeat. Kmembr thia you buy a-hom or wake aa Iavestmeat ia Salem today for We jihsa yoa raa tw montha from te as y. L'saslly one haa te f I guru depra "iJioa. Aroead Salem today yea raa ' tse appreciation. Thia I a real cumatanlty ead a live town. , P FrKB ft HKXDKIC'KS i - r, a. st-.i tiig esuiairs, a-.T"- " NEW TODAY ma TODAY BAROAIX FIXE BflLDfXO LOT. 1.0- rated oo Fainuoaat , Hill, eorarr lot, both afreets fared aarlh front. Prko luW. . V. H. GRABEXHORST A CO. 2i tata Street. SALE 8 li ACRES AT CITT LIM- ita, in hxaaaerry aiatnet. Address ,C2.' " Statesman. , WAXTED TO REXT SIX OR EIGHT roam boat by rehablo party, refer. encea. Address wu, - ear , statea- naa. f ' ; WAXTE OXE MALE lRAT TERRIER FOR pap. Pbaaa a.rg or cau m, y, uoa 13. i FOR SALE BT OWXER FIVE ROOM plastered hoase, bath and closets. ele trie lights, basement, ebickea coop aad aoma fwt 345 Divislaa atreet. FOR 8XAP THIS FrRXACK. B ASEMEXT, I FOR bath, ' tatiei. , oiecineity, piaaiere a roem homo in fiao ahapa wttk large tot at 2300. Tea 923H. la Bales. Wo wUI aril this Monday, d yarn want it I BECKK HEXDRICKS 205 V. S. XaU Bank Bid. - - Estate Faros llnit ell 40 acre complete ' dairy farm lost oat side tSalem, fntiy aaaippoa wii fiaa bar. large aim, wagona, engines, alt tmplo meata, horses, 6 .eewn, chickoaa, ate.: water sjstem; 8-rooa home; besatiful lacatioB, easily divided. Price t20,0o0 bail casn, oaianca at a per cent. 60 acrea an paved highway with, build- isca at aio.WMi: naif rash. 375 acres an paved highway , with ruse bailding. mostly anaer caltivauon and balance in fiaa timber at 910 aa acre; i-a casa. 180 acres with baildinga, 110 ia grnmi. i ui iwi mil oa u yvev wui go t miles from Salem for a real place witn peneet aramaga, ftaa timber, ereek through pasture, this will suit. Tha price i $10 aa acre. 100 acrea with buildings 5 miles east at 115 aa acre. Almost aU in afaia. acrea with house, barn aad garage, 5 acres prunes ana wainnu, cherries. 7 logaae. family orchard. Thia just eff Jefferson wa Sh miles from Salem. Thia land will never bo cheaper aad yea can bay today with a. aOa dollar. BECKE & HENDRICKS 205 U. S. Xatiaaal Baak BoildtBg. BEST BUYS, r 176.43 acrea Willamette River, bott am, C sniles from Salem ia Kaiser bottom 110 acrea cleared, balaace timber aad ?asture; small house aad 3 barns; fine or aabdiviaioa ar berriee aad B ruses ' or pearaea; 1 acrea cherriea : e place bw. Price aaly $160 per acre, term. 60 acres all ia cultivation, black aoil. aa west aiae racttie aigaway, paved read ta Salem ar Ponland; half saila of small ,taw add1 goad echo!; email bouse aad Urge bar. Price 99500; 'easy terma. 300 acre. 150 acre hi cultivation, bal aaea pastnre; 150 acres bottom land. i balaace good valley laad; 5-roeea bonse, fair barn; family orchard ; 4 Mb Bailee from a good town, 1 mile from atatioa. . 7 ra miles from Salem ; paved read moat of the way $125 per acre. 644 acrea, miles from tawa ; 30O acrea ia caltivatioa; family orchard ; 7 -room boa, large bara, 3 miles of wevea wire fence; 7 spring and 2 wells, wa ter piped to buildings, 70OO feet af pipe; telephone, mail aad cream route. , l aula to acaool. rrm only S40 per " acre, terma. . 40 acrea 7 mi tea f ram Salem 'aa a rack read; 16 acre ia pruaee and 2 ia ia- taas; best of red bill aoil;, 6-reom eaaa aad good bara 911,000 witboat crop ar 912,000 with prune crap. 20 acrea all ia prune ia fall bearing, la - the heart of the arena belt, northwest slope, beat af red hill aoil. all raa bo bandied with tractor; $10,500. terns. 20 acres i mile from Sale: good house with water system, awed bara: 7 acres prases and h acre strawberries; clao to achool aad eharcb; prunes go with place at 914,000. -5 acres ia Hollywood addition, fiaa berry mad. well drained, fenced with wevea wi'o. A bargain at $1800. . . 47 acre,- 46 cleared aad 1 timber r good read aad elaaa to school; 7 -room hoase," , 1 berae; 6 acre a I rait ; 3 Va milea from Salem; 918.000, terma S0C0L0FSKY 341 State Street GOOD HOUSE BUYS II have splendid iavestmeat ia aa all finished apartmaat house, .ia the vary best Iocs tie. It will make 18 par rat oa the investment. I A beautiful bom aa lttb atreet, wary attractive ' groaad. at ,96500 cash if boaght toon. : A beaatifnl 8-room house ea X. Cottage tract at 915,000. Another good hoase aa X. Cottage rreel at 300. , ! 7 -room bouse ea X. Cottage atreet, keaa- liful eorarr, at 96500.,-, , . 1 ''i i'" " J " mvmmmmw- 1 10 room baasa. a X. Wiater atreet. pleadidly arraaged for redmiag aouae. at 95500. - S-room beuse a Tlaed atreet, at ft 500 4 ; A very attractive katu a Saglsav , atreet at 93000. , , An attractive baagalow. aorreaaded by beaatifal akada trees, aa Chemeketa atreet at 3650qv . ., , s . . ..... f . . f 6-room cottage aad targe lot. eplt la every detail, oa X. Ckarck atreet, at 96000. ' A 7 room boasa aa at 34750. - .. X. Ckarck street at A 6-room .hoase an X. Ckarck at 93000. A room kaa n Xortk Ckarck clrect. at 93000. 6-room baagalow. aery well bailt, garag. lot 67x00; maay beaatifnl frail treea, 8iata atreet. at 96QOO. Iloata aa 23tk atreet at 92900. ' Maay ether house la' spieadid Ucatleaa ; lot aale; FiARMS tO-arre farm witk all kiada f frait. anleadld bailding, iaclading track .at 920,000. -. i . 23 acre farm all Improved at $5500. 10 aer' tract witkaat baildlag at 91500 10 sere tract ' with fcuildiut, 5 eajhwest of Saleaa at 9000. ailes A wonderfully Improved iles south at $ 15.0O0. frait fan. 4 Maay tker farm mf Hat . GERTlbE jl LL PAGE 493 Xortk Cottage Street. PkM t6 FOR SALE 200-ACRXTARM'."TrRICE 960 aa acre. Will moke Knlem rei aene property upt 940OO aa part ysytaent. . W. IL Grabenhorst A Cw 275 Stat atreet. NEW TODAY FOR BUICK FOUR 1617 MODEL. IX prima roadman, new paml nnd go4 rubber. Price 9650, rai. Open fcua day forenoon. The B. Jk C. Hlr Co.. 17a South Coauaercinl street. SAVE MONEY 11.1 VINO REUX- quithed th IfMfJ for tha Aabnra Beauty Kia. i ara offering what Aa barne we have oa head at a sacrifice to cleae a p. lb Aabnra nells at f'i2iO ike so oo hand may be hsd for flaOO, terms if desired. Opca Haaday forenoon, Tha B. a C-Motor Co, 178 Sooik Commercial afreet. KENT TEX . ACRES 1U MILES TRY from Salem .food buUdinga, aama frail. e Mr. cat saaaay fereaooa at HI 8Mtl Commercial atreet. RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 335 Bellevuo atreet, raoae 53 W. REXT LARGE WELLi FURXISH ed room with private bath. Mm, J. P FrizxelL 24 Sank Sammer aireec THREE FURXI8HED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 818 North Commercial street X ekildrea altoweaV FOR SALE TEX ACRES OX SILVER- tea read. All cultivation; ao beildiaga, ' tSOO pr acre. Call Asoesoora of tie. E!iIPIX)YFIENT 5IALE TWO CARRIER BOTS WAXTED AP ply at Statesmaa aftice, or pbaaa 53. WAXTED TWO BOTS TO LEARX . printing trade. Mast be aver Id years f age. apply Statesmaa of Ace, ap- atatra. I WILL PUT TOCR WOOD IX YOCR besemeat. Prompt aervir. C. E Seely,; 1280 Chemeketa atreet. Pbaaa 1403M. . PORTLAND ACTO SCPPLT : HOUSE . has openiag for a aalesmaa with car far rrpreaeatattaa - in territory sur rounding Salem. Oaad permaaeat pa aittoa for right man. Uive age, pro. vioua ' experience aad In com accaa- temed la earning. Manager will meet yaa la rtalem aad ga lata details. Ad vresa "t. JO. ' care ittatesmaa. FEMALE GIRLS WAXTED AT THE SPA, WAXTED GIRL FOR DlXIXd ROOM aad kitckea at the Arga. WAXTED A WOMAX TO COOK OX farm; ao waabiag ar ironing. Phone Sill. Address Bex 41. R f D So. Gervaia. Ore. '' WANTED EXPERIENCED TEACHER or educate wemaa for position ia pri vate schools,, state achool and for ta- tera ia private- families. Certificate aot accessary if applicant raa da tha vork. Preference will bo givea te those who caa play aad lead aiagiag. Coast Teachers' Bureau. Mrs. Blaache M. J e, mnaager, 313 Commercial atreet. Phone 23. AGENTS WAXTED SEND FOR FREE TOILET SOAP SAM- pie and 910 caab refund offer. Lacaa- aia cow uept. 909, 8t. Louis, Ai. AGEXT8 MAKE 973 WEEKLY SELL- tng gaaraateed bostery. Wa gusraatee $$ weekly fall time, 75e aa boar ore time. Experieace aneeeasary. Perfarf Tis i mi i i li " SALESIAX WAXTED SALES BOARD SALESMEN WE HAVE te moat attractive liao of premium aaaortmeata oa the mark at tedav. Com J missioas 95 to 920 per order, witk fall repeat eommiseiea. For a live, p-t data propositioa, write teds v. Ceafield attg. te, 4tW3 Broadway. Chicago. STOCK SALESMAEX ATTF.VTIOV WAJiTEle Experieaced Ha witk rood records te sell fastest aelliag alock oat. . Big baakere aad big oil men bo kiad it, twa refiaeriea aad large U production already. Oae salesmaa made 93.450 commissions last aaoata. Addreea Fiscal Agent. Bex 6dl, Sbrev- pon. i 8 ALES it EX HIGH GRADE LIXE ra lea board aaaortmeata: iewelrr. candv. novelties; fast eeilera; ao samples; give mvrencva. aro Bate CO, ail fcaal Jr atreet. Chicago. SALESMAN OPPORTUXITT TO MAKE to to f35 per day. Tim, temper. moaey-eaving, low-priced device for aatomohilea. Sella on, night. Libby Salea C, -631 Spriag, 3rd fleer. Lea ongeieu, til. USCELLAXEOrS WANTED MEX AXD W0MEX TO , , wark ia ear circalatioa departmeat. A good propeaitioa to the right people. Address tha Pacific Hoataatead, btatee- aisa VM(, Kaiem. Oregon. I WAXTED A COOK FOR MEN'S FRA- tern it v ia Halom. daUe t eomm the 12th of September. Give experieace aad refers acee. Person applying or sestnsg particulars write to u. a. Oay, mi o. woato i, Ataenn, crregoa. forsaLe BEAUTIFUL WALL TINTS. MAXT I aew colt-r 10 pound aad p. Mas O. BrSIXKSS OPPORTXiOTlEa 50 PER CEXT PER ANNUM IX A aafe business enterprise. Write Boa at 4. Bnrkbnmett, Teas. ' POULTRY THE NORTHWEST POULTRY JOUR- aaL the biggest aad beat ia the wesL Ta hv saagasiaa for live poaltrymea, T5 a yaar. 91.00 ia Salem. Bead S rears for ssmple today. Address Tka Kartkwoat Poultry Journal, Sale, Ore- goa. at cut ten taia aa. y - FARM PAPER IF YOU WAXT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, sena 15 te Tha Paetfie Homestead. Salem. Oregoa, for. a three gaoaiha trial aabacriptiaa, Meatiaa tkia MlSCELLA5KOUS HAT TOR SALE PHOXE 105F1L TO ORDER YOUR GOI.DEX WF8T sweet cora by the aack. phone 1786W2. USE LILLY'S HOO FEED WE GUAR ate greater resaita 1 rem taia taaa ay feed en the market. Money back if . aot aa gepreaeated. . Farmer' Pro dsc Co. CHEAT .SEED WE CAX FURNISH first elaaa caeas aee ta large or smaii lata at farmer 'price. Mc Arthur, A Staaff. Rickreall. Ore. SACKS,. SACKS FOR SALE 100.060 5 rata, oat aa pernio eacaa. vsoiiai aak Oe, 271 Chemeketa atreet, Pbaaa 398.. - - -- FOB SALE ONE SPAN OP HORSES: aoa ad aad true; annus iow peunaa aeb. Also weed Dtamoad two-bet torn 14-isck ptow. Pageot Track aad Trsctor Co, 166 Scath High street. . WALFELT" TOUR " HOUSE; IT'S auperier t cltth. at about half price. M U. Korea, a com 1 . TILL BOARD" CAX BE USED OVER I larhor atuddlng.' Caa be tiated r paporea. " Commrclal street. BDwred. xax - u. oarea, in wia wtir rE MILL RUX WHEX YOU CAX bay our Ooldea oairy tee at Jess aa ret rrrster resaita t Farmera Predace C, Pboa 16: - ' - '. ' - CAPTIVTTT OP THR 0ATMA3t GIRLS TIiib traa try 01 wesiera insir tioa has beea eerefatly revised, making ksadsom little book. It tell ia granhie terma af tk asaaaacra of the Oat man family. f the eacape at Lo .. s4 ska caotivity af Mary aad Olive. Mary died of starvation aad Olive waa parchaoed from tn Indiana r.-m .mm later. Th Brie is to cents. wantaaid. Addres Oregea Tracker loathly. Saleaa. Oregoa, - j -WALL PASTE." KO COOKING RE- aired. Slickt vrrytig. X.W Bureo, 179 Cokattril aUcct. MI8CELLAXEOU8 iREPAIRIXa An fiHARPEVivn HALE BARBED WIRECHlCKkVX' IcX'TLFTkY GklYuiXQ; LAWNlTo"W. netting, vises, arose drills, forge,. na- vils aad all kind of machinery and I . tools, heluac wuUefa. shaftiag, cable. rope, etc, gasalioe eagin. amomobile I porta of all kinds. RVSSKI.L 8TKAM TRACTOR aeeoad bead automobile of all kinds. I also wa pay the highest rash price for paper, ruga, brass, rapper, irea aad au aiaaa of jaak. - . STE1XBOCK Jl"XK CO. ! X. CommerH! street. ' Pbene 303 WOOD PHOMXO iMiU FOR WOOD. SECOND GROWTH WOOD FOR SALE. Pbene !!, aveniaga. CALL THE SALEM FUEL YARDS FOR year wood and veal; afftcw 73 Trade aires i. raono i29. WOOD FOR SALE 18 INCH OLD FTR; le-iaak mill wood apodal price aa ear lota; prompt delivery;4 strictly cash; o3 South Church atreet. Pbaaa 1343. Fred E. Well. . Automobile Directory OVERLAND ROADSTER. PRICE BXAP-. iwc year aid .Thia uent coataiaa good engine. . 1670 S. High ttreal. Pbaaa laJJJ. OLESON MOTOR CAR CO. 34 X. Commercial Su Pbooa 666 Two 115 Re Tawriag ear. . . .f ICO 1618 Fard Coapo, aelf starter.. 650 S paearug- Stadcbaker 20O Ford Bag 215 1915 Stndebaker 1915 Stedbakr Six ........450 1616 Uarley Dnvidsoa meter cjcle, A-l coaditioa 200. ' CHANDLER CLEVELAXD Sale aad Service FOR RENT ROOM A XT) BOARD FOR REXT well fvrxisuxd mod- era room witk good board ia private aoma. Three block from the atate bouse: 20 Mill street. Paoao 847J. ROOMS f. FOR REXT A ONE-ROOM COTTAGE, hot water heat, with bet aad eold wa ter, lavatory aad toilet. At the Alex aadria. 1030 Chemeketa atreet, Phone 1280. HOUSES F. L. WOOD. 31 STATE ST, REAL estste. rentsl. WAJiTED 3IISCKLLAXrX)CS WJIXTED 20 TO 50 POUNDS OF string bona far canning. Pboae dSSR. WANTED TO BUT A CREAM 8EPA- rotor; mast bo goad. Phono evenings, 373R. . WAXTED TO REXT A FARM FOR term of years: 60 to 100 acroe pro-1 f erred. Loeaard B. Judaea, ' Pbaaa 34FI1. Rt. 4. Saleaa. Or. MATRUIOXIAL DOS T MARRY UNTIL TOU SEND FOR oar latest Matrimonial Catalogs, con taiaiag names, address, deoenptinne photo of girl and widows wishing early marriage- 8end 92.00 Interna tional Clab. Dept. 35, Box 583. Lea Aagelea, California. PERSOXAIa LONELY GENTLE MAX WORTH 840.. OOO wish to errespod with affec tionate Udy. Box St. Oxford. PI a. RETIRED REAL ESTATE DEALER. 38. worth 950.onv voald marry. L-Box 3 5-Lea rue, Toledo, Ohio. - . WIDOW. 27, OWN I NO ' FARM. WILL marry, at Bex 925, car. Ctu, rrt Way, lad. , . , , . GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published mailed - tree. Address American Distributor, Suite a 53 Blaira ville. Peaaaylvania. MARRY FOR WEALTH.- HAPPINESS Haadred rich, attractive. . . eeageaial, williag te wed. photon free; 25 yeera experieace. Mra. Want, 2216 4k Tem ple atreet. Lea Angeles; Cal MARRY IP LONELY FOR RESULTS try me; aeat aact most saccevsiui "home maker." haadreda rick wish marriage aooa; . atrietly ooaiidemtial: moat rv liable, yeara . experieace; do script loss free.' The " anccessfnl Club, Mrs. Ball. Boar 356 Oakland. Cat MARRY FOR- SPEEDY- MARRIAGE. abaoretely the best.- largest ia eosstry ; eatabliabed 15 yearn, thousands f - wealthy member, both aoxea. ; wishing early marriage; confidential, descrip tions free. The Old Reliable, Bos 26, Oaklaad, CaL w . . BUSINESS CARDS IXSURAXCE FIRE INSURANCE WRITTEX OX FARM property, bop aad prune drier, aa au other forms of Insurance.. Including burglary, aato, indemnity, Uf aad ae- cideat. a A, C. BOHRXSTEDT 401 Masonic Tempi - Salom, Ore. FOR REAL DEPENDABLE IXSURAXCE aad reliable inssrsnce service, it .will bo to year interest to insure with the Oregon Fir Relief associstieo of Ma Minnvill. your owa home compaey. H. A. JOHNSON IXSURAXCE AGEX0T Over Ladd a Bash Baak. Salem Phone S4T - MmssmsmssmHmsmsfmVsmnmsmssmMVmssM CHINESE PHYSICIAX DR. "L M. HUM CURES AXT KNOWN dlsesso. 133 S. High St. Pkcne HI. CREEXHOUSE3 HOUSE FERNS AXD POTTED PLANTS, fresh from the greenhouse .for aula. Arthur Plaat'a Greenhouse, 13lk and Wilbur. Phono 1250W. LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COM PANT. 13 S, Liberty -atreet, Pboae S3. Oldest Largest Beat. Established 1869. CAPITAL- CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality werk. prompt eervtce, , izaa Broadway. Phone 1S5. MOXEY TO LOAN. TO LOAN 6'iOOO OX HOUND SfcCUR-1 Ity. Ivsa O. atsrtia. atsaome Tmpi. KURSERIES ITALIAN PRUNE TREES FOR FAU. ! . X delivery. 130.- rieese paoao linn ar write Fmitlaad Xaraary. AV. leas. Or. -- . " s. s. OUR TREES WILL BELL TBT IT. Heavy demaad aad goo aappiy st wall a-rswa alack to moot it. Term ape reeaest. SaUm Xereery Campaay. 427 BMy, y'es. tiro. PA1XTERS MARTIN" PAINTER. Pkone 704. ROOF REPAIRIXfi We'll poiat your reef, . We'll give ye proof. t We'll tar it too; Which way 'a best to yeat We gaaraote to stop all leaks. RFVUTHF.ri.ER - Pbene 1419 W t4 North 17th St. MUSIC MISS FLORKCE BOWDEX TEAClf Jjy,,' or of eollo-gwilsr teol aad Aaicaa 1. j WMna manaoiia, aajw - sssww. . ------ . aad terma .iaoulre at. Will's Maai ' frtore, Stfta atreet. Salem. Ore. InciitiCliovintaAdjol v. aatety rsiern. ota. Bteaart'e It. pair Know. 347 Court tret. TRXSraRlLCLIXQ CAPITAL CITY TXAXSFEK CO. 124 fctaio Rl, akaae t3S. IHatribatlag, ' orwr'Bg aad eterage ear apociaity. - "r vtu. t SEOO.VP HAND FURX1TURS WANTED SECOXXb-UASlF FURnT tare, rags, earpota. atevea, macbiavrrv " fT"- ea paid. Tha Cnn ' U"Mardwara A Faraitara Co- 343 lX. Com ! St. Pbaaa 47. 1 STOVE REPAIRlXtl STOVES REBUlLTAXD REPAIRED ?" year eapenewee; Depot Xatiaaal learo. auea Z to it Inches high. Paints, ail aad varnish, ate, togaaberry aad hop book. Saleaa Peace aad Stove eva. 2V Court atroet. Phone 124. " SECOND HAXD GOODS iTj bct and seu "sreoxb; hIxd gaoaa or aa kiaaa. pipe fit tin r. har . aeee, . eoUars, collar pad, tools, aad cbata. Frad Schiadlor. '356 Center WALL PAPER. PA1XT WALL PAPER AND CEILING PAPER sue ana up double roiL Max O. Bo-roa.-Ht M. Commerrial Su 1 8ER PORTER FOR PAIXTS. ' WALL Paper' aad Plater Framing. Good workmea. 455 Court St. pbene 485. PROFESSIONAL OSTEOPATHIC PHTSICIAXS DRS, WHITE AND MARSHAL!.' 6 1 c. a. atiaaai nana uiag. I DR. JOHX L. LTXCH. OSTE0PATH10 Pbysici A Burreoa, 43-404 Oregea Bldg. Phone: Otftco 1384; Be. 6V5. DR. W. L. MERCER. OSTEOPATHIC Physician aad Sargeea, KirksvUle graduate. dOd aad 405 L S. 'atl Baak kaildiag. Paoao Offic tit, resideaca OlO. CHIROPRACTORS DR. O. L. SOOTT. D. C- CHIROPRAd lor. P. 8. C. graduate. S09-13 U. 8. X. Bank Bldg. Phone 67; Rea. 628R. PI1TSIC1AXS AXD 8UTIGEOXS KATHERIXB 6CHLEEP. M. D- PHY- awtaa naa surgeon. vtea vregea haildiag. reema 411-13. Pbaaa A-tO. I 264. Over Oregea Electria depot. -BBBasasBSBssaEsssssusa WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT A POWER Co, affice 301 Hon lb CmsI atreet. Tea nwr coat discount oa dame at i flat rate paid ia advance. X do-1 dactmaa far abaeaco or any eaase aa-1 leaa water la shut off year premla. REAL ESTATE ; ' FARM FOR REXT. rikU- FOB RENT REFERENCES Rk euired. Iaaire el K .r. atotaa. naam 23 Breyoaaa Block. City. TOR REXT 132 acrea. kalf eulUvsted: ndioina atate farm, live mile east of Salem, hard surf sea read. . Sell stock. limnhrmeatB. etc- market value. 1 at me dial pasessiaa. Address McKialey MitcheU, 203 m Stark atreet. Portland. FOR ' SALE FOUR LOTS OX CORNER J Sammer aad Hayt atreet. . Halemi Height; $1000, sosy terma. Bath House. Oregoa building. Oregoa I 1 135-aero farm, especially good for prune. cherries, mra a seme aa atrawaorrtee. BsikUnn rood, near school. . Price aad terma right: nee it- Aloe a good place af 45 to 60 acrea. Soma trade eoa 'aidered oa either. W. A. Liataa. 484 Court street. -JUST00D BUYS . 140 acre, good house, bar witk ail: 00 acrea ia caltivataaa: urn cms dairy raach. Price $14,000. with 94500 cash, balaac aa easy term. 40 ttt mZ&J& rTSSA 'inm: soar railway . aad achool. fear ,'inra; near railway . aad achool. milea frost hslem; easy terma. . 30 acre Bear iWIem with fine balldiags. city aomo just oat ot town, easy terma a right bayer. $1 3 neren nil ia cultivation, fin bara. BO BOOS. JS apirsois put. '- or pmaee. - one mile from city limit, llaav tsrma. 8 'acres all ia caltivatiea. 1 V mile from city limits. Just tae place tar a legau berry field.' Xa baildmga. 10 acrea with . strictly madera borne. paved atreet. fruit aad fas were. There -ia aothiag t excel thia lecstio for coaveuirnee and beaaty. 20 acre. . 3. acrea af pruaee, 1 acre of strawberries aa I at logs a Berries; lead .all la . enlUvatien, aew 6-room plastered boase, with - - bara. pressure tank water system, Aa ideal aoma, d milea from Salem. 1 Would Ypti Own a Home ? 7 -ream, bouse, asodcra exrept beat, paved streets, eemeat aidewalke. loar biocka from state boaee, 93SOO. -5-room baagalow with fireplace, 3 blocks from - nupreme court . anil lag ; ' niear Sevteonber FStk. 8-room bowse. - modera. except " beat. $1650. kalf rash, balaac 910 monthly at 6 per cent. 6-room hoase. 8 biocka from court boase. Modera except beat, 94000, ea easy terms, 6-room boase. modera except beat, oa Cottag street. Booth af Mill ereek; S'J5-u. - . 9-reem plastered Aoaso. with bara oa graveled - a I ley ; two- ale lota, abea dsaro of frait aad flewere. Price 92500 . half cask. 3-rnom boase. 14S3 Xorth Liberty atreet. mat SloOw, easy terma, 8 -room asodera baagalow. east froat ea . paved atreet. garage ea alley. A beaa tifal borne which caa bo bought oa easy terms. -. S-room aew bangslow ia King used psrk. rnee f 1VU; 35Q ens. Balaac OBtaiy. Y. A. LISTON, Ajent d8d Court StreeC FOR SALE 13 ACRES 6 MILES OUT oa paved aad rock road, all la caltiva tioa; family erchard 3 acre boariag praaes, good haildiag. Trice $7 OOO term. Mart A Mailer. 209 Oregoa bwildiag. - FOR YOUR APPROVAL A bargain If sold aee; 9 rooi boase. wood boasa. bara aad tw ebickea . boase ; lot of ale frait, cherriea. pple ..derrie TH Prune, poor, a bearing nicely. Fear or aeeea toga to , aait buyer. Price eery low for tbia property. Term oa property; three block of Xortb Commercial street car. A. L. SEA MaTER REALTY CO. 416 Maeoai Temple, Phase 353 ir ROOM STRICTLY MODERX HOU8E. plastered tkroaahoat. haa beseeaeal aad ' f urn aee, paved atreeie aad ceeaeal aid wslks, a few biocka from center of tawa. There are seven bedrooms, mostly realed for good rest. Tbia ia rleo i property and a good oae. Just tb place far rooming he a . Would consider smaller boaao aa part pay. Priced for nick sale. 95500 cask, BABRER k PEARSON n 200 Gray BaiMiag. : Pkoa TtO. WOOD'S BARGAINS 8-roons. modem boase. 1030 Center atreet: aaaka.aa odfor. j 7 -room boaoo aad choice corker lot, paved atreet, five biocka, 95000. Apartmeat keaae .. cloao in laisma a boat 9100 per meath, 9500. S-room baagalow with faraace. bhre lota. 93200. S-room ban galew. 1 new. neme'taraitare. 92000. a-room ' koaao 9650. S-room house. 1343 Belle va atreet, 91300, easy terma. 10-room ' modera bungalow, swell lorsitea. $SOOO ic eetlar a a acre of tan wita erchard aad berriea, $SOO0. 6 room buagalew. close ia. $ JOOO. Large keaae nnd good lot, 2440 Xortk Com mercial atreet. O0. 6 ream boss. karat tea. $3000. 40 acre about oeeaee. - mostly praae. crop 94S0. fair baildiagv. aomo tim ber. 914.000. 10 acrea fa building, gw4 laad. good toad. 91200. - , , F.LVrOOD 1 17FAI FQTATP I WM RSTATF REAL ESiAiii aaXAiaaA 1AJ lIllLi I iiAiiau --ra I i. - mummmummmummmmmmmmmmmmmummmummmummmummmumammi a mmmmw OWX TOUR OWX nOME. e-reem cottage wtk medera eoaaeaiea exrept maseaaoat and farm ace; a very aeat place, bargain at 91uo rash. Another A-room cottage' aw graveled atreet; aewly.paiatod aad papered aad i in first rlae eondiuon, A snap at 9l4vO; good terma. , 6 room bungalow with fireplace aad fnD bnaeuaeat; madtra exrept fnraaee. .Aa eacoUeat homo wU arraaged; bnHt U feat are, garage. A p at ISOwO; good term. 6 room boasa. avodera except kaaemeat: 3 lota with plenty of fruit; graveled atroet. SHOO Ca.j luma 6 room pUtred reaideace on paved atreet aad eloee ia: faU baaemeat with stationary waab tuba; medera exrep fnraaee . Extra Urge lea with f rait. bsertea nnd gardes : largo ehirka peav Located at Oak atreet. Thia ia a real anap aad will aaea bo picked op. 2809: aeod terma. t room buaralow jaat eutsi da city Umiu aad two h locks to car Una. FaU eemeet bassmiat faeea east. Large list af faruiBhinge ara Included with place; aslf caab, -6-ream buaralow. nearly aew: faU Vai eat; madera except farnace. Thia m n damdv nUeo aad o. karomia at 33006. Modera bo a ga low af 1 reama aad masU room: big hose mint; good garde; aew anrace. A nice aomo. aazoo. Flao room bom a. medsra ia all rasped. eloo ia; paved atreet; bailt oaiy fear years; ia rtao rosideaca aectioa; paved auey. a truly fiaa borne 68500. A fiaa reaideace of 6 rooms aad onoder - la every resaect. Close to atate boose. a aowae that will appeal to yaw. Price UiOW. OWX TOUR OWX H0MR KINNEY k SMITH " 46t State Street - - Groaad Floor a BAROAIX FOR A BUYER 110 acre of bearing caerrioa aad 150 ia timber aad paatara. Stock .tools aad feed included. VTtil sell aa easy terma wita crop payment, SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. 202 C A XatL Baak Bldg, FOR SALE 4 room M0DERX HOUSE oa Court atreet. Well eeaetraated aad inasoasblx priced at 3450O. UDS artWtB aag.em.-mwav tAtTm . cnlJlal. urn a s. Jib rLAA AdUIlJI a. 273 State Street. Phono 515. TO TRADE 40 ACRES OF LAND FOR A CAB, AD DRESS C27, CAKE STATES MAX. FOR SALE 10 ROOM HOUSE LOCAT- e elaaa ia am Aortb Commercial Mreet. haa f araneo, bath. . electri UghU aad ham. Thia property la I good eeadi tioa and bringing in a good income ao eidee comfortable uarter far the awa er. -Wdl bo offered for a abort time for 943O0. , MRS. WTXXIS PETTTJOHX 273 State 8treeL - Pbene 513. SIX HOUSES THAT MUST SELL. ' 92000 9400 dew for aid fashioned born ia good coaditioa, 1 block from ear: 7 rooms plastered, witk electricity. newer, city water. - be semes t. brick feaadatiea, east front, immediate pee- wins. a aero ia ao way so see en taia. 93150 for modern 3-room bangaUw with t an garage, half caab. 1310 for modera a-room baaplow with "wwws uirptacs, a iota; i . awiag 94200 takes a assdern 6-room home ia nao locatio with frail, berriea, gaa fireplace aad garage. 91475 cash bova a aeat 4 room plastered homo witk hot water, bath aad beee- nseat an pavesseat. Pessesatea aaiok. 91 lOO baya a ftaa 4 room boas, alaeaarad olortricity, eily water aad eewer, big garnea aa turn is no. -. We empaosls booses that are priced ngai. ii yea aee a aomo W anew ye tew la BBV elaaa ar artee. Then aa yeur aeed, if W dea l have n . w wai uil yoo, BECKE A HEXDRICKS 203 U.' 8. Xstl Baak BaiMmg. FOR SALE-AROOM BUfOALOW IX I food residence iean. . Good, eoaaeat baaemeat aad fireplace. Thia boaao ml aew en a good bay at 92SOO. MRS. WINNIK PETTTJOHX 373 State Street, Pboae 51 A I L A. HAYFORD REAL ESTATE " 305 STATE STREET load 5-raa house, bath,' toilet, eloctrts light, gss. gsrag. wood abed, frait tree aad let 75x130. all la garde and pet sloes: 1 block from atreet ear. Priced at 92600; 91250 eaek, balaace rosy terms. a300 I rsea medar boaee. Urge boao- BBrat, luruace. caickea aoaao. awed garde, 3 block from atreet ear boase close In, 93350, 91500 eaak. ico a ta per mo a in. rrpairiag akep.. all tool aad 1 chiaery. 91400: real vary geaaeaabl. Reatanrnnt far sale. 54 aero of frait. 83 acre praae tree 12 year aid. 3 acre apple Bad 30 aero togas nomoa year aad ever: -r boos, good bara, aad a cask payasoat af 97500 aacare Ui easy terms oa . balaac. 6k 1 acre. 2 mUea from Salem, pared! isawaj; pisvw eaerrtea so 14 11 tbia pUc thia year. Good baagalow aad bara. 1 acre I gaa. other fruit. Bteca: an tmplsmat go, all at 9700). a acrea all ta eulUvatioa, S acre af tha liaeat logaaa ia Marvea county. SB co whent, oata .alever; stock impUmenta; t room keaae. fiaa barn. su ir flS,3VS. 60 acre a paved read, t miles from Salem, ail ta ewltivatioa, good bla?k aoil. large bara. good house, all for tvjuu. inisa It ver. then nee us. S-foo" baagalew, baaemeat. madien. let 73x10. aad if takea at once will go at 92350 terma. 6 room house, good location. Price 92500 9500 dew aad 950 per naeatk. So lata aa a a. 6-room boa, lot 60x133. batk. toilet. oiectrte light. , Tkia U a good place aad if takea aooa gee for 93550 S room boase. good locution, batk. toilet. I lights, garage aad bara. owe block from rar us, sow yard aad frait treea, ia good skspe; fot 132x132.. Tkia fori saw terms. - - L A. HAYFORD 30S State Street, " I PLA'PFS WORTH WHI! V I 1 w.. imwu Aa 8-room boaao oa a comer. Hoaao ia Sod .order: a baaeaaeat. arttk direct pave, rrtc jroa. 1 room shiagled baagalow. 3 block to ear. atco aa cooaleat; Urge kaa moat. Price 33450. S-room boaao ia very rood order, kaa baaemeat ooacrrted. tw aic let 4 block to achool. Price $2500, 91000 dewa. A 3 room plastered bouse near car aad eboot. baa electri light, hot bad eold wster. bath aad toilet. $1500, 9500 - SEE J. A FilULS BUgk HeteL FOB SALE 7 room modera pis stored bowse, fall baae aaent. oUrtri Rgbta. east froat, 93206. 910OO sews, balaace terma. 3 aerea aear lees, so baildtaga: 91600, aw ewwa, Balaace terms. per coat. 16 aerea eM clear. 9 acrea aew Iseasa. erne apples aad cherries, St mile est ia frail district. S3.600. Tkia ia worth more bet for a abort time caa be pur- as tsia pneo. A strictly msdsra 6-room baagalow. ex rept f araoeo. aot far 04 oa . paved atreet aad ear Baa. A Bother a-rnam 11 a. 945O0. sso aear rar A. L .KEAM8TKB REALTY CO. 419 Maaoaie Temple. Pha tit. 40 ACRES OP LAKE LABISH LAND, 29 errs in rninvauoa, I air BailsUaga. 13 acre ia timber aad poatar. Price SSOOO. half eask. - S aerea oa paved atreet aad atreet ear liae. Price $220. 90 acre. 10 mile ut: d atreaiaader eaJtivstioa. PrW $70 per acre SOLARS DEAL CO. . , Pnowo 470, term bala Shoo Homes and Inrestneiits room BBodera buugsUw. cloao la, gn ra-. gardes, fruit. Sana, $300, enay term. , . , - room asedera eottaga with Vaaaat. large lot aad garden, eio ia. 265, room bouse, aarst. ben bouse, good la ratios. laOO terma. ro-acro fall bearanaT BTune erchard wil crop, 95O0 per acre, terma. . a acre. 3 milea from Saleas. good eaUM ises. sissts. cheerio, walnuts, epp. peaches, ream, row, fowl, tools, half crop - 910.0O. sorm. PERRINE & MARSTERS Phone 0 7. ED. LOOSE Ral Estate aad Inveetnveut S70H SutaStreet, . . 997 fia 8 room benae witk ' gang aavadl ntrC rood leva Lion. A dandy limber claim to trad tar city 82 H sere fsrm. arnaU aew bailding. good well. 9 acres prates, also waiaate a a filbert tree. Wnnberriea. straw be rrtea. raspberrioe; tb beat of aoil aad priced right a 96,300. - . ..... FOR BALK - A BOOM MODERX BUX falew loeatea block I rem atate aaa tol: fa mac, fireplace, garage. Owner has left . Salem aad mast 'diapoa of nPuls. WINNIE PETTTJOHX 273 Stat Street. Phono SIS. FOR SALEr CALIFORNIA OKAXGB OKOTE9 A Homo ead Aa Investment I AT AL'CTIOX OCTOBER 14, 1920. T rlaee a estate. 36 femewe aavet a isms jsss mtM. mil ff ri Los ABgeleo, will be nU at AL'CTIOX j I October 14. 120. . Lifotimo opaortaa- 1 1 ity t bay prolifi yielding grove at year owa price and ea terms to sail. Trip t California FREE parehaoer. Located ia Riverside ritrn district. ' fro from frosts. . Average are ad tree It II year. Several grovea thia year will hear three times mero than ever before. Appraxiavata aixa of grove 3 to 10 acroe; aoaso 3H. others 3 lVfc aer. highly cultivated. 920.OO0 worth af fertiliser pat thin bee farrow method renaUtesliy irri gated. Xavela have tested & p-ee cool to t.8 per cent oagsr. Crop raa 0 - per ceat "SUXK1ST" bread; kigkeet market ejaality. - Abuadance water. Prait yield will iacreeae anally, aelliag at fiaa profit. Shippiag farili tiea aaexrolled; 3 aleam aad 1 electri railway nearby pea my. Fall pan te als ra. writ ar wire. - HART AND BALU Le Aagele' Jro rreseiv Aactkaera. 103-139 So. 1 igueroa St, Lea Aagelea. Calif. FOR SALE 36 ACRES ALL TX CROP. aigsiy impfsvsn. aailoa -wat -m aocb road. 1 mile south of Salem Dnllaa highway. Price with V at crew S1L- 0CK). trma. Han A Mailer. M6 Oro- gam at log. . - . . CUT HOMES AND SUBURB AX HOMES a beaatifnl heme en paved atreet ear Una. fall baaesneat. farnace aad used- a aoaveassaco ; Immediate pesaeseisa d eery eaav aatmsata. Flao 5-room homao walk bath, leilet, rir place. aoacreto boaemeot. tw lata, near ear tine iino wui aaaaio it. Ckoica as her ban bomea Boor the eitr era tract, well improved aad paying oiowoaiiioav 10-acro tract ia trait that Q make ye 14 5-acre farm. 7 mile eat ea rock read ; -room boasa. good lore bora, room for 30 row a. tool bow, bog ksaia, chiekea koaao. abode, etc tw good weOafiao gardea lota; aeeea field, a waal a leave; lis aairy farm. Pric 9160 per aero, eery eaay poymeot. OREGON LAND CO. 443 Stale Street, Bnleaa. 1 i TCX SOW HAW HOUSES TROkt 9450 te $OO0 ALL OX GOOD TERMS LIST YOCR HOUSES WITH US FOR QUlCkt SALES, . IJaFLAR & IJ 1 406-7 Oregoa Bldg. t WAXT MORE AXT MORE HOUSES LISTED WITH ME. I HAVE THE BUYERS. PHOXE 1000 OR 1014 FOR AS APPOINTMENT TO VIEW YOCR FBOFEKTT. . CHAS. W. X1EMETZR - Jaat Real Eatnta MAS0XJ0 TEMPLE. FOB SALE 67 ACRES MOST ALL IX crop.. fan baildtaga good loeatwa. SH milea eut Price $10.aOO. Hart A Mailer, zo oregoa Bldg.. FOR BALK BT OWXER A 7-ROOM house, large let; 91600: a no-half down. term a balaace. 1289 Xorth Liberty FOR SALE 4 ROOM B CN0 ALOW. goo loeatwa aad lot. 32350. terma. Owner. 1141 McCoy avoaoe. a ear kwnk vapuot aa atsrkeC FIoELlING Very Qoie In I A very eemtertahl boaao. aooth west '. aer Wiater aad Callage ot reels may be rented, peaeibly leaaed If aot eold Vo ter achool time; well ' adapted far eeverai iniaga. - Bo Wa. Flemjagv. 94t Stat atreet. Choice Tract IS acre af the fiaoat frait laad. d mime, eery emraai tor logaaa, caerrie aad pruaee: ma at b Bold ia abort time. Wm, Fleming. 341 fttai atreet. Very Choice . a o-roona onngniow. vmi tot as seew. shrub, flower, frait. beaatifnl flnina, clooo ia. a ear faro aad very mi far ately priced at 955O0. . For taia place apple at the affice, 941 But atreet, 1 Wax. , Flaming. The Demand Is Imperative A very good cottar ta South Saleaa raa b bad reasonably priced. Owaer la Loo Aagelea. Col. kaa to bay ther Bad order tkia eold at ace. Call 133S aogiaaw. A ROOM BUNGALOW WITH BASE- ment aad Dutch kitchen, a fa rase. Thia la a brrsis far aooa oaa a taey are acarrm rnrs 9220O. RAnDFD tr PCADCnU 1 n 1 oaruwvil Otmt Baildi-g. Pkoa TtO. 1 , TOR SALE 20 ACRES LOGANS POUR mile from Baleen, fine burst ase. Prion $16,300. Hart A Miller, 206 Orsgea Bldg. , REAL ESTATE ., L0AXS IXVESTMEXTS WALTER McLAXEX Room 21, 180 X. Commercial St. . Pbea dSO HOUSES FOR. SALE. iAtaaaet aew S-room buagalew, fall base ment, tw large lata wita I rail aad heme for 82eOO. a terma. 5-room cottage, asodera ' ewaveirTeaco. larg 1st. eieee to acwool nnd car line tor 83Oe terma. Thee, are . aploadad prepertiea for Ike arree JOHX IL SCOTT REALTT CO. I 229 Orerna Balldtag. ' PUBUC XOT1CES XOT1CK TO TAXPAYER! OF MARJOX COUXTY, OREGON Tb board of eqoaHiatlon will meet at tb court bona la said county on Monday. Saptexnber 12, 1120. nt 10 o'clock R ja and nnb- licly afiamlne tbo aaaessment rolls aad eovret nil atrrora In valaatlon. description or q nail ty of land, lota or otber property, and continue In session Buui;sncb work is com? pleted. All persons Interested are bo- a.d If ot tatlaf od wl h fir .pplk-aiion n"'Vcr -' IT Trrifldd for a r-docttes cr .Lit.. f that aama donar ' hrVt Hftdw- day. of .ach Jg aa bo eomplalau ea J- Z?Jt . Uereafter. '-.."uatr. Aaaeasor ror Mari - - Ait-nit. mo. .-. a. vast 11.1129- Tha Board of Directors of hJfJ dUtriet No. tZ. jzrm kid a fr OrcroB. will rc- bonda to Lbd amoBBt tf -69;?T dUtrtct Bl is ahooll M hands of tk dUtrst ckrK. Mr- W. Barry. Sal. Oroa. , . or Wort) trlt t o"cJoCK a. a- Sptcmbr 2. 119.- Tht board ruatrres tbi flf" l reject sj and all bldf . , I. W.-DBACEB. Chairman rVatJQl Ht, No. - ;YmOIlIllK AND PRODUCE WiiiTTD tlxrioa Crtimerj ft Txodztk Co Eslezn, Ortfcron. Phcsf ' 1 SALEM MARKETS , BUTixa piaa. F4rx Amd Ponltrj', EiT-..4e. , .s'CX. Hens, nearj, it-lie. , 0 .. Lignt bens. lS-20e. : Old rooatarn, I-lOc -Brotlara. lt-24e. ForRv MBUoa aad Bcf ' Pork oa foot, lie Lambs. I l-2e and e. ' . v' Dresaed bora. 2Jc K ' Bef steers, t-lc. - . : Cows. J-lc . - t - o. Top teal. 22c t. . - , ' . Hay . i Cbest bar 17-lt. . Oat and retch bar, Mr t ton. 11-20. . .. - - i ClOTer baj, lt-20. Grain r, ..;;- . Wheat. $2-12.10. ; ;r irl , Food oats, $-T0.- Beaaa. t-H , f Afin Feoda, nctall " UU1 ran. fSS.SO. '. WaVDtCmalo tat DeUdVS Creamorr batter, eartona. CCe and flex .-- BnUerfat, C2e. - . Frnit . : Oraxuces, $2.00. . Bananas, 12e. ... LexBona, Ik. SO. ".- California grapo trait, ft. Tecchies -Cabbas. 1c. .'t Onlona. $2. - 2'ti' Tnrnlpa. 2S. .; - ' . 7 Carrou. S2.S0 sk. - - . Green peppers. 12 1.2c - -i BU peppers. 20c a possd,-, Parsley 60c flocea baoxkes. ; Beau, - TSe dosea bancbes. . Coeoannts.-Lt5. , Canuloapea, flat crates. . 2 Lfi 9. sUndard.'t2: poar, . v ntormeion. 2c Cantaloup) HoBerdewaV 2. Tomatoes,' $1 bn. Potato, nam. 2 Me, ' Sweat poutoea. 12 He lb. Cababaa, 2 l-2e lb. : Peacbes. 22.00. ' urapea, j5c poandV - .- . - RtaU . Crearaeir buttar. ?2c "frt Dairy batter. tOc (ss. doxeo. Sic. ..-- ! ., 92T' .rd- wbeat. 221.60, Flonr, Taller. 2. . : -, SMtir can. 21c .Sngar. sack. : 1.6 p. r JHICHESTEn S FiLlfJ j TOIE TABLES BTTlTCERir ACTJT0 CO. 1 Xa. 34 Oregwalaa S rOO am 7 -65 am Otllaaa Xa.16 Oregoa Kxpesaa .. X. 33 WUlamotte omrtod 5-j;";rtland Paasragsr 9:05 pwa .I i,TLT, T'- S:33 aaUB- i.isniswvaipai ...... T:45aoa X. S3 OrvgwaUa ' ....... iiu Xc23Fr Enawse ' .ITT vri,w7mrr .... 44 pm ZXtSr, arrrr.f.:;:::1; 5 tlTTWum tnrs X. 73 Arrive at Soleai flam N. 74 Leave Balooi llHl A2JOi; FALLS CTXT A firm, i'lH-T!' T:4Sam 163 Leave omm. moHer 9:33 a) . ' f.$;z 143 Leavaa i aroaga ear alci? . J"' Bad Art. t- legJDaC... 6:13 pm f - ;..e :16lm 171 Leoeo 163 An-tvo 14 Arrive at Salem ... .e....ll:0am iHsmm a noieua .., 17$ Arrive at Sakem .., ..... 3:2 pot 2:66 pm C1XOCM XXTCTRIO Saatiksaad u7a ArPr- Arrrva .... 6:SOssa !. . I - am it:iias 12r23pm .. .!: asa atreet 13 aad 20 auautea Uter). ' VarUbaaaA Leave , Arrlr. Lege Salem , .... 7:11 am to - Ud. Tdtta t :43 am 13 .. .. 11:36 am 14 -...vll:lSam l-.aipm 16 Ltd. 1:33 pm d:Opat t0 ... Salem 3:30 pea 23 .... 5:35pm 7:55 pm Arrle PwnUad 11:33 aw . 1:4 M S.-4S pm 6:41 pm 7:4 pm njartb Baak htatlea (arrive 4.'fora atr tSjaUaate esriier). -Loare Cr- COBVALLtS COXXXCTI0X1 XsrUWaad . , Leav Cavwamg " Arrlv talaa - 9:45 am 3:40 pm -4-COpm - J . . 6:30 pm- ;"r" . -v, . s44a . ,USkkujU . . .. Leav Saleaa Arriva C.- 9:S3i 6:5 sm 1:13aai; 11:56 pan 4:13 pm 6:40 bob lit l am. 2::o pm 5 tl p- 6 1 1 j a tV 1 Tates. aabavw y . V t .... 3:03pm ' d:13nmr-4$t? IS Ud. 4:4Sm :IIZ J J J! " ft'- nuJs-atr.T 1 1:2 pax Botomaa: Xortb Baak Statiam illT.. iTT " ! a CS - at am am niiBTBU T 4 st