The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 24, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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j (siljc 0ttatm Statesman
Issued Daily Except Monday by
215 S. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon
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cation of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited
la tfals paper and also the local news published herein.
o i Hendricks. ! Manager
Stephen A. Stone.
Ralph Glover
Frank Jsskosfct; -
............ Managing Editor
. . j.. Cashier
, .. j. .Manager Job Dept.
carrier in Salem and suburbs, 13
DAILY STATESMAN, served by ci
I cent a week, 50 cents a month.
n.n T STATESMAN", by mail. 16 a year: $3 fo six months; 50 cents
a month. For three months or more, paid In advance, at rate of
. li year.
(THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper.
win ne sem a ji iu j uj mt, m i u
Daily Stateaman.) I
RrXDAY STATESMAN, $1 a year; 50 cents for six months; 25 centa
for three months.
WEEKLY STATESMAN, Issued in two six-page sections, Tuesdays
- and Fridays, 1 a year (If not paid In advance, $1.25); 50 cents
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Business Office, 23.
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Entered at Che Poatoffice In Salem, Oregon, as second class matter,
'present and future
"The Issue, and it is about the only issue in the coming cam
paign, IS n iisunuiu vn. aiuciicbuuiu.
So says, the Port Wayne, Indiana, News,
c And the News is woefully mistaken.
--, The paramount issue, af f eeting the
prosperity of the whole of the American people, and, through
tnera, or tne wnoie worm, is tne tarui question.
It is clear and clean-cut. I
The Democratic platform declares for the "traditional"
policy of a tariff for revenue only
- "Which policy is a lie on its face; because a tariff for reve
nue only produces no revenue worth mentioning; it is free trade,
leaving our labor and capital naked to thej deadly and ruinous
competition of the labor of China, Japan, India and Europe,
with wage scales a fourth to a tenth of the wage scales in this
country, and with standards of living so far; beneath the. average
standards in this country that the two are not to be'mentioned
in the same breath. j " j
' The Republican platform declares and the Republican candi
date, for President has declared for a protective tariff and the
Republican party has stood for that policyl from the beginning.
A Republican victory has always brought hope and confi
dence and prosperity to this country j
Largely on account of the doctrine of protection to Ameri
can industry - I
t v And often after bankruptcy and bread jlincs and soup houses
had been the result of the "traditional" policy of a tariff foi
revenue only under Democratic misrule j
As witness the "Cleveland hard times' of the early nine-
Alll ami a i i i i rxr:i i
lies, nu ine country uecame sane anu eieciexi aicjviiuejr auu Every time Cox opes? his mouth
dick io ine principle oi proiecuon, ana xnus usnereu in ouc Mie -uts ms foot in It. He will
soon be suffering from a very bad
case of the foot and mouth dis
ease. .
WHsm -
. "vnr wm w mwv r a j
jy , ?m: z Witt i7
If the speaker of (he evening, in his old time enthusiasm would say, "and now ladies and
gentlemen, you should vote the Democratic ticket because we icepi you out oj
err that is, because we won the wax.7 . ' -
things appear to be settling down j
in Mexico, something eiae nappens
to brand that country as a dea of
Just as the Toles get to going
strong, milk the prospect of bag
ging all the Bolshevists In Russia,
they are warned that they must
stop at an Imaginary boundary
Any way, the Reds of Russia
will likely hereafter stay out of
Poland's back yard.
WI1I.H. Hays, chairman of the
Republican national committee,
tells the Democrats that the Re
fiublicana are willing to meet them
on any .old Issue: even on the rec
ords of the candidates, if it comes
down to that; though he would
prefer to not get Into the mud
slinging game.
One reason the Red Russian
government cannot be recognlxed
Is that It Is running too fast to
get away from the Poles for any
body to recognize it.
The truth In politics: Some
thing unpleasantly discreditable
to somebody.
It looks to a young husband as
If all he Is sure of Is life .modified
liberty and the pursuit of the
lawn mower.
"""There still are a" I e w staid. "old!
fashtoned girls at our beaches
who get engaged only three or
four times a season .
au tnose tourists wno are
flocking to the battlefields of Eu
rope evidently want to get their
Red Cross money's worth.
When all the girls now at the
seashoYt go home and put on eve
ning dreasea there's going to be an
awful powder famine. Exchange.
"b W ,
Amundsen has just started for
the North Pole. Lou of us feel
that way In August, but most of
us manage to stick it out.
"Cbfthrrtoa b s fine tlkj
for hot the ten aad &
It's a good Idea also to tul-.
tlvata good habits, like paying
your debts, minding tout own
business, exercising the tooth
brush and going in to see a good
dentist occasionally. Not- one
person In a thousand has teeth
so perfect that he can keep de
cay away without the help of a
People who dont visit the
dentist are getting resdy to visit
the doctor.
"When yon think of TEETH,
think of PARKER.
Dr. F. V. Cr!f
Dr. D. U. Odra
Itate A Commercial U
Bryan is too proud to fight or
refuse to tight.
"The Stars Are for Harding"
says a headline. And the moon
shine la for Cox. 1
It continues to look more as
it McAdoo's delight at his defeat
at San Francisco was justified.
the periods of greatest prosperity in this country.
. There are plenty of men of middle age who remember those
'daysV.T.vV rj",.-!-;v'':v'-.':-'..'. ': ' '::''
r ; 11 all the voters : of the United Stages could have gone
through those experiences,' the party in favor of its "tradition
al policy of a tariff for Tevenue only would not get a single
electoral vote in November.
' It should not get one.
The symbol lor the New York
Democrats this year will be a
tiger adroitly quiescent for the
moment under a woman's gentle
hand. The ' Lady and the Tiger,"
that is the Important thing, after
Socialism. Communism, soviet-
ism none of these can live be
cause, even to a greater extent
than czarism and kalwrm. they
tend to destroy Individualism.
Representative government may
not te a perfect form of govern
ment, but it'a the best little Idea
yet designed for keeping men content.
Another important issue is the enforcement of the laws of las it were.
tht land. Cox was nominated by the wet interests, with the ex-
peciation tnai his election woum leaa to winning at wnoiesaie "Do the women of this coun-
relation of the dry legislation. Harding is for law enforcement, try believe is for their in
Evade the issue as they may, this cannot be dodged by the Dem- terests thaf the solid south should
ftcrats. They are fooling very few peopl by camouflage. remain' dominant in our govem-
Important, too, is the matter of the lowering of the high cost ment?" asks an exchange.. The
of living. This cannot be accomplished 'as lone as there is a November election returns will
horde of hundreds of thousands of useless Democratic office
holders at Washington and throughout the country. These par
asites are all . for Cox, of course, and so are all their relatives,
with the expectation that they will be retained on the federal
payrolls in case of Democratic victory.
The federal reserve bankers say
that the country has over three
billion dollars stowed away In Us
sock in preference to using the
banks or buying Liberty bonds.
Lots of people think that money
is saved only when it is buried
in the cellar ,or hidden away
where not even the coroner can
find it. Money like that might
as well be burned up for all the
good It does the world.
financial miracles were to be ac
complished he gave no hint.
Governor Cox Ulks like a man
who sold lightning rods in bis
junior days.
Mr. Cox Is called.
. tie will have to acknowledge
that he has been lying about a
$30,000,000 slush fund.
"Upon the highest authority,
we- are- informed that no man can
serve two masters, but what of
one master and four bosses?"' in
quired Will II. Hays at Augusta.
Maine, on Saturday. Will Mr.
Cox please answer.
There U a revival of the -ransom
ouslnesa down In Mexico,
juii at tne moment when
Snre Way To Get
Rid Of Dandruff
There is one sure way that nev
er fails to remove dandruff com
pletely and that Is to dissolve 'It.
This destroys It entirely. To do
this, just get about four ounces
of plain, ordinary liquid arvon;
apply It at night when retiring;
use enough to moisten the scalp
and rub it la gently with the fin
ger tips.
By morning, most If not alL of
your dandruff will be gone, and
three or four more applications
will completely dissolve and en
tirely destroy every single sign
and trace of it. no matter how
much dandruff you may have.
You will find. too. that all Itch
ing and digging of the scalp will
stop InsUntly. and your hair will
ne nurry, lustrous, glossy, silky
ana soil, ana look and feel a hun
dred times better. .
Ton can get liquid arvon at any
arug siore. is is inexpensive, and
four ounces Is all you will need.
T"V I I l . .
'' simpie remeay nas never
oeeu anown to fail.
T TOUR bank doesn't discrixxdsxla between
Y the small and larye depositor either
. tha facilities furnished or ia tha
at the United States National Bank
upon the account and affairs of
positor as important to txni
as another s would
though of greater scope. '
lUMted&ates Moim!B2n!i7
give the answer.
It it Is at all gusty fiese days
on tne steppes of Russia, tne
claim abova Pnlind must look
. . . . . . . ' . . . , I
important, too, is tne master oi justice to ine secnons oi ine i ute ver, thick undergrowths of
United States all sections. j brush, as the wind blows through
- Army camps ana munitions lactones anu otner pu oucithe whiskers of the Bolshevik!
a it . r . it 1 iL I
works were aouea an over tne swamps oi tne ssoutn uunng tne running away from the long Poles
war, and millions wasted, to favor the sections from whicft ine 0f their pursuers.
Democratic votes come. The smallest tax paying seetion or the
. i i t, i il. i ... v. r-.i. r i f
eviiKiiA Mvtatr ett1 fAvn 4iia wba a ai At eoleniAa ItamAAMtlA aF I
. j-uuiis iuuuc;, auu num lUt icvc.j vi Mimun vi 1.iuW...v this country will not be
Huiuers, . y - . stopped to any extent until there
a ne nunu um iuiuuiicu me uiuucj anu wuiu uas ""'Uj a change in the treaty Under
Detroit has been shocked be
cause IS young women dressed In
bathing suits formed a parade
down the main city thoroughfare.
The bathing suits were of stand
ard pattern and the display was
made for the purpose of calling
attention to the fact . that free
swimming lessons were given at
the municipal beach at Belle Isle.
Yet. in spite of these reservations.
the old town was shocked. The
churches have denounced the af
fair and an official Investigation
13 asked. One eminent theologian
A Good Habit to Get Into
occurrence In tne History of De-
titolt. This is a rather harsh
statement to make of a town that
is Z30 years old and nas pro
duced more than four million
H; and thrown away enormous sums of it, through inefficient Lne immigration laws. If a Chinese I n the most disgraceful
administration and worse ' i, .aUght without his -chock-
There must be a realignment of the balance of power, to f hee lt is np to blm to show
ri ,c kuc cuu ui uamc nuu iui ic jwvvi ti iuc vuuini uu mv. i bat he Is legally in the country.
. . . , L in a Japanese is caugnt it ts up
The Democratic party is the party of reaction. to the government to thow that
; ne nrpuuiicau punjf mc pun ui prugicus. I be is illesallv in the country
ine democratic party is tne pariy oi lainmany, "very nungry w.uIfh u all the dwference ln th
at1 wauw 4kiMi4w " 1ia m m fsxw a aIi a n a a a !a JiwieiAti W tY mi cr TVrvvl i I . .
ftuu ci f vim bij 9 iwywg ivi cs. vutivc ab a uniaiuu vi .i4xj opvuo. i WOrld- l-Orf A 3 T6lS Tifl)68
ine republican party w the party or efficiency and laitnmi-
iu puuiic trust. ; in isvor oi tue pru eru iiiat a munc ui-i when someone ask ou "How
fice ia a public trust," and not a private snap. It. the world treaUnr ion?- ma
-The list of issues between the two parties might be extended j yOU ever kto to consider that
mio eommns. your ansrer is Invariably lu ac
jiiutiitauuiu ia vuij uhc vi wau;. coitiauce ' witn tse way you ve
, t And the Americanism of the Kepullican party is not un- been treating the world? You can
mindful of the world outlook; of world problems; of interna- uot go around with a grouch on
llnit.l ...):,: . t 1 - f '. 11 111 iL. . ...
"" ruuuiviuiw , ui iuc suprrrae can ior worm peace, ah tiiciana exie;i tuo worn or tne pco
J greatest of the leaders of the Republican party, like Taft and! pie In it o be nny tK? ple.-ant
iioover and itoot, and even IXKlge, and a brilliant galaxy of j to yon. We gtt -what's coming
siaiesmen, including warren Harding, are in favor of a League I to na" every time,
of Nations with such reservations as will satisfy those people of j -
tnis country who wish to be sure of the inviolability of our Con- There are- a lot of paper mills
stitution and the Monroe Doctrine and the riirht of this nation 1 Poland. If those 75.000 Bol-
Governor Cox was singularly
careless in his statements of facta
and figures as used In his accept
ance speech.
lie openly charged that a Re
publican congresa had made no
effort whatever to relieve the peo
ple of their burden of war tax
ation. He seems to have quite
overlooked the circumstances that
it was this same Republican con
gress which pared the appropri
ations demanded by the Demo
cratic administration to the ex-
to regulate its own immigration laws and to determine for whathevik prisoners the Poles have (tent of almost $2.500.000.000 and
causes our soldiers may be called to figh
and our Meals m foreign lands.
or to guard our honor Jhagged could be given a bath and
cleaned of their cooties, and put
to useful labor, perhaps they
might assist In relieving the very
acute paper shortage ia the United
States, caused largely by a-TcJt of
profiteers ia this country who
ougnt to be serving terms In th
There are a lot of things Salem as a city ought to be doing
and planning, for her good and her greatness as the market cen
ter of the Willamette valley, and which she could do much bet
ter under a commission form of government than can possibly
omriTihff1 nmlor ihtt nrownt fnvm Clam i. no i;.ini
" "A .r r V .V Vr TV" , . "V"6 penitentiary Instead of piling
uf u iuuiiiv.. n, iuvuuuu.1 Ul UUU USTU IU BaJf I eXCCSS profits
in. me oiu uaya wnen a man was noi marrying ail tne women
m.i.k u: t u .1 c 1 . :i 1 . . -
za v Biiauii aaa ui.v iil ax aa mi uiu. ai ca avr 11a ww 111 11c mr 1 m l mill saasa ss - . . .
7. - . , . , . ; , , Ti nere is a atscussion among
the measure of her accommodation of the immense trade that, thfJ Wghbrow. about who wrote
will be rightfully hers if she takes care of it, and furnishes ac-or p.At, .. .
commodations for it.The country is here. The opportunities ceptance. and the general eonclul
are nere. oaicm ouguno vv iuc ut cuy 01 ner size in tne en- gIon Is tnat he wrote and edited
lire WOriU. M I K himself Koran.. t AIA 1 .tr
r ti.uuuimi iou rue-
"When Cox and Roosevelt charged that a slush fund of $30,- tortcal smoothness of Boston ese
000,000. was being raised. by the Republicans, they just lied. English. It is evident to all that.
They both knew they were lying. They have been eaught at it. j wnererer. Mr. Harding gets his
Why mince words T Is that not a beautiful spectacle for twolworat ne mean thtm. and the
men ninning-for President nndyice President of the United common -.-people of the United
States I i,V. .lstl"caBT understand them.
saved a deficit of over a billion
and a half.
Governor Cox blithely declared
in iavor oi cutting away war-
profits taxes and promised to
save the government' two billion
dollars or so. but as to how these
. . larsdar Mtd iammrr mr.
A . Tl- . I
Armory hr Whilmr-r Ban' rkwn. -t
Srattl. ' - . ' ,
St. TfcnrmdiT Bah rVni I
iii at K-mmrrna risk.
nrtl, Ta4aT 'mt anaaal W-
te ! HiaaMota eiak of RaVrm. at Swaa
t T. C Bartbaleakrv. 795 X.rtk r.t..i 1
How much of this paper do yon get full benefit from? There ii certain news
which interest yon. There are special articles 'which you find Yaluable.
But do you read all the advertisements regularly?
Here is a source of opportunity for all our readers. These merchants are
sending their business messages to you through this newspaper. And they
want you to know what they hare to selL
.1 .
Always look oyer these "messages" carefully whether you want to buy any
thing at the time or not Keep track of what the stores and manufacturers
are offering and when some need does come up you will know just where
you can get the best value for your money.
- - ... .
Save the time and energy required to shop around from one place to another.
Know where you're going and what you're going for before you go. To know
the best stores, start now to get the habit of reading all the ads in this news
paper every day. : . .
! Arusaa lodrra. Kiln.
Sltaibr a. Mmmdmr BrbU R.Ub
n. itoMraa liardwar taai f Po-
Umhr . Viar LaW iar.
SPtfBbr 13. Moailar Um1., . mm-
iat ai.mbrliip at Salmi Caavtreial
- t.ptmbMr JT. t 0tWr S Orc
lair. ;.
Kavmbcr A. TueUj EeHe