v The-Wantsrand ftteeda of thetCapital City, org NotedvUnder Proper Heading So You C071 Reddily Find themTheyWWorth'Wliae i -( ( nonwicn.vXiox TOM IJfSTJBJLH CB BOdXTT t Thlelseii, : Rolaaul . A BntffcAittt ' ftl4nt Axet m W- t HONEY TO L()AN ' - Ob'RmI K(il T. Kv Ford (OverLadd ic Bash Bank) HAWKINS & ROBERTS " KMrtbi Vonigoa 'Bnildln. ' cr,r ssrrixD ad TKRTurasarT .;.... JUte Be Word. Far Inaertlon ................. So .'Three Insertion Se 'One week (six Insertions).,... 8e 'On month .................... S8o ihr months' contract, per mo., lie IS months' contract per mo. ..lie Miatmam tr nay. advert's'm't.ZXo v HAYiFOR'SALE W THE FIELD nice oat a and vetch. . . Phone 622. ' WANTED A CHERRY' PICKER AT North: Froat atreet V, A RTSINESS WOMAN WOULD 'LIKE modern well furnished room, cloae in. : Prelerably.with outatde entrance. In . -private family. , Address C4, care of statesman. , -.. . WANTED 'LOGANBERRY PICKERS. .(3 miles on iUverslde Drive: rood . , ramp ground; free wood. Will move " you both' waye. Phone' 84F3. FOR HALE A LATE MODEL FORD , touring: , car- in good, condition, good , rubber, "tOO; Classy Kord bus:. $315. Ford roadster body; ( Ford fenders; . iri 7 Pord r roadater, it 350;-; 187 Sooth Liber ly. street-... - .-. . ' , FOR SALTv fl OR $ COWS; 5 MILES . south of Feeble .Minded . school., on ... Prlngl. road. V, lloatwrigbt, Turner, Oregon. . , . ; . .. WANTED ADULT CUERRYi PICK , ere..2',4cf Webb orchard, two milea l-weat oft Oak flrove road.' I'hona , tlr ,11. ,M. M. Webb. , . L ; ,. . A YOUNO WIDOW "WITH ; A CIIlD 'wlabra'poaltion aa hounekeeper must good home, good wagea, references Phona Pligh hotel. room 18. ., v LOT-HK TIXDER KINDLT LEAVE tba baby's t plain band ring at tha " -Ptateaman office. , L08T-CN. SOUTH COMMERCIAL atreet. near: Odd Kellow'a cetnatery laat Friday , evening - baby's, dark blue silk iwenter .Finder plee leave at this off lea or.pbooa C2S. lie- . wara. . . ... ., .. - St ;.-- - AOAIN WE REMIND YOU TILVTHE flry aeaaon Is the fire aeaaon; the I tltna 4 Inauxa Is right now, for to- morrow is not youra. Phone us ypur Instructions and we will give your "nauranc waata, our prompt and 'careful attention. -- A. JOHNSON INSURANCE AGENCT .Over Ladd er Buah Cank.T Salem AYEMENT, OAS. BASEMENT. FURN- BECKE HENDRICKS i J IT. S. Natt Bank UTag. . Phone 1(1 HAVE YOU SOLD THAT BOUSE. 'IF Jt la priced reasonable we can sell It That a our business., W are trying to find suitable homer for over CO peo ple, --one of ' them wants yours. We -charge the small iatandard commis sion . if we. sell, never, leas, never more. Not exclusive., ho signs nect aary, we want more action, do rout m- . BECK IS HENDRICKS JH U. a ,NaU. Bank, Uldg. Phone 1C1 188 , ACRES TIED H1IJL SOIL AND : 'creek bottora. good fraft land; good 'buildings and- ..other deairable fea u. low-and terms reasons ableBee JU W. A. Uaton, S4 Court wtreex. . WHED 19 EXPERIENCED CLERKS , FOR ALL . DEPARTMENTS ; BARGAIN DAY. SEB i ., J. HODGSON, i .' FE0rLE8 CASH CTORB L A, HAYWOOD REAL: ESTATE :,305 Slate SL1!' - Jf you cannot find a houa to rent here lire lust a few that Will make trnrut Investment for you to buy. and a piece to live wime you look -around. 4 room house, lot ioxlll, t blorka from . car line lYlce 11869; only $30 need . ad for first payment I -room house, lot Stxl2(, 3 blocks frnm car Una. Cherries, prunes and plum tree far- tunu Term. H i t, 19-roti1 house close to busineaa aorrtAn -modern except furnace fori 84100 8 lieu eaah, balanee to suit pwrehaaer. (room house, wood shed, barn, good aarden, lot 4Ixl feet for 8tS0e siniv casn. Dainrwe, ia per month. About 1 Scree with- l-riMm houa. r ra lly orchard Price .$40ua;. will take t iw nun; oaiance easy terras. " L, A. HAY FORD . . Heal Eatate S State Street t BEST BUYS eras, all best ef fruit olL all fenced. house, barn. well, close to car Salem Heights, only 8100, . 11.88 acre a,, is cultivated, ood house. bars, bearing family orchard; all In tI2P-. ''P'nent. atock and crop goes, 80r terms: close In. ll . iPfM 1 1 . . a-, b. I - . 850 modern house, cloee to ear line! ; v .i v, irv.n,ni in pear 1 , - L. ,od condition, at atatinn. eaav forms ' acres, strictly flaeet elaas soil, all einciiy mooern v-room new BUAaTnlMfSr AtA.ABt 11 M ., w v c. II IV II K a . Brta W8&IeP front state normal school: mile of good town: one of the nicest homes la lh n.v nun. T """"" . ; t f ' "".' assy terms. a.L;cr'" " !n rru't. " from Salem, en paved road. 8(000. "wu 1 F j-ae aa a. . .ui i v ' near Salem. VOU Will h. k.tt.. . j - - i.--- r ihcmw or aeeiag , .mi mm part pay. 811 State Str!etOU)rSKr Read ' the Chwified- Adj. ftEW TODAY .EMPLOYMENT jaiawafcaaMaawaaaMiaMaiianJa WAXTKDHOtsKKEKPER, INQUIRE 1601 Center street' ; ' WANTED TWO LADIEA, APPLY AT 373 Court fUrtt. , WANTED WOMAN TO COOK FOR 6 or I pfuplt. No children, no waah Ing. Phone 33F1L Addrcaa Box 45, RKD 2. Gervaia. . NAM .,wnii ".wrw. in.li i. iwrira.- ii - WASTED TWO TEAMSTERS AND mrn to spray hopa. Apply at our of-.ficc-'Livealey Mc Co. Phone Ml. WANTED TWO BOYS TO LEARN prlntinr trad. Moat b over 16 year a of age. Apply Stateaman Of fice, upataira. mscri i.nwct WANTED CHERRY TICKERS ' Phoae 93K12. WANTED CHERRY PICKEW.-Oir-chard close in. Inquire -W. II. Crab enhoret Sc. Co., 35 Stat atreet CHERRY PICKERS WANTED GOOD picking; prevailing prices; two milea writ. I'hona 1TF21. Wm Bouffleer. WANTED LOOAXBERRY PICKERS " heavy picking. Frank Calaba, BL a.- coi zi.x. CHERRY PICKERS .WANTED AP- piy t. C. thaitee, Sti CbemekeUi st WANTED M-EN AND - VrOMEN - TO . .work In our circulation department A ssTwut rtV-ArvAa 11 e . V 1 e . . n'mmL vww rvirwa7twi viw g I8ju a, lyegv Sle. Addresa the Pacifie Homestead, tatesmasi . Bldg Salem. Oreajoa. PICKERS "WANTED FOR LOGAN BER- - riea at me inaian mil t arm. Vines .were not froxen. Only X blocks from c of 12th street car- line. T. L Davidson. Phone 618. i FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL WALL TINTS. MANY O. Bursa 178 ti. Cora'L Bt . . . FOCXTBY. " rHB NORTHWEST FOULTBT aOUR- -" . Diggeat ana nest in tne weet rxlem. Oregon. Mention this ad. f. . i FARM PAPER. ,.: , m m aaawsaawa. i - - . , w , njrVXl'JXJlJ'iTjTJ'ill IF "YOU "WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, sent 15a to the Pacific Homestead. Salem. Ore., for a three months trial . subecrlption. Mention this ad. '. . . MISCKLLANElOVg FOR SALE CURRANTS. PHONE "WALL PASTE." NO COOKING RJ- nuuea. - bucks everytbiog. .Max O. Muren ,171 N. Comuercial. street . FOR SALE LATEST MODEL MAJIOO- aoy ptano Id excellent condition. Call 1392. i - - , "TV ALF ELT" TOUR HOUSE: ITS superior Jo cloth, at about half prlc. Max Or Buraa 178 N. Com'l St. "WALLBOARD CAW BE USED OVER or siuaaing. uan ne tinted or papered. Max O. Buren. 178 North Commercial street :. ITALIAN PRUNE TREES "FOR FALL . delivery. 1820. . Please phone 111F21 or write FrulUand Nursery, R. 8, Sa lem, Ore. CAPTIVITY OF TBS OATMAN GIRLS - This true story of westers Immi gration has been carefully revised. ; making a handsome little book. - It tells la graphic terms of the maaaa era of the Oatmaa family, of tbe ea cape ef Lorenso, and the captivity ef Mary and. Olive. Mary died of star vation and Olive was purchased from the -Indiana five years later. The ' Oregon Teachara e ccata. postpaid. Addraae Moatoiy. Balaoa. Or. OUR TREESV WILL , SELL TRT IT. Heavy demand and & armul siitMtlw ms well grown stock to meet It .Terms i urob request, bat em Nursery Cora i2A Bid g.. Salem. Ore. FOR SALE BARBED' WIRE CHICK en net tin sr. viaea. nmi irilla rPD-- a anvils and all kinds of machinery and ' tools. belUng, pulleys, shafting, cab- gaaonne engine, auto mobile paru f all kinda. r &USSELL ETEAU TEACTOE second hand automobiles ef all kinds. ; Also we pay the highest cash price : ind WiZinXVt 'Jlw, copper- STEINBOCK JUNK CO. ti9 K. Commercial street - Phone SOS 9F aj WOOD WOOD FOR SALE C D. QUEItRY. . none i F. . WOOD FOR 8 ALE 18 INCH AND 4 loot i mill wood; . , 18 i nek Id fir, j Prompt dell very. Fred EL Wells. 808 , South Church atreet rhone U4fc e -h, iWSTAHD FOUND ( ' LOtT '"' 1 ' 1----irin---)--Lri mi. LOST A RED.,liOV. "WEIGHT 180 pounds. Laat seen between the peni tentiary and 'Turner road. Phone t 4868. t Reward. , LOST SUNDAY. WITHIN 8 BLOCKS V f. Oregon . Electric atatlon, child a pongoe eoat greea trimmings, lie ward. Room 17, Arero Hotel. aj.. rn-innn uvuia FOUNDXllIXU.OWNEH MAY HAVE ' me by-proving property and pay. Ing Jor ad. -Call at Stateaman office. RANTED -- - - - - - -i-M-i-a'n-u-mjm HIXCKttAJtBtOtTS. I WANT TO RENT A MODERN. FIVE ?.f.lx"room f,ol", by . month or j-ear. ; Will lay rent In advance.. Iht.ne 28 X or apply states ma a buaineva office. WANTED -MODERN J5CITE.FURN I labed rooma for housekeeping r 1 """''niehed .wattage -no children. I Addreas P. O. Box Salem. FORRenr a MJfciSS ''' iir -i rl a in . in . rOR IiENT FURNISHED APARt" ,v..w.v in .iurin woromercial at HOMES r -- " mn.n.ii.".. FOR RENT ONE. TWrj, THREE AND 88.00 a month. One house requires r!,Vnr,'1 WU1 credit on BuVine0.r.cre,n ' Statesman ,,The live magazine for live poultry. eenta a yea. stag o SaJem. .Bead e cents for eample today. Ad dress The Northwest Poultry Jour sal. BOOMS iaaawa(iaMaw l'.OOMM TO ftEXT 11JJ CENTE'lt FR RENT THREE ItrxlMS WITH water and light, fur 12.e0 a month; " l0l Center street FOR RENT. JUNE 18 A SUITE OF rooms on the first floor. Hot water heat private bath, use of phone. At the Alexander, 1030 Chemaketa atreet phone 1280. - AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY THREE-QUARTER TON REO TRUCK . for aale at a bargain. Inquire at 888 Cbemebeta atreet LATE 1818 HUDSON SUPER. 7-PAS-aenger, four new Urea:. 2 spares. A bargain at 81SS0..WIU be at Cuaning- . , ham's camp ground. FOR SALE 1920 FOUR-PASSENGER Templar car; run 450O miles. Will lrt go cheap for quick aale. Bargain. , Woodrose Motor Co-. 216 State atreet Salem. 0LES0N MOTOR CAR CO. S19 N. Commercial St Phone, 888 .Auburn-8-4-ton berry truck 8250 "Chalmers Master. Six. bug.. ..$00 1919 Chevrolet touring: $650 S passenger Studebaker ...... $290 Overland Touring, cord tirea..JJ50 CHANDLER CLEVELAND : Sales and. Service Arro RErAiRixa RRlvn TfiUB pin rrr.iiuT.r r- -rr , Keaaonable pricea. , Room 2. 2 Jl So. wnurcn street. 1 BUSINESS CARDS " ;.DATS AJTD EXFSXSS , " -r fci-rsji',vvnru,irxAf LAKM-ER TRAJiSFER-WB MOTS AND . store vooda. Say shone) 880. Might . Phone 188a.. ... r , iArjnxxsm. -- -- " " - , i iriiTi nnnnn SALE if I.AIIVDHT mUPlMT taa.a Liberty atreet Phone 25. Oldeat bsrssi Dcii. cataotianea iJ. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work., prompt, aexvice. 1888 Broadway. Phone 188. MONEY TO to AH i HAVE ON HAND APPLICATIONS for several good far hi loans on which " the investor will receive 8 per cent on ma .investment. Alao aome nn .. taxable b per rent Federal Land Bank bonds which are secured by first mortgage on real estate. For fuller information addreas '.. A. C. JSOM14NSTEDT 401Maaonic Temple. . : Salem. Ore. 'llEl'.lHUXCi AXD KHARPEXIXn 1 y mm.m, an a aa a aa -y-y)-!)- M m una a a w s a a. .-m m, - ClTTl.Kltr itiKt.ivrs- I.iwrv liiw "era. safety raxora, etc.' Stewart's Re - pair Shop. 247 Court atreet, - SECOND HAND rt7KlTlmaa Wanted , second-hand furni- reIJhnyajlsaMljll wi rugs. carpeui, stuvea. machinery and too I a. Best prices paid. The Cap ital Hardware - Furniture Co, S88 N. Com'l St Phone 947. , STOVE HEPA1RIXO naa-aaian-fc--fc-ai . s, m. - .. a. 1 rilUinj"LriJ-Tlf STOVES REBUILT AND, REPAIRED 40 years experience;. Depot National fence, sizes 28 to 58 inches high. - Paints, oil and varnishes, et, logan- - berry and hop-heoka. . SalAlt Fence and-Stove Worka, 250 Court suect Phone 124. : TBABSJTkB SAtAatXQ . jAaAAM0M8MAlJtfBsSa CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 228 State St, phone 088. Distributing, forwarding and storage our specialty. . Gat our rate. HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL. KINDS bought and aold. Highest cash price paid. We will give you a square deal. J. A- Rowland. 444 N. Commeulal at .Phone 18. . WE BUT AND SELL SECOND HAND kooda of all kinds, pip mtinga. kar- . t a ess. collars, collar pads, tools., and chains. ., Fred Sckladler. . 888 Center street : - ' WAAJ. PAPER. FA-UTF 7. ., WALL PAPER AND CEILING PAPER 20o and up double rolt -Max O. Du ran. 179, N.. Commercial 'St . SEB PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALL .Paper and Picture Framing.. , Good workmen. 4(5 Court St . Phono 488. PROFESSIONAL OSTEOPATM1C PMYltXAA . I'RS. WHITE AND MARSH ALU 808 U. B. National Bank Bldg. rR- JOHN L LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC f Phstclaa Surgeon., 408-404 Oregon : Bids. Phonea: Office 1394; Ilea. Iklfl. m It. W, L. Mercer, Osteopathic Physician o, oivron. A-irasviue graduate. 404 and 405 IT. 8. Natl Bank building. Phone Office 919, reaidence 814. , . - CBlatOPHACTOK; OR- a U SCOTT. D. CHIROPRAC t W'J'Vi c- ST0na.ta. 809-18 U. & N. Bank Bldg. . Pboae 87; Rea. 82 SK. CUINEJE rBYSXCZAB 8t L, M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. - 155 S. High St Phone 888. IMIYMCIAX A.M RtIiGWS.r ' " .aaaa.. 1 " I ll'tn n rTJXnjjaajJ tATHfclitlNU SCHLUEK, M. . D, PMT sician and Surgeon. Ofrirea Oregon building, rooms 411-11. phone 540. 844. Over Oretan Electric depot WiTTIt waaaaaaaaaaiSMwwMM' 1AWCM WATKK. UUHT 4k IVWfiK Co-, office 80 1180a tb Com! street Ten. per cent discount on domestic . flat rates paid la advance. No da doctlona for absence or any cause uaieas water Is shut off your pram 1 I see. REAL ESTATE OIf-SALE - 8-ROOM BUNGALiOW : strictly modern except furnace, gs rage. large lot and some fruit This ; la an exceptionally good . buy at 4 f ?t 1Ur t Muller, 208 Oregon building. ' FOR SALE IS ACRES, BEST OF SOIL all cleared and 8 acrea In fine clover; 10 acrea in grain, amall houae and Sfffa Pr,c Un cron tor iew days ... etaOw. r HART & MULLER - 208 Oregon Buildinr. , FURNISHED HOME Four rooma. fine range, excellent light fixtures, rugs, two beds, two mat i tresses, tables, , chairs .window cur- taina. This is a well built plastered home, practicallynew: electricity and city water. Immediate possession. . Owner must leave for eaat lmmedi , ately. Price 9lla takea alL Oh- yes. : garden. caah will swing. ... . iE(!kf!.i. HKV'nirr1i 315 U. S. NatL Bank Bids. r'hone ltl REAL RESTATE BARGAINS IN FARM LANDS EXCELLENT EQUIPPED DAIRY 86 acre farm with 80 la cultivation and in crops. Good big house with hot and cold water; good big barn, 2 gopd ailoa, all kinda of sheds. Steam but-tie-washing plant 18 fine Jeraeya. 6 horses, hoga. wagons and complete outfit of implements and equipment including hsy baler and gas engine, are included with farm; alao , the crops, at 817.500; terma. You ralae nearly all your feed and the cows return more than 8520 per month. Aak h'a banker about thia. 38 ACRE PRUNE FARM 18 acres 8 year prunea; expect 5 tons or more fruit this season. 81 acrea , under cultivation; balance paature. A bargain at $li0 per acre. Some terms. 105 ACRES AT $4500 35 acrea or more under cultivation and In good fail wheat 20 acres fir tim ber; balance good paature. 7 room houae. good new barn, other out- . buildings. . A real bargain at $1600. 81000 down. We have many more fine darly,. fruit . and general prupose farms In fine lo cations and the prices are right Come in and tell ua what you want KINNEY & SMITH 459 State St- Ground floor WOOD'S BARGAINS Five acres all in orchard, north of Sa lem, near paved highway. 85000; will 'take home in Salem part pay.- 10 acres eaat' of Salem, fair buildings, 83200. fcMx-roora house ten blocka . from poatoffice. $2000. Seven-room house. North Salem, 850. 100-acre farm, six miles out all clear, $ ISO per acre. Houses, farms and fruit tracts,, all prices. F.L WOOD 7 341 State Street GOOD HONEST; BARGAINS 270-acre river : bottom farm, 8 mllea from Salem.: beat buy In 'Marion county for -$115 per acre. Well located 7-room bungalow $3200. 10 acres near Salem, best loam,, soil buildings, . orchard, aeaf" school .$3800. 6-room bungalow, rice lot want to exchange for cloae-in acreage. 80 acres 2 miles from good Willamette valley town, half river bottom land, .good buildinga, crop, 10 fine cows $12,000. terms. 8-roum modern cottage on esr liae - $2500,, terma. . . . ... Farma, acreage. ' houses. Investments 211U Commerclsl Club Kuildtng. rPERRINE & MARSTERS ! 12 MODERN BUNGALOWS $2210 $2S90. $2825. $2700. $2l. $3800. $4000. $4200. $580.$S0U0. 3400 and ,$V0. The cheapest Is a well built 6 .roum bungalow, plsatered and with electricity and large modern bath, entirely built-in. eaat front on Im proved street high and dry, near . echool. concrete foundation and ce ment walks. You can't beat this in Salem under $1500 and one look will ..convince. . IT ice ell the houaea you wish but ae a few of these before you nuy. owners prices. BECKE& HENDRICKS 31$ U a Natl Bank Uldg. Phone 1C1 FOR SALE 8-ROOM HOUSE.' 2 FULL iota, all kinds of fruits sad berriea. fine large garden only 82800. A large rooming hou on North High street; would make a splendid in vestment. . ; - S-rooiu house on Shipping street. 3 lots ail modern exceot furnace- 11100. -room houae on North Capitol street modern, close Ja; 14.00. - Good 8-room house on , Hood street; ciose to scnooi. isovo. 7-room house on North Capitol atreet moaern la every respect; 37500. 10-room house on North Winter street; Immediate posaeaaion; $5500. Very geod 4-room iiousa on North 22nd atreet: $2850. 8-reem house on'Ilat atreet; immediate Doaaesslon arivenr 12000. 7-room houae on Liberty street; $3000. . -mom, uouae on commercial atreet; $1000. 6-room houae on Oak atreet; $1900. l-room house on Union street: 12500. 6-room house on Ferry street near iiiu street; aou. 7-room house, 1098 Chemaketa street; $4500. l-room house and t lota, - 2030 North Fourth street; $380t. 6-room. houae, garage, on East Marloa atreet: 85200. 7-room bouse and 6 lots on Front street own water system; $4750. 7 lots on Front street; $1300. -10-acre tract with houae and harn. near Salem. 29-atre tract 18 mllea north of Salem. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 493 North Cottage Street 'Irene 1186 REAL FARM BARGAINS. 10 acrea 4A miles out ? acre of clo ver; li f rtTftwernea, fair bouae and barn. See ua at once If you are interested $2300. - 11 acre of good orchard and berries, all in cultivation, fair houae and bars $5500. 0 acres. 35 In cultivation, t acres of logans, good family orchard, good buildinga.: 15 acres of valuable tim ber, balance pasture; $100 per acre; : , cash, balance 5 yeara at 6 per cent 20 acres 4'i miles out on Sllverton road. A greet bsrgaln If aold soon. 8150 per acre; 70 acres In cultivation. ; Get busy. - - JOHN II.- SCOTT REALTY CCO. " 228 Oregon Building. 40-ACRE PRUNE 1 RANCH Located about 10 milea south of Salem; 25 acrea In full bearing prunes, load ed with fruit; 1 acre bearing English walnuts snd rherrlea. Some apples, , berries, grapes, variety fruit; god timber and paature. Fair .house snd ; barn; prune dryer and wood cut for Ihia year"s drying; f-othM-, buildinga. They are alt ther A special price of 314 000 will h, KJen If taken it once. Including crop and everything. Here la a chance to ever half pay for the place thia year -from the crop. Think it over. Exceptionally easy terms. You taa handle this. " . , BAFiBER & PEARSON Room 200 Gray Bldg.. near Corn's Club. Phone -t0. . BARGAIN PRICE 6-room cottage, modern . except base ment with two large lots on North Winter strt Haa barn and excep tionally go3d garden and fruit trees. , Ioesion soon close to car. Price 823C0 one-third caah. C-room burg slow Thia la a fine one on n;ood atreet north ; -wear school and ar; large lot. good fruit and garden. , iere will be a proud home for some one. Price $3500 4 caah room house, moatly modern; 4 blocks from Stat atteet; Mastered. In ex cellent condition. . lilce $1150 $500 down. 8-rooma; 2 large lots. n Commercial tjtreet; close In. Very exceptional buy fur $260 Terms. BARBER & PEARSON Room 209 Gray Bldg.. near Com'a Club. Phone 190. Read the aaxsified Ads; IREAL1ESTATL BARGAINS 2 acrea on pated road aerosa from Ka len Heighta store, some cherry trees. Price $100. . 7-room house with hath, toilet electrl llghta. large lot. Iiwated near Rich irwrtd s htl. Price $la. . . j 7-rMm houae at 1745 North Commer, rial atreet, large lot.' plenty vf fruir. eaat- front paved street. Prlee' 84008 with furniture, 83200 without term S-room bouse with, modern-cenveai ences. corner lot. paved atreet good .garage, plenty of fruit located twe bluvka eaat of state . houae. Price . $5501), Wmi. W. H. GRABEXHORST aV CO. 27a State Street " Pboae 11$ MR. W. If. STEVELY. WILL, MANAGE the business of the Fleming Realty Co.: la the few days' absence of Mr. Wm. Fleming. W hile , Mr.- Stevely's specialty is good farms, we aiUl have a few good buys In city properties, and two extra good orchard proposi tions with crops if taken soon. See him at Rnv 7. Bayne Bldg. (841 State ; St.). - You can rest assured of fair, honorable treatment whether new or old comer. Wm. Fleming. ; Manager, ' THE FLEMING REALTY CO. FOR SALE NEARLT 4 ACRES. GOOD buildinga.- $ meres set to logens; 12 seres in potatoes, 8 acres In oats.. All under cultivation; 38 acres otit bear erdam. $250; will conaider . Salem city property. Addreae J$5" care of Statesman . FIVE ROOM PLASTERED - HOUSE. cement basement paved street" near .car line. Three hundred down, bal ance terma. , See owner, 449 N. Capi tol. ........ . . . . FOR SALE S-room houae, lot 42x149 feet situated on North High street close In; prlee $1500; $430 down and $10 per month. ., HART MULLER 208 Oregon: Building. . . REAL ESTATE LOANS INVESTMENTS , WALTER McLAUEN Room 21. 189 N. Com! St .Phone 420 . . DO T0U :WANT INCOME rPROPERTY Here It la a rooming house In a col lege town. 3 blocks from the college. Has room for 20 students, bouae is fully equipped with hot and cold wa ' ter. wash trays and Is furnished for , light housekeeping. The students ', pay. $2 per. week.. Buildinga . are 2. story a ad have aleeplng porches. This plsee will pay a net Income-of 20 to vZi. per cent on the rout and It can be bought right The price 1 $3,011 with fz.vuv oewn. . " WRITE TO OR SEE J.A. MILLS .. Salem. Ore. Bllgh Hotel FOR SALE BARGAINS 7-room houae, block from Hunt cannery; 10-room house 4, blocks -from business section, csn be used aa tyro apartmesla If , desired; A-room houae, alajo- close to huainess section. ! . . - rXlR RENT ; .r Two rood houses, close In; reference .required; fife rooms close In. $10 per , month large store room on State st Can give immediate possession on any of above. J. H. LAUTERMAN Arro HoteL, . . Phono 908 or $73 A BARGAIN FOR FIVE DATS WB will -sell a 5-room . house, .garage, chicken houae. fruit and several lots. Only 1 block from achool. For oaly $1200 terms on .part If waated. If you want a borne act at once. B. 8. Martin, 416 Masonlo temple. Phone Ti . . ...... ' For Real Estate FARM. CITY or SUBURBAN See - ' . CHAS. W. NIEMETER "Juat Real Eatate" 215-214 Masonic Temple, Salem, Or. OREGON LAND CO. 38 acres.-9 acre Pest bearing prone orcnara in tne vaueyt crop or place . brought 38000 net Income last season. Practically modern 7-room house. Darn ana winamiu. Beaauf ui subur . ban and income, located close In. -70-acre farm. 50 acres In crop, stock and machinery Included In sale; only 1 rail out; road to bo . paved this summer. Our city .and suburban listings are real values. Call and see our new listings. Phone 426 443 State Street IF YOU ARB LOOKING FOR A CLOSE In .Improved 10-acre - fruit tract, we can ehow a. beautiful one at the price you ran afford to lavestlgste. We have an urgent call for a 40 or 50 .acre farm reasonably cloae to Salem. Alao one 5 to 10-acre, south of .Salem In the fruit belt Have you a house to Hat? See us. A. L, SKAM8TER REALTY CO. 416 Masonic. Temple. . Phone 353 M. W. ROWLEY I have become associated with L A. Hay ford at 305 State atreet In the realty huainess and have removed from 402 Oregon bldg. to 205 State street where 1 will b pleased to meet frlende and customers at aay iime. 1 . M. W. ROWLEY 30S Bute. t JKD ROYS 5 acres bearing cherry orchard, moatly Itoyal Annea, crop goes. Price $420. Well Improved 6-ac-re tract gmid house, barn, logans, close to car line. Price 81000. Improved ecre tract all In bearing . iruit, large nouse. electric lighta. close to car line. . Price- 3200. i Improved 5 acrea. good plastered bun .aalow. electric lighta, cloae to car . line, rherrlea. apples, prunea. straw berries, blackberries and some logans set out. Gravel street close to car line. Price SCOO. 80-acre tract 3 acres cultivated, bal ance timoer and pasture, good soil, fine spring. 0 miles from Salem Price 89000. 3 H -acre tract located on paved road. -s acres river oottom land. bear, ing fruit. 4-room house, small barn, some timber. Price 12950, 4.81 acre tract of fine fruit aoll. rock road. Price 11150. 27 acres of fine land. 1 041 ted close t paiem on mam road, fine prairi soil. Price 8250 ner acre. 200 acre farm located 6 miles from Sa- jem. toe acrea cultivated, balaace timber and paature, runnisg , water, good road.. Price 1125 nmr ,i-r. Sli acre tract 54 miles from Salem. acres runivatea. Da 1 a nee paature . and timber, house and 'barn. well, rock road. . Price, lloao. 10-acre tract 6 acrea of bearing prune's "fi"'". pears, cnernes,- f.rooitl house, barn. , well, gravel - road. 1 mile to car line. .Price . $8006. . W. H. ORABENHORST A- m 27S Stat SUect Phone IIS iREAL JSTATE 15 ACHES JTT OUTSIDE TT Hit Its, most all In fruit; can be bought at a bargain with croft Fine 130-acre farm In crop With good buildings, all, modern. , . $10A00 wanted at pace, good security 4 pn land. . ' , ' SgUAim DEAL itEALTY CO. .. I'hone 40 . - - FOR SALE, BY O WXE R COZY HOME 529 Svuth Commercial St-4'r ice $1009. 1 Ad dree a Box 64 Newport Oregon., . FOR RENT OR SALE THREE BUILD Ings. .appropriate 1 for . factory . pur poses, till North Llbei ly. W. FenneL we now Have houses from-- 850 -to $5000 all xm'kxd 1 , TERMS LIST llll'R HOUSES ' WITH US FOR QUICK 8.VLE3. LAFLAR & LAFLAR 408-7 Oregon Bldg. BUNGALOW FIVE ROOMS ON ONE floor, large Dutch: kitchen.: built-in features, fireplace, electricity, full ce ment basement, garsge. fine location. ' Muat - be eeen to be appreciated, i 83800. terms. 280 Richmond avenue. Phone 1C94R. FOR SALE S ACRES 'WITH GOOD 1 buildlaga; half In prunes.' Inquire at Y..W..C. A. ' ; ... NOTICE 10 ACRES LAND." GOOD -title. -Will trade foe-auto. P.'O. Bex 24. Mill City, Oregon. . CUCUMBERS AS A'CASH CROP , (Conlinued Xrom page 3.) . : . as. oon as possible and dray; the Hdge with the reet of the field, drag rios lengthwlge of 'the rows. The seed maybe planted la hllla npon this ridge or a garden drill mar be used and a continuous row sown. .There should be a. plant every .two or three Inches and these shonld be thinned to a foot or eighteen inches as soon aa all danger' from the cucumber beetle Is over. A continuous row has some advantages over hill planting but if tbe ground Is Incline! to crnt. the young plants will have 'more' d!T- ficultjr In breaking through- than If they .. were planted In hills. The ground Is more evenly occupied "and the roots are not so crowded. Such a row is also easier to pick especially ir. when the vines have run about twe feet, they are placed at Tight angles to the row. encumbers should be cultivated to destroy weeds and to maintain, a dust mulch. .'Any cnltira (or suitable for com will do the work but the teeth should be .set 'more shallow for cucumbers than for corn It is. better not to work too close to the plants. with the cultivator, and If the soli crusts and there are weeds La the hills, they will require one or two hand hoelngs. 'It will pay well to cultivate often enough to maintain a good dust mulch. ' ' .When cucumbers are grown under contract, the . company -usually - re serves the right to choose the variety that shall be planted by their grow erg. 'This, is done for two ..reasons: il) If each 'Individual ' grower wag permitted to choose tbe variety he should grow, there would be a great many varieties planted-which woald result In a laek of uniformity in the cucumbers delivered to the salting stations. ' (2.) Most pickling com panies market the bulk ot their small cucumbers In - glass -Jars or bottles They- have found that only three or four varieties produce suitable cu cumbers for this purpose. Boston Pickling,-Chicago Pickling and Snow's Perfection are tbe three varieties that are 'usually grown un der contract. They are prolific yield- era, producing . their cucumbers, in clusters. ; a When cucumbers are grown to be sold direct to the consumer or to a retail Krocer. some strain of the White "Spine la generally grown.'. This is a prolific variety which yields fine straight cucumbers but v which-are. a little too large in diameter to be suit able for bottling Tbia is also good variety to grow when It Is desired to produce esrly "sllcers. Slleeri are the large cucumbers suitable for slic ing and are eaten fresh. : Some of the Long Green strains will produee 'llcers- of better qual ity but not so early In the season as the White Spine. They are freer from seeds and the flesh is firmer and when well grown, they will com pare favorably with hot bout cucum bers. Varieties suitable for hot house culture are not adapted to be grown under field conditions. , Usually cucumbers are planted about June 1st and picking will be gin the latter part of July or tbe first of August, depending upon the thrift Jnes of the vines. The first two. or three pickings will hardly pay or th gathering but It la very necessary to remove them for the good - of the vines. Tbe fewer the cucumbers that are allowed to become full grown, the better will the vines bear. Very few growers realize what a bad effect it has upon vines to allow the cucum bers to become over-grown or the In jury that may be done In careless picking, which results In tearing and breaking the vines. In average, rrow Ing weather. 48 hours may intervene between pickings and later In the sea- son. 72 hours "may not be too lone This Is assuming that the vines are picked reasonably clean at each pick ing. , It is Impossible to find and re move every cucumber at any one lime, put that should be the aim. Large cucumbers in which seeds are forming, sap the vitality of tbe vines and a plant that has produced seeds becomes Inactive and soon ceases to grow, but just as long as it is pre vented from producing seed. It will endeavor to do so, The result Is that small encumbers in abundance will continue to form until the vine are killed by frosts. , There are- so .many factors which Influence the yield that it Is unwise to try to tell any -prospective grower what he will get In bushels per acre. This much Is certain,-however. -one acre of vtnes-taat Is kept .weJl picked will produce more bushels and, there fore,, a m,ueli.greater net profit tlua will two acres of as equally good vines which are oaly ladiffefeiUy picked, Two hundred bushels of maA kelable cucumbers is tbe . averse yield of one Michigan grower br g period of nearly twenty years. .This was on a'large aereag. so any fairly Intelligent grower who does not pUst too extensively' should be able to s. cure such yields. .What are some of th advantages In raising cucumbers? 'Jf 4h'ey 'are grown under contract, they are a cash crop snd the grower does not: have 10 worry aboat the state or the' market; each picking la turned Into cash as soon as delivered. Picking comes after' grain- harvest and before corn harvest or In what Is generally a Hack Um on most farms. Unlike sugar beets, there Is very litu money Invested Jn the crop - before returns. are made. Pickling Is th -chief item of .expense. and until pick ing begins, there la very Utile expenso attached to the crop. Uallk potatoes, cucumbers are sold at .a .guaranteed price and a large crop does not de press, tbe market. No extra machin ery Is needed to handle the crop. T Implement usually . found upon the average faym are all that Is required to take care or the ..crop from start to finish. "The cost of seed la Insig nificant. - There kre three or. four.Inseets which feed on the cucumber via or ' its fruit: The striped cucumber beweO (Dlabrotlca vJttata) attacks muskmelons and early planted . cu cumbers. but does not work, extensive ly la the main or late crop plantings. Most growers plant four or five times as'many aeed as ihey desire plants which allows the beetles to take some without ruining - the ' stand. -.It the beetle' work tod badly, the vines may be' dnsted,' preferably while the dew Is on.' with nine parts air slacked, or still b etter Jiydrated lime and one part'arsenate of lead powder, : Parts green should-not be nsed aa It may burn the' vines . Coating the, plant wnh.a'spray. or air pounds arsenate of lead paste to fifty gallons of water makes them, dlstateful to tbe Insect. .There' Is a plant loose which at tacks encumber vines. .It is a suck ling Insect; so cannot be destroyed by ' applying a stomach poison, bnt must be killed by a contact spray if killed at all. If the first few hills affected are buried, vines and all. It win do much to control the jest. Keeping tbe ylnes thrifty Is also a decided help plnce tbe louse always prefers to feed on sickly and ' stunted hills. Eight pound of whale oil. soap to fifty gallons of water makes a good ipray but usually tbe enemies or tbe louae' will hold it In check. ' The' Downy" Mildew of the encum ber In' a fungous disease Plasmopara eubensis). whieh Is .most 'prevalent during a season of excessive rainfall like the one or 1112. It Is first no ticed as small brown spots on the oldest-leaves. " These -spot Inerea la rlxe until near! the entire leaf la af fected, becoming 'dry or dead. The Injury results from the plants losing more or Jess of their foliage. 'Spray ing with a dilute - solution of Bor. deaax mixture made of two pounds of copper snlpbat and four pounds ef lime to fifty gallons of water, will control tbe disease to some extent, but the treatment must bo thorough and la preventative rather than curs- tive. Commence spraying when th vines have, runners, a. foot long and spray once a week until It is lmpos- eiblo to drive through the tows. : la an average aeaaon- the loss from the mildew has .not r been .serious evsn when spraying is not pracliood, ..One jnaa. can pick. the cucumbers fronton acre of viae by picking one-half acre dally.' School 'children wlll beable to pick half as large an acreage as a. 'grown, person. Many growers allot, their children A small plot of ground tor u cumber raising. -th profits from which are their own. To , make success of growing pickles, -observe the-.following condi tions: , Fit the ground , .thoroughly, us enough well rotted manure, to produce thrifty, strong growing vines; -plant Intensively rather then extensively; and aim by clean pick . Ing to prevent the forming of large cucumbers. .. . - . .WHOLE illlLS . . Latin); PS0DTJC3 rtV7aiITT2I) Salem. Orcflron. . Phono SUSS V ,SaIaEUtIAIlIIE l t BCTTJta l-TUCB - audi . PouJfry ' Eggs, 34c. i ; llens-'hi-avy, 22-24.C. Light hens, lf-20c. Ktags. 20c. . Olid roosters, t to Me. ilrollers, ft.24. fork. Mat tost and B Pork, on foot lie. ' . ( . Lambs. 12U12H. ' v Dressed hogs, 20021c, Bef, strs, f to 110 Cows. -dove. TP Yal, le-!Te. Bay Cheat bay. $J2. . Oat and vetch! bay. per ton. $22 24. Clover hay. 120-22. flraxa Wheat. S2.40 1? 2.60. Feed oats. Mc-1 1.M b. Beans, Se to Vse. Mill FU, IUtaiJ Mill run, $51.50. . .VloleaJTrJeAlers - Creamery bolter, earioas, 1MW Butterfat. 57e. -Fruit Oranges. $CP7. 'Bananas, 12c Lemons. $5.S0-$C.2S. California grape fruit. $4.50. Florida grap fruit.. $l-$10. VeotVabJe Cabbage. 2e. ' Onions, $2 to.$2.25. ewt. ' L Turnips, $3.2S. " . 1 w $