The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 11, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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rms onrcoN statesman: bcxday, jily 11. 1&20.
Salem Man Enjoys Visit with
Old Friends After Separa
tion of 40 Years.
Marcus Gale, bead of the mercan
tile firm of Gale & Co., returned Fri
day evening after an extended tour
4-rontn the east, during which toe
enjoyed hlmM-lf eseeedlnrlr. having
met old friends he had not seen for
40 yeara. Hi travels Included the
city of St. Louis. Chicago and New
ork and be bad for an- especial ob
ject the. observation of bnsiness con
ditions In the big commercial cen
ters and tbe prospects for the future.
Mr. Gale talked with many whole
salers and Inquire as to the cause
of continued high prices of goods,
also tbe prospect as to prices In the
near future. They Invariably gave
tbe labor condition as the cause o!
the high prices. They claimed that
not only are the wages and salaries,
of labor at a very blgb point, but at
the same time the relative amount
of production in tbe factories has
been reduced' thus giving an added
cost to the output. They said the
eost of tbe raw materials Is bot to
blame for high prices., but the
heavy item of production Is labor,
and this affecta all stages of hand
ling tbe product.
In the farming regions visited by
Mr. Gale there was great complaint
of shortage of farm help. It is rare
to find a man under 4 5 years of age
employed on farms. Tbe youngtr
men who have a smattering of tech
nical knowledge of mechanics or
machinery can obtain such high
wages ia tbe cities that they tuin
their backs upon agriculture.
Mr. Gale returns to Oregon with
bis pride in Its climate, scenery and
general characteristic decidedly in-
rS-T -V
Now is the time to
. Bsts-Huete
These well known painh are famous for their durability against ihe weather.
We have a paint for. every purpose any color or grade you want Come in and
talk over the paint question with us. We can help and advise you.
Red and Green Roofing ,
This is a new product we have just received; strong, durable fabric roofing made
up in two colorsred and green. If you are building, or if your old house needs
a new roof, call and let us talk it over with you. j j
Corner. 12th and Mffl Sts.
creased. The difference Is special
ly marked between th plasant Invig
orating air (or lack of It) In tbe
east and middle west, particularly
o fa summer night.
Political Platforms Are
Set Oat in New Books
Several new books have been re
ceived at the public library during
the pant week, some of which have
been sought by Salem readers for
some time and are intensely Inter
esting. Planks In our political platforms
re discussed at some length in
these works, as are other topics f
current interest. They follow:
The IrUh question "Ireland In
the last Fifty Years" by Barker.
"Ireland and England Past and Pres
ent." by Turner.
Chinese immigration: "Selected
Articles on Immigration" by Reeley.
Railway control: "Government
Ownership of Rsilroads" or Phelps.
League of Nations: "Society of
States. Sovereignity and Independ
ence In a League of Nations," oy
"America and the League of NatlonV
by Powell.
"Economic Consequences of the
Peace" by Karnes.
Phllipnlne Independence: "Amerl-'
ca and the Philippines" by Crow. '
"Military and Colonial Policy or
th- n. s.' bv Ro.
Mexico: "The Plot Against Mexi
co" by D rtekker.
Th Week's Xew Fiction
"The Whale and the Grasshopper,
bv Sen mas O'Brien.
Helpful Health Hints I
The story of some dyspeptics lis
tens like a last year's almanac.
Health Is a condition to be envied,
but only the sick are aware of tbe
fact. . . .
It ia fine to be one hundred years
old and respected. It Is also pret
tr good to be twenty-five and heal
thy. .
Your'boy may be "the Tillage cut
up" but that is no indication that he
will turn out to be a great surgeon.
It Is amazing bow few doctors
care to leave "foot- prints on , the
sands of time" It is so much more
pleasant to ride In an auto.
The moral tragedy of human life
comes almost wholly from the fact
that we have not disciplined our
selves to do that which we know
should be done.
The pallid, anemic school girl
needs something more than regula
tion of studies, fresh air, and nour
ishing, easily, digested food. For
such patients osteopathy Is tbe all es
sential remedy.-It is especially bene
ficial because )t promptly overcomes
me existing dioou impoverisnment.
"Son la Married" by Stephen Mc
Kenna. "Tbe Black Drop." by Alice Brown.
"The Red Seat," by Joseph Lin
coln. "The Trimmed Lamp" by Sidney
Porter. (O. Henry)
Read the Classified Ads.
Women's WorU Record
in Swimming Broken
NEW YORK. July 10. A world's
record of one minute 12 J-& seconds
for the women's 100-metre free style
swim outdoors, was set today by
Ktbelda Bleibtrey or Ihe New York
women's swimming association in
the Olympic final tryout at Manhat
tan beach.
Her time bettered the record of
1:1C 1-5 held Jointly by Fanny IJ
rack of Austrlla and Charlotte P.oye
or the women's swimming associa
tion and is 7 1-6 seconds fsster than
the Olympic record for tbe erent
made by Miss Durack at Stockholm
In llz
These Sv fr
suit. . -j jj r"
coo. Wffl M'
Are You A Careful Dresser ?
If yon have not yet done to, Just casually notice those men who seem to yon to be "well
dressed." Notice every line in the suit how it fits, how it keeps its shape, how it always
looks aa if it was jnst bought. Then ask the man where he trays his suits. He will usually
say, "I have Mother make them for mc"
Yes, that is true because men who always want to look right hav-j leaned by experience thut
our suits have that quality of service whic h makes them look' as good as rew after months
of wear. ;
. . . I .
The secret to all this is the individuality of every suit. It is made to look well on yon. and:
yon only. No suit can become any and every man. It must be made for; him That is the
reason wearers of "Mother" suitj are alwayi well dressed. . '
Only High
Grade Woolens
Wo Make
Every Suit
We Sell
sua -,,. . . a
i . : I
Yl n v:T:'-. n a n n
ii. I 1 ;
No. 17
Mahogany or Oak finish, all ex
rposed metal parts gold plated,
automatic start and stop device.
DniTertal tone ann, Pailie per-
' ' 1
feet tone control and reprodac-
er. In a word, the most "beauti
ful machine made.
During this month we are going to offer you any Pathe machine in the house on very
easy terms. The Pathe plays all makes of records.
$ 45.00 Machine $ 5.00 Down 5.00 a month
$ 5.00 a month
$10.00 a month
$ 75.00 Machine , $15.00 Down
$15.00 a month
11.00 Auld Lafi Rrne ... '"' Chimes
2:251 Carry M Dack to Old Virainny " " " -Chiraes
Oll . . . . ...... U. .
. uosaue Nuiier
........... I . t . .Saxophone
Violin. Flute and Piano
Violin. Flute and Piano
. . Pour Ilirtnnnr Win era
........ Four Harmony Kings
... fiano Jiudolph Can
. . Piano Rudolph Gam
. . .
1 ...
f 1.00
.f2?."' Yo.u Drtw'My BlueVXVaV? ".VV
12277 Mlrhtr tv . n-
f5'i0i0T S0onJewhr Voice is 'calling '. ". '. '
ZZll wiw, bwwi una riot
SI A A n.. r tint . ...
w lur ,vlotM;r to cross .
27026 March of the Dwarfs ....
11.00 Air de Ballet
27020At Dawnlns; ............ i
lh1 xihyJlr Carn " Rested
25038 Matushta .......
Wy WUd Ir, Row . .' ; '! ''
221S Adeste Fldeles
f lVtf 1 1QQ llOIV ITltV
I1;00 Stern Hit Medley Foi Trot '''" ' Band'
4 0 1 2 Monarch of the Woods ' ' Band
11.25 Clang or thVporie Bernard Stonehlll
401J4 Apple Blossoms . Bernard Stonehlll
11. 25 Buddies .1- .......Symphony Orchestra
8ym phony Orchestra
. Ernest Davis
. Ernest Darts
Shannon Four
. . Helen Clark
X !l t!! - ' "
1 ir--".
i S ' I'ljll '! !!lv y V' i
!F ti'iii".:iiilh;.!.i;i! lil-.-i!. : y's.:J-
ft! X ' -' ' . - .
I;i " '
1 : ' c
r. -r ' ,; : i.'i i
r IV St- J f r
AVe guarantee every Tat he Record
to play at least 1000 times with the
sapphire ball without impairment to
the unexcelled beauty of tone and
without ahowing any wear on the
This design is made in maliogany finishall the good points of every make machine
together with features that are to be found
Ijj J MM4 IllUUClt ItfCl US
No. 7
Mahogany or Oak finish, all ex-
posed parts nickel plated, uni '
venal tone-arm, Pathe perfect
tone control, Pathe reproducer
and sapphire ball, double spring
motor. v
Size 18 inches wide, 1 9 1-2 in
ches .deep, 41 1-2 inches high.
20290 Wallana Walse Hawaiian
I .SS Sweet Lei Chua Hawaiian
20297 Hello Aloha Hello IfeClasker
Miss Patritola
Miss Patricoia
I .85 Aloha Land Walse
ZZ1I4 BallTho Day
$1.00 Take Your Girlie to the Movie
wni Killed theDoc
SI. 00 When on Prohibition
22227 Beautiful Ohio
$1.00 Yoriland
2222S Where la Ur Tin Tnni.t.
n n m .. .. X Wi"
fi.vw me none urer ptre ., .Quartet
ai2 Bullets and Baronets March Band
$1.00 AmerlCAn Parade March . . . , Bsnd
:f2!5Hon'jrraoon B1U i Norworih
$1.00 You'd Be Surprised '. Norworth
2227 You Ain't Heard Nothing; Yet '
$1.00 Slow and Easy
Flotlnr Down to Cotton Town t Quartet
!!:?? " LAm Climbing Mountains Duet
2221 The Vamp Patricoia
Ve00 ! ibe Qulk" Are Shoulder Shaker's' '. '. Patricoia
.V2A4-";M5rl,,rm Vox Tro' : Orchestra
$1.00 Where the Lanterns Glow Saxophone
! ; '
- .:. -, . t record. - - . . I . . X - ' - I
pathe phone model
No. 3.
Jrahogany or Oak, all cxpoacd rSarla
nickel plated, universal tone-arm,
Pathe Sapphire hall, double spring
Size, 17 1-2 incheii wide, 18 1-4 indies
deep, 13 inches high. . ;