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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1920)
t The Oregon Statesman Issaad Dally Except Monday by THE STATESMAN PUBLLSHINQ COMPACT 116 8. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use tor republication ei all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news published herein. R. I, Hendricks. ........... Manager Stephen A. Stone. , .Managing Editor Ralph GloYer Cashier Frank JsskoskJ.... Manager Job Dept. DAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier In Salem and suburbs, II cents week, SO cents a month. DAILY STATESMAN, by mall, St a year: S3 tor tlx months: 60 cents a month. For three months or more, paid-in advahce. at rate of $6 year. THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper, will be sent a year to any one paying a year la advaae to the Dally Statesman.) SUNDAY STATESMAN. $1 a year; 60 cents for six months 28 cents for three months. WEEKLY STATESMAN, Issued In two six-page sections. Tuesdays and Fridays, $1 a year (It not paid In advance, $M6); cents for six months; 26 cents for three months. TELEPHONES: Business Office, 23. Circulation Department, 6 S3. Job Department, 6SS. Entered at the Postofllce In Salem, Oregon, as second class matter. THE SUCCESSFUL LIFE. it is to furnish us an opportunity to develop, purify, elevate and make active and dominant our spirits. This life is like a school for the education and development of the spiritual nature in each man, in order to fit him to take full advantage of the new opportunities and larger life to come. This life is the primary school in which are to be learned tne lessons that fit man for the higher department to follow. Without taking the fullest advantage of the opportunities offered in this primary grade he is in no condition to understand or to take part in the work of the next department, or to share in the development which it is intended to bring. . The man who has neglected the-needs of his spiritual nature has not only overlooked the main purpose of life, but he has missed its greatest rewards. The beast of the field, if supplied with food and warmth, has physical content, but he is incapable of happiness The man who follows the desires and impulses of the flesh and is wholly absorbed with the things of the physical world may, like the beast, sometimes have a kind of animal con tent and satisfaction, but he is incapable of feeling real happiness. The intellectually developed mart has a higher enjoyment than i x i i .ul j i uu, uut reai nappiness is reserved ior me man wun a devel oped soul. His spirit is attuned to the melody of the spiritual universe. He feels the thrill of the inspiration that comes from the Great Center Life of the creation. . The unselfish love of God is swelling in his heart, bringing its priceless blessings. Every moment brings a joy which the unspiritual man can not know. And while enjoying the present he can look forward and upward with hope aye, with certainty and trust in his God, and know that all is well here and now and always. Whatever the world may think of it, his is the successful life. It is the only truly suc cessful life there is. s , (Copyright by San Jose Mercury) Our ideas of life change with our development. Each succes sive stage in the development of the individual brings its ambitions and interests and changes its. purposes and viewpoint, until ma turity comes, when the so-called frolics of childhood and youth are left behind and the man is absorbed in the avocations and ambi tions of the average normal man. But how much better is the ordi nary man employing his time than does the child or youth? He spends nearly all of his time" in his business, in the making of money, in solving his professional problems or in the prosecution of great industrial enterprises. He measures the success of his life in dollars and cents, 'and gets his satisfaction largely, if not entirely, f rorft. the purely physical results he is able to accomplish. Rarely indeed does man spend much time in thinking of, studying or striving for those finer, deeper, diviner things, without which the most active, prosperous and influential life is little better than a miserable failure. . But there is here no attempt to belittle business or any useful occupation by which men make an honest livelihood or work the modern business miracles. All of these things are mightily im portant to society as well as to the individual. "He that provideth not for his own household is worse than an infidel says the very highest authority. He that does not discharge faithfully and con scientiously the physical and worldly duties that life brings to him is in no attitude or condition to properly discharge any higher ones. No person, neglecting his first dutysto himself and his fam ily, to go into the world in an effort to reform or regenerate it, ever amounted to much as a preacher or reformer or got much satisfaction or reward out of, life. . - ) Most people have not learned that man is endowed with three , distinct natures, the physical, the intellectual and the spiritual; -and -that symmetrical and harmonious development of the individ ual is impossible unless all three of these natures are given proper . action and attention. Without this symmetrical and harmonious ' development no one can become as efficient as he may and should be and accomplish what he might accomplish industrially, intel lectually or spiritually. ;;;' . The nhvsical nature is the first tn rlpwlnn nA if ttw-1 -n-i trolled and-directed will become the foundation to sustain the other LA A W : a - . iwo natures, u can not, nowever, Decome such foundation if it be wholly neglected, as it is by the great majority of American busi ness and nrofessional men and pdnratoH and w-llf.. ' generally. That regular habits of life, good, wholesome food, reg- --- 1 a m. m uiar, active Docuiy exercise, ana plenty oi iresn air are necessary ' t- i ) : i ut. . . - -o uuuuy neann, sirengtn ana. vigor, most men win readily agree; but When VOU tell them that these thine are inf aa ....-. i l f- intellectual and spiritual development, strength and achievement Al A L ! 1 . . . uiey are apt 10 iook puzziea or sneer in aension. it is true never theless. . . - . . " i TM I fori Irt !-. I tn-4 J." AJ 1 " V pered by a weak, Sickly or . pain-racked body. Many a student as roaue nimseu a nervous wrecK ior llie, deprived himself of ine euucanon tnat ne yavea or Drougnt nimsell to an early grave by netrlectincr the demands of his hodv. A frail and frame, a pallid and solemn visage, and big hollow eyes are not iiecessaxy accompaniments oi a saint. '1 nose who ere informed know that these thine are Ant tn he tKo m.r., -.f nyDocnondriac and mlsanthrnne. The real livo ;nt k-..-m v,- bounding health, a smiling-face, bright uplooking eyes and en durance of body as well as of mind and spirit The ideal life xne truiy successful one, the one that means the very most to the individual and to the wnrlH i th of the nature harmoniously developed? strong in body, quick and .amaA 4kM AT 1 . a . . r jwueuaunK oi mina, ana a regenerated, active spirit guiding, di- rvf inT Hnmini(in- Jf all . - : The soul, the spirit of man, is the only thing he takes into & Mm mtr mm ' " V. . A. - - curiuiijr. aue great, purpose oi nie nere, tnererore, is not to ac quire riches or influence or power; not simply to enable us to grasp and enjoy the rood thine of the earth arA ffxrvm rl-w- 4i the grave at last with our hands and hearts still clinging to the perishable things of the world and empty of everything else; but j -Cox, after his White House Inter view, said he and Wilson were "ab solutely one." And that "one" was Wilson. The Salem slogan pages on next Thursday will tell of the great ben efits' this city and section are re ceding through the national adrer- tislng campaigns. The bishops of the Angelican Church, at their meeting at Lambeth. England, defeated the resolution to abolish sermons. And we had hoped so much for relief in that direction. EL Louis shoe manufacturers an nounce a cut of from SO cents to $2 a pair for shoes. A clothihg manu facturer says a 20 per cent cut Is coming, and employes in the latter trade are being laid off. Wheat la down, flour is down, and sugar Is oft another notch. That all sounds good and healthy. The peak has passed. In many lines there should be reductions, and In the lines men tioned further reductions. Paoer ought to sell for less than halt.pree ent prices. It would be a bad thing for the country if there were a panic In prices. But gradual re ductions in almost all tines will be a blessed thing and they are coming , Why Do; People Choose Friends as Executors? Yea, why do they? dften through sentiment, though rarely do sentiment and balnefia mis mh! the settlement of an estate is a delicate busine proposition. Often because men so chosen hare been snc cejwfur in their own affairs, flat why. If m man Is a good retailer, or wholesaler, or manufacturer may we conclude that he will be a good InTestment speelallt, family diplomat or estate conservator? There is reason In aU thing. Call and let onr Trust Officer explain why a bank is the best exec utor. ' . Capital National Bank TItrST DEPARTMENT ' SALEM ;: OREGON the most flagrant violation of it was when a florist opened his shop for a minister who wanted some Easter lilies to complete the decoration of his church. Now the clergymen ad mit that complete observance of the Sabbath Is difficult. Norwegian Merchants Blacklist German Firms CHRISTIANA, Aug. 5. A black list of German firms who are al leged to have broken contracts, jrlth Norwegian merchants is being pre- pared by the Christiana chamber of commerce and will be published as a warning to Norwegians to "be care fill of closing deals In Germany." The Christiana chamber of com merce now has under consideration names of 70 German firms against whom complaints have teen made that they broke contracts, a-t pally bees a re or aa friur of exchange. It Is understood Cera.. -. bers of commerce sre ro-o pen rT with the Norwegians to foW Germsn firms to fulfil their e tracta. V" Once more It has been demon strated that the pen Is mightier than the sword. ' . The editors beat the generals in the tight for the presi dential nomination. COX NOT A TOTE-GETTER. The federal nephews, at the San Francisco convention who were film- flamed into the notion that Cox Is a vote-getter are due for a rude awak ening. i never got by excepting on a rain check. Oils toasting as a runner is cam ouflage; .Mexican built rpringes for gudgeons. Ule first wormed Into the execu tive chair in 1S12 on account of the Progressive spilt.- For the same office he was licked in 18H, by 2S.2.9, though the Pro gressive candidate that year got 60,904 votes. He Inched in In 10 16 by a thin Ice plurality of 661S. rrofltlnr h the duplieity and deceit of Wilson's Slogan, -He kept us out of war." Me slipped in br only 11.S41 nin. rality In 1918. on a fluke, on account oi Republican disaffection, j That's the whole story in tabloid form. j In 1014. whence was licked for governor by 20.270 plurality. Hard ing was elected United States sena tor by a plurality of 102.573: and Harding had to stand the loss of 47,500 votes to the Progressive party candidate for senator. Cox is a fooiler and a false alarm as a vote-getter. The federal nephews, when the November returns are in. will be htriag able bodied men to kick them for being played for the rankest Of rank suckers at San Francisco. A RASTCS SEES IT (Itj Lue P. Vernon.) Mule, he done all dresa up. Koah Is m ml,. . --1 M his feet go thump-a-thump. -vumn on a gravel. Jimmy- Cos upon his back. A-coasln an -trivta' Com In "lour the campaign track Conju'in aa conaivin'. Mahatah Hardinr wida awake Don got on a wiggle. Flyln' fo de wlnnia atake. . main on a eagle. Eagle bird he powful spry. -- mz v w-i cvirn mm. To d Whit Hons roos' he fly laa v" ,-.! . m. , v ma wiicn mm. i SACRED HEART ACADEMY " Salem. Oregon Boarders and Day Pupils High Standard of Scholarshin - S7th Tear Conducted by the Sisters of the Holy Names For Catalog address; sister Superior XX 'tie r or progressive Business Men The Bicycle Has Long Since Replaced the Streetcar , the up-to-date batiness man has come to realize value of the bicycle in his titijd&j life. The Bicycle gives him the wholesome, easy exercise which he so greatly needs. The Bicycle saves his time, at the same time it gives exercise. No more time wast ed in waiting for street cars. No more suffocating rides in the crowded cars. An easy spin in the cool fresh air, instead. . The Bicycle, from a business standpoint, more than pays for itself. Jmt fifcre cp the amount saved on street cars, the time saved, and the -betterment of yocr health. Every business man should own a Bicycle. See our display of DAYTON COLUMBIA, HEAVY SERVICE BICYCLES Lloyd E. Ramsden 387 Court Street "I SVXDAV CIjOSIXG. They have a strict Sunday closing rdlnance in a Michigan city and . FUTURE DATES ' B-W- Anruat r A. . . " n.Y,V;7 V K 11 n rroiler. .Mui.nurr or American Um I August to 14 Buyers week -. rtntion In PortUnd. ' .L5"e,rl,-T?? -.rirst annual iii-iiation. www Co-oper.U,e JAuguat It. Wednesday Wlaeoaala Plenie at state talr a rounds St. i. Si.tTi.i a Convention of - " Tl v ,"-ar lem hospital to S.if wCiS,Bl3r hol b--ing. August 1. Monday lieetinr of .. elate members of Commercui elub. 'lAugust-gC. Thuraday ltabi eitote tesu at Commercial club. T " lAnruat 11. Tuesday First annual :?.Vi5- Cap.ol atVeet 'VrTT' "5 No,:t S . nt.M. K A 9 X S5 wsawVS!? T- f ililfy feC .jus, TU SnMso TrucU rem U used n tie form, it f m -..-.. ' " Cu city toik equot tJfuMtuj. ll u,tU r ntYwurr. tt-" i w i r 41 -v -- THE SAMSON l-TON TRUCK Will Soon Be Ready for Delivery mA Uea. !7 10 fUp Uio load ia lh ordurd or barn nfUyer thet nrket-direct to comxuaer if yon like-without imgle transfer in trt-nipcrUtion. The SAMSON TON TRUCK equipped with pneumatic tires and extension bues, on all four wheels, win ran through plowed ground, stubble, sand, mud or mow-in the field or on the road. .v l Y1?, n3rwhcrc for load and delirer it anywher-b7 the most direct route-in the shortest possible time. Nothing stops it any day in the year. It insures continuous transportaUon for your products. It makes you independent of every other conveyance. It enables you to pick the most advantageous market. There are hundreds of other ways in whicH the exclusive Sam son features distinctly benefit your pocketbook. Let us actually prove how and why. Let us show you on your own farm You have nothing to lose except by waiting-end ev erything to gain. Vick B rotlier s ALBANY 503 BANK OF C05IMERCE BUILDING SALEM, OREGON EUGENE DALLAS M'MINNVILLE W00DBURN Hi - - -i-.l. , : . v' "T --V-0--.CC-WMUr-