The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 24, 1920, Page 1, Image 1

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Tuesday unsettled.,- probably
thunderstorms in the mountains;
' continued warm moderate we&ter-
- Jy winds. -
Tae statesman rrcrnn -
wlra report of th AssocU
. . .... mwA tn o? .
rTVSa, 1KB nrrmirai f
liable prets association
ortland and Eastern Ore
gen Hope to See Repre
sentation of This County
Curtailed by Statute
"Cow" Counties Have Lit
tle to Hope for If Changes
Are Effected
Party 11 Portland Wednesday
by Automobile fur Ramble
Through Oregon Wilds
Perry Prescott Reigelriian.
cameraman for the American
Llfeograph company of Portland,
who has been spending the past
few weeks at his home on Mill
street, leaves today for Portland
where he will join Louis It.
Moomaw. chief cameraman, for a
six weeks picture and hunting
trio through central and southern
Oregon with Irvin Cobb, famous
magazine writer.
Mr. Cobb and a writer friend
are taking their vacation in Ore
eoa and plan to hunt bear and
antelope in the, vicinity ot Bend
and about Crater lake, and the
hunt,, with a film story woven
through it, will be filmed by Mr.
Moomaw and Mr, Kelgelman.
The party ..will leave Portland
Wednesday by automobile.
Withdrawal from Office
Handed to Governor 01
cott Who Names James
a Heltzel to Fill Term
A part of the Portland and
eastern Oregon delegation in the
tits lerlalature are coming to
Salem at the next session with the
Collision Occur rat Grade Crown
ing" Train Not Visible
Around Curve
grim determination to have Ma-L ,, , nff! I D
Hon county's representation in rOIlSll UlllCiaiS rTOmiSe
the lower house cut from the pres- tt.i AtrrniM Will Na
lent five members to a lesser nam- 101 AimieS Will HOI
iier. The movement has taken Go Over Border
definite shape and no effort Is be- uo uvcr porue
ing made apparently to cover It ,-.-,;.,.,-,.. 'r.
p. It has even been mentioned WASHINGTON, Aug. 23 Com-
to.some of the Marlon county plete assurance will be given the
members. . United States it was stated today
ustensioiy tne reason a Poll.h official circles that Po-
ciaim tnat Marion county s popu- Und.. victorious armies will not
lation of approximately 47.000 pur8Ue their advance beyond the
does not Justify five members. t 1 rmntipm Ar th roonnstt.
But the Marion delegation in the luted republic. An early commu
last two or three - sessions
" I n l f nn frnm tVarsaw to this f-
not conducted themselves exactly Yect was expected by these ofri
to the liking of members from cias. Representations setting
some of the other parts of the ,nrt1i ,uA i-w, ftf tB
state and spirit of revenge is be-. ment keen made through the
lievedtb be strong factor be- iegaUon at Warsaw, the state de
bind ts determination of certain partment announced today, the
members to lop, one or two law- -ftTt,mi-0Mnn , reitnrgtin the
maliers from the -"; Marion county sund taken by Secretary Colby
personnel in me wwer uume. Jin his note to the Italian ambas
". Law Loosely Applied". I sador.
There is constitutional prorl- The position , or the meri"
TJl: erat?eenta "edOUandd .SSuTed
ct eoauUes .hall be based on po 2J5l th! ?rerViuoi f
jtlation. Thla U applied very loose- SSSSS ct iSST ??h I
ly, however, ftnd It is said that if ' ' h. .ccomD.nied bv
the Multnomah, delegation were t0 annooncement that no trans
based on, population that county Eres8lon oy Poland will be permit
might be entitled to as many as fj ..
Id members on ' a ' comparative J Tne polish reply, officials said
' ftasls with .other counties.; : ! n ould set at xe&t any suspicions
On the other Tiand.: it' Is said i that Poland was contemvlating
that If the eastern Oregon coun- the prolongation of hostilities in
ties hope to gain additional mem- to an offensive war against Rus
hers by the move against Marion sia. Assurances of this nature, it
- coantT ther will not be able to was added, already had been giv-
show population enough to Justify! en the soviet government envoys
.MMuniiiinii An rmns it Minsk.
of six eastern Oregon eounties, t ivo iormai rP"fu"u"'
t .v. ii.mktii n-1 been exchanged with the allies by
KT" . th. United SUl 5
reseniauves ju iu iw Th Amer-
hut it i. not believed a "XuntoTro
U largo population can be found "an i go Bituation as
in the whole group, , to . jusuiy i et fortn ln !U note and repre.
more than that number. The east-1 allom made to the Polish goT-
ern uregon aoo . vc ruuui ernment have been only an eiao
members, it is said, are working oriiation of the principles enun
In the closest co-operation to cur- Cjated n that document,
tall Marlon county's membership. Great Britain, however, through
i , ; Lat Change Ivons; Ago. premier Lloyd George already has
Should there be a general re- announced her opposition to any
adjustment 'of, representation transgression by Poland of Rus
through an act of the next session 8ian territory. For the present,
it would be the first in 14 years, it is believed, the British govern
the last changes having been made ment wrill rest on the announce
In 107 ' ment of the British position by
Marion county has had five rep- Lloyd George in the bouse of com-
note to the Italian ambassador.
Excellent Record Made
Through Nearly- Four
Years of Incumbency
Hew Oregon Airplane
Altitude Record Made
- LA GRANDE. Ore., Aug. 23.-
What Is said to be the Oregon rec
ord for altitude reached by an air
plane was made here : yesterday
when Pilot V. M. Rechstiner, ac
companied by F. Bradley as a pas
senger, ascended a height ot 16.
200 feet. The airplane is owned
by a local airplane company.
Great cold was encountered, the
pilot said.
Socialist Candidate De
nounces All Except His
Deer Destroy Orchards
in Roseburg District
ROSEBURG. Ore.. Aug. 23. Ac
cording to Coounty Fruit Inspec
tor Armstrong who returned here
today, several orchards in the
Carnes district, near here, have
been destroyed by deer this week.
The animals have eaten the leaves
and fruit front the trees . during
, the night time and have totally
ruined number of the young or
chards by chewing off the small
tree tops. The farmers made
coomplaint to the ttate game war
den and he made an inspection
trip here this week to determine
the facts. The fruit Inspector is
at a loss to know what action to
take to save the orchards as the
killing of deer is prohibited 1n the
closed season now on. Woodsmen
near here report deer unusually
plentiful this season.
WASHINGTON. Ang. 23.- The
greatest Improvement in the car
i shortage situation sinre January
Is being accomplished by the rail
roads of the country, the railroad
; car service commission declared
tonight. Commercial freight load
d during the week which ended
August 7 comprised 942,000 cars,
compared with 914.000 the pre
vious week, and 872,000 for the
wrresponaing penoa ot iviv.
CHICAGO. Ansr. 23. The first
nf a. utIm of statement instead
of sneeches in the campaign oi
Eugene V. Debs, socialist nominee
for president, notw continea m
Atlanta penitentiary, was Issuea
today by socialist national neaa
Mr. Debs branded the league oi
nations controversy a "dishonest
Issue" and announced the livest
Question before the American pub
lic was the coal shortage. He de
clared that vrhile a shortage of
cars was making it impossible to
meet the demands for coai. r.
Wilson has had made by special
executive order 4000 cars of spe-4
cial design to aid the aristrocracy
of Poland to crush but the only
genuine democratic government
on the face of the earth.
Besides denouncing the Repub
lican and Democratic parties, at
tacking President Wilson and
Samuel Gompers and branding the
fratr.1ahir tvartw o a fAam
patgn organized that will never Ljh 1
survive this year's battle. Mr.P
Debs dwelt on the recent railroad
strike and compared and : com-
Mas C Ulnar, w'.u for nearly
f.ur years. has been tiistrict atli
nt for .iii ton o.n.iy. yosteniay
handed to Governor Olcolt hlj rcs-
gnation. ine resignation was ac
cepted and James O lieluel, law
partner of Mr. Gehlhar and who
has Wen dvputy d'slrict atto.T.(y
hrov.ghout Oehlhat'i lncimlen v.
as rv.c;r.ted to fh the vacancy.
!r. Ui-Uel will ily
thx'UKh tb remal vl t ot the tin
?"! t la whi'ii- ifrmlnsus
next vry. J bu II. 'rnrsiT,
Uepnhlican candiduTo in? t:f-
ficc, has r.r. oppose! i t.
tkwttl Record Miule
lu his resignation Mr. Gehlhar
gives as a reason for the step the
prrsecre of private business af
fairs. I If was elected district at
torney in November, 1916. and
prior to that served two terms as
connty clerk of Marion county. In
1911 he resigned that office when
the troops were called to the Mex
ican border, being reappointed up
on his return; -
As district attorney Mr. Gehl
har made an excellent record.
During his entire term he has
stood between the county treas
ury and those who sought to set
tle neighborhood rows and priv
ate grudges by means of a crim
inal prosecution at the county's
expense. Full prohibition was
made effect Ire shortly after he
vent into office and his Incessant
search after bootleggers has made
Maiiou. county .one. ot the driest
counties In the state. The rec
ords indicate that during his term
approximately 100 prosecutions
were brought tor enforcement of
the prohibiten laws, most of those
arrested pleading guilty. Ot the
contested liquor cases there has
not been a single acquittal and on
ly one hung jury. This Is consid
ered a remarkable record.
Fanri Will Have Attention
The care and conscientiousness
with which Mr. Gehlhar has con
ducted the office Is indicated by
the fact that during his entire
term as criminal prosecutor, not a
single indictment was ever round
defective by the court, and fur
thermore that the validity of not
a tingle indictment was ever ques
tioned in court.
Ills thorough familiarity with
the county's business affairs such
as road and bridge matters and
the general conduct of county bus
iness has done much toward the
rmooth operation of these depart
ments. In his resignation Marion
county lrses an efficient and val
uable oit.ploye. .
Mr. Gehlhar owns and operates
a fruit farm near the city con
taining ever 160 acres, of prunes
and cherries, mostly In bearing,
together with some strawberries.
and this together with the opera
tion of a large prune dryer and
with his other Interests he finds.
will occupy most of his time for
the immediate future.
I am extremely grateful to the
people of Marion county for their
many kindnesses in the past."
said Mr. Gehlhar yesterday. "In
politics they have given me every
thing I asked for. This I will al
ways remember with deep gratl
tude. But I have reached a point
wher- I must either quit my own
affairs or those of the county. In
justice to my family I have decid
ed to devote all my time to pri-
8EATTLE. Aug. 23 Two per
sons were killed and three badly
Injured late this afternoon whn
a Seat tie- Taroma Interurban car
struck an automobile at Edge
wood. 12 miles south of this city.
The killed and Injured were oc
cupants of the automobile..
None ot the fiv pastengere of
the automobile escaped. The ma
chine, was demiloshed. The dead
Carl Olson. 4X. of 30C Minor
avenue. North Seattle.
Arvlld iM'nnigon. Seattle.
The injured, who were taken
to a Tacoma hospital, are: Mrs.
Carl Olson, wife of one of the
t't-n killed; Est a. 13-year-old
daughter, and Arthur. 16 year old
son of the Oisons.
The automobile was traveling
north o.i the Pacific highway at
a rate of 30 or 3a miles an hour
when it dashed In front of the
train, which was moving at a
high rate of speed. The Inter
urban track curves at the Edge-
wood crossing and Olson Is be
lieved to have been unable to see
the approaching train until too
late to stop his machine. He and
Dennison were caught In the
wreckage of the car when th
train struck it and were Instantly
killed, the bodies being badly
' '.Mrs. Olson and the two child
ren escaped with serious Injuries
which were not expected to prove
Officer Takes Her Gun and Klie
Mania It Rack Makl In
Autos Have Freedom
Bandit Chief Holds Anoth
er, W. A. Gardiner, for.
Excessive Ransom
OALEH. Ore.. AUS!. 23. tSne-
ciaii MISS H. 1J Wnlf aha
doesn't say what the initials stand
lor cowgirl of the Deschutes
plains and hills, was ordered out
of Bend because she had riding
panis on. And all the while slrls
with pants on were ridinc about
town in automobiles. The officer
added to the Injury by depriving
ner oi-ner revolver.
Miss Wolf anneals to Gove mor
Olcott. Also she wants to know
uuw uiu a Kin must De to take un
a homestead. She has a mother to
She writes the governor the fol
lowing letter:
win you please answer these
questions or tell me where I ran
get them answered?
"How old must a Cirl be to take
a homestead, when she has to
support her mother?
"I am riding on the desert and
in tne mountains most of the
time. The other dsy just because
I rode In Bend with riding pants
on Mr. Nlxson told me I had in
stay out ot town. Why should he.
When girls in cars with riding
pants were all over town, and the
fire- chief took my 32 revolver
and 1 need it so much for protec
tion. Lots of times we see bear
coyotes, or cougar in the timber
or mountains. 1 don't care about
not. being able to go to Bend, only
that it would save me many a
long ride It I could cross on the
bridges- o the river there. But I
Vduld like to have my 32.
"It Is hard enough for a girl to
make an honest living without
some trying to make it as hard as
some people csn. I have found it
hard, but now I am old enough
auu am urawing gooa pay.
"And where should 1 send to
get a brand for my colts?
"Hoping to hear from you
Was Jut Released from Federal
Frios) Where He Served on
Similar Charge,
Governor Will be Subpoe
naed and Compelled to
Come Before Senate Cam
paign Committee
Committee Adjourns Till
Next Monday Must Re
ceive Reply Soon
Pedro Zaraora has released! six
Americans who were, kidnapped
recently by him in the state of
Jalisco, but Is holding one Am
erican. W. A. Gardiner, superin
tendent of the Esperanza Mining
company, for 100.000 pesos ran
som and W. It. Johnson, British
subject, for 50,000 pesosv accord
ing to advices received here to
day. Charles lfoyle, manager of the
Esperanxa. Mining company at El
Oro. satd to be a nephew of John
Hays Hammond, and Mrs. Hoyle.
have been released and are now
rare at Penas. on Banderas bay.
The names of the other fonr Am
ericans Let free are given as Diet
reich. Gillis. Culvert and Nets.
These four are at Mesa del Cor-aton.
The -lispatches announcing the
release or tne Americans art
somewhat confused but they ap
parently show that Gardiner and
Johntaon are .the only hostages
still in the hands of the out
Following a conference at the
British legation, two representa
tives ot the .legation' left yester
day for Jalisco to attempt to ar
range with he bandits for the
payment of the ransom for John
J. C. Itryden, representing the
Esperanva company in Mexico
City, said today that nothing re
garding a ransom for the Ameri
cans captured had been received
but that the -money was ready for
payment when the demands we're
piesented. He explained the
presence of Mr. Hole and the
other Americans in Cuale. where
they were captured, raying they
left El Oro. state of Michoacan.
to inspect workings in the vicin
ity ot Cuale.
German Dispatch Says
Bolshevik Retreat Has
- Become a Panic
CHICAGO. Aug. 23. Governor
Cox. Ieuiocratlc nominee, probab
ly will he subpoenaed and com
pelled to appear before the senate
campaign committee which today
announced plans for Investigating
the Republican and Democratic
rational campaigns, unless he
comes of his own free will..
member of the committee told
the Associated Press tonight.
JIM Prove Charge.
This member ot the committee
said that Its members felt that
Governor .Cox must prove his
charges that the Republicans
were reasiog a $15.000,00 cam
paign fund or withdraw them, and
that the committee was prepared
to go to any length to obtain evi
dence In the matter.
No official subpoenae will be
Issued, however, until the com
mittee meets next Monday.
Msmt Reply By Monday,
"if Governor Cox has not given
ns a satisfactory reply by that
time. I feel certain a subpoena
will be Issued." he said
Senator Reed said he had- not
received an answer to his tele-
prom to Governor Cox up to
o'clock tonight.
Cox Would Kill Time.
The tatemet was made
KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Aug. 23.
Discovery In her aged father's
room of moulds for making silver
dollars, caused the daughter of
F. Kentner to bring aout his
arrest In Enid. Okla.. aceordiag
to an announcement today by fed
eral officials.
Kenlner. who Is 77 years old.
was placed In - Jail at Oklahoma
City. He was convicted of coun
terfeiting several dollars five
years ago and sentenced to seven
years in the federal prison at Mc
Neil's Island. Wash., according to
He was released a few months
ago after having served five years
of the sentence and went to the
home of his daughter in Enid, they
Declares Hays Has Failed
to Answer Campaign
Fund Charges
More Han Twice as
Much as Nearest Rival
and 1-3 of Pcss&Ie 638
Three American Women
Take Their Heats and
Make New Record
The lepublican party has 'been
-betrayed. Franklin D. Rooee-
velu democratic Tiee-presldentlal
nominee, declared In an address
here tonight. "The same group
of selfish Individuals that have
sold It out before have destroyed
that party's chance of success. In
the November election, he de
I am Quite willing to admit
that four months ago the repub
lican narty seemed likely to carry
the election." he declared. - "If
the republican party had heen true
to its ideals.. It would nave naa an
excellent chance of success, but
once again it has been betrayed.
One again the element in the re
publican party which .believes In
going forward has been placed la
the most difficult dilemma.
I nlted States ..........212
Finland .. I..10S
England'. IS
France .X
Italy 21
South Africa 24
Canada .. 10
Norway .. .10
Denmark .......... '9
Est bonis .. 8
New Zealand .. ......
Belgium .. .......... &
Australia ..
Czecho-Slovakia, . . .... 3
Holland 2
Luxemburg . . . 1
ANTWERP. Aug-. 23. The sev
enth Olympla dctesed lat today
amid rain and cold, so far as the
rak and field competitions are
concerned, with a decisive victory
for the American athletes..
' Although' the team Is not con
sidered asjrood as some that have
come to E a rope in tbw past to take
part in uiymple games, the Amer-
total ef. 212
WARSAW. Aug. 23. The Rus
sian Uolshevlk forces are reacting
along the whole line in an effort
to save the remnants of the red
army but they have so far been
easily frustrated by the Poles.
On the north there Is heavy
fighting the region ot Mlawa and
Soldau. Forced to face two Pol
ish armies, one advancing from
Mod I in and the other from Grau-
denx. the Bolshevik I are making
desperate efforts to extricate their
advanced guard, some of wbicb
had ventured as far as Eylau and
Plonsk. The red losses In prison
ers In this region have amounted
to 11.000 In two days.
The only chance of the BolsheV
ikl is to open a passage in the di
rection of Ostrolenka and Lomxa.
so as to get through to Iilalystok
and Grodno. The Polish cavalry,
which has reached the upper wat
ers of the Narew has already cut
the road between Iomza nd Bialy-stok.
An ami revolt Is auDarent In
rnnbllcan ranks against methods 'wans rolled up a
nt .i rhiraco. Delerates to that; pointi during the week ot com-
members of the committee were convention, delegates "PU:
fchown dispatches quoting Cover- ut conventions. WUUu
nor Cox as saying he "saw no ue!ni,or" " v 1 v , ' ' ; . V , 7 v .
in apreariag before the com m it- "mI. tiT. t hir
tee" although he would furnish d'm,c??.Uc ti!k!t:. .1?? .ETtL-i
It . with . evidence, but felt - "that .l0'11 "ri Ye.
lean tuicii, uicu " . - --
using their heads tlat tbey win
he should be allowed
when he saw fit
to do so I
Included In the matters to be VUZ7X
taken uo when the committee re- Tr"; .SeT p roVose that
convene, next Monday will be an I !L i.!i.?.M nn
lav i;HJim fc . -- w
going forward.'
investigation of the Oklahoma
iHmocratlc senatorial primaries
in which Senator Gore was d
fated and the p re-convention
Kansas campaigns. It was said.
fnct Bring All Iaper.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, demo
cratic candidate for vice president.
la a statement here tonight, de
clared that republican Rational
Chairman Will II. Hays had failed
COPENHAGEN. Aug. 23. The
Poles bsve recaptured Iilalystok
after desperate resistance by the
lolnhevikl. says a dispatch to the
Iterlingske Tldende, from Warsaw.
VUe of "Blaebeard"
Files Divorce Suit
LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Aug. 23.
Mrs. Katheryn Wombacher
filed suit here today tor annul
ment of her marriage to James P.
vate affairs, and am out of poll-("Bluebeard" Watson, confessed
pared the "vacationists' to the
American ; Railway union ' men
whom be had led in the "one big
union" strike of 1893. i I
- The Socialist nominee said Sen
ator Harding and oGvernor Cox.
"remind me pf two humpty-dump-tles.
They" are , stuffed people.
not real. They have not a single
idea for a man who is alive. They
get their inspiration from the
tombs. The whole performance
is; artificial." , ; ...
ties. For the resent at least, it
Is necessary to give my fruit In
terests practically all of my time.
The work with the county for the
past eight years has been so con
fining that a little relaxation will
be appreciated. In the performa
ance of official duties It has at
timer been necessary to tread on
toes that I otherwise highly re
spect. However, such was done
oniv in the performance of a duty
as I at the time caw it."
Heltzel Well Equipped
Mr. HelUel. who succeeds Mr.
Gehlhar. has been deputy district
attorney during Mr. Gehlhar's
term of Office and Is thoroughly
familiar with the affairs of the
nffice. He has practised law la
Salem about 13 years, and al
though not seeking the office for
e reason that bis time is greauy
tr n tin fav his nr act ice. he con
sented to qualify and to conduct
the office until the expiration ot
Mr. Gehlhar term
slayer of nine of the score or more
women he married, now serving a
life sentence In San Quentln pen!
tentiary for the murder ot Nina
Lee Deloney. Her suspicion that
he was a member ot a band of
bank robbers- led to his arrest.
coonfession and sentence.
BERLIN. Ang. 23. The Lokal
Anseiger's correspondent on the
Russian front reports that the
Russian retreat along the East
Prussian border has developed in
to a panic under pressure of the
Polish cavalry. Herds of cattle.
cavalry and infantry are inter
. w - i i i. . rm
and commissaries are trying to s"-"' --
restore order with their revolvers.
Some regiments have thrown away
their weapons.
; The correspondent says that the
reds declare they could not stand
the fire of the Polish and French
aviators who attacked them from
short distances and whose bombs
worked havoc. The correspond
ent of the Taggeblatt at Prosken
says that the first Russian army
is in full retreat In the drection
of Grodno. The staff of the fourth
array and all revolutionary com
mittees have evacuated Lomxa
whose Inhabitants had formed a
militia force in the service or the
revolutionary government, which
alM Is In flight.
The committee has ordered I n.rvM . himself and
leaders in each paper to appear GoTenior Cox that "huge repub-
it wun an dooes. Msen hi... .n.n.t.m r ii nil" was beinx:
snd information In their posses-1 rmigd, -go ig that the presnmp-
imuu rwocrrniBR tne campaign ac- tIon must be against the nonesi
tivltles. financial or otherwise. r ...h am."
Included wen Will Hays, chair-1 uf ii.t exnlsnstion Is not
man of the Republican national I .n inr and It will not con-
committee: George White, ehsir- Irlnce this country that he and his
man or the Democratic national organisation do not deserve a
committee: Fred Uphsm and Wll- thorough spanking." Mr. Roose
lur Marsh, treasurers respective- elt stated.
Iy of the Republican and Demo-1 9 ald Mr. I Lays had not de
rmic national committee; Ho-nled that the sum of I709.000 was
mer Cummings. former chairman I allotted as the quota for the city
ot tne Democratic national com-lot Chicago to raise and cnargeo
mittee: Senator Miles Poindex- that In Mr. Roosevelt's own conn
ter of Washington, chairman of ty In Upstate New York. Dutchess
the Repnbllesn senate campaign county, the republican quota was
committoe; Representative Mich- 132,000
ael Pbelan of Massachusetts. Con-1
rressman Simon Fess of Ohio and A-.Z- C??feJe
Guy Secit of West Virginia, mem- "v
Against Pole Brothers
PITTSBURGH. Aug. 23. The
Socialist party of America went
on record as opposed to the so
cislist party at Poland, according
to a statement Issued todsy by the
petitions, a figure more than twice
as grest as that of toe nearest ri
val nation Finland with 1 OS-
Take- Oncahlnl of Possible Total
iScoring on a basis of 22 nolots
to any event allowed br the Inter-
nat'onal AtMeUc federation.- the
team from tae united States piled
-j ooe-tajra or a
possible aggregate total of 421.
,The Americans scored in all but
tour events and were tied with
Finland for first place in cham
pionship honors, each nation hav
ing won nine firsta. The United
States was far ahead in second
Places won with 12. and was sec
ond to Sweden in thirds, having
wen nine to Sweden's ten. The
Americans scored ten fourths,
twice as many as their nearest ri
val. They outranked the other
teams ta fifths won hut did not
score quite as many sixths as Swe
den. Make Sot Work! Records
Of six world records estab
lished, the Americans made three
two going to Finland and on to
Candian athletes. The only Olym
pic record established which is not
also a world record was won by
an American.
Owly Three Win Two. Firsts
The games jat closed were no
table la th fact that only three
athletes weer able to win two first
places. These werw Ftreglrio.
the I talis a walker who took the
3-o aad 10.000 meters-events:
Hill, the EnglUh middle distance
rneaer. who won the gsa Bd
1S00 meters aad Nural. tf Finn,
who was first the 10.000 meters
run. and the cross country run to
dsv. which It Is admitted Is con
sderably abort ot th advertised
tn kilometers.
Athletes Urim to Leave
The athletes are beglantag to
depart from Antwerp toaight. the
Swedes going to Paris for the tri
angular meet with the French and
Americana. The Englishmen also
are leaving to prerare for their
fund and that various persons .v. ,im m vr-
rZrJrlf H1fI,Pt,,Uon " W ln cement said and coa
s reward for political help from tBUi:
certain men.
We are going into these things
"There can be no understanding
with such an organlxation that
r, ;7.:Z,W.V .0 I.. so crossly betrayed the Ideals
- - x e wiiuiu
about three weeks, we are rea3y
of International Soclalilsm. It has
- . i. . a atk.. Ka-J .via
In remain In ..til -I I 1 DCCOme S lOOl VI IB liu.
u w. "fiwu u ii 1 1 1 er i r-. tiuu i
ENTER I" RISE. Or. Aus. 23.
HenrV T. Wearer ot Enterprise
sustained Injuries tram which h
died.with;n-a few hour when an
en'omobtte In wiuch he was rid-iu-
was wrecked at Joseph. Or.,
yesterday. Ilia rnrpanlon. Hugh
Campbell, who wa driving, cs
csred wiU alight injuries.'
PORTLAND. Aug. 23 Four
teen wooden bulls, built in the
Portland district durinc, the war.
are available for sale fn the cam
paign now being conductcl by the
United States shipping board to
dispose ot unfinished ships. There
were originally 19 nnflnUhed
wooden s-hips for sale in this dis
trict, but five have been pur
- The hulls are being disposed of
by the government under provis
ions of the new merchant marine
act. i.
SAN DIEGO. Cal.. Aug. 23.
Short of fuel and provisions, and
with machinery disabled, the
steam yacht. Louise, bound from
Thousanl Isles via Mlam. for San
Diego, was picked up about 43
miles north of Msgdslena bay.
Lower California, yesterday, ac
cording to radio messages receiv
ed here today, and Is being towed
ty the United States destroyer
Welles. The mine sweeper Car
dinal hai been sent from thU port
to assist the vessels.
HELENA. MonL. An-. 23.
Voters of Montana tomorrow will
choose Republican and Democrat
ic candidates for 12 elective state
offices at the biennial state pri
mary election. On the two tick
ets ?i aspirants have announced
their candidacies.
day If necessary."
Will Hays and Oeorre While
victors ot the entente.
TILLAMOOK. Of.. Aug. 23.
Nellie Bedortha. 20, was drown
in the Ncstncca rivet at Blaine.
Or, yesterday, according to word
brought here today. She was with
a party ct bathers, al'hcugh un
able to swim. Her sister, a swim
tier, attempted to take her across
the river when she slipped into
deep water and sank. (
1-ers of the Republican congres
sional campaign committee and
Representative Frank Doremasor
Michigan, and W. A. Oldfield of
Arkansas, of the Democratic c on-1
on j campaign eommlu
Will Spare No Pains.
We are going to find out nsrtv's executive committee la
everything there is to know about answer to the appeal of the PolUh
the wcrk of both parties." said Socialist alliance of the United
Senator Kenyon tonight. "There states, asklnx for support of the
nare oeen reports tnat tne Ke-lpoiuh esnse.
publicans were rsisinz millions of tv. bii.k ci.ii.i nariv la re. I games with the Americans In tb.
... i a saw? m wiiwu srv. ar- - s - .
dollars, that ring of corporations ,.rdei be the Americas nartr "as I acm BCptemper . A portion ot
was contributing largHy to their Brr.nix.iion that is serving l American team will sail Wed
nesday tor ew Tork. Tha re
mainder are doe to depart next
Rerheckux Necessary
There, win ha considerable re
ehecklng ot the point figures la
rne atniexic events befora they
can be rendered official. The
Belgian press announced today a
list that was fall of errors. All
the records were rs-cbecked offi
cially tonight. The United tSale
hss 212 points: Finland laS; Swe
den 91: England SS; France 34;
Italy 21.
The American tug o'war team
nd the Dutch and Belgian teams
have been ordered to meet next
Sunday to contest far second place
la the tag o'war. First plaea was
won by Eagtaad.
Woswew. Man New Record
Several Olympic . records were
smashed today. Tire Americans.
Mrs. Frances Schroth ot Saa Fran
cisco. Irene Csest of Philadelphia
sua btnetda lillebtree. Womea's
Swimming association chalked op
ew records In wiaaiag their heats
of the 11 meters la free style.
Duke Kahanamoka repeated his
yesterday by covering ie meters
free style la 1:11 M. Pua Keal
oha. tied the Olympic record when
winning his heat la tha same
ThlJ makes eight Olympic rec
ords broken by Americans la two
days, one world record bettered
aad two Olympic records equal: d.
signified their willingness in Off 011 Fife 5lfnflfl0n
xew ion loaay to attend the I t a a1 f J
besrings and give any informs-1 II WCOliy tmpTOVCa
lion possible.
PORTLAND. Ore.. Aug. 22.
Reports from a number of dis
tricts today indicated that the for-
U. 5. Cruiser Joins
French at Damigl1 ,r situation la Oregon was
Improved. All of the biases ia the
PARIS. Aor. 2 v. . Sautiam national forest were un-
the United States srmored rrntmr der control, according ta advices
Plttsburt-h aeeomnniMt h- t,n I from Albany. Only mlaor fires
destroyers was Jolalnr the French were reported barning ta Med ford
sqnsdron at Daaxig. has produced district. Two fires oa the Ball
a strong Impression there, accord-1 Run watershed la Clackamas
Ing to a Havas dispatch from thatlcountr were being fought, bat
piace. Mercnants and tradesmen I neither waa retarded . seriously
do not conceal their satisfaction RiTer Timber district were reoort-
over tne tarn or aitairs as tbey U4 nnder control.
are convinced tne presence or tv. ..,-.... 1. fnHnmi ihlm
rrencn ana American war vessels , rmr fnrMt fires
will contribute materially toward. !. ! Jff J.T. -ils?2
fr"Ar"aa""l-v:nli, cording to E. E. Carter, asstant
IHV H V MITT. HI U 1 W. T WJ I . . . . J O . . U
. - 1 loreiir r ot ine 1. ouru buio, wuw
waa in rmriaau ioasy. jar. v-rir
enntnomtr. t.r I n U returning to wasningion auer
American destroyer Broome left a trip covering the principal na-
hers this evening for Daaxlc. iuonai xoresta.
I Con tinned oa Fag..2.A