The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 24, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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Phone 1421
173 Sooth Commercial
Where a Dollar Does Its Duty
Beef Roast
16c Mutton to Roast ...15
Beef to Boil... .: UVj Mutton Chops... 18c
Shoulder Steak....22M Leg of Mutton:....... 18c
Round or Loin Steak 25c Mutton Stew.. 8c
Veal Chops .. ... . .20c Pork Roait.
Good bacon. ...35c Leg of Lamb.. ...25c
Lard in one pound car- Lamb Stew.... ..12Mc
25c - -'
.19c Hamburger... 19c
Open Until 8 P. M.
Quality and Service
Quality and Service
Has it ever occurred to you that in buying Coffee in a
' tin with a fancy lithographed label yon are paying ten cents
for the tin and the balance of the purchase price for the Cof
ee? Nevertheless this is a fact and to get away from this use-
less buying of tin we are buying the very best coffee obtain
' able and packing it in parchment lined paper bags and it is
sold on a guarantee to give satisfaction or money back.'
Gem Blend, 50c pound; 3 pounds. . . . . , , .... .$1.46
Economy Blend, 40c pound; 3 pounds. . . ........ .... . ..$1.10
Fruits for Saturday
Cantaloupes, !
Peaches, , 1 . , .
Apricots; , .
Watermelons, ' 1
Honey Dew Melons,
-..' Loganberries,
Royal Ann and Bing Cherries
'Green and Wax Beans,
Carrots, Turnips and Beets,
Fresh Tomatoes and Cucumbers,
i Head Lettuce and Cabbage,
Peas and New Potatoes
I Delicatessen
Mrs. Montgomery, manager of our; delicatessen depart
, ment, has returned from a ten. day trip to the Sound cities
and has picked lot of new ideas which will be put into effect
in her department.
Phone Your Orders Early
Quality and Service! '
Last Rounds Find Trambitas
Wearing Down Tough
Johnny .McCarthy
Phones 1885-6-7
Quality and Service
CTAtzc:iA:r classified ads. being giieat bxstjlts
Gorman Has Shade in Defend-
ing Featherweight Title
Against Baird
The 10-round ro between Alex
Trambitas ot Portland and Johnnie
McCarthy of San Francisco, welter
weight champion of the Pacific coast,
at the state fair stadium last night
famished the most excitement for the
fans on the card of five boats. It
was the second main event and was
called a 'draw by Referee" Grover
Francis, considered a just decision.
McCarthy forced most of the fight
ing and had the better of the go in
the early rounds, but toward the end
the Portland boy was wearing the
Teteran oat and punishing him se-
erely. '
In the main go Joe Gorman, feath
erweight champion of the Pacific
coast, and Earl Baird fought a 10-
round draw. It was a give and take
battle with Gorman having a shade
most of the time.
The four-round preliminary match
between Neal Zimmerman of Port
land and Carl Martin of Oregon City
ana the Eight-round go between
Puggy Morton of Los Angeles and
Eddie Shannon of , San Francisco
were draws. In the curtain raiser, a
four-round event, Frankie Crites of
Newberg won a decision over Carl
Miller of Salem.
The opening round of the Gorman-
Baird go was tame, but the boys of-
ierea an even exchange of blows to
head and body. One ot Baird's
swings rocked Gorman wickedly.
rne second round was even, but
the third belonged to Gorman and in
the fourth Gorman delivered some
heavy wallops to Baird's Jaw. The
sixth and seventh resulted in about
equal honors. In the eighth and
ninth Gorman waded in and made
matters look rather gloomy for the
beattie boy. Both lads fought vigor
ously in me imai round.
The Trambitas-McCarthy match
was a real battle and a gory one. The
boys rushed Into a clinch at the go
off and exchanged lefts and rights to
neaa ana lace. Honors were even.
The second was an even round. The
tnird belonged to McCarthy but in
the fourth Trambitas had a shade.
in me mta the San Francisco boy
rocked the Port lander severely
erai urnes and had Alex looking like
a joser. aiccartnr fourht wtckodiv in
the sixth, landing heavilr to the bodr
ana ajways Donng tn as he did
mivutuuui me iigni. nut ne was
wearing out and the seventh was an
even round. Trambitas had the bet
ter of the last three rounds.
Eddie Shannon and Pugev Morton
ouerea a line exhibition. Shannon is
a master boxer who uses a right up-
percui wun temng effect. Morton
nas a ousy and a wicked left and nrt
it to good advantage.
ine spectators numbered . ihnnt
uuv. ueneral approval was given
Kereree Grover Francis. The f tenter
were Introduced by Frank Durbin of
me feaiem boxing commission.
Vancouver Women Guests
at Elks Temple Quarters
beveral women of the Vancouver
ioage or tilts were guests in Salom
yesterday when ther came down to
take pointers from the coming Wash-
uKion suite convention of lllks
which is to be held 'in Vancouver
next month. The women hUh'y
praised the women's reception com
mittee and the rooms which Ur
nave attractively arranged.
They gave a special invitation o
the Salem Elk women to attend their
convention, wnich is held August 19
20 and 21. - -
i n Vancouver women who wers
oaiem s guests were all representa-
jie oi meir cuy and they are listed
below: 1
Mrs. clement Scott. Mrs. Lewis
?,na"UCK. Mrs- L- J. Dermody. Mr.
m. . Alien. Mrs. Ray Duback. Mre
Arthur Pender. Mrs. Ralph Percival.
ir. jonn j. cairns. Mrs. C. C. Flot,
Mrs. W. Hamilton. Mrs. RoviWilirin.
son. Mrs. Agnes Silver. Mrs. Chester
m. maimer. Mrs. William Dundan.
LINCOLN. Neb.. July 23 Mem
bers of the prohibition national com
miuee made preliminary- n!n. r
conducting the campaign at a meet
ing toaay. irgil G. Hinshaw of Chi
cago continues as national chairman
airs iaa u. Wise-Smith of Cedar
caputs. Iowa, was elected vice-chair
man.j Others elected are:.
Secretary. Mrs. Franc v Tt
champ. Lexington. Ky.; treasurer. H.
r. aris. Clinton. Neb. The executive
m,u," made up of Chairman
Hinshaw, Robert II. ration. Spring
Held. Ills.; F. L. G. Ilohenthal. South
Dcnraier, conn.: w. G. Calder
wood. Minneapolis. Minn.; Dr. F B
Prugh. Harrison rg. Pa.
The executive tommtiiM 'n
Ll?,Zd I0.? that lho o"icial pro-
hi hit inn hall. 1. i- . .
6lirn pmce in as
.ny states as possible. It was ex
plained to the commiti h. r-i, ,i
man Hinshaw that the party was on
the ballot In onlr nix f.t. ...... v".
J 'm.uS eiaie conventions, in
b .thtr tat " n get on
" ioBi7oy petition.
Longshoreman Admits
Murdering His Wife
yvyKR: B- C July 23.-,V.
y. iwbwm. a longshoreman, con
T- . Z no1 na kiUei hi wife
... pirn nere Monday evening and
inen maae dally visits to the spct
I ?fj,n.lf,2!?. J a Police
v. Ul".v tvODDins rave
Z - up J8ieraay and led - the
i-uuee to me scene or the Bhootln
Mrs. Robbi us was a daughter ct
F. L. York, of Victoria. H. C. and
a niece of Father York, a Cathnlsc
priest of San Francisco. Cal.
While his wife lay dy'ng. Robbins
is alleged lo have said. tbt?v dis
cussed the shooting and at first de
cided to make It appear Mrs. U
bins had committed sulcWa. "For
the sake of the children." according
to alleged confession, they rejected
this plan and . "decided that Mrs.
Robbins should be killed.-
Robbins then shot Mrs. Robbins
three times through the head, and
concealed the body in .underbrush,
he is said to have told the officer.
Wednesday afternoon Robbins vis
ited flie body with the Intention or
comm' ing suicide, but 'Most his
nei've, he declared.
reading telegrams of congratulation
from priests, bishops, cardinals and
friends in all parts of the world. The
venerable prelate. -who has been 25
years a cardinal, and over half a
century a priest, is in the bent of
Cyclone Strips Hair
From Sixteen Horses
REG IN A. Sask.. July1 23. Two
persons were killed, a score Injured
and property damaged to the extent
of 1200.000 in a cyclone which
swept the southern part of Saskat
chewan Thursday afternoon. The full
extent of the damage to the crops
CESTER. Mass. July 23.--A crew of
midshipmen, the naval academy's
second best, today won the race for
the intermediate eight oared shell
championship of the country-feature
event of the first day of the national
amateur rowing regattta. By their
victory the Annapolis second crew
won the right to compete with the
naval academy varsity, Syracuse uni
versity and the Duluth Boat club
crews In the race tomorrow for the
senior eight championship and the
right to represent the United States
at the Olympaid.
Much Bitter Feeling
In Communist Trial
CHICAGO. July 23. The taking
of testimony in the trial of 20 mem
bers of the Communist-Labor party
ended today in flares of feeling from
attorneys and witnesses. At one
point. Ole Hanson, former mayor of
Seattle was led from the courtroom
to end a controversy between him
and Clarrence Darrow of "counsel for
the defense.
At another point. James Duncan,
secretary of the Seattle Labor Coun
cil, was warned by Judge Hebel to
guard against expressing his opinion
of Hanson.
Alaska Oil Fields To Be
Developed Says Daniels
SEATTLE. July 23. Alaskan oil
fields are not being overlooked by
government departments In their
plans for development of the" terri
tory. Secretary of the Navy Daniels
declared at a banquet-at the Arctic
club here tonight at. which he and
Secretary of the ' Interior Payne
were honor guests. The navy looks
to Alaska :o furnish oil for the Pa
ctfic fleet, he said. and the fields
of the north may furnish a great
future source cf supply for com
mercial and manufacturing uses.
Cheap transportation is the solu
tion of the problem of development.
Secretary Payne declared. He then
pointed out that large 4ron .deposits
tn Alaska g re at-prcent unworked
because of the lack of facilities for
handling the ore.
WESTMINSTER, Md- July 23.-
Cardlnal Gibbons quietly observed
the 82nd anniversary of his birth
today with Bishop Daniel O'Connell
of. Richmond. Vs., and Bishop Cor-
ngan. try caidinal's auxiliary at
Baltimore, as the guests of Robert
bhrlyer near In ton Mills. The car
dinal celebrated mass In the private
chapel and spent a part of the day
1 ' ' ' I
jte,: as. ,1
vthf UnivcbsaC Spccial
; Coming Sunday
and the complete casualty list Is not
The greatest property damage was
caused at Alameda, southwest ot here
where the cyclone cut a. swath two
miles wide.
The' village of Frobishe'r suffered
extensive damage. The country j-oads
for miles were lifted with farm im
plements. Umber, household utensils
and. clothing.
The body or rMs. Guy Holmes was
found a half mlie from oer home and
her four-day old infant. . who was
with its nurse. Is missing. The nurse
was carried 75 yards from the bouse
by. the terrific wind.
Sixteen horses In the barn of David
King were stripped of, their hair.
At Kroneau. nine miles southwest
of the city, there was a wa&fcost and'
trains were held up for some -
At Moose Jaw, city power service
and telegraphic services were tied u -for
two or three hours. -
Dispatch Says Poles
Ask for Armistici
ZURICH. Switzerland. July 23.
Polanr has asked the soviet govern
ment for an Immediate cessation et
hostilities and the dispatch of a sov
iet military detachment to meet the
Poles in order to arrange an armis
tice, according to a wireless dispatch
from Moscow received here today.
The place for the meeting Is suggest
ed as the Warsaw-Moscow, road be
tween Baranovltch and Brest-Litofik
r- - -
While They
A Copy of the New Song
Come in Today and Get Yours
Sonora Dealer In Salem . :
415 Court Street
Phone 352
A Full Line of the Very Choicest Meats
Obtainable at
tie midget:
You All Know Where to Get the Best
at the Lowest Prices
Some Fine
For Saturday
Originators of Low Prices
361 State Street