The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 24, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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Premiers Decide That First
Requisite Execution of
Only Basis For Peace Full
Recognition pi Liber
ia ties of Nations I
LUCERNE, Aug. 23. An of
ficial statement Issued regarding
the conferences .today between
premiers Lloyd. George and Oio
UUi. UT that the premiers agreed
U the rital nf& of the re-estab-lUhment
of the peace of the
world at the earliest possible mo
ment and that the first guarantee
of snch a peace is to be found In
the various treaties already con
cluded. "The ylctors in war." contin
ed " the . statement, ''should dis
play a, spirit of moderation: in
their enforcement of terms, and
the yanqulshed a spirit of loyalty
in (their execution. With this
aim, England and Italy trust that
the good understanding reached
at Spa will be further developed
to cover air outstanding questions.
"Before peace is fully estab
lished, however, there -a re a" num
ber of Important questions to be
decided, a majority of 'which' are
lndissojobly connected . with the
march of events In territories tf
the former Russian empire.- Un
til peace is fully established be
tween Rassia and the rest of the
.world, an atmosphere of. disturb
ance and unsettlement will, con
tinue to menace the world. .
"To have added - such a con
dition after Kamenetf's pledges
to the British governments that
nothing not of a secondary nature
was omitted from bis summary of
the terms : is a gross breach of
faith, asd negotiation of any kind
with a government which so light
ly treats its word becomes diffi
cult, it not Impossible. .
, "The soviet government 4 has
rejected the surzestIon bv ' th
Britlah government for a . truce MnitPl nnrf SMisllor nf Ka
conditions which would " 7 .
vers, ana Ueckebacn
Speakers at Luncheon
To ?afegnard; A !
To stabilize: ' f-
To prosper- y-i jj -irv (1 2, a '
To exalt F K A f
Talivefor k)f4 IN M k )) I'
Unete Samz "Shake. -Warren, MyJdea-cxactlyl
hate guaranteed Russian .terri
tory, against, any acta of aggres
sion and has continued its career
of invasion of ethnographical Po
land wit a view to. the conquest I Dick Malsel and Biff Schaller,
ox mat country by force of arms I st"" players of the Portland Bea
for soviet Institutions. : I Tera, and P, O.-Deckebach of Sa-
"tt the soviet government, not-1 lem were the speakera at the noon
withstanding the. - punishment I luncheon of the Salem Commer-
which Its aggression la eneonnt. I cial elub yesterday at I which the
Ing. still refuses to withdraw thl Beavers and the Salem Senators
sinister proposal but i continue
the war Inside Polish territory
can force its acceptance on the
rolteh people., no free govern
ment can either acknowledge or
oeai with the soviet oligarchy.
were , guests. At the beginning
! of the luncheon Billy Stepp, sport
ing editor of . the Portland News,
! and eenterfielder for the Senators.
I Introduced each of the players and
wives oi some or them who accom
What f has befallen in tM. I Pamea ahe team to Salem
short war to the Invaders of na- Clever talk were made by both
tlonal rlehts. whethv tn nn... 1 the Portland playeTs. Mr. Decker
or In Poland ought ta teach wis- bacn 18 modest.about the part he
flom to aggressors. , Th world nas pea in me nusiory oi case-
ignorant of the law, also, will not
receive meeds of sympathy from
tho police officers.
According to the court order, -
henceforth all automobile opera
tors having their , mufflers wide
open, or using glaring headlights
will 'be assessed 15 or over. Cut
ting of corners at street intersec
tions will bring fines of $10' or
Mver and speedsters will be re
quired to deposit $20 or over.'
These "amounts are to be deter
mined according to the discretion
of the arresting officer, it is said.
The police said last night that the
order from the court was pro
cured as the first step to curb all
traffic "violations on the streets of
Salem. V ,v '
east and west. Is crying for peace
but peace 4s only obtainable on
the basis of full recognition of the
liberties of nations. i
'The British, and -Italian oy-
ernments are alarmed at the In-
foall, -and -many Salem citizens did
not know until yesterday that in
1886 and 1887 he was secretary
and treasurer of the : Cincinnati
Red' Stockings.
- -At the beginning of his address
Mr. Deckebach corrected an im
nttit.PI3 Aln. tb pre8" Prwrton that last year was the
. JZ on"Ict amon na" first time Cincinnati ever won a
tions. The peoples engaged In championship of the world, declar
these anUgonislms can. bring ing that the Red Stockings were
nothing but ever-Increasjng mis champions in '86.
ery to the peoples of the world at ,Mr. Deckebach recalled interest
large for they involve . continued Ing and humorous incidents of
unrest. Until these conflicts cease, baseball In those days, mention
the better men of agriculture, in- Ing Will White. Arlie Latham. Co
dustry and. the interchange of miskey, Hick Carpenter, McPhee,
commodities on ; which the eco-1 "LonK John Riley and other play-
i nomic life' of nations depends. en of note with whom he was fa-
: cannot come into full operation, miliar at that time. He declared
Scarcity and high prices, with at- that 'baseball has gTown on the
tendant privations and perils are American people and that It is
the Inevitable result. - 8t"nfIJ1?w 1th1" or" ,
niiTi,.- :i..v a Dick Malsel deplored; the fact
V4-v vw iWA 0 4--- that some gambling among pla7-
aa?t r?f. -ll 9JZ5J VJ 2 fte Coast league had been
""!rr,if' ' f" ,enace be found, but said be fcelieved it had
v.pCu. nmw. ana iit un -been griped out of all the clubs
governmenU therefore are united and that baseball generally
In urging that every effort should throughout the country is free
made to bring to a conclusion f rom the evil. He declared any
me existing conditions of strife r player caught . gambling , on the
games should be thrown out of
the league.
Mexican President
" Breaks AU Precedent
MEXICO CITY. Aug. - 25. In
stead of fixing a time for the re
cently arrived Guatemalan diplo
matic mission to call on him at his
presidential offices.-; Provisional
President De la Huerta recently
broke all nrecedents by unexpect
edly calling upon the Ouatemat-
ans at their own hotel.
At noon President De la Huerta
presented himself at the door of
the apartments occupied by Mar
cial Garcia Salas. minister for the
Central American republic. Sur
prised at this procedure. Senator
Garcia Salas began the Interview
by profoundly thanking the Jlexl
can president for his disregard oi
diplomatic conventions. '
Later in the day. the Guatemal
ans called upon President De la
Huerta at the national palace, and
there the representatives of two
newly formed administrations-
the Mexican -and the Guatemalan
-formerly exchanged recognition
between nations."
LONDON. Aur. 23. Premier's
concluding? mteme!nfted iHimlmg Commends . Olcott
.for Recent Stand. Taken
proposal to France recommending
Immediate- action to procure for
Poland her full rights under the
treaty (of Versailles .according to
the Lucerne correspon4ent. of the
London Times. The ' decision
Reached, the correspondent adds,
eoMUtutes a firm re-establishment
of the Franco-British alll
ance. r , . , . ; . .
! Premier Lloyd George' sent a
message to. Premier Milleyand ex
pressing his, hope of holding an
other conference with the French
premier. , . ,
V A, virtual ultimatum, demand-
In a letter received by Gover
nor Olcott yesterday from Senator
Warren G. Harding, the Republi
can nominee for president of the
United States expresses himself as
grateful to the Oregon executive
for refusing to join tn a petition
prior-to the election calling upon
Mr. Harding, In event of his elec
tion, to name a man jfrom one of
tne reclamation states as secretary
of the Interior. "
Senator Harding says It would
Bill Introduced in Chamber
to Place Tax on Illegal
PARIS. Aug. 23. Clandestine
betting would be suppressed in
France under bills just introduced
In the Chamber of Deputies by
Baron Maurice de Rothschild and
Leo Bouyssou. -
Secret betting In France is es
tiraated by Baron Rothschild to
amount to 10,000,000 francs daily.
Under the Rothschild bill es
tablishments where the illegal bet
ting occurred would be closed for
certain periods.
Deputy Bouyssou proposes that
illegal betting be suppressed by
the creation of a state organiza
tion of control, and the imposition
of a tax at race tracks and other
places. A tax of six per cent on
the estimated 10.000.000 francs
illegally bet daily would bring the
French government a revenue of
600.000 francs daily, or for the
330 racing days, an annual reve
nue from this source of 200,000,
000 francs.
To this would be added 40,
000,000 or 50,000,000 francs from
a tax on book betting which would
be re-established and allowed In
a special enclosure under the
Bouyssou measure. This bill al
so proposes the creation of ffee
betting offices In Paris and all
cities of more than 100,000 In
habitants. '..
Highway Commission May
Make Road Across Mai
com Moody's Land
An effort to frustrate plans of
Malcolm Moody, prominent Wasco
county man. to collect heavy
bridge tolls on automobile trarrie
foward eastern Oregon is being
made by the legal department of
the state highway commission
which is preparing the resolutions
necessary as an initial step to
ard establishing a state road
across Moody's land. '
This would make available to
public traffic the new state bridge
across the Deschutes river on the
Columbia River highway which
111 not be available for a year
unless the road on Moody land
Is established.
Toll Charge Heavy.
Moody Is said to charge $1 for
every automobile that crosses bis
toll bridge, and on some days as
many aa 100 cars cross the bridge.
The structure Is also said to be In
snch a dllapitated condition tbat
only one car Is allowed on tb
span at a time.
The Columbia River highway
from The Dalles east to the Des
chutes river and the new state
bridge will not be completed and
opened for a year. This makes
necessary the use of the present
poor -county road which leads to
Moody's bridge. The Moody
bridce and the state bridge are
approximately a mile apart and it
is the commissionni intention to
establish the state highway along
the river covering the intervening
mile. This will make possible the
use of the state bridge to the gen
eral public and also to a large
population in the nrteen-iiiie ana
the Eight-Mile districts, and re
lieve them of the payment of toll.
Coonty Falls to Art.
J. M. Devers, attorney for the
highway commission, says the
Wasco county court promised to
establish a county road where the
state road Is now contemplated.
which would afford the same re
lief, but that for some mysterious
reason the court haa failed to
take any action.
No Fish in Paget Sound
Improper Methods Cause
PORTLAND. Ang. 22. Im
proper methods of artificial prop
agation used by Washington state
fish hatcheries are said by Ore
gon state fish commission mem
bers to be responsible for a notice
able decline In the' salmon Indus
try of Puget Sound.
The Oregon commissioner now
point out that the salmon lndus-
I try In Puget sound has decreased
irom more- tnan z.uuu.uug cases
In 1913 to some 42,000 cases In
1917. while the pack on the Col
umbia river, has .increased, from
228.000 cases in 191$ to' 00,-
flOO In 1817.
The salmon in Puget sound are
now practically annihilated, savs
Master Fish Warden R. C Clan
ton of the Oregon fish commis
HONOLULU. T. H.. Aug. 23.
University of Nevada's football
team will play here Christmas and
New Year's day. according to pres
ent plans. Instead of the Occiden
tal 'college team of Los Angeles.
Cal.. as previously announced
The Nevadans meet the University
of Hawaii eleven Christmas day
and the Inter-Island champions on
New Tear's.' - -
University of Hawaii football
men are planning to play Stan
ford university or the University
of California., Christmas after
Careless Auto Drivers
he a mistake to make a promse
insf a rni .HMn t prior to the election.
it rt :"S , ;rt: ..::. I Governor Olcott was asked by
Time. TZZZti ? . vernor Hart of Washington to
UMrtt-KTE I6' U .1 iotn in the petition. In a pointed
IblJ 'mtaffX 1a7 a7aU" rlO Governor Hart, and also
! will be used to force a letter to the Spokesman-Review
irura jjanug 10 Mr. Olcott refused.
yiaaa, even employing troops if
- Premier Uoyd George, replying Leniency at End With
to '.a question t the newspaper
correspondent said- h coiMMarad
President Wilnnn'K nrnwiit nnllovl
as regards Russia as Inconsistent ! Ignorance of the law excuses
With . his declaration with rocr n ne.
to the Prlnklpo conference . The 1 u an d6e as old as the hills
tiremfer added that ha ha n Rome, and apparently the Sa-
wlsh or Intention of mixing injlem -police authorities are strict
American political affairs. ; He d,8ciple5 of that age-old and age-
raade the same comment regard- wora judging irom a re
lit France when asked, about the ceDt order that they have on file
recognition of Wrangel sarin police headquarters issued by
"that is their -substitute for Itthef"1 01" Jae. -1 ,
rinniiffl Af a nrivflepbd fw who I I According to the police, anto-
m.v h.vA ahsorhAf tho rirwtrfn mobllists of Salem have inclina-
of bolshevism. " uwresaru reguiauons pre-
scriDea oy city oramance govern
ing traffic on the streets Only
two reasons, the police say may be
given lor traffic violations occur
ring daily on the street of Salem !
-i Ignorance of the law and care
lees disregard ; hence, - the order
from the police judge. And those j
Most, men and women are rea
sonable enough, ; but-a-few may
truly be called reasoning beings.
The world is ruled largely by sen
timent, not by reason and none
know this better than the proXes
iloaaJ pplltlciaav -"
i ll I! i
ill!! i'1. ' A,
k i4: . Ill' wii. , v
la si iMh-mii. xi s . i : II
M . VAT IV lhimu'iUt, . WfcJ .- II
i i hi sr: ;. : i
1 I . ' 1 I . . .. . ft - II
MK-wtie. "The voiis Jacob's voice, tut the hand I
has helped to make this
a united country:::::::
Jim Hawkins props his fctt on the
rose festooned porch railing, in an
Oregon sohcrh and reads the same
motor car ad?ertisement that Cousin
Peter is studying as he rides home
from work in the New York subway.
In Arizona yon -can buy the same
tooth paste and tobacco that are -used
by the folks in Maine.
California fruit growers advertise,
their oranges and lemons to the peo
ple of the East New Hampshire
factories make ice cream freezers '
for Texas households. -
There can be no division in a coun
try so bound together by taste, habit
and custom.
You can meet up with anybody in
the United States and quickly get
on a conversational footing because
you both read the same advertise
inents. k .
Advertising is the daily "guide to
whal'j good to buy. ? ;
Advertisements give you the latest
news from the front line' of Vusiness
..... . . ,
progress. : f
Reading advertisements enables you
to get more for your inoney btcause ,
they tell you where, what and when
to buy.
- . - . -
And it is a well-known fact that
advertised goods are more reliable
and better xalue than the txnad
vertised lands. . !
. w . . . . i " -
No matter what it is, from a threshing machine, horse, or cow, to a caper cf phs.
The farmer is the best buyer.1 .
- i ........ i I
Published in 5alem, Oregon, will place your, advertisement in the hands f 23,
000 farmers and they rcai it w"
Bargain Column ads cost only 3 cents a word, or 2Vz cents a werd fsr
four or more insertions.
Tn. It
.. . .
'The voice ts Jacob's voice, tut the hand
is the hand of Esaut ! "
Statesman Building, Salem, Oregon
Read The Pacific Homestead, Weekly, $ 1 a year. YouTI find it well wcrlb wlH