The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 25, 1920, Page 1, Image 1

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14 PAGES u
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Drunkenness Seen in Salem
Daring Convention Not
Countenanced by Order, Is
Assertion at Conference
Chautauqua Speaker Excori
ates Officials for Laxity,
in Enforcement-:
- 1. .-
Secured 30O Dollars, But Refused to
. Accept atches or Other
Jewelry ;
FRESNO. Cal., July .24. Four
automobile stages en route to the Yo-
semite valley tilled with passengers.
Agitated Mother' Request Tliat
Cupid be Curbed and Order
Are Carried Out
Some Elks conceived the idea of
were new op and the passengers In SklDDerS Consider That Di. bating the efficiency of U. G. Boyer's
?Jl1e -b?n h i CretlOn Is Better Part Of yesterd.r afternoon. The ra-kd.d
highway about a mile and a half
from Miami Lodge in Mariposa coun
ty. As near as could be estimated.
the bandit secured about $300. The
robber escaped in the brush, and to
night a pose under sheriff Al Turner
Valor Lose No Time in,loto;awn nDon the 'victims untn
i some lime alter me incident bad
Signaling Agreement
An elderly woman rushed Into the
office and vehemently requested that
no license be Issued to her daughter
who. she said, had left home presum
ably to be married. After additional
warnings she leffi a written protest
at the office and niade her exit. Later
a couple came In 'and 'asked for a
marriage certificate that would
above the road and commanded the Is OCCOnd PostDOnement Be-1 make tbem " OBe " Ther had wU"
passengers to remain in their seatsH UCVUUU- P nesses. and they also "filled the bill-
Cause OI neaVV Tieainer l,eiT- T ine enragea raomer wno naa
of Mariposa' county Is. searching the HOLIDAY CROWD IS
." The bandit had thrown, a log across I SORELY DISAPPOINTED
the road and when the first stage
racned It, he suddenly appeared from
the underbrush an the mountain
He, was armed with a rifle and had a
flour sack over his head
The ' first car had six boy scouts
from New York under the leadership
of J. E. Natthes. The robber would
take no money from them or from
in Race History
SANDY HOOK. N. J.. July 24.
Possession , of . the sloop America s
"I am sorry, but we were request
ed that no license be issued to you
The witnesses testified that the wo
man was ot age.
"Yes.! cried out the would-be-hus-
Darkle Owl umbered Five to One
Rat Hold Their Own Till Troop
Stop Fight
Scheme Suggested Based on I
Withdrawal of Home Rule r.42kiSSl
Dill and Substituting Do
minion Home Rule
TYi ilranltmn.u Indnlepd In
rK ImnnRlt. In Kolom rinrinr th I the drivers,
iiw..fvj " a I ni - . t . ,
state convention of the Elks :Umou yachting trophy still hnttgltrJ'aimlWiT
. i . . it., lucuisicii ueuiuu. naea mi mree w . i- mi m uj .
rot ana uui swumruim-cu uj 1 . . . . . , in ig uwance luniui, iu uuir vaml. for IS veara '
... ... . 1 1 I . 1. 1 III llfl I 1 lit. IIIIIIIMr W 1 1 1 1 . . - ... . . V
Brucr, uu mai iUOC u,C ura. matidnH r m ndrmiu.n nrn.tmtt i aim " ',0,ul .c-i TDe wouia-oe-gToom presented a
imbibed did so with the Qisapprovai - T,J "7 iir Vtk" oeVKeen flerenaer Kesoiute and health certificate but when the train
of thlr sober brotners, wno were in rr -"JV-.: .kT n he Brttun i cnaiienger snamroca led eves of the deputy clerk were fas-
. . - i lau . - i I I uu . u nuv ua kuwj uai lu udecu- 1 . r a . n. I . I il - .
ine vasi majorny.. w emiinMiwu . , j iv, nTins own fuiw on iuuij iaiinel upon It. the document was
BEDFORD, N. T.. July 24. In
mates of the state reformatory for
women engaged In a serious race
in .the
to all
cottages at the Institution
Hct flat Irons used by the negro
girls oarinc the fight in the laundry
forced their opponents to flee, but
the oattle as renewed on the lawn
when scores of white inmates joined
UNION LACKS AUTHORITY the fr.r. The laundry was wrecked.
SAYS PRIME MINISTER negroes were outnumbered five to
one but they held oft their oppon
ents with knives and flat Irons.
England Won t AllOW. ThlS tO state troopers and the Bedford v-
Three girls escaped from the re
formatory tonight. A fourth, who
escaped during the riot, was caught
and brought back
Several policemen and trooper
were injured slightly while quelling
the disturbance. One was bitten, by
a gin. About a dozen gins were
lent and bruised. The ringleaders
Continue Pacifists Must
Act Now
gers of the second and third, cars.
The passengers in the second car
the face of a 23-mlle south wester. I placed In the category ot things li
st a conference in the office of Gov
crnoi Olcott yesterday. ' i were nenrr J Toiibp ir n7 t The ,,n1 Tace m ." Monday legal. Again the deputy refused the
The, conference, was, called hy I children of New York- Ynnnir threwl11 weatner Permits. v Iouple a license whereupon they left
mm a f mm. a a m k m Aii ab nr I " ' I . T'rx. mwm MAhan
Is based on the withdrawal . ot . the
present home rule bill from the
house of commons and the substitu
tion ot dominion home rule with pro
visions whereby the Ulster council
will have the option ot accepting.
1 A A t L -
A I,? A Til , a wallet containing $300 to Andy
th Elks, and was attended, by rep- Davidson., driver ot the car. and put
rescntaUve members of the order. I -m -h--.. ,, fh, htt
losciner wun siaecouniy ana cuj , The passengers in the third car
officials. Out of the. conTerenee. ,ltV(ir(l Mr- s A cxtc. wn
Today's postponement came as a I A few minutes later another couple
bitter - surprise to a great holiday I presented themselves at the desk and
crowd. But "the skippers ot'tbel3aid that they were from San Fran
shanelv racers obviously considered Iclsco. ' They notified the deDUtv clerk
that discretion was the better part I that their mission was for a marriage
is . said, baa -sprung a policy that I children of San Francisco Mrs C C ot vwor,, for neither lost any time In incense. The couple were notified
rails for suDoresslon of the booze I Ufln,mnn r f.. ' . "T I signalling "No" In response to at l-hat their case was out of the Jurts-
nuisance at future gatherings of . the Thayer and brother of New York and I iJQiry from the committee boat I diction of the clerk's office and con
order. ' Mr and Mrs C M Marcusson ot De- whether there was any -objecUoa Isequently would have to refuse to is
That the lod Itself did not con- tmit ' to a postponement 4 hue the necessary papers. They left
Unnm dmn1rnnM was ovlrlenreH hv 1 A J K t,h.ra .v . I .Both sloons had Worked their way 1 'n JOVlaUmOOd
the tact that at no time was intoxt-lwas com pleted.' about 15 minutes aft- oat through the. heavy, sea nnderl Later In the day the county clerk's
cation to be seen5 about the club erthe first state had been stonned. a "ht sails. They. were bobbing p force discovered that the pranks were
rooms ot the Salem lodge on Uberty fourth stage appeared. ThU also con-1 ntl. down like chips and were heeled "se ot tun-ioving tias.
Street, which was a center of actlv-Itained bov aconta from New Ynrk and I over by the Wind " nntll their lee
ity for visitors, both men and worn-1 was allowed to ko unmolested. I decks , were awash , when :the post'
en. Perfect order prevailed at all! A small machine coming In the op-Ponement tignal sent them scurry
, times with no effort necessary tolpoisite direction from Miami waaimg DacK to sneuer
turned back by the robber. The
driver of this car went back to Miami
and reported the holdup. '
make it so,
Raid Is Organized.
Following the eonrerence in the
governor's off lee. city and county
onicers, with the assistance ot sev
eral Elks, raided the stands of the
concessioners on Liberty street, be
tween. State and Ferry, where,, it Is
said bootleg liquor was sold. The
raiders found no booze.
The conference in the governor's
ornce was attended by Harry G.
Allen, retiring president of the state! AmAr:r9n filvrriri tr Tpam D a.
EJks association: Frank t. wriaht-1 American uiympic ieam Ut-
man, elected third vice- president of
feats All Comers in IndT-
dividual Classes
'the state association in the'eonren-
, tlon that closed yesterday; E. -W.
Hazard, one ot the trustees of the
""".Tl V crosaey, man- ANTWERP, July 24. America
rer of the Salem Commercial club: I .a . a
w. L Needhamsherlff of Marion I Olympic trap shooting, taking the
county; J. T. Welsh. Salem chief first uTe places in: the indlvldnal
oi police; otto J. Wilson, mayor of I competition. Mark Alrie ot Cham-
caiem; E. A. Kurtz, exalted, ruler I naign. 111., is the Olympic champion.
of Salem lodge, and .Governor Ol- He scored. 95, out of a possible 100.
eo"- Frank M. Troch, Vancouver, Wash..
Mr. McCroskey was delegated to (was second with 93.
give out the information concerning 1 Horace Bonser. Cincinnati; Frank
tne conference. .... IS., Wright, Buffalo-and Fred Plum.
Lodge Not to Blame. I Atlantic City, tied for third with 87.
. .."Conditions are not chargeable I Alrie won with an sensational
against the Elks lodge. said Mr. straight ten at the finifch. shooting at
McCroskey. "Of course there were J birds sprung at random from eight
doubtless some members of the! trans, while Trosh. who was tied with
lodge who brought liquor to Salem him at 90, broke only eight ot the
with them. However, thev did not Hast string.
bring It to sell. A lot of men of I The day's shooting was in bad
the riff-raft -character floated into I weather, with wind and rain and al-
Salem for ; the convention for no I ternatlng sunshine,
other reasoQ than to do a bbotlegg- Tne Canadian, Montgomery, fin
la business. They were not Elks, ished sixth with 86. Hamilton of the
hut some of them wore the colors or same team rke 82. buttVance, with
the embjems of the order. - ii. ana ueauie wun a were eumi
"i infn f Rlnated -before the last ten. Hutch!
15 rear, olrl whn .tnnnoH a m n son Black with 52. was eliminated
th itrt .nrM latter 70'UrgeU had been shot at.
-'Muscat' lsthe word. . The trap shootinr medals will be
m . - 1 nrncon t carl TnacHav nv iTriiinT 14 Tla
said the Z Baillet-Latour. president of the exee-
scout. I belong to the Boy Scouts utlTe committee
M. replied the bo v. "iiiRt uv
Muscat' and you can get it. My
dad makes it up east of Woodhurn."
With a gesture the ' boy indicated
the street where the" concessions
were located: v
Allen Against NuWanre.
It is known that the influence
of Harry G. Allen, president ot the
State Elks' association, was direct
ed against -the liquor nuisance dur
ing the three days he was in ftelem.
Some of the ministers called the at
tention of officials to conditions and
Judge Fred G. Bale, Chautauqua
lecturer, apparently believing the
Elks were countenancing the con
anions, excoriated the lodge in a
lecture at the Chautauqua tent Fri
day night and flayed the 'manage
ment of a local hotel where he stayed
while In Salem. Thin lecture, to
gether with other working sent!
ment in the city, brought matters
to a head yesterday. ' The manage
ment of the hotel said yesterday that
he! had been wrestling strennonsly
with the situation. He deprived his
guests of the use of the elevator so
the stairways might be watched by
special men employed for the pur
Pose, and went so far as to oust, i
number of persons from their
rooms. Also the manager says he
j appealed to the police for protec-
; "on.
Yolk Defend Elks.
. One police 'officer is said to have
declared he was under orders not to
rrest any Elks.' This Is stoutly de-
' 'ea by Gerald Volk.. chairman o
me police committee of the city
council. who stoutly denied that
Today's was the second postpone
ment because of the heavy weather
tn the history of contests for the
America's cupv , The first was in
1903 : when ehamrock; III objected
to racing in rm northeast gale.
Reliance was willing to make the
attempt. v .. ' r
All other . Kstpooements have
been due to lack of wind. .
I Today's race was called off by the
regatta committee because of the
fear that there might belos of life
among the crew of the challenging
This explanation was given to Sir
Thomas Liptbn by Captain Burton
end Yachting Master Duncan -.Neill.
when they were called aboard the
Victoria after ' the challenger had
been returned to her moorings. .
It. was With the, consent of the
skippers of the two yachts," Sir
Thomas said, atter he had inter
viewed his men from Shamrock. "I
was naturally disappointed at. first.
tor the reason that from my position
on the sheltered deck of Victoria I
could not appreciate the conditions
Since talking with Captain
Burton and Colonel Neill. however.
am quite satisfied that the right
thing was done. I must add.
however, that there was no sugges
tion from Shamrock . that the race
be called off."
(Continued on page 2.)
Farm Bureau .Federation De
vises NeWiSystem of
Handwriting in Series'of Let-
ters From Detroit Is j ExV
peeled to Disclose Identity
of Murdered Woman
Mysterious Correspondent
Uses Many. Names Bet ;
Writing Is Same
LONDON; July 24. Labor's
scheme for the pacification of Ire
land, presented to Premier Lloyd
ueorge Dy ine parliamentary cvm-i-- " ..-n. . . rkri
mlttee of the trades union congress, of the rjot and about 70 Participant P"
i. v. ...... .u i r th.lwere locked in the nrlson hatldlnr I rk are expectec. to reveal me iaen-
were locked in .the prison building
where they continued screaming and
shouting for some time.,
Miss Florejice Jones, superinten
dent, resigned tonight as a result
of the trouble. Rev. Thomas Kelly,
. NEW- YORK. July 24. Clues ob
tained today from handwriting con
tained in series of lettera whictt
The premier's reply was that he I former chaplain, assisted the police
was willing to discuss the proposition j in quieting the rioters.
with anyone having authority and I "Some of the girls cot the Impres
who could deliver the goods, but the! aion they could do Just as they
trades union, he said, was not in mail pleased, u id .Rev. Kelly. "Obe
position. girl said they could get away with
"There is only one body or opin- murder
Ion." be declared, "that can make an
arrangement, and that is the organ
ized opinion of the Irish people."
When J. H. Thomas, general secre
tary of the national union of rail
wayman, expressed optimism regard'
Truck Driven by George Bow
man Hit by Passenger
Train at Woodburn ..
Hungary Feels She Must
Take Up Poland! Defense
BUDAPEST. July at. "A new
earthquake in the form of a Bol
shevlk invasion is threatening Eu
rope." Count Paul Teleky Said in
the national assembly convoked to
day to hear the statement ot the new
government of which the count Is
premier. . "The red offensive, the
boycott and Bela Kun's escape indi
cate the reds scheme to overrun
Europe. We hold the Austrian gov
ernment responsible for the boycott
and also for the escape of the com
missaries. ' -
"Hungary regards, herself as the
fortress Of the west against the Russians-
If Poland Is doomed to fall.
the banner of Christian democracy
will be defended by the Magyars. We
want peace with our neighbors and
are therefore accepting gratefully
France's oifer to act a Intermedi
"If the territorial clauses of the
peace treaty were revived, there
would be a chance of economic
agreement leading to the reconstruc-
George Bowman of Sheridan. Or..
was killed and Miss Mary McGrew
of Woodburn was Injured, perhaps
fatally, when a motor truck In which itlon of eastern Europe.
they were driving was struck by a
Southern Pacific train at a grade
crossing near Woodburn shortly af
ter 6 o'clock last night.
Bowman was employed as a truck
driver by the Graves cannery, on the
outskirts s of Woodburn. , The . plant
has jut closed down for the day and
Miss McGrew got Into the truck to
ride with Bowman Into town. South
ern Pacific passengerNo. 27, south
bound, bore down upon them as they
started across the track and the
truck was carried a distance of 375
feet before the train eould be
brought to a stop. The truck was
demolished and it was necessary tn
attach heavy chains to it to draw
it free of the fender ot th enitine
Bowman was killed instantly and
the gfrl is in a critical condition.
moderate northwesterly
CHICAGO. July 24. Appointment
oi committees to devise plans for the
cooperative marketing ot grain an4
livestock was determined upon at tbe
final session today of the American
Farm Bureau federation. The live
stock proposal - was unanimously
approved when the association's com
mittee on that Industry recommend
ed it. The action came a few hours
after the plan ot the grain commit
tee had been received favorably cy
a majority of the convention.
The grain committee, which will
be appointed soon by J. R- Howard,
president ' of the federation j will be
a ' permanent body with headquar
ters In Chicago. It will investtcatn
existing plans of cooperative market
ing as well as suggest new plana.
Members of the committee will com
prise leading grain producers, ?rain
elevator men and others.
A resolution was adopted dlrectln
that efforts be made by the farm
bureau to obtain cars to move crops.
It also was recommended that frelrnt
problems be referred to the federa
tion to obtain uniform rates and
eqnal facilities for all farmers.
The federal trade commission was
congratulated tor "Us substantial
work In the east" and the support
of the federstion was pledged. An
other resolution indorsed deep water
way projects. .
Efforts of the federation to obtain
freight cars were reported by Mr.
Howard. "In January the federation
sent a delegation to Washington to
learn whether we could obtain nio.-e
cars." he said. "We were advl3ed
that there existed a shortage or ap
proximately 1OO.00Q cars and 'Vat
about 1 20.000 more noeded repair.
We were told that the best we eon'd
.hope to obtain In the way of fre'xht
cars was about o per cent or nor
mal distribution."
Representatives ot the l n:ted
States Grain Growers association
and of the .national board of farm
organizations who attended the moc!-
Ings here announced that a conven
tion of those orgs nlxat Ions wou'-t
be held at Columbus, O.. probaMy
in August.
Destroyers Ordered to
Astoria For Legion meet
WARSAW. July 24. Lemburg
newspapers assert that Bolshevik of
ficers in tne Lemburr hosnital ad-
ing the, dominion scheme, Mr. Lloyd I mit the present Bolshevik offensive
George said: .lis a final effort, which will not con-
"You may know more than I do. Iltinue for more than a fcrtnirht as
am very sure that things are going I tne . jj. are demoralized, and dls-
to happen on the other side, ana i couraged.'
things win necome very mucn worse
and very much sterner. Tney njnst i Hrx THEATRES FEEL TAX
know that we cannot allow tnis to go
on. Therefore whatever anyDoay wno i BERLIN. July 24. German then
is anxious lor peace does, lei mm Q ters have been so hard bit by the
it anickly. Tnai is an l nave to say. i.mnmnt. it thst ttnrtnr
Mr. Thomaa. aa spokesman tor tne corfllnr to the manarers. has fallen
committee, said they believed thatlnff fPom o-a 70 Mr eent. Max
the present situation In Ireland wasiRe1nHardet Germany' . foremost play
due nrst to tne reiusai oi me iruu producer, announces - that he will
government to recognize tn eonsti-ihaTe to his three Berlin thea
tutional claim which Ireland maae terg oniMg the Ux ls abolished.
for self government, and second, to
tlty of the woman whose mutilated
botiy was found In a trunk here yes
terday, police Investigating the case
announced tonight.
The lettera were produced by An
drew J. Branic. a local expressman..
Branic also told officials ot two
South Americans for whom he stored
a trunk In ISIS, and one of whom
later ordered the .trunk shipped to
E..Lroy. care of the Y. M. C A.
In Detroit. The name of Leroy U
that of the person reported as hav
ing occupied an apartment at to
Harper street. Detroit, the address
on the trunk on which the body was
found. The most recent letter to
which the' police , attached" Import
ance was one received by Branie
June 11 from a man in Detroit. It
was signed A. A. Tatum. and ordf red
him to get a trunk sent from there
June 10. He tried to locate the
trunk but waa not able to find it.
It was last January. Branic told
the police that he received the let
ter directing the trunk to be feent to
E. Leroy. That letter, he said, was
In the same handwriting as the Ta
tum letter, but was signed O. J.
Woods, the name which the express
man said was used by one ot the
two South Americans.. These men.
according to Branie, were known o
him first as A. J. Fernandes and
(Continued on page 2.)
the failure of the government to deal
with those who openly suppqyted sim
ilar rebellion a few years ago.
Mr. Thomas declared there never
was such an opportunity to make
peace as now, and the trade unions
believed that dominion .home pile
was tbe solution. It was useless to
proceed with the present bill, which
failed to recognize Ireland aa a na
tion. If the government would con
cede this, then British labor wonld
ask the Irish people If they wonld
accept. Mr. Thomas declared himself
absolutely sure of success.
The premier replied: .
"I have already said I waa pre
pared to discuss with the responsible
leaders of Irish opinion any plana for
the settlement of Ireland, subject to
two conditions. The first was that
By Rev. WUUam J. MiUiken
SEATTLE. July 24 Posses to
night were searching Mercer island.
near here, for Jiai Sphyridio. a farm
hand who. according to reports early
this .evening threw a pitchfork into
a group of children who had len
teasing him. striking and fatally in
juring Marv Jane Pap pas. 11. The
little girl died 20 minute later.
OCEAN CITY. N. J..- July 24. A
worlds surf " easnng record was
claimed here today for Charles E
Chousen. of the Anglers club, who
was recorded as making a cast of
454 feet. U tiwhe in the first an
nual tournament of the club. The
former record was 452 feet. .1 Inches
made by John Shaw. Long Island
casting club. May 25. 1919.
Not every on that sayeth un
to me.. Lord. Lord, shall enter
into the kingdom ot heaven; but
he that doeth the will of ray
Father who is in heaven. Matt.
Religion Is life and not' creed. Re-
we eould not agree to secession in Hflon is character and not philoso-
the American sense, and the second I phy. It is what a man is rather than
was that we must have self determin. I what church he belongs to. Life
atlon for the northeast.".
To Enforce Immediate " Shut
down If Illinois Case Set
tled Unfairly '
seeks to express itself in thought
forms, and these are our creds. A
man can no more help forming creeds
than he can help thinking. But theee
are the necessary products ot lite and
not life itself.
This being true, the average man's
religion Is better guaged by his
borsetrade on Monday than by his
testimony on Sunday. I am. not be
littling the testimony . But the ordi
nary man" pocketbook lies nearer to
his vital center than does his mouth.
I have known preachers you could not
trust In a horsetrade . I cut my eye
teeth (In a business way) on the
tough hide of a recording steward.
Possibly even the devil feels eminent
ly respectable when h goes to
t be I church. What one does the rest of
r-lthe week counts for more' than what
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. July 21.
Possibility of a general strike of M
luminous coal miners thioeh
ceniral competitive field wa
vealed in a statement here innir'(he says one day in seven
by John I.. Lewis, president ot ihol This is why James writes
I'nited Mine Workers of America. I "Pure religion and nndefiled be
regardlng the trike in progress in fore our God and Father is this, to
the Illinois field. visit the fatherless and widows in
Any settlement of the Illinois their affliction, and to keen oneself
strike which would modify the basic I nnSp0tted from the world."
SAX DIEGO. July 2 4. Six de
stroyer, with the scout cruiser Bir
mingham, have bn ordered to As
toria. Or., to represent the navy at
the Oregon state convention of the
American Lesion. July 29-31. The
defctroyers. John Francis Burner.
Perclval. Fuller. Homers. Twiggs and
Babbitt, will leave this port tomor
row. lolninz the Birmingham at
San Francisco.
PARIS, July 24. Tha fUticth an
niversary of the establishment of the
Th'rd Republic will be celebrated -n
Feptrmber 4 next anJ will be or
served as a national holiday. Tie'
program of the celebrations has not
yet been drawn np but officials have
expressed the wish that they oe or
ganized on an "elaborate scale and
surpass the fetes of July 14.
Interstate agreement under the min
ers of the central field are now work
ing would result in action by ihe;
national officers to enforce an im
mediate shutdown of all the bitumin
ous mines, involving a strike of
21O.000 men. Mr. I-ewls said.
His statement said:
The present situation in the Illi
nois coal l:elds is uirecuy cnarse-
anle to tbe lamentable blunder of
the I'nited States bituminous coal
commission, wfiich in its majority
bunch which flaunts the Cag ostenta
tiously while defying the enforcement
of the very constitution of the United
States itself. While the sheep and
the goats alike browse in the pleas
ant pastures ot prohibition tbe "dog
returns to bis vomit again." Tne
Master did not tavorlawleaaneaa. But
so great and overwhelming a com
passion for humanity was tn nis soui
that his very rebukes were throbbing
with living compassion.
One day a man hailed me In an
Oregon City store and accused me of
preaching against holiness. This I In
dignantly denied. I always peuevea
and tanght that men should live the
hlcber life of surrender to God's Holy
Spirit.. But I had not taught his
He said:
"I know that my view of holiness
is true. I have put it to the proof. I
have not committed a sin for over
two years."
At this point I noticed a man edg
ing up to us and listening to our con
versation. I don't know wtlat made me say it
unless it was of the Lord, but I re
plied: "I'm not willing to take your word
for It. Mr. T . You might be mis
taken. I had rather ask your nHjch-
Jbor or the man who works with you.
Just here the listener thumped m
between the shoulders so hard that I
saw stars, and bellowed:
Right ye are. brother. Them's the
truest words ye ever spoke. I've
worked with this man T for over
two years and he's the meanest cuss
1 ever had anything to do with.
Later I found that our sinless
friend was not too holy to make life
such a burden to his neighbors that
the entire block heaved a sich of re-
Of course be had no idea that any
one would substitute the doing of
these thincs for religion. Man can't
'Get Religion" by doing good deeds
or oy moral living, nut alter ne nas
ot it after he "Knows God and i
known of Him" then the spiritual lief hen he moved. He was a dead
life within cannot help . expressing
itself In the foliage of clean living,
the flowers of faith, and the fruitage
of true kindliness and neighborly
Occasionally you find a man who
fly in the ointment" mizhty dead
at that to the godly man who was
his pastor. Moreover his holiness did
not intertere with his jumping a
batch of unpaid hills when he slid
out of town. This . was nothing
award failed to provide adequate k-htm .,.. Ih(, BrDr vrav m hor.t acit)t holiness. A thinr that is no
fompensation for certain classitica-J nl omn holiness is by lambasting ' good is neer counterfeited. It was
that of his neighbor. Take it from ' merely that he roessed the wrong
me. he is either a faker or has had brand
tions ot mine workers. This award
was affirmed by President Wilson
over the pretext of the national, of
ficers of the. United Mine Workers
and in violation of the pledges of
the I'nited ; States government that
ustire would be rendered the min
ers. . .
OMAHA. Neb.. July 24. Two In
fants, about two days old. were
found at the bottom of an aban
doned cistern here today. Doctors
say bojji will live. . The second ba
by was discovered by a reporter an
hour after neighbors found the first
one. t
somebody -pass off the wrong brand
on him. ' Holiness Is like dignity.
When you see a man so self-conscious
that he- seems constantly afraid that
his dignity will "slop over and spill"
you may be sure that he has none of
the commodity to spare. It Is so with
holiness. Like the kingdom of heav
en It "cometh not with observation."
The most saintly men I have ever
Unless one ! holy inside his holy
outside Is merely a veneer. Too much'
holiness Is like ora" women's com
plexions. It comes out of the wrong
box and will not Mand water. True
holiness. like the flush ot youthful
beanty .ha its springs in the heart.
A life breathing the atmosphere ot
God's love. feaMing upon the ambro
.nla ot Hit word, drinking in the
known were the easiest to live with 'Pleasure of His comradeship, and
and the most unassuming. Christ was
never a kill-Joy . He was a friend of
publicans and sinners. Not that he
ever compromised with evil or
winked at wrong. I think he would
have a word to say about the disloyal
ith unveiled face, beholding as In
a mirror the glory of the Lord. can
not help being transformed Into the
same image from glory to glory.
And such is vital religion and true