' THE OREGON STATESMAN: TTJE8DA JULY 6, 1920. lassiiied The Wanta and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper Headings So You Co a Readily Find Them They're Worth While are ry 1 cto V nRWicH mnoif rrjLl UfSUBAJfCB SOCIETY .uJma. Roland Biircnardt . ZAt axes 9TT1 tWate MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estat r. K. Ford (Over Ladd A Bush Bank) IF FARM LOANS " IIAWKIHS & ROBERTS S04-SO7 Oregon Baildlns; I CLASSIFIED AOTERTISKXEXTf Rate Pe Ward, Per Insertion ................. 2e Three Ineertlons to One week (six insertion)..... 9e One month SOe Six moattha contract, per mo.. 16c 11 man the contract, par mo... 12c Minimum for any advert' s'm't. 26c imm m r wt HL IVVM WANTED CHERRY PICKERS. AP "pTy 8. Hirsch. Central Clrgar Store. CHERRIES FOR SALE I CENTS PER pound, delivered. Phono 68F12. WOT ICE I will not In future pay any debts or be responsible ror inem unless con tracted by myself. - ALBERT F. JAIRL. CHERRY PICKERS WANTED AT . once. Excellent picking. You may either camp or board at the orchard. Sea "owner today at 611 U. 8. Bank or phone 1388W after 9 p. m. 12 MODERN BUNGALOWS IIIIO. $2500. $2(26. $2700. $29$$. $3(00. fao, f420O. f 6000,9000. 91400 and ' 400. The cheapest Is a well built 6- roora bungalow, plastered and. with electricity and large modern bath, entirely built-in. east front on Im proved street, high and dry, near school, concrete foundation and ce ment walk. You can't beat this In Salem under $3600 and one look will convince. Price all the houses you wish but sea a few of these before you buy. Owners prices. BECKE & HENDRICKS Sl( U. 8. Natl Bank Bldg. Phone 1(1 i LOST SUNDAY. WITHIN 2 'SLOCKS of Oregon Electric station, child's I pongee coat, green trimmings. Re I ward. Room 17, Argo Hotel. NOTICE 100 4VCRE3 LAND. GOOD tlUe. Will trade foe auto. P. O. Box it. miu city. Oregon. - FOR GILT EDGE DEPENDABLE IN- surance protection insure with the . Oregon Fire Relief association of Mc Mlnnville, your own home, company. The O. F. R. A. has an unexcelled lo.a paying record, and aa established lo- i cal agency. H. A. JOHNSON INSURANCE AGENCY I Over Ladd at, Bush Hank, Salem - Phona 341 WANTED MODERN SUITE FURN- ihed - rooms- for housekeeping or I small furnished cottage no children. Address p. u. uox itu saiem. KESTIOH AND ROYAL ANNE CHER- rtes for sale. . y GERTRUDE J. ML PAGE 1)1 North Cottage Street. Phone 1114 TOR SALE (-ROOM HOUSE. 3 FULL lots, all kinds of fruits and berries, line large garden only lioo. A Urge rooming house on North High street; would make a splendid in vestment. l-rootn house on Shipping street, t lots . all modern except furnace; $3(00. l-room house on North Capitol street, modern, close In; $4600. Good (-room house on Hood street; close to school. 1500. f-room house on North Capitol street. modern is every resnect: (7500. K-room house on North Winter street; Immediate possession: 16600. Vary good (-room house on North 22nd street: 12150. c (-room house on 21st street; immediate BOasesston e-lven; 13000. f-room house on Liberty street; $3000. 7-room house on Commercial street; room house on Oak street: SISdO. (room house on Union street; 92500. room house on Ferry street, near ltta ItTMti 120(L f-room house, 1099 -Chemeketa street; l-foom house and S lots. 2030 North Vmirlk mtrf llllla 4-room house, garage, on East Marloa street: (5200. "-room house and S lots on Front street, own water system; (1750. 7 lots on Front street: 31300. l(-acre tract with house and barn, near oatem. -29-acre tract. 1( miles north of Ssieto. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 4)3 North Cottage Street. Pitohe 11SC EMPLOYMENT rfTMaVT.sV WANTED TWO LADIES. APPLY AT 373 Court street. WANTED WOMAN TO COOK FOR 9 or 9 people. No children, no wash ing- Phone 33F1L Address Box 45,1 h d I, uervaia. WANTED MEN TO 8TAKE BACK loganberries. Start 'Tuesday morn ing; 60c per hour. Phone 100F21. WANTED TWO TOTS TO LEARN . printing trade. Must be over 19 years of age. Apply Statesman Of fice, upstairs. - 3U1CXU.-LASJ-MTJS WANTED I LOGANBERRY PICKERS ' -neavy picking. Frank caiaba, Kt. 4. Box 21 A. . CHERRY PICKERS WANTED AP- Ply C C Chaffee, 945 Chemeketa St. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO work la our circulation department. A good orooositlon to the right no- pie. Address the Paclfia Homestead, wosmoa mag.. Baiem. Oregon. ACKERS WANTED FOR LOG AN BE R- rtes at the Indian Hill Farm. Vines were not frosen. Only 3 blocks from nd of 12th street car line. T. L. - "avidson. Phone 819. FOR SALE 1 3AUT1FUL WALL TINTS. MANX 3 o r"io mma upo I s Cora'l St BVSIKKSS OPPORTUNITIES A w f.LEM BUSINESS CHANCE k- v "la'd restaurant buainess. W J.T " trade and paying big 'lasnds daily. Owner wishes to sell w account of health. For particu- i7i ,nquJr of Barber Pearson. irV, building. Phoae 790; eve- d the Qaitifitd MsA POtl-THI. tHE NORTH Vv EST POULTRY JOTJR- naj. the biggest and best la the wul The live magaxine for live poultry, m.n T 6 casta a year. V00 In Salem, Sand i cents for sample today. Ad dress Tba Northwest Poultry Journal, Salem. Oregon. Mention thl ad. MBK PAPER. TOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, sent 15c to the Pacific Homestead. tSalem. Ore., for a three montha trial subscription. Mention thte ad. MISCKLLAXEOC I FOR 8ALE CURRANTS. PHONE X11F21. WALL PASTE." NO COO KINO RE- qulied. Bucks everything. Max O. Bureo .179 N. Commercial street, . "WALTELr TOOK HOUSE: ITS superior to cloth, at about half prico. Max O. Bureau i. com i at, - -WALLBOARLV CAW BE USED OVER lath or studding. Can be tinted or papered. Max O. Buren. 171 North Commercial street. ITALIAN PRUNE TREES FOR FALL delivery, 1920. Please phone 111FZ1 or write Fruitland Nursery, K. . oa lem. Ore. CAPTTVLTY OF TBI OATMAN GIRLA This true story . or wee tern lmmi- gratioa has pees eareruuy rertsao. maklog a baadsome little book. It tails la graphic terms of the massa cre of the Oatman family, of the ee capa of Lorenso, and the captivity of Mary and Ultra, Mary aiea or star vation and Olive was purchased from tba Indians f lva . years later. The or toe is ts oenta. postpaid. Ad drees Orearoa Teachers Monthly. Sslsra. Or. OUR TREES WILL SELL TRY IT. Heavy demand and a good supply of well grown stock to meet it. Terms upon request. Salem Nursery Com pany. 427 Oregon Bldg.. Salem. Ore. FOR SALE BARBED WIRE CHICK- en netting, vises, press drills, forges, anvils and all kinds of machinery and tools, belting, pullers, shafting, cab le, rope, etc., gasoline engine, auto mobile parte of all kinds. RUSSELL STEAM TRACTOR second hand automobiles of all kinds. Also wa pay the highest cash price ror paper, rags, orass, copper, iron and ail kinds of Junk, STELNBOCK JtTNX CO. 220 N. Commercial street. Phone 90S WOOD WOOD FOR SALE C D. QUERRT. Phono 77F2. WOOD FOR SALE 19 INCH AND 4- foot mill wood; - 19 Inch old fir. prompt delivery. Fred 3. Wells, 305 South Church street Phono 1543. LOST AND FOUND iArw LOST LADY'S DIAMOND RING ON oapitol grounds iaasa return to this or uce.. ixewara. . FOR RENT IIOtrBESr F. L. WOOD. 941 STATE ST, REAL aetata, rentals. FOR RENT ONE. TWO. THREE AND four-room houses at 91.90. 93.00 and 36.00 a month. One house requires reDairinsT and will allow credit on rent for labor on am. Statesman Business office. R0O3CS FOR RENT. JUNE 1( A -SUITE OF rooms on the first, floor. Hot water heat, private bath, use of phone. At the Alexander, 1030 Chemaketa street phone 12(0. - - - ' - WANTED USCLLAjnCOTjn. WANTED TO BUY A BOYS' BICYCLE in - good condition, mrank tiaoa Route 4. Box 13 A. - - AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY THREE-QUARTER TON REO TRUCK for sale at a bargain, inquire a sss Chemeketa atreet. FOR SALE 1950 FOUR-PASSENGER Templar car; run 4500 milee. win let go cheap for quick sale. Bargain. W oodrose Motor Co, 244 State street. Salem. 0LES0N MOTOR CAR CO. 349 N. Commercial EL Phone 9(9 Auburn J-4-ton lorry truck $550 Chalmers Master Six. bug....00 1910 Chevrolet touring (C50 6 passenger -Stude baker ......$200 Overland Touring, cord tires. $350 CHANDLER CLEVELAND Sales and Service ALTO REPAIRING BRING TOUR CAR TROUBLES TO ME. Reasonable prices. Room 3. 223 So. Church street. ' BUSINESS CARDS MWVMWMMMMAMaM DSUYS AMD EXrUIt. LARMER TRANSFER WB MOVE AND store gooda, . Day phoae 999, Night phone 1 8a XAUSDSXBa SALEM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 1S( & Ubeny atreet. Pbone 26. Oldest Largest Best. Established 1((9. CAPITAL. CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work, prompt ears tea. - lisa Hroadway Phone 146 MONEY TO LOAN I HAVE ON s HAND APPLICATIONS for several good rarat loans on whicn the investor will- receive C per cent on his investment. Also some non taxable 6 per rent Federal Land Bank bonds which are secured by first mortgage on realeatate. For fuller information address A.-C. IWHKNSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple. - Salem. Ore. SECOND HAND (RITTlTrKSI ' Wanted - second-hand furni- tnre. rurs. cairpeta. stoves, mftcntnery and tools. Bm prices paid. The Cap ital Hardware Furniture Co 399 N. Com'l St. Pbone 947. STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years experience; Depot national fence, sixes 39 to S3 Inches high. Paints, oil and Tarnishes. etj. logan berry and hop hooks. Salern b ence and Stove Works. 259 Court street. J'bons 124. BATJXXSQ CAPITAL. CITY TRANSFER CO. Ill forwarding- and storage our specialty. Get our rata. tKCOSTD aoooi HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALA. KINDS bought and cold. Highest cash price paid. We will give you a sauare deal. J. A. Rowland, 444 N. Commercial at. pnone is. WI BUT AND BELL IBCONO BAND gooda of ail kinds, pip fittings, har ness, collars, collar pads, tools, and chains. Fred Scalndler, Ut Canter treat. wau. PAFsuu' faxbt WALL. PAPER AND CEILING PAPER SOe and up double rolL Max O. Bu reo, 179 N. Commercial St. SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALL Paper and Picture Framing. Good workmen. 4 at Court St. Phone 411. PROFESSIONAL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS I'RS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, (( u. b. national itanx tuag. rR. JOHN L LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC Physician Burgeon. 403-404 Oregon Bldg. Phones: Office 1194; Res. KFa. v. W. L. Mercer, Osteopathic Physician and t Surgeon. KirksviUe graduate. 404 and 405 U. 8. Natl Bank building. Phone Office 919. residence 414. CHIROPRACTORS. DR. O. U SCOTT. D. C CHIROPRAC- tor. P. B. C. graduate, sot-is U. . N. Bank Bldg. Phone 97: Rea. 919R. CBXSTESB raYSICXAJI "R. U, M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN diaaaaa. il a. High at. KB one is. PJ1181C1AXS ASD 8UIIGEOX8. VATH ERINE 8CHLEEP. M. D PHI. sician and Surgeon. Offices Oregon building, rooms 411-19. Phone 640. 1 3(4. Over Oregon Electric depot. ).' 1ALKM TRAHI WATER. LIGHT A POWsSUlC9 State St. Cou off lea 301 South Coal street. Ten per cent discount on domestic I nat rates paid la advance. No de ductions for absence or any causa unless water la shot off your prom- REAL ESTATE BUNGALOW FIVE ROOMS ON ONE floor, large Dutch kitchen, built-in features, fireplace, electricity, full ce ment basement, garage, fine location. Must . be seen to be appreciated. $3800. terms. 280 Richmond avenue. Phone 1(9(R. FOR RALE THE BUSINESS BLOCK on the southeast corner of Ferry and Liberty streets. -For price aad. terms. See W. A. Liston. 4(4 Court street. BARGAINS 3 acres on paved road across from Sa lem Heights store, soma cherry trees. Price (liOu. T-r7J3mTiouse with hath, toilet electric lights, large lot. located .near Rich mond schooL Price (1000. 7-room house at 1745 North Commercial street; large lot plenty onruit, east mm nr 13200- without i.rm. paved street. Price oo witn (room house with modern conveni - i it.' - I " ences,-corner low paved street, good garage, plenty of fruit, located two blocks east of state house. Price $5500 Terms. W. H. ORABEKHORST Mc CO. 37S State Street. Phone SIS SPECIAL Fine modern 5-rootn bungalow with electricity, plastered, concrete foun dation, east front, garden, large bath between two bedrooms, everything built-in, medicine chest, linen room, cfement walks .Today $2210. This on - good street in good residence district. Yes. twenty-two hundred and ten dollars. This is a real sacrifice. BECKE & HENDRICKS 319 U. S. Natl Bank Bldg.. Phone 1(1 EAST FRONT 7-ROOM HOUSE AND sleeping porch, garage; lot 100x1(0 feet; all kinds of fruit trees, berries, grapes ornamental shrubs and flow ers, bearing English walnuts, a splen- did garden and some furniture, all for $3500. (-room house on North 22nd street, lot 49x135 feet, a barn and all kinds of fruit and berries and splendid gar den for cash, only $2850. S-room house on Union street, lot 50x 100. price $2600: terms. 7-room house on Chemeketa street, lot 68x145 feet; can be bought at your own terms. $4500. 7-room house on South Liberty street, garage, lot 75x100: price $3009. (-room house and two full lots on Shipping street, for cash only, $3800. (-room house on Division street at v 93500. S-room house on North Fourth street and three lots at $3500. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 North Cottage Street. Phone 1139 WOOD'S BARGAINS Five acres all in orchard, north of Sa lem, near paved highway. (5000: will take home In Saiem part pay. 10 acres east of aSalem. fair buildings. $3200. Six-room house ten blocks from postoffice. (2000. Seven-room house. North Salem. $950. 100-acre farm, six miles out. all clear. $150 per acre. Houses, farms and fruit tracts, all prices. F. L WOOD 341 State Street. STOP HOUSE HUNTING Furnace, full cemeat basement, gas and everything modern three homes to choose from at less than $4500 with these. 7 rooms, strictly modern at $2750. 5-room modern bungalow with gas. (200 terms. S rooms modern bungalow with garage and cement basement. $2500. 9 rooms modern with fireplace, $2700 . terms. ( rooms modern wlfTI garage, furnace, full cement basement, fireplace. sleeping porch. $5800. 10 rooms complete In all ways, close In. 4 blocks from high school. (so$ pflvemeot, furnace, etc. 9 rooms strictly modern with full ce- mjent basement, furnace, fireplace, Karaite, pavement, etc. ((000. 9' rooms close in with garage, fruit and garden pavement, car. gaa. rirepiace and beautiful shade trees at 94200. 5 rooms, close in, south, plastered, bath, garden, terma. $1(00. S rooms, old. with 14 bearing fruit trees, grspes and 2 lots $1400. 4 rooms with bath, boiler, electricity and pavement, basement $1400. $ rcom. basement, furnace, gas, car. pavement, modern $3360. These are owners prices and one price to all. Several houses to trade for tracts. If you need a home and can get it reasonable, don't wait. If you need one and can't get it rea sonable, do your estate the kindness of letting us show you a few . BECKE & HENDRICKS 319 IT. S. Natl Bank Bldg. Phone 1(1 Read the Classified Ads. REAL ESTATE I FOR BALK 11 ACHES. BEST OF SOIL, all cleared and acres In fine clover: lw acres in grain, small house and barn. Price with crop, for a few days 14600. HART MULLER 101 Oregon Building. FOR SALE 10 acres with buildings, worth $1,000 7 acres seeded to clover bow in good crop: 3 acres good strawberries and garden: 4 miles from Salem: tor S2300 $1600 cash. ALSO 10 acrea for 31800 20 acres for 82800. 40 acres all cleared and in crop, $4000. We also have many other good bar gains in large and small tracts that we can sell on terms. JOHN H. SCOTT REALTY CO. i 228 Oregon Building.. BARGAINS IN FARM LANDS EXCELLENT EQUIPPED DAIRY ' t( acre farm with 90 la cultivation and in crops. Good big house with hot and cold water; good big barn, 3 gopd silos, all kinds of sheds. Steam bottle-washing plant. 19 fine Jerseys, i horses, hogs, wagons ana complete outfit of implements and equipment including hay baler and gas engine. are Included with farm; also the crops, at $17,600; terms. You raise nearly all your feed and the vows return more than 9620 per month. Ask his banker about this. 38 ACRE PRUNE FARM ll( acres 9. year prunes; expect 9 tons or more fruit this season. 31 acres under cultivation; balance pasture. A bargain at 9250 per acre. Some terms. 105 ACRES AT $4500 ! 35 acrea or more under cultivation and In good fall wheat. J9 acres fir tim ber; balance good pasture. 7 room house, good new barn, other out buildings. A real bargain at $1500. $1000 down. We have many mors fine dariy. fruit and general prupose farms In fine lo cations and the prices are right. Come la and tell us what you want. KINNEY & SMITH . Ground floor BEST BUYS 1194 acres only 4 miles from Salem on a first class road, right In the heart of one of the best fruit districts: 25 acrea in beating prunes. 4 acres or strawberries. 1 acre logans and t acrea walnuts; large strictly modern house with furnace, basement, water system, etc.: good 'oarn 24x60. fenced with woven wire; spnog water piped to all buildings. If you want a good Investment sea this one; $15000 will handle it. . 17 acres all in cultivation. S miles from Salem: 7-room house, fair barn and other outbuildings; goodwalley soil, at church and store. Price, only 86500. 6 acres all In hearing Italian prunes, a fine crop on the trees, the ver best red soil; close to paved road and school; large dryer on the place; why not invest In this prune orchard and make a good profit on the crop be sides drying prunes for your neigh bors? Price is only 8(000. HOUSES. 4-room bungalow, pantry and bath; $1000 cash, balance like rent. rooms modern, good condition, very close In: $3500. 2 -room house and lot for ' $275 IF?' ?eBt 9-room house, good location. have several small amounts of money to loan on improved city and acreage. S0C0L0FSKY 341 State St. GOOD, HONEST BARGAINS 370-acre river bottom farm. 9 miles from Salem, beat . buy ih 'Marion county for $116 per acre. Well located 7-room bungalow $3300. 10 acres near Salem, best loam soil buildings, orchard, near school $3(00. (-room bungalow, nice lot want to exchange for close-la acreage. (0 acrea 3 miles from good Willamette valley town, hair river bottom land, good buildings, crop, 10 fine cows 313.000. terms. (-room modern cottage . on car liae $3500, terms. Farms, acreage, houses. Investments 211-12 commercial Cluo winding. PERRXNE & MARSTERS STRICTLY BARGAIN LIST 4-room bungalow with Vs acre ground In fruit and garden, good soli, on car line; Immcdlita noaaesslon: look at tails today. Bargain price $1400 $1000 cash, balance terms. We can rive you a good home for $500 easy terms: one mock irom car line, in Salem. 7-room house. 3 . blocks from State street, good location with all modern CODTSnifinrBji e- XL -ev is a. uSkXCIUVII a- UH oaved street. Priced very reasonable at szzsa v casn, dsudcs use rent, (-room house, modern conveniences. 2 large lota, fruit and garden, well lo cated, close to car and school, for a short time only at (2300: easy terms. (room modern plastered bungalow close to school and car; you want to see this at once if you want It. for few dava only at (3600: easy terma (-room house, sealed and papered, with about an acre or good garden land and plenty of buildings for poultry; this for $1700. good terms. 7-room house, quarter block, lots of fruit, paved street, close to car line. Price (2(50. Have some bargains in city property, fruit and dairy ranches. BARBER & PEARSON Room 200 Gray Bldg.. near Commercial Club, t'hone io; pnone evenings i. L A. HAYF0RD REAL ESTATE 305 State Street 7-room plastered house, full basement, toilet, bath, lights, gas. water, close to center of city. Price (3(00. terms. 5 -room bungalow, plastered. H base ment, toilet, bath, lights, water, lot 100x130. Fruit and shade, near car. Price $3000. terma 5-room house and 3 lots. $ blocks from car line. Price $1500. Easy terma 5-room modern bungalow, large lot all in fruit and garden. 1 block from ear line. Price $4450 aome terms. 10 room plastered house .close to the center of the city, has large lot, ga rage, etc Price $4500. terma (.room modern bungalow, lot 100x118. good garage.. This place is cheap at $4500. FARMS 40 acres. 214 miles from Salem. 3S acres in cultivation, family orchard, good 10-room house and barn. silo, gran ary. etc. cattle and Implements go with farm. Price (20.000. terma 40 acres. I in cultivation, S-room house, barn, etc.; part .of crop goes with place. Price $8400 terms. 10 acres all In loganberries, near tht eitv. Price ((400 terms. i. Xi. acrea some in cultivation, all - good soil, near station: S-room house Price 8260 oer acre. 10 acres. 4 miles from the center of the city. 9 acrea in cultivation. Family orchard: 4-room bungalow, crop. stock and tools go with place. $7000 terma, . ' Price L A, HAYFORD 104 butt street : REAL ESTATE i ' - ' - - i i , - -i -, -i mi n.n nn.ru 1,1 FOR SALE EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE ON t ourt street, has furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen. Flniahed in white en amel. Price $4200. MRS. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 275 State Street. Phone 616 FOR SALE SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW in South Salem, new ana modern and especially good construction. Price 95600. MRS. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 275 State Street. Phoae S15 FOR SALE FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW on North Commercial street, attrac : tive built-in features and newly painted Inside and out. Price 93150 MRS. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 275 State Street. Phone (16 FOR SALE FINE LOT ON NORTH i Commercial street. Call (55 North i Commercial street. Phone 205(W. BARGAINS $ acres on paved road across from 8a- lem Heights store, some cherry trees. Price $1(00. 7-room house with bath, toilet, electric ! lights. large lot. located near Rich : mond school. Price $1000. 7-room house at 1745 North Commer cial street, large lot. plenty of fruit, i east front, paved street. Price $4000 ' with furniture. 33200 without terms (-room house with modern conveni ences, corner lot. paved street, xood garage, plenty of fruit, located two blocks east of state house. Price $5600, terms. w u iininrvuniirf m. ee 275 State Street Phone S15 MR W. H. STEVELT WILL MANAGE the business of the Fleming Realty to, in the few days absence of Mr, Wm. Fleming. While Mr. Stevely's specialty is good farms, we still have a tew good buys In city properties, and two extra good orchard proposi tions with crops if taken soon. See him at Km. 7, Bayne Bldg. (341 State St.). You can rest assured of fair, honorable treatment, whether new or old comer. Wm. Fleming. Manager, THE FLEMING REALTY CO. FOR SALE NEARLY 43 ACRES. GOOD buildings, s seres set to logans; 13 acrea In potatoes. 9 acres in oats. All under cultivation; 30 acres of it bear, erdam. 9250; will " conaider Salem city property. Address "J 95" cars of Statesman . riVK KOOU PLASTERED HOUSE. I cement basement, paved street, near car line. Tbrea hundred down, bat-1 anca terms. Sea owner, 449 N. Capl-1 lOi. (-room house, lot 43x1(0 feet, situated 1 on North High street, close In; price (1609; fiio down and lie per moata. HART at MULLER 309 Oregon Building. REAL ESTATE LOANS INVESTMENTS WALTER McLAREN Room 21. ISO N. Com! St. Phona 430 FOR SALE 9-ROOM BUNGALOW strictly modern except furnace, ga '. rage, large lot and some fruit. This Is an exceptionally good buy at 84200. Hart 4k Muller. 20$ Oregon building. FOR SALE BARGAINS T-room house. block from Hunt cannery; 10-room house 4 blocks irom ousiness section, can pm m two anartmeata if desired: '(-room bouse, also close to business section. FOR RENT Two good houses, close In; references required: five rooms-close in. $10 per I month large store room on Stats st. ! Can give immediate possession on any of above. J. H. LAUTERMAN Argo HoteL - Phone 909 or 979 A BARGAIN FOR FIVE DATS WE will sell a S-room house, garage, chicken house, fruit and several lots. Only 1 block from school, ror only I 91309 terms on part If wanted. If you want a home act at once. B. S. Martin, 419 Masonic temple. Phoae 853. For Real Estate FARM. CITY or SUBURBAN See CHAS. W. NIEMEYER "Just Real Estate" 21S-2K Masonic Temple. Salem. Or. FURNACE. ( ROOMS. MODERN. ON pavement and carline. gas; $33(9 I terms. Another ( rooms with 2 Jots, fruit, on c&rline 81X00. Old S-room house with 2 lots and 19 bearlnsr fruit trees this at 913(5. We have every "kind of home for sale la all parte of city. These at owners prices. W aim to be square. BECKE A HENDRICKS 31( U. 8, Natl Bank Bldg. Phone 1(1 OREGON LAND CO. 29 acres. 9 acres hest hearing prune orchard In the valley; crop of place brought $6000 net income last season. Practically modern 7-room house. barn and wlndmilL Beautiful subur ban and income, located close In. 70-acre farm. 60 acres in crop, stock and machinery included in sale: only 1 mile out; road to be paved this summer. Our city and suburban listings are real values. Call aad see our new listings. Phone 429 442 State Street I IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A CLOSE in improved 10-acre fruit tract we can show a beautiful one at the orice you can afford to investigate. We have an urgent call for a 40 or 50- arre farm reasonably close to paiem. Also one S to 10-acre. south of Salem in the fruit belt. Have you a house to lint? See ua A. La. SKAUSTtll Ke.AL.TT CO. 416 Masonic Temple. Phone 353 RL W.ROWLEY have become associated with L. A. Harford at 306 State street in the realty business and have removed from 402 Oregon bldg. to 306 State atreet where t will be pleased to meet friends and customers at any time. M. W. ROWLEY 305 State. DO YOU WANT INCOME PROPERTY Her. It Is a rooming house in a col lege town. 3 blocks from the college. Has room for 30 students, house is I fully eouiooed with hot and cold wa ter, wash trays and Is furnished for liaht housekeeping. The students dv 82 ner week. Buildings are 2- atnrv and have aleeoina (torches. This place will pay a net Income of 20 to I 2& ner cent on the cost and it can be bought right. The price is $8.00 with $3,000 down. WRITE TO OR SEE J. A. MILLS Salem, Ore. Bllgh Hotel -V . :' REAL ESTATE 15 ACRES JUST OUTSIDE CITY L1M- Ita. moat all in fruit; can be bought at a bargain with crop. Fine lSw-acre farm In crop with good buildings, all modern. $10,500 wanted at once, good security on land. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. .. Phone 470 . FOR SALE BY OWNER COZY HOME 629 South Commercial St. Price 93000. Addreas Box 64. Newport. Oregon. FOR RENT OR SALE THREE BUILD- ings, appropriate for factory pur poses. 803 North Liberty. W. Fennel. WE NOW HAVE HOUSES FROM 9850 TO $4000 ALL ON GOOD TERMS LIST YOUR HOUSES WITH US FOR QUICK SALES. LAFLAR & LAFLAR 409-7 Oregon Bldg. If you want real estat followlnc bargains: 10 acrea. 7 In clover, 2 In strawberries. 1 in timber, good well snd farm buildings, 4 miles from Salem. Price $230031509 cash. 20 acres. C in cultivation, remainder in pasture and timber, for $1500 $100 cash. $10 a month 3 miles out. 13 acres unimproved. 3 miles east of Salem. $1600 $100 cash, $10 per month. (0 acres. 70 in cultivation. 6 miles from Salem, near Silverton. paved road new farm buildings, good crop one half goes. $150 per acre. This Is a splendid farm and is offered at a bar- "jOMN H. BCOTT REALTY CO. 229 Oregon Building. : GOOD BUYS ' -6 acres bearing cherry orchard, mostly Royal Annea. crop goes. Price 94200. Well Improved (-acre tract, good house. barn, logans, close to car Una. Price 910000. Improved acre tract, all in bearing fruit, large ' house, electric lights, close to car line. Price-93000. Improved 9 acres, good plastered bun galow, electric lights, close to car ' Use. cherries, apples, prunes, straw berries, blackberries and some logans ' set out. Gravel street, close to car line. Price 9(000. 90-acre tract. 30 acres cultivated, bal ance timber and pasture, good soil. fin inrlnr. a mliea from Salem - Price (8000. , - .314. acre tract located on paved road. 2 1-4 acres' river bottom land, bear ing fruit, 4-room house, small barn. some timber. Price IlJSt. ill rrm t r.rt of fins fruit aatlL rock 37 acres' of fine land. lo4Ued close to Salem on main road, fine prairie soil. Price S25t per acre. - - 200 acre farm located 9 miles from Sa lem. 100 acres cultivated, balaace timber and pasture, running water, rood road. Price (12S per acre. 31 4 acre tract. IV, miles from Salem. za acres cultivated, balance pasture and timber, house and barn, well. rock road. Price (8000. 10-acre tract. S acrea of bearing prunes some applee, pears, cherries. 4-room bouse, barn. well, gravel romd. i mile to car line. Price (8o00. W. H. uRA.BEaHOR.1T A CO. 27S State Street ' Phone SIS WHOLE MILK AND PRODUCE WAlfTXD I IUZ10B CTtXTTltTJ et PTOuIlCO) n,i, -v . Oi DC I oaieBL KJTtZOn. " - rHOnS friS SALEM MARKETS I BUTTS Q PRICK EfSS aad rocJtrY EgXSV 34c. ' ' ' ' Hens, heavy, 22-2 4c. . . Light bens, 18-20c. Stag. 20c. Oild roosters, S to 10c Broilers. 18-24e. Pork, Matton aad Beet Pork, on foot, 1 5 c. Lambs. 12612. . Dressed hogs. 20021c Beet, steers. 9 to sis . Cows. 6?c Top veal, Hc-lTc Hay Cheat hay. $22. Oat and retch hay, per . ton, $23- 24. Clover hay. 120-22. Grant Wheat, $2.40 02.50. Feed oats. 90c-$LO0 bn, . Beans, ie t Vc Mill Feeds, Retail Mill run. $58.50. Wholesale To Dealers Creamery butter, cartons, 29-60c Butter fat, 67c Oranges, ISO 7. Bananas, 12c Lemons. $5.50-$$.25. California grape fruit, $4.50. Florida grape fruit. $t-$10. V4etahles Cabbage. 3c. Onions. $2 to $2.25 cwt. Turnips, I3.2S. Carrots. $3.50 sk. Bell peppers, 40c a pound. Round radishes SOe dosen bunches Parsley, COe dosen bunches. Beets. 1 5c doten bunches. Green onions. $0c sTdoten bunches Lettuce. 90c a dozen. Cocoanuts, $1.$. Peas. Sc. Cantaloupes, flat crates $1.75; standard. $4.75; pony, $4.25. Watermelon 4c -Cantaloupe. Honeydewa, $2.00. Tomatoes. $2.25-$3.50 crt. Potatoes, new. 10c Retail Prices Creamery butter, S2c Dairy butter. 55c ' Esgs. dos.. 42c Flour, hard wheat, $3,75 0 $3.10. Flour, valley, $3. Sugar, cane, 25 1-2. Sugar, sack, t $25. MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, A OartaiaSUtarf la F evartshaoai Coe.liamtf , II e a d e b e, m,a.,h TmsbIm. Teecblaa i Ji njeerder 4 Destroy Trad. Mm. Waive- Thtm Mree.lt f Deal secept 4 ii t s ' 1 rvr.m. 14 eta, aiaattiila 1- rSra,. At4ma, SMjsinmiTinw MO I HE CAAT CO, U Sej7.T. It Is claimed that the 25-eent col lars have as rsw an edge as the 30 cent variety. And that Is consider able, . . t REVELATIONS OF . A WIFE , esssaBsMsnaBsssBBMSBBBSBX - t. The Story of a Honeymoon anasxaxassssxeeMisBBBssiBsnaaama A Wonderful Romance of Married Life Wondrrfallr Told ljr AUKLK CJAltKISO.Y. Chapter tu. WHAT HAPPENED WHEN MADGR MET HARRY UNDERWOOD IN THE LIBRARY. ; I don't know whether to call It telepathy or something- else, but al- ' though my eyes were averted from Harry Underwood's direction, and assiduously stndylnr the printel iwce before me1 knew the moment look at thehe first caught gljht of me as well as ir I had been gating directly at him. ; It was as If" a tiny electric ell had sounded somewhere within my consciousness, warning me that at last the moment I had so dreaded was at hand. I By a tremendous effort I kept my fsxe devoid of expression. m eyes fixed opon the pamphlet before me. although I heard the firm tread of masculine feet coming toward me. steps which I Identified as those of the man .whom I so feared. Hairy Underwood's step was a distinctive one, and one not easily forgotten by any one who had heard It more than once or' twice. Then his hateful, well-remembered voice spoke softly from across the table. ...... ... .. god or devil that looks after me I'm sure going to' offer him a libation -this afternoon. Talk about luck! To. think of finding you here, lady fair!"; ! I had schooled myself for hours for this meeting, resolved to play my part as Lillian and I had outlined -it days before. Surprise and aver sion were to be the emotions I was . first to register. 1 thought grimly. to myself that I would not have to simulate the second on the list. I looked trp with a little gasp of pretended - surprise upon which I rather prided myself when I later, looked back upon the interview. Mr. Underwood!" I exclaimed. aad Involuntarily took a step back ward, for he was . leaning eagerly across the desk, his brilliant black eyes agleam with the old expression I used to dislike so. bis lips twisted' Into his old sardonic smile, - . I "Oh. come, come now!" he mock ed. "You're surely not going to be-: gin again that . eyes-and-handsdoff-.. me-villyun stuff yon always used to carry around with yoa. Don't you think I deserve Just one kind glance for not giving yon and Lll and your other friend away the other night?"" My thoughts leaped back to LU-, Han's expedition to the Latin-Ameri- . cue, lo vi race unpen unsus pecting eyes, and to Harry Under wood's attitude toward us. I was glad. Indeed, that he had referred to the Incident, for It gave me the pre text I neded to carry out Lillian's Instructions gradually to modify my' harsh attitude toward Mr. Under wood In order to 'gain his confl uence. - I've Got to See You." You were kind that night," I ad-' mltted slowly. "I suppose I ought to thank you." He muttered something beneath bis. breath, and then spoke tensely, though In so low a voice that no one but myself could hear him. ' I "See here. girl. If I hare offend ed you. and I suppose I have In about nine hundred million differ ent ways since I first met yoa. I'm mighty sorry. And I promise yoa I'll be old Messrs. Discretion and Re pression themselves when I'm talking with you. But I've just got to see yen in some place where we can talk without the chance of somebody we know coming in. There's a lady li able to pop back here any minute that I wouldn't have see you for a good deal,, aad that's not on her ac count either." What Does He Know? I drew myself up haughtily at his Impertinent proposal and was just knnl In tntn a mrm-w mnA hnm on f of the library when the memory of Lillian s admonition came back to me. I was at a loss how to handle the bizarre situation. His next words stutled me out -of any thought of self. "Now, don't get it Into that pretty obstinate dome of yours that I want to make love to you. I do. yon know that, but, on honor. 111 be good. - But let me talk to yoa some where else than here. . fore depends on It than you can guess.' I've been trying to get a chance to see yoa ever since I came back. I tell you. lite and death may hang on your, consent or refusal." His words, following those I had heard Grace Draper speak at the en trance to the room, set my brain to wild speculation. Did this man hold the secret of my father s later . (To be continued.) Lady I suppose yoa have had some - hair-breadtn escapes during your seafaring life' Sailor Tes'm. I was nearly drowned once when I went to sleep in the bathtub and forgot to turn oft . . - - me water. LasmBHBKSjSBnTat v4jmAAm. pom. tmm0kvom'm A Pi earn itlen of SJMO COSVUSLh estd CUHM AT YOUR DftUCCBT sneirjttcrur.