D TUB ORECOW STATCSMANi fcUXDAY. AVGUST K, 1B20. t .1 CITY N Attention Kx-Scrvlce Men t Tranklin D'Olier, national s com mander oC the. American legion, will be our guest at a luncheon at 12:30 noon, Monday, August 9th at the Marion hotel. Other distinguished men will be present, also delegations from all other Willamette valley posts. It is the desire of the com mittee to have a large delegation of members from Capital Ppst No. 9 present to meet the national com mander. Reservations should be made with anyone of the following before 6 p. m. Saturday: Joe McAllis ter, phone l&S or 1965; Fred Mao ris, phone 717; Robert Mcllurray, phone 1427 or-1828. Special meeting of Pacific lodge No. 50, A.F. & A.M. Monday evening. August 9 Work in F. C. degree. Hill Military Academy Portland, Or., is the only private military academy in the northwest. Spot Light Stolen "While his car was parked in front of the home of Mrs. L. F. Clark, 144 North Front street, Friday night, a spot light, of Kaufman Sil ver Beam make, was stolen from the -automobile, was the complaint made to police station by W. A. Johnson, 407 Benton street, Portland. He says tbslt some one removed the '0 jack Loxnojrfl THE SEA WOLF" .FKAXK MOXROE I - On The -WVRLITZEB NOTICE V DORT CAES ARRIVING ; Get Your Order in Early SALEM VEUE COMPANY 162 North Commercial Street CR0SSETT SHOES 41 'Hake IifeVWk BasyT V " ; SCHEFS " ' Tlie House of Kuppenheimer r .i THE "DAYTON" The Bicycle for Everyone LOYD E. HAMSDEJ I 317 Court Street Bicycles and Bicycle Repairing DIXIE D0UGHIOJTS 35c Doz. SALEM BAKING C0LIPANY 439 Court Street ' Phone 954 WALLFELT"? Takes the place of cloth at about one-third I0.BUBEH 17$ N. Commercial St. Bonds, Mortgages Utarest Bearlnc HAYKINS & ROBERTS S04J07 Oreeoii Bulldbvc ' - 167 North Commercial Si. At the Electric Sin "SHOES' DeiNISON ELECTRIC CO. : 'JOB WOBJC AND FIXTURES N m North Liberty Stree r- I D.H. M0SHER . ( . . High Class;,,..; : - , i Cleaning and Preiiiaj I 474 Court SUeet J ITOTLE IOCOWI afusle and Musical MsfrasndLss ifknsora Dealer la Miem i 411 Court St. ; Balem, Offon i Telepaoat II !;;:f.:U.i- Beans ! " Potatbci r ; PEOPLE'S CASH STORE . f WMFED EWS spotlight during the early part of the evening while he was lu the Clark home. - On Vacation Office reopened Aug. 20th. Dr. Q. L. Scottv chiropractor. Mrs. Stith has moved her miUin- enr from Kafounr's store to 323 State street, and is now . open for business. Dm. White and Marshall Osteopathic physicians, TJ. S. Bk. Hearing Postponed On account of a business call from Portland, the hearing .of Walter W. McDougal was advanced to Wednes day morning at 10:30 o'clock in stead of Monday at the same hour. Karl Race, city recorder, granted the extra time. Love. Watchmaker and Jeweler 337 State street, Salem. Body to Lie in State The body of C M. Kppley will lie in state at the Webb & Clough par lors today. Services will be held at : 430 o'clock with interment in Mount Crest abbey mausoleum. Rev. D. H. Leech of Eugene will conduct the service, assisted by Rev. H. C. Stover of Salem. Baseball. Oxford Park Today 2:30 Kerr-Grli nth vs. Salem. For Sale- One h p. vertical boiler, steam; one 6 h. p. center crank engine; all in A-l condition. ' Phone 320. Place Your Order Early for Fall Planting Complete line varieties Salem Nursery Company Phone 1763 427 Oregon Building I INDIAN AGENCY A. H. M00RE 421 Court Street V- W00DRY conducts sales anywhere ' In Marion or Polk counties. Store located at 2 70' No. Commercial AUCTIONEER Better-Goods For Las HIGHEST PRICE PAID ... For . SECOND HAND FTJBNITTJSE Stores, Carpets and Tools Capital Hardware and Furniture Co. z$5 N. Commercial St. rnone v7 Trunks, Bags, Suit Cases Music Bolls and Brief Cases at - HAMILTON'S r 340 Gam Street WOOD WOOD The best furnace wood In the city for the money at Tracy s Phone 620 FURS STORED Store your Furs during summer with us y WEST FUR CO. 521 Court St. Opposite Court House CARL & B0WERS0X Groceries 383 Court Street Phone 409 1920 ELGIN SIX IS HERE strong. crrlcMbU cu with elaa-sat kody Itnss and Interior specification. ensi assume raiimura wmcw conrnny at a reasonable price should mm inia car. lE L GILBERT, Diitnbuter IBS C.grrtl Itrstt. U.S. GARAGE tE4 Ferrr Street TTRTTTi RTTT NOT ABUSED CARS SPECIAL New series Btudebaker, valne t If 2E. today S1S00. D. 8. J Oarage. Phone 1TK1 . . USED CARS to Sell Cheap Tor Cash or to trade - for Bread and Butter TUB B. C MOTOR CO. 17S 8. Commercial 8L Busick's Home MJsMog ' A. M. Schmidt of route 3 believes that some one Etole his horse while it was in the pasture some time Friday night, he reported to the po lice station. The horse Is described as brown with a white iot on the forehead and a sore spot on one shoulder, which was caused by har ness. - When last seen the horse wore a halter and a tie strap. Trusses Fitted at Tyler's Drug store by an expert In the business. Mr. IHtnlap Sum 'Alleging too much nagging, scold ing and vicious threatening on the part of the hnsband. Kffle W. Dun lap filed a complaint for divorce against Frank Dunlap yesterday. Mrs. Dunlap alleges that among the vicious threats of her husband was that he "would brain her." ftaseball. Oxford Park Today 2: Kerr-Crltllth vs. saiem. Mr. Bolinger Knew (Mildred M. Bolinger filed a di vorce complaint yesterday against Henry S. Bolinger. The couple were married September 16. 1916, and have a son. Henry Earl Bolin ger, 2 years old. Mrs. Bolinger, ac cording to her complaint, finds life unendurable -as the wife of the de fendant because he has an ungov ernable temper. She asks custody of the child. Baseball. Oxford Park Today 2:30 Kerr-Griffith vs. Salem. Building: Permits Issued Three building permits were Is sued Salem residents by City Re corder Earl Race ' yesterday. H. C. Tarpley. 739 North High street, was granted a permit to build a two-storv building. C M. Roberts. 1013 Shipping street, received a permit to ! repair his home. According to his application he is going to build an addition of two rooms. R. C. Barnes. 1043 Norway street, applied for a permit to build a one-story dwelling valued at 11500. wheh cr tun. OKJCGOX at BXIGH HOTKb A Rom Away frorn Heme Strictly Modern SIM pr ear lee Raeau ef Sail Untwt Only BoUl In Business District HAVE A TURKISH BATH , and yoa will feel better. By far the best remedy-for a cold OREGON BATH HOUSE Oregon Building The Electric Restaurant A good place to eat Short Orders all day 481 State Street r J. P.- T.T addoT-,. Prop. Soda Crackers, per poond. 20c Dairy Salt in 50 pound sack . .75c Straws, per bale 65c Laundry Soap la 23 bar lots for f l-OO Uardwheat Floor at per sack.. $&23 THE HIGHLAND GROCERY Phone 406- 746 Highland Avenue BISHOP BROS. High and Ferry sta. Fhoae 140 . WE BUY Farm Produce. Eus. eta, Faylas tus&est caaa liarxst Fnsea. W. W. MOORE Furniture Store The Home of the Yletrola Ton get more for your money at I Moore a It Pays To Trade At The. FARMERS CASH STORE C Burton Dardall 247 North Commercial 47 Vectrte Machinery aad EaglaseitBg Company For EXPEXT ELECTBICAL WOBX 117 Court Street Phoae 4IS W T.RIGD0NCO. Leading Funeral Directors LONG DISTANCE AUTO TRUC10NG WIUJUIIETTC VALLEY TRANSFER CO. 1 Plicae 1400 We also do local hanlls. WANTED iVXK AND MICHXJTEBT OF ALL KINDS We alsn hoy seeond-haad goods. If yoa hare aaythbig te sell for a good price call S9S. The Square Deal IlAoaa. CAPITAL JUNK CO. 27i.CherukHa EC v Ealew, Ore. Auto Ilamaced While William Quartler's automo bile was standing on the Paciric hlchwav a few milea out nf Ki..n last night it was run Into by a car driven by E. J. Holt of Ilrooks. Quar- tier, wno uvea ai tat rorty- aecond street. Portland. reDorted 10 the police. The Ford car was badly smashed wnicn damage, according to Mr. Quartier. Mr. Holt promised to pay. .o one was injured. Hares For Sale For sale cheap Itelgian dow. 1030 Cbemeketa street. Phone 12 SO. Man Withhold Xante : After being knocked down by an automobile driven by Susanna Kick man, of route 8, an unknown man refused to give his name to Mrs. RJckman. according a report made by her following the accident on Front street. She says that soon af ter the accident she sought to obtati the name of the roan.' but he refused to divulge his identity, saying be was not hurt. t ' AVironin Picnic At fairgrounds Wednesday August 11. Come one. come all; you can It you try: for you will regret if you let it pass by. A Home on Kay PaymenU If you are tired living In a trunk aad would like to buy a home on the Installment plan call on Dan J. Fry for particulars, mornings between 9 and 11. Limit ! number to be sup plied; first come, first served. Fry's Drug Store. 20 North Commercial street, Salem. Administrator Named Charles F. McAllister was granted his petition to be appointed admin istrator of the estate of his wife. who died intestate on July 2s. 1920, by Judge W. I. Bushey yesterday. Carrie I. McAllister left an estate valued at $700. according to the petition of her husband. Her es tate cossists largely of personal pro perty. The petition named the fol lowing as heirs to the estate: John Wells, a son; Byron Wells, a grand son; Merle Wells, -a grandson and Eva L. Wells, a granddaughter. Mr. McAllister was required to file a $1400 bond to act as administrator. S. C STONE, RL D. . CURES CL1XCERS and does a Ken era! office practice. Office Tylers Drug Store 1S7 South Commercial Street HART7.IAN BROS. CO. For Fine Jewelry J ewelen and Opticiana MILLERS JL GoodGood. sT J 17f 1 8 Oo te Eleep-Uy Dusty Babe . Kline-Baker-Dunlap HIGHEST PRICES Paid for , v Vegetables and Fruits PEOPLE'S CASH STORE L A R M C PK3ME MOVING aid STORING r.?ji shipping AU Kind, R TRAnSFER of Goods Our tsrg flest of trucks enables us to gtr you prompt service and a truck of the six. needed for your Job Ceeatrr aad Lsaa IHataae. llaatlas; a Saeetaltr. We- Bur and Sell -WOOD AND COAL. D. A. LARICKR. Xaaacer Dreamland Rink Dance Ercry Wednesday and Saturday Bungalow OrcLestra What Haye You? We buy. sell and exchange utw snd second-hand furniture, stores, ranges, rugs, tools, etc. We will buy you out. COL. W. F. WRIGHT, AsWon 271 N. Commercial SU Salem. Or. List your sales with aa - . t - People's Furniture Store tVTT , rttrae Til , t ; . I tfl'H'- - : RiCrioa and Son Reliable funeral directors. Moved to Xew Location Hy a recent business deal, the Capital Junk company which has been conducting a fire sale of the Frank F. Klchter stock, has leased the property at 225 Center street, and moved into that location. In the new quarters the company will also conduct a machinery and hard ware merchandising business. Legal Blanks Get them at the Statesman office. Catalog on application. WKronain Pica iAt fairgrounds. Wednesday. Aug ust 11. Come one, come all; Son can If you try; for yon will regret If you let It pass by. Department Called Smoke that filled the storeroom from an unknown source led the manager of the Sample store onluay be given tnem. . North Commercial street to believe I the building was on fire when he sent! In an alarm calling out the rire de-1 partment yesterday afternoon. Upon I the arrival of the firemen It was learned mat tbe smoke was escaping rnto me store irom a defective noe. inis was soon remeaiea ana no aim- ace was causea me conjenis 01 tu . . m - I tjwua '""" I One Market Road Complete County Commissioner J. T. Hunt I announced yesterday atternoon that the paving at Brooks will be com- pieiea someume mi sj wees, tie J I that this Is the first stretch to Del completed on the market - road iuL.V . . wm cco' Uirlnn rnnnlr Th narlnr fnr (hill road representa a small contract which waa held by K. C. Compton of I this city. It was also announced all the county road master's office that I about three-quarter a of a mile of paving has been laid'at the Mt. An-1 gel plant on the market road. About offered. It bespeaks the business a mile has already been laid in tnlmen and residents to' encourage and Aumsvllle road. liaftebalL Oxford Park Today 2:30 KerisGriffith vs. Salem. 1 Personals Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jones snd Miss I Alta Jones mqlored to Tillamook beaches Saturday. They expect to be I cone about two weeks. Mrs. !. L. Thomas snd little daughter Louise of Marshfield are in Salem for a few daya visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Thomas, and Dr. and rs. Fred Thompson. .... I J ,- ".u I' . :."fc ff. Jk XT 11V. S .mjV shTl. I es this week end Miss Ethel Rupert Is spending the week-end with Miss Muriel Sleeves of Seaside. Miss Putnam of tialem Is also a guest of Miss Steeves this week. Mr. aad Mrs. Clint Monroe and Miss Minnie Brugger motored up from Portland and are visiting old friends In this city for a few ya Older Salem residents will remember Mr. Monroe as tbe owner of the Mar- Ion hotel a number of years sgo Mrs. II. Hartman and daughter Miss Gertrude Hartman together with Otto and Ray Hartman motored to Portland Saturday. John Cherrington. accompanied by his mother, father and sister Lena. and their guest. Miss Dorothy Rlckett will motor to the Tillamook beaches todar for a two weeks Jaunt. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Chapman of Portland were vtftltors of tbe Cher rington family. 410 Mill street. a- ' Hotel Arrivals. a ARGO Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bailey and child. Kalispel: Jay II. Kock. Portland: Dyrd Farleigh. Portland; T. Opria. Ilullt. Or.: Mls Hope E. llaupt. Washington. D. C. HUGH F. V. Radcliffe, Chica go; Mr. and Mrs. Berry Carter and son. Oral a. Fla.: Fred Holt. Port- Und; M. K. Lydik. St. Louis; II. S. Hunt. Portland: If. Jenkins. Mill City. Or.: W. I. Powers. Hosklns. Or.: W. C. Hardesty. Portland; Mrs. F. II. Howard. Portland: M. C. Fruit Brooks; J. F. Stelner. Jetterson; A. R. Wortnach. Corvallln; J. J. Crate. Seattle; Billy Stepp. Portland; Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Mahan. San Pedro. Cal.: II. A. Harris. Rlckreall; Ver non J. Kloster. Portland; Mr. and Mrs. P. Pansatta. Portland; C. W. Fenn. Portland; J. w. Hopt. Cor- rallls. iMARIO.V (R. J. Newman and wife Astoria: Mr. and Mrs. G. L. New man. Astoria: J. P. Alexander. Eu- sene: Harry Powell. Eugene: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gross. Walla Walla; J. G. Hlakey. Portland: Ray Opple, San Francisco: 11. V. McClean. Port- Und: Mrs. L. D. Leedy. Portland: E. E. Bebarnell. Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Williams. Eugene; W. R. McDonald. Portland; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Green. Portland: J. D. Davereaux. Portland; Pearl M. Smith. Florence: Joe Morris. Maple- ton. Or.; Merc J. Morris. Mapleton: Mr. and Mrs. W. Ready. Portland: H. A. Fitter. Spokane: George W Pattison. Portland: F. C. Samuel son. Portland; K. M. Bradford. Portland: K. S .RIchen. Portland; Jack Lewis. Seattle; J. J. llouser. Portland: S. Washburn. Portland; Francys KJinsen. Corvallls: Maxyne Ruth. Corvallls: Marie U Palor. Portland: M. T. Morgan. Portland. "What are all these blonde hairs doing on this vest you wore last wiater?" asked Mrs. Gsy. ss she held up the article she was going to hanglroaliag station for British naval and out to air What are they doing there?" re plied Mr. Gay. "Why. you were a blonde last year, weren't you? In clnnati Enquirer. Sales and Eeniee 290 North High Street yallev Motor o. LARGE SUM OF V HONEY IS SPENT BY UNIVERSITY Willamette university is becoming an increasing factor in the business life of the city. The . campaign for runds baa geen progressing quietly for several months and the residents of Salem have responded readily showing that there 4a a keen appre ciation throughout the city of 'the benefits accruing from Oregon's old est educational Institution. Of the $100,000 to be raised for the new. buildings. Salem was asked to contribute $20,000 and four-firths of this amount already has - been pledged. When this total haa been reached, the committee plana to pub lish a list of contributors In order that proper credit and recognition Many people do not realise to wbat proportions tbe 1 university Is growing, but It Is surely no small thing for the community to have tl50.000 put Into brick and mortar iMd Ubor duHnr this year. Last week Mrs. Bush and Mrs. Kirk, the mmmmM n fnmi.fcin th t --waaa wa mwmm - v - LanMinne hM pUced the largest or nr mvrnr rtwmn In 51a I m for fnrtiU ture. the total being between $10,000 and $15,000. Th iBirmitv AAm tamr nw members to its faculty this year and lookg forward to a .tudeat body nnmbrinr not less than S50. " .. ... ai sua irom yiwai uiuks- ons me nuuamg wm oe miea w "niowuii oe ursi year. Every day Inquiry Is coming from people who are looking to Salens, as la place for home building because of the splendid educational advantages to support handsomely the public schools snd the university. STOKER KEPT ON SHIPBOARD If,- rT.TmTn tA Ka A w ww Gtizen Not Allowed to Land srnCT.T. Anttralia! Aae. S. fa- 1m Reginald llarklns. ship fireman " " - can cltlsen. was allowed to land from the Canadian-Australian liner Mak- ura when that vessel reached Van couver upon her last voyage from here to that port, or he managed to land somewhere en route, he runs the risk of being carted up and down the Pacific indefinitely. Jiarklns account of himself, given la Sydney Just before the Makers sailed from here early In June with him on board, as follows: 'Back in January a man with the same name as I reached Vaaeouter on this boat. He asked for a day off but the chief engineer refused him. He went ashore without leave. U had his leg broken and was taken to a hospital. The chief engineer resorted him a deserter. The Canadian authorities arrested me as being the Reginald llarklns who had deserted.- They put me on board the liner Niagara bound for Sydney. 1 didn't want to go. so when the steamer reached Honolulu I left her. At the instigation of the Union Steamship company, agents for the Canadlaa- Australlan boats, the ImmrgrsUoa suthoritles st Honolulu arrested me snd forcibly put me on board the Makers. Not wanting to be Idle I worked as a stoker from Honolulu. I signed on at 114 sterling a month. When I reached here I couldn't get my money and the Canadian authori ties wouldn't let me off the ship. "I wss born In Omoha. Neb 41 years ago. 1 left America whea was 7 years old. I came to Aus tralia and stared here until I was 25. Since then I , ha to-' traveled about the world In ships. Whea was brought on hoard this boat f the Makers) st Honolulu, the chief en gineer snd the purser admitted that I was not the msn who went oft the boat at Vancouver, but In spite of all that, the captain took me out to i H Ha r kins complained further that on the strength of promises by the custom authorities at Sydney that he would be released from detention on the Makura If he signed a cer tificate tht he was an alien. He signed tbe paper but the promise was not kept. The American consul here, E. J. Norton, took up llarklns case, but was unable to do anything on the man's behalf beeaase of lack or proper proof of American citizen ship. The whole thing.- he said, -goes back to the action of the Canadian authorities. Bri&fc J0 mHJ0Vt ""' unipivve Harbors of Jamaica KINGSTON'. Jamaica. Aug. 5 The estimates which haTe Just passed the British bouse of commons provide for an expenditure by tbe Imperial government of SS00.090 to equip Kingston harbor with an . oil aad mercantile ships. A large strip of land at the east-. ern en a or me narnor nas oeea ac quired for a quay and work Is now la progress. An srray snd navy can teen under the auspices of the imper ial government haa also been estab lished and everything Is being done I to attract vessels pass! a g through the! ranaraa canal. The local government's scheme of harbor Improvements hag been re ferred to a soectaJ board of experts. It Is Intended to dredge the harbor" whereby vessels with draught of 38 reet will be able to enter without fear of getting stuck Is mod banks. On account of the shallowness of cer tain parts of the channel, ihe battle ship Renown which is bringing its Prince or Wales here In September next will have to anchor at Port Royal, tire miles-oat skis Klaritoo A.B.Gardner - The Leafing Jewdsrv ' f : Successor to -"' T . Girdnt vL Kttnt New complete line of -. CntIa Ware and Irory Goodi Now is tbe time to hare your Diamonds and other gtms at tended to by oar expert workmen A. B. Gardner harbor. A special cruiser will con vey the prince and his party to King ston. Jake Say. Pete, that dollar you lent me yesterday was counterfeit. Pete WelL didn't you say yoa wanted It bad? OL GAULS DORF The Store of Housewares Phone T 13S X. Liberty St. 18-inch LeatLer lined $120 lilAX 0. BUREN 179N.Cc:a,lSL . The people of (his city know that we are Just. The fairness with which we con duct our business Is often talked . about. We serve " politely and la a modern manner. V . 1. T .IT . WeOl Take Good Care of Your Order. Perhaps yoa know oar reputation for always fillioc orders right whether they come try phooe, mail or person. Try us nest time . yea something. Sole Agent for Garden Court Preparation Sctaefer s Drag Store . 135 No. Com! SL Phone 197 The "PcrJzr"Sterc Genuine Walrus J - H J Phone Us s